[ccp4bb] diffraction image repository - follow up

2013-11-28 Thread Andreas Förster
Thanks to all who replied to my request for comments and suggestions 
about diffraction image repositories (LMJ Kroon-Batenburg, JR Helliwell, 
M vdWord, M Symmons, A Barty, T Terwilliger, T Fischmann and I Schlichting).

cxidb.org, developed for the archiving of FEL data, was mentioned more 
than once.  Apart from that, I got lots of good ideas but unfortunately 
not solution already in place (apart from Tardis, possibly).

The project seems a bit more ambitious than I assumed initially.  I'll 
keep my mind on it and report back when there is progress.



  Andreas Förster
 Crystallization and Xray Facility Manager
   Centre for Structural Biology
  Imperial College London

[ccp4bb] diffraction image repository

2013-11-20 Thread Andreas Förster

Dear all,

there has been ample discussion on this bulletin board regarding the 
benefits of making diffraction images available for published X-ray 

I'm considering implementing a repository at Imperial College, but I 
don't want to reinvent the wheel or create something out of synch with 
the consensus.  Are there any established solutions out there that I 
could modify?  I know of Tardis.  Are there alternatives?

I have the following workflow in mind.  After logging on and selecting 
"create new", the user will be asked to:

- give PDB code
- enter mandatory metadata through well-thought out mask
- upload any number of datasets (native, SeMet, etc)
- make existence of datasets or datasets themselves public

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  Andreas Förster
 Crystallization and Xray Facility Manager
   Centre for Structural Biology
  Imperial College London