[ccp4bb] Post doctoral position in structural biology of ER protein complexes

2021-04-26 Thread Kajander, Tommi A
Dear All,

I’d like to draw your attention to open post doctoral position in our 
laboratory in Helsinki in biochemical and biophysical characterisation and
structural biology of novel endoplasmic reticulum stress regulator protein 

Position is for one year initially with possibility to continuation, if you or 
your colleagues know someone (or are someone) with right skill set might be 
interested please apply/ let them know / feel free to circulate.

Know-how in protein expression and purification/characterisation and preferably 
some experience structural biology is required,
but it will also be an opportunity to learn and utilise multiple techniques in 
biochemical and biophysical characterisation.

We have a very friendly vibrant and interactive scientific community in the 
research program and on campus overall.

The advertisement is available here (applications only via the web site):


Best regards,


Tommi Kajander, Ph.D. Adj. Prof.
Institute of Biotechnology
University of Helsinki
Viikinkaari 1 (P.O. Box 65)
00014 Helsinki, Finland
p. +358-2-941-58904

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[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in Structural Biology, Paris-Saclay University

2020-12-18 Thread Alhosna Benjdia

Dear All,

A post-doctoral position in structural biology is available at the 
ChemSyBio team (Paris-Saclay University, INRAE, Micalis) headed by Dr 
Olivier Berteau. The project involves structure determination of novel 
metalloenzymes by X-ray crystallography, with a focus on enzymes 
catalyzing peptides (RiPPs) post-translational modifications. Our goal 
is to decipher the mechanism and mode of interactions between these 
enzymes and their substrate.

We are seeking for a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow with a proven 
experience in X-ray crystallography. The candidate should have a PhD in 
structural biology and a good knowledge of crystallography software. 
He/She should have an experience in protein expression, purification, 
crystallization and the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary 
environment. Skills in molecular biology and physico-chemical techniques 
would be an asset.

Recent publications from our team include: Balty et al., 2020 JBC; Balty 
C et al. 2019 JBC; 294(40):14512-14525; Parent A. et al. 2018 J Am Chem 
Soc. ; 140(7):2469-2477.; Benjdia A et al. 2017 Nature Chemistry ; 
9(7):698-707;  Parent A. et al. 2016 J Am Chem Soc.; 
138(48):15515-15518;  Benjdia A. et al.2016 Chem Commun.; 
52(37):6249-52; Benjdia A. et al. 2015 Nat Commun; 6:8377.

Access to state-of-the-art research facilities will be provided. Our 
laboratory (Micalis institute) is part of Paris-Saclay University and 
located near Paris. The position is offered for one-year, renewable up 
to 3 years. The salary will be commensurate with experience.

Applications (including CV, description of your research activity 
indicating your relevant skills and reference letters) should be sent to 
Dr Alhosna Benjdia (alhosna.benj...@inrae.fr) and Dr Olivier Berteau 

Best regards,


Alhosna BENJDIA, PhD

Domaine de Vilvert - Bât. 440
78350 Jouy en Josas - France

Tel: +33 (0)1 34 65 24 33
Fax: +33 (0)1 34 65 24 62

web site: http://www.micalis.fr

email: alhosna.benj...@inra.fr

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[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in structural biology of host-pathogen interactions

2020-08-14 Thread Sebastian Zoll
Post-doctoral position in structural biology of host-pathogen interactions at 
IOCB Prague
Job description
An attractive, fellowship-funded post-doctoral position is open in Dr Sebastian 
Zoll’s group at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemsitry (IOCB) in 
Prague. Dr Zoll’s group is using a combination of biochemical, biophysical, 
immunological and structural biology techniques to understand the mechanisms of 
viral entry into mammalian cells. The successful candidate will be using 
cryo-EM to determine the structure of a viral capsid protein in complex with 
its cellular receptor and characterise the interaction using biophysical 
techniques. As part of this process the applicant will also generate monoclonal 
antibody and nanobody libraries as tools as well as for therapeutic 


-A recent PhD in structural biology or protein biochemistry/biophysics 
using at least one of the following techniques as the main method – cryo-EM, 
X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering or NMR.

-Strong computational skills. Experience with linux operating systems 
and command line interface is required. 

-Experience in expression construct design, protein purification and 
biophysical techniques to analyse protein-protein interactions (ITC, SPR etc.).

-At least one first author publication in a high-quality, 
international, peer-reviewed journal

The project is supported by a multidisciplinary network of international 
collaborators and provides excellent opportunities to receive additional 
training in foreign host institutions.

The fellowship is granted for one year with possible extension by one more 
year. The earliest starting date is November 2020. The internal deadline for 
applications is 1 September 2020. For further information please see:


The institute and the city

IOCB Prague is the leading scientific research institution in the Czech 
Republic providing a dynamic, international environment that brings together 
researchers from various fields such as structural biology, molecular biology, 
medicinal and computational chemistry.

Due to its long-standing history in applied science and strong ties with the 
pharmaceutical industry, IOCB enjoys an excellent funding situation and offers 
access to facilities for all modern structural and biophysical methods.

The IOCB cryo-EM facility housing a 300 keV high-resolution and 200 keV 
screening cryo-electron microscope will become operational next year. In the 
meanwhile IOCB researchers enjoy privileged access to the EM facilities 
(screening microscopes and Titan Krios G3) at CEITEC.

IOCB is situated near the city centre in a vibrating, historical quarter of 
Prague boasting beautiful architecture and a rich array of public amenities 
such as cafés, pubs, parks and grocery stores. Transport links by metro and 
tram are excellent with short distances to both airport as well as old town and 
Letna park with its stunning views over the Vltava river.

How to apply?

Please send a short motivation statement (max. 500 words), a full publication 
list and a copy of your CV to sebastian.z...@uochb.cas.cz 

2 letters of recommendation will be requested from short-listed candidates 
after the first round of application.

Feel free to contact Sebastian for informal enquiries.

Dr Sebastian Zoll

Junior Group Leader

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Czech Academy of Sciences

Flemingovo namesti 542/2, 166 10 Prague 6

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 220 183 591

Email: sebastian.z...@uochb.cas.cz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IOCBPrague

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[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in structural biology - Institut Curie - Paris

2020-07-02 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at 
the Curie Institute Paris, France.
We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the Structural Motility team 
at the Curie Institute (Paris Center) directed by Anne Houdusse.
The Structural Motility team at the Institut Curie has gathered important 
structural insights on how force generated by molecular motors can power 
cellular processes in human health and disease. We develop chemical biology and 
cell biology approaches to test these insights and understand how molecular 
motors produce force, how their activity is regulated and how they are 
recruited to their cellular targets. One of our goals is to develop specific 
modulators of the force they can produce. Many of these motors are also 
involved in human pathologies and their modulation could lead to new therapies.
We are looking for an expert in biochemical, crystallogenesis and structural 
determination studies. The post-doctoral fellow will also gain expertise in 
functional and cellular studies.
Energy and a strong will to quickly gain autonomy in the lead of exciting 
scientific projects are essential.
Experience in cryo-electron microscopy or cell biology, is a plus. Experience 
in cloning, expression and purification of recombinant proteins, protein 
biophysics and/or biochemical assays are also welcome, and we are ready to 
train a dynamic and motivated candidate.
If you are interested, please send a CV and a letter of motivation as well as 
letters of recommendation of your previous employers.
Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)
Key publications
Julien Robert-Paganin, Olena Pylypenko, Carlos Kikuti, H Lee Sweeney, Anne 
Houdusse (2019 Nov 6)
Force Generation by Myosin Motors: A Structural Perspective.
Chemical reviews : 5-35 : DOI : 

Julien Robert-Paganin, Daniel Auguin, Anne Houdusse (2018 Oct 3)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy disease results from disparate impairments of 
cardiac myosin function and auto-inhibition.
Nature communications : 4019 : DOI : 

Florian Blanc, Tatiana Isabet, Hannah Benisty, H Lee Sweeney, Marco Cecchini, 
Anne Houdusse (2018 May 31)
An intermediate along the recovery stroke of myosin VI revealed by X-ray 
crystallography and molecular dynamics.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 
: 6213-6218 : DOI : 

Vicente J Planelles-Herrero, James J Hartman, Julien Robert-Paganin, Fady I 
Malik, Anne Houdusse (2017 Aug 5)
Mechanistic and structural basis for activation of cardiac myosin force 
production by omecamtiv mecarbil.
Nature communications : 190 : DOI : 

I-Mei Yu, Vicente J Planelles-Herrero, Yannick Sourigues, Dihia Moussaoui, 
Helena Sirkia, Carlos Kikuti, David Stroebel, Margaret A Titus, Anne Houdusse 
(2017 Jun 30)
Myosin 7 and its adaptors link cadherins to actin.
Nature communications : 15864 : DOI : 

Sirigu S, Hartman J, Planelles-Herrero VJ, Ropars V, Clancy S, Wang X, Chuang 
G, Qian X, Lu P-P, Barrett E, Rudolph K, Royer C, Morgan B, Stura EA, Malik FI, 
Houdusse A (2016 Nov 4)
Highly selective inhibition of myosin motors provides the basis of potential 
therapeutic application.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 
: 201609342 : DOI : 

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[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in structural biology – I2BC (Orsay) and Institut Pasteur (Paris)

2017-12-19 Thread Claudine Mayer
A Postdoctoral position is available to work on a hot topic that links 
meiotic recombination and DNA topology control. The project, 
co-supervised by Profs Patrick Forterre and Claudine Mayer, aims to 
unveil the molecular mechanisms of double-strand breaks catalyzed by 
plant topoisomerase VI. The work will be performed in the team of 
Jacques Oberto at I2BC (Orsay, France) and the laboratory of Pedro 
Alzari at Institut Pasteur (Paris, France).

Various methods in structural biology(mainly X-ray crystallography but 
also cyo-EM), combined with enzymology and biophysics will be used to 
gain insights into the understanding of these fascinating nanomachines. 
The candidate will benefit from a large and rich scientific environment 
that extends to plant genetics as the project is part of an integrated 
program that includes collaboration with the team of Mathilde Grelon 
(INRA Versailles).

We seek a highly motivated candidate with a Ph.D. in the field of 
structural biology and with strong experience in protein biochemistry 
(production, purification and enzymatic assays). Experience in 
macromolecular crystallography is a plus, but not a requirement.

Remuneration: according to salary scale and experience.The position is 
open immediately and applications will be accepted until the position is 

Send cover letter, CV and two references by e-mail to ma...@pasteur.fr 
and patrick.forte...@pasteur.fr 

Selected publications related to the position:

Vrielynck N, Chambon A, Vezon D, Pereira L, Chelysheva L, De Muyt A, 
Mézard C, Mayer C, Grelon M. A DNA topoisomerase VI-like complex 
initiates meiotic recombination.

Science. 2016 Feb 26;351(6276):939-43. doi:10.1126/science.aad5196. 
PubMed PMID: 26917763.

Gadelle D, Krupovic M, Raymann K, Mayer C, Forterre P. DNA topoisomerase 
VIII: a novel subfamily of type IIB topoisomerases encoded by free or 
integrated plasmids in Archaea and Bacteria.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jul;42(13):8578-91. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku568. 
Epub 2014 Jul 2. PubMed PMID: 24990376.

Best wishes


[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in Structural Biology of Cilia, Astbury Centre, Leeds, UK

2016-12-20 Thread Joe Cockburn
Dear All,

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr
Joe Cockburn, at the Astbury Centre, University of Leeds, UK to perform
structure-function studies on ciliary proteins.

The position is funded by The Wellcome Trust and is available immediately
for a period of 24 months. The start date is flexible but must be before
September 2017. The deadline for applications is Monday 16th January 2017.

More information about the position and how to apply can be found here:





Dr Joe Cockburn

The Astbury Centre for Structural and Molecular Biology

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT


+44 (0)113 3430758



[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral Position in Structural Biology

2012-09-21 Thread Rossmann, Michael G
Post-doctoral Position in Structural Biology
A post-doctoral position is available for a person with experience 
in protein or virus crystallography. Some experience in electron microscopy 
would be desirable but not essential.  The work of the laboratory centers on 
the structure and function of viruses. Salary will depend on experience. A 
starting post-doc salary is around $39,000/year. Applications should be send by 
e-mail to Michael Rossmann (m...@purdue.edu).

Michael G. Rossmann
Hanley Professor of Biological Sciences
Hockmeyer Hall of Structural Biology
240 S. Martin Jischke DriveTel: 765-494-4911
Purdue University,FAX: 765-496-1189
West Lafayette,e-mail: m...@purdue.edu
IN 47907-1971, USA.
web site   http://bilbo.bio.purdue.edu/~viruswww/Rossmann_home/

[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral Position in Structural Biology and Membrane Trafficking: CIC bioGUNE, Bilbao, Spain

2011-09-26 Thread Aitor Hierro
The position is available in the laboratory of Aitor Hierro to work in the
area of *structural
biology* and *membrane trafficking*.

We study the interactions, in molecular mechanistic detail, that underlie
the selectivity of
cargo transport vesicles for recognizing the correct target membrane. We do
this using a
combination of structural, biochemical and biophysical approaches. The focus
of the project
is on a series of soluble and membrane associated proteins (and their
complexes), which
coordinate tethering and fusion of transport vesicles from endosomes to the
Golgi apparatus
(for references, see PMDIs: 20615984; 21183348 and 17891154).

The position requires PhD. degree with a strong background in molecular
biology for
heterologous recombinant protein expression in different hosts such
Escherichia coli, insect
cell-baculovirus and mammalian cells. Previous experience in X-ray
crystallography and the
use of biophysical or biochemical techniques for the characterization of
protein complexes
would be an advantage.

Local resources at the institute include shared state-of-the-art facilities
for high throughput
crystallization, and in-house X-ray data collection. We also have regular
beamtime. Other biophysical instrumentation such DLS, ITC, DSC, CD,
and fluorescence spectrometers are also available. For testing our
structural and *in vitro*
analyses we have complementary collaborations with leading laboratories in
the cell biology
field. The institute is well-situated with numerous groups working in X-ray
NMR and EM that form a critical mass in the area of structural biology. This
position offers an
excellent opportunity for an experienced protein biochemist/biophysicist or
cell biologist to
complement his or her expertise in X-ray crystallography working at the
juncture between
structural biology and cell biology.

The position is available beginning December 2011 and funded for 3+2 years.
will be accepted until the position is filled.
Interested candidates* please email a cover letter, your CV, and names
(including email
address) of at least two referees to *r...@cicbiogune.es* with *ref.
3131*in the subject.


2010-10-28 Thread Thirumananseri Kumarevel
Dear Friends:

One post-doctoral position  to work on structural biology project is available 
immediately at RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Harima Institute, Japan. 

For details, please click here : 

With regards,



[ccp4bb] Post-Doctoral Position in Structural Biology

2010-10-28 Thread Thirumananseri Kumarevel
Dear Friends:

One post-doctoral

position  to work on structural biology project is available immediately at
RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Harima Institute, Japan.

With regards,




Dr Thirumananseri KUMAREVEL

Senior Research Scientist

Biometal Science Laboratory 

RIKEN Harima Institute at SPring-8

1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho

Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148 JAPAN


Tel: (Office) +81-791-58-2838

(Direct) +81-791-58-0802 ext.7894

Fax: +81-791-58-2826


Email: tsk...@spring8.or.jp

Web:  www.riken.jp/biometal  or 





[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in Structural Biology in Lyon, France

2010-03-01 Thread Laurent Terradot
*A post-doctoral position *is available immediately in the group of 
Laurent Terradot at the Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines 
(IBCP), Lyon, (http://www.ibcp.fr). We are interested in the 
structure/function of protein complexes involved in /Helicobacter pylori 
/pathogenesis. This bacteria is a major pathogen that causes human 
diseases such as ulcers and gastric cancers. Several projects are 
available in our laboratory to study 1) virulence factors/receptor 
interactions (see Tosi /et al/., Febs L, 2009; Angelini /et al/., Febs 
Journal, 2009; Jimenez-Soto /et al/., PloS Pathogens, 2009) and 2) DNA 
replication regulation (see Natrajan et al., Mol. Microbiology, 2007; 
Natrajan et al., PNAS, 2009). Part of the work will be carried out with 
National and International collaborations.

The IBCP is well equipped for Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, 
Bioinformatics and Structural Biology and belongs to a larger campus 
(Lyon Biopole; Center for Infectiology), giving access to 
state-of-the-art core facilities. The group has regular access to 
synchrotron beam time and is ideally located one hour from the European 
Synchrotron ESRF. Lyon is a vibrant, historical French city and is a 
world-excellence center in Infectiology.

We are looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated individuals with a 
strong background in protein purification for structural studies. 
Experience in protein-protein interactions (Biacore, ITC, etc...) and/or 
study of large complexes would be a plus. Knowledge in Macromolecular 
Crystallography would be considered an advantage but is not mandatory as 
training can be provided. Working language of the laboratory is English.

Starting date: *As soon as possible*.

Salary is according to the CNRS french guidelines and will depend on 

Please send a cover letter, your CV and one (or more) reference letter 
as a single PDF file to: *laurent.terra...@ibcp.fr 


Deadline: May the 1st, 2010.

* *

Laurent Terradot

Institut de Biologie et Chimie des proteines
Structural Biology of Bacterial Macromolecular Complexes

UMR 5086 CNRS Université de Lyon
7, passage du Vercors
69367 Lyon cedex 07 FRANCE

tel: +33 (0) 472 72 2652
Fax: +33 (0) 472 72 2604

[ccp4bb] Post-Doctoral Position in Structural Biology - Imperial College London

2009-11-26 Thread Ali, Maruf
Postdoctoral/Research Associate in Structural Biology - Division of Molecular 
Biosciences - Imperial College - London

Applications are invited for a Cancer Research UK funded Research Associate 
position investigating structure and mechanism of cell signalling systems 
involved in ER stress.  The position will utilize biochemical and structural 
techniques, principally protein X-ray crystallography, to characterize proteins 
and complexes involved in ER stress pathways.  The research will be based in 
the Division of Molecular Biosciences, under the supervision of Dr Maruf Ali.

The position will involve expression, purification and crystallization of 
recombinant protein obtained from both baculovirus and bacterial expression 
systems. The role will also make use of biophysical and biochemical techniques 
for protein characterisation.

The Division of Molecular Biosciences has access to state of the art facilities 
for all aspects of structural biology, including NMR, EM and X-ray machines.

The successful candidate will hold a PhD in structural biology (or close to 
completion) or the equivalent professional qualification and experience and 
have a track record of protein expression, purification and crystallisation, 
for structural analysis.

The starting salary for the post will be in the range of £26,720 - £30,520 per 
annum. For further details including the job specifications please visit the 
college webpage http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (NS2009168AB for Research 
Associate in Structural Biology).  The preferred method of application is also 
online via the college website.

Dr Maruf Ali
Cancer Research UK RCD Fellow
RM 505 Biochemisty Building
Division of Molecular Biosciences
Imperial College
London SW7 2AZ
Email: maruf@imperial.ac.uk
Tel: 0207 594 5733

[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral Position in Structural Biology at IFIB

2009-09-28 Thread Georg Zocher

_Post-doctoral Position in Structural Biology_

A post-doctoral position is available in the research group of Thilo 
Stehle at the University of Tübingen. A major focus of our research is 
to define molecular mechanisms of attachment and cell entry for viruses 
and other pathogens. We use protein crystallography in conjunction with 
other biophysical techniques and functional studies to elucidate 
principles of interactions between pathogens and host cell receptors. 
The ultimate goal of these studies is to understand the features that 
are used by pathogens for docking, to correlate differences in disease 
with structural differences between pathogens, to  contribute to our 
understanding of pathogen evolution, and to develop strategies to 
interfere with the attachment process.  We are a looking for highly 
motivated applicants who have already worked in the structural biology 
field to join our expanding research team. We occupy a newly equipped 
laboratory with state-of-the-art facilities. The available positions are 
funded at the TV-L level. More information about the laboratory and 
specific projects, including publications, can be found on our website: 

For further information please contact

   Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle
   Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie
   Universität Tübingen
   Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 4
   72076 Tübingen

Universität Tübingen
Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie
Dr. Georg Zocher
Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 4
72076 Tuebingen

Fon: +49(0)-7071-2973374
Mail: georg.zoc...@uni-tuebingen.de