Re: [ccp4bb] restraints for cis-bonds, ACD cif file

2010-11-30 Thread Nigel Moriarty

The atom names in the file I sent have the correct atom names as
defined by the PDB for ACD. Naturally, the atom names in your PDB file
and the restraints CIF file should match and given that you need the
correct names to deposit your structure into the PDB, then I would
recommend doing it sooner later than later.  PHENIX has a number of
tools to do this for you and we can talk off-line about them.


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Nathaniel C. Gilbert wrote:
 I appreciate the input Paul and Nigel. The cif dictionary file you sent me 
 doesn't have matching restraint definitions for 53 atoms in the ACD file. I 
 opened the cif file you sent and extracted the SMILES code for ACD. Then I 
 ran it in phenix.elbow to have it generate a pdb of the ACD. Then i would use 
 the cif file you sent and import it into coot or phenix.refine, but it would 
 not match the cif and pdb. I can wait for the new nightly build to come out, 
 but I was wondering why this process wouldn't work.

 Paul, I'm not as familiar with the CCP4 suite. Refmac5 doesn't give me as 
 many new Fo-Fc peaks to build more model into as does phenix.refine even 
 though Rfree numbers are comparable.

Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 64R0246B, Physical Biosciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709     Email :
Fax   : 510-486-5909       Web  :

Re: [ccp4bb] restraints for cis-bonds, ACD cif file

2010-11-29 Thread Paul Emsley

On 29/11/10 16:17, Nathaniel C. Gilbert wrote:

I have arachidonic acid soaked into my crystal structure and want to model it. 
The phenix.refine is allowing my cis double bonds to distort to a gauche or 
trans form. Is it the cif file or the refinement restraints in the program that 
I need to correct.

It is not entirely clear to me what you are asking - I'd say that the 
cif file and the refinement restraints are pretty much synonymous.

I suggest that you clear up (by using idealization and checking the 
starting conformer) whether the bad resulting conformation is due the 
the restraints or the density.

Incidentally arachidonic acid is in the PDB (and CCP4's copy of SBase). 
I took that idealized structure and fed it into Prodrg, the resulting 
torsion restraints look good to me.

If you want to brute-force/hand-edit the restraints, make sure that the 
torsions across the double bonds (C5-C6, C8-C9, C11-C12 and C14-C15) 
have a value_angle of 0 and a period of 1.

(The torsions from the (rather old) version of libcheck I have here 
(generated from a SMILES string) were not great and seem to be 
consistent with your question.)


Re: [ccp4bb] restraints for cis-bonds, ACD cif file

2010-11-29 Thread Nigel Moriarty

I made a small mod to eLBOW (which will be available in the next
nightly build) that allows you to get an all cis ACD from a SMILES
string. I have attached the result. Note that the name of the file has
 for the four cis (zusammen) configurations. As Paul suggested,
the torsion value is 0. and the period is 1.


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Paul Emsley wrote:
 On 29/11/10 16:17, Nathaniel C. Gilbert wrote:

 I have arachidonic acid soaked into my crystal structure and want to model
 it. The phenix.refine is allowing my cis double bonds to distort to a gauche
 or trans form. Is it the cif file or the refinement restraints in the
 program that I need to correct.

 It is not entirely clear to me what you are asking - I'd say that the cif
 file and the refinement restraints are pretty much synonymous.

 I suggest that you clear up (by using idealization and checking the starting
 conformer) whether the bad resulting conformation is due the the
 restraints or the density.

 Incidentally arachidonic acid is in the PDB (and CCP4's copy of SBase). I
 took that idealized structure and fed it into Prodrg, the resulting torsion
 restraints look good to me.

 If you want to brute-force/hand-edit the restraints, make sure that the
 torsions across the double bonds (C5-C6, C8-C9, C11-C12 and C14-C15) have a
 value_angle of 0 and a period of 1.

 (The torsions from the (rather old) version of libcheck I have here
 (generated from a SMILES string) were not great and seem to be consistent
 with your question.)


Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 64R0246B, Physical Biosciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709     Email :
Fax   : 510-486-5909       Web  :

Description: Binary data