Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst $c-request-params

2013-06-01 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 06/01/2013 02:32 PM, 疾驰者 wrote:
 Dear friends: 
 I read and follow
 article, These code
 in controller, and
 write_file $database_file, { append = 1 },
 in model, 'first_name' and 'last_name' can't get from
 database_file.txt and  two pm file.
What's the principle?
$c is so import and complex, how can I get it from formal pod
 document or some special article such as
   Thanks a lot.

 Thai Heng


The Article you are referring to uses File::Slurp to create a File based
Model. If you are looking for read_file, edit_file_lines or write_file,
you have to take a look at File::Slurp. This is not really Catalyst
related. I think File::Slurp is explained in the fist part of the 9 Step
Tutorial. Did you read that?

The Author mentioned somewhere that his articles are not a replacement
for the Catalyst Docs:

$c is documented in I guess you are looking for the
METHODS section: also contains links to almost all related components, like
Catalyst::Request and Catalyst::Model.

Another good starting point for learning Catalyst is

I think it is not completely up to date, but it will help you to
understand how Catalyst works and how to use it.

cheers, Lukas

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Re: [Catalyst] Chained and exceptions

2013-05-09 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 05/09/2013 03:25 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:
 I have a feeling I asked this before, but cannot find the post.
 [info] Exception powered by Catalyst 5.90030
 What's the reasoning that chained actions continue to run after an
 earlier exception?
 sub start : Chained( '/' ) : CaptureArgs(0) {
 warn in start\n;
 sub middle : Chained( 'start' ) : CaptureArgs(0) {
 warn in middle\n;
 die died in middle\n;  # or e.g. throw access violation
 sub lastpart : Chained( 'middle' ) : Args(0) {
 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 $c-res-body( finished\n );
 warn in lastpart\n;
 $ script/ /start/middle/lastpart
 in start
 in middle
 *in lastpart*
 [error] Caught exception in Exception::Controller::Root-middle died in

Hi Bill,

This is because you don't want Catalyst to die. Imagine you are running
a fastcgi server and you accidentally created an action which dies on
certain user input.
If Catalyst would die, the fastcgi server would die and your whole
application would not be available anymore. Instead, you want to report
the incident and keep the fastcgi server (Catalyst) running.

Because of this, every action is wrapped in an eval{...}. Potential
errors are logged, but the server keeps running.

See execute in for implementation details.

To solve your problem, you can wrap your unsafe code in an eval or use
Try::Tiny (or whatever you prefer) and detach if the unsafe code dies.

Your Example would look like this:

use Try::Tiny;

sub start : Chained( '/' ) : CaptureArgs(0) {
warn in start\n;

sub middle : Chained( 'start' ) : CaptureArgs(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
warn in middle\n;
die died in middle\n;  # or e.g. throw access violation
catch{ $c-detach };

sub lastpart : Chained( 'middle' ) : Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c-res-body( finished\n );
warn in lastpart\n;

If you do it like this, actions chained to the unsafe action will not
get executed if the unsafe action dies. In your case, lastpart will
never be executed, because middle always dies.


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Re: [Catalyst] Out of Memory - File delivery issue

2013-05-02 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hey Craig,

don't print in your Controller!

As Neil stated: Passing the response Object to the model and using it as
a Filehandle is the way to go. Not using the Catalyst response object
and printing directly is not what he suggested.

There is no need to print your HTTP Header. You can set
$c-res-header(...), and still use $res to stream the output to the
client. The same goes for your RenderView problem.  RenderView
forwards to a view if the value of $c-res-body is undefined. (It's all
in the docs). Just set $c-res-body(), and you are fine. No need to
override the end method.

If this does not work for you for any reason, use 'around end =
sub{...}' and avoid calling $self-$orig if the action matches your
export action. But as I said, I think setting the body do an empty
string should work for you.


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Re: [Catalyst] Out of Memory - File delivery issue

2013-05-02 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi again,


Your Controller Code looks good. I would use build-in  functionality
whenever possible. In this case, using $c-res-content_type instead of
setting the content type by hand. But your code should work just fine.

Your are right. You  have to set the headers before using $c-res-print
(or write). But this does not mean that you have to do this in the
model.  You can set the headers in your Controller before running the
model code.


IMO you are right about your concerns regarding the MVC architecture.
The Model should provide the data and not deal with HTTP responses. On
the other hand, the data has to be provided in some format. XML is a
well known standard format for textual data presentation. Providing the
data as XML is as good or as bad as providing the data as DBIC objects.
(Well, not really. But close enough for this explanation).

The cleanest (most MVC conform) way to do this would be to fetch the raw
data from your model and create your XML in a special view. There are
several ways to do this. You can create XML using a TT view. ( I have
done this before, it works fine). Or you can use existing XML views like
Catalyst::View::XML::Generator or Catalyst::View::XML::Hash::LX. (I have
not used any of them, but the names are promising). I guess there are
even more ways to do it...

In your Case, you already have a Model which provides the XML Data
(which is fine, as I said before). IMO, one of the great things about
Catalyst is that it allows you to get the job done quickly. It makes
reusing existing code easy. There is no reason to abandon your existing
XML-creation code just because it doesn't fit the MVC layout. Doing so
would be contra-productive.

So, what can be done to re-use your XML Model and still fit into the MVC
architecture? I see two ways:

The first one would be to update your model that it writes its data to
any IO::Handle compatible object. You can pass $c-res to your Model,
which is IO::Handle compatible. Your model uses a Catalyst independent
API to write out the data. Catalyst streams the data to the client. Your
Model Code is still Catalyst independent and does not know that it is
writing to a Catalyst::Response object. No tight coupling. You can reuse
your model in non-catalyst applications and easily test its
functionality using Test::More or any other test suite. ( I think this
is more or less the way proposed by Neil)

The second way (which I would prefer, since it is even more MVC conform)
is the following: Update your Model to return an IO::Handle-style object
instead of a string. You can fetch this object from the model in your
controller, and pass it to $c-res-body. Catalyst will take care of
streaming the data to the client in small chunks. You don't have to pass
any Catalyst related objects to the model anymore. Your model returns
the data as a well known standard object which happens to be suitable
for streaming large amounts data with catalyst. No tight coupling at
all. Problem solved. Have a Tea and celebrate.

This is my opinion on this topic. I hope it helps you to find a way
which fits your needs, and reduces your confusion about Models, Views
and controllers in this specific case.


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Re: [Catalyst] Out of Memory - File delivery issue

2013-05-02 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 05/02/2013 06:19 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 I can't work this out?
 I have in my model...
   my $xls = col1,col2,col3\n;
 # open io handle
 $io_handle = IO::Handle-new();
 open my ($str_fh), '', \$xls;
 if ($io_handle-fdopen($str_fh,w))
 $io_handle-print('row1,row2,row3' . \n);
return $io_handle;
 in my controller...
 # output header
 Content_Type =  'application/',
 Content_Disposition = 'attachment;filename=NBCS_Export.csv'
 # output XLS data
 All I get is a blank XLS file?
 I can't work out how I create the IO::Handle object with the XLS data inside 

Hi Craig,

I don't have much experience with IO::Handle. Additionally, I don't know
how your XML Model works. I assume that $xls will contain the generated
data. In that case, you should open $xls for *reading* and not for
*writing*. You have already written the data to $xls, so IO::Handle has
to read it.

You might want to take a look at IO::File or IO::String instead of using
IO::Handle directly. The following works for me:

use IO::File;
sub test :Local{
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c-res-header(Content_Disposition =
my $data = foo\nbar\n;
my $ioh = IO::File-new;
$ioh-open(\$data, r);

There might be a better way. As I said, I am not an expert in using IO::*.

And don't forget: This is the Catalyst Users list, and not the
IO::Handle list. :)

cheers, Lukas

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Re: [Catalyst] Adding CaptureArgs for the whole controller?

2013-04-02 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 04/02/2013 10:07 PM, Alex Povolotsky wrote:
 I'm implementing some sort of simple CRM, and I'd like to handle a chain
 /domain/*/service/*/edit with controller
 App::Controller::Domain::Service, not with App::Controller::Domain
 How can I set CaptureArgs for the whole
 App::Controller::Domain::Service? I'd like to handle captured arg
 somewhere in begin or auto
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short answer: you can't!

Args and CaptureArgs are always specific to an action. It is not
possible (and doesn't make sense)  to define CaptureArgs for the whole


You can create a empty action, and chain all actions in your controller
to that actions, like this:

  sub mybase :Chained(/) :PathPart() :CaptureArgs(2) {};

  sub foo :Chained('mybase') Args(0){
#do foo

  sub bar :Chained('mybase') Args(0){
# do bar

You can even create a BUILDARGS method which ensures that all your
actions are chained to that base action (if you don't want to do this by
yourself). But I would not recomment this.

If you realy  want to process your args and capture args in begin or
auto (for whatever reason) you can just do so. Args can be found in
$c-req-arguments and captures in $c-req-captures.

cheers, Lukas

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst with HTTP authentication

2013-03-12 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 03/12/2013 01:07 PM, Alexander Hartmaier wrote:

 Having the webserver do the authentication means you are depending on it
 to support the type of authentication you want to use.
 I'd prefer having the authentication in the app with the exact same code
 for production and testing over ::Remote.

Everything has its pros and cons. If you do all your authentication in
your app, you depend on existing modules for the desired authentication
method, or you have to write your own authentication code. I prefer
using stable and tested mechanisms over writing my own code (if
possible). And if a tool lacks some features which I need, I just use
something else (again, if possible). I guess 90% of all webservers
support most common authentication methods.

Until now, I used DBIC based authentication within my app, and ::Remote
for everything else. But until now everything else is just one project
which requires digest, certificates and kerberos authentication.

I guess there is no better in this case. Its a matter of personal
preferences and use case.

Concerning the differing code for testing and production: I agree. This
truly is a disadvantage when using ::Remote

cheers, Lukas

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst with HTTP authentication

2013-03-11 Thread Lukas Thiemeier

I just had some time to try it: C::Authentication::Credential::HTTP and
C::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd work together just fine. Here is my


use Catalyst qw/

Plugin::Authentication = {
realms = {
default = {
credential = {
class = 'HTTP',
type = basic,
password_field = 'check_password',
password_type = 'self_check',
store = {
class = 'Htpasswd',
file = /tmp/htpasswd,

and in Controller/ (or wherever you need it):

sub index :Path :Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

$c-res-body(logged in);

The tricky part is that you have to set password_field and
password_type correctly, which is not documented. (You have to know
how Catalyst Authentication works and read the docs for Authen::Htpasswd
to find out)

I still recommend to use C::A::Credential::Remote. Let the server do the
job, and keep your application small and simple.

Plus: You can add digest authentication,  certificate authentication,
kerberos authentication and whatever your server supports without
modifying your application.


On 03/11/2013 03:10 PM, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
 I have a project that requires using HTTP authentication.
 There is a Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP module, but from the
 documentation, it does not seem to support using htpasswd files, which I
 need, because a separate web site will be using that file.
 There is Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd, but it does not work
 with Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP.
 I'm not clear on how to do this, without having to write my own handlers for
 HTTP authentication.
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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst with HTTP authentication

2013-03-11 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
I realized that you don't even have to set password_field correctly.
Something was going terribly wrong in my head, sorry for that.
Only password_type has to be set to self_check, but this is documented.

This means that there is no tricky part at all. Just configure both
modules as described in their documentation.


On 03/11/2013 07:54 PM, Lukas Thiemeier wrote:
 I just had some time to try it: C::Authentication::Credential::HTTP and
 C::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd work together just fine. Here is my
 use Catalyst qw/
 Plugin::Authentication = {
 realms = {
 default = {
 credential = {
 class = 'HTTP',
 type = basic,
 password_field = 'check_password',
 password_type = 'self_check',
 store = {
 class = 'Htpasswd',
 file = /tmp/htpasswd,
 and in Controller/ (or wherever you need it):
 sub index :Path :Args(0) {
 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 $c-res-body(logged in);
 The tricky part is that you have to set password_field and
 password_type correctly, which is not documented. (You have to know
 how Catalyst Authentication works and read the docs for Authen::Htpasswd
 to find out)
 I still recommend to use C::A::Credential::Remote. Let the server do the
 job, and keep your application small and simple.
 Plus: You can add digest authentication,  certificate authentication,
 kerberos authentication and whatever your server supports without
 modifying your application.
 On 03/11/2013 03:10 PM, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
 I have a project that requires using HTTP authentication.

 There is a Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP module, but from the
 documentation, it does not seem to support using htpasswd files, which I
 need, because a separate web site will be using that file.

 There is Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd, but it does not work
 with Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP.

 I'm not clear on how to do this, without having to write my own handlers for
 HTTP authentication.

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Re: [Catalyst] HTML::FormHandler and the Catalyst stash

2013-01-16 Thread Lukas Thiemeier

On 01/16/2013 11:39 AM, Jacinta wrote:

G'day folk,

I've been working through the Catalyst tutorial (again) and I decided to
give HTML::FormHandler a go. It's tutorial at
has been great.

However I am stuck on something I am certain should be easy, but is not
proving so...

As per the tutorial my edit method looks much like this:

sub edit : Local {
my ( $self, $c, $book_id ) = @_;

$c-stash( template = 'books/edit.tt2',
form = $self-form );

# Validate and insert/update database
return unless $self-form-process( item_id = $book_id,
params = $c-req-parameters,
schema = $c-model('DB')-schema );

# Form validated, return to the books list
$c-flash-{status_msg} = 'Book saved';

and that works beautifully. However, I've enhanced my examples as I've
gone along and instead of going to the list of books, I want to go to my
review page and print out all of the details (including extra stuff) of
this specific book I've just added.

So I would like to change the last line to be:

$c-res-redirect($c-uri_for($self-action_for('review'), [$book_id]));

This works perfectly if I'm editing a book, but if I'm creating a book
for the first time, $book_id is undefined so I pass in an undefined id
to review. Review seems to deal with that okay:

sub review :Chained('object') :PathPart('review') :Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;

my $book = $c-stash-{object};


until I want to use $book for something.

I have looked through most of the documentation for HTML::FormHandler
and I can't find anything that actually documents process() (it returns
1 on success) and I don't know the Catalyst stash well enough. Is this
information hiding therein or do I need to create a method to get the
last insert id?

All help gratefully appreciated.


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Hi Jacinta,

Assumed that you are using HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC, 
HTML::FormHandler will store the new (or updated) item in the forms 
item attribute.

You can try this:

 my $new_id = $c-stash-{form}-item-id;
 $c-res-redirect($c-uri_for($self-action_for('review'), [$new_id]));

This code should work, no matter if the item was updated or created. It 
will even work if the items id changes during the update process (which 
should rarely happen, but it will work if it happens)

I hope I could help.

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Re: [Catalyst] sub-modules for model

2012-12-20 Thread Lukas Thiemeier

when Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema is in use, you get this for free.

I assume that your sub-modules match your database tables. In that case,
you will have
Thingy::Schema::Result::Team and  

You can access them like this:
 my $users = $c-model(DB::User);

Now you can edit lib/Thingy/schema/Result/ and add your
user-related code.

If you need code which operates on a resultset, instead of a single row,
you can create and/or edit Thingy::Schema::Resultset::User.

If you want to create your own Model for some reason, I suggest you to
take a look at Catalyst::Model::Adaptor.

There are tons of examples in Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial,
DBIx::Class::Manual and DBIx::Class::Tutorial (I haven't read the last one)

I am sure that the Catalyst manual contains a section about passing
configuration to the model, and that the DBIC manual will teach you how
to manually add modules to the schema.

To deploy shared code to several result classes, you can use Moose,
MooseX::NonMoose and Moose::Role, which have their own manuals.

cheers, Lukas

On 12/19/2012 06:53 PM, will trillich wrote:
 Spent a bit of time googlilng this and apparnelty I'm not searching very
 effectively today...
 Short version:
 What's best-practices to get model library sub-modules hooked in to the
 main model?
 Long version:
 * Thingy*
 *cd Thingy*
 *script/ model DB DBIC::Schema \*
 *   Thingy::Schema::DB create=static dbi:mysql:thingy \
 *   dbuser dbpasswd*
 So now we have lib/Thingy/Model/DB like so:
 *package Thingy::Model::DB;*
 *use strict;*
 *use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';*
 *schema_class = 'Thingy::Schema::DB',*
 *   *
 *connect_info = {*
 *dsn = 'dbi:mysql:thingy',*
 *user = 'dbuser',*
 *password = 'dbpasswd',*
 This is a top-level module. Instead of a monolithic mess with all
 possible library routines in one package, we want to modularize
 sub-functions into, say
 Do we have those sub-modules use the top-level Thingy::Model::DB? Do
 we have Thingy::Model::DB use the sub-modules? 
 Do we have the sub-modules use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema'?
 Or can they just extends 'Catalyst::Model' and if so how do they hook
 in with $c?
 Is there an elegant way to have all the sub-module models use the same
 DB config as the top model?
 What's the best practice for getting separate modules to work as models
 in the MVC universe?
  Will Trillich :: 812.454.6431
 “Grading takes away all the fun from failing. And a huge part of
 education is about failure.”  -- Shimon Schocken
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Re: [Catalyst] Generating a large XML document (KML file) from a database

2012-11-26 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
I once had a similar problem, and solved it by using an ordinary TT View
which rendered the XML, and stashing the required resultset.

It worked fine for me, but my xml structure was very simple. It just
contained lots of data. I don't know if this is an option for you. If
your xml is very complex or dynamic, creating the templates can be a pain!


On 11/26/2012 05:58 PM, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
 I need to output a large XML file (actually, a KML file of points) from a
 I can't find any documentation for Catalyst::View::XML::Generator, or even
 decent documentation for XML::Generator, on how to do this.
 It would appear to expect me to put the entire structure in the stash, which
 I don't want to do, as it could contain thousands of points.
 Ideally I would pass an iterator function and it would do the rest.
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Re: [Catalyst] Model objects from multiple DBIx::Class rows

2012-11-22 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi Stephen,

As far as I know, creating result class without underlying table is not

Having a class without table, but with relationships doesn't realy make
sense to me. A relationship always has two sides.

I am not sure if I really understand your problem. You have a user
table and a related picture table? My approach would be to select the
user from the user-table, and use prefetch to populate the
pictures-relation with the same call. You will get a $user object with
the pictures relationship already populated.

If you want to update several related tables with a single method call,
take a look at RecursiveUpdate. It is not the fastest solution, and
there might be situations where it is not suitable, but it works fine in
most cases. And it allows you to pass nested hash- and arrayrefs to
recursive_update, and therefore updating or creating several related
rows with very little code. For example, HTML::FormHandler uses R-U to
update the database.

It is also possible to create several result classes for the same table,
if you need different behavior in different situations. You cound, for
example, create a Montage class, which works on the user table, and
add custom code which is only needed by montages. The old user class
will still be available.

cheers, Lukas

On 11/22/2012 04:59 PM, Stephen Shorrock wrote:
 I was wondering whether there is any advice out there about how to use
 and manage objects within a Catalyst application where the objects
 contain DBIx::Class schema model objects that are also within the
 I've considered creating simple moose objects that get passed the
 schema objects and use rows returned from the schema objects to
 populate 'local' values but this doesn't seem right. The trouble I
 have is that data for these objects is stored in the database but
 their i sno single table for the object them selves for example I
 might have a Montage object that has a $User and several @Pictures the
 User record is stored in the database and the Picture records are also
 stored as individual rows in a pictures table. I want to manipulate
 the users along with their pictures as an object them selves, for
 example given a User DBIx::class objects create a method (eg
 get_montage) that returns a Montage.
 Is there a simple solution perhaps creating a DBIx::class object that
 doesn't actually have an underlying table but can still utilize
 relationships and have User::get_montage return an instance of one of
 these?  Or am I overlooking something else that is obvious?
 Thanks in advance
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Re: [Catalyst] Why is $c undefined?

2012-10-30 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi Craig,

On 10/30/2012 12:09 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Thanks Ian,
 The hierarchy is something that I am finding mind-blowing at the moment,
 $self-jqgrid-render($self, , you are calling methods jqgrid-render on 
 $self, passing in $self, I'm sure it makes sense to you :-)

No, he is calling render on whatever is returned by $self-jqgrid.
Thats why $self has to be passed to render. The code above is
equivalent to:

  my $jqgrid = $self-jqgrid;
  $jqgrid-render($self, ...);

 One thing I would like clarification with if possible.
 Where do I put code that requires the use of more than one model?
 Do I create a separate model that acts as an interface between the other 

Thats one possibility. Another possibility would be to create a helper
method in Model1, which expects Model2 as a parameter.

  sub calculate_sth_with_model2{
my ($self, $model2) = @_;

And in your Controller:

  sub calculate :Local :Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;

my $m1 = $c-model(Model1);
my $m2 = $c-model(Model2);



 You see I have two SQL servers in opposite ends of the country and so I have 
 a model built on Model::DBI that can access one server and another Model that 
 can access the other, but I have functionality that needs data from both , do 
 some calculations and output accordingly.
 I assume this does not go in the controller, but I create an interface model 
 with the required methods and functionality that the controller uses?
 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Docherty []
 Sent: 30 October 2012 07:22
 To: The elegant MVC web framework
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Why is $c undefined?
 On 29 October 2012 21:01, Craig Chant wrote:

 I have read and seen frameworks such as Mojolicious encourage a shrinkage of 
 the Model and move alot of functionality to the Controller, so there is a 
 paradigm which seems to imply it is ok to do more stuff in the Controller, 
 but I am leaning towards having the main code in the Model and then bolting 
 it together via the Controller.

 I can understand why you get this impression, I think a lot of people end up 
 putting code in the Controller when they first start using MVC (I did so 
 myself in the past).
 The Model should be external to your Catalyst app (or whatever framework you 
 use) so that you can use it in things like cron jobs. It also makes testing 
 easier if your Model is separate from your Catalyst app. Look at using 
 something like Catalyst::Model::Adaptor as a thin shell to add your external 
 Model into Catalyst.
 I am moving more and more into making my Controllers as thin as possible. 
 Logic that I might have previously put into the Controller, I either put into 
 the Model or I create helper functions. Here is an example of a Controller 
 (from Mojolicious as it happens but that is not important)
 sub user_list {
 my ($self) = @_;
 $self-jqgrid-render($self, {
 rs  = $self-schema-resultset('User')-search_rs,
 filters = {},
 rows= [qw(id name)],
 It's not important to know what is going on here, but this Controller gets a 
 list of all users, formats the data for use in the jQuery jqGrid allows for 
 sorting and filtering and outputs the data in JSON format. The point being, 
 the controller code is kept simple and 'thin'
 and yet it does a lot of work behind the scenes.
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 e-mail. HomeLoan Partnership reserves the right to monitor and archive all 
 e-mail communications through its network. No representative or employee of 
 HomeLoan Partn
 ership ha
s the authority to enter into any contract on behalf of HomeLoan Partnership by 
email. HomeLoan Partnership is a 

Re: [Catalyst] Why is $c undefined?

2012-10-30 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi Craig,

You don't understand why $c-model('Model1') retrieves and data,
because it doesn't retrieve any data.

Database-code in the controller should be avoided, and instead be
implemented in the model.

My code just passes a reference to Model2 to Model1, so Model1 can
access data from Model2.

Within Model1, you can use prepare, execute, fetch et cetera on
Model1 and Model2, to fetch the data for your calculations.

Nevertheless, i think that your idea to create a extra model, which has
access to both underlying databases, is a better choice.


On 10/30/2012 01:16 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Thanks Lukas,
 Chained method calls is not my strong point in Perl, they seem easier to read 
 in other languages with bracketed encapsulation and the dot notation.
 Your helper method is interesting, though I don't understand how 
 $c-model(Model1); retrieves any SQL data, like I said wrapping my head 
 around this is a bit of an uphill struggle currently.
 -Original Message-
 From: Lukas Thiemeier []
 Sent: 30 October 2012 11:28
 To: The elegant MVC web framework
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Why is $c undefined?
 Hi Craig,
 On 10/30/2012 12:09 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Thanks Ian,

 The hierarchy is something that I am finding mind-blowing at the moment,
 $self-jqgrid-render($self, , you are calling methods jqgrid-render on 
 $self, passing in $self, I'm sure it makes sense to you :-)

 No, he is calling render on whatever is returned by $self-jqgrid.
 Thats why $self has to be passed to render. The code above is equivalent to:
   my $jqgrid = $self-jqgrid;
   $jqgrid-render($self, ...);
 One thing I would like clarification with if possible.

 Where do I put code that requires the use of more than one model?

 Do I create a separate model that acts as an interface between the other 
 Thats one possibility. Another possibility would be to create a helper method 
 in Model1, which expects Model2 as a parameter.
   sub calculate_sth_with_model2{
 my ($self, $model2) = @_;
 And in your Controller:
   sub calculate :Local :Args(0) {
 my ($self, $c) = @_;
 my $m1 = $c-model(Model1);
 my $m2 = $c-model(Model2);

 You see I have two SQL servers in opposite ends of the country and so I have 
 a model built on Model::DBI that can access one server and another Model 
 that can access the other, but I have functionality that needs data from 
 both , do some calculations and output accordingly.

 I assume this does not go in the controller, but I create an interface model 
 with the required methods and functionality that the controller uses?



 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Docherty []
 Sent: 30 October 2012 07:22
 To: The elegant MVC web framework
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Why is $c undefined?

 On 29 October 2012 21:01, Craig Chant wrote:

 I have read and seen frameworks such as Mojolicious encourage a shrinkage 
 of the Model and move alot of functionality to the Controller, so there is 
 a paradigm which seems to imply it is ok to do more stuff in the 
 Controller, but I am leaning towards having the main code in the Model and 
 then bolting it together via the Controller.

 I can understand why you get this impression, I think a lot of people end up 
 putting code in the Controller when they first start using MVC (I did so 
 myself in the past).

 The Model should be external to your Catalyst app (or whatever framework you 
 use) so that you can use it in things like cron jobs. It also makes testing 
 easier if your Model is separate from your Catalyst app. Look at using 
 something like Catalyst::Model::Adaptor as a thin shell to add your external 
 Model into Catalyst.

 I am moving more and more into making my Controllers as thin as
 possible. Logic that I might have previously put into the Controller,
 I either put into the Model or I create helper functions. Here is an
 example of a Controller (from Mojolicious as it happens but that is
 not important)

 sub user_list {
 my ($self) = @_;

 $self-jqgrid-render($self, {
 rs  = $self-schema-resultset('User')-search_rs,
 filters = {},
 rows= [qw(id name)],

 It's not important to know what is going on here, but this Controller gets a 
 list of all users, formats the data for use in the jQuery jqGrid allows for 
 sorting and filtering and outputs the data in JSON format. The point being, 
 the controller code is kept simple and 'thin'
 and yet it does a lot of work behind the scenes.

 Searchable archive:

Re: [Catalyst] Global 'helper' methods

2012-10-30 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
You can also define your constants in YourApp/, and use
YourApp::Constants wherever you need them.

  use constant { FOO = 1 };

  use YourApp::Constants;

  # and in some method
  my $global_foo = FOO;

There might be a better way, but this works...

For handling dates, I recommend DateTime, available on cpan:

Another reason to use DBIC:
DBIx::Class::Inflatecolumn::DateTime automatically transforms dates
stored in a database into a DateTime object, which can be used like this:

my $uk_string = $datetime-dmy('/');
my $us_string = $datetime-ymd('-');

But DateTime is not related to DBIC, DBIC just makes using it easy.

Use it if you have to work with dates a lot. It has lots of methods for
outputting dates, times or both in different formats, and it allows

On 10/30/2012 03:39 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Well I opted for putting my globals (methods and constants) in
 It's working grand with $c-myMethod or $c-MY_CONSTANT
 I use to have them working as a bareword within my application , but 
 $c-MY_CONSTANT is just as easy!
 Many thanks for all the input and help, it really is appreciated.
 -Original Message-
 From: Lukas Thiemeier []
 Sent: 30 October 2012 13:56
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Global 'helper' methods
 Hi Craig,
 Writing helpers in your main and using roles is not either-or.
 Roles are one possibility to modify your classes in a reusable way.
 If your helpers are really global, which means that they are used by all, or 
 almost all your controllers, I would put them into your main application 
 If you have more than one application which make use of the same
 helpers: Put them into a role:
   package YourHelperRole;
   use Moose::Role;
   has some_attribute = ( ... ); # if you need attributes
   sub helpermethod1{
 my ($self, $other, $args) = @_;
   sub helpermethod2{
 my ($self, $other, $args) = @_;
   no Moose::Role; # or use namespace::autoclean or MooseX::MarkAsMethod
   use Catalyst qw( ... );
   extends Catalyst;
   with qw/YourHelperRole/;
 In my opinion, extending your main with roles is only useful if you 
 need the same helpers in different locations, too.
 If you only need them for that single application,  avoid the overhead 
 related to using roles.
 If you have helpers which are only needed by some controllers, create a role 
 for your controllers. You can not only implement helpers in you roles, you 
 can also create method-modifiers, which change the way your methods behave.
 Here is an example, which writes sth to the log, after the delete
 method was called:
   package YourLogRole;
   use Moose::Role;
   requires qw/delete/; #die if the consuming class has no delete
   after delete = sub{
 my ($self, $c) = @_;
 $c-log-debug(DELETE called);
   no Moose::Role;
   1; (has the helpers, but no logging)
   package Controller1;
   use Moose;
   extends Catalyst::Controller;
   with qw/
   sub someaction :Local {
 my ($self, $c) =@_;
   ... (has helpers AND logging)
   package Controller2;
   use Moose;
   extends Catalyst::Controller;
   with qw/
   sub delete :Local :Args(1) { ... } (has logging, but no helpers)
   package Controller3;
   use Moose;
   extends Catalyst::Controller;
   with qw/
   sub delete :Local :Args(1) { ... }
 Roles are very powerful tools. I use them a lot.
 Read the Moose docs for more information.
 If you don't want to learn Moose, roles and so on now, just remember:
 1. write sth in a role
 2. consume the role in a moose class, using with
 3. your roles methods and attributes will be available in the consuming class
 On 10/30/2012 02:03 PM, Craig Chant wrote:

 Please could you advise the best way of having a global 'helper' class
 that has all commonly used methods in it accessible for any part of
 the catalyst app.

 I found this thread

 With one indicating it's ok to put them in the main and
 another saying to use Moose  Roles.

 What is considered the correct way and could you provide an example of
 how I create this helper class and bolt it to the Catalyst application.

 Many thanks,

 */Craig Chant/*

 I.T. Manager

 Description: cid:image001.png@01CD5F4A.17E848D0

 Main Line01903 602664

 Direct Line   01903 227753

 Visit our website

 *HomeLoan Partnership have been named

Re: [Catalyst] Global 'helper' methods

2012-10-30 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hm... how to measure the overhead of a module?

There is a XS version of the module which is used if you have a C
compiler. I don't know the exact overhead, but I know that it is fast.

I have no experience with the pure perl version of that module.

If all you have to do with the dates is the simple string transformation
you are right. As I said before: I recommend to use DT if you are
working with dates a lot. Doing math on dates and times is annoying,
because of leap years, epochs, timezones and so on. If you need this:
Using DateTime is recommended. If not: Its not :)

If you are ONLY using pure perl modules:
You can include all required modules in your distribution. It should run
on any perl installation, even in a shared host environment.

App::FatPacker helps you doing this...

But this doesn't work as soon as you use XS modules.

On 10/30/2012 04:03 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Thanks Lukas,
 I appreciate there is DateTime , though I have so much legacy code that uses 
 my helper class re-writing everything will be a mammoth task.
 I hand rolled a lot when I first started out with Perl, didn't know much 
 about CPAN or PPM, and couldn't load any modules that weren't part of the 
 core install on the original 'shared' hosting I was using.
 Plus I always felt loading an entire module to re-arrange a tiny string seems 
 a bit OTT?
 Dunno, what's the overhead of DateTime?
 -Original Message-
 From: Lukas Thiemeier []
 Sent: 30 October 2012 14:52
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Global 'helper' methods
 You can also define your constants in YourApp/, and use
 YourApp::Constants wherever you need them.
   use constant { FOO = 1 };
   use YourApp::Constants;
   # and in some method
   my $global_foo = FOO;
 There might be a better way, but this works...
 For handling dates, I recommend DateTime, available on cpan:
 Another reason to use DBIC:
 DBIx::Class::Inflatecolumn::DateTime automatically transforms dates stored in 
 a database into a DateTime object, which can be used like this:
 my $uk_string = $datetime-dmy('/');
 my $us_string = $datetime-ymd('-');
 But DateTime is not related to DBIC, DBIC just makes using it easy.
 Use it if you have to work with dates a lot. It has lots of methods for 
 outputting dates, times or both in different formats, and it allows 
 On 10/30/2012 03:39 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Well I opted for putting my globals (methods and constants) in

 It's working grand with $c-myMethod or $c-MY_CONSTANT

 I use to have them working as a bareword within my application , but 
 $c-MY_CONSTANT is just as easy!

 Many thanks for all the input and help, it really is appreciated.

 -Original Message-
 From: Lukas Thiemeier []
 Sent: 30 October 2012 13:56
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Global 'helper' methods

 Hi Craig,

 Writing helpers in your main and using roles is not either-or.

 Roles are one possibility to modify your classes in a reusable way.

 If your helpers are really global, which means that they are used by all, or 
 almost all your controllers, I would put them into your main application 

 If you have more than one application which make use of the same
 helpers: Put them into a role:

   package YourHelperRole;
   use Moose::Role;

   has some_attribute = ( ... ); # if you need attributes

   sub helpermethod1{
 my ($self, $other, $args) = @_;

   sub helpermethod2{
 my ($self, $other, $args) = @_;

   no Moose::Role; # or use namespace::autoclean or MooseX::MarkAsMethod

   use Catalyst qw( ... );
   extends Catalyst;
   with qw/YourHelperRole/;


 In my opinion, extending your main with roles is only useful if you 
 need the same helpers in different locations, too.
 If you only need them for that single application,  avoid the overhead 
 related to using roles.

 If you have helpers which are only needed by some controllers, create a role 
 for your controllers. You can not only implement helpers in you roles, you 
 can also create method-modifiers, which change the way your methods behave.

 Here is an example, which writes sth to the log, after the delete
 method was called:

   package YourLogRole;

   use Moose::Role;
   requires qw/delete/; #die if the consuming class has no delete

   after delete = sub{
 my ($self, $c) = @_;
 $c-log-debug(DELETE called);

   no Moose::Role;
   1; (has the helpers, but no logging)

   package Controller1;
   use Moose;
   extends Catalyst::Controller;
   with qw/

   sub someaction :Local {
 my ($self, $c) =@_;

Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi Craig,

Take a look at the default index method in Controller/
If you look at the debug output, you will see that index is called
after auto. Index sets, and therefore overwrites $c-res-body.

If you use a template system, the default end action
(ActionClass:RenderView) will only render the template if $c-res-body
is not set. But setting the body directly, as in index, will overwrite
any previously added content.

Uncomment the line '$c-response-body( $c-welcome_message );' in
'sub index ...', and you will see whatever you write to $c-res-body in

Cheers, Lukas

On 10/29/2012 04:04 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Oh I also tried changing it to ‘begin’ instead of ‘auto’, still doesn’t
 I also thought that all calls to ANY method / sub will always be passed
 $self  $c , only it doesn’t seem to be passing in $c and I’ve had to
 manually do it?
 I’ve tried…
 # always runs first!
 sub begin :Private {
 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 # Authenticate
 return 1;

 sub AuthenticateUser {

 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

 die 'Session ID = ' . $c-sessionid;

 But there is no session ID.
 I am still getting the “Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.)
 or string”  error.
 I’ve read
 Where it states :  These plugins will automatically set
 |$c-sessionid|at the begining of the request, and automatically cause
 |$c-sessionid|to be saved by the client at the end of the request.
 So why is $c-sessionid uninitialized?
 Any ideas where my session info is?
 *From:*Craig Chant []
 *Sent:* 29 October 2012 14:54
 *To:* The elegant MVC web framework
 *Subject:* RE: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'
 Nope, no change; same warning in the devel output and all that happens
 is the  welcome screen loads?
 *From:*Ben Vinnerd []
 *Sent:* 29 October 2012 14:48
 *To:* The elegant MVC web framework
 *Subject:* Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'
 Private methods have to return a true value to continue processing.
 Try adding return 1 at the end of the method.
 On 29 October 2012 14:23, Craig Chant wrote:
 I seem to be going round in circles unable to get Catalyst to output
 anything via ‘auto’?
 I made a change to the to try to add authentication via the
 ‘auto’ method, but it does nothing?
 # always runs first!
 sub auto :Private {
 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 # Authenticate
 $c-response-body('Matched Members::Controller::Auto in Root.' .
 This doesn’t output anything and I simply get the welcome screen, plus
 there is a warning in the devel server output of
 “Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string”
 I have ..
 use Catalyst qw/
 In my main
 Why is $c-response-body not working and why is the sessionid empty?
 */Craig Chant/*
 I.T. Manager
 Description: cid:image001.png@01CD5F4A.17E848D0
 Main Line01903 602664 tel:01903%20602664
 Direct Line   01903 227753 tel:01903%20227753
 Visit our website
 *HomeLoan Partnership have been named the Best Mortgage Network, 2012,
 at the Industry Awards*
 This Email and any attachments contain confidential information and is
 intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. If this
 Email has been misdirected, please notify the author as soon as
 possible. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose,
 distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained, and
 all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take reasonable steps
 to try to identify any software viruses, any attachments to this e-mail
 may nevertheless contain viruses, which our anti-virus software has
 failed to identify. You should therefore carry out your own anti-virus
 checks before opening any documents. HomeLoan Partnership will not
 accept any liability for damage caused by computer viruses emanating
 from any attachment or other document supplied with this e-mail.
 HomeLoan Partnership reserves the right to monitor and archive all
 e-mail communications through its network. No representative or employee
 of HomeLoan Partnership has the authority to enter into any 

Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi again,

about the missing sessionid:

I don't know much about the internals of Catalyst::Plugin::Session, but
I guess that the session is a lazy attribute, and only created if used.
This means: unless you put something in the session, you will not have
one, and therefore have no session-id.

This is very handy, because the overhead related to creating and
restoring a session is only executed if the session is really needed.
If your app has a session-less interface without authentication, and
extra functionality for authenticated users, the session will only be
created for authenticated users.

If you touch your session object before fetching the session-id, it will

$c-res-body(SESSIONID  . $c-sessionid);

As soon as you implemented authentication, the session will be used and
the session-id will be set.

By the way, what do you need the session-id for? Catalyst handles
sessions in a transparent way. In most cases, you don't need to access
the session-id in your code. And if it is only for debugging: The
session plugin writes the session-id to $c-log when a session is
created or restored. This means: the code showed above will result in
the session-id being printed twice :)


On 10/29/2012 04:04 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Oh I also tried changing it to ‘begin’ instead of ‘auto’, still doesn’t
 I also thought that all calls to ANY method / sub will always be passed
 $self  $c , only it doesn’t seem to be passing in $c and I’ve had to
 manually do it?
 I’ve tried…
 # always runs first!
 sub begin :Private {
 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 # Authenticate
 return 1;

 sub AuthenticateUser {

 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

 die 'Session ID = ' . $c-sessionid;

 But there is no session ID.
 I am still getting the “Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.)
 or string”  error.
 I’ve read
 Where it states :  These plugins will automatically set
 |$c-sessionid|at the begining of the request, and automatically cause
 |$c-sessionid|to be saved by the client at the end of the request.
 So why is $c-sessionid uninitialized?
 Any ideas where my session info is?
 *From:*Craig Chant []
 *Sent:* 29 October 2012 14:54
 *To:* The elegant MVC web framework
 *Subject:* RE: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'
 Nope, no change; same warning in the devel output and all that happens
 is the  welcome screen loads?
 *From:*Ben Vinnerd []
 *Sent:* 29 October 2012 14:48
 *To:* The elegant MVC web framework
 *Subject:* Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'
 Private methods have to return a true value to continue processing.
 Try adding return 1 at the end of the method.
 On 29 October 2012 14:23, Craig Chant wrote:
 I seem to be going round in circles unable to get Catalyst to output
 anything via ‘auto’?
 I made a change to the to try to add authentication via the
 ‘auto’ method, but it does nothing?
 # always runs first!
 sub auto :Private {
 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 # Authenticate
 $c-response-body('Matched Members::Controller::Auto in Root.' .
 This doesn’t output anything and I simply get the welcome screen, plus
 there is a warning in the devel server output of
 “Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string”
 I have ..
 use Catalyst qw/
 In my main
 Why is $c-response-body not working and why is the sessionid empty?
 */Craig Chant/*
 I.T. Manager
 Description: cid:image001.png@01CD5F4A.17E848D0
 Main Line01903 602664 tel:01903%20602664
 Direct Line   01903 227753 tel:01903%20227753
 Visit our website
 *HomeLoan Partnership have been named the Best Mortgage Network, 2012,
 at the Industry Awards*
 This Email and any attachments contain confidential information and is
 intended solely for the individual to whom it is addressed. If this
 Email has been misdirected, please notify the author as soon as
 possible. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose,
 distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained, and
 all copies must be deleted immediately. Whilst we take reasonable 

Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 By the way, what do you need the session-id for? Catalyst handles sessions 
 in a transparent way
 To authenticate users, I don't want to store authentication in the hash and 
 it seems the only other way to do this is via ORM, which I don't want to use 
 I find catalyst whenever I look at how it implements anything to do with DB 
 access, it forces ORM upon you, so I need to write my own authentication code 
 don't I ?

There are lots of authentication modules on cpan. I guess there is
something for you:

- let the webserver do authenticaion

- basic and digest authentication

- use catalyst authentication with htpasswd-files

Or you use Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal, and populate the
config hash within finalize_config (If you want to store accounts and
passwords in a file, which has no standard-format. Is this what you
meant with i don't want to store the autentication in the hash? In that
case: Take a look at Config::Any. It might help you parsing your file.) is your friend :)

Searchable archive:
Dev site:

Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier

Hey Craig,

I got it. You want to store your credentials in a database, but you
don't want to use DBIx::Class?

What about Catalyst::Authentication::Storage::DBI?

If this doesn't help, you might me right. Maybe you have to write your
own authentication module. In that case, consider making it a
Catalyst::Authentication::Store module, and publish it on cpan. It might
be useful for others, too...

By the way: Catalyst::Model::DBI is a ORM-less, raw DBI model for
catalyst. So ... whenever I look at how it implements anything to do
with DB access, it forces ORM upon you ... is not correct. There are
very few things which are really forced by catalyst. Using DBIx::Class
is just considered good practice. A lot of people use it, thats why it
is used in most tutorials and examples.


On 10/29/2012 05:09 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Yes, but I need to keep a backed DB up-to-date with current logins, where in 
 the system they are etc...
 So local server disk won't help in this situation.
 -Original Message-
 From: Denny []
 Sent: 29 October 2012 15:50
 To: The elegant MVC web framework
 Subject: RE: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'
 On Mon, 2012-10-29 at 15:43 +, Craig Chant wrote:
 By the way, what do you need the session-id for? Catalyst handles sessions 
 in a transparent way

 To authenticate users, I don't want to store authentication in the hash and 
 it seems the only other way to do this is via ORM, which I don't want to use 

 I find catalyst whenever I look at how it implements anything to do with DB 
 access, it forces ORM upon you, so I need to write my own authentication 
 code don't I ?
 I'm pretty sure the default storage for session stuff is disk-based.
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Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
   'user_role_table'= 'competence',
   'user_role_user_key' = 'login',
   'user_role_role_key' = 'authority',
 Have I read the above incorrectly?
 I have a non-normalised DB , with an application that functions in a 
 particular way, I deal with user roles and other such stuff in my own way and 
 I cannot refactor to use catalyst without ensuring all sections of the system 
 function the same along with the back end admin system, I can't rewrite both 
 parts at the same time, this is a live app in production that works 
 currently, I'm simply trying to learn Catalyst  MVC cuteness, not start from 
From what I can see using any of those authentication modules expects certain 
data I don't have or use nor want.
 Please correct  me if I'm reading the CPAN documentation incorrectly.
 I want to refactor my app to be MVC using Catalyst without being forced to do 
 any other than MVC cuteness and work the way I want to with the a database 
 that already exists, I got the feeling Catalyst allows this unlike ROR or 
 other MVC frameworks.
 Again, have I got this wrong?
 If to use Catalyst I have to have a normalised DB, use specific modules with 
 data in a particular format, then I will just refactor our systems myself 
 using my own modules and such, best to find this out now before I spend any 
 more time on something that isn't suitable.
 -Original Message-
 From: Lukas Thiemeier []
 Sent: 29 October 2012 16:42
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'
 Hey Craig,
 I got it. You want to store your credentials in a database, but you don't 
 want to use DBIx::Class?
 What about Catalyst::Authentication::Storage::DBI?
 If this doesn't help, you might me right. Maybe you have to write your own 
 authentication module. In that case, consider making it a 
 Catalyst::Authentication::Store module, and publish it on cpan. It might be 
 useful for others, too...
 By the way: Catalyst::Model::DBI is a ORM-less, raw DBI model for catalyst. 
 So ... whenever I look at how it implements anything to do with DB access, 
 it forces ORM upon you ... is not correct. There are very few things which 
 are really forced by catalyst. Using DBIx::Class is just considered good 
 practice. A lot of people use it, thats why it is used in most tutorials and 
 On 10/29/2012 05:09 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Yes, but I need to keep a backed DB up-to-date with current logins, where in 
 the system they are etc...

 So local server disk won't help in this situation.

 -Original Message-
 From: Denny []
 Sent: 29 October 2012 15:50
 To: The elegant MVC web framework
 Subject: RE: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

 On Mon, 2012-10-29 at 15:43 +, Craig Chant wrote:
 By the way, what do you need the session-id for? Catalyst handles sessions 
 in a transparent way

 To authenticate users, I don't want to store authentication in the hash and 
 it seems the only other way to do this is via ORM, which I don't want to 
 use either.

 I find catalyst whenever I look at how it implements anything to do with DB 
 access, it forces ORM upon you, so I need to write my own authentication 
 code don't I ?

 I'm pretty sure the default storage for session stuff is disk-based.

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Re: [Catalyst] Why is $c undefined?

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi again,

$c is automatically passed to Catalyst-actions  (not methods), but only
if you use Catalyst to do so.

If you call




it is not passed. How can catalyst know if you are calling a catalyst
action, or any method on any object? And even if the object is a
catalyst controller, how can catalyst know if it is a action, which
requires the context, or just a helper, which doesn't use the context?

If you want catalyst to pass $c, use $c-forward, $c-detach, $c-visit
and $c-go instead:






Read the main catalyst docs for details. (perldoc Catalyst)


On 10/29/2012 08:07 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 I seem to be unable to work out why $c is never automatically passed to
 any of my models or methods?
 I have in
 # always runs first!
 sub begin :Private {

 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
 # Authenticate
 return 1;

 I then have...
 sub AuthenticateUser {

 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;   
 However, $c is undefined and errors, it only works if I pass it $c from
 I was under the impression that $c was the context (Catalyst) default
 variable and was always passed to every method / subroutine.
 is this not the case?
 Craig .
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Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
Hi Craig,

Using C::M::DBI is straight forward. Install it from cpan, and run

  script/ create model DBI DBI dsn user password

where dsn is sth like dbi:mysql:dbname, depending on your backend.

If it doesn't work you most likely have some typo in your dsn, username
or password.

When this doesn't work, what error is printed?
What was your input (except passwd, of course)?

Something like $c-dbh doesn't exist. The database handler belongs to
the model, and you can create Cat applications with several models, or
without any model at all. (Or with a model which is not a
database-model, or, or ...)

  $c-model('DBI')-dbh does the trick.

The name DBI is required by C::A::Store::DBI, but besides this, any
model name is fine.

Alternatively, add a shortcut to your main

  sub dbh{ shift-model(DBI)-dbh }

Now, $c-dbh is available.

Session timeouts et cetera are configurable in the session plugin.
The session keeps track of when it was created, and when it was updated.

Setting extra fields (in the session or in the database), which are not
automatically set by the authentication plugin, can easily be done by
you, even if you use a authentication plugin. You can do this in the
auto action, for example.

I can only suggest you to search for existing modules, and use them
whenever possible. Thanks to Moose, extending a catalyst module is easy
in most cases. And it is much less work than writing everything from

In my opinion, the biggest benefit of catalyst is (besides its great
backwards compatibility), that it is very modular, dozens of modules
exist, and most modules are extendable and reusable.

If you try to write all your code by yourself, you will not get happy.

Another suggestion: Maybe you should first forget about your real
applicationfor now, and just work through the catalyst tutorial. You can
finish it in some hours (depending on your perl- and web knowledge).
It will give you a great overview about how Catalyst works, what is
possible (almost everything) and what isn't possible (almost nothing) :)

Or maybe you don't need a monster like catalyst? Dancer might be an

Dancer is a perl MVC Framework, too. It is much smaller and simpler than
Catalyst, has less dependencies and less modules and (at least I was
told so) is easier to learn. It does not do as much for you as catalyst
does (in most cases, you have to write more code). But if you have to
reinvent the wheel again and again anyway, it might be a better choice.

Don't get me wrong. I don't suggest you to let catalyst go. Catalyst
rocks! But if most of the benefits are really not an option for you, you
should think about alternatives.

And finally: Don't make unpaid overtime: Go and get a beer! NOW!
Catalyst will be more fun tomorrow!

Ooops, I am writing this while making unpaid overtime. I will go and get
a beer :)

bye, Lukas

On 10/29/2012 08:25 PM, Craig Chant wrote:
 Hi Lukas,
 I tried to use C::Model::DBI , but I cannot get it to work?
 I've ended up refactoring my own SQL module from the exisitng app as OOP and 
 then as an extension of  Catayst::Model
 I then create my own Model which extends my SQL module and I've got it 
 No matter what I tried , I couldn't find $c-dbh , I really seem to be 
 struggling at the moment getting my head round Catalyst, but I am persevering!
 I was hoping to use the built in DBI functionality, as it is meant to keep 
 database handles / connections open etc..but $c-dbh didn't exits in my Model 
 when I created it via MODEL DBI
 I also appreciate there is a lot of stuff already written such as the 
 authentication mechanism, but will that update my backend DB with the current 
 location of the user?
 Does it have a mechanism to enable 'heartbeat' to keep idle sessions open?
 Will it keep up-to-date the date / time field so we can see at a glance the 
 length of time a user has been logged on via our admin system?
 Or does it simply keep a state of whether the user is loged in or not?
 I also know that I should look at ORM and DBIC, but one thing at a time, Rome 
 wasn't built in a day, and playing with Catalyst is simply something I want 
 to do, not a requirement of my Job.
 I start a 10 month SQL course in January, where I'm sure I will learn about 
 DB's in far more detail and can then consider ORM / DBIC.
 There is only so many hours in the day, then there are only so many I am paid 
 to work and then there is only so much information I can absorb in one go!
 I'm already sitting here doing unpaid overtime, but I'm commited to getting 
 Catalyst working, so don't mind putting in the extra hours, sounds sad I 
 know, but I am enjoying it, even if I seem frustrated at times.
 Thank for all the input.
 From: Lukas Thiemeier []
 Sent: 29 October 2012 19:03
 Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output

Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

2012-10-29 Thread Lukas Thiemeier

On 10/29/2012 11:30 PM, Rob Brown wrote:


$sth-finish if you've finished with the results of that statement, ie,
you've looped through the rows and are now done.

$dbh-disconnect if you've finished with the database connection, tho
now you start to think about working in a persistent environment, where
you may never disconnect from the database, and/or have some connection
caching setup.

This is where DBIx::Class just takes of all this for you - it does sound
like you're re-inventing a lot here.

What was the reason for not using DBIC again?


If you need more help about DBI, is a better place to 

Not that we catalyst users are not willing to help you, but most people 
here know much about Catalyst, and not-as-much about DBI.

Feel free to ask your DBI questions here, but if it comes to DBI 
details, the people reading are, well, more 
qualified. The chance to get helpful answers (or any answers at all, for 
more special/difficult questions) is much higher if you post to the 
right list...


On 10/29/2012 10:10 PM, Craig Chant wrote:

I finally got to grips with extending my own class with the inbuilt

But am unsure whether I am mean to issue either...




Once I have prepared / executed the SQL and fetched the records I want.

so a little further guidance is appreciated.


From: Lukas Thiemeier []
Sent: 29 October 2012 20:16
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Unable to output anything in - 'auto'

Hi Craig,

Using C::M::DBI is straight forward. Install it from cpan, and run

script/ create model DBI DBI dsn user password

where dsn is sth like dbi:mysql:dbname, depending on your backend.

If it doesn't work you most likely have some typo in your dsn, username
or password.

When this doesn't work, what error is printed?
What was your input (except passwd, of course)?

Something like $c-dbh doesn't exist. The database handler belongs to
the model, and you can create Cat applications with several models, or
without any model at all. (Or with a model which is not a
database-model, or, or ...)

$c-model('DBI')-dbh does the trick.

The name DBI is required by C::A::Store::DBI, but besides this, any
model name is fine.

Alternatively, add a shortcut to your main

sub dbh{ shift-model(DBI)-dbh }

Now, $c-dbh is available.

Session timeouts et cetera are configurable in the session plugin.
The session keeps track of when it was created, and when it was updated.

Setting extra fields (in the session or in the database), which are not
automatically set by the authentication plugin, can easily be done by
you, even if you use a authentication plugin. You can do this in the
auto action, for example.

I can only suggest you to search for existing modules, and use them
whenever possible. Thanks to Moose, extending a catalyst module is easy
in most cases. And it is much less work than writing everything from

In my opinion, the biggest benefit of catalyst is (besides its great
backwards compatibility), that it is very modular, dozens of modules
exist, and most modules are extendable and reusable.

If you try to write all your code by yourself, you will not get happy.

Another suggestion: Maybe you should first forget about your real
applicationfor now, and just work through the catalyst tutorial. You can
finish it in some hours (depending on your perl- and web knowledge).
It will give you a great overview about how Catalyst works, what is
possible (almost everything) and what isn't possible (almost nothing) :)

Or maybe you don't need a monster like catalyst? Dancer might be an

Dancer is a perl MVC Framework, too. It is much smaller and simpler than
Catalyst, has less dependencies and less modules and (at least I was
told so) is easier to learn. It does not do as much for you as catalyst
does (in most cases, you have to write more code). But if you have to
reinvent the wheel again and again anyway, it might be a better choice.

Don't get me wrong. I don't suggest you to let catalyst go. Catalyst
rocks! But if most of the benefits are really not an option for you, you
should think about alternatives.

And finally: Don't make unpaid overtime: Go and get a beer! NOW!
Catalyst will be more fun tomorrow!

Ooops, I am writing this while making unpaid overtime. I will go and get
a beer :)

bye, Lukas

On 10/29/2012 08:25 PM, Craig Chant wrote:

Hi Lukas,

I tried to use C::Model::DBI , but I cannot get it to work?

I've ended up refactoring my own SQL module from the exisitng app as
OOP and then as an extension of Catayst::Model

I then create my own Model which extends my SQL module and I've got
it working.

No matter what I tried , I couldn't find $c-dbh , I really seem to
be struggling at the moment getting my head round Catalyst, but I am


Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst - Creating DB dump - Getting “No tables found, did you forget to specify db_schema?” on MS SQL Server connection

2012-09-11 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 09/11/2012 07:56 PM, Derek W wrote:
 I'm trying to create a Catalyst project connecting to an existing MS
 SQL Server database. I got the correct connection string and it's
 authenticating, but it's not finding any tables. Anyone have an idea
 of what I might be missing?
 I substituted the real ip address, database name, username, and
 password but you get the idea.
 This is the command I run:
 script\ model DB DBIC::Schema QA_Utility::Schema
 create=static db_schema=DatabaseName dbi:ODBC:Driver={sql
 server};Server=,1433;Database=DatabaseName username password
 When I run this, I get the below error:
 exists C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\lib\QA_Utility\Model
 exists C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\t
 Dumping manual schema for QA_Utility::Schema to directory
 C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\lib ...
 Schema dump completed.
 WARNING: No tables found, did you forget to specify db_schema?
 exists C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\lib\QA_Utility\Model\
 I wanted to quickly get a simple CRUD web app for our existing
 database using perl but I'm starting to think this is not going to
 happen with SQL server?


I think this is more a DBIx::Class issue than a Catalyst issue. I am not
really sure about what I am going write next, but give it a try. Maybe
it helps:

If I understand the docs right, specifying a db_schema is only required
if you want to load more than one schema. See

Since you specified a database in your dsn, did you try to omit the
db_schema option?

I never worked with ODBC, and I am not working on windows. But:
If I try to do the same as you on Unix, using dbi:mysql, I get the same
error as you. If I omit the quotes around db_schema=... everything
works fine. I get my schema files created correctly, even if I do not
specify the databasename within the dsn.

So, try to use
instead of

As I stated before, this answer is more guessing than knowledge. If it
doesn't help, you will have to wait for a more professional answer.

If nobody can help you here, you might try asking the DBIC list, or via
irc in #dbix-class.

I hope I could help. And if my answer is rubbish, just ignore me :)

Cheers, lukast

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Re: [Catalyst] Applying roles that contain actions.

2012-09-07 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
My Last years Advent articles might help. It is a introduction to
creating Chained Catalyst actions in Moose::Role(s):

cheers, lukast

On 09/05/2012 10:48 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:
 I've been injecting models into Catalyst apps (either using
 CatalystX::InjectComponent or just stuffing an instance into
 $app-components hash).
 I'd also like to be able to apply roles to existing controllers.   If I
 try to -apply the role it fails if
 using MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role.  Which I assume is because the
 actions would not be registered with Catalyst.
 Is there a way to inject actions in this way?   
 Currently I just manually apply the role directly in the existing
 controller, so not a huge issue, but would be handy if I could just add
 a role to the base class and pull in all the components -- or
 dynamically add the actions.
 In general, what I'm after is a way to specify with
 App::Feature::Widget; in my app base class and bring in an entire feature.
 I'm also looking at a gatekeeper type of feature control that Facebook
 is known for:
 Bill Moseley
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Re: [Catalyst] DBIx::HA

2012-08-26 Thread Lukas Thiemeier

Hi Theo,

Take a look at Getting Help and Support on

cheers, Lukas

On 08/26/2012 10:49 AM, Theo Bot wrote:


You are right. It's an DBIC issue. Do you happen to know where I csn
address this issue?



On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Tomas  wrote:

On 25 Aug 2012, at 10:41, Theo Bot wrote:

I already create a model with the script. But I want to

use a dual-master mysql setup. And I want the application server to be able
to failover over to a back-up server.

Yes, and this functionality is nothing to do with Catalyst, so I don't see
how Catalyst is relevant here ;)


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Re: [Catalyst] using perldoc on VM

2012-06-11 Thread Lukas Thiemeier
On 06/11/2012 03:38 PM, John Deighan wrote:
 I'm using the Catalyst VM that accompanies the catalyst tutorial. I'm
 currently unable to use perldoc:

 catalyst@catalyst:~/MyApp$ perldoc Session::Store
 You need to install the perl-doc package to use this program.

 Can someone please tell me how to install perl-doc on the VM so I can
 view Perl documentation there?

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This highly depends on your distribution, and is totaly unrelated to

On debian based systems, perldoc is included in the package
perl-doc, so you can install it by runnig apt-get install perl-doc
as root.

Since the output on your console says You need to install the perl-doc
package..., a reasonable first step would be to follow these
instructions and install the perl-doc package!

On redhat based systems, perldoc should be included in in the main perl
package, but it has been a while since I was working on redhat, so i am
not sure if this is right.

If you build your own perl, e.g with perlbrew (which I recommend)
perldoc should be included.

Cheers, Lukas

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