Re: VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Kay Smoljak
On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 23:11:48 -0400, Jim Davis
> From what I could tell there's very little real difference in how well they
> work: they both (VMWare and VPC) do a damn, damn fine job.

I've used both quite a bit too, and the main differences I've found are:

- Virtual PC VM's run quite a bit faster than VMWare VM's (Athlon 1800, 1GB RAM)
- Virtual PC's networking seems to work much better - setting up a VM
as a computer on your network and getting internet access etc seems to
work almost automatically. VMWare installs a networking driver on the
host machine for this which I've found sometimes interferes with other
network settings, plus getting a VMWare VM to work on a local network
can be a major PITA.
-  Virtual PC VM's are very, very, VERY slow to install. VMWare
formats virtual hard drives so fast you hardly see the progress bar.
Virtual PC takes longer than a real hard drive to do the same thing,
and then Windows takes nearly twice as long to install as it would on
a "real" machine.
- I've had problems running out of virtual hard drive space on Virtual
PC, even though the drive was set to expand automatically. I never had
that problem with VMWare.

Given the price difference (and the fact that we got 10 Virtual PC
licences with our last Action Pack) we now use Virtual PC, but if you
disregarded that and weighed them on their individual merits, it's
hard to pick between them.

Kay Smoljak
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Paul Kenney
Ok, I'm taking this step by step,  So bear with me...

Display_Tables() is a public method that has two arguments: method and values. 
   "method" is a string,  
   "values" is a string.

Display_Tables() then calls the method specified by the "method"
argument and passes the  string specified in "values" as its only

In this case, the method called is Get_Phone_Messages().  It has one
argument, which I will call "messageIDs".  It is a string.

Does Get_Phone_Messages() call any other methods?

On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 00:06:50 -0400, Peter Farrell
> No, not from the Display_table method.
> -pjf
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Peter Farrell
No, not from the Display_table method.
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Paul Kenney
Ok, Get_Phone_Messages() takes a single argument.  Are there other
dynamically called methods that take multiple arguments?

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 17:56:01 -0400, Peter Farrell
> Hi All,
> Despite all my attempts, I cannot for the life of me figure this one out.
> I have a CFC method (Display_Table in the application.MessagesCFC) that displays a table of error message (don't ask - employer!).  Display_Tables takes two arguments - Function and Error_List.  Function is a name of another method in MessagesCFC that Display_Table will call.
> application.MessageCFC.Display_Tables("Get_Phone_Messages", "1,2,3");
> I want Display_Table to call whatever function I pass to it in arguments and I also want to pass the list of errors. I.e. Get_Phone_Messages("1,2,3")
> I want the function I pass to be dynamic - what I am I missing?
> arguments.Function(arguments.Error_List);
> Help...?
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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>Intuitively, I think you
are correct, but have not been able to find any reliable stats.

My personal feeling is that traditiannally one was counting Mac people PLUS UNIX/LINUX people.
If one is still counting the same way, one is now counting Mac users two times: one for using a Mac, and another one for being under UNIX ;-)

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RE: VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
I've used both and I use VirtualPC exclusively now - not for any real
reason, it just worked out that way.  Also I'm on the beta for MS Virtual
Server and the VMs are compatible across the products.

>From what I could tell there's very little real difference in how well they
work: they both (VMWare and VPC) do a damn, damn fine job.

I'm doing all of my development now off a dual [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 1,5 gig of RAM
running Windows 2003 and the Virtual Server Beta.  With that much RAM I can
easily run 5 or 6 moderately configured Windows 2000 Servers with ColdFusion
or SQL Server (or a coupla WebSphere 5 servers).

I used to run several small-form factor PCs with multiple boot options - it
was a complete nightmare.

On my workstation I run the VPC 2004 Home edition to test browsers and other
OSs and such.

Whether you use VMWare or VPC once you get the hang of using emulation you
just won't go back.  You'll find yourself loading up VPCs to browse the
internet just so that your "real" PC doesn't get infected with any crap.  I
set up one just to run my son's games (since children's games SUCK and often
screw things up) - the great thing about that is that I can just copy the
VPC image to the laptop when we go on vacation.

In the same way you'll find yourself doing testing on VPCs, then copying the
disk images to DVD so that you can carry the test environment to the office
to show somebody how something breaks in just that one scenario.

I love it.

Jim Davis
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dsn creation - programatically

2004-07-17 Thread Josh
I am building an app that needs to create a DSN programatically...I have 
the code pretty much done, but the DSN that is created will not work.

I am going to the service factory, grabbing a template DSN and copying 
it.  Setting the struct values as necessary, then setting the new dsn in 
the service factory.  It creates the new can see it now in the 
cfadmin, but it will not authenticate, even though the auth info is 
correct.  I am not sure where to go now.

Here is my code (from a cfc):

factory = CreateObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory");
ds_service = factory.datasourceservice;
dsources = ds_service.datasources;
//  get template_dsn as a temp struct to config and copy
dsncopy = Duplicate(dsources['template_dsn']);
// set the dsn config to temp struct = arguments.dbname;
dsncopy.url = '' & arguments.dbname 
& '?';
dsncopy.urlmap.CONNECTIONPROPS.DATABASE = arguments.dbname;
dsncopy.urlmap.database = arguments.dbname;
// if user wants to save auth info in dsn, set it here
if (arguments.storepass) {
  dsncopy.username = arguments.dbuser;
  dsncopy.password = ds_service.encryptPassword(arguments.dbpasswd);
// set the new datasource struct in the service factory
dsources[arguments.dsname] = Duplicate(dsncopy);


Any ideas?



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Re: Can't find Dinowitz Debug was Re: Dinowitz_Debug

2004-07-17 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Front of the site there's an article with the title of Dinowitz Debug.
The link is in the article. I'll replicate it on the bottom of the
article for better viewing.

- Original Message -
From: Dick Applebaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 19:04:25 -0700
Subject: Can't find Dinowitz Debug was Re: Dinowitz_Debug

Went to HOF main page --- No Dinowitz debug???



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Re: Dinowitz_Debug

2004-07-17 Thread Michael Dinowitz
I didn't put in a new table layout and just removed the old one. The
new one will be the same thing, but rather than say that template X
was run 5 times, it'll show ALL of the templates in order but in a
table rather than in a tree.

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 19:36:29 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> > Go to the front of House of Fusion ( The
> > download location as well as the install instructions are right there.
> > Have fun and let me know what you think.

> The table breakdown isn't working for me

> I get the Queries and the Scopes, but the Execution Time is > blank-- 
Michael Dinowitz
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Can't find Dinowitz Debug was Re: Dinowitz_Debug

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
Went to HOF main page --- No Dinowitz debug???



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VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 17, 2004, at 12:12 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

>  VMware is about $400 or so, and worth every penny.

Dave You mention the above and in a later post that you are using 
VMWare more and more.

Two questions -- MS bought Connectix to get VirtualPC -- from what I've 
heard, not so much  for Mac emulation of PCs, but for PC emulation of 
multiple PCs (the old IBM ploy -- If somebody is going to take away 
some of our business, it might as well be us!)

Is  VirtualPC a serious competitor to VMWare ($400 seems awfully high 
for an emulator).

What do you do with VMware that you are using it more often?


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Off-topic - move to cf-community?: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Sean Corfield
OK, this is degenerating into "My O/S is better than your O/S" so
let's move it to CF-Community! Please!

I mean, I love Mac OS X and I hate Windows but I really don't want to
see us debate this on CF-Talk!!

Michael!! Nurse, screens please...

- Original Message -
From: Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 18:02:14 -0400
Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

> There is no way you can start IIS, CFMX, SQL Server, and be able to 

> get a request handled in 30 seconds. You may start CFMX either through 

> the services control panel or a script and it seem to start in less 

> than 30 seconds, but CFMX isn't actually available to serve a request 

> until later. Further, your first request against CFMX will likely 

> require the compiling of your source code before the request can be 

> handled resulting in even great delays. I have an application that 

> takes almost a minute just to compile.

Well, ok, yes, it takes longer to run the first page. It doesn't take so

long that it's a productivity drain, however. The only thing where my

machine currently is so slow that it's a productivity drain is when I run

VMware, which I've been doing more and more often lately.
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Peter Farrell

application.FooCFC.fooFunction("Peter", "Pizza");

I passed the arguments to the function by position.  I don't have to state an explicit argument name - only the position.

If I did:

application.FooCFC.fooFunction( "Pizza","Peter");

My first name would be "Pizza" and my fav. food would be "Peter".

Does this make sense?

The reason why I only want to pass by position is that each method I could possibly be passing to has a different argument name for the argument in position one.  I'd either have to change that all or pass my argument by position instead of:


I don't know if there is a way I could make the method I want a variable and still pass it by position.  Otherwise I'll get out of cfscript and use cfinvoke and change all the first position argument to the same name.
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Re: Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread Josh
I think there is a setting to allow your machine to act as a server.  
Maybe this is it?

I haven't run zone alarm for a I am not positive, but its 
worth a shot.


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Scott Brady wrote:

> Or not.
> When I restarted my machine, it was hanging again, so I had to restart
> ZoneAlarm again to get the administrator to show up.
> So, is there a setting in ZoneAlarm I need to set to get the CF Admin to
> come up?
> Scott
> Scott Brady wrote:
> > Actually, it appears to be working.
> >
> > I put the local machine's name into the trusted zones and restarted
> > ZoneAlarm. One of those seems to have done the trick.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Scott
> >
> > David Morris wrote:
> >
> > > do you have a firewall set up on the laptop? some newer firewalls
> > > (like blackice) block the administrative page by default.
> > > make sure there is the cfide directory in the wwwroot (or a virtual
> > > directory to it), although that's probably not the problem, since
> > > you'd just get a 404.
> > >
> > >   - Original Message -
> > >   From: Scott Brady
> > >   To: CF-Talk
> > >   Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:51 AM
> > >   Subject: Re: Administrator hangs
> > >
> > >   Oh, if it affects anything, I have my webroot set in a non-default
> > > location:
> > >   c:\data\inetpub\wwwroot.
> > >
> > >   I used that as the webroot when installing CFMX, as well, so it
> > >   shouldn't affect it.
> > >
> > >   Scott
> > >
> >
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Re: Dinowitz_Debug

2004-07-17 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
> > I'm seeing the standard debug screen.  Did I grab the wrong one?
> Did you put the file into the right folder, and select
> Dinowitz_Debug.cfm as the debug output format?

Yes I did - I'm used to using the docked debug screen running in a
different window and did not have the execution times turned on.  When
I did it launched the CFTree component for the execution times and
nothing else.

So I got it to work, though it's a bit of overkill for my situations.

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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Paul Kenney
Can you show an example of this?  I don't think I'm following.

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 19:24:48 -0400, Peter Farrell
> I was wanting to do it in cfscript as well - however I cannot figure that one out.
> The reason why I wanted to do it by position, is that the methods I'm passing to all of one cfargument but each argument name is different.
> I guess I could go back and ask for them to be changed.
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Peter Farrell
I was wanting to do it in cfscript as well - however I cannot figure that one out.

The reason why I wanted to do it by position, is that the methods I'm passing to all of one cfargument but each argument name is different.

I guess I could go back and ask for them to be changed.
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Paul Kenney
Why?  You need to explain a little more then.

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 18:50:17 -0400, Peter Farrell
> Thanks Paul -
> I thought of that - should of mentioned that.
> Anyway of passing in the variables by position?
> callmefunction(1, 3, 4)
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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Peter Farrell
Thanks Paul -

I thought of that - should of mentioned that.

Anyway of passing in the variables by position?

callmefunction(1, 3, 4)

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Re: calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Paul Kenney
This will do the trick:

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 17:56:01 -0400, Peter Farrell
> Hi All,
> Despite all my attempts, I cannot for the life of me figure this one out.
> I have a CFC method (Display_Table in the application.MessagesCFC) that displays a table of error message (don't ask - employer!).  Display_Tables takes two arguments - Function and Error_List.  Function is a name of another method in MessagesCFC that Display_Table will call.
> application.MessageCFC.Display_Tables("Get_Phone_Messages", "1,2,3");
> I want Display_Table to call whatever function I pass to it in arguments and I also want to pass the list of errors. I.e. Get_Phone_Messages("1,2,3")
> I want the function I pass to be dynamic - what I am I missing?
> arguments.Function(arguments.Error_List);
> Help...?
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> There is no way you can start IIS, CFMX, SQL Server, and be able to 
> get a request handled in 30 seconds. You may start CFMX either through 
> the services control panel or a script and it seem to start in less 
> than 30 seconds, but CFMX isn't actually available to serve a request 
> until later. Further, your first request against CFMX will likely 
> require the compiling of your source code before the request can be 
> handled resulting in even great delays. I have an application that 
> takes almost a minute just to compile.

Well, ok, yes, it takes longer to run the first page. It doesn't take so
long that it's a productivity drain, however. The only thing where my
machine currently is so slow that it's a productivity drain is when I run
VMware, which I've been doing more and more often lately.

> All those precautions --which don't always work-- take time too. What
> happens when you need administrative privileges? You have to log out and
> then log in as a user with administrative privileges. How long does that
> take? With Unix, su is pretty damn fast.

My goodness, Matt, when was the last time you used Windows? 1999? There've
been "su"-alikes for Windows for a long, long time. This functionality has
been built into Windows since Win2K, and it's a lot smoother in Windows XP
or 2003.

As far as the precautions not working, they've done pretty well so far. I
would go so far as to say that they've worked as well as can be expected in
any environment.

On my machine, I use a batch file to run a separate command shell with
administrative rights. I install software, set ACLs, etc, from there. The
batch file runs the "runas" command, which is essentially the same as su.
There's no need to log out and log back in. You can also do the same sort of
the thing from the GUI - you can run any program as a different user. You
can pin these settings to your GUI shortcuts, so that when you click on the
icon you're prompted to enter the password of the other user.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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calling CFC in with dynamic variable - what am I missing here?

2004-07-17 Thread Peter Farrell
Hi All,

Despite all my attempts, I cannot for the life of me figure this one out.

I have a CFC method (Display_Table in the application.MessagesCFC) that displays a table of error message (don't ask - employer!).  Display_Tables takes two arguments - Function and Error_List.  Function is a name of another method in MessagesCFC that Display_Table will call.

application.MessageCFC.Display_Tables("Get_Phone_Messages", "1,2,3");

I want Display_Table to call whatever function I pass to it in arguments and I also want to pass the list of errors. I.e. Get_Phone_Messages("1,2,3")

I want the function I pass to be dynamic - what I am I missing?


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Re: Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread Scott Brady
Or not. 

When I restarted my machine, it was hanging again, so I had to restart 
ZoneAlarm again to get the administrator to show up.

So, is there a setting in ZoneAlarm I need to set to get the CF Admin to 
come up?


Scott Brady wrote:

> Actually, it appears to be working.
> I put the local machine's name into the trusted zones and restarted
> ZoneAlarm. One of those seems to have done the trick.
> Thanks!
> Scott
> David Morris wrote:
> > do you have a firewall set up on the laptop? some newer firewalls
> > (like blackice) block the administrative page by default.
> > make sure there is the cfide directory in the wwwroot (or a virtual
> > directory to it), although that's probably not the problem, since
> > you'd just get a 404.
> >
> >   - Original Message -
> >   From: Scott Brady
> >   To: CF-Talk
> >   Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:51 AM
> >   Subject: Re: Administrator hangs
> >
> >   Oh, if it affects anything, I have my webroot set in a non-default
> > location:
> >   c:\data\inetpub\wwwroot.
> >
> >   I used that as the webroot when installing CFMX, as well, so it
> >   shouldn't affect it.
> >
> >   Scott
> >
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> Can you point to a source for these numbers -- Intuitively, I think you
> are correct, but have not been able to find any reliable stats.
I don't believe any research as specific as this is available for free. I
get my research from Gartner and Meta Group, but it is rather costly.

> According to Apple latest results, their biggest growth in computers
> was in the laptop segment.
Not only that, Apple's share of the laptop market grew faster than the
overall market and any single competitor.

> Apple claims that the Mac has more 'Nix desktops than any other
> computer.
That is true.

> Anecdotally, I hear that a surprising number of Mac laptops turn up at
> various developer gatherings ('Nix, Java, CF, etc) where a few years
> ago there were few if any.
Just take a look at CFUN. CFUN-02 had very few Mac users there. CFUN-03 had
enough for people to take notice, while CFUN-04 had quite a number.
Anecdotally, that is encouraging to see such growth in the CF market. I
believe Macromedia has a signfictant amount of Macs and apparently Sun has
more Macs than any other company outside of Apple.

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> I guess the better question is whether there are lots of .NET applications
> that can run on non-Windows platforms using Mono.
I believe there are.

> But you suggested I get a newer computer! That will certainly cost money.
> If
> I did get a newer computer, I suppose I could leave all those things
> running, though.
At the point where buying a new computer costs less than wasting time with
an old computer is when you should consider it.

> Wow. There's something wrong with your machine, then. I have a Dell
> Inspiron
> 7500. We got it in late '99, so I guess it's not quite four yet. As I
> said,
> I've upgraded the RAM and disk drive. It takes around 30 seconds to start
> IIS, a single CFMX instance and a single SQL Server instance. I don't have
> a
> lot of databases registered within that instance, and that significantly
> affects SQL Server startup time, in my experience. The largest SQL Server
> database I've worked with locally has been around 7 GB, and that didn't
> take
> any longer to start up.
There is no way you can start IIS, CFMX, SQL Server, and be able to get a
request handled in 30 seconds. You may start CFMX either through the
services control panel or a script and it seem to start in less than 30
seconds, but CFMX isn't actually available to serve a request until later.
Further, your first request against CFMX will likely require the compiling
of your source code before the request can be handled resulting in even
great delays. I have an application that takes almost a minute just to

> In all my time using Windows, I've never once had a problem with any of
> those on my personal computer. Never. I don't run antivirus software,
> either. Of course, I do take precautions - I use Mozilla for web browsing,
> I
> use IP security policy filters to limit inbound access, I don't run as a
> user with administrative rights. For that matter, I haven't had problems
> with those on the servers I configure, but that's irrelevant to our
> current
> discussion.
All those precautions --which don't always work-- take time too. What
happens when you need administrative privileges? You have to log out and
then log in as a user with administrative privileges. How long does that
take? With Unix, su is pretty damn fast.

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 17, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

>  Have you looked at the numbers for how many developers are not using
>  Windows? The number is quite large and according to the research will 
> be
>  passing 20% soon enough.


Can you point to a source for these numbers -- Intuitively, I think you 
are correct, but have not been able to find any reliable stats.

According to Apple latest results, their biggest growth in computers 
was in the laptop segment.

Apple claims that the Mac has more 'Nix desktops than any other 

Anecdotally, I hear that a surprising number of Mac laptops turn up at 
various developer gatherings ('Nix, Java, CF, etc) where a few years 
ago there were few if any.

A number of developers have told me that they develop on a PC at work, 
because that's what's provided.  But, the computer they buy for home 
use and independent development is a Mac.

Mac hardware has always been cool.  That has not changed.  What has 
changed is the OS.

It is a pretty complete developer system, with (most) everything 
pre-installed (Java, Perl, Apache -- MySQL and PHP on OS X Server).

So, i suspect it is more than "coolness" that makes a Mac attractive to 

I was going to say a lot more, but...

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> The idea is that .NET applications work on Mono as well, so yes. 
> I am not really aware of Mono-specific applications as applications 
> developed with Mono work on .NET as well.

I guess the better question is whether there are lots of .NET applications
that can run on non-Windows platforms using Mono.

> I don't that is an accurate analogy since running water costs money
> where as idle applications don't.

But you suggested I get a newer computer! That will certainly cost money. If
I did get a newer computer, I suppose I could leave all those things
running, though.

> SQL Server starts up in seconds on your four year old laptop? CFMX? 
> What kind of laptop do you have? My brand new one takes minutes.

Wow. There's something wrong with your machine, then. I have a Dell Inspiron
7500. We got it in late '99, so I guess it's not quite four yet. As I said,
I've upgraded the RAM and disk drive. It takes around 30 seconds to start
IIS, a single CFMX instance and a single SQL Server instance. I don't have a
lot of databases registered within that instance, and that significantly
affects SQL Server startup time, in my experience. The largest SQL Server
database I've worked with locally has been around 7 GB, and that didn't take
any longer to start up.

> > I have been looking around this last week for new laptops, but
> > sad to say they're all Windows machines.
> That is sad ;)

Don't cry a river on my behalf. I'll be ok, really!

> Well certainly some are, but it is my hope that technical people make
> logical decisions.

Thank you for providing my laugh for the day!

> Just wait for the latest virus, worm, exploit, or patch and the list
> will increase in size yet again.

In all my time using Windows, I've never once had a problem with any of
those on my personal computer. Never. I don't run antivirus software,
either. Of course, I do take precautions - I use Mozilla for web browsing, I
use IP security policy filters to limit inbound access, I don't run as a
user with administrative rights. For that matter, I haven't had problems
with those on the servers I configure, but that's irrelevant to our current

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Re: Dinowitz_Debug

2004-07-17 Thread Philip Arnold
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 23:09:44 -0400, C. Hatton Humphrey wrote:
> I'm seeing the standard debug screen.  Did I grab the wrong one?

Did you put the file into the right folder, and select
Dinowitz_Debug.cfm as the debug output format?
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> I admit I haven't been keeping up with Mono, but are there lots of Mono
> applications out in the world now?
The idea is that .NET applications work on Mono as well, so yes. I am not
really aware of Mono-specific applications as applications developed with
Mono work on .NET as well.

> Do you leave the water running in your shower so you won't have to turn it
> on before getting in?
I don't that is an accurate analogy since running water costs money where as
idle applications don't.

> I have no trouble turning things off and on as needed. It takes seconds of
> my time within a day. Batch files make it very easy.
SQL Server starts up in seconds on your four year old laptop? CFMX? What
kind of laptop do you have? My brand new one takes minutes.

> Perhaps, but when it's my money, I may be a bit reluctant if I don't
> really
> need it. I have been looking around this last week for new laptops, but
> sad
> to say they're all Windows machines.
That is sad ;)

> Really? What makes you think developers aren't susceptible to the same
> sort
> of trend-setting that you find anywhere else?
Well certainly some are, but it is my hope that technical people make
logical decisions.

> The number of things on that list is fast approaching zero.
Just wait for the latest virus, worm, exploit, or patch and the list will
increase in size yet again.

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> I just wanted to make a quick comment on your development environment.
> WOW!  Must be nice to have the money for all of that software. So what 
> do you recommend to us 1099 people who are going from project to project
> ?  Or the developers who have that idea for an application and are 
> working to develop it out of there garage?

I don't know, actually, since those aren't problems I face.

However, the software I mentioned doesn't cost much, really. You can get
practically every Microsoft product within a single MSDN subscription, which
is about $2k (and there are several ways to get it much cheaper). I got MS
Office for free - MS actually sent out mailers with it to plenty of people -
and the other items I mentioned are available in developers' editions.
VMware is about $400 or so, and worth every penny.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> > Because it might be more work to do this? Because it might not be
> > worth the time on the part of the developer to spend this extra time?
> I disagree. If you are wanting to hit a particular market with a 
> product, should you provide the extra time to provide the product in 
> something that in cross platform?  Although MS has cornered the market 
> with it platform, I am seeing more and more distributions of the 
> Unix/Linux workstations in Enterprises and other countries. So if you 
> were serious about producing something that developers would want to 
> use in their production and would want to promote to other developers, 
> wouldn't restricting the product to one operating system hinder you 
> marketability?

Perhaps, perhaps not. It remains to be seen whether it's a sensible business
move for any given product to ensure that it's cross-platform. It may be the
case that for a given product, the cost of cross-platform development may be
lower than the benefit derived from people using those platforms buying your
product. The reverse may also be true.

> Wow, that is great, good for you! I have had similar results, but only
> after Windows 2K/Windows XP came out.

Well, it's been about four years since Win2K came out, hasn't it.

> By the way, if you wanted to use Windows XP for developing web 
> applications do you realize that IIS will only allow one instance 
> of a web server? That means that you would have to go with something 
> like Apache HTTPD in order setup multiple web servers on different 
> ports. BTW, Windows 2K still allows multiple http servers.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. I'm running Windows Server 2003 on my laptop.
Before that, I ran Windows 2000 Server on it. I also run Apache 2, just
because I want to know how to configure it. Windows XP isn't intended for
use as a production web server, so I'm not surprised that it doesn't let you
run more than one virtual server.

> I always figured that developers developed on these platforms because 
> a greater flexibility to create "Cross OS Platform" applications.

What percentage of developers using those platforms develop cross-platform

> Plus I have always found that Linux provides less stress on hardware 
> while it is running. Plus, I am able to always have at my disposal code 
> in the back end of the applications to tweak what I see necessary in 
> order to create more robust applications both web and desktop.

Neither of these are issues that I've faced during my web development

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> Obviously if you are programming in Java or .NET (thanks to Mono) there
> really is no work. 

I admit I haven't been keeping up with Mono, but are there lots of Mono
applications out in the world now?

> If you are using C++ (MFC or not) there are plenty of
> cross-platform toolkits to get you there will little effort.

Perhaps "little effort" is relative.

> If you aren't running everything at once then you have to spend 
> time starting and stopping things, which slows you down. It seems 
> to me anything that slows me down should be avoided especially 
> when it can be easily solved by buying a new piece of hardware.

Do you leave the water running in your shower so you won't have to turn it
on before getting in?

I have no trouble turning things off and on as needed. It takes seconds of
my time within a day. Batch files make it very easy.

> You wouldn't advocate spending more time writing a faster web
> application when you can just throw more hardware at it and save 
> money overall, so I think the same thing applies here.

Perhaps, but when it's my money, I may be a bit reluctant if I don't really
need it. I have been looking around this last week for new laptops, but sad
to say they're all Windows machines.

> I would hope most developers would be above that.

Really? What makes you think developers aren't susceptible to the same sort
of trend-setting that you find anywhere else?

> What about all the things it does that you don't want it do?

The number of things on that list is fast approaching zero.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
I just wanted to make a quick comment on your development environment.
WOW!  Must be nice to have the money for all of that software. So what 
do you recommend to us 1099 people who are going from project to project 
?  Or the developers who have that idea for an application and are 
working to develop it out of there garage?


Jason L. West, Sr
Internet Application Specialist, Sr.

Dave Watts wrote on 7/17/2004, 14:24:

 > I'm not sure what counts as intense. I'm running Windows Server 2003
 > Enterprise Edition, with IIS 6, multiple instances of SQL Server 2000,
 > multiple instances of JRun 4 with CFMX, Flex, Generator 2 (!) and
 > other things. I also have Apache 2, Tomcat 5, and some other server
 > odds and ends.
 > I occasionally use VMware, within which I run Windows 2000, RH Linux
 > 9, and Windows Server 2003.
 > The key is not to turn all these things on at once! Especially not the
 > VMware.
 > I use Dreamweaver MX 2004, MS Office 2003, and Adobe Acrobat
 > Professional 6 on a pretty regular basis. My mail client is Outlook
 > 2003, with a local OST mirror of my Exchange mailbox. This local OST
 > is approximately 2GB. I also have about 3GB of PST content on here
 > that I access occasionally. I use VS.NET 2003 pretty regularly now, as
 > I'm very interested in .NET Compact Framework stuff right now.
 > Fortunately, I don't have to use all these things at once either,
 > although Outlook is pretty much running 24/7.
 > Since getting this laptop, I've upgraded the memory to 512MB, and
 > upgraded the hard disk to 60GB.
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
Okay, I think we had lost focus on the subject of this discussion and 
that would be if the ROI would be there to develop cross platform 
applications for developers.

Restricting most developers to on operating system to develop with your 
product is a poor choice.  Developers are another bread of users to 
build applications for.  Building applications for all other 
marketplaces is different when it comes to the general population.  The 
funny thing is when you are developing application that are web based 
the end user has no care on whether it comes from a Unix, Sun, Windows, 
or Linux server.  They are mainly concern whether the application gets 
the work done. (Business perspective)

As for me I do care about whether or not an IDE has multiple builds for 
other platforms other than Windows.  All though this is were the bigger 
share of the market is currently, will it be for the future?  I mean as 
developers become more skilled and wiser to the abilities of other 
technologies, do you really want to restrict them to one operating 
platform in order to use your product?


Jason L. West, Sr
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> Perhaps if you're already programming in Java, but there are plenty of VB
> and C++/MFC guys out there for whom it would take a significant amount of
> time to move to something else. In their cases, they might need more than
> a
> few percentage points in additional market share.
Obviously if you are programming in Java or .NET (thanks to Mono) there
really is no work. If you are using C++ (MFC or not) there are plenty of
cross-platform toolkits to get you there will little effort.

> I use Dreamweaver MX 2004, MS Office 2003, and Adobe Acrobat Professional
> 6
> on a pretty regular basis. My mail client is Outlook 2003, with a local
> mirror of my Exchange mailbox. This local OST is approximately 2GB. I also
> have about 3GB of PST content on here that I access occasionally. I use
> VS.NET 2003 pretty regularly now, as I'm very interested in .NET Compact
> Framework stuff right now. Fortunately, I don't have to use all these
> things
> at once either, although Outlook is pretty much running 24/7.
If you aren't running everything at once then you have to spend time
starting and stopping things, which slows you down. It seems to me anything
that slows me down should be avoided especially when it can be easily solved
by buying a new piece of hardware.

You wouldn't advocate spending more time writing a faster web application
when you can just throw more hardware at it and save money overall, so I
think the same thing applies here.

> Perhaps in your case; I can't speak for you. I suspect that there are
> plenty
> of other developers for whom my description is accurate. I suspect you
> might
> be an outlier.
I would hope most developers would be above that.

> I think the word you're looking for is "administer", but ok, whatever. I
> have plenty of reasons why I still use Windows, but the primary one is
> that
> it does everything I need it to do.
What about all the things it does that you don't want it do?

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
Dave Watts wrote on 7/17/2004, 13:34:

 > Because it might be more work to do this? Because it might not be
 > worth the time on the part of the developer to spend this extra time?

I disagree.  If you are wanting to hit a particular market with a 
product, should you provide the extra time to provide the product in 
something that in cross platform?  Although MS has cornered the market 
with it platform, I am seeing more and more distributions of the 
Unix/Linux workstations in Enterprises and other countries.  So if you 
were serious about producing something that developers would want to use 
in their production and would want to promote to other developers, 
wouldn't restricting the product to one operating system hinder you 

 > That's funny. I've been working with Windows for the last ten years,
 > with very little stress to my poor old computer. I've been using the
 > same laptop for the last four years or so, actually, just replacing
 > the hard disk when it failed. I rarely reinstall my operating system -
 > again, only when I have a hardware failure, or when a new version
 > comes out that I want to use.

Wow, that is great, good for you!  I have had similar results, but only 
after Windows 2K/Windows XP came out.  By the way, if you wanted to use 
Windows XP for developing web applications do you realize that IIS will 
only allow one instance of a web server?  That means that you would have 
to go with something like Apache HTTPD in order setup multiple web 
servers on different ports. BTW, Windows 2K still allows multiple http 

 > I suspect that many developers use Linux or OS X because they're
 > different, or may have a greater perceived "coolness" factor. I don't
 > necessarily see higher productivity from those developers, though.

Really, that is interesting.  I always figured that developers developed 
  on these platforms because a greater flexibility to create "Cross OS 
Platform" applications.  Plus I have always found that Linux provides 
less stress on hardware while it is running.  Plus, I am able to always 
have at my disposal code in the back end of the applications to tweak 
what I see necessary in order to create more robust applications both 
web and desktop.

This is just my opinion though. ;-)

Jason L. West, Sr.
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Samuel R. Neff
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:53 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
> I personally would not call any decision made by a knowledgeable
> individual
> that's based on a cost/benefit analysis "stupid".
I wouldn't either given those parameters.

> The fact is most people use Windows and writing an application that works
> cross platform does take extra effort and does add an extra layer of
> abstraction between your program and the underlying OS that can impede
> performance and maintainability.
Certainly some applications require additional effort to be cross-platform.
However, most business applications --which is what this discussion is
about-- require little to no additional effort. Further, it doesn't require
the use of an abstraction layer. Although, in the case of Java you have an
abstraction layer in the form of a JVM.

> If you're a Mac developer, then sure you care about cross-platform
> portability 'cause if you develop just for a Mac then you have a pretty
> small potential install base.  But if you're a Windows developer, writing
> for cross-platform portability does not substantially increase your
> install
> base.  And certainly not when PrimalScript was first written in 1998 and
> doubly-not since it was first written as an editor for VBScript and ASP.
Have you looked at the numbers for how many developers are not using
Windows? The number is quite large and according to the research will be
passing 20% soon enough. The only way a company could justify avoiding
numbers like that is if they had a substantial investment in a single
platform like is the case with PrimalScript and HomeSite. Of course, as the
number of non-Windows developers increases it will be harder and harder to

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> It takes little to no additional time to support multiple platforms,
> so even a few percentage points in additional market is quite a good 
> ROI.

Perhaps if you're already programming in Java, but there are plenty of VB
and C++/MFC guys out there for whom it would take a significant amount of
time to move to something else. In their cases, they might need more than a
few percentage points in additional market share.

> You are using a four year old laptop? I don't know any developers that
> use a laptop that old. I suspect you must be an outlier. Then again, 
> maybe it is the work you do. I mean if you aren't stressing out a four 
> year old laptop then the work must not be that intense. I mean Outlook 
> alone is enough to stress out most older machines.

I'm not sure what counts as intense. I'm running Windows Server 2003
Enterprise Edition, with IIS 6, multiple instances of SQL Server 2000,
multiple instances of JRun 4 with CFMX, Flex, Generator 2 (!) and other
things. I also have Apache 2, Tomcat 5, and some other server odds and ends.

I occasionally use VMware, within which I run Windows 2000, RH Linux 9, and
Windows Server 2003.

The key is not to turn all these things on at once! Especially not the

I use Dreamweaver MX 2004, MS Office 2003, and Adobe Acrobat Professional 6
on a pretty regular basis. My mail client is Outlook 2003, with a local OST
mirror of my Exchange mailbox. This local OST is approximately 2GB. I also
have about 3GB of PST content on here that I access occasionally. I use
VS.NET 2003 pretty regularly now, as I'm very interested in .NET Compact
Framework stuff right now. Fortunately, I don't have to use all these things
at once either, although Outlook is pretty much running 24/7.

Since getting this laptop, I've upgraded the memory to 512MB, and upgraded
the hard disk to 60GB.

> It has nothing to do with coolness factor or any other useless metric
> you can think of. 

Perhaps in your case; I can't speak for you. I suspect that there are plenty
of other developers for whom my description is accurate. I suspect you might
be an outlier.

> Unix continues to be easier to administrate, faster, more robust, and
> just plain more capable. While there are still some good reasons not to 
> use Linux on the desktop; there is no reason to avoid Mac OS X.

I think the word you're looking for is "administer", but ok, whatever. I
have plenty of reasons why I still use Windows, but the primary one is that
it does everything I need it to do.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Samuel R. Neff
I personally would not call any decision made by a knowledgeable individual
that's based on a cost/benefit analysis "stupid".  

The fact is most people use Windows and writing an application that works
cross platform does take extra effort and does add an extra layer of
abstraction between your program and the underlying OS that can impede
performance and maintainability.  

If you're a Mac developer, then sure you care about cross-platform
portability 'cause if you develop just for a Mac then you have a pretty
small potential install base.  But if you're a Windows developer, writing
for cross-platform portability does not substantially increase your install
base.  And certainly not when PrimalScript was first written in 1998 and
doubly-not since it was first written as an editor for VBScript and ASP.


> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 12:47 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
> I truly believe the fastest growing segment of the Mac and 
> Linux desktop
> market is with developers. And why not? The level of stress a 
> developer puts
> on their desktop requires Unix underneath.
> -Matt
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> Because it might be more work to do this? Because it might not be worth
> the
> time on the part of the developer to spend this extra time?
It takes little to no additional time to support multiple platforms, so even
a few percentage points in additional market is quite a good ROI.

> That's funny. I've been working with Windows for the last ten years, with
> very little stress to my poor old computer. I've been using the same
> laptop
> for the last four years or so, actually, just replacing the hard disk when
> it failed. I rarely reinstall my operating system - again, only when I
> have
> a hardware failure, or when a new version comes out that I want to use.
You are using a four year old laptop? I don't know any developers that use a
laptop that old. I suspect you must be an outlier. Then again, maybe it is
the work you do. I mean if you aren't stressing out a four year old laptop
then the work must not be that intense. I mean Outlook alone is enough to
stress out most older machines.

> I suspect that many developers use Linux or OS X because they're
> different,
> or may have a greater perceived "coolness" factor. I don't necessarily see
> higher productivity from those developers, though.
It has nothing to do with coolness factor or any other useless metric you
can think of. Unix continues to be easier to administrate, faster, more
robust, and just plain more capable. While there are still some good reasons
not to use Linux on the desktop; there is no reason to avoid Mac OS X.

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RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
On Jul 17, 2004, at 1:05 AM, Jim Davis wrote:

>A rather brute-force way of handling permission changes is to force 
>that (or all) user to re-login after a permission change,  A bit 
>inconvenient, but probably acceptable because  you likely wouldn't do 
>it often

That does work... but we can do better!  ;^)

Also, at least in the other canned system's I've seen out there this is
really (surprisingly) difficult.

In these systems the security information is copied to the session (and
there is normally no way for an application to access all of its attendant
sessions).  All the security system checks is the roles/groups information
stored in the session against the allowable roles/groups stored in the
template (or, even worse, just checks a simple "logged in" Boolean in the
session scope itself).

So without restarting the application there's no way to force new logins
because after authenticating these systems NEVER check with the security
system again.  That's a bad thing, I think.

>So, conceptually, you are securing the server, thru that the 
>application, and thru that the user, and thru that each user request.
>And, you can have as much (or as little) security at each level as you 

Sorta, kinda?

In the simplest case the application.cfm (or some other single point of
entry) would just check to see if the user was authenticated (not caring
about the roles) like this: 

	The session is logged in

	The session is not logged in

The actually entitlement system is pretty simplistic right now: you define a
group (say "administrator") and add UserKeys to it (using an admin system
that hasn't been defined yet).  After authentication the check entitlement
code would be (something like):

DP_Security.isEntitled(SessionKey, "Adminstrator").

However you could get very fine grained if you like.  You could define
Groups that cover functionality just as easily as location.  For example you
might define a group called "Admin_DeleteUser".  Then, in your admin system
you could do something like this:

	Present the control to delete a user.

This is what I meant by "the security system doesn't protect itself" -
instead you protect the security by defining (in as detailed a fashion as
you like) entitlement groups and building your admin UI around them.

I've enough on my plate now, but in the future I'd like to expand this to
include more advanced entitlements: nested groups of entitlements (allowing
you to say that "DeleteUser", "AddUser" and "EditUser" are all part of the
"Admin" group), linked entitlements (so you could say "You must be part of
BOTH these groups to do this, not just one or the other"), and other things.

I could also see Applications that use this system ship scripts for updating
existing instances of the system themselves.  For example if I were to ship
a Forums application using this system I could also ship a small script that
added some Forum specific groups to an already in-place system.  That way
you could easily set up the application by itself or integrate it easily
with an existing application.

Lastly I also plan (since this is something I've built for 4.5-based systems
and really like) to include the ability to passed authentications from one
system to another and define trust relationships across them.  This will
probably be done via web services, but the idea is that I could define a
relationship on that says "Anybody from is
alright with me!" and allow them in.

In that case there would be a special link on the sites that passed the
authentication information, but the system would (almost have to) allow for
full web service access to authentication: meaning you could set up a single
authentication provider for multiple websites (although I can't guarantee

Even with as much as I've described there's loads of room for improvement.

>With your design, will you have a graceful way of disabling/re-enabling 
>an applications permissions?
>This is useful for periodic backups and upgrades.

Well, I hadn’t thought about it... but I suppose I should.

As it stands the Credential has an "isActive" property than can be set to
true to temporarily disable access to a particular user without deleting

Now that you mention it however I suppose an Entitlement (Group) should also
have a property like that, uh?  Then you could "turn off" a group

I'm not sure how I'd implement it tho'... the simplest method would be to
just return "false" when the entitlement was asked for.  That would work,
but how would the interface know that the user had access but that the group
was disabled versus the user just not having access.

I suppose that's just another thing I could leave to the interface...

Good idea tho, even if I'm not sure how to best do it.

>In your initial post you said (early on):
>"The security system would not secure itself.  Perhaps this is
>  wrong, but I didn't want to make it that complicated"
>and (at th

RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dave Watts
> Whether you use C++ or Java, there are ways to have a single code
> base that works across platforms, so why not do it?

Because it might be more work to do this? Because it might not be worth the
time on the part of the developer to spend this extra time?

> I truly believe the fastest growing segment of the Mac and Linux 
> desktop market is with developers. And why not? The level of stress a 
> developer puts on their desktop requires Unix underneath.

That's funny. I've been working with Windows for the last ten years, with
very little stress to my poor old computer. I've been using the same laptop
for the last four years or so, actually, just replacing the hard disk when
it failed. I rarely reinstall my operating system - again, only when I have
a hardware failure, or when a new version comes out that I want to use.

I suspect that many developers use Linux or OS X because they're different,
or may have a greater perceived "coolness" factor. I don't necessarily see
higher productivity from those developers, though.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Matt Liotta
> Anyway, I was hoping the days of platform specific software for developers
> was over.
> ---
> I am very curious as to your meaning here.
I simply mean that having a tool that only works on Windows i.e. not Mac or
Linux is pretty stupid. Whether you use C++ or Java, there are ways to have
a single code base that works across platforms, so why not do it?

I truly believe the fastest growing segment of the Mac and Linux desktop
market is with developers. And why not? The level of stress a developer puts
on their desktop requires Unix underneath.

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Re: mysql inet_ntoa() cfmx issues

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
What you are getting is a 2-character representation of each digit -- 
it is a simple matter to convert to a readable format with:


for (i=1; i LT Len(x); i=i+2) {
	y=y & chr(mid(x, i, 2));

writeoutput("" & x);
writeoutput("" & y);

Which gives:




On Jul 17, 2004, at 8:43 AM, pandemic wrote:

> Hi,
>  I'm running into an issue that's got me stumped.  I have an 
> application
>  that is storing IP addresses as unsigned 32 bit integers in a mysql 
> db.
>  I need to pull this data from the db via Coldfusion (MX) so i've got 
> my
>  select statement:
>  select distinct inet_ntoa(ip_src) as ipsource from acid_event limit 2;
>  Which returns:
>  +--+
>  | ipsource |
>  +--+
>  |  |
>  | |
>  +--+
>  2 rows in set (0.09 sec)
>  inet_ntoa() is a native mysql function that converts the unsigned 
> 32-bit
>  int into a 4-octet IP.  My problem is that CF thinks the result is
>  spiting out binary output, exact error is:
>  rror Occurred While Processing Request
>  ByteArray objects cannot be converted to strings.
>  A cfdump of the query and error are at
>  Anyone have any advice ?
>  Thanks,
>  Florian
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Re: Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread Scott Brady
Actually, it appears to be working.

I put the local machine's name into the trusted zones and restarted 
ZoneAlarm. One of those seems to have done the trick.



David Morris wrote:

> do you have a firewall set up on the laptop? some newer firewalls 
> (like blackice) block the administrative page by default.
> make sure there is the cfide directory in the wwwroot (or a virtual 
> directory to it), although that's probably not the problem, since 
> you'd just get a 404.
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Scott Brady
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:51 AM
>   Subject: Re: Administrator hangs
>   Oh, if it affects anything, I have my webroot set in a non-default 
> location:
>   c:\data\inetpub\wwwroot.
>   I used that as the webroot when installing CFMX, as well, so it
>   shouldn't affect it.
>   Scott
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Is this not possible?

2004-07-17 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
I have created a CFC object with these basic properties:


With an init() method like this:

  instance = structNew();
  instance.ID = 0;
  instance.category = createobject('component','Category');
	 instance.subcategory = "";
  instance.sscategory = createobject('component','SubSubCategory');
  instance.ladiesonly = 0;
	 instance.status = 0;

select 	intBoutCatID as catID,
		   			txtBoutSubCat as subcategory,
	intSSCatID as sscatID,
	blLadies as ladiesonly,
	blActive as status
from 	tblboutsubcat
where 	intBoutSubCatID = 
value="#arguments.ID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">

    instance.ID = arguments.ID;
    instance.category = instance.category.get(subcat.catID);
			   instance.subcategory = subcat.subcategory;
    instance.sscategory = 
    instance.ladiesonly = subcat.ladiesonly;
    instance.status = subcat.status;


As you can see two of the properties of the object are other custom 
objects (category and subsubcategory). I always thought this was 
possible, but I'm new at this so...

Anyway, I'm creating a backend editor for populating the db. In the 
"Edit" form, I create an instance like so:

	formSubCat = 

This does create the object. I am able to populate various fields of the 
form like this:

value="#htmleditformat(trim(formSubCat.getID()))#" />

My trouble comes when I try to access one of the object properties that 
is, itself, a custom object. For instance, I call a method to get the 
category object's ID:

	-- --
#trim(formSubCat.getCatID())#> selected>#qCats.Name#

This calls the following method in the subcategory CFC:


Now, in theory, this should be a no brainer, it should call the getID() 
method of the category object that is present in the current instance 
from the category CFC. However, I get the following error:

The selected method getID was not found.
Either there are no methods with the specified method name and argument 
types, or the method getID is overloaded with arguments types that 
ColdFusion can't decipher reliably. If this is a Java object and you 
verified that the method exists, you may need to use the javacast 
function to reduce ambiguity.

The error occurred in 
line 162
Called from /home/httpd/seacrets/secure/editor/_subcat.cfm: line 260
Called from /home/httpd/seacrets/secure/editor/main.cfm: line 93

160 :   
161 :
162 :   
163 :   	
164 :   

...And then the stack trace stuff. Is this just not possible? Am I off 
my rocker here? If I can't do it this way then how should it be done?

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Re: Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread Scott Brady
That appears to be it. I shut down ZoneAlarm and it worked.  Any idea 
what setting I need to change to allow it to work?


David Morris wrote:

> do you have a firewall set up on the laptop? some newer firewalls 
> (like blackice) block the administrative page by default.
> make sure there is the cfide directory in the wwwroot (or a virtual 
> directory to it), although that's probably not the problem, since 
> you'd just get a 404.

Scott Brady
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Re: Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread David Morris
do you have a firewall set up on the laptop? some newer firewalls (like blackice) block the administrative page by default.
make sure there is the cfide directory in the wwwroot (or a virtual directory to it), although that's probably not the problem, since you'd just get a 404.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Scott Brady 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:51 AM
  Subject: Re: Administrator hangs

  Oh, if it affects anything, I have my webroot set in a non-default location:

  I used that as the webroot when installing CFMX, as well, so it 
  shouldn't affect it.

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Re: mysql inet_ntoa() cfmx issues

2004-07-17 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)

Not positive, but I'm not sure that CF supports the inet_ntoa() function 
of mysql. I know that there is a UDF at cflib for handling the same type 
of function (for insert, update, and select statements). This may be 
better suited for your needs.


pandemic wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running into an issue that's got me stumped.  I have an application
> that is storing IP addresses as unsigned 32 bit integers in a mysql db.
> I need to pull this data from the db via Coldfusion (MX) so i've got my
> select statement:
> select distinct inet_ntoa(ip_src) as ipsource from acid_event limit 2;
> Which returns:
> +--+
> | ipsource |
> +--+
> |  |
> | |
> +--+
> 2 rows in set (0.09 sec)
> inet_ntoa() is a native mysql function that converts the unsigned 32-bit
> int into a 4-octet IP.  My problem is that CF thinks the result is
> spiting out binary output, exact error is:
> rror Occurred While Processing Request
> ByteArray objects cannot be converted to strings.
> A cfdump of the query and error are at
> Anyone have any advice ?
> Thanks,
> Florian
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mysql inet_ntoa() cfmx issues

2004-07-17 Thread pandemic

I'm running into an issue that's got me stumped.  I have an application
that is storing IP addresses as unsigned 32 bit integers in a mysql db. 
I need to pull this data from the db via Coldfusion (MX) so i've got my
select statement:

select distinct inet_ntoa(ip_src) as ipsource from acid_event limit 2;

Which returns:

| ipsource |
|  |
| |
2 rows in set (0.09 sec)

inet_ntoa() is a native mysql function that converts the unsigned 32-bit
int into a 4-octet IP.  My problem is that CF thinks the result is
spiting out binary output, exact error is:
rror Occurred While Processing Request 
ByteArray objects cannot be converted to strings. 

A cfdump of the query and error are at

Anyone have any advice ?

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Re: Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread Scott Brady
Oh, if it affects anything, I have my webroot set in a non-default location:

I used that as the webroot when installing CFMX, as well, so it 
shouldn't affect it.


Scott Brady wrote:

> I could have sworn I've seen this subject line before, but can't find it
> in the archives.
> I've installed MX 6.1 on my new laptop (XP Pro) using IIS.  If I go to
> some pages, I get a CF error (Data Source not found), which is fine,
> because I haven't set up a DSN yet. However, I can't get to the
> administrator, because it hangs.  The title bar does say "ColdFusion
> Administrator Login", but the page never comes up. I've tried this on
> both FireFox and IE, in case it was a browser issue.
> Is there a simple issue I'm missing?
> Scott
> -- 
> ---
> Scott Brady
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Administrator hangs

2004-07-17 Thread Scott Brady
I could have sworn I've seen this subject line before, but can't find it 
in the archives.

I've installed MX 6.1 on my new laptop (XP Pro) using IIS.  If I go to 
some pages, I get a CF error (Data Source not found), which is fine, 
because I haven't set up a DSN yet. However, I can't get to the 
administrator, because it hangs.  The title bar does say "ColdFusion 
Administrator Login", but the page never comes up. I've tried this on 
both FireFox and IE, in case it was a browser issue.

Is there a simple issue I'm missing?


Scott Brady
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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Aaron DC
- Original Message - 
From: Matt Liotta 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

Anyway, I was hoping the days of platform specific software for developers
was over.


I am very curious as to your meaning here.

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 16, 2004, at 7:04 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

> > 190mb RAM!?  What processes are you viewing to calculate that?  I 
> have at
>  > present a 56mb peak.which is no more that DWMX2004 requires to 
> even
>  > show
>  > a menu.
>  >
>  I didn't state Eclipse was using 190MB of RAM. I stated that by 
> default it
>  is only allowed to use a maximum of 190MB of RAM. Mine tends to use 
> anywhere
>  from 60MB to 120MB depending on what I am doing.

I seem to range between 130-160 MB Real RAM with 3 Eclipse windows open.

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Re: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 17, 2004, at 1:05 AM, Jim Davis wrote:
>  Most of the systems, for example, call the database then create some 
> type of
>  “user” object then store that in the session scope.  That’s fine, but
>  problems occur if an admin changes the person’s permissions (since 
> they
>  won’t take effect until the next log in) or the user ends up with 
> multiple
>  sessions.  It just always seemed somehow “flimsy” to me (even tho’ 
> I’ve done
>  it in the past myself).

A rather brute-force way of handling permission changes is to force 
that (or all) user to re-login after a permission change,  A bit 
inconvenient, but probably acceptable because  you likely wouldn't do 
it often

>  The primary goal for me was to design a system that required very 
> little
>  knowledge of the application it was protecting.  The system I’ve 
> described
>  (but remember I haven’t built it yet – so this is all conjecture) 
> will work
>  just fine if the application doesn’t enabled the session scope (in 
> fact if
>  you instantiate it in the server scope you don’t even need the 
> application
>  scope).

I like that!

>  The outside application defines the “touch points” and keys used to 
> get at
>  the information.  I’m actually quite pleased with that fact: it was an
>  important turning point for me not to consider how to get things 
> “into the
>  session” and using the session as a cache point.

So, conceptually, you are securing the server, thru that the 
application, and thru that the user, and thru that each user request.

And, you can have as much (or as little) security at each level as you 

>  The system is complex, but caches its information very aggressively 
> so (I
>  hope!) it should still be quite fast.  The caching adds complexity 
> but also
>  enables us to deal with multiple entities working on the same data 
> very
>  gracefully.  When I, as an admin, revoke or add permissions on your 
> account
>  you’ll see the change on the very next request.

With your design, will you have a graceful way of disabling/re-enabling 
an applications permissions?

This is useful for periodic backups and upgrades.

>  Once I get the damn thing done it should be a nice, clichéd “black 
> box” –
>  you won’t have to know how it works inside to use it.  As I said the 
> system
>  itself won’t have any interface at all (although when/if I distribute 
> it
>  I’ll include a sample interface) so it’ll be applicable to pretty 
> much any
>  CF application.

In your initial post you said (early on):

"The security system would not secure itself.  Perhaps this is
  wrong, but I didn't want to make it that complicated"

and (at the end)

"Although I'm truly pleased with the end-user side of things I'm not so
  sure yet about the admin side of things..."

Isn't the logical resolution that:

1) To the "Security" system the Admin is just another, albeit special, 
2) The "Security" system must be robust enough to allow enough function 
to the Admin application, that it can enable/disable the "Security" 
3) When disabled, the "Security" of the server (and all that flows from 
it) could be:  Lockdown; or open access;

Also, I wonder if this (security system) might be fairly easy to 
prototype.  Consider that most applications have an Application.cfm 

You could have each request invoke the main security module main.
this would, initially just gather/log/cache info and return.

Another app could real-time monitor the log/cache with some 
sort/display/zoom options.  You will want to have this app anyway as a 
security monitor control panel.  If you write it early, it will help 
you design and implement the rest of the system

You could implement the other functions (cfcs) as skeletons 
(gather/log/cache & return) and add the associated "touch points" to 
selected applications.

This way you can simulate/observe the security system without affecting 
the applications.

Jim, thanks for the additional explanation -- I think that I understand 
what "it" does & why I need it.

Keep us posted.

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RE: Dinowitz_Debug

2004-07-17 Thread Pascal Peters
You have to set "Report Execution Times >> Using the following output
mode" to "tree"


> -Original Message-
> From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 17 July 2004 04:22
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Dinowitz_Debug
> On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 19:36:29 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> > Go to the front of House of Fusion (
> > download location as well as the install instructions are right
> > Have fun and let me know what you think.
> The table breakdown isn't working for me
> I get the Queries and the Scopes, but the Execution Time is blank
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RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
Actually Michael’s not quite that strict: you can write and post more than
100 lines, but you get a message reminding you to trim your posts if that’s
the reason you went over.  I’m sure he also tracks them and will start
sending stinkbugs to anybody that flouts the rule too often.  ;^)

I’ve been struggling with the topic for several weeks now: you’d be
surprised how little information there is out there on actually building
something like this.  I looked at the papers by Yoder and Barclow (Patterns
for implementing application security) but on one hand they were slightly
over my head (requiring some knowledge of more general design patterns) and
on the other hand they just didn’t go deep enough (there were no object
models, no examples of combining the various patterns, etc – they just
covered the most basic of conceptualizations).

There’s one article at that builds something like this but so
painfully simply it’s really not worth looking at if you really want to do
it (the article really covers general CFC creation in detail, but very
little about the security system).

I even paid for an article/sample code that (I think) Larry Lyons
recommended, but it was also a bit on the simplistic side (although
perfectly  workable) and any caching or advanced features.  It also (it
seemed to me) lacked a cohesive philosophy of security.

I tried several downloads from the Macromedia Exchange and just didn’t care
for them (again, mostly too simplistic and lacking in flexibility).

Most of the systems, for example, call the database then create some type of
“user” object then store that in the session scope.  That’s fine, but
problems occur if an admin changes the person’s permissions (since they
won’t take effect until the next log in) or the user ends up with multiple
sessions.  It just always seemed somehow “flimsy” to me (even tho’ I’ve done
it in the past myself).

I’ve been banging my head against a wall thinking: there must be something
I’m missing.  Some “standard” design that I can steal, some basic object
model that I can start with.  I just found nothing useful.

As for “what it does and why you need it” – well, I don’t know why you need
it; but I do know that I need it.  And if I do (since I’m nothing special)
maybe some other people might as well.  ;^)

The primary goal for me was to design a system that required very little
knowledge of the application it was protecting.  The system I’ve described
(but remember I haven’t built it yet – so this is all conjecture) will work
just fine if the application doesn’t enabled the session scope (in fact if
you instantiate it in the server scope you don’t even need the application

The outside application defines the “touch points” and keys used to get at
the information.  I’m actually quite pleased with that fact: it was an
important turning point for me not to consider how to get things “into the
session” and using the session as a cache point.

The system is complex, but caches its information very aggressively so (I
hope!) it should still be quite fast.  The caching adds complexity but also
enables us to deal with multiple entities working on the same data very
gracefully.  When I, as an admin, revoke or add permissions on your account
you’ll see the change on the very next request.

Once I get the damn thing done it should be a nice, clichéd “black box” –
you won’t have to know how it works inside to use it.  As I said the system
itself won’t have any interface at all (although when/if I distribute it
I’ll include a sample interface) so it’ll be applicable to pretty much any
CF application.

Lastly, although I didn’t go into this in the first post (it was more than
long enough) but I’ve planned the system for expansion: all of the
persistence-layer stuff (database interaction) is completely segmented.
Adding support for a new database is as easy as creating a new set of
“broker” components with your database-specific code (although it doesn’t
have to be a database).

Since the brokers to use are determined at run-time you can use the same
codebase (as long as you have the brokers) to manage as many
datasources/data types as you like.  You could have two applications use
Access, another use SQL Server and another use XML or LDAP.  Although for my
part I’ll probably only be building SQL Server code (at least at first).

Can you tell I’m a little exciting my the idea?

In the final analysis I’m just building because I think it’ll help me and
I’m just publishing it for free to force me to wrote documentation for it
(and maybe get some help with it).  There very little selflessness in the
process.  ;^)

Jim Davis
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RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
If you mean the eventual code then, yes, it will be made public/open source
at (this code, along with a more generalized
application framework is being developed specifically to rebuild although it will also be used on, and several other planned sites).

I used to release lots of code to the public domain, but don't so much any
more due to time constraints.  I want to force myself to do so again simply
because to ready the code for public use I have to document it - so in the
end the whole process tends to help me immensely.  ;^)

However if you mean the explanation. well, then I have to beg off: it was
hard enough getting the description I did out.  ;^)

Jim Davis

From: Paul Kenney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Security with CFCs [LONG]

Is this perhaps something that could be generalized for public consumption?
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