Hi Daniel,

This is a CASPER archived email thread related to your question:


<http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/Xilinx_ISE_11.4_Setup>Basically, you should
make sure you're running a supported OS (
http://www.xilinx.com/ise/ossupport/index.htm).  Here at Berkeley, we use
RHEL5, which works fine.  CentOS is free and based on Redhat is also know to
work.  If you choose either of these options, it will be much easier for us
to help you debug your issues.


2011/2/23 Daniel Esteban Herrera Peña <danherr...@udec.cl>

> Dear Casperites,
> I'v been having troubles synthesizing the spectrometer, so I wanted to try
> a different version of every tool I'm using (Ubuntu Lynx/Matlab2009b/Xilinx
> 11.4 to WinXP/Matlab2007b/Xilinx 10.1) but I can't have dsp tools installed,
> I installed Xilinx Webpack 10.1 and I execute the dsp_tools installer, the
> program ask me for a registration ID (I use what xilinx gave me for webpack)
> but that is not the right one. I can't even have a 30 day trial, so my
> question is how did you guys can work with this old version for free?
> Kind regards,
> Daniel H.

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