Re: [ccp4bb] Phosphatase enzymatic assay

2021-09-16 Thread Seema Nath
Could you radiolabel the kinase? If yes, measuring the labeled Pi may work.


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Re: [ccp4bb] ionic interaction inside a protein

2013-03-24 Thread Seema Nath
The link is fine. If you still get the 'error message', then google "PIC 
webserver" , fullform of PIC - protein interactions calculator.

Seema Nath

Re: [ccp4bb] ionic interaction inside a protein

2013-03-23 Thread Seema Nath
you can try the following link:

Seema Nath

Re: [ccp4bb] Off-topic Thrombin cleavage

2012-05-23 Thread Seema Nath
I have used both Novagen thrombin & lyophilized thrombin of 
BDBioscience(dissolved in 10X thrombin dilution buffer provided by Novagen) in 
both 'thrombin cleavge buffer' & others (HEPES pH 7.0, Bicine pH 9.0, MOPS pH 
7.8) without adding calcium chloride - all the conditions permitted the cleavge 
process, but addition of DTT/ BMe slowed the process

[ccp4bb] arp/warp error

2011-07-19 Thread Seema Nath
I've recently installed arp/warp(7.1) in ccp4 6.2 in linux i686,the problem is 
whenever I'm trying to run arp/warp navigator or any other programs under 
arp/warp it gives the error " cannot get environment variable for warpbin"
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

Seema Nath

Re: [ccp4bb] how to distinguish between phase separation, spherulite, and microcrystalline?

2011-07-09 Thread Seema Nath
I also got something shown in pic.3 and supposed to be some oil droplet,when I 
tried to break them I found that was actually a hemisphere type material 
attached to the coverslip like a 2D circle and sphere like shape in the hanging 
drop, a small hanging-drop within a large one.Ammonium sulfate was used as 
precipitant,even I put it to run SDS-PAGE and it was (may be a quasi-crystal 
of) the protein of interest.

[ccp4bb] off-topic:increasing clashscore in Phenix refinement

2011-07-02 Thread Seema Nath
I'm trying to solve a structure by MR using Phenix,reso. 2.69A,sg 
I121(imosflm), but I'm taking upto 2.9A data and sg P1 which shows 0.49 
twinning(h,h-k,h-l).I've got 3monomers/asu & the R-factor/R-free is 28.97/36.34 
at 2.9  using twin law,xyz-refinement,individual B factors. Now R-free becomes 
static,with almost a minor change in decimal place & clashscore is increasing 
in every steps,when I'm trying to rectify the residues listed in Ramachandran 
outliers/Rotamers outliers...etc. the C-N bond get collapsed/the whole residue 
get detached/the geometry worsen.The starting model requires atleast 20% 
side-chain mutation but there's almost no density for the left out large side 
chains.Please suggest how to overcome this problem.Thanks in advance.

Ms.Seema Nath

[ccp4bb] problem with ccp4 6.1.13

2011-05-24 Thread Seema Nath
Recently I've installed CCP4 6.1.13 (RHL4) to use refmac 5.5 twinning 
refinement (as stated in the current version) but the program list shows 
refmac5 instead of the current one. So I followed the thread-

>Re: [ccp4bb] refmac 5.6 and the ccp4i task interface

>Garib N Murshudov
>Wed, 29 Sep 2010 11:50:14 -0700

>Yes. There are two ways:

>1) replace $CBIN/refmac5 with refmac5.6
>2) on ccp4i click "System administration", select "configure interface" and 
>"Give full path name for CCP4 programs to overcome name conflicts" click "Add 
>there will appear two fields. On the right field type refmac5 and on the left 
>field actual address of the program. 

>I hope it helps

On 29 Sep 2010, at 16:39, Ben Eisenbraun wrote:

> Is it possible to use refmac 5.6 with the ccp4i Refmac5 task?
> Can I just copy the 5.6 binary over the 5.5 binary distributed with CCP4?
> It looks like the new refmac has a number of new keywords which wouldn't be
> accessible doing this, but would it otherwise be compatible?  If so, where
> does the dictionary go?  
> Is there some elegant way of letting users choose between the two?
> Thanks.
> -ben
> --
> | Ben Eisenbraun  | Software Sysadmin  |
> | Structural Biology Grid |  |
> | Harvard Medical School  | |

I followed both the option still there is refmac5 in place of the current 
version. Please suggest possible solution of the problem.
Thanking you

Seema Nath

[ccp4bb] problem running tutorial data in phenix autosol

2011-03-01 Thread Seema Nath
dear all,
 i was trying to run the sad tutorial data in phenix autosol. the 
p9 sad worked really well in the fast mode building almost the entire 
structure, but the se17 sad data does not give good results. it shows an fom of 
34.6 and r factor of 33.2 in P41 spacegroup. autobuild built only a part of the 
model which was no where to the deposited structure pdb 1qqe. i would be very 
grateful to know the exact way to run the sec17-sad data in autosol and the 
post processes.
seema nath

[ccp4bb] coot-scripting

2011-02-09 Thread Seema Nath
I'm using COOT-0.6 following the manual,but while trying to use 
(calculate>scripting>)>python or (calculate>scripting>)>scheme to write any 
command (say,set_show_origin_marker 0) it shows 
"BL WARNING:: Python syntax error!
 (Or you attempted to use an invalid guile command...)
Python error:
unexpected EOF while parsing (, line 1)
Please suggest me the correction to run the command correctly.
Thanking you,
Seema Nath

Re: [ccp4bb] Pseudo-symmetry/refinement

2010-10-17 Thread Seema Nath
Would you please explain how to proceed for "rigid body refinement against weak 
reflection" & "normal restrained refinement against strong reflection".

Re: [ccp4bb] crystal growth

2010-10-15 Thread Seema Nath
All the crystals I got for three different proteins in same condition looked 
similar. I think crystal morphology may vary with the crystallizing conditions.

Re: [ccp4bb] crystal growth

2010-10-13 Thread Seema Nath
I used NaF in the precipitant thrice for three different proteins to be 
crystallized & each time I got crystals and they were all salt crystals ! I 
thought low solubility of NaF causes this quick crystallization of salt.
Recently I got crystals of a protein at 20 degree grown in gradient 
concentration of AmSO4 as precipitant.In some cover-slips I got precipitate 
initially but I kept the tray at RT for mounting at home-source & after some 
time I saw small crystals appeared in those drops which contained precipitate 
initially.Though the small crystals never grew enough for mounting. Some drops 
were used for seeding,small crystals appeared but they dissolved/disappeared at 
RT, again reappeared after several weeks as larger one.

Re: [ccp4bb] "CCP4i has no longer control of the current database error"

2010-10-13 Thread Seema Nath
Please check the "project directory" & "temporary directory" is correct or not. 
Initially I faced the same problem for not assigning the correct project 
directory (I use it Windows, but the problem also occured in Linux system). If 
you are running CCP4 in Windows make sure that the folder "CCP4 DATABASE" 
contains 2 .DEF files -1. database & 2. tmp_database & also assign correct 
directories. For Linux,check the directories.

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-30 Thread Seema Nath
Resolution 3.2A
DENZO suggests P6.
Angles are 90,90,120
Data completeness ~95%
Wilson B-factor 42.0

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-29 Thread Seema Nath
I'm using DENZO
I'm trying POINTLESS but I don't understand "unmerged data" -what's that? is it 
the spot images which are used for "peak search" during data processing?
Both SFCHECK & phenix.xtriage showed the information about pst & twinning.
However I've tried a thorough process of reindexing,phaser,refmac ...etc. & now 
in P31 is showing R-factor & R-free as 0.37 & 0.40 respectively with a poly-ala 
model.I think I'm going towards correct solution.
Many many thanks for your help.

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-28 Thread Seema Nath
I've already tried POINTLESS but due to some reasons it failed and it isyet to 
be fixed.I've used SFCHECK which shows the PST vectors.I'm alreadyusing PHASER 
with "all choices of alternative space groups".
N.B.:I've mailed you twice but each time the mail is undelivered.

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-28 Thread Seema Nath
I regret to say that I can't tell what the actual translation is but
regarding no. of monomers/asu,I got three non-overlapping monomers.My
problems are -
1.actual space-group is not clear yet. of monomers/asu ? to proceed with the technique where data having pseudosymmetry &
twinning are firstly solved in lower symmetry space-group until the
R-factor & R-free come to stand still and then tranference to a higher
symmetry space-group.Is the solution in lower symmetry sg used in higher
symmetry sg or the raw data is individually processed in both lower &
higher sg?
I've mentioned the detailed problem in the ccp4bb on 27th september'10

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-27 Thread Seema Nath
I've used phenix.xtriage and it showed that in all three cases i.e. (P31,P61 & 
P6122 space groups) "translational pseudosymmetry is very likely present). 
Again, when I used molrep in ccp4,it showed "translational pseudosymmetry is 

Re: [ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-09-27 Thread Seema Nath
After running phenix.xtriage the possible point group is P622 and possible 
spacegroups are P622,P6122,P6522,P6222,P6422,P6322. Using this information when 
I run PHASER, P6322 is shown to be the most probable one.After 5 cycles of 
phenix.refine R-& R-free - 57 & 60 respectively.
From other crystallization papers, I found that data having translational 
pseudosymmetry had been solved in low-symmetry spacegroup firstly and then in 
higher symmetry.My query is:Is the data in lower symmetry spacegroup used  for 
higher symmetry or the raw-data is processed individually in higher symmetry? 
if raw data is used,then why not starting with higher symmetry directly? if 
data got in lower symmetry group is used,then what is the procedure?Are the 
.mtz & .pdb files generated in Refmac used for higher symmetry?
Thanks in advance.

[ccp4bb] problem in heavy metal soaking

2010-09-26 Thread Seema Nath
I'm working with a protein which crystallizes in a mixture of PEG6K with 0.2M 
AmSO4,my question is if there's any problem if I want to soak heavy metal 
derivatives in this crystallizing condition? Does AmSO4 interfere in 
heavy-metal soaking ? if yes, what's the reason?
Thank you in advance.

[ccp4bb] ? steps after detwinning

2010-08-28 Thread Seema Nath
my crystals have 0.401 alpha-twinning fraction,which on detwinning reduced to 
0.22 & also pseudo-translation ~48.5,the resolution is poor,3.7 angstorm,please 
suggest next step after detwinning
thanks in advance ..

[ccp4bb] problem in CCP4

2010-08-07 Thread Seema Nath
Recently I've downloaded CCP4 in my home-computer having windowsXP.It has been 
successfully installed but whenever I'm trying to run any program,there's an 
error message saying"Database Access Failure.This instance of CCP4i no longer 
has control of the current database. This is probably because another CCP4i is 
running and has taken control of the current database over from this one."
Please suggest a solution .
Thanks in advance.


[ccp4bb] data & contrast

2010-08-04 Thread Seema Nath
I've got a data at 3.7 angstrom resolution,P3 space group but smallest cell 
volume as predicted by marIndex is very large in comparison to the 90 residue 
small protein & I'm supposed to solve it using auto-MR and CNS, now when I'm 
using auto-MR to search CRF & TF peaks with lowest R-factor & appreciable 
corelation co-efficient using a model pdb having 43% homology, the solution 
gives 7-10 monomers and a message"No contrast available". Please tell me what's 
the solution of this problem?
Thanking you in advance !!