Re: [ccp4bb] processing hd5 files from Dectris detector

2018-06-01 Thread Didier Nurizzo

Hi All,

I doubt it is on MASSIF-1, we still have a Pilatus3 2M, but I guess more 
on Massif-3 if collected at ESRF. People very often confuse between the 
two. Massif-1 is the fully automatic beamline and Massif-3 is the 



On 01/06/2018 11:03, Harry Powell wrote:


Laurent has contacted me off-board about this and sent me an example 
of a CBF file extracted from the HDF5.

As far as I can see, there is no problem with the CBF file created by 
eiger2cbf - it can be processed correctly by iMosflm, and the miniCBF 
header is not missing any of the information that Mosflm requires.

From this, I think that there's an issue with XDSAPP - so probably 
something for Manfred to have a look at!

In answer to Kay's questions -

(1) Massif-1
(2) That would be my first port of call...
(3) not tried yet...
(4) the exact error messages start with what Laurent gave originally, 
i.e.  -

Some important experimental parameters are missing from the images header

which is not so useful, but there is an additional traceback -

Some important experimental parameters are missing from the images header
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/mnt/maredsous/programs/bin/", line 4018, in 
 File "/mnt/maredsous/programs/bin/", line 3897, in 

 File "/mnt/maredsous/programs/bin/", line 3885, in manual_index
KeyError: ‘detector'

Dr Harry Powell
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 
(Crystallographic Computing)

On 1 Jun 2018, at 07:21, Kay Diederichs wrote:

Hi Laurent,

this prompte a couple of questions -
1. where did you collect the data?
2. can this not be answered by the beamline staff? After all they 
should know their detector, and procedures for use of its data.
3. what are the exact error messages when using the neggia plugin? I 
guess Dectris would care if their plugin cannot read "their" data.
4. what are the exact error messages / missing items when using 
eiger2cbf / hdf2cbf-mini?


On Thu, 31 May 2018 14:58:52 +0200, maveyrau>> wrote:

Hi CCP4ers

we recently collected many datasets on dectris detectors producing 
hd5 files. I would like to use some auto processing tools to process 
them (xdsapp, xdsme…). As far as I can say, xdsapp or xdsme cannot 
process hd5 natively. I tried to convert them to cbf format 
(eiger2cbf, hdf2mini-cbf,...), but then it seams that the header of 
the caf files are lacking some required informations…

Any idea how to convert hd5 files to complete caf files ? Are there 
any plans for xdsapp to be able to work on hd5 files ?

thanks for your help

Laurent Maveyraud laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
P I C T   ---  Plateforme Intégrée de Criblage de Toulouse
Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
Département Biologie    Structurale   et   Biophysique
205 route de Narbonne  31077 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE
Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435   Mob.: +33 (0)646 042 111

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2009-01-20 Thread nurizzo


User operation on the new Bio-SAXS beamline at ID14-3 at the ESRF ( 
) began in November 2008 with mounting of samples currently performed 
manually. Robotic sample loading will be incorporated on the beam-line 
in the coming months using a device being constructed in a collaboration 
between the EMBL (Grenoble and Hamburg outstations) and the ESRF. 
Automated data analysis will be also implemented following the model of 
the SAXS facility at X-33, EMBL Hamburg.

Eventually the end-station will be fully automated (sample loading, data 
collection, processing and preliminary analysis) and will rapidly 
provide users standard data concerning the size (radius of gyration, 
maximum dimension and volume) and molecular weight of samples and allow 
on-the fly  ab-initio  shape reconstruction in order to provide feedback 
enabling the data collection strategies to be optimized. Future plans 
extend to allowing remote access to the new Bio-SAXS facility, based on 
the system currently in use on the ESRF's MX end-stations.

Application for beam-time on the new facility will follow a rapid access 
model and can be made at ANY time. Those who which to apply (including 
members of ESRF MX BAG Groups) should use the mechanism at: 

where it must be clearly indicated in the title of the proposal that the 
application is for Bio-SAXS beamtime on ID14-3.


2009-01-14 Thread nurizzo


Proposal Deadline 31st January 2009

There will be beamtime available at the ESRF for MX data collection with
a setup that allows online monitoring of UV/VIS spectral changes of the
crystal during the X-ray diffraction experiment. Users who are
interested in using this beam time (including those who are members of
BAG Groups) should use the following mechanism: 

and it must be clearly indicated in the title of the proposal form that
the online monitoring of spectral changes is necessary for the project.

A brief description of the device is given below however users are
encouraged to consult the web pages for detailed information: 

As this is not a standard setup, it might take a significant amount of
time to train users, align the device, and analyse the data in order to
derive relevant data collection schemes. We will therefore schedule 24
hours for each project. The deadline for this specific application is
Saturday 31st January 2009

*Dates of beam-time: 20th - 23rd February 2009
*Storage Ring: 7/8 +1 (200mA)
Beamline: ID14-2
Energy: 13.29 keV

UV/VIS-range: 250-800nm
ODmax: 2-2.5
min integration time: 50ms
Light source: OceanOptics DH2000, Halogen/D2-lamp
Monitoring Light size: 0.03 (min) - 0.15mm(max)
Sampling freq (to disk): 10Hz or lower

MX Beam-Line Operations Manager  Tel : (+33) 4 76 88 29 00
Macromolecular Crystallography Group Fax : (+33) 4 76 88 26 24
B.P. 220, 6 rue Jules Horowitz   e-mail :

[ccp4bb] ESRF School - 2nd - 5th February 2009

2008-11-04 Thread nurizzo

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the ESRF School titled

*"Getting the most from the ESRF MX beamlines"*
ESRF, Grenoble, France, 2nd - 5th February 2009

As part of its 2009 Users Meeting, the ESRF will host a short school 
*"Getting the most from the ESRF MX beamlines"* from 2nd to 5th February 
2009. The School will be held on 3 days either side of the Users Meeting 
and is aimed at younger, relatively inexperienced users of the ESRF's MX 
beam-lines. The school is designed to (a) introduce the art of 
collecting good diffraction data at synchrotron-based MX facilities, (b) 
familiarize the participants with the tools available at the beam-line 
to allow correct pre- and post-data collection decisions to be taken and 
(c) present the various ancillary techniques and equipment accessible at 
the ESRF’s MX beam-lines.

The number of participants will be limited to 20 with all _local costs_ 
(i.e. registration fees, accommodation, subsistence) being met by the 
ESRF. The deadline for applications is 15th December 2008. More detailed 
information, a preliminary programme and instructions as to how to apply 
to attend the school can be found at:

The organising Committee


2008-02-13 Thread nurizzo


Proposal Deadline *1st March 2008

*There will be beamtime available at the ESRF for MX data collection with
a setup that allows online monitoring of UV/VIS spectral changes of the
crystal during the X-ray diffraction experiment. Users who are
interested in using this beam time (including those who are members of
BAG Groups) should using the following mechanism:

and it must be clearly indicated in the title of the proposal form that
the online monitoring of spectral changes is necessary for the project.

A brief description of the device is given below however users are
encouraged to consult the web pages for detailed information:

As this is not a standard setup, it might take a significant amount of
time to train users, align the device, and analyse the data in order to
derive relevant data collection schemes. We will therefore schedule 24
hours for each project. The deadline for this specific application is
Saturday 1st March 2008

*Dates of beam-time: 11th - 14th April 2008
*Storage Ring: 7/8 +1 (200mA)
Beamline: ID14-2
Energy: 13.29 keV

UV/VIS-range: 250-800nm
ODmax: 2-2.5
min integration time: 50ms
Light source: OceanOptics DH2000, Halogen/D2-lamp
Monitoring Light size: 0.03 (min) - 0.15mm(max)
Sampling freq (to disk): 10Hz or lower

[ccp4bb] ESRF Rolling access beamtime

2008-01-14 Thread nurizzo

Dear all,

The ESRF is pleased to remind you about the procedure for applying for 
rolling access beamtime on its MX beamlines.
The rolling access procedure is designed to improve access to ESRF MX 
beam-lines and encourage the use of ESRF facilities by smaller groups 
working in the MX field. This method of applying for beam-time can  be 
used by scientists who are NOT included in a ESRF blocked group (BAG) 
and applications can be made at ANY time. Applications received under 
this new scheme will be reviewed electronically by the ESRF MX Beam Time 
Review Committee within 7-14 days of their reception at the ESRF and if 
beam-time is awarded this will be scheduled within 6-8 weeks after the 
time of application. The ESRF is currently accepting applications for 
rolling access beamtime required in January and February 2008.

Further details of the scheme as well as details of application 
procedures are available at:

Any questions regarding this new application mechanism should be 
initially directed to Debby Davison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or the 
the MX Beamline Operation Managers (Joanne McCarthy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
and Didier Nurizzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

[ccp4bb] ESRF Rolling access beamtime

2007-09-06 Thread nurizzo

Dear all,

The ESRF is pleased to remind you about the procedure for applying for 
rolling access beamtime on its MX beamlines.
The rolling access procedure is designed to improve access to ESRF MX 
beam-lines and encourage the use of ESRF facilities by smaller groups 
working in the MX field. This method of applying for beam-time can  be 
used by scientists who are NOT included in a ESRF blocked group (BAG) 
and applications can be made at ANY time. Applications received under 
this new scheme will be reviewed electronically by the ESRF MX Beam Time 
Review Committee within 7-14 days of their reception at the ESRF and if 
beam-time is awarded this will be scheduled within 6-8 weeks after the 
time of application. 
The ESRF is currently accepting applications for rolling access beamtime 
required in November and December 2007.

Further details of the scheme as well as details of application 
procedures are available at:

Any questions regarding this new application mechanism should be 
initially directed to Debby Davison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or the 
the MX Beamline Operation Managers (Joanne McCarthy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
and Didier Nurizzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

[ccp4bb] ESRF Rolling access beamtime

2007-06-07 Thread nurizzo
The ESRF is pleased to remind you about the procedure for applying for 
rolling access beamtime on its MX beamlines.
The rolling access procedure is designed to improve access to ESRF MX 
beam-lines and encourage the use of ESRF facilities by smaller groups 
working in the MX
field. This method of applying for beam-time can  be used by scientists 
who are NOT included in a ESRF blocked group (BAG) and applications can 
be made at ANY time. Applications received under this new scheme will be 
reviewed electronically by the ESRF MX Beam Time Review Committee within 
7-14 days of their reception at the ESRF and if beam-time is awarded 
this will be scheduled within 6-8 weeks after the time of application.  
The ESRF is currently accepting applications for rolling access beamtime 
required in September and October 2007.

Further details of the scheme as well as details of application 
procedures are available at: 

Any questions regarding this new application mechanism should be 
initially directed to Debby Davison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or the 
the MX Beamline Operation Managers (Joanne McCarthy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
and Didier Nurizzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).