Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-08-02 Thread ethan

No, Brad was not the founder of NewTek.  He did do early designs of the Toaster.
- John

Derp! Checked, he built the first Video Toaster but not the company.

Thanks for the correction!

Ethan O'Toole

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-08-01 Thread John Foust
At 05:13 PM 7/19/2016, wrote:
>I'm sure you know the thing about Garth/Dana Carvey? Him mentioning the Unix 
>book in Waynes World was a nod to his brother, his brother founded NewTek the 
>company behind the Amiga video toaster and the current NewTek Tricaster stuff?

No, Brad was not the founder of NewTek.  He did do early designs of the Toaster.

- John

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-21 Thread ethan

The only ones worth using that I'm aware of are Scream Tracker and Impulse
Tracker and neither was around in the 16 bit ISA days pre-386, IIRC. I
doubt Scream Tracker would be able to function on a 286 anyhow. It puts a
486DX2/66 at about 50% CPU load, from my recollection. The Amiga trackers
were more efficient, but you got fewer channels, too. OctaMED was
8-channel and that seemed massive until it wasn't.

IT was VGA but I think Scream Tracker was a 50 line text mode or 
something. I guess it depends if Scream Tracker used protected 
mode. Hmm intarnet says 386s were out during 1990 which was the year the 
more popular Scream Tracker was released. I swear my friend was playing 
coma.s3m on his Northgate 286-16 via PC Speaker

Several made it there over the years. I can't remember which ones, but I
do remember one day I was listening to Nectarine Radio and heard one of my
own Protracker MODs. That was awesome.


Ahhh, those air-car-mounted-on-hydraulics "ride" thingys? Huh. Laser disc
was always a cool thing, too. Remember "Time Traveler" ? That
"holographic" (it wasn't really but it looked damn cool) game were the
characters appeared in front of some kind of curved mirror volumetric
display uhm, thingamabob? It used a Laserdisc too. Of course I loved Space
Ace and Dragons Lair along with every other self-respecting geek, too.
Also, my favorite was called "Thayer's Quest" in which you were a wizard's

Yes. There is an arcade in Chicago called Galloping Ghost which has both 
of the Sega holographic machines, and some of the laserdisc games like 
Space Ace and Dragons Lair. In the arcade world, due to the unreliability 
of the laserdisc players often used in games like Dragons Lair (it uses a 
real HeNe laser tube!) it's okay for people to move them to the MS-DOS 
Daphne replacement system and such. Normally MAME/emulation is frowned 
upon by collectors but the LD games get an okay. The way they work is 
amusing, the game board drives the LED score and just watches for joystick 
directions and sends the chapter skip commands via RS-232 or RS-422 to the 
serial port equipped commercial LD player in the cabinet. Pretty simple 
but legendary.

Most commercial real estate weasels think you are the next "sucker" coming
through the door. They seem to believe that some old crufty warehouse
that's been empty for a decade is actually worth the ridiculous rents they
charge. You'd think it'd be better to have the buildings occupied and
someone giving you a bit or two to cover the property taxes, but they
still don't seem to see their clients as anything more than walking cash
registers. It's definitely a hard slog to find a screaming deal on space.
All the hacker-spaces here in big-D have lots of folks pitching in to make
ends meet. The first one here with an Ethan-style laser arcade will
definitely get my membership dues.

Hah awesome!

Then there is the problem that nobody but old dudes remember how fun/cool
arcades could be, back in a time when they looked a lot more like
nightclubs. I remember them so crowded you had to go out for some fresh
air. Flynn's Arcade may never live again, but it's still a paradigm of
cool in my mind. Then again, I'm probably too old now to adjudicate "cool"
for anyone. If you do open an laser-illuminated LED-walled arcade, let us
all know so we can put you on the cctalk road-trip map. We'll rent a bus
in Seattle, and drive to your place (or visa versa). I nominate Fred to
run the logistics. I'll drive. :-P

I help with an event each year called MAGFest which is currently in the DC 
area. We had 278  arcade cabinets in the arcade room and a decent 
deployment of classic computers in the museum. The attendance is 20,000 
people or so -- it's a large event. Much of it is video game music 
related, and there is a ton of history and classic computer tie ins there. 
All the synth chips all the machines. The event is an insane amount of 
work though, I think it was 14 26' penske trucks some of which made 3 
trips full of arcade cabinets, and the computer museum stuff occupied 
2/3rds of a truck and was all owned by 3 people (just their personal 
stash.) No big metal mostly plastic micros but it's all hands on.

There is a big arcade event in Seattle / Tacoma that has 450+ games, and 
there is CAX in California which just happened that has a large 
collection. They have a lot more people with lower numbers of games from 
what I understand where MAGFest has a handful of collectors with very 
large collections.

There is definitely interest in the retro computer stuff growing outside 
of the age group the reminisces about it. There is also some cross over I 
think between the arcade and classic computer (plastic micro) crowd.

Ethan O'Toole

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread Swift Griggs
On Wed, 20 Jul 2016, wrote:
> Very cool! I'm a.d.d. a bit with hobbies. On the synth side I recently 
> picked up a Roland MT-32, so that was an achievement unlocked. Hope to 
> find an Oberheim Matrix 6 at some point.

I'm not a keyboard guru like some on the list, but I've owned a Roland 
FP-9 and Alesis DG8. Now I use a Yamaha Clavinova. I miss the DG8, but I 
traded it off once it's internal amp started fritzing out. 

> I started computeres on Atari 800XL, then next computer was family's 
> Tandy 1000SX.

I had a friend with an Atari 800XL and I was very impressed with it. I 
remember a few demos (one with a metallic rendered robot walking toward 
you, I remember was most impressive). I was surprised that it was just an 
8bit machine. At first I thought it might have been 16 bit! 

> At some point ended up with a Sound Blaster 1.0 in that (Still have the 
> SB.) I don't remember if there was ever a tracker on that, but I 
> remember Scream Tracker on the 386 (same sound card IIRC.)

The only ones worth using that I'm aware of are Scream Tracker and Impulse 
Tracker and neither was around in the 16 bit ISA days pre-386, IIRC. I 
doubt Scream Tracker would be able to function on a 286 anyhow. It puts a 
486DX2/66 at about 50% CPU load, from my recollection. The Amiga trackers 
were more efficient, but you got fewer channels, too. OctaMED was 
8-channel and that seemed massive until it wasn't.

> Spent a lot of time messing with Scream Tracker and Renaissance Composer 
> 669.

Yes! I almost forgot about Composer, that was another good one.

> If you haven't looked, look on the hornet mod archive to see if any are 
> on there?

Several made it there over the years. I can't remember which ones, but I 
do remember one day I was listening to Nectarine Radio and heard one of my 
own Protracker MODs. That was awesome.

> There was recently a video from popular artist deadmau5 where he was 
> driving around interviewing some DJ and he asked the guy if he used to 
> mess with ScreamTracker and all that -- I was pretty shocked.

He was just showing proper street cred. +1 Deadmou5

> Interesting! Never seen the show, we tried to go to it once while at 
> Defcon but messed up on the time. So they're still running it on an 
> Amiga? That's awesome!

It took some extra hard Googling to find anything about it. The only time 
I'd even heard about it was when I was actually in Vegas working as a Def 
Con goon.

> Some of the amusement parks had ride simulators that used Amiga + Laser 
> disk. It's interesting where the Amiga found it's niche.

Ahhh, those air-car-mounted-on-hydraulics "ride" thingys? Huh. Laser disc 
was always a cool thing, too. Remember "Time Traveler" ? That 
"holographic" (it wasn't really but it looked damn cool) game were the 
characters appeared in front of some kind of curved mirror volumetric 
display uhm, thingamabob? It used a Laserdisc too. Of course I loved Space 
Ace and Dragons Lair along with every other self-respecting geek, too. 
Also, my favorite was called "Thayer's Quest" in which you were a wizard's 

> Very cool! I always think about trying to do some sort of music venue 
> with a focus on live music + video recording / live streaming, or 
> arcades + old computers.

> Here in Northern VA everything is crazy expensive tho, so coming across 
> commercial space for pennies is difficult (at this moment.)

Most commercial real estate weasels think you are the next "sucker" coming 
through the door. They seem to believe that some old crufty warehouse 
that's been empty for a decade is actually worth the ridiculous rents they 
charge. You'd think it'd be better to have the buildings occupied and 
someone giving you a bit or two to cover the property taxes, but they 
still don't seem to see their clients as anything more than walking cash 
registers. It's definitely a hard slog to find a screaming deal on space. 
All the hacker-spaces here in big-D have lots of folks pitching in to make 
ends meet. The first one here with an Ethan-style laser arcade will 
definitely get my membership dues.

Then there is the problem that nobody but old dudes remember how fun/cool 
arcades could be, back in a time when they looked a lot more like 
nightclubs. I remember them so crowded you had to go out for some fresh 
air. Flynn's Arcade may never live again, but it's still a paradigm of 
cool in my mind. Then again, I'm probably too old now to adjudicate "cool" 
for anyone. If you do open an laser-illuminated LED-walled arcade, let us 
all know so we can put you on the cctalk road-trip map. We'll rent a bus 
in Seattle, and drive to your place (or visa versa). I nominate Fred to 
run the logistics. I'll drive. :-P


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread ethan

I knew it! Piano, bass, violin, and guitar, here. I play them all badly
but guitar a little less badly. I've been an amateur for about 10 years
and I've been taking guitar lessons for about three years, now.
Sax, eh? Cool. I've never tried a reed-based instrument.

Very cool! I'm a.d.d. a bit with hobbies. On the synth side I recently 
picked up a Roland MT-32, so that was an achievement unlocked. Hope to 
find an Oberheim Matrix 6 at some point.

You have all the cool sound gear you need if you have an ST and a machine
with a GUS! Well maybe an Amiga with Octamed or Protracker, but Scream
Tracker and Impulse Tracker also rocks fairly hard with a GUS, so never
mind. :-)

I started computeres on Atari 800XL, then next computer was family's Tandy 
1000SX. At some point ended up with a Sound Blaster 1.0 in that (Still 
have the SB.) I don't remember if there was ever a tracker on that, but I 
remember Scream Tracker on the 386 (same sound card IIRC.) Spent a lot of 
time messing with Scream Tracker and Renaissance Composer 669.

As you can tell, I like trackers. I wrote a few MOD/IT/S3M files "back in
the day".

If you haven't looked, look on the hornet mod archive to see if any are on 
there? There was recently a video from popular artist deadmau5 where he 
was driving around interviewing some DJ and he asked the guy if he used to 
mess with ScreamTracker and all that -- I was pretty shocked.

Ah... I finally found some mention of it. Check this out:
"The light and sound spectacular runs on a master show controller and
three sub-systems. The controller runs Stage Manager 3000 software on an
Amiga computer originally installed when the show began in 1995. Murphy
said the master controller sends commands to the video-display controller,
light console and digitally automated audio system. The audio system, a
recently upgraded LCS Matrix 3 system, distributes 550,000W of sound
through 220 remote amplifiers located throughout the outdoor mall."

Interesting! Never seen the show, we tried to go to it once while at 
Defcon but messed up on the time. So they're still running it on an Amiga? 
That's awesome!

Some of the amusement parks had ride simulators that used Amiga + Laser 
disk. It's interesting where the Amiga found it's niche.

Whoa, very neat. When I was in college I used to run shows out of an old
machine shop in an industrial part of town. It started as just a practice
place. However, I knew a bunch of artists. They weren't just other college
kids but artists who are pretty well known in the area and responsible for
large public works etc... They all had daughters, you see... Anyhow, they
talked me into letting them setup some art "openings" at this same little
dinky venue I had going. One of them was an electrical engineering student
who would come up from Texas Tech and cover the place with LED matrices
that he had built. It was really impressive tech for the 1990s. He could
do things like color cycling, and display static frames, but not
animation. It always brought in lots of folks (200-800 per show usually)
who were impressed by our tiny art shows with the "Light Room" display.
People gave canned food or $$$ to get in and we raised a bit of food and
money for charity that way, too.

Very cool! I always think about trying to do some sort of music venue with 
a focus on live music + video recording / live streaming, or arcades + old 
computers. Here in Northern VA everything is crazy expensive tho, so 
coming across commercial space for pennies is difficult (at this moment.)

Ethan O'Toole

RE: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread Swift Griggs
On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Mark Green wrote:
> I don't know a lot about data transmission, my main application is 
> display.

Thanks anyway for the informed reply. Do you happen to know the best place 
to view large format holograms? I'm just looking for your personal 
opinion, since you seem to be in the know about such things. I've been 
fascinated with holograms since I was a kid (ie.. the National Geographic 

> The mathematics behind data transmission and display are similar, they 
> are based on wave propagation and diffraction and lots of Fourier 
> transforms.

FFT is a wonderful and amazing algorithm. It's akin to Diffie-Hellman in 
it's magicalness, to me. Without it, imagine how poor (or non-existent) 
some technologies would be!

> The laser power is not overly important, it's the resolution of 
> diffraction pattern or hologram that you produce.  It's a very redundant 
> coding scheme, so part of the signal can be lost and you can still 
> recover all the information.

Hmm, I'm guessing holograms have their own redundancy methods. I've seen 
Reed-Solomon matrices for such things, but that's the only one I know 
about. People write their Ph.D thesis on such things, so I'm not even a 
hobbyist, just an admirer of such tech. 


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread ethan

I wouldn't be doing that.  I cited the cg6 by way of contrast.  How the
points get into the display hardware is still open, but a framebuffer
seems unlikely to be involved.  (I suppose a framebuffer with something
like DVI-D could be used as a way to continuously replay sequences very
fast, but it has its limitations.  I'd rather build a hardware ring
buffer, but I tend towards hardware hackery.)

Ah gotcha. In the laser show world there are gadgets properly called DACs, 
that usually connect to a host computer via USB, ethernet, or in the old 
days parallel port or PCI/ISA bus. They usually have 8 to 24 bits per 
channel, and will have channels for X, Y, then colors (Red, blue, green 
for diode based systems -- or some have a lot more channels as it's 
possible to have different sets of the same color on different 
wavelengths. 445nm blue looks a lot different than the 473nm blue, etc.)

The Etherdream is the open hobbyist ethernet/USB connected device and runs 
around $200. The Pangolin FB3 is Pangolin's USB and the FB4 is ethernet. 
The pangolin units mostly only work with Pangolin stuff when it comes to 
modern DACs but the Etherdream has more hobbyist type stuff using it. 
There is an "industry" pinout for the DB25 called ILDA that specifies the 
color and XY pins, safety interlocks and what not. Some DACs are 
differential signalling for running over longer cables.

The old school Pangolin hardware is called QuadMod boards, so if you find 
a QuadMod card in an Amiga or a QuadMod32 in an ISA PC that's what those 
are. The QuadMod2000 runs on PCI computers, but still approaching classic 
since it was a Windows 2000 product.

Ethan O'Toole

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread Swift Griggs
On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, wrote:
> I live in Virginia but go to a number of events every year. I dabble 
> with music a little, have some synths and midi hardware (and of course 
> an Atari ST setup, and a luggable Pentium 200 with a SB/GUS and Voyetra 
> Sequencer!) Also dabble a little with saxophones but it's been a while!

I knew it! Piano, bass, violin, and guitar, here. I play them all badly 
but guitar a little less badly. I've been an amateur for about 10 years 
and I've been taking guitar lessons for about three years, now. 

Sax, eh? Cool. I've never tried a reed-based instrument.

You have all the cool sound gear you need if you have an ST and a machine 
with a GUS! Well maybe an Amiga with Octamed or Protracker, but Scream 
Tracker and Impulse Tracker also rocks fairly hard with a GUS, so never 
mind. :-)

As you can tell, I like trackers. I wrote a few MOD/IT/S3M files "back in 
the day".

> Hmm interesting! No 
> mention of freemont street but their current market is digital signage. 
> That would have been one of the earliest LED video screens ever!

Ah... I finally found some mention of it. Check this out:
"The light and sound spectacular runs on a master show controller and 
three sub-systems. The controller runs Stage Manager 3000 software on an 
Amiga computer originally installed when the show began in 1995. Murphy 
said the master controller sends commands to the video-display controller, 
light console and digitally automated audio system. The audio system, a 
recently upgraded LCS Matrix 3 system, distributes 550,000W of sound 
through 220 remote amplifiers located throughout the outdoor mall."


> I'm sure you know the thing about Garth/Dana Carvey? Him mentioning the 
> Unix book in Waynes World was a nod to his brother, his brother founded 
> NewTek the company behind the Amiga video toaster and the current NewTek 
> Tricaster stuff?

I did know some of that story, but not all. That's really cool. 

> Also, you can put together your own freemont-street-living-room at not 
> totally insane prices now. I put together this LED video screen [...] 

Whoa, very neat. When I was in college I used to run shows out of an old 
machine shop in an industrial part of town. It started as just a practice 
place. However, I knew a bunch of artists. They weren't just other college 
kids but artists who are pretty well known in the area and responsible for 
large public works etc... They all had daughters, you see... Anyhow, they 
talked me into letting them setup some art "openings" at this same little 
dinky venue I had going. One of them was an electrical engineering student 
who would come up from Texas Tech and cover the place with LED matrices 
that he had built. It was really impressive tech for the 1990s. He could 
do things like color cycling, and display static frames, but not 
animation. It always brought in lots of folks (200-800 per show usually) 
who were impressed by our tiny art shows with the "Light Room" display. 
People gave canned food or $$$ to get in and we raised a bit of food and 
money for charity that way, too.


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread Paul Koning

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 9:12 AM, Mouse  wrote:
>> As far as sending video from a computer frame buffer, I think it
>> might be way too fast.
> I wouldn't be doing that.  I cited the cg6 by way of contrast.  How the
> points get into the display hardware is still open, but a framebuffer
> seems unlikely to be involved.  (I suppose a framebuffer with something
> like DVI-D could be used as a way to continuously replay sequences very
> fast, but it has its limitations.  I'd rather build a hardware ring
> buffer, but I tend towards hardware hackery.)

Given modern processor speeds, an obvious answer is to do it the same way the 
CDC mainframes drive the console: a program loop feeding coordinates to the 
interface.  You just need a loop that takes less than the acceptable refresh 
interval (30-50 ms or so) which isn't hard to do.  Especially since the 
deflection performance is likely to be the limiting factor.


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread Mouse
> As far as sending video from a computer frame buffer, I think it
> might be way too fast.

I wouldn't be doing that.  I cited the cg6 by way of contrast.  How the
points get into the display hardware is still open, but a framebuffer
seems unlikely to be involved.  (I suppose a framebuffer with something
like DVI-D could be used as a way to continuously replay sequences very
fast, but it has its limitations.  I'd rather build a hardware ring
buffer, but I tend towards hardware hackery.)

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
 X  Against
/ \ Email!   7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-20 Thread Paul Koning

> On Jul 19, 2016, at 4:58 PM, Wayne Sudol  wrote:
> Laser technology to draw things like this is used in photo typesetters. A
> laser beam is focused onto a thin (about 1/2" thick)  many sided (about 8
> sides i think) spinning mirror. Each facet of the mirror is cut differently
> to deflict the beam up, down or center it on a sheet of moving paper or a
> plate of sensitized aluminum. 

Depending on the typesetter, the spinning mirror might just be horizontal 
deflection, with vertical positioning provided by the film transport motor.  
But in any case, those are raster scan systems.  It's very easy to scan a light 
beam in a regular pattern at high speed, with schemes like this.

DLP (micro-mirror chips) are also raster systems.  


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Wayne Sudol
Laser technology to draw things like this is used in photo typesetters. A
laser beam is focused onto a thin (about 1/2" thick)  many sided (about 8
sides i think) spinning mirror. Each facet of the mirror is cut differently
to deflict the beam up, down or center it on a sheet of moving paper or a
plate of sensitized aluminum. The more facets you have, the more 'cuts' you
can have and the beam can be deflicted more each time it hits the mirror.
The electronics is mainly used to control the timing/pulsing/power of the
laser beam hitting the mirror.  Using the same idea, a larger mirror could
be used to deflict the beam more and shine it on any surface.

 Think of the scene  in the Val Kilmer movie "Real Genius" where they
advertise a part using a laser beam.

Wayne Sudol
Riverside Press-Enterprise
A Digital First Media Newspaper

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:45 PM, jim stephens  wrote:

> On 7/19/2016 1:22 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> Those have been around for decades - I recall seeing them used to draw
>> things
>> on the sides of building,_many_  moons ago.
> I know that the pen motors from Brush recorders were used eons ago. They
> have frequency response that is very high, and if you had the power to
> drive them would move very quickly.
> Also Oscilligraph motors could be used, and already had mirrors mounted on
> the end.
> Piezo actuators could be mounted on the Brush motors and swung for a
> second degree of motion as well.
> These were in use in the 70's if not earlier.
> Thanks
> Jim
> Gould Brush example:
> GOULD-BRUSH-220-Strip-Chart-Recorder-Model-15-6327-57-POWERS-ON-SEE-DETAILS
> Oscillograph:

RE: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Mark Green
I don't know a lot about data transmission, my main application is display.
The mathematics behind data transmission and display are similar, they are
based on wave propagation and diffraction and lots of Fourier transforms.
The laser power is not overly important, it's the resolution of diffraction
pattern or hologram that you produce.  It's a very redundant coding scheme,
so part of the signal can be lost and you can still recover all the

-Original Message-
From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Swift
Sent: July 19, 2016 6:04 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts 
Subject: RE: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was
Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Mark Green wrote:
> In my day job I work on computational holography and other forms of 
> esoteric 3D displays, so I can give you some insight in how these 
> things work.

Holography is amazing. Do you know much about so-called "free space optical"
data transmission? I worked with some gear a few years ago that could
transmit & receive using multiple lasers at 1Gbit. I was fascinated with
that stuff, but the vendor had their folks do all the alignment and
installation. So, I didn't get to work with it much.

I wonder if you've seen faster speeds than that. I also wonder what the
power levels look like for those lasers and what distances the really
serious ones can reach. Can they still work in bad weather? It seemed like
the ones that I mentioned, still worked in the rain.


PS: It was the May 1984 National Geographic cover that blew me away and made
me forever respect holography. :-)

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Noel Chiappa
> From: Mouse

> my impression is that they're only for pre-prepared displays, and only
> some displays (notably those that don't involve the beam turning any
> sharp corners

My vague recollection is that they could do pretty sharp corners, but it's
been decades. IIRC, they were multi-coloured.

> Turning sharp corners is the hard part with mechanical deflectors like
> mirrors, as it means very high acceleration of the mechanical parts. 

Probably the trick is to do what old voice-coil actuator drives did for
multi-track seeks, which was to evenly accelerate up to maximum velocity,
coast at that until you got close to the target track, and then evenly ramp
down, so that the head assembly's radial velocity goes to 0 as you get to the
target track. (If you're not moving enough tracks to do the whole thing, you
only ramp up part-way, then ramp back down.) The RK05 drive did this with
fancy analog circuits, but these days one would do it in software.

I would assume one would do something similar with the mirror; evenly
accelerate up to maximum slew rate, then back down at the end of the move, so
that when one gets to the corner, the mirror is mostly stationary, and so not
so much force is needed to sharply change directions. Of course, this might
make the parts of the line where the mirror is moving slower brighter, but
perhaps one could tweak the brightness to compensate.


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Pete Turnbull

On 19/07/2016 21:46, Mouse wrote:

You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a
laser beam?  In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be
to take a laser and turn it into a vector display

Turning sharp corners is the hard part with mechanical
deflectors like mirrors, as it means very high acceleration of the
mechanical parts.  I haven't done the math to be sure, but,
until/unless taught otherwise by testing, I'd feel dubious about
clipping the X and Y signal bandwidths at anything lower than ~1MHz.

If you want to experiment, you might try to find the mirror/coil 
assemblies from a Pioneer laserdisk player or similar.  They consist of 
a small mirror mounted on a moving coil so as to turn on one axis 
through an angle of some +/-10deg (total 20deg).  They're light enough 
to respond somewhere in the kHz (maybe 10s of kHz) range if you only 
need small deflections, rather than the full 20deg.  I've got one here, 
but never got round to trying it out.


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread ethan

Killer. I wish we were neighbors, Ethan. We'd be able to throw the most
awesome block parties, I swear. I bet you are a musician, too.

I live in Virginia but go to a number of events every year. I dabble with 
music a little, have some synths and midi hardware (and of course an Atari 
ST setup, and a luggable Pentium 200 with a SB/GUS and Voyetra Sequencer!) 
Also dabble a little with saxophones but it's been a while!

Okay, after talking about the recent roots of that hobby, and in an effort
to keep this slightly on topic, do you know anything about the original
animations used on Freemont street in Las Vegas? I was told that at one
time it was run from an Amiga using Scala "and some other stuff". If you
haven't seen it, it's a giant (uhm, like 4 city blocks) color LED array
and a big sound system.

Hmm interesting!  No 
mention of freemont street but their current market is digital signage. 
That would have been one of the earliest LED video screens ever!

I'm sure you know the thing about Garth/Dana Carvey? Him mentioning the 
Unix book in Waynes World was a nod to his brother, his brother founded 
NewTek the company behind the Amiga video toaster and the current NewTek 
Tricaster stuff?

Also, you can put together your own freemont-street-living-room at not 
totally insane prices now. I put together this LED video screen, it's a 
square meter of panels, the software screen scrapes Windows desktop sends 
it over gigabit:

Ethan O'Toole

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread ethan

Yeah, me too, but my impression is that they're only for pre-prepared
displays, and only some displays (notably those that don't involve the
beam turning any sharp corners, such as Lissajous figures).
My impression may, of course, have been - be - incorrect, which is what
I'm asking for; if you've seen such displays involving sharp-corner
turns of the beam and run-time chosen displays, then obviously my
impression is incorrect and the technology exists.

The devices are called Galvometers and they work like audio meters. There 
is in deed a mirror, and they are used in an XY pair. Old gas lasers used 
a RF driven crystal to select a specific wavelength of light (and deflect 
all other wavelengths.) Those crystal setups are known as Poly-chromatic 
acouso-optic modulation or PCAOM for short.

The current fastest scanners that I know of on the market for laser show 
display would be the Pangolin Saturns. Next up would be something in the 
6800 series from Cambridge Technology.

The galvos can do sharp turns, text, and graphics. There is software for 
Linux that can do edge tracing and send it out of a modified sound card 
DAC (has to pass DC voltage?) to the X/Y scanner drivers. Most galvos have 
a feedback loop for inertial correction.

The laser display world uses a test frame known as the ILDA (International 
Laser Display Association) and there is a performance benchmark in points 
per second, so 12,000 points per second is old spec, 30,000 points per 
second is a newer spec. Now people are claiming 60 and 90K on the modern, 
expensive, quality scanners. The Chinese stuff is mostly 30K and 40K. The 
old days 8 degrees was the scan width but now people push it way further.

Old technology stored the laser show information on various formats for 
shows ... like 8 track multitrack reel to reel, and then the Alesis SVHS 
based ADAT machines were popular for a while. Now everything is directly 
driven from computer.

Some of the old systems are being recovered here and there, and similar to 
vintage computers people pet them and clean them and take care of them. 
I'm pretty certain some old school stuff existed in the S100 world, but 
none of that has surfaced. There is also analog consoles and the like.

As far as sending video from a computer frame buffer, I think it might be 
way too fast. Also, the more you scan and the faster you scan the laser 
power has to be higher. And there can also be issues with modulating the 
actual laser diodes. Direct solid state run at one rate and diode pumped 
solid state run at another rate.

This is a random picking of a laser graphics show, projected on a scrim. 
It's from LD-2000 which would of been Windows 2000 to XP era software, but 
the show is pushed into a card that is a Motorola 68040 on a board with 
RAM where the card just runs the show once it's loaded. Pangolin's roots 
are on the Amiga so I've always grinned thinking they just put an Amiga on 
a board:

There are a few ports of MAME for running vector arcade games into laser 
projectors, the older hardware had quite a bit of flicker.

There is also someone who has rebuilt, from scratch, several older analog 
consoles that had some fame.

China really opened the floodgates with the availability of parts, and 
lots of projectors and low cost galvos. Before China a set of galvos could 
run a thousand or more dollars with the amps. And the PCAOM hardware would 
costs thousands. When I had the argon system I had picked it up from a 
NASA auction while hunting lasers, SGIs, and Suns.

Everyone will probably cry when I say that one of the first NASA auctions 
I went to there was a Convex system there.

RE: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Swift Griggs
On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Mark Green wrote:
> In my day job I work on computational holography and other forms of 
> esoteric 3D displays, so I can give you some insight in how these things 
> work.

Holography is amazing. Do you know much about so-called "free space 
optical" data transmission? I worked with some gear a few years ago that 
could transmit & receive using multiple lasers at 1Gbit. I was fascinated 
with that stuff, but the vendor had their folks do all the alignment and 
installation. So, I didn't get to work with it much.

I wonder if you've seen faster speeds than that. I also wonder what the 
power levels look like for those lasers and what distances the really 
serious ones can reach. Can they still work in bad weather? It seemed like 
the ones that I mentioned, still worked in the rain.


PS: It was the May 1984 National Geographic cover that blew me away and 
made me forever respect holography. :-)

RE: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Mark Green
In my day job I work on computational holography and other forms of esoteric
3D displays, so I can give you some insight in how these things work.

Remember these are vector displays and not raster displays, so the
computational side is not an issue.  You are basically looking at a pair of
D/A convertors that are driven by a pair of parallel ports.  The circuit is
probably a bit more complicated than that, but you get the idea.  This can
be done interactively with no problem.  With a modern CPU you are probably
looking at less than 1% of the CPU time.

The complication occurs with the lasers and the optics.  For an outdoor
display you need a very high power laser, which will literally melt standard
optics devices.  There are special lens and mirrors that are used with high
power lasers, look at Edmund Optics.  The deflection range is relatively
small, around 1 degree.  The limiting factor is how fast you can move the
mirror, which depends on mass and inertia.  With these small deflections you
can get pretty high rates.

Indoors with low light you can get away with much lower power, 10mW is more
than enough.  With this power level you can use standard optics, and the
lasers are quite cheap < $30 as long as you like red.  I've heard of people
using TI DMDs to deflect laser beams.  Even the low end DMDs can display 1
bit raster images at 4000Hz.

One of the problems with this technology is it's hard to modulate the laser
intensity, which greatly restricts the range of colours you can produce.

-Original Message-
From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Mouse
Sent: July 19, 2016 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was
Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

>> You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a laser 
>> beam?  In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be to take 
>> a laser and turn it into a vector display on a handy blank wall [...]
> What bandwidth (deflection rate) do you need?  Full scale in a 
> microsecond?  In 10 microseconds?

Well, if it takes longer than 100ms to replot the display, it will flicker
visibly, and the more under 100ms the better.  In that time I'd like to draw
at least a couple hundred lines, though most of them will be short (line
length maybe 1-15% of corner-to-corner distance).  What kind of
radians/second deflection rates this means depends on how far from the wall
you put the projector.

But, in terms of the bandwidth on the X and Y axis signals?  If we say
200 lines at 25 ms replot (I get 20ms frame rate out of the cg6 for displays
significantly more complex than that - ie, with the cg6 the actual
limitation is the video signal vertical frequency), that's 125us/line.
Turning sharp corners is the hard part with mechanical deflectors like
mirrors, as it means very high acceleration of the mechanical parts.  I
haven't done the math to be sure, but, until/unless taught otherwise by
testing, I'd feel dubious about clipping the X and Y signal bandwidths at
anything lower than ~1MHz.

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Mouse
>> You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a
>> laser beam?  In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be
>> to take a laser and turn it into a vector display on a handy blank
>> wall [...]
> What bandwidth (deflection rate) do you need?  Full scale in a
> microsecond?  In 10 microseconds?

Well, if it takes longer than 100ms to replot the display, it will
flicker visibly, and the more under 100ms the better.  In that time I'd
like to draw at least a couple hundred lines, though most of them will
be short (line length maybe 1-15% of corner-to-corner distance).  What
kind of radians/second deflection rates this means depends on how far
from the wall you put the projector.

But, in terms of the bandwidth on the X and Y axis signals?  If we say
200 lines at 25 ms replot (I get 20ms frame rate out of the cg6 for
displays significantly more complex than that - ie, with the cg6 the
actual limitation is the video signal vertical frequency), that's
125us/line.  Turning sharp corners is the hard part with mechanical
deflectors like mirrors, as it means very high acceleration of the
mechanical parts.  I haven't done the math to be sure, but,
until/unless taught otherwise by testing, I'd feel dubious about
clipping the X and Y signal bandwidths at anything lower than ~1MHz.

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
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Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread jim stephens

On 7/19/2016 1:22 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:

Those have been around for decades - I recall seeing them used to draw things
on the sides of building,_many_  moons ago.
I know that the pen motors from Brush recorders were used eons ago. They 
have frequency response that is very high, and if you had the power to 
drive them would move very quickly.

Also Oscilligraph motors could be used, and already had mirrors mounted 
on the end.

Piezo actuators could be mounted on the Brush motors and swung for a 
second degree of motion as well.

These were in use in the 70's if not earlier.

Gould Brush example:


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Mouse
>> I'm wondering how practical it might be to take a laser and turn it
>> into a vector display on a handy blank wall
> Those have been around for decades - I recall seeing them used to
> draw things on the sides of building, _many_ moons ago.

Yeah, me too, but my impression is that they're only for pre-prepared
displays, and only some displays (notably those that don't involve the
beam turning any sharp corners, such as Lissajous figures).

My impression may, of course, have been - be - incorrect, which is what
I'm asking for; if you've seen such displays involving sharp-corner
turns of the beam and run-time chosen displays, then obviously my
impression is incorrect and the technology exists.

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
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Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Noel Chiappa
> From: Mouse

> I'm wondering how practical it might be to take a laser and turn it
> into a vector display on a handy blank wall

Those have been around for decades - I recall seeing them used to draw things
on the sides of building, _many_ moons ago. I'm assuming they bounce the beam
off a mirror, and actuate the mirror, but I don't actually know how they


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Paul Koning

> On Jul 19, 2016, at 4:02 PM, Mouse  wrote:
>>> Light show hobby.
> You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a laser
> beam?  In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be to take a
> laser and turn it into a vector display on a handy blank wall - but
> that requires some very fast acceleration of the spot, probably faster
> than mechanical deflection can support (though if I'm wrong I'd love to
> know it).  For example, does piezoelectricity make a crystal distort
> enough to use it as an optical deflection element in such a scheme?
> (My guess is no, but I don't actually know.)
> I have SPARCstations with cg6s that I can use as vector displays, but
> they are vectors converted to raster.  I'd like to do real vector - a
> parallel port driving a couple of moderately fast D->A converters might
> be able to do it; it might take something better, dunno.  But without
> the deflection mechanism there's no point in even trying to design the
> rest of it.

What bandwidth (deflection rate) do you need?  Full scale in a microsecond?  In 
10 microseconds?

Piezoelectric loudspeakers work up into ultrasonic range.  A mirror attached to 
such an actuator would give you variable deflection.  So 10 microseconds might 
be doable.

A faster (no moving parts) scheme might be to use Kerr cells.  I don't know if 
that has been done, but from what I understand about the Kerr effect it seems 
plausible that it could be.


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Swift Griggs
On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Mouse wrote:
> You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a laser 
> beam?

Whoa. Interesting problem since a photon carries no charge and thus you 
can't horizontally or vertically deflect it with a magnetic field. I guess 
that's why folks make things like these:

> In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be to take a laser 
> and turn it into a vector display on a handy blank wall - but that 
> requires some very fast acceleration of the spot, probably faster than 
> mechanical deflection can support (though if I'm wrong I'd love to know 
> it).

I wonder how laser projectors work. The must use some kind of internal 
screen like the ones that use "lamps". I'm guessing they just use lasers 
instead of lamps to get a brightness and longevity boost.

> For example, does piezoelectricity make a crystal distort enough to use 
> it as an optical deflection element in such a scheme? (My guess is no, 
> but I don't actually know.)

I found mention of something like that in this paper:

It's in the references:
F. Filhol, E. Defay, C. Divoux, C. Zinck, M.-T. Delaye
Resonant micro-mirror excited by a thin-film piezoelectric actuator for 
fast optical beam scanning

That sounds wicked-cool, by the way. If you ever do build something like 
that, please share some video!


Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Karl-Wilhelm Wacker

They generaly use mirrors -

I would cobble something together by taking the laser diode read head from 
a CD rom,
and removing the diode assembly, and glue a small, thin, front surface 
mirror in its place,

and drive the coil from the output of an audio amp, just to try it out.
A pair of these, at right angles, would give you X/Y deflection.


- Original Message - 
From: "Mouse" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was 
Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

Light show hobby.

You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a laser
beam?  In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be to take a
laser and turn it into a vector display on a handy blank wall - but
that requires some very fast acceleration of the spot, probably faster
than mechanical deflection can support (though if I'm wrong I'd love to
know it).  For example, does piezoelectricity make a crystal distort
enough to use it as an optical deflection element in such a scheme?
(My guess is no, but I don't actually know.)

I have SPARCstations with cg6s that I can use as vector displays, but
they are vectors converted to raster.  I'd like to do real vector - a
parallel port driving a couple of moderately fast D->A converters might
be able to do it; it might take something better, dunno.  But without
the deflection mechanism there's no point in even trying to design the
rest of it.

/~\ The ASCII   Mouse
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Re: LASERS! && Freemont Street LED array (was Re: Cray J932SE (was Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now))

2016-07-19 Thread Mouse
>> Light show hobby.

You'd probably know, then - what's the fastest way to deflect a laser
beam?  In particular, I'm wondering how practical it might be to take a
laser and turn it into a vector display on a handy blank wall - but
that requires some very fast acceleration of the spot, probably faster
than mechanical deflection can support (though if I'm wrong I'd love to
know it).  For example, does piezoelectricity make a crystal distort
enough to use it as an optical deflection element in such a scheme?
(My guess is no, but I don't actually know.)

I have SPARCstations with cg6s that I can use as vector displays, but
they are vectors converted to raster.  I'd like to do real vector - a
parallel port driving a couple of moderately fast D->A converters might
be able to do it; it might take something better, dunno.  But without
the deflection mechanism there's no point in even trying to design the
rest of it.

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
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