RE: Want to move into .Net?

2007-12-21 Thread William Seiter
/I also thought the response was pretty funny.
/I certainly didn't think it required any sort of response from the
/original poster, unless a ha, ha. Do you want the job? you know you
/are jealous type of humor-rebuttal.
/And it went downhill from there.

I don't remember seeing the original job poster reply.  

William E. Seiter
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RE: WOW, what a plight!!

2008-01-25 Thread William Seiter
Sheesh, I can imagine that was a blow to you.

Maybe she will get the type of person she is looking for next, dishonest
'yes' person  

I guess we just keep 'shopping' until we find where we belong


William E. Seiter
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-Original Message-
From: RobG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 5:19 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: WOW, what a plight!!

Wow man, what a story!!

I've actually been in a couple of similar situations myself.  You had 
amazing patience sticking it out for as long as you did.  I would have 
bailed probably after the first week, if not sooner.

Heck, just recently I got fired for being honest.  Yep.  Got a call from 
the woman who hired me, asking how things were going.  I told her.  I 
said it's been a week and I haven't been able to accomplish much because 
of server problems, poor response time, and generally not a whole lot of 
help from her team members.  I said hey, maybe they just aren't that 
good at mentoring new people... though I doubted any of it was intentional.

That was it.  It was as if I had used a racial slur to describe her 
mother.  In short, she said I had just trashed her team, and that she 
didn't think it was going to work out.  Didn't matter that I apologized 
and said hey, I'm frustrated because it's been hard to get stuff done. 
Nope, that was all it took.

So... all the trouble of interviewing, hiring, reading a bunch of 
manuals to get up to speed on stuff, four days busting my butt to 
produce, and I get axed for honesty... to the one person you should 
always be able to be honest with -- YOUR BOSS.

Wow.  Talk about a touchy-feely, wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve type. 
I'm glad it happened now, before I got anymore invested into it.


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RE: WOW, what a plight!!

2008-01-25 Thread William Seiter
Thank you,

I have pretty much decided not to comment to the company brass about what
had occurred.  Like you said, who knows what kind of 'reach' they have.  

I crypted the company name for the exact reason of wanting to keep it out of
print, but I know that they need programmers, and if I had had a glimpse, I
would have had better interview questions for them.  I am not saying that
anyone should use my experience to steer away from them, I am just saying
that if your life is similar to mine, it may not be your top choice.
Obviously they have programmers who have 'worked out' for them, so they can
find a good match.  It just wasn't me, and the thing that hurts me the most
is that if they had been honest with me in the interview process, I probably
wouldn't have taken the position.

My wife has found some long lost family members in the Minneapolis area, I
am not sure we would settle there, but we may be traveling on vacation in
that direction soon, ironic.  

William Seiter

William E. Seiter
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-Original Message-
From: Crow T. Robot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 5:21 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: WOW, what a plight!!

I agree with P.I.  It's a sucky story, a sucky situation that you got into.
BUT - there is a silver lining here.  Not sure about LA, but from what I
have heard from different corners of the US, (good) CF developers are hard
to come by.  You should put this behind you, and look forward to the next
challenge ahead.  There are many companies out there that will appreciate
your knowledge  dedication and should reward you handsomely (both in $$ and
quality of life).

Good luck, and if you ever would like a job in Minneapolis (doubtful, haha),
let me know.  We are always on the lookout for good ppl!

BTW, I don't think a private note to the HR rep would help you at all.  Who
knows what kind of reach this company has, and dragging your own name
through the mud via the written word won't help you.  AND - the HR rep who
let your manager walk into a private exit meeting doesn't sound at all
professional to me.  I'm no HR guru, but this sounds clearly like some kind
of privacy violation.  If it was worth it, I'd bet it would qualify for
legal ramifications against the company.

I'll end with an echo from P.I. - keep your chin up!

On Jan 25, 2008 6:02 PM, Dr. Who [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sucks man...
 keep your chin up!


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WOW, what a plight!!

2008-01-25 Thread William Seiter
I was just let go yesterday.  The reason was simple, but as I review the
short time that I was with the company, there were tremendous factors that
were involved with that eventual demise of my employment for this company.
I certainly am to fault, but just as much, if not more, is the company and

I was interviewed last October, extensively, for a position with Z3NC0N
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (the alphanumeric was added to keep this out of the search
engines), later to become P30PL3 M3D1@, running 37 dating websites.

I was described a position for a company that was moving to Los Angeles in
Mid November, but would continue having an office in Arizona for a few
months.  The office is an open and friendly environement that viewed
productivity above all else.  I was told that I would fly to Arizona 1 or 2
times during November and December for training, but would be posted out of
the Los Angeles office the rest of the time.  

After discussing this with my wife, we agreed that 1 or 2 times would be an
okay sacrifice, for the upside potentials that the position would give me.
(We have a 'troubled' son, so we discussed the travel at length)

I took the position and asked many, many questions regarding the street
address of the LA office, along with other questions, but was given no
response to the location of the LA office.

The friday before I would start the position in mid-november, I caught the
bad flu that was going around.  Even though I was very sick, I decided to go
ahead and take the flight and start the new job, instead of postponing until
I felt better.

When I arrived at the job that following Monday, I was not received with
open arms.  My direct manager did not, at any time during my time there
ever, look or sound happy to see me.  I was immediately given project to
work with and it was, if not said, intoned that I was now to prove myself.
(By the way, the flight made my flu much much worse).  My office was 1 of 4
fullsized 'teacher' desks in a 10x10 room.  My boss sat behind me and to the
left, my co-worker (his younger brother), sat directly behind me.  I wasn't
allowed to plug in my earbuds to help me to focus on the work at hand.  I
was expected to be 'up to speed' on their systems almost immediately.  I was
expected to know what was in my bosses head.  He would give me a task to
accomplish, not respond to my questions, or if he did he acted 'put out'
that he had to deal with me.  

I was also informed that the 'deal' for the LA office had fallen through,
and even though I could work from home on fridays (my flights had been
arranged for Monday thru Thursday), I would be required to fly to Arizona
every week until an office was found.  Due to the increased plane travel, my
flu symptoms lasted until the week prior to the holidays.  I had been told
in the interview (undocumented) that those weeks that I flew, the Friday's
would be mine, since the interviewer understood the extra hours involved
with flying back and forth.  My new 'boss' did not mirror that consent, he
actually considered the 'flight time' to be on my time and when I came in
around 11am on Mondays and left at around 4:30pm on Thursdays, I was

My home life severely decomposed as my son started acting out at school and
at home with my wife.  This along with my severe lack of feeling appreciated
at work started me to look at this position and company with disgust.  I
felt that if I could make it to the Los Angeles office, I would be out of
his direct influence (he indicated he was probably not moving with the
company) and I would be able to concentrate on the work at hand (not having
to worry about my home, my next flight, my hotel, my rental car, etc, etc).

At no time during my employment did my supervisor ever give to me any
positive or constructive criticism.  The last conversation I had with him
about my performance (before being removed), was my asking him how he felt
my progress was.  He said that it was 'good'.  Then five minutes later he
took me into a private room and began to drill me down on all of the work I
had been doing.  At the end of the meeting, I asked him, 'So does this now
cancel out what you had just told me on my performance a few minutes ago.'
His response was that his head was full of some other issues he was working
on and hadn't had a chance to really process my question.

The very next morning, they terminated my employment, citing that I wasn't
'fast' enough for them.

I was asked by the HR representative (my bosses #1 fan) if there was
anything that she could do for me.  I asked her if she meant, 'Can I give
them any feedback?'.  She replied that she would be interested in some.  I
started by saying to her that the next time she hires someone for the LA
office, actually have them work in the LA office.  I started to continue to
talk, but my supervisor walked into the room and broke up the conversation.

What I wanted to say:
1.  Send my manager to 'manager training school', with 

RE: Front end developer to a ColdFusion developer

2008-01-29 Thread William Seiter
I think what I like the best about the opportunity is that this
'entry-level' position offers a very nice vehicle as part of the
Compensation package.  £3 - £35000 per annum + Bens

I wish more companies would offer professional sports style perks to their


As far as posting it on the cf-jobs list, I think that it would be very
related to CF.  I am sure there are many 'lurking learners' here who would
be more than happy to learn on the job.


William E. Seiter
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-Original Message-
From: Judith Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:57 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Front end developer to a ColdFusion developer

Very interesting job posting just came across my desk. This company wants a
front end developer who will work his or her way up to being a ColdFusion
developer. :) I liked that heirarchy! What do you think of the job posting
here - of the way the job is described and the levels, with ColdFusion
development being on top?
Judith Dinowitz
Fusion Authority
The House of Fusion Technical Magazine

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RE: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-02 Thread William Seiter
If this list is going to be created, you can probably break it off into
1.  Dead Beats
2.  Slow Pays
3.  Partial Pays  (Partial invoices, not partial jobs)

I, personally, think this would be a grand idea.  I also think that the
company/client, should also be able to list on a similar system the names of
those consultants that left them in a lurch, walked away from the job, or
did something that specifically jeopardized the job.  I have recently been
speaking to a client who has had 3 people walk away.  As much as this is a
red flag for me to work with him, it also says something about consultants.
Unfortunately, I don't know if it was the client, the consultant, or the job
that was too obtrusive to be completed with.

I know for myself, such a list may not stop me from working with a client,
but it will make me 'stick to my requirements' harder.  (If my agreement is
weekly invoices, the first missed payment has all work stop until a
satisfactory explanation or payment has been received, if it is by
'milestone', no work until payment has been received based on the milestone,

The unfortunate thing about a list like this is that it can't be 'amended'.
Once an email is sent on this list, it is forever searchable by the search
engines.  If you make a 'typo', or if a company name is the same for
different companies across regions, then there has been a 'mistake' that
cannot be 'redacted'.  I think this would be better served using a database
similar to the BBB system.

I know, for instance, that there is at least 1 client out there who would
say some poor things about me, and I about them.  What it comes down to is a
bad communication issue.  (the specs were, apparently, unclear (I had
thought that the client meant something, when they had meant something
else.)  Even though I have billed her for the hours I worked on it, she has
never paid, and never responded to additional contact.  I have written it
off and I hope that we both took a lesson away from it.  For me, even if you
have worked on a similar project before, address every project as if you
have never worked with them on one previously (get all the facts from
scratch).  Hers, be very clear in your specification documents.  And one for
both of us; don't just read and confirm each part of the specifications,
review them all with the other party to verify the verbiage relates the


William E. Seiter
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RE: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-03 Thread William Seiter
I agree that having a union would be good for working with dead beat clients
as well as with obtaining good contracts, but a union should go further.  To
a client, a union has become the essence of 'good training'.  Would we have
an apprentice system?  Would we develop 'union programming standards'?

I think that having a union is a step in the right direction, but it is a
long road to get there.  Maybe we can have a poll to see how many people
would support it.

In the mean time I would suggest that everyone have access to a lawyer or a
lawyer system (pre-paid legal).  This way you can have a lawyer draft a
letter when you aren't paid, and you can have your 'basic' contract

Regarding contracts.  Does anyone have any contract examples that have
worked well that they would share with the rest of us?


William E. Seiter
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Web Developer / ColdFusion Programmer
-Original Message-
From: Vincent Cannady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 10:10 AM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Dead Beat Clients.

Hi Matt, 

From what I read you have never had many contracts but I can vouch for what
Angry Housewife says that I too have been paid when I go client locations to
work but when I am up at three o clock in the morning doing work and submit
for those hours I never seem to get paid even if I email or IM the client at
that time. I have worked in the Contracts Department of companies like
Sprint and Cingular and I have seen them get burned and have to resort to
Suing to get their money back so again I have to disagree with you about
negotiations. A Contract is a contract; here are the three ways you can
break a contract per the UCC -Uniform Code of Commerce

#1 Incapacity- Mentally Unfit to make a contract
#2 Age - To young to be making a contract
#3 Breach of contract - One party or another did not complete part of

So in our case it is almost always number three either the developer did not
do ANYWORK (or they signed a completed project contract)
or the Client Breached the Contract by not paying

Here is the one I find funny- A Client that breeches the contract usually
wants to hold you (the Consultant) to a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement)
meaning no contact with his or her end client after they terminated your
services even though they have not paid you.

Ok. So Jeff has some experience with this so have I, I have worked for two
different Law Enforcement Agencies, Two Different Court Houses in two
different States, I have friends who are lawyers. I am an expert in Contract
Law. And I always look up clients  on WWW.PACER.GOV (Federal DISTRICT Court
Houses Case Party Index) yet I too get burned so UNLIKE you I do not
consider getting burned me not KNOWING how to negotiate. I was my School
Debate Champion and have won lawsuits again Fortune 500 Companies
representing myself (pro se). 

The list she talks about is needed. She also has another point no one has
picked up on, What about us HAVING A UNION. The all contracts would go thru
the Union anynone not paying would be sued by the Union. Programmer would
not need to come up with $2000 just to get back $2500. Instead they could
pay 120 a year or $10 a Month to belong to a National Technology Workers
Union that would have attorneys on staff would could deal with this mess,

I think that until that day comes along we should have this list and if the
Clients want a list of Bad Programmers they had better pay one of US to
create IT!

Just my $10,000!

 On Feb 2, 2008 6:55 PM, angry housewife [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have watched my husband work very hard for three or four contracts 
 in the last six months where he has only been paid ten percent of his 
 total invoiced hours. My husband never signs a contract where the work 
 has to be completed before he is paid, yet every client of his who has 
 not paid uses this as an excuse not to pay because the work or project 
 is not completed.
  The only work my husband ever seems to get paid in full for is for 
 work done on-site.
 I'm sorry, but this really sounds like bad business not on the part 
 the client, but on your husband's part. If the same client did not 
 several different contractors, they are probably at fault. If the 
 contractor doesn't get paid by several different clients, he is
 probably at fault.
 Yes there are deadbeat clients out there. Perhaps a list would be
 helpful. But maybe your husband doesn't need instead of a list of
 clients to avoid. Maybe he needs some training / help in drafting
 contracts and dealing with said dead-beat clients.
 I've done very little on contract myself, but if I ever started, I
 would seek some help from someone more experienced first. Someone 
 Jeff Houser on this list generally has the best advice and has
 experience with clients of all types. 

RE: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-03 Thread William Seiter
What kind of issues have you seen with the 'Tax Man'?

William E. Seiter
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-Original Message-
From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 2:05 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Dead Beat Clients.

Some collective representation for IT workers has its advantages and I am
sure disadvantages as well.  One thing that has always annoyed me is how IT
workers are treated by the tax man vs some other occupations and I think a
collective representation could have the power in numbers to change things
like that.

On Feb 3, 2008 2:36 PM, William Seiter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree that having a union would be good for working with dead beat
 as well as with obtaining good contracts, but a union should go further.
 a client, a union has become the essence of 'good training'.  Would we
 an apprentice system?  Would we develop 'union programming standards'?

 I think that having a union is a step in the right direction, but it is a
 long road to get there.  Maybe we can have a poll to see how many people
 would support it.

 In the mean time I would suggest that everyone have access to a lawyer or
 lawyer system (pre-paid legal).  This way you can have a lawyer draft a
 letter when you aren't paid, and you can have your 'basic' contract

 Regarding contracts.  Does anyone have any contract examples that have
 worked well that they would share with the rest of us?


 William E. Seiter

 Have you ever read a book that changed your life?
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 Web Developer / ColdFusion Programmer
 -Original Message-
 From: Vincent Cannady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 10:10 AM
 To: CF-Jobs-Talk
 Subject: Re: Dead Beat Clients.

 Hi Matt,

 From what I read you have never had many contracts but I can vouch for
 Angry Housewife says that I too have been paid when I go client locations
 work but when I am up at three o clock in the morning doing work and
 for those hours I never seem to get paid even if I email or IM the client
 that time. I have worked in the Contracts Department of companies like
 Sprint and Cingular and I have seen them get burned and have to resort to
 Suing to get their money back so again I have to disagree with you about
 negotiations. A Contract is a contract; here are the three ways you can
 break a contract per the UCC -Uniform Code of Commerce

 #1 Incapacity- Mentally Unfit to make a contract
 #2 Age - To young to be making a contract
 #3 Breach of contract - One party or another did not complete part of

 So in our case it is almost always number three either the developer did
 do ANYWORK (or they signed a completed project contract)
 or the Client Breached the Contract by not paying

 Here is the one I find funny- A Client that breeches the contract usually
 wants to hold you (the Consultant) to a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement)
 meaning no contact with his or her end client after they terminated your
 services even though they have not paid you.

 Ok. So Jeff has some experience with this so have I, I have worked for two
 different Law Enforcement Agencies, Two Different Court Houses in two
 different States, I have friends who are lawyers. I am an expert in
 Law. And I always look up clients  on WWW.PACER.GOV (Federal DISTRICT
 Houses Case Party Index) yet I too get burned so UNLIKE you I do not
 consider getting burned me not KNOWING how to negotiate. I was my School
 Debate Champion and have won lawsuits again Fortune 500 Companies
 representing myself (pro se).

 The list she talks about is needed. She also has another point no one has
 picked up on, What about us HAVING A UNION. The all contracts would go
 the Union anynone not paying would be sued by the Union. Programmer would
 not need to come up with $2000 just to get back $2500. Instead they could
 pay 120 a year or $10 a Month to belong to a National Technology Workers
 Union that would have attorneys on staff would could deal with this mess,

 I think that until that day comes along we should have this list and if
 Clients want a list of Bad Programmers they had better pay one of US to
 create IT!

 Just my $10,000!

  On Feb 2, 2008 6:55 PM, angry housewife [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have watched my husband work very hard for three or four contracts
  in the last six months where he has only been paid ten percent of his
  total invoiced hours. My husband never signs a contract where the work
  has to be completed before he is paid, yet every client of his who has
  not paid uses this as an excuse not to pay because the work or project
  is not completed.
   The only work my husband

Guru Disputes?

2008-02-26 Thread William Seiter
I was wondering if anyone here has had to deal with a Guru Dispute (as the

I was wondering if anyone has any insights on how to resolve the mediation
in the guru's favor (the one providing services)?


William E. Seiter
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RE: Guru Disputes?

2008-02-26 Thread William Seiter

Client and Contractor don't agree on something.

In my case, the money has been in Guru's escrow account and the client has
been non-responsive since I finished the project.  Now the Client wants all
of their money back from the Escrow account.


William E. Seiter
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Web Developer / ColdFusion Programmer

-Original Message-
From: Phillip M. Vector [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:33 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Guru Disputes?

Guru Dispute...

Is that where 2 creatures who don't like light fight to the death?... 
Oh.. sorry.. that's a Grue.

What exactly IS a Guru Dispute?

William Seiter wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone here has had to deal with a Guru Dispute (as the
 I was wondering if anyone has any insights on how to resolve the mediation
 in the guru's favor (the one providing services)?

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Online tests

2008-03-05 Thread William Seiter
I have been contacted by a recruiting agency that wants me to take an online
test to 'prove' my skills in CF before they will represent me.  I took and
passed the CF7 certification exam, however I am a horrible test taker.

I was hoping there might be someone here who can give me some insight on
what kinds of questions will be on this test before going and taking it.

The test is called 'ProveIt'.  It seems to be a proprietary system to this
particular agency.

Has anyone taken this particular test before?  I would hate to take the test
unprepared and ruin any chances of being represented correctly by the

Any help would be great, thank you.


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RE: Online tests

2008-03-05 Thread William Seiter
Thank you,

About 15 or so years ago I had interviewed with Earthlink for their helpdesk
jobs and they didn't want to know the 'book' way to do things, they wanted
to know every which way that I knew how to do it.

-Original Message-
From: Beth Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 5:09 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: RE: Online tests

I am a Recruiter and have used Prove It before.  As Phillip said, make
sure you are going the correct way and not a shortcut way or it will
mark it wrong.  For example, and this is an easy example, but if the
question was how do you send an email in Outlook - you must go to file
and hit new you can't just open a new message.  

The test is broken down my Basic, Intermediate and Advanced questions
and the results will be given as such.  

You can actually go online and look at the information -


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RE: Online tests

2008-03-05 Thread William Seiter
True.  Many ways to skin a cat, and fillet/chop/etc that cat as well  ;)
(No flames please, I am a cat lover myself.)

Thank you for the advice.

Do you remember which version it was focused on?  CF8, CF7, CFMX6.1?

Also, do you have a reference in mind that should work well?  My first
inclination is Ben's CFMX7 CERT dev study guide.

-Original Message-
From: Phillip Vector [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 4:13 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Online tests

Actually, I've taken the test from ProveIt as well. The best
suggestion I can offer is to have a reference book handy. They want
the RIGHT answer even though it may show 2 or 3 ways which would
work. They want what the book says it correct (though you and I know,
there's more then one way to skin a cat).

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 3:58 PM, William Seiter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been contacted by a recruiting agency that wants me to take an
  test to 'prove' my skills in CF before they will represent me.  I took
  passed the CF7 certification exam, however I am a horrible test taker.

  I was hoping there might be someone here who can give me some insight on
  what kinds of questions will be on this test before going and taking it.

  The test is called 'ProveIt'.  It seems to be a proprietary system to
  particular agency.

  Has anyone taken this particular test before?  I would hate to take the
  unprepared and ruin any chances of being represented correctly by the

  Any help would be great, thank you.



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Consultant vs. Employee

2008-03-27 Thread William Seiter
I just finished reading this article on the subject:
It is very interesting to read the benefits of a Consultant organization
compared to a Headhunter, as well as how it works.
I was wondering if anyone has any experiences with a good CF consultant
company? Or if one even exists?
I was also wondering.
I am about to start a position as a 1099 employee through a general IT
consultant company, it was supposed to be perm-fulltime, but that fell
through in favor of Contract work.  I was wondering if anyone has any advice
on how to handle the 1099 situation.  I know that this means that all cash
will be handed to me and I become directly responsible for all taxes, etc.
Does anyone have any advice for a novice at this type of contract?  The
consultant office offered a w2 situation, but since all they offered was tax
withholding, no benes, I figured it would be more profitable for me to
handle it.  Put aside taxes in the form of CDs or such and reap the interest
gains for my own pocket.  
I am also interested in reducing my taxes.  I have had a side business of
consultant work for a while, mainly in front of my computer doing the same
development I was being paid fulltime to do.  Now that I would be traveling
for 1099 status, doesn't that open up my tax deductions widely?  
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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RE: Consultant vs. Employee

2008-03-27 Thread William Seiter
Thank you all very much for your advice, suggestions and input.

I know this is a better question for a CPA, however this might be something
that someone has already researched and can 'guide' me.

1.  My entire 1099 contract fits on one page and only mentions my hourly
rate, my lack of workman's comp, a brief reminder that I am responsible for
my own taxes as well as the standard 'at-will' state text.
2.  I am working for the staffing company for the office I will be working
for. (I will submit my invoice every 2 weeks and be paid accordingly)

Since I have other 'side' clients currently, would the government see this
as just 'another' client of my sole-proprietorship?  If that is the case,
wouldn't that open up my mileage from my main office (home) to the client's
office, even though I am there for 40 hours a week?

Is there anything that I am missing?


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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RE: What Cold Fusion Job boards are there?

2008-09-13 Thread William Seiter
A good manager who manages to their employees and who THEY are (the
employee) can manage anyone remotely.  If they need to be micro, it's
because the employee's abilities/skills demand it. 
It is unfortunate that in my career, I have only found 1 or 2 managers who
come even 'close' to that description.


I see both sides of this coin.  The benefits of having an employee or
contractor on-site as well as the benefits of having a telecommuter.
Personally, I prefer to have a 'blended' environment.  An environment where
although the programmer may work off-site, there is availability to come
on-site for department meetings.  But then, I hire based on my needs, not
necessarily on the needs or the individual programmer.  I will, use a
telecommuter in positions that I feel can warrant that type of arrangement,
but I will also require 'on-site' only as my needs, or my client needs,
require it.


::-Original Message-
::From: Dave Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 2:54 PM
::To: CF-Jobs-Talk
::Subject: RE: What Cold Fusion Job boards are there?
::I don't think the point here is that a project lead or client shouldn't be
::able to ask the developer a question.  That's kind of ludicrous.  However,
::calling and asking a question in detail is just as weasy as turning around
::and asking a question in detail.  And, better yet, quick questions done
::IM usually don't turn into long conversations, like they can in person.
::That said, one thing is TRUE:  A manager's attitude and preferences will
::determine whether or not a remote relationship will work.  It's not
::a developer can do it or not, really (although there are probably some who
::are better off to be working in an office, or not developing at all).
::really what the manager's method of management is.  A micro manager (don't
::assume I mean micro managers are bad) can't manage remote employees - they
::will go crazy (both the manager and the employee).
::A good manager who manages to their employees and who THEY are (the
::employee) can manage anyone remotely.  If they need to be micro, it's
::because the employee's abilities/skills demand it.
::-Original Message-
::From: Phillip M. Vector [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 4:28 PM
::To: CF-Jobs-Talk
::Subject: Re: What Cold Fusion Job boards are there?
::carl starm wrote:
:: I find that day to day collaboration is much easy if I can turn around,
::ask a question in detail and get a quick answer. Again not a requirement,
::but my experience has been that having a team together physically has been
::most productive.
::Just to note, that person you just asked a question in detail to may now
::have to spend time getting back to what he's doing. :)
::It works both ways though.. I once had a client who (no stretching of
::the truth here) called me 10 times a day asking about the project. I
::eventually got it done, but it ended up taking triple the time.

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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2008-10-11 Thread William Seiter
Where is this position for?  What city/state/country?


William Seiter
IT Web Developer / Consultant

::-Original Message-
::From: sharon nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 10:35 AM
::To: cf-jobs
::We need Mid-Level Coldfusion Developers to work with a team of Sr.
::Developers.  In addition to ColdFusion, the position requires
::organizational, development, and interpersonal skills. Must be able to
::develop applications under set deadlines, communicate well with others in
::a team-oriented environment.
::Please send your resume, contact information and availability to
::[EMAIL PROTECTED] . Please feel free to call me at 818-518-5661. We
::are not an agency and we are looking for YOU.
::Thank you.

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


RE: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-13 Thread William Seiter

Some technical recruiters work with the concepts of a fisherman's net.  They
will catch anyone and everyone for a position, good fit or not.

Whenever a recruiter contacts me I take control of the conversation, as I
have gotten tired of driving all the way down to 'their' office to fill out
their paperwork, just to find out that the job they called me about was not
suited for me or my experience levels.

Just one story of why it pays to take control of the conversation.  I was
called by a recruiter who was asking me about my skills for a position she
had to fill.  After about 15 minutes of talking she said she saw that I had
expert skills in Java.  I asked her where she saw this and she told me the
name of a popular resume site.  I immediately pulled up my resume there and
looked at it to verify that I was not misrepresenting myself and saw that I
made no mention of Java at all in my resume.

I am sure many of you have dealt with this yourselves.

I told her that I did not have expert skills in Java, and asked her if it
was pertinent to the job position.  She said it was in the list of required
skills and she said that she saw it, then she read to me the line I wrote in
that resume describing my Javascript skills.  

I told her that Javascript is a completely different language from Java.  To
her credit, she did ask me to explain to her the differences.  I did.  At
least she, hopefully, won't make the same mistake in a future recruitment,
but if she hadn't been very conversational, I would have wasted my time
going to the interview.

I guess I am saying this to you, if you choose to join the ranks of the
recruiter, make sure you understand what you are looking for.  And if, like
so many HR departments do, the requirements look like 'programmer soup' as
opposed to a specific requirement, ask the HR department to speak directly
to the supervisor who needs the employee.  The more knowledgeable of the
position you are, the better you present yourself.  Looking for a web
programmer for a specific company who has to have 8 years of experience in:
CF, ASP, .NET, C#, PERL, PHP, C++, JAVA, JavaScript, HTML, PHOTOSHOP, et al
Is the same as saying you don't know what you are looking for, unless the
actual job description describes why all of the same kinds of programming

William E. Seiter
Need to have your mortgage modified?  
I charge no fees until I am successful, 
then I charge almost half the rate you 
would find elsewhere.
Professional. Dedicated. Effective.
The Easy 24/7 way to get started:
or you can call: (626) 593 - 5501
-Original Message-
From: Ravi Gehlot [] 
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 8:02 AM
To: cf-jobs-talk
Subject: Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical

Just my $0.02 cents...I think that recruiters do help one get a job. 
Yes, most recruiters are all about business but who is not? They try to 
get you in and if they can not then they go on to the next one. This is 
just the nature of their business. They gotta make it work and in order 
to make it work they have to move fast and find the right candidate for 
the right position.

That's fine. However, what I do not agree with is the fact that most of 
these recruiters are extremely friendly at first and then it all changes 
afterwards. I have heard this from most programmers. This is not just 
coming from me. Also, if they can not get you the job that they have 
been trying to then they also vanish without a trace (this does not 
apply to all recruiters). They don't even send you an e-mail to say 
go look for a new opportunity. I mean, it only takes 5 seconds 
right? I took 1 week of my time to talk to you and you do not have 5 
seconds to say...Hey, it did not work but maybe next time?

AlsoI had one recruiter call me every 2 weeks to have me rely 
information about the company hiring procedures. He wanted to know if 
anyone was being hired directly by the company instead of his recruiting 
company. SoI try not to be on either side..I am neutral. But come to me to ask me questions but when I go to you to ask you 
questions you just ignore me? What kind of recruiter-to-programmer 
relationship is that?

This is not an attack on recruiters. My experience with recruiting 
companies is OK. Will I work with recruiters in the future. YES. 
Everybody is entitled to making mistakes right? I am sure they also have 
a lot to tell about programmers too.

This is just my $0.02 cents,

Jerry Johnson wrote:
 I was (mostly) kidding.

 But many programmers and tech types do not realize how _hard_ placement
 work to get someone into a job.

 It seems like free money when you see how much they added to your
 contracting rate, or how much you hear they get paid per permanent
 placement, but believe it or not it is a difficult job.

 You _need_ to divorce personal feelings for each client from the

2009-03-17 Thread William Seiter

Has anyone heard of this recruiter firm before?  I have been speaking to
this company via email for about a week now and they are one of the only
companies that I have come across that will not discuss the position that
they have available, beyond the very generic job description, until I come
into the office and sign an NDA with their company.

I was hoping there might be someone on this list who has worked with this
company before in the Los Angeles area who can confirm that they are a good
company to work with or, more importantly, that they are not.

Any help would be great.


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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2009-03-17 Thread William Seiter

Hey Raj,

Can you tell me why?  What problems did you find with them?


-Original Message-
From: Parikh, Raj [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:42 AM
To: cf-jobs-talk
Subject: RE:

Run away from them.

-Original Message-
From: William Seiter [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:24 PM
To: cf-jobs-talk

Has anyone heard of this recruiter firm before?  I have been speaking to
this company via email for about a week now and they are one of the only
companies that I have come across that will not discuss the position
that they have available, beyond the very generic job description, until
I come into the office and sign an NDA with their company.

I was hoping there might be someone on this list who has worked with
this company before in the Los Angeles area who can confirm that they
are a good company to work with or, more importantly, that they are not.

Any help would be great.


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f



2009-03-17 Thread William Seiter

I found 1 review for that office which described a company's experience with

Do you have any personal experience with them?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:34 AM
To: cf-jobs-talk
Subject: Re:

There are a few reviews of the SF office on yelp...

 Has anyone heard of this recruiter firm before?  I have been speaking to
 this company via email for about a week now and they are one of the only
 companies that I have come across that will not discuss the position that
 they have available, beyond the very generic job description, until I come
 into the office and sign an NDA with their company.

 I was hoping there might be someone on this list who has worked with this
 company before in the Los Angeles area who can confirm that they are a
 company to work with or, more importantly, that they are not.

 Any help would be great.


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f



2009-03-17 Thread William Seiter

Thanks Raj,

I thought it was kind of fishy that they wouldn't give me the NDA to review
prior to the onsite meeting.  I'll bet they keep you plenty interrupted
while you are trying to read that contract too.


-Original Message-
From: Parikh, Raj [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 11:27 AM
To: cf-jobs-talk
Subject: RE:

They want to sign a contract that you willonly work with them which is a

-Original Message-
From: William Seiter [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:49 PM
To: cf-jobs-talk
Subject: RE:

Hey Raj,

Can you tell me why?  What problems did you find with them?


-Original Message-
From: Parikh, Raj []
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:42 AM
To: cf-jobs-talk
Subject: RE:

Run away from them.

-Original Message-
From: William Seiter [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:24 PM
To: cf-jobs-talk

Has anyone heard of this recruiter firm before?  I have been speaking to
this company via email for about a week now and they are one of the only
companies that I have come across that will not discuss the position
that they have available, beyond the very generic job description, until
I come into the office and sign an NDA with their company.

I was hoping there might be someone on this list who has worked with
this company before in the Los Angeles area who can confirm that they
are a good company to work with or, more importantly, that they are not.

Any help would be great.


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Looking in LA?

2010-04-22 Thread William Seiter

A friend and I were at lunch the other day and he was telling me how hard it 
was for his company to find any CF developers in Los Angeles. 
I told him that there were plenty if you know where to look.

I would like to take a very rudimentary poll of the members of this list who 
reside in, are moving to, or work in the Los Angeles, CA area. 
Please let me know what your current situation is: 
- happily employed 
- employed and looking 
- not employed and looking 
- not employed and not looking 

I will compile the responses and post to the list. 

Post your answer here or email me at william [at] softexconsulting [dot] com

William E. Seiter

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