Re: [ccp4bb] Low resolution and high anisotropy

2022-10-24 Thread Mark J. van Raaij
The improvement in statistics by STARANISO is really spectacular, but I do 
wonder how much is caused by the directionally variable resolution limits and 
how much by the removal of solvent rings? The original data set statistics have 
big dips in CC1/2 at 6, 4.3 and 3.7 Å.
Also in the final statistics table, the completeness is really high, but I 
guess reflections from the "bad" direction(s) are not taken into account? It 
would be good to also know the spherical completeness and the CC1/2 values 
before going too far ahead with these data. Or perhaps better phrased: I'd 
simultaneously try to get a dataset from a better flash-cooled crystal while 
trying to get the most out of this dataset.

Mark J van Raaij
Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas, lab 20B
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC
calle Darwin 3
E-28049 Madrid, Spain
tel. +34 91 585 4616 (internal 432092)
Section Editor Acta Crystallographica F

> On 24 Oct 2022, at 03:43, Xu, Shenyuan  wrote:
> Dear CCP4 community,
> I have encountered a dataset, which I thought should be easy to solve. The 
> volume of the cell unit seems to be expanded after image 271, which I think 
> is caused by radiation damage. After removing the last few images, the scaled 
> statistics seem good with the resolution set at 3:07 A:
> d_max  d_min   #obs  #uniq   mult.  %comp r_mrg   r_meas 
>r_pim   r_anom   cc1/2   cc_ano
>  91.54   8.33   3086   11972.58  98.44 345.251.30.101
> 0.1330.0860.145   0.973*  -0.148
>   8.33   6.61   3005   12252.45  99.51 256.527.30.160
> 0.2120.1380.260   0.923*  -0.140
>   6.61   5.78   2883   11902.42  98.43  92.9 9.40.278
> 0.3680.2370.461   0.541*  -0.165
>   5.78   5.25   3195   12172.63  99.10  75.6 8.10.283
> 0.3690.2330.436   0.618*  -0.107
>   5.25   4.87   3192   12062.65  99.42  92.5 8.30.281
> 0.3670.2320.427   0.856*  -0.187
>   4.87   4.59   3230   12132.66  99.02 118.410.30.288
> 0.3780.2400.456   0.870*  -0.053
>   4.59   4.36   2797   11562.42  92.93
> 0.4100.2660.496   0.843*  -0.239
>   4.36   4.17   2694   11182.41  93.17
> 0.5750.3920.847   0.491*  -0.142
>   4.17   4.01   3102   11882.61  95.50 133.6 9.90.392
> 0.5160.3300.622   0.663*  -0.268
>   4.01   3.87   3224   12052.68  98.69 120.4 7.30.406
> 0.5390.3490.687   0.791*  -0.126
>   3.87   3.75   2939   11812.49  98.91  90.7 6.80.491
> 0.6520.4250.810   0.691*  -0.042
>   3.75   3.64   1981   10211.94  82.34  87.3 5.00.557
> 0.7560.5060.885   0.540*  -0.018
>   3.64   3.54   2374   10822.19  89.13 194.611.20.502
> 0.6750.4470.973   0.625*  -0.237
>   3.54   3.46   2622   11222.34  92.35 310.510.10.432
> 0.5850.3920.851   0.603*  -0.154
>   3.46   3.38   17399451.84  76.58  48.2 3.60.930
> 1.2470.8221.542   0.444*  -0.046
>   3.38   3.31   2847   12402.30  98.57  85.4 4.20.691
> 0.9300.6161.242   0.523*  -0.060
>   3.31   3.24   2838   11532.46  97.88  70.8 3.30.693
> 0.9340.6201.341   0.362*   0.006
>   3.24   3.18   3097   12122.56  97.66  71.4 2.50.692
> 0.9240.6051.173   0.526*   0.044
>   3.18   3.12   3204   12162.63  99.10  79.6 3.70.668
> 0.8860.5761.338   0.440*  -0.081
>   3.12   3.07   3059   11722.61  98.16  73.5 2.40.714
> 0.9450.6121.633   0.362*  -0.177
>  91.50   3.07  57108  232592.46  95.22 138.410.80.383
> 0.5130.3360.671   0.656*  -0.149
> I used Mrbump to do the MR, most sequence identities of the starting 
> templates are more than 0.85, and some of them are structures predicted from 
> alpha fold 2. But after refinement (including jelly-body, proSmart, TLC), the 
> best R/Free R stuck at around 0.42/0.45. Inspecting the electron density map 
> shows that the model does not fit the electron density well. The space group 
> is P1, Cell is 58.49 63.97 91.60 91.71 91.86 99.47, should be 5 or 6 
> molecules in the asymmetric unit.
> I checked the data quality, it said the data is highly anisotropy. Then
> I searched the CCP4 forum and used the STARANISO Server and UCLA server, but 
> still cannot improve the refinement. The data statistics after drawing 
> ellipsoidal resolution limits is good:
>  resolution   observed redundancycompletenesrmerge 
> i/sigma 
> before/after  before/after   before/afterbefore/after   
> before/after
> 7.90 4957  1185 3.5  3.397.3%   92.6%13.0%  12.7%11.9 
>   7.2
> 5.5

Re: [ccp4bb] Low resolution and high anisotropy

2022-10-24 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear Shenyuan Xu,

it is a good sign that the model and density to not match - at 3.07A,
one often only has model bias with a poor MR solution. You don't want
to start with refinement, better to start with model building: make the
model fit the density better, before you run refinement, and check
again for R/Rfree.

Best regards,

On Mon, 24 Oct 2022 09:43:19 +0800
"Xu, Shenyuan"  wrote:

> Inspecting the electron
> density map shows that the model does not fit the electron density
> well.

Tim Gruene
Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-70202


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[ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] Low resolution and high anisotropy

2022-10-24 Thread Schreuder, Herman /DE
Dear Shenyuan,

I have two suggestions:

  1.  Is your protein a single or a multi-domain protein? If it is a 
multi-domain protein, you should search with the individual domains.
  2.  Given the low resolution, high anisotropy and expected large number of 
molecules in the asymmetric unit, you may have an exceptionally high solvent 
content, maybe >75%. Is the electron density of all molecules bad, or have a 
few molecules better electron density? If a few molecules have reasonable 
density, I would keep those and delete the molecules with bad density. 
Alternatively, I would start a MR search for only 3 or 4 molecules.


Von: CCP4 bulletin board  Im Auftrag von Xu, Shenyuan
Gesendet: Montag, 24. Oktober 2022 03:43
Betreff: [ccp4bb] Low resolution and high anisotropy

Dear CCP4 community,

I have encountered a dataset, which I thought should be easy to solve. The 
volume of the cell unit seems to be expanded after image 271, which I think is 
caused by radiation damage. After removing the last few images, the scaled 
statistics seem good with the resolution set at 3:07 A:

d_max  d_min   #obs  #uniq   mult.  %comp r_mrg   r_meas   
 r_pim   r_anom   cc1/2   cc_ano
 91.54   8.33   3086   11972.58  98.44 345.251.30.1010.133  
  0.0860.145   0.973*  -0.148
  8.33   6.61   3005   12252.45  99.51 256.527.30.1600.212  
  0.1380.260   0.923*  -0.140
  6.61   5.78   2883   11902.42  98.43  92.9 9.40.2780.368  
  0.2370.461   0.541*  -0.165
  5.78   5.25   3195   12172.63  99.10  75.6 8.10.2830.369  
  0.2330.436   0.618*  -0.107
  5.25   4.87   3192   12062.65  99.42  92.5 8.30.2810.367  
  0.2320.427   0.856*  -0.187
  4.87   4.59   3230   12132.66  99.02 118.410.30.2880.378  
  0.2400.456   0.870*  -0.053
  4.59   4.36   2797   11562.42  92.93  
  0.2660.496   0.843*  -0.239
  4.36   4.17   2694   11182.41  93.17  
  0.3920.847   0.491*  -0.142
  4.17   4.01   3102   11882.61  95.50 133.6 9.90.3920.516  
  0.3300.622   0.663*  -0.268
  4.01   3.87   3224   12052.68  98.69 120.4 7.30.4060.539  
  0.3490.687   0.791*  -0.126
  3.87   3.75   2939   11812.49  98.91  90.7 6.80.4910.652  
  0.4250.810   0.691*  -0.042
  3.75   3.64   1981   10211.94  82.34  87.3 5.00.5570.756  
  0.5060.885   0.540*  -0.018
  3.64   3.54   2374   10822.19  89.13 194.611.20.5020.675  
  0.4470.973   0.625*  -0.237
  3.54   3.46   2622   11222.34  92.35 310.510.10.4320.585  
  0.3920.851   0.603*  -0.154
  3.46   3.38   17399451.84  76.58  48.2 3.60.9301.247  
  0.8221.542   0.444*  -0.046
  3.38   3.31   2847   12402.30  98.57  85.4 4.20.6910.930  
  0.6161.242   0.523*  -0.060
  3.31   3.24   2838   11532.46  97.88  70.8 3.30.6930.934  
  0.6201.341   0.362*   0.006
  3.24   3.18   3097   12122.56  97.66  71.4 2.50.6920.924  
  0.6051.173   0.526*   0.044
  3.18   3.12   3204   12162.63  99.10  79.6 3.70.6680.886  
  0.5761.338   0.440*  -0.081
  3.12   3.07   3059   11722.61  98.16  73.5 2.40.7140.945  
  0.6121.633   0.362*  -0.177
 91.50   3.07  57108  232592.46  95.22 138.410.80.3830.513  
  0.3360.671   0.656*  -0.149

I used Mrbump to do the MR, most sequence identities of the starting templates 
are more than 0.85, and some of them are structures predicted from alpha fold 
2. But after refinement (including jelly-body, proSmart, TLC), the best R/Free 
R stuck at around 0.42/0.45. Inspecting the electron density map shows that the 
model does not fit the electron density well. The space group is P1, Cell is 
58.49 63.97 91.60 91.71 91.86 99.47, should be 5 or 6 molecules in the 
asymmetric unit.

I checked the data quality, it said the data is highly anisotropy. Then
I searched the CCP4 forum and used the STARANISO Server and UCLA server, but 
still cannot improve the refinement. The data statistics after drawing 
ellipsoidal resolution limits is good:

 resolution   observed redundancycompletenesrmerge 
before/after  before/after   before/afterbefore/after   
7.90 4957  1185 3.5  3.397.3%   92.6%13.0%  12.7%11.9   
5.58 8023  2397 3.0  3.698.6%   98.9%30.3%  11.8% 5.5   
4.5611176  2624 3.3  3.199.1%   97.5%57.1%  18.2% 3.7   
3.9511694  3213 2.9  3.194.0%   99.0%53.1%  27.5% 4.2   
3.5312065  3524 2.6  3.092.8%   99.0%49.8%  45.9% 3.2   