Re: Changes to .cfm files showing up on duplicate/test site cross multiple IIS Sites/Directories. Critical for us!

2006-09-06 Thread millerj
Thanks Guys! I'm headed off to check this out.  This particular server is 4.5 
or 5 so you may have helped me find it.
 In your caching settings in the cfadmin there is a setting 
 for multi-homed servers.  By default it's configured for 
 servers that have a single webroot, but if you've got 
 multiple web roots sharing your CF server, you need to 
 disable the option.

I believe that this is disabled by default in CF 6.1 and higher. But you're
probably right about this being the problem for the original poster.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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Changes to .cfm files showing up on duplicate/test site cross multiple IIS Sites/Directories. Critical for us!

2006-08-28 Thread millerj
I'm making a change in a production site and it's showing up in test site even 
though they are 2 sites, 2 sets of files and IIS has them point to 2 different 
On server they are 2 completely different folders within wwwroot.

let's call one and the other is point to ip ending in  .27 point to ip ending in .31

I make a comment on the index file for
Look at the index file for - open in notepad  DO NOT SEE THE 
Now I go to the website.. type in and SEE THE COMMENT.

Anyone have any ideas on this or how it may be fixed?
thank you

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.

Unsubscribe: / dif domains User Authentication - input please

2005-11-11 Thread millerj
Hello list,
I have a hybrid flash and cf site that I need to authenticate users and forward 
them to a new sub domains or seperate domain based on user authentication.

I'm having real trouble committing to the way I should authenticate... and was 
hoping to explain a bit in theory what I am attempting and get feedback on it...

How the site will work...
Basically if a user [EMAIL PROTECTED] registers.. I'll tag him so I can pass 
him to or a new main domain hosted on the same server. If he 
visists xyz.maindomain or his user login info will pass him to

Flash will dynamically load XML either from a default or custom area (ie 
loading from or ) again based on user 
login... meaning loading xml from will load different data 
than loading the xml from

How I was planning Authentication
Use application.cfc with a cflogin authentication using roles. I was going to 
use roles to potentially manage the urls, custom logos and other custom 
preferences depending on when the user logs in.

I am thinking the structure is a simple application.cfc, generic login form 
with a set of statements redirecting users based on login.

The thing that may or not make sense is that the same flash file is to be 
loaded from a single location to control versions and upgrades, however all 
support data, xml, preferences MAY be loaded from these custom urls.

It seems a bit confusing... hopefully someone takes the time to read and sends 
back some feedback or ideas. Even something like - why the heck would you do 
that.. try this :)

Thanks everyone!

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Re: Web/RAD Software Tools Solid CF Code

2004-09-17 Thread millerj
When is soon for a launch - within weeks? Months?

I'll check it out... I guess it will be hard to get feedback on the product since it isn't live yet.. 
anyone else?

plum is the answer!!
it rocks

-- Original Message --
From: Adam Churvis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Thu, 16 Sep 2004 00:22:46 -0400

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Web/RAD Software Tools Solid CF Code

2004-09-15 Thread millerj
Anyone here succesfully use any Web/RAD tools to build online applications.

I have delved into looking into some UML tools - but most start at $15k +
They are not out of the question - however some tools like codecharge by yes look okay.

The biggest thing is using a tool like this to jump start a framework, rapidly prototype - then dig in down and dirty with customizations.

Anyone succesfully using anything like this? If so - suggestions...
Point blank - I really need some of these so I can work with clients and rapidly prototype - then hand off to my developers and freelancers to work more efficiently. Time to market is critical.


P.S. after coding in Coldfusion for 5 years - CFStudio and Homesite 5+ don't seem to be cutting it for the volume of code I need to output.
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Re: Printing Multiple Files All dynamically created or linked through Cold Fusion - Now desperate

2004-09-14 Thread millerj
Already have it as that is one of the functions as well. It's not the distribution of the documents as much as it is making it easy to print.

There can be between 1 and 50+ products that have a 3 page questionare associated with them.

On top of that - I can have up to 10 documents - images, docs, txts .xls files associated with them.

This user (not always going to be the brightest) has to print everything out in a specific order. Otherwise I am forcing the user to print everything associated at the right time. 

To complicate it more -the dynamic html page that has the products is all one long document with forced page breaks.

I demo'd every convert to PDF function possible - but because I need to support a handful of documents it's not the best route.

I can use cfcontent to view all these documents - but have no way of controlling any functionality - even back or next buttons since cfsavcontent on displaying something like doc or pdf takes over 100% of the page.

I can't believe that right now it looks as if there is no way to pull all these formats together through coldfusion to control the printing. Ideally I would love just one long document - be it doc or pdf - but would settle for some technique to loop through a list of files to print spawning the text box and on each return to page automatically trigger another print process.

Have you thought about having the system create a ZIP on a scheduled
basis (use a scheduled task that runs every night and creates an
updated ZIP file), then provide the user with a static link to the

That would not provide the required printing however it would get
the documents to the user.

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Display Inline files WITH dynamic data for printing

2004-09-13 Thread millerj
Hello everyone.
I am dynamically outputting a query that loops through some documents associated with a particular order and displays a list.

I need to take this to the next step and display documents inline. It's a worksheet I am building - so it is 1 order, but can have multiple products - Each product can have 1 to 10 documents attached to it.

The end result is for someone to come to this page, view all the relevant content from the database AND view all related documents - 

I was hoping to output this on 1 page so that 1 press of the print button will print all database info cfm pages, all docs, excels and jpgs associated with it.

Furthermore - ideally I would like to take all these items and compile into 1 pdf.

The problem is that I can have multiple.doc and a .pdf and a .txt file associated.

I tested the following code - deep down knowing it wouldn't work.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Again - goal is
1) Output db dynamic content  all related documents so user can print out all the pages and files associated with 1 press of the print.
2) Having all those items inline - I wanted to create 1 complete PDF ( essentially so I can email or spawn the PDF souser can use that PDF to print)

Sample code I tried - 
P.S. - the cfcontent's are commented out because uncommented - they take over the entire browser and I can display that underneath the dynamic output query data...

Thanks for any suggestions!!!
jay miller
	cfoutput query=GetAssociatedOrderFiles
	!--- set path to receive docs ---
	cfset variable.DocumentPath =/Secure/dataupload/InspectorUpload/  GetOrders.OrderID  /OrderDocs/
	cfset variable.DocumentAndPath = variable.DocumentPath  GetAssociatedOrderFiles.FileName
		#right(variable.DocumentAndPath, 4)#br
		cfif right(variable.DocumentAndPath, 3) EQ jpg OR right(variable.DocumentAndPath, 3) EQ gif
			h6Inline Review of Graphical Formats/h6
			pimg src="">

		cfelseif right(variable.DocumentAndPath, 3) EQ txt
			h6Spawn inline content for txt/h6
			a href="" target=_blank#variable.DocumentAndPath#/abr
			cfcontent file=d:/webs/ type=text/plain deletefile=No
		cfelseif right(variable.DocumentAndPath, 3) EQ pdf
			h6Spawn inline content pdf/h6
			a href="" target=_blank#variable.DocumentAndPath#/abr
			!---cfcontent file=#variable.DocumentAndPath# type=application/pdf ---
		cfelseif right(variable.DocumentAndPath, 3) EQ doc
			h6Spawn inline content doc/h6
			a href="" target=_blank#variable.DocumentAndPath#/abr
			!---cfcontent file=#variable.DocumentAndPath# type=application/msword ---
			h6inline not supported - please spawn and print document/h6
			a href="" target=_blank#variable.DocumentPath##GetAssociatedOrderFiles.FileName#/abr
			!--- do nothing ---
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Multiple files, html, cfm, xls, doc, pdf Converted to 1

2004-09-13 Thread millerj
Hello List,
I decided to try to attack this another way - and since I hadn't gotten a response earlier - figured there is a good reason for that.

Here are the elements I have
1) Dynamic generated Variable page - of which I can use cfsavecontent
2) A handful of doc, xls, pdf and html pages

All the docs above on a single request need to be appended to 1 pdf document available for download and printing.

Possible? - I would love to use ActivePDF but put me over the dwindling budget.
Thanks in advance - it is a bit of a urgent issue.
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Printing Multiple Files All dynamically created or linked through Cold Fusion - Now desperate

2004-09-13 Thread millerj
Hello everyone,
I am now past desperate - Thought PDF was the way to go but very unsuccesful. On the 7th hour of attempts. Earlier posts were related- but this is a NEW post - I am starting from scratch - this the core of what I need to do.

Dynamically through coldfusion I am compiling a master index of
1) Dynamic Content from db ( which can be 4 to 100+ pages )
2) Images
3) word docs
4) Excel docs
5) txt docs

I need a user to go onto 1 page essentially - click print and have everything print out.

After considering PDF - I am completely discouraged with what is available. I don't care what format it is really- just the end result has to be a nice single document ( web page, pdf, doc ) that a user can press print. Minimal table  css formating.

I am using CFMX 6.1 - Variable data is in SQL.

Any Any Ideas!?!??
thanks in advance.
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Re: Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?

2004-07-28 Thread millerj
The system is only available with a valid account, I can create one but
if you are interested you can contact me by personal mail.

So that means one can't even see what it is about and what it's features are etc?

It would be nice to see how it works, what the interface/workflow is etc without having to create an account. Also - price points etc...

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Re: Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?

2004-07-28 Thread millerj
otherwise you get a blank page?

It's not just a blank page either - it's void of any html or coding etc.
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Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?

2004-07-27 Thread millerj
Hello List -

I am looking to store information about variables nad form fields in a db to conditionally build html forms - 

Has anyone stored the variable name, and the form type in a database - and built the form dynamically on the fly?

I can't seem to find any references to it and am thinking because it must be a bad idea.

Basically - store
name| type| state
LastName text
LastName text

Then build components that write the html form- ie -if it's a radio button - 
cfoutputinput type=#type# name=#VarName# #state#/cfoutput

Another purpose is - if I decide to do forms in Flash - perhaps I can have the database spit out an XML document to use to build the flash interface.

Perhaps have the DB spit out XML/ or another format to build PDF forms etc

Too complex? Bad Idea - Any products already allowing this (NOT Hosted servies)

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Re: Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?

2004-07-27 Thread millerj
only problem I have with that idea is that input boxes can be so
vaired as far as on click events, on change events, diffrent
formating, then theres the action page and form validation..there is a
lot more to a form than a simple Name:inputbox.

Adam H

Absolutely agree with that. I had already thought about other fields needed.. but my wordier posts never seem to get answered so I left it a bit more vague...

But I would include other fields - Like even one that would be output with Preserve quotes called _javascript_ - for _javascript_ events.

Columns such as - dataType (string, number), requiredField (yes/no) and so on.

The ones that I definately am unsure of is all the custom events - but assuming I can have those all handled in a _javascript_ column -... 

I mean - you can really start going nuts like Event (click, mouseover, mousedown), FunctionName etc etc and build the possibility for things like that. I am just not sure if it's more trouble then it's worth.

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Re: Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?

2004-07-27 Thread millerj
Mat - 
Thanks for the reply.
1st - Regarding my code below - I was considering passing the FormType (radio, text, textarea) variable througha if / case or tag that appropriate spits out the same code.

Your right -they all essentially do the same thing.

As for terra forms - I have watched that product page and watched the samples grow and grow. I have considered many times - but all too frequently by these code pieces or tags and find they are not easy to use, limited etc. I do however plan on downloading terraform and giving it a try.

Personally since I purchased your tag sortable about a month ago- and was pretty happy with the code I will give terra forms.

I had seen that demo on the dynamic form generated -but not sure how that all works into your tag so am curious. It seems as if you have already done what I am looking to do here.

And I liked terra forms file upload enhancement. ( I am faced with quite an elaborate file upload / tag / note it type solution )

Anyhow - The basis for all this was that I am tossed between html forms and flash forms and then thought - hey - if I store the information about the forms in a database - can I use it not only for html forms, but to create an XML document to help develop flash forms - then further more - PDF forms etc

Thanks for the reply!

P.S. - I added a few lines of code to your sortable to support images - makes it even more fun to use!
It's certainly possible, and I've seen it done a few times and done it
myself many times. The biggest problem is that HTML form fields have such an
inconsistent interface. For example, compare the HTML markup for a set of
radio buttons with a select box: very different, yet the two widgets
effectively do the same thing. I use a product called TerraForm [disclosure:
I sell it] to build forms which acts as an intermediary between the
developer and the HTML, providing a consistent markup. This makes doing what
you want to do much easier as the appearance of the field is simply
controlled by one database field. Example here: . Also,
check out this product by Bill Kaigler: 


With the code you have written below, would you have one record for each
radio button? How about one record for all the radio buttons, then another
field containing a list of allowed values. You could use the same syntax for
checkboxes or select boxes. I'd also recommend a field for a human-friendly
field name, and a field tracking whether the field is required or not.




Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 1:24 p.m.
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?


Hello List -

I am looking to store information about variables nad form fields in a db to
conditionally build html forms - 

Has anyone stored the variable name, and the form type in a database - and
built the form dynamically on the fly?

I can't seem to find any references to it and am thinking because it must be
a bad idea.

Basically - store
name| type| state
LastName text
LastName text

Then build components that write the html form- ie -if it's a radio button
cfoutputinput type=#type# name=#VarName# #state#/cfoutput

Another purpose is - if I decide to do forms in Flash - perhaps I can have
the database spit out an XML document to use to build the flash interface.

Perhaps have the DB spit out XML/ or another format to build PDF forms

Too complex? Bad Idea - Any products already allowing this (NOT Hosted


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Re: Help! - Dynamically Generate Forms from SQL DB - Bad Idea?

2004-07-27 Thread millerj
I would most likely create static pages from generated content more often then have a form generated dynamically every time.

I was just working on an application this evening...
Customer can order 1 of 5 reports. Each report has alot of information.
- Client side - when ordering - I can have hundreds of fields. It's conditional on how many items a person is entering etc etc.

- In Logic - the 5 reports share a few dozen fields then split off.

I thought not only storing all the variables in a db would expedite creating forms - but allow me to somehow trigger logic by grouping some forms together and having some rules.

All in all - while the forms can be generated on the fly - in many cases I would most likely have htem generated from the db and not generated again until they were modified.

 So every time a form is displayed, you are going to dynamically 
 generate it from the database? How often does the form change?

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Array Variable Available within CFFILE but no where else- userfile[0]

2004-07-22 Thread millerj
Hello List...
I am working with a standard upload.cfm type file.

I am receiving parameters through an applet. I am able to append vars to an url and view them through testing as well so I know the applet and the upload.cfm are communicating.. Also - using the applet - I can see and upload a file...

THe problem is - I am promised from the applet an array called userfile

I searched variables.userfile, application.userfile, request.userfile, url.userfile, form.userfile and plain old userfile

I finally found it guessing it's reference by userfile[0]

So it does indeed seem to be part of an array - however the odd thing is it is available within this cfile tag

cffile action="">

But if I was to output
#userfile[0]# - it would come up as a userfile undefined

If I uploaded 2 files in through the applet - I can have both uploads triggered by simply adding another cffile

cffile action="">

THE BIG question is - 
Obviously the information is there since the upload triggers. Is there some serialization or parsing I need to do before I can refer to the userfile array?

Even just checking to see it's lenght with ArrayLen(userfile) turns up empty - BUT again - the cffile does indeed upload the proper file.

You can see where I am testing it here

Keep in mind I am only allowing the following
(image/jpg, image/pjpeg, image/jpeg, image/gif, application/pdf)

The browse upload AND applet upload do work - I just know need to extract the information hidden in the array so I can
a) Rename the file with unique stamp
b) Write the name of the file into a database for future association

Thanks for everyoneshelp. I feel I am very close!
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Radinks - Drag Drop with CF code

2004-07-21 Thread millerj
Hello group - long time no post.

I think that has a great applet - but I am having problems getting the .cfm to act as the file upload.

So - 2 questions.

1) Has anyone done or know of a LITE drag and drop capable element I can include on a webpage. I will be tracking different uploads through session or application id's

2) Has anyone specifically made work? I programmed a simple form and upload script to confirm everything was working and it was.

The radinks applet doesn't have much to set - besides the file handler path.

I drag an image over - upload progress bar pops up - but the userfile array radinks says is available seems to be empty.

I may be doing something wrong with receiving the array. I am unsure as to how to get the userfile variable the applet passes into a coldfusion variable.

Any help or suggestions on new drag and drop would be fantastic as I have spent ridiculous time researching this already.
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Coldfusion possibly altering Browser Agent Stats? Anyone?

2004-02-04 Thread millerj
Hello list,
I recently stumbled onto a very awkward contradiction in stats software on a ISP server. It is using Live Stats log statistics - I beleive by Media Metrix.

Problem is - I realized a trend on all .cfm generated pages. Browser agents are reporting a specific contradiction in the User Agent Analysis screens.

For example - I see Netscape 4.x have 23% (the #2 top agent) of visitors in one area and in the next report - the the #2 spot belongs to MSIE.

Why am I posting this on a coldfusion site? ONLY .cfm based sites have this contradiction while all others are reporting accurately without this flip

I obviously beleive it is a stat software bug, but thought I would get some insight here. Is it possible while pages are being processed by coldfusion the agent tags are altered in any way???

Thanks for ANY insight - So far the only common issue between all misreported sites is coldfusion. They are on different servers at the isp, running with all non .cfm sites reporting accurately - and all cfm based sites with the same - Netscape 4x Misreport. I posted a low traffic site - with stats from the last 4 days.

Thanks in advance!
Jay Miller
Here is a snap shot of the report -

= report ==
Most active browsers by type and version:
AOL 4.x with 3940 sessions (65.59% of all sessions)
Netscape 4.x with 1388 sessions (23.11% of all sessions)
MSIE 5.x with 393 sessions (6.54% of all sessions)
Netscape 5.x with 158 sessions (2.63% of all sessions)
Unknown with 73 sessions (1.22% of all sessions)
Netscape 3.x with 22 sessions (0.37% of all sessions)
MSIE 4.x with 15 sessions (0.25% of all sessions)
WebTV 2.x with 7 sessions (0.12% of all sessions)
AOL 5.x with 6 sessions (0.10% of all sessions)
Netscape 2.x with 4 sessions (0.07% of all sessions)
Opera 3.x with 1 sessions (0.02% of all sessions)

View Browsers by Agent Type Report 

Most browsers by brand preference:
AOL with 3946 sessions (65.69% of all sessions)
MSIE with 1759 sessions (29.28% of all sessions)
Netscape with 222 sessions (3.70% of all sessions)
Other with 72 sessions (1.20% of all sessions)
WebTV with 7 sessions (0.12% of all sessions)
Opera with 1 sessions (0.02% of all sessions)
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using js to post variables to sepearte CF server - (track users click paths)

2003-10-09 Thread millerj
Hello list,
Was wondering if someone can help. I need to create a piece of js (or other recomended piece) that can run across browsers on asp, cfm, static or php etc sites.

Basically I need to collect some basic CGI. Variables like http_referer and params, useragent etc etc. Essentially I am assigning a user a cookie/session variable and posting that information to a database.

I do this now by running some code on an application.cfm file - however I would like to bundle it up into a js piece and have that submit to a completely seperate server and cfm page which will run filters, do some sets, and insert that into a database.

The basic project is to track referrers and specifically click paths of users through the shopping cart, but have all tracked data submit from any site online, to my cfm site and SQL database.

I am not quite sure of what some of you may recommend and was curious for some feedback to see if I am on the right path.

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SOT - Integration with Great Plains using XML and CFM

2003-09-08 Thread millerj
to CF quite easily. If not, then you'll have to get access to a GP server which
you can experiment with. Try connection and getting chunks of known data from it
and see how it comes through. Then do it in reverse to see what it accepts and
what it does with it.
I'm really unhappy with MS because of the total lack of available tech docs on

I couldn't agree more. I am even working with a client of mind which is a solutions 
partner, and every path leads to some marketing document that says you can do this 
but no hard evidence of process, or how or even basic fundamentals on making a call 
or use what product.

Watching a demo on biztalk - it shows some screen shots - on how to map data and 
integrate business logic which was the first evidence of real integration ( which it 
was setup much like a visio type document)

I just got a hold of an integration document that explains a bit more - but they just 
throw the same options at you - SOAP, MSMQ, BizTalk, XML, Com - some of them redudant 
as we both mentioned (XML) and others seemingly non relevant really like MSMQ - seems 
to be more a process to handle automated messages (MS Message Que)

The thing that really throws me at the end of that list they say Stored Procedures 
Which seems like what biztalk is with a fancier interface. (and price - $25k)

I am about to get setup on a demo company site with a tool called Integration Manager 
which apparently I can test XML or stored procedures on - send data to test company - 
see what comes back.

Appreciate the post - it does seem like an big smoke screen with no exact tech docs 
for a developer to get their hands on.

If I find some exact docs or links related to CF I will certainly post back. I can't 
imagine being the first to tie in CF site to a Great Plains back office.

jay miller

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dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Using CF to pull content from with div tags for printing

2003-02-03 Thread millerj
I thought that would be easier as well. However the site I am building uses ALOT of 
css tricks and positioning and I was having trouble with the print CSS style. I was 
specifically setting alot of content to not display and it continues to  sneak 

I thought it may be easier if I could one time write a script that striped out content 
and posted it to the simplest of pages, a logo, phone number, and then the text 

It's still not settled, like I said the media=Print seems to only be achieving a few 
of my needs.
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Using CF to pull content from with div tags for printing

2003-02-03 Thread millerj
no it does not have to be a pop up - I just thought it would be one of the easier 

I tried the CSS route and have such things as 

body {
  font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
  background: white;

#mainMenu, #menuList, #menuList ul, #menuList li, a.actuator, a.actuator:hover, .menu, 
.menu li a, .menu li a:hover, .subMenu, .subMenu li a,subMenu li a:hover {
display: none;

Those are ALL the items that are part of my menu that I wish not to display - Actually 
they are all contained in #mainMenu - but display=none on that did not work so I added 
everything to be sure.

I am also controlling content in div tags and succesfully modified those to print well 
using style sheets.

My style sheet includes are like so:
style type=text/css media=screen
!-- @import url(;); --
!-- @import url(;); --

style type=text/css media=print
!-- @import url(;) print; --

Perhaps there in lies the problem?
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