RE: Code being truncated...

2009-09-02 Thread Dave Phillips

Okay, so I'm going to answer my own question here for those who encounter
this in the future.

Apparently, the feature that Word has to save a Word Doc as filtered HTML is
a little buggy... (surprise!).  We had a form in Word and saved it as HTML
(filtered) so it wouldn't have all the word specific tags in it.  It turns
out that there were three special characters that were NOT filtered when the
html was saved.  Two I've encountered before:  the "Word" hyphen (ascii
character 8211) and the "Word" apostrophe (ascii character 8217).  In
addition, we had checkboxes on the form ("Word" checkboxes, not HTML) and
instead of Word converting those to HTML checkboxes, it saved them as ascii
character 160, which happens to appear on your screen as a space (nice!).

Bottom line is, what I had to do was take the entire content and stick it in
a variable on my windows box (since it wasn't truncating on Windows) and
loop through every character in the content and find the ones that were over
ascii value 127.  Once I did this, I found 160, 8211 & 8217.  I then did
some replaces on them and outputted the new content to the screen.  I copied
that from the source, saved it in my ORIGINAL CFM module and ran it and
voila, no truncation.

It is apparent that ColdFusion ON Linux has a problem with these characters.
It's not the Linux web server (in our case WebSphere) because it worked fine
with the special characters in the HTML file, but specifically ColdFusion.  

Anyway, just wanted to pass along the solution for those searching for this
quirky behavior in the future.

Dave Phillips

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Code being truncated...

2009-09-02 Thread Dave Phillips

Hi all,


CF8 - Linux environment


We have a situation where the code in our module is being truncated.  It's
at a specific length ( characters).  If I add or remove enough characters
where the truncation occurs within a CF tag, I get a CF error on the page.
If I add/remove enough characters so that the truncation happens within just
regular HTML, then I don't get a CF error, but my output still doesn't look
right because of the truncation.  All content in the file past this point of
truncation never makes it to the browser.  


Here's what we've tried to troubleshoot it:


1.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on another CF8 - Linux
server and get the same result.

2.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows CF8 server
and it works without a problem.

3.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows MX 6.1
server and it works without a problem.

4.   We've changed the filename to a .html extension and it loads just
fine in the Linux environment without truncating any content.


Any ideas what might be causing this?


(and yes Brad, I know - I always get the weird ones!)




Dave Phillips


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Code being truncated...

2009-09-02 Thread Dave Phillips

Hi all,


CF8 - Linux environment


We have a situation where the code in our module is being truncated.  It's
at a specific length ( characters).  If I add or remove enough characters
where the truncation occurs within a CF tag, I get a CF error on the page.
If I add/remove enough characters so that the truncation happens within just
regular HTML, then I don't get a CF error, but my output still doesn't look
right because of the truncation.  All content in the file past this point of
truncation never makes it to the browser.  


Here's what we've tried to troubleshoot it:


1.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on another CF8 - Linux
server and get the same result.

2.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows CF8 server
and it works without a problem.

3.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows MX 6.1
server and it works without a problem.

4.   We've changed the filename to a .html extension and it loads just
fine in the Linux environment without truncating any content.


Any ideas what might be causing this?


(and yes Brad, I know - I always get the weird ones!)




Dave Phillips


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Code being truncated...

2009-09-02 Thread Dave Phillips

Hi all,


CF8 - Linux environment


We have a situation where the code in our module is being truncated.  It's
at a specific length ( characters).  If I add or remove enough characters
where the truncation occurs within a CF tag, I get a CF error on the page.
If I add/remove enough characters so that the truncation happens within just
regular HTML, then I don't get a CF error, but my output still doesn't look
right because of the truncation.  All content in the file past this point of
truncation never makes it to the browser.  


Here's what we've tried to troubleshoot it:


1.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on another CF8 - Linux
server and get the same result.

2.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows CF8 server
and it works without a problem.

3.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows MX 6.1
server and it works without a problem.

4.   We've changed the filename to a .html extension and it loads just
fine in the Linux environment without truncating any content.


Any ideas what might be causing this?


(and yes Brad, I know - I always get the weird ones!)




Dave Phillips


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Code being truncated...

2009-09-02 Thread Dave Phillips

Hi all,


CF8 - Linux environment


We have a situation where the code in our module is being truncated.  It's
at a specific length ( characters).  If I add or remove enough characters
where the truncation occurs within a CF tag, I get a CF error on the page.
If I add/remove enough characters so that the truncation happens within just
regular HTML, then I don't get a CF error, but my output still doesn't look
right because of the truncation.  All content in the file past this point of
truncation never makes it to the browser.  


Here's what we've tried to troubleshoot it:


1.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on another CF8 - Linux
server and get the same result.

2.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows CF8 server
and it works without a problem.

3.   We've taken the exact same code and ran it on a Windows MX 6.1
server and it works without a problem.

4.   We've changed the filename to a .html extension and it loads just
fine in the Linux environment without truncating any content.


Any ideas what might be causing this?


(and yes Brad, I know - I always get the weird ones!)




Dave Phillips


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists