OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Neculai Macarie

I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on major browsers on Win
and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso it should
work with a centered content ( some of the ones I tried, like Tigra Menu from
http://www.softcomplex.com/ are absolutly positioned in page). Do you know such a
menu ?

Thanks for any help,
Neculai Macarie
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RE: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread CFDEV
Hi, here is a code that works on all those platform :

Sorry it's item in it are in french but you should understand it...


cfset path = ../

table border=0 width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
td valign=top bgcolor=FFCC66a href="">
target=_blank  >
.gif',1)img src="">
name=chaire width=159 height=16 border=0/aimg
src="" width=1
height=16 border=0a
 popup('manuel'); menuimg_act('manuel',null,1);
overmenu=1;  menutimeout('manuel')img
src="" name=manuel
width=53 height=16 border=0img
src="" width=1
height=16 border=0/aa
 popup('plans'); menuimg_act('plans',null,1);
overmenu=1;  menutimeout('plans')img
src="" name=plans
width=91 height=16 border=0/aa href="" >
popup('manuel'); menuimg_act('manuel',null,1); overmenu=1;
src="" width=1
height=16 border=0/aa
if',1)img src="">
name=index width=109 height=16 border=0/a/td
 td valign=topimg
src="" alt= width=160

div id=manuellayer style=position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 200;
left: 200; visibility: hidden >
table width=150 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
tdimg src="" width=1
table width=150 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
td bgcolor=#FFtable width=150 border=0 cellpadding=5
td align=left valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94
td align=left valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94
du manuel/a/td
td align=left valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94
spondance des ditions/a/td
td align=left valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94
un document/a/td
td align=left valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94
agrave; jour/a/td
div id=planslayer style=position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 200; left:
200; visibility: hidden;  >
table width=150 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
tdimg src="" width=1
table width=130 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
td bgcolor=#FFtable width=130 border=0 cellpadding=5
td valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava
de cours/a/td
td valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava
td valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava
td valign=middle bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava

div id=indexlayer style=position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 200; left:
200; visibility: hidden  >
table width=150 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
tdimg src="" width=1
table width=115 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
td bgcolor=#FFtable width=115 border=0 cellpadding=5
td bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava
href="" des auteurs/a/td
td bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava
td bgcolor=FFDB94 class=subNava
href="" pertinents/a/td

// !--
NS4 = (document.layers);
NS6 =((navigator.appName == Netscape) 
(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 5))
IE4 = (document.all);
ver4 = (NS4 || IE4);
 MAC45 = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf(MSIE 4.5) != -1)
 isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf(Mac) != -1);
var overmenu = false;
var openmenu = null;
var overcheck = null;
var loaded = false;

function stripCharsNotInBag (s, bag)

{var i;
 var returnString = ;

 // Search through string's characters one by one.
 // If character is in bag, append to returnString.

 for (i = 0; i  s.length; i++)
// Check that current character isn't whitespace.
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (bag.indexOf(c) != -1) returnString += c;

 return returnString;

function getRealLeft(img) {
// Find Position of Image File
xPos = img.offsetLeft;
tempEl = img.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null) {
 xPos += tempEl.offsetLeft;
 tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
if (xPos  0  xPos  600) { xPos = xPos - 2 }; // Move back 80px
return xPos;

function getRealTop(img) {
// Find Position of Image File
yPos = img.offsetTop;
tempEl = img.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null) {
 yPos += tempEl.offsetTop;
 tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
if (MAC45) yPos=menuOffset;
return yPos;

function findloc (imgname)
// Find Position of Image File
var holdingImage = document.images[imgname];
var nsPosx = holdingImage.x;
if (nsPosx  200  nsPosx  400) { nsPosx = nsPosx - 2 }; // Move back 80px
var canvasLeft = (NS4) ? nsPosx+2 : getRealLeft(holdingImage)+2;
var canvasTop = (NS4) ? holdingImage.y-5 : getRealTop(holdingImage)-5;
var canvasWidth = holdingImage.width;
var canvasHeight = holdingImage.height;

RE: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread CFDEV
Hi, here is a code that works fine on all those platform...

Menus are in french but you should understand the code...



From: Neculai Macarie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 12, 2004 03:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac


I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on major browsers
on Win
and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso
it should
work with a centered content ( some of the ones I tried, like Tigra Menu
http://www.softcomplex.com/ are absolutly positioned in page). Do you know
such a
menu ?

Thanks for any help,
Neculai Macarie 
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RE: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Neculai Macarie
 I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on 
 major browsers on Win and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest 
 challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso it should work with a 
 centered content ( some of the ones I tried, like Tigra Menu 
 from http://www.softcomplex.com/ are absolutly positioned in 
 page). Do you know such a menu ?

Try AllWebMenus from www.likno.com

It creates the menu code that is cross-browser and cross-platform
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2004-05-12 Thread Mark Leder
Hi all,

I'm using CFMX 6.1 and I recently discovered the URLSessionFormat function.
I have two questions:

1) What is the correct way of wrapping the tag in a link where there are
already appended parameters, for example:

a href="">

2) How would this function be written in a cflocation tag, for example:

cflocation url="">

Thanks, Mark
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RE: Writing Websites for Phone Web Browsers

2004-05-12 Thread Steve Nelson
This is a little different subject, but another solution to access web apps
through the phone is using VoiceML. It's far more universal than WML, but
it's audio input/output, not visual. Here's an inexpensive VoiceML
application that can tie to a CFML application:


There are much more scalable solutions out there, but this is a cheap way to
try it out.



From: Ali Awan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Writing Websites for Phone Web Browsers

I was wondering if anyone has any experience making their websites
accessible via Phone Web-Browsers?

What I am planning to do is check what kind of browser the client is using
and based on that, they would view the WML version of the website.

The thing is how do you program a CF page to be a WML page?
Would you just use the CFContent tag to specify that the page is WML and
just add the ?xml tag?

What about the dynamic parts of the page?

I'm pretty clueless on this matter so if anyone has any experience or advice
I would greatly appreciate it.


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RE: URLSessionFormat

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Watts
 I'm using CFMX 6.1 and I recently discovered the 
 URLSessionFormat function.
 I have two questions:
 1) What is the correct way of wrapping the tag in a link 
 where there are already appended parameters, for example:
 a href="">
 Click here/a

Just wrap URLSessionFormat around the entire contents of your HREF

 2) How would this function be written in a cflocation tag, 
 for example:
 cflocation url="">

I don't use URLSessionFormat in CFLOCATION tags, generally, since I can just
specify ADDTOKEN=YES. However, I suspect you could just wrap it around the
URL attribute.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Burns, John D
Or you can try the HierMenus from dhtml.com

I've used them with good success on most all browsers.I haven't used
any of their new versions yet, but I can only assume that they have a
broader compatibility.


-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

 From: Neculai Macarie
 I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on major 
 browsers on Win and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest challenge was IE

 on Mac. I couldAlso it should work with a centered content ( some of 
 the ones I tried, like Tigra Menu from http://www.softcomplex.com/ are

 absolutly positioned in page). Do you know such a menu ?

Try AllWebMenus from www.likno.com

It creates the menu code that is cross-browser and cross-platform
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Robert Redpath
I thought you couldn't use cfmail (or any other CF tags) on an error
template, since it might create an infinate error loop.Can you use is in
CFMX 6.1 or are you submitting these vars via a autosubmit form?

-Original Message-
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 3:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: good error.cfm template

You can steel mine, http://www.cfm-applications.com/cferror_template.txt

Tony Weeg wrote:

 a while back, I had received an error.cfm file from someone
 who made it great, returned a bunch of good information, does
 anyone have a REALLY good error.cfm file that they use to get
 troubleshooting information when an error happens... 
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Tony Weeg
CANT, and SHOULDNT are the keywords.

if your mail server is erroring and the www server is erroring, then yeah, I
would say you could get in
this infinite loop.

but, that's all I can think of.


-Original Message-
From: Robert Redpath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: good error.cfm template

I thought you couldn't use cfmail (or any other CF tags) on an error
template, since it might create an infinate error loop.Can you use is in
CFMX 6.1 or are you submitting these vars via a autosubmit form?

-Original Message-
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 3:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: good error.cfm template

You can steel mine, http://www.cfm-applications.com/cferror_template.txt

Tony Weeg wrote:

 a while back, I had received an error.cfm file from someone
 who made it great, returned a bunch of good information, does
 anyone have a REALLY good error.cfm file that they use to get
 troubleshooting information when an error happens... 
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Re: Index Verity Collection - cannot load style.ddd

2004-05-12 Thread Jerry Johnson
Your first problem was following ANYTHING I said.


This .ddd file needs to be in a couple of places.

It needs to be in your collection folder.
 If you are using a CFCOLLECTION created collection, it is probably needed in the collection root\files\styles subfolder.
 If it is an exteranally created collection that you are calling with the external switch, it should be in the collection root\styles folder
It also needs to be in your cf default folder, so that new collections also pick it up when created. (Probably in both the root\styles and root\files\styles
(This is normally found in cfusionMX\lib\common\style and cfusionmx\lib\common\style\files)
If you are not using CFCOLLECTION to create your collections, but instead are using the sdk (vspider or walker or mkvdk) it must be in the folder specified on the command line call that creates the collection.

If you are sure it is in all the places it should be, can you send me the error you are getting, and the call you are making to get it?

Jerry Johnson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/11/04 06:30PM 
I'm also having this problem.I followed what Jerry said:I had already created the collection so I made sure the style.ddd file was in
it wasn't there, but it was in 
well, now it's in both, but I'm still getting the same error.Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
Re: the error template -- 

I have had, for quite a long time, an error template that e-mails me
things from a number of scopes. But the information that has provided
most value to me are the ones from the CGI scope, primarily the query
string and the user agent (is this a robot, or an odd browser). With the
script name and the query string one can replicate most things, and
debug/fix errors from there.

Hugo Ahlenius

Hugo AhleniusE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Officer Phone:+46 8 230460
UNEP GRID-ArendalFax:+46 8 230441
Stockholm OfficeMobile:+46 733 467111
 WWW: http://www.grida.no


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Re: OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Larry Lyons

I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on major browsers on Win
and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso it should
work with a centered content ( some of the ones I tried, like Tigra Menu from
http://www.softcomplex.com/ are absolutly positioned in page). Do you know such a
menu ?

Have you tried the menu in Dreamweaver MX. I've generally had a fair amount of success with using that. The problem is that IE for the Mac is a horrid browser. If you can, suggest to your users to switch to Safari, or Firefox. Either are far superior.


Larry C. Lyons
Web Analyst
BEI Resources
American Type Culture Collection
email: llyons(at)atcc(dot)org
tel: 703.365.2700.2678
Thanks for any help,
Neculai Macarie
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Pascal Peters
You can't use cftags in templates called by cferror type validation or
request. You can for types monitor and exception. If the template
throws an error, it is simply bypassed and you see the normal cf error
(You can avoid this by using try/catch wisely in your error template).
This has been like this since CF4.5 I think.


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Redpath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 12 mei 2004 15:34
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: good error.cfm template
 I thought you couldn't use cfmail (or any other CF tags) on 
 an error template, since it might create an infinate error 
 loop.Can you use is in CFMX 6.1 or are you submitting these 
 vars via a autosubmit form?

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Re: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Bryan F. Hogan
Never heard of that problem. It works well for me, has been for years now.

Robert Redpath wrote:

 I thought you couldn't use cfmail (or any other CF tags) on an error
 template, since it might create an infinate error loop.Can you use is in
 CFMX 6.1 or are you submitting these vars via a autosubmit form?
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Robert Redpath
 I thought you couldn't use cfmail (or any other CF tags) on 
 an error template, since it might create an infinate error 
 loop.Can you use is in CFMX 6.1 or are you submitting these 
 vars via a autosubmit form?

It depends on where you use the error template

If you're using CFERROR and not catching exceptions, then you're limited

But on a server-wide error catching, you can use CFMAIL quite happily

As long as your error code is good, then you won't have too many
problems, but you should really test that it's not an error which will
cause an infinite loop before you attempt to build the email
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RE: Writing Websites for Phone Web Browsers

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Ali Awan
 I was wondering if anyone has any experience making their 
 websites accessible via Phone Web-Browsers?
 What I am planning to do is check what kind of browser the 
 client is using and based on that, they would view the WML 
 version of the website.
 The thing is how do you program a CF page to be a WML page? 
 Would you just use the CFContent tag to specify that the page 
 is WML and just add the ?xml tag?
 What about the dynamic parts of the page?
 I'm pretty clueless on this matter so if anyone has any 
 experience or advice I would greatly appreciate it.

I did some minor experimentation when WAP first came out, so my
knowledge is a little rusty

Using CFCONTENT you should be able to tell the browser that it's using
WML, and as long as you use WML tags, then all should work

Dynamic content from CF shouldn't be a problem, as you can create
anything you want, but if you have content which includes HTML, then
you'll have to strip that out

HTH a little bit
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Robert Redpath
That must be what I was remembering..cferror = no cfmail

-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: good error.cfm template

 From: Robert Redpath
 I thought you couldn't use cfmail (or any other CF tags) on 
 an error template, since it might create an infinate error 
 loop.Can you use is in CFMX 6.1 or are you submitting these 
 vars via a autosubmit form?

It depends on where you use the error template

If you're using CFERROR and not catching exceptions, then you're limited

But on a server-wide error catching, you can use CFMAIL quite happily

As long as your error code is good, then you won't have too many
problems, but you should really test that it's not an error which will
cause an infinite loop before you attempt to build the email 
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Log to database

2004-05-12 Thread Bernd VanSkiver
Does anyone know of a way to have ColdFusion log to a database instead of to
files?I am just looking at options of keeping watch on multiple ColdFusion
server logs to watch for errors that occur.

Bernd VanSkiver
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RE: TranslateRSSItems problem

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Les Irvin
 Does anyone have any experience with the TranslateRSSItems UDF?
 It hangs for me as soon as the script function is called.
 Using CF 5.0.

You might want to re-write out the code into CFML rather than CFSCRIPT,
do a lot of CFOUTPUT and CFFLUSH so you can see what's going in

The function relies on it finding the ending token, so if it never does,
then it looks like it will cause an endless loop
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Pascal Peters
Still wrong: see my previous post

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Redpath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 12 mei 2004 16:03
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: good error.cfm template
 That must be what I was remembering..cferror = no cfmail

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Re: OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Neculai Macarie
 I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on major browsers on Win
 and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso it
 work with a centered content ( some of the ones I tried, like Tigra Menu from
 http://www.softcomplex.com/ are absolutly positioned in page). Do you know such a
 menu ?
 Have you tried the menu in Dreamweaver MX. I've generally had a fair amount of
success with using that. The problem is that IE for the Mac is a horrid browser. If
you can, suggest to your users to switch to Safari, or Firefox. Either are far

I've tried a few menus, some commercial (tiagra and hierMenus), but they don't work
on Mac or cannot be used in a page where the content is centered (Tiagra).

Neculai Macarie
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Robert Redpath
 That must be what I was remembering..cferror = no cfmail

Actually, not quite

From my email

 From: Philip Arnold
 If you're using CFERROR and not catching exceptions, then 
 you're limited

It's not just Exception in CFMX thought - you also have Monitor then

But I'm not sure which version of CF you're running, so I can't say for
certain what options you can use
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Format cfdump

2004-05-12 Thread Ben Densmore
Is there a way to format the cfdump tag? I am trying to dump some info
from 2 queries but they both display horizontally and I would like them
to display vertically because they have quite a few fields.

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Re: Log to database

2004-05-12 Thread Pete Ruckelshaus - CFList
I ended up writing my own stuff to accomplish this.It's not too tough, 
just grab the error output and dump it into a table.

cfset securepage = 0
cfinclude template=#baseroot#/include/template_topper.cfm
	error.cfm - 11/4/2003 PBR
		Global error handling page.Dumps all debug information into the 

	!--- Build the debug information ---
		tmp = structNew();
		tmp.date_time = error.datetime;
		tmp.message = error.message   (  error.rootCause.tagContext[1].ID 
 /  error.rootCause.tagContext[1].TYPE  );
		tmp.diag_info = error.diagnostics;
		tmp.file_location = error.rootCause.tagContext[1].TEMPLATE  |  
error.rootCause.tagContext[1].LINE  |  
		tmp.server = CGI.http_host;
		tmp.data_pkg = error;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.http = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.http = getHTTPRequestData();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.cgi = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.cgi = cgi;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.server = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.server = server;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.application = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.application = application;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.request = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.request = request;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.session = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.session = session;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.url = "">
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.url = "">
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.client = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.client = client;
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.form = structNew();
		tmp.full_scope_pkg.form = form;
		tmp.scope_pkg = tmp.full_scope_pkg;
	!--- Convert structures to WDDX ---
	cfwddx action="" input=#tmp.data_pkg# 
output=tmp.data_pkg_out usetimezoneinfo=Yes
	cfwddx action="" input=#tmp.scope_pkg# 
output=tmp.scope_pkg_out usetimezoneinfo=Yes
	!--- Insert data ---
	cftransaction action="">
		cfquery name=insError datasource=#thedatasource#
		cfquery name=getID datasource=#thedatasource#
			SELECT 		@@identity AS tmp_id
	script language=_javascript_ type=text/_javascript_
		function errorNav(item) {
		 	if (item.a[0].checked == true) {
return false;
			} else if (item.a[1].checked == true) {
return false;
			} else {
return true;
	!--- #getID.tmp_id# ---
	h1An error has occurred./h1
	cfif CGI.server_name CONTAINS localhost
	h2Diagnostic information:/h2
	pThere has been a problem with the request that you are trying to 
make.You have several options:/p
		form name=error id=error action="" method=get 
			input type=hidden name=id value=#getID.tmp_id#
			input type=radio name=a id=a_try_again value=try_again 
checked=checkedlabel for="" Return to the previous page 
and try again./labelbr /
			input type=radio name=a id=a_cancel value=cancellabel 
for="" Cancel and return to the events listing./labelbr /
			input type=radio name=a id=a_submit_help 
value=submit_helplabel for="" Cancel and submit a help 
request./labelbr /br /

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; input type=submit value=Submit nbsp; 
input type=reset value= Reset 

cfinclude template=#baseroot#/include/template_footer.cfm

Bernd VanSkiver wrote:
 Does anyone know of a way to have ColdFusion log to a database instead of to
 files?I am just looking at options of keeping watch on multiple ColdFusion
 server logs to watch for errors that occur.
 Bernd VanSkiver

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Re: Log to database

2004-05-12 Thread Doug James
You might take a look at log4j. This article looks to be a nice 
introduction. http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/article.cfm?id=700


Bernd VanSkiver wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to have ColdFusion log to a database instead of to
files?I am just looking at options of keeping watch on multiple ColdFusion
server logs to watch for errors that occur.

Bernd VanSkiver

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Quick Question about inserting dates...

2004-05-12 Thread Jeff Small
In Dreamweaver, using the Insertion Wizard, if I want to insert a hidden
datesubmitted field and use #Now()# and the database is SQLServer, which
option do I want to select in the Submit As dropdown? Date or Date MS

It's just a nagging question that I've always wondered...what's the
difference between the two? The Help for Dreamweaver only contains the
following reference, In the Submit As pop-up menu, select the data format
accepted by your database table. For example, if the table column only
accepts numeric data, select Numeric.. Not much help there, but I've always
wondered. Since I was using MS SQL Server, I've always selected Date MS
Access and it works, but I just was wonderin'...ya know...all curious and
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Watts
 It's not just Exception in CFMX thought - you also have 
 Monitor then

The MONITOR value of CFERROR's TYPE attribute predates CFMX. I think it's
been around since CF 4.5.x.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: Quick Question about inserting dates...

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Jeff Small
 In Dreamweaver, using the Insertion Wizard, if I want to 
 insert a hidden datesubmitted field and use #Now()# and the 
 database is SQLServer, which option do I want to select in 
 the Submit As dropdown? Date or Date MS Access?
 It's just a nagging question that I've always 
 wondered...what's the difference between the two? The Help 
 for Dreamweaver only contains the following reference, In 
 the Submit As pop-up menu, select the data format accepted by 
 your database table. For example, if the table column only 
 accepts numeric data, select Numeric.. Not much help there, 
 but I've always wondered. Since I was using MS SQL Server, 
 I've always selected Date MS Access and it works, but I 
 just was wonderin'...ya know...all curious and stuff...

If you're using SQL Server, don't pass the date from CF, get SQL Server
to insert the data itself

INSERT INTO table (dateField)
VALUES (getDate())
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Dave Watts
 The MONITOR value of CFERROR's TYPE attribute predates CFMX. 
 I think it's been around since CF 4.5.x.

Yeah? Shows how often I've used it then g
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Re: Quick Question about inserting dates...

2004-05-12 Thread Jeff Small
 If you're using SQL Server, don't pass the date from CF, get SQL Server
 to insert the data itself

 INSERT INTO table (dateField)
 VALUES (getDate())

Well, that's pretty cool...I've just been using #Now()#...I always forget to
let SQL do all the work...sigh...

But still, what's the difference between the two choices in Dreamweaver?
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Flash Remoting NOT accepting numeric URL variables

2004-05-12 Thread Andrew Santos
Hello all,

I have a .cfm page that has a Remoting-powered .swf file on it. The 
file works fine, but I need to filter the flash file based on a URL 
variable, say URL.id=2. The problem is, anytime ANY reference is made to a 
URL variable anywhere on the page, the file returns null values.

For example, say I have a hyperlink in a page:

I want to have the galNum variable read that id number, and then pass 
it to the flash file so it knows which gallery to display

FlashGalNum = StructNew();

Is there a way to pass that URL variable?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Pascal Peters
According to cfmlhistory the cferror tag has been around since cf4.0.1
The type monitor is deprecated in cf6.0+
The type exception (full use of cf tags) was introduced in cf4.5.0 
The types validation and request exist since cf4.0.1

I can't tell about earlier versions as I didn't use them and cfmlhistory
only goes back to cf4.0.1


 -Original Message-
 From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 12 mei 2004 16:22
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: good error.cfm template
 It's not just Exception in CFMX thought - you also have Monitor then
 But I'm not sure which version of CF you're running, so I 
 can't say for certain what options you can use

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Auditing with CFMX - MySQL

2004-05-12 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
Hi all.
I got to do a audit trail report which is keep track what data in the database have been changed by users.
This report will show all the changes to master data.
In order to do this report, I got to keep track every data in the database so that I can know what data have been changed and when it changed. 

Can I know Mysql got provide any build-in functions so that I can check it out when and what data has been changed for each table?

If there is no build-in function, do you have any advise for me in order to complete this assignment?

Thank you.

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Re: OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Stephen Hait
  I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on
  major browsers on Win and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest
  challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso it

I've had good luck with CoolMenus and IE5 Mac:
HTH, Stephen
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Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Matt Liotta
Just to be clear, the general rule on a Windows system is that you can 
access up to 2GB of RAM from a single process. Windows 2000/2003 can be 
configured to allow for a single process to access 3GB of RAM. If you 
have Windows 2000/2003 advanced or data center than a single process 
can access more than 3GB of RAM using non-standard system calls i.e. it 
has to be written specifically to do that. There is an overhead 
associated with all this that makes the effective amount of RAM 
available lower than the physical RAM. 64bit systems don't have this 
problem. I strongly recommend that you use an Opteron-based system for 
SQL Server if you want to use more than 4GB of RAM.


On May 11, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Tom Kitta wrote:

 [Tom Kitta]

I agree with the memory leaks but not with the size of RAM 
 limitation. There
is no problem with going past 4Gb on Windows server. For example you 
have SQL server use 8Gb. For how to do this see
As far as I know same holds true for other server class OS. On 
 non-server OS
4Gb is a limit, like on Windows XP Pro.

The OS must do a re-mapping trick to use memory past 4Gb on 32bit 
and I think this is what Matt was referring to.


Increasing the amount of RAM never fixes memory leaks. Further, unless
you are using a 64bit CPU and OS, then you can't make use of more than
4GB of RAM anyway. In fact, most 32bit operating systems won't allow
you to even use all 4GB.

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RE: OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

2004-05-12 Thread Semrau Steven Ctr SAF/IE
I have great luck with Milonic DHTML Menu at ( http://www.milonic.com/)

The DHTML Website Menu works well with the following web browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 4.0 to 6.0+
Netscape Navigator for Windows 4.03 to 4.8
Netscape Navigator for Windows 6.0 to 7.0+
Mozilla for Windows 0.6 to 1.6+
Opera for Windows 5.0 to 7.0+

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0+ for Apple Mac
Safari 1.0+ for Apple Mac
Netscape Navigator 4.x+ for Apple Mac
Netscape Navigator 6.0+ for Apple Mac
Mozilla 0.7+ for Apple Mac

Netscape Navigator 4+ on Unix/Linux
Netscape 6+ on Unix/Linux
Konquerer 2.2+ on Unix/Linux
Mozilla 0.7+ for Unix/Linux

Support is currently in development for the menu on WebTV and Pocket PC's

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Hait [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT: Dynamic menu for IE Mac

  I'm having big problems finding a dynamic menu that works on
  major browsers on Win and Linux, and IE on Mac. The biggest
  challenge was IE on Mac. I couldAlso it

I've had good luck with CoolMenus and IE5 Mac:
HTH, Stephen 
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RE: Quick Question about inserting dates...

2004-05-12 Thread Burns, John D
Well, one thing to consider is that if you move that code to a server
using MySQL as your database, the getDate() function in your query will
choke since it's not a MySQL function.


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:22 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Quick Question about inserting dates...

 If you're using SQL Server, don't pass the date from CF, get SQL 
 Server to insert the data itself

 INSERT INTO table (dateField)
 VALUES (getDate())

Well, that's pretty cool...I've just been using #Now()#...I always
forget to let SQL do all the work...sigh...

But still, what's the difference between the two choices in Dreamweaver?
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RE: good error.cfm template

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Watts
 According to cfmlhistory the cferror tag has been around 
 since cf4.0.1 

It's been around since at least 2.0. I'm pretty sure it was in 1.5, if not

 The type monitor is deprecated in cf6.0+ 

Well, I'll be damned. I don't use it that often, but I didn't know it was
removed. I just tried it out on CFMX 6.1 and got an attribute validation

 The types validation and request exist since cf4.0.1

These have been around since the early days of CF.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Odd error: 4096

2004-05-12 Thread Scott Weikert
I'm getting a very strange error the past two days. Basically all it says 
is, 4096. The line of code it highlights is the last line in a SQL update 
query, said line definitely *not* being the issue.

I suspect it has to do with the nature of a string I'm trying to update in 
another field. Depending on the state of said string (HTML code) when 
attempting to save, it either goes through without a hitch or bombs my 
server. This has happened on two different boxes, with the same error.

Anyone out there have any idea what this odd error indicates?
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RE: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Tom Kitta
Yes, you are right - forgot about standard ed. limit of 4gb, here are
detailed specs:
Standard edition : Maximum of 4 CPU , Maximum of 4GB of RAM
Enterprise edition: Maximum of 32GB RAM, 64GB RAM on 64bit, Maximum of 8
Datacentre edition : Maximum of 64CPUs, 512GB RAM on 64bit edition
Web edition : Up to 2 CPUs and maximum of 2GB of RAM
-Original Message-
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The other shoe drops

Just to be clear, the general rule on a Windows system is that you can
access up to 2GB of RAM from a single process. Windows 2000/2003 can be
configured to allow for a single process to access 3GB of RAM. If you
have Windows 2000/2003 advanced or data center than a single process
can access more than 3GB of RAM using non-standard system calls i.e. it
has to be written specifically to do that. There is an overhead
associated with all this that makes the effective amount of RAM
available lower than the physical RAM. 64bit systems don't have this
problem. I strongly recommend that you use an Opteron-based system for
SQL Server if you want to use more than 4GB of RAM.

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CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Butch Zaccheo
Is there a way to renew CFID and CFTOKEN without shutting down your
browser I¹ve tried many different ways to do this and nothing has

In application.cfm I have session variables enabled, they are not stored in

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SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Dick Applebaum
Just out of curiosity --

The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.

Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?

Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you can nun 
Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.



On May 12, 2004, at 9:06 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 Just to be clear, the general rule on a Windows system is that you can
access up to 2GB of RAM from a single process. Windows 2000/2003 can 
configured to allow for a single process to access 3GB of RAM. If you
have Windows 2000/2003 advanced or data center than a single process
can access more than 3GB of RAM using non-standard system calls i.e. 
has to be written specifically to do that. There is an overhead
associated with all this that makes the effective amount of RAM
available lower than the physical RAM. 64bit systems don't have this
problem. I strongly recommend that you use an Opteron-based system for
SQL Server if you want to use more than 4GB of RAM.

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RE: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Raymond Camden
What are you trying to do? Reset your session? Have you tried simply using
structDelete to remove session vars, or structClear to empty the entire
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Re: Flash Remoting NOT accepting numeric URL variables

2004-05-12 Thread Adrocknaphobia
You can use FlashVars with Flash Player 6+ like so:

object classid="">
param ...
param ...
param name=FlashVars value=id=#URL.id#
embed flashVars=id=#URL.id# ...

You can read a little more about flashVars here:



 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Santos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 03:33 PM
 To: 'CF-Talk'
 Subject: Flash Remoting NOT accepting numeric URL variables
 Hello all,

 I have a .cfm page that has a Remoting-powered .swf file on it. The 
 file works fine, but I need to filter the flash file based on a URL 
 variable, say URL.id=2. The problem is, anytime ANY reference is made to a 
 URL variable anywhere on the page, the file returns null values.

 For example, say I have a hyperlink in a page:

 I want to have the galNum variable read that id number, and then pass 
 it to the flash file so it knows which gallery to display

 FlashGalNum = StructNew();

 Is there a way to pass that URL variable?

 Thanks in advance for your help.


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Regex Q

2004-05-12 Thread Charlie Griefer
On another forum, a user asked how to turn this string:

FirstName LastName [EMAIL PROTECTED]

into this string:


I was able to come up with:

cfset email = reReplace(left(email, len(email)-1), '(^.*)', '', 'all')

I feel a little cheesy using the left() function to remove that last
bracket, as I'm sure there must have been a way within the same regex.

I tried a variety of things, such as adding .$ and even the literal  to the
_expression_ above, but I assume that means it was looking for that _expression_
as an _expression_ itself.But there has to be a way to say, replace (this
exp) AND (that exp)?or would it just be a case of nesting reReplace()

-still trying to get a handle on regex
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Re: SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Matt Liotta
You'd have to check with Apple on that. XServe G5s have 8 DIMM slots, 
so physically it can have more than 8GB of RAM.


On May 12, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

 Just out of curiosity --

The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.

Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?

Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you can nun
Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.



On May 12, 2004, at 9:06 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 Just to be clear, the general rule on a Windows system is that you 
  access up to 2GB of RAM from a single process. Windows 2000/2003 
  configured to allow for a single process to access 3GB of RAM. If 
  have Windows 2000/2003 advanced or data center than a single 
  can access more than 3GB of RAM using non-standard system calls 
  has to be written specifically to do that. There is an overhead
  associated with all this that makes the effective amount of RAM
  available lower than the physical RAM. 64bit systems don't have 
  problem. I strongly recommend that you use an Opteron-based system 
  SQL Server if you want to use more than 4GB of RAM.

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RE: Regex Q

2004-05-12 Thread Barney Boisvert
This'll do it:

Rereplace(email, ^[^]+([^]+).*$, \1, one)

I threw the extra .* in there at the end because the possibility of having
trailing spaces is always there, and we can clean it up at the same time, so
why not?


 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:59 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Regex Q
 On another forum, a user asked how to turn this string:
 FirstName LastName [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 into this string:
 I was able to come up with:
 cfset email = reReplace(left(email, len(email)-1), '(^.*)', 
 '', 'all')
 I feel a little cheesy using the left() function to remove that last
 bracket, as I'm sure there must have been a way within the same regex.
 I tried a variety of things, such as adding .$ and even the 
 literal  to the
 _expression_ above, but I assume that means it was looking for 
 that _expression_
 as an _expression_ itself.But there has to be a way to say, 
 replace (this
 exp) AND (that exp)?or would it just be a case of nesting 
 -still trying to get a handle on regex

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Re: Regex Q

2004-05-12 Thread Dick Applebaum
cfset email = ReReplaceNocase(email, .*([^]*).?, \1)/



On May 12, 2004, at 9:58 AM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

 On another forum, a user asked how to turn this string:

FirstName LastName [EMAIL PROTECTED]

into this string:


I was able to come up with:

cfset email = reReplace(left(email, len(email)-1), '(^.*)', '', 

I feel a little cheesy using the left() function to remove that last
bracket, as I'm sure there must have been a way within the same regex.

I tried a variety of things, such as adding .$ and even the literal  
 to the
_expression_ above, but I assume that means it was looking for that 
as an _expression_ itself.  But there has to be a way to say, replace 
exp) AND (that exp)?  or would it just be a case of nesting 

-still trying to get a handle on regex

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Re: Regex Q

2004-05-12 Thread Charlie Griefer
ok, lemme try and break this down:

^[^]anything at the beginning of the string that is NOT an opening
bracket (which would take care of the FirstName LastName and any spaces)

+ an opening bracket

([^]+)this is where I start to get lost.I know the [^] is anything
that is not a closing bracket...but not sure where the + comes in inside of
the parentheses.

.*$ a closing bracket, and anything that might follow it (such as trailing

Also, I know the \1 is a 'backreference'...just not exactly sure what that
means.If you could clarify the ([^]+) and the \1 I'd be eternally
grateful :)


- Original Message - 
From: Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: Regex Q

 This'll do it:

 Rereplace(email, ^[^]+([^]+).*$, \1, one)

 I threw the extra .* in there at the end because the possibility of
 trailing spaces is always there, and we can clean it up at the same time,
 why not?


  -Original Message-
  From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:59 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Regex Q
  On another forum, a user asked how to turn this string:
  FirstName LastName [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  into this string:
  I was able to come up with:
  cfset email = reReplace(left(email, len(email)-1), '(^.*)',
  '', 'all')
  I feel a little cheesy using the left() function to remove that last
  bracket, as I'm sure there must have been a way within the same regex.
  I tried a variety of things, such as adding .$ and even the
  literal  to the
  _expression_ above, but I assume that means it was looking for
  that _expression_
  as an _expression_ itself.But there has to be a way to say,
  replace (this
  exp) AND (that exp)?or would it just be a case of nesting
  -still trying to get a handle on regex

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Re: Regex Q

2004-05-12 Thread Dick Applebaum

cfset email = ReReplaceNocase(email, .*([^]*).*, \1)/

is better

On May 12, 2004, at 10:10 AM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

 cfset email = ReReplaceNocase(email, .*([^]*).?, \1)/



On May 12, 2004, at 9:58 AM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

 On another forum, a user asked how to turn this string:

  FirstName LastName [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  into this string:


  I was able to come up with:

  cfset email = reReplace(left(email, len(email)-1), '(^.*)', '',

  I feel a little cheesy using the left() function to remove that 
  bracket, as I'm sure there must have been a way within the same 

  I tried a variety of things, such as adding .$ and even the 
 to the
  _expression_ above, but I assume that means it was looking for that
  as an _expression_ itself.  But there has to be a way to say, replace
  exp) AND (that exp)?  or would it just be a case of nesting

  -still trying to get a handle on regex

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RE: Opening file...editing file...saving changes to server problem

2004-05-12 Thread Nathan R. Jessop
On Wed, 12 May 2004 13:05:50 -0400, Philip Arnold wrote:

 From: Nathan R. Jessop
 I have an app where I'm opening a file (text file) on the 
 server (with no file extension) and displaying the contents 
 on my page in a TEXTAREA.

It might be that the form is converting single character returns chr(13)
to chr(13)  Chr(10), which your apps might see as the wrong format

You might wanna try asking technical questions on CF-Talk though rather
than CF-Community

So what should I be doing to get around this?

Do a Replace on my variable #FORM.textvar# before writing it?

cfif #FORM.id# IS Save
	!--- Save File ---
	cflock timeout=5 name=writefile type=EXCLUSIVE
		cffile action="" file=C:\cygwin\etc\profile output=#FORM.textvar# addnewline=Yes attributes=normal
p class=wdirlinks align=centerC:\cygwin\etc\profile SAVED successfully./h5

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CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Please forgive me for stupid questions, it has been quite awhile since I 
have been able to work with CFC's. I have a getID() method:

cffunction name=getID access=public output=true 
	cfreturn instance.ID 

I first create my object:

method=get returnvariable=formsize 
			cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 

My object is there, with data (thank you cfdump). But when I call my 
getID() method...:

input type=Hidden name=id value=cfscript 

I am receiving the following error:

Method selection Exception.
An exception occurred during method selection process for Method getID 
The cause of this exception was that either there are no methods with 
the the specified method name and argument types, or the method getID is 
overloaded with arguments types that Coldfusion can't decipher 
reliablly. Use javacast function to reduce ambiguity.

The error occurred

Which of course points to the above line. What am I doing wrong here?

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RE: CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Dave Carabetta
Please forgive me for stupid questions, it has been quite awhile since I
have been able to work with CFC's. I have a getID() method:

cffunction name=getID access=public output=true
 	cfreturn instance.ID 

I first create my object:

method=get returnvariable=formsize 
			cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 

My object is there, with data (thank you cfdump). But when I call my
getID() method...:

input type=Hidden name=id value=cfscript

I am receiving the following error:

Method selection Exception.
An exception occurred during method selection process for Method getID
The cause of this exception was that either there are no methods with
the the specified method name and argument types, or the method getID is
overloaded with arguments types that Coldfusion can't decipher
reliablly. Use javacast function to reduce ambiguity.

The error occurred

Which of course points to the above line. What am I doing wrong here?

Shouldn't your cfinvoke be calling getID instead of just get? You have:

method=get returnvariable=formsize 
cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 

but I think it should be

method=getID returnvariable=formsize 
cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 

PS -- Since your method is not outputting anything, change the output 
attribute to false.

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Re: CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Bryan Stevenson
you are invoking a method named get but your function is named getID ;-)



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder  Director
- Original Message - 
From: Cutter (CF-Talk) 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: CFC issues

Please forgive me for stupid questions, it has been quite awhile since I 
 have been able to work with CFC's. I have a getID() method:

cffunction name=getID access=public output=true 
cfreturn instance.ID 

I first create my object:

method=get returnvariable=formsize 
cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 

My object is there, with data (thank you cfdump). But when I call my 
getID() method...:

input type=Hidden name=id value=cfscript 

I am receiving the following error:

Method selection Exception.
An exception occurred during method selection process for Method getID 
The cause of this exception was that either there are no methods with 
the the specified method name and argument types, or the method getID is 
overloaded with arguments types that Coldfusion can't decipher 
reliablly. Use javacast function to reduce ambiguity.

The error occurred

Which of course points to the above line. What am I doing wrong here?

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RE: Regex Q

2004-05-12 Thread Barney Boisvert
Responses inline: 

 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:14 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Regex Q
 ok, lemme try and break this down:
 ^[^]anything at the beginning of the string that is NOT an opening
 bracket (which would take care of the FirstName LastName and 
 any spaces)
 + an opening bracket

Not quite right; should be like this:

^[^]+ one or more characters at the beginnging that ar enot openeing
brackets.That should be a * not a + as well, to handle the case that the
first char is the .

 an opening bracket

 ([^]+)this is where I start to get lost.I know the [^] 
 is anything
 that is not a closing bracket...but not sure where the + 
 comes in inside of
 the parentheses.

Working from inside out, [^] means anything except a closing bracket, the +
means one or more such characters, and the parentheses mean store the
enclosed value for backreferencing.

 .*$ a closing bracket, and anything that might follow it 
 (such as trailing


 Also, I know the \1 is a 'backreference'...just not exactly 
 sure what that
 means.If you could clarify the ([^]+) and the \1 I'd be eternally
 grateful :)

When we stored the value using parantheses it gets stored with a number
reference.Since it's the first such value (you can have multiple), it gets
to be 1.We can reference that value anywhere later in the regular
_expression_, or in the replace string by prepending it with a backslash.
Here's some more examples:

Rereplace(catdog, cat(.*), \1\1) = dogdog
Rereplace('dog', (['])(.*)\1, \1\2\2\1) = 'dogdog'
Rereplace(dog, (['])(.*)\1, \1\2\2\1) = dogdog
Rereplace('dog, (['])(.*)\1, \1\2\2\1) = 'dog

In the first case, we double whatever is after 'cat'.In numbers 2-4 we use
the same RE and search stirng for all three.It searches for a single or
double quote and stores it, then 'anything' and stores it, then a MATCHING
quote (using the backreference).We replace it with the same quote, and the
'anything' twice, and then the quote again.#2 uses single quotes, #3 uses
double quotes, and #4 uses mixed quotes, which DOESN'T work, so the replace
doesn't happen.

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RE: Opening file...editing file...saving changes to server problem

2004-05-12 Thread Philip Arnold
 From: Nathan R. Jessop

 So what should I be doing to get around this?
 Do a Replace on my variable #FORM.textvar# before writing it?

Run a Replace() either way - not sure what format the app which uses
this file needs, but you might want to experiment

Change Chr(13)  Chr(10) to just Chr(13), or Chr(10)

Also, scan through the form field to see if it only includes one of the
values, it might be just returning Chr(13), and the app wants Chr(13) 

It's basically going to take a lot of experimentation on your behalf
unless you know the format that the resulting app requires
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Re: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Butch Zaccheo
Yes I am trying to reset my session and yes I did delete all session
variables... But for some reason the same CFID and CFTOKEN keep showing

On 5/12/04 9:35 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What are you trying to do? Reset your session? Have you tried simply using
 structDelete to remove session vars, or structClear to empty the entire

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Re: CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
The get() method creates a size object, the getID() method get's the ID 
of that object. There are other method calls further down the form to 
retrieve other properties of the object.


Bryan Stevenson wrote:

 you are invoking a method named get but your function is named getID ;-)
 Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
 VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
 Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
 t. 250.920.8830
 Macromedia Associate Partner
 Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
 Founder  Director
- Original Message -
From: Cutter (CF-Talk)
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: CFC issues
Please forgive me for stupid questions, it has been quite awhile since I
have been able to work with CFC's. I have a getID() method:
cffunction name=getID access=public output=true
 cfreturn instance.ID 
I first create my object:
method=get returnvariable=formsize 
cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 
My object is there, with data (thank you cfdump). But when I call my
getID() method...:
input type=Hidden name=id value=cfscript
I am receiving the following error:
Method selection Exception.
An exception occurred during method selection process for Method getID
The cause of this exception was that either there are no methods with
the the specified method name and argument types, or the method getID is
overloaded with arguments types that Coldfusion can't decipher
reliablly. Use javacast function to reduce ambiguity.
The error occurred
Which of course points to the above line. What am I doing wrong here?

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RE: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Raymond Camden
But why do you care about that? CFID/CFTOKEN are how CF indentifies you. You
should not need to worry about it. If all you care about is clearing the
session, then just clear it. It doesn't matter if you keep the id/token.
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Re: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Butch Zaccheo
I use cfid and cftoken for an unique identifier for my shopping cart So
with each new transaction I need a new identifier

On 5/12/04 11:03 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But why do you care about that? CFID/CFTOKEN are how CF indentifies you. You
 should not need to worry about it. If all you care about is clearing the
 session, then just clear it. It doesn't matter if you keep the id/token.

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RE: Opening file...editing file...saving changes to server problem

2004-05-12 Thread Nathan R. Jessop
The other app requires just a plain ASCII file DOS formated file

On Wed, 12 May 2004 13:52:03 -0400, Philip Arnold wrote:

 From: Nathan R. Jessop

 So what should I be doing to get around this?
 Do a Replace on my variable #FORM.textvar# before writing it?

Run a Replace() either way - not sure what format the app which uses
this file needs, but you might want to experiment

Change Chr(13)  Chr(10) to just Chr(13), or Chr(10)

Also, scan through the form field to see if it only includes one of the
values, it might be just returning Chr(13), and the app wants Chr(13) 

It's basically going to take a lot of experimentation on your behalf
unless you know the format that the resulting app requires

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RE: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Barney Boisvert
Then you session is gone.CFID and CFTOKEN identify a computer (they're
cookies), they don't identify a session.You can use CFCOOKIE to unset
them, but that's not going to change anything, because the session is
already gone.


 -Original Message-
 From: Butch Zaccheo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:01 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFID Hell
 Yes I am trying to reset my session and yes I did delete all session
 variables... But for some reason the same CFID and CFTOKEN 
 keep showing
 On 5/12/04 9:35 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What are you trying to do? Reset your session? Have you 
 tried simply using
  structDelete to remove session vars, or structClear to 
 empty the entire

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OT: Help setting up DNS MX Record.

2004-05-12 Thread Eric Creese
I run my own small web server. I do not offer email, just site hosting for the sites I develop. I have a client that has their own exchange server a their facility.They have the DNS for the URL pointing at my server.The site comes up fine.I need to get their email to them so I need to set up a MX Record. However everything I am doing is wrong. Windows 2000, IIS, DNS

Here is what I have so far
(same as parent folder)	Start Authority 	MyServer, admin
(same as parent folder)	Name Server 	MyServer
(same as parent folder)	Host
www			Alias		oilequipment.com

They previous hoster gave me this

86400INMX20 mail.oilequipment.com.
mail 86400INA

I need help!
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RE: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Barney Boisvert
That's your problem.CFID and CFTOKEN are internal CF variables, they are
meaningless outside the realm of CF tracking visitors.I HIGHLY recommend
you quickly abort the practice of using them for anything in your
application, and instead store a UUID (or whatever) in the session scope
when a session is created, and use that as your transaction ID.


 -Original Message-
 From: Butch Zaccheo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:09 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFID Hell
 I use cfid and cftoken for an unique identifier for my 
 shopping cart So
 with each new transaction I need a new identifier
 On 5/12/04 11:03 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But why do you care about that? CFID/CFTOKEN are how CF 
 indentifies you. You
  should not need to worry about it. If all you care about is 
 clearing the
  session, then just clear it. It doesn't matter if you keep 
 the id/token.

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Re: SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Ben Doom
OS X and OS X Server support up to 8GB, so putting more in wouldn't 
really help.

AFAIK, other than the 8GB limit, there's nothing inherent about OS X (or 
the BSD core for that matter) that would prevent a given app from using 
as much of that as it wanted.

Technically, you could run MS-SQL Server on the Mac, but since it would 
be running in Windows in an emulator, it really wouldn't do you any 

--Ben Doom

Matt Liotta wrote:

 You'd have to check with Apple on that. XServe G5s have 8 DIMM slots,
 so physically it can have more than 8GB of RAM.
 On May 12, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 Just out of curiosity --

The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.

Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?

Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you can nun
Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.


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Re: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Butch Zaccheo
Thanx Barney... Looks like I¹ll have make some changes to my code


On 5/12/04 11:13 AM, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's your problem.CFID and CFTOKEN are internal CF variables, they are
 meaningless outside the realm of CF tracking visitors.I HIGHLY recommend
 you quickly abort the practice of using them for anything in your
 application, and instead store a UUID (or whatever) in the session scope
 when a session is created, and use that as your transaction ID.
  -Original Message-
  From: Butch Zaccheo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:09 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: CFID Hell
  I use cfid and cftoken for an unique identifier for my
  shopping cart So
  with each new transaction I need a new identifier
  On 5/12/04 11:03 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   But why do you care about that? CFID/CFTOKEN are how CF
  indentifies you. You
   should not need to worry about it. If all you care about is
  clearing the
   session, then just clear it. It doesn't matter if you keep
  the id/token.

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RE: CFID Hell....

2004-05-12 Thread Matt Robertson
Many moons ago, I made my cart ID a concatenation of client.cfid, _,
client.cftoken, _ and client.hitcount.Once a purchase was completed
I reset the cart id by recreating it.Since the hitcount was different,
I got a new, unique cart ID pretty much automatically and maintained the
ability to tie it to a specific visitor.

I haven't done that in a *long* time, and I don't think I would do it
again.As has been pointed out, there are better ways to accomplish the
job of prepping a cart for re-use, plus ID'ing a computer isn't
necessarily the same thing as ID'ing a person.I only mention it in
case you are in a bind and need a fast solution, simply implemented.

 Matt Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.http://mysecretbase.com

-Original Message-
From: Butch Zaccheo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFID Hell

Thanx Barney... Looks like I¹ll have make some changes to my code


On 5/12/04 11:13 AM, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's your problem.CFID and CFTOKEN are internal CF variables, they
 meaningless outside the realm of CF tracking visitors.I HIGHLY
 you quickly abort the practice of using them for anything in your
 application, and instead store a UUID (or whatever) in the session
 when a session is created, and use that as your transaction ID.
  -Original Message-
  From: Butch Zaccheo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:09 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: CFID Hell
  I use cfid and cftoken for an unique identifier for my
  shopping cart So
  with each new transaction I need a new identifier
  On 5/12/04 11:03 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   But why do you care about that? CFID/CFTOKEN are how CF
  indentifies you. You
   should not need to worry about it. If all you care about is
  clearing the
   session, then just clear it. It doesn't matter if you keep
  the id/token.

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CF Admin Links coming up as 404 errors

2004-05-12 Thread Ian Skinner
This is a little weird, but I have just learned that quite a few, but not all links in the cfadmin page on our new server are coming up as 404 errors.Can anybody help explain how this might happen.

The CFIDE directory is in it's own directory on the server:

As best as I can tell all the correct sub-directories exist where they are supposed to.

The websites in IIS administrator each have the following mappings:
CFIDE : C:\WebSites\Administration\CFIDE

The weird thing about this, is that common links work just fine such as Settings, Data Sources and Debugging Settings.But Several others do not such as Debugging IP Addresses, Log Files, and CFX Tags.Fourteen of the links on the Admin page's left side menu work, eleven produce a 404 error.Why would that happen?

Some specifics:
Windows 2000 Server
ColdFusion MX Standard 6.1

Thanks in advance.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!
- Cynthia Dunning

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Re: SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Dick Applebaum
I found an answer at:


The OS X limit is 4 Gig RAM per process.

Jobs is supposed to preview Tiger (the next OS X) at Apple's WDDC dev
conference at the end of June -- Haven't heard any rumors -- moping for
more RAM support  DB-based file system.


On May 12, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Ben Doom wrote:

 OS X and OS X Server support up to 8GB, so putting more in wouldn't
really help.

AFAIK, other than the 8GB limit, there's nothing inherent about OS X
the BSD core for that matter) that would prevent a given app from
as much of that as it wanted.

Technically, you could run MS-SQL Server on the Mac, but since it
be running in Windows in an emulator, it really wouldn't do you any
good.  :-)

--Ben Doom

Matt Liotta wrote:

 You'd have to check with Apple on that. XServe G5s have 8 DIMM
 so physically it can have more than 8GB of RAM.


 On May 12, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

   Just out of curiosity --
The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.
Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?
Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you can nun
Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.

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Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Les Mizzell

Can't quite seem to get my head around this.

I need to show an event list on a site that always list today and the 
next 4 days. Butif any of those days = weekend - it has to SKIP 
those and move on..

Thursday Listing
Friday Listing
Monday Listing
Tuesday Listing
Wednesday Listing

No problem doing this and *including* the weekend dates. Something like:

cfset now = Now()
cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 5, now)#

Then: show everything equal or less than #enddate# and equal or greater 
than today

but I'm not sure how to go about skipping dates that fall on 
Saturday or Sunday.


Les Mizzell
Do geeks die when exposed to sunlight?
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Re: SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Matt Liotta
I don't believe that is true with the G5; only the G4.


On May 12, 2004, at 3:45 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

 I found an answer at:


The OS X limit is 4 Gig RAM per process.

Jobs is supposed to preview Tiger (the next OS X) at Apple's WDDC 
conference at the end of June -- Haven't heard any rumors -- moping 
more RAM support  DB-based file system.


On May 12, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Ben Doom wrote:

 OS X and OS X Server support up to 8GB, so putting more in wouldn't
  really help.

  AFAIK, other than the 8GB limit, there's nothing inherent about OS 
  the BSD core for that matter) that would prevent a given app from  
  as much of that as it wanted.

  Technically, you could run MS-SQL Server on the Mac, but since it  
  be running in Windows in an emulator, it really wouldn't do you any
  good.  :-)

  --Ben Doom

  Matt Liotta wrote:

   You'd have to check with Apple on that. XServe G5s have 8 DIMM  
   so physically it can have more than 8GB of RAM.
   On May 12, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 Just out of curiosity --

  The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.

  Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?

  Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you can nun
  Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.



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RE: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Ian Skinner
You might try cfset enddate = #DateAdd(w, 5, now)#.The documentation says that 'w' equals weekday.

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RE: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Barney Boisvert
Well shoot.Please ignore my previous email where I implemented this


 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:00 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend
 You might try cfset enddate = #DateAdd(w, 5, now)#.The 
 documentation says that 'w' equals weekday.

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RE: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Barney Boisvert
Check out the dayOfWeek() function.That'll help you decide if a day is a
weekend, and consequently you need to increment your numDays.

An easy (though not necessarily the best) way to approach the problem is to
make a loop from 1 to the number of days you need.Set a variable to the
start date, and each iteration of the loop add one day.After adding the
day, check the day of the week it's on.If it's a weekend, decrement your
counter variable because even though you added a day, it doesn't count:

	// required variables
	startDate = now();
	numDays = 5;
	// calulate end
	endDate = startDate;
	for (i = 1; i LTE numDays; i = i + 1) {
		endDate = dateAdd(d, 1, endDate);
		if (listFind(1,7, dayOfWeek(endDate)) GT 0) {
			numDays = numDays + 1;


 -Original Message-
 From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:51 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend
 Can't quite seem to get my head around this.
 I need to show an event list on a site that always list today and the 
 next 4 days. Butif any of those days = weekend - it has to SKIP 
 those and move on..
 Thursday Listing
 Friday Listing
 Monday Listing
 Tuesday Listing
 Wednesday Listing
 No problem doing this and *including* the weekend dates. 
 Something like:
 cfset now = Now()
 cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 5, now)#
 Then: show everything equal or less than #enddate# and equal 
 or greater 
 than today
 but I'm not sure how to go about skipping dates that fall on 
 Saturday or Sunday.
 Les Mizzell
 Do geeks die when exposed to sunlight?

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Re: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Jeff Garza
Use the Dayofweek() function to figure out what day today is (1-7) and then SWITCH/CASE through any days that might be affected.

CFSET Now = Now()
CFSET dowToday = DayOfWeek(Now)
CFSWITCH _expression_=#dowToday#
!--- Sunday ---
CFCASE value=1cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 5, now)#/CFCASE
!--- Monday---
CFCASE value=2cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 5, now)#/CFCASE
!--- Tuesday---
CFCASE value=3cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 6, now)#/CFCASE
!--- Wednesday---
CFCASE value=4cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 6, now)#/CFCASE
!--- Thursday---
CFCASE value=5cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 6, now)#/CFCASE
!--- Friday---
CFCASE value=6cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 6, now)#/CFCASE
!--- Saturday---
CFCASE value=7cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 6, now)#/CFCASE

Kinda ugly but it should work.This is untested code so you might have to tweak the number of days to add to get it working right.


Jeff Garza
- Original Message - 
From: Les Mizzell 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:50 PM
Subject: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend


Can't quite seem to get my head around this.

I need to show an event list on a site that always list today and the 
next 4 days. Butif any of those days = weekend - it has to SKIP 
those and move on..

Thursday Listing
Friday Listing
Monday Listing
Tuesday Listing
Wednesday Listing

No problem doing this and *including* the weekend dates. Something like:

cfset now = Now()
cfset enddate = #DateAdd(d, 5, now)#

Then: show everything equal or less than #enddate# and equal or greater 
than today

but I'm not sure how to go about skipping dates that fall on 
Saturday or Sunday.


Les Mizzell
Do geeks die when exposed to sunlight?
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RE: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Ian Skinner

Maybe not completely ignore.If Les does not desire to display the days Saturday or Sunday, then a quick check of the dayofweek of each day as it's displayed will skip over them.Something basically like this

loop from now() to dateAdd(w,5,now()) as indexDay
 if dayOfWeek(indexDay) NEQ 1 and dayOfWeek(indexDay) NEQ 7
display events
skip day
end loop

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RE: Help setting up DNS MX Record.

2004-05-12 Thread Emmet McGovern
When you say pointing, do you mean using your server as the nameserver with their registrar? Is your server registered with your registrar as a nameserver?

If that's the case, then you just need to create an Host (A) record for mail that points to that ip (, then create the mx record to point to mail.oilequipment.com


From: Eric Creese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Help setting up DNS MX Record.

I run my own small web server. I do not offer email, just site hosting for the sites I develop. I have a client that has their own exchange server a their facility.They have the DNS for the URL pointing at my server.  The site comes up fine.  I need to get their email to them so I need to set up a MX Record. However everything I am doing is wrong. Windows 2000, IIS, DNS

Here is what I have so far
(same as parent folder) Start Authority MyServer, admin
(same as parent folder) Name Server MyServer
(same as parent folder) Host
www Alias oilequipment.com

They previous hoster gave me this

86400   IN  MX  20 mail.oilequipment.com.
mail    86400   IN  A

I need help!

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Re: CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Doug James
Off the top of my head, I believe cfinvoke creates a component and 
calls the method then releases the component for garbage collection. Try 
creating the component, with CreateObject() for example, and then 
calling the methods.
For example:
cfcSize = 
formsize = cfcSize.get(ID);
input type=Hidden name=id 


Cutter (CF-Talk) wrote:

The get() method creates a size object, the getID() method get's the ID 
of that object. There are other method calls further down the form to 
retrieve other properties of the object.


Bryan Stevenson wrote:

you are invoking a method named get but your function is named getID ;-)



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder  Director
- Original Message -
From: Cutter (CF-Talk)
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: CFC issues

Please forgive me for stupid questions, it has been quite awhile since I
 have been able to work with CFC's. I have a getID() method:

cffunction name=getID access=public output=true
cfreturn instance.ID 

I first create my object:


method=get returnvariable=formsize 
cfinvokeargument name=ID value=#url.id# 

My object is there, with data (thank you cfdump). But when I call my
getID() method...:

input type=Hidden name=id value=cfscript

I am receiving the following error:

Method selection Exception.
An exception occurred during method selection process for Method getID
The cause of this exception was that either there are no methods with
the the specified method name and argument types, or the method getID is
overloaded with arguments types that Coldfusion can't decipher
reliablly. Use javacast function to reduce ambiguity.

The error occurred

Which of course points to the above line. What am I doing wrong here?



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RE: CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Raymond Camden
Just as an aside, yes, the normal use of cfinvoke is such that it creates a
new instance each time. However, you can also pass an instance of a CFC to
cfinvoke, and in that case the existing CFC will be used. (Of course, you
still have to create the CFC beforehand.)
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Re: SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Dick Applebaum
According to this article it is an OS X limitation, not a G5/G4 



On May 12, 2004, at 12:58 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 I don't believe that is true with the G5; only the G4.


On May 12, 2004, at 3:45 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

 I found an answer at:


  The OS X limit is 4 Gig RAM per process.

  Jobs is supposed to preview Tiger (the next OS X) at Apple's WDDC
  conference at the end of June -- Haven't heard any rumors -- moping
  more RAM support  DB-based file system.


  On May 12, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Ben Doom wrote:

   OS X and OS X Server support up to 8GB, so putting more in 
really help.
AFAIK, other than the 8GB limit, there's nothing inherent about 
the BSD core for that matter) that would prevent a given app 
as much of that as it wanted.
Technically, you could run MS-SQL Server on the Mac, but since 
be running in Windows in an emulator, it really wouldn't do you 
good.  :-)
--Ben Doom
Matt Liotta wrote:
 You'd have to check with Apple on that. XServe G5s have 8 
 so physically it can have more than 8GB of RAM.


 On May 12, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

   Just out of curiosity --
The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.
Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?
Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you can 
Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.

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OS RAM was Re: SOT: Mac RAM was Re: The other shoe drops

2004-05-12 Thread Matt Liotta
I changed the subject again since the article referenced does an 
excellent job of explaining how much RAM can be allocated for a given 
process on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. As such, it would appear some 
of the earlier numbers mentioned in regard to Windows aren't 
practically correct.

For those that don't want to read the two page article that mostly 
covers Mac OS X, I'll quote one of the more useful paragraphs.

However, as far as 32-bit OSes go, Mac OS X is actually somewhat ahead 
in the memory game. The virtual address space available to an 
application is close to 4GB, which is more than the 2GB Windows 
provides and the 3GB Linux provides. And the Mac's contiguous address 
space of 2.25GB exceeds the 1.5-1.7GB on Windows and the 2GB for Linux. 
Furthermore, Apple will not require you to shell out big money for some 
Advanced Server version of its OS if you want to install more than 
4GB of physical memory in your machine, which is what Microsoft and Red 
Hat want you to do.


On May 12, 2004, at 5:37 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

 According to this article it is an OS X limitation, not a G5/G4



On May 12, 2004, at 12:58 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 I don't believe that is true with the G5; only the G4.


  On May 12, 2004, at 3:45 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

   I found an answer at:
The OS X limit is 4 Gig RAM per process.
Jobs is supposed to preview Tiger (the next OS X) at Apple's 
conference at the end of June -- Haven't heard any rumors -- 
more RAM support  DB-based file system.
On May 12, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Ben Doom wrote:
 OS X and OS X Server support up to 8GB, so putting more in
  really help.

  AFAIK, other than the 8GB limit, there's nothing inherent 
  the BSD core for that matter) that would prevent a given app
  as much of that as it wanted.

  Technically, you could run MS-SQL Server on the Mac, but 
  be running in Windows in an emulator, it really wouldn't do 
  good.  :-)

  --Ben Doom

  Matt Liotta wrote:

   You'd have to check with Apple on that. XServe G5s have 8
   so physically it can have more than 8GB of RAM.
   On May 12, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 Just out of curiosity --

  The Mac XServe G% is 64 bit and can have 8 Gig RAM.

  Is there anything in OS X that limits the RAM use?

  Of course, you can't run SQL-Server on a MAc, but you 
  Sybase_ASE, Oracle 9i. PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.




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ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks and Community week.

2004-05-12 Thread Michael Smith
In case you haven't heard about this yet.

On Wednesday, May 19th, come see the Macromedia Worldwide User Group meeting
for sneak peaks of new products. During the rest of the week of May 17th
attend chats and seminars online with Macromedia product managers.

For more details and speakers go to http://www.cfconf.org/CommunityWeek/
and click on the Community Week logo on the top left of the page.

When: Wednesday, May 19th, 2004, 6:30 PM

Where: At a Macromedia user group near you (see URL above for listing).

Some of Macromedia's Product Managers will be broadcasting to us (and other
user groups around the world) via Breeze Live, with never seen before sneak
peaks on upcoming product releases!

I would love to tell you more but I have no CLUE!!! That's because this stuff
is top secret. Members of Team Macromedia don't know. User Group Managers don't
know. Only Macromedia knows what will be shown. And you can be among the first
outside Macromedia to learn about the new stuff!

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out http://www.teratech.com/ - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185Thanks!
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Re: Next X days - but SKIP the weekend....

2004-05-12 Thread Les Mizzell
What I got to work was to do a query returning the next 7 days, and then 
filter the results with the dayOfWeek function.

cfoutput query=myquery
cfif dayOfWeek(myquery.Event_Date) NEQ 1
 and dayOfWeek(myquery.Event_Date) NEQ 7



Thanks to all that replied - great help!

Les Mizzell
Do geeks die when exposed to sunlight?
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Re: OT: Help setting up DNS MX Record.

2004-05-12 Thread Cary Gordon
I suggest that you move your dns to an easy to use, free service like 

We do it the old fashioned way - BIND on Linux, but there is no need for 
you to get that involved if it is not needed in you business.

If you do want to learn the nitty gritty, get Cricket Liu's DNS  BIND from 

If you need further help, contact me offlist.

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

At 01:12 PM 5/12/2004 -0500, you wrote:
I run my own small web server. I do not offer email, just site hosting for 
the sites I develop. I have a client that has their own exchange server a 
their facility.They have the DNS for the URL pointing at my server.The 
site comes up fine.I need to get their email to them so I need to set up 
a MX Record. However everything I am doing is wrong. Windows 2000, IIS, DNS

Here is what I have so far
(same as parent folder)Start Authority MyServer, admin
(same as parent folder)Name Server MyServer
(same as parent folder)Host24.106.39.122

They previous hoster gave me this

86400INMX20 mail.oilequipment.com.
mail 86400INA

I need help!
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Re: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks and Community week.

2004-05-12 Thread Irvin Gomez
If history is any indicator, 4/5 of whatever they announce will be garbage.

No reason to get too excited.


In case you haven't heard about this yet.

On Wednesday, May 19th, come see the Macromedia Worldwide User Group meeting
for sneak peaks of new products. During the rest of the week of May 17th
attend chats and seminars online with Macromedia product managers.

For more details and speakers go to http://www.cfconf.org/CommunityWeek/
and click on the Community Week logo on the top left of the page.

When: Wednesday, May 19th, 2004, 6:30 PM

Where: At a Macromedia user group near you (see URL above for listing).

Some of Macromedia's Product Managers will be broadcasting to us (and other
user groups around the world) via Breeze Live, with never seen before sneak
peaks on upcoming product releases!

I would love to tell you more but I have no CLUE!!! That's because this stuff
is top secret. Members of Team Macromedia don't know. User Group Managers don't
know. Only Macromedia knows what will be shown. And you can be among the first
outside Macromedia to learn about the new stuff!

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out http://www.teratech.com/ - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185Thanks!
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Re: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks and Community week.

2004-05-12 Thread Adrocknaphobia
Jeah, that last one was pretty pointless. They just kept going on and on about CSS.. you'd think they had just invented it!


 -Original Message-
 From: Irvin Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:29 PM
 To: 'CF-Talk'
 Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks and Community week.
 If history is any indicator, 4/5 of whatever they announce will be garbage.
 No reason to get too excited.
 In case you haven't heard about this yet.
 On Wednesday, May 19th, come see the Macromedia Worldwide User Group meeting
 for sneak peaks of new products. During the rest of the week of May 17th
 attend chats and seminars online with Macromedia product managers.
 For more details and speakers go to http://www.cfconf.org/CommunityWeek/
 and click on the Community Week logo on the top left of the page.
 When: Wednesday, May 19th, 2004, 6:30 PM
 Where: At a Macromedia user group near you (see URL above for listing).
 Some of Macromedia's Product Managers will be broadcasting to us (and other
 user groups around the world) via Breeze Live, with never seen before sneak
 peaks on upcoming product releases!
 I would love to tell you more but I have no CLUE!!! That's because this stuff
 is top secret. Members of Team Macromedia don't know. User Group Managers don't
 know. Only Macromedia knows what will be shown. And you can be among the first
 outside Macromedia to learn about the new stuff!
 Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
 TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
 CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
 405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
 Please check out http://www.teratech.com/ - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
 or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
 +1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185Thanks!

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Re: Help setting up DNS MX Record.

2004-05-12 Thread Jim McAtee
This doesn't quite make sense.If, as you say, They have the DNS for the
URL pointing at my server, then it implies that the customer (or their
ISP or someone else) is doing DNS for the domain.So you shouldn't have
to set up DNS records locally.Whoever is doing DNS for the domain should
set up the MX record and you get their email to them by the same means
as any other domain - through a relaying SMTP server that will look up the
MX record at the authoritative name servers for the domain.

- Original Message - 
From: Eric Creese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:12 PM
Subject: OT: Help setting up DNS MX Record.

 I run my own small web server. I do not offer email, just site hosting
for the sites I develop. I have a client that has their own exchange
server a their facility.They have the DNS for the URL pointing at my
server.The site comes up fine.I need to get their email to them so I
need to set up a MX Record. However everything I am doing is wrong.
Windows 2000, IIS, DNS

 Here is what I have so far
 (same as parent folder) Start Authority MyServer, admin
 (same as parent folder) Name Server MyServer
 (same as parent folder) Host
 www Alias oilequipment.com

 They previous hoster gave me this

 86400INMX20 mail.oilequipment.com.
 mail 86400INA

 I need help!
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Shanje refugees

2004-05-12 Thread Karl Simanonok
I was just notified today that Shanje.com will no longer be supporting its 
ColdFusion customers after June 1.They even have a web page where they 
seem to seriously suggest that I should drop everything else I'm doing and 
rewrite tens of thousands of good, functioning CF code before June 1 so 
that I may have the privilege of migrating to their new .NET platform.

Can anyone suggest an alternative CF host that has most of the best 
features that Shanje.com offered?I need SQL Server support and lots of 
domains and subdomains hopefully without getting nickel-and-dimed to death 
for each new database, domain and email address I set up.I liked Shanje's 
Web Control Panel even if it was a bit clunky.


Karl S.
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CFFile and Word/PDF document

2004-05-12 Thread sam komolafe
Hi All,

How do I View/Display Microsoft Word and/or PDF documents I retrived using CFFILEinto my coldfusion template?

[This E-mail scanned for viruses.]
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RE: Shanje refugees

2004-05-12 Thread CFDEV
i'm using efree2net.com and it's quite good.



From: Karl Simanonok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 12, 2004 20:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Shanje refugees

I was just notified today that Shanje.com will no longer be supporting its 
ColdFusion customers after June 1.They even have a web page where they 
seem to seriously suggest that I should drop everything else I'm doing and 
rewrite tens of thousands of good, functioning CF code before June 1 so 
that I may have the privilege of migrating to their new .NET platform.

Can anyone suggest an alternative CF host that has most of the best 
features that Shanje.com offered?I need SQL Server support and lots of 
domains and subdomains hopefully without getting nickel-and-dimed to death 
for each new database, domain and email address I set up.I liked Shanje's 
Web Control Panel even if it was a bit clunky.


Karl S. 
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Re: Format cfdump

2004-05-12 Thread JerryEla
Here is dump as a custom tag. I use this in CF 4.5.Just rewrite the 
part the displays quereies.

Ben Densmore wrote:

 Is there a way to format the cfdump tag? I am trying to dump some info
 from 2 queries but they both display horizontally and I would like them
 to display vertically because they have quite a few fields.


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RE: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks and Community week.

2004-05-12 Thread Mike Kear
It costs me half a day's production from my one-man shop because I have to
make a 1.5 hour trip each way.They are therefore quite expensive for me,
even though there's no ticket price.So I don't go to these things unless
they give some idea of what it's about. The last one I went to was not
quite a waste of time, but was ruined by poor sound hookup, and right at a
critical point in the QA, when a question was asked I needed the answer to,
someone decided that was a good time to finish the presentation and started
making noise handing out tshirts and pens and other stuff.So the thing I'd
travelled all that way to find out about, was the very thing I didn't get to

Unless I hear something about what's in the meeting I wont be going.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks

http://afpwebworks.com http://afpwebworks.com/ 


From: Adrocknaphobia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 13 May 2004 9:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks
and Community week.

Jeah, that last one was pretty pointless. They just kept going on and on
about CSS.. you'd think they had just invented it!


 -Original Message-
 From: Irvin Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:29 PM
 To: 'CF-Talk'
 Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak
peaks and Community week.
 If history is any indicator, 4/5 of whatever they announce will be
 No reason to get too excited.
 In case you haven't heard about this yet.
 On Wednesday, May 19th, come see the Macromedia Worldwide User Group
 for sneak peaks of new products. During the rest of the week of May 17th
 attend chats and seminars online with Macromedia product managers.
 For more details and speakers go to http://www.cfconf.org/CommunityWeek/
 and click on the Community Week logo on the top left of the page.
 When: Wednesday, May 19th, 2004, 6:30 PM
 Where: At a Macromedia user group near you (see URL above for listing).
 Some of Macromedia's Product Managers will be broadcasting to us (and
 user groups around the world) via Breeze Live, with never seen before
 peaks on upcoming product releases!
 I would love to tell you more but I have no CLUE!!! That's because this
 is top secret. Members of Team Macromedia don't know. User Group Managers
 know. Only Macromedia knows what will be shown. And you can be among the
 outside Macromedia to learn about the new stuff!
 Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
 TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
 CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
 405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
 Please check out http://www.teratech.com/ - email
 or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
 +1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185Thanks!

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FW: Consuming XML Webservice Problem

2004-05-12 Thread Shawn Contreras
I am consuming an XML Webservice for a company and having a problem. All
works well with the code below except, one of the items in the loop are
null therefore HOW do I write code that says if there is no data, skip
to the next field and so on In this case there is a CompanyName but no
FirstName, no LastName, but there is a Phone.

cfloop from=1 to=#ArrayLen(FAQList)# index=i
table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 td width=25nbsp;/td
 td width=250#FAQList[i].Company.CompanyName.xmltext#/td
 td width=200#FAQList[i].FirstName.xmltext#
 td width=25nbsp;/td

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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