[cfaussie] Re: Microsoft Uses Flash!!!

2008-05-21 Thread Andrew Scott


I will agree with you, there are so many people out there that want to
get a website. But once they have it, they do not know how to keep
their customers on it.

Most people think that we have heard of their product, and tells us
what they think we want to know. But the reality is that if I and yes
I am going to say I on this occasion, can't decide or see what a
product is within the first few minutes of looking I am never likely
to return again.

I will pick on microsoft on this occasion, the reason being is that
even when you google and find the information that you are looking
for. It directs you back to Microsoft (as it is a searched article
from them) only to get hit with a page not found. So what about
redirection, or sorry but that page has now moved to.

Sorry I use microsoft as an example, because it is more prominent
there. But it is an issue that I have an extreme pet hate with, the
information on the internet is there. but one has to search through
all the bullshit and stuff to find what we are looking for.

I do not go to the Adobe website, or even Microsofts unless I am
looking for a trial product that I already know about. Because forget
about going there and finding out about a product in a hurry.

I think the Usability in UAT's has gone out the window when these
companys don't spend that time.

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scott, it you're referring to my post in this thread,  I specifcally
 said that it isnt a Microsoft is the evil empire rant.  It's about
 how so many people (not just Microsoft but they're the most prominent
 offender in my view) think that merely using the name of something is

 How many times have we all seen someone announce proudly that 'version
 3.2 of WIdgetSoft is now released!!  and wondered, what the hell is

 I have a machine that's groaning under the weight of around 100
 processes.  It's working ok, but if i installed everything that people
 wanted me to install, then I'd end up with a bazillion conflicts and a
 whole lot of precious RAM used up for things i don't need.  As it is,
 i havent got a clue what some of those 100 processes are.   I just
 know that if i close some of them, things break.  So I leave them
 running, and trust my anti-virus to make sure they're all ok. So
 my policy is 'just because someone says i need to install this, is not
 good enough reason.  I need to decide for myself whether i need to
 install it.  I remember back to the days when i had Real Audio
 installed, and it kept taking charge of things and changing my
 settings, installing spyware and other things.  it was a thoroughly
 unpleasant piece of software to have on my machine.

 And I had two calls this week from clients asking me what this
 Silverlight thing is, and should they install it.   I was hoping to
 be able to call them back and say something like yes it's ok to
 install.  have a look at http://url here and you can see for
 yourself what it does.   But there's no such page.  The one that I
 eventually found after 5 clicks to get there by the most direct route,
 says  things like : Custom branded experiences using 2D vector
 graphics, animation, styling, and skinning.I think i know what
 that means but it's totally meaningless to my client who's a furniture
 manufacturer.   And the other client who makes and imports
 high-performance car parts, doesnt understand the difference between
 Vista and XP.  Is confused about the difference between RAM and hard
 drive storage.I wouldnt even try to explain it to him.  It's a
 pity that Microsoft didnt think any of those uses might want to know
 what it is.

 Some more examples of this lack of explanation:When Windows Update
 says i need to update my machine,  i just get a message saying you
 have some updates  but no easy way to find out what those updates
 are, and decide whether I need them.or XPPro Service Pack 3 - says
 there are some feature enhancements included, but no way to find out
 what those enhahcements are.  (I have discovered after installing SP3
 that my Remote Desktop no longer works, so presumably the SP3 changed
 something there without my knowledge or approval.   I now have to
 spend time tracking it down and changing whatever it is back again).

 A few years ago, I found myself on someone's mailing list and was
 bombarded with stuff about an international SOA conference that was
 coming up.  I had never seen that term before, and nowhere did they
 use the term in full, so i found myself curious as to what SOA was,
 and was it some technology i needed to know about.   It went on for
 weeks - SOA this and SOA that - inviting people to this SOA conference
 - the speakers and SOA experts speaking at the conference none of whom
 i'd ever heard of.   I assumed it was something in IT but no idea what
 SOA was.   So their entire marketing was wasted on me at least.
 Perhaps they figured 'if they dont know what SOA is, 

[cfaussie] Re: what the hell is widgetsoft

2008-05-21 Thread Mike Kear

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (it's a programmers way to make Flash applications: Actionscript -
 like C# or JavaScript with a HTML type mark-up language. alternative
 to fancy Ajax-based web apps)

Well done for you, Barry!   Thats the first time i have seen anyone
attempt to explain what Flex is.   I wonder why no one in Adobe thinks
they should explain what Flex is?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Microsoft Uses Flash!!!

2008-05-21 Thread Mark Woods

 Is this another Microsoft is a monopolistic company therefore they are 
 evil - sent via Windows owned PC rant?

I have to admit, I basically ignored this thread, but the reference to a 
Windows owned PC cracked me up. Classic Freudian slip! Oh how I 
laughed, then I logged onto a Windows server, tried to figure out how to 
bulk rename a bunch of files by replacing a substring in the name, and 
cried ;-)


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[cfaussie] [Ann-Syd] Introduction to Flex 3

2008-05-21 Thread Chris Velevitch

Monday 26th May, at 6pm for 6:30 start.

Robin Hilliard will gave an introduction to Flex 3 by building an
example application.

Details and RSVP on http://apugs2008may.eventbrite.com help with the
catering courtesy of Adobe.

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
m: 0415 469 095

Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
May meeting: Introduction to Flex 3
Date: Mon 26th May 6pm for 6:30 start
Details and RSVP on http://apugs2008may.eventbrite.com

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Microsoft Uses Flash!!!

2008-05-21 Thread Scott Barnes
Nope, more towards the one after yours.

As for the Widgetsoft... fair enough, don't agree but understand with
regards to your current opinion. Everything someone does to promote a
product will have marketing spin to it, as all marketers are liars (Seth
Godin). I mean would you buy coke if it had on the package:

Will rot your teeth, give you a massive sugar high with an equal massively
low to follow and although you assume you're re-hydrating your body, you're
in fact dehydrating it more


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scott, it you're referring to my post in this thread,  I specifcally
 said that it isnt a Microsoft is the evil empire rant.  It's about
 how so many people (not just Microsoft but they're the most prominent
 offender in my view) think that merely using the name of something is

 How many times have we all seen someone announce proudly that 'version
 3.2 of WIdgetSoft is now released!!  and wondered, what the hell is

 I have a machine that's groaning under the weight of around 100
 processes.  It's working ok, but if i installed everything that people
 wanted me to install, then I'd end up with a bazillion conflicts and a
 whole lot of precious RAM used up for things i don't need.  As it is,
 i havent got a clue what some of those 100 processes are.   I just
 know that if i close some of them, things break.  So I leave them
 running, and trust my anti-virus to make sure they're all ok. So
 my policy is 'just because someone says i need to install this, is not
 good enough reason.  I need to decide for myself whether i need to
 install it.  I remember back to the days when i had Real Audio
 installed, and it kept taking charge of things and changing my
 settings, installing spyware and other things.  it was a thoroughly
 unpleasant piece of software to have on my machine.

 And I had two calls this week from clients asking me what this
 Silverlight thing is, and should they install it.   I was hoping to
 be able to call them back and say something like yes it's ok to
 install.  have a look at http://url here and you can see for
 yourself what it does.   But there's no such page.  The one that I
 eventually found after 5 clicks to get there by the most direct route,
 says  things like : Custom branded experiences using 2D vector
 graphics, animation, styling, and skinning.I think i know what
 that means but it's totally meaningless to my client who's a furniture
 manufacturer.   And the other client who makes and imports
 high-performance car parts, doesnt understand the difference between
 Vista and XP.  Is confused about the difference between RAM and hard
 drive storage.I wouldnt even try to explain it to him.  It's a
 pity that Microsoft didnt think any of those uses might want to know
 what it is.

 Some more examples of this lack of explanation:When Windows Update
 says i need to update my machine,  i just get a message saying you
 have some updates  but no easy way to find out what those updates
 are, and decide whether I need them.or XPPro Service Pack 3 - says
 there are some feature enhancements included, but no way to find out
 what those enhahcements are.  (I have discovered after installing SP3
 that my Remote Desktop no longer works, so presumably the SP3 changed
 something there without my knowledge or approval.   I now have to
 spend time tracking it down and changing whatever it is back again).

 A few years ago, I found myself on someone's mailing list and was
 bombarded with stuff about an international SOA conference that was
 coming up.  I had never seen that term before, and nowhere did they
 use the term in full, so i found myself curious as to what SOA was,
 and was it some technology i needed to know about.   It went on for
 weeks - SOA this and SOA that - inviting people to this SOA conference
 - the speakers and SOA experts speaking at the conference none of whom
 i'd ever heard of.   I assumed it was something in IT but no idea what
 SOA was.   So their entire marketing was wasted on me at least.
 Perhaps they figured 'if they dont know what SOA is, they're not going
 to spend thousands to come to the conference. Probably right i
 suppose, but all it would have taken was a simple sentence saying what
 SOA is, or maybe just spelling out the term in full once.  ONCE.
 Yes, I know that Google is my friend, and i could have gone looked it
 up, but why should i bother.  It's THEIR product.  THEY are the ones
 wanting me to spend my money on it.   In fact if you do google SOA,
 you'll find lots of references to SOA and rarely find a single mention
 of Service Oriented Architecture.  And a plain-language explanation
 of that term is even more rare.

 So this isnt just a Microsoft thing.  I've often seen here on
 ColdFusion lists someone proudly anounce that the latest version of
 their application is released,  but just assuming everyone knows what
 it is and what it does.  I 

[cfaussie] Re: Microsoft Uses Flash!!!

2008-05-21 Thread Scott Barnes
Or for Disneyland packages:

Come to Disneyland, spend 15hrs on a plane, pay around $15-20k in total for
4 people only to line up for 60mins per ride in 35 degree heat with little
or no shade whilst drinking Coke (see below) that has enormous amounts of
Corn Syrup which your body gets confused over and decides to store as fat -
Believe in the Magic.

(sorry, that was my exp anyway heheh). Anyway it's about promoting a
experience, people want to hear the positives and the experience associated
to the said products, it's the glass is always half full

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nope, more towards the one after yours.

 As for the Widgetsoft... fair enough, don't agree but understand with
 regards to your current opinion. Everything someone does to promote a
 product will have marketing spin to it, as all marketers are liars (Seth
 Godin). I mean would you buy coke if it had on the package:

 Will rot your teeth, give you a massive sugar high with an equal massively
 low to follow and although you assume you're re-hydrating your body, you're
 in fact dehydrating it more


   On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Scott, it you're referring to my post in this thread,  I specifcally
 said that it isnt a Microsoft is the evil empire rant.  It's about
 how so many people (not just Microsoft but they're the most prominent
 offender in my view) think that merely using the name of something is

 How many times have we all seen someone announce proudly that 'version
 3.2 of WIdgetSoft is now released!!  and wondered, what the hell is

 I have a machine that's groaning under the weight of around 100
 processes.  It's working ok, but if i installed everything that people
 wanted me to install, then I'd end up with a bazillion conflicts and a
 whole lot of precious RAM used up for things i don't need.  As it is,
 i havent got a clue what some of those 100 processes are.   I just
 know that if i close some of them, things break.  So I leave them
 running, and trust my anti-virus to make sure they're all ok. So
 my policy is 'just because someone says i need to install this, is not
 good enough reason.  I need to decide for myself whether i need to
 install it.  I remember back to the days when i had Real Audio
 installed, and it kept taking charge of things and changing my
 settings, installing spyware and other things.  it was a thoroughly
 unpleasant piece of software to have on my machine.

 And I had two calls this week from clients asking me what this
 Silverlight thing is, and should they install it.   I was hoping to
 be able to call them back and say something like yes it's ok to
 install.  have a look at http://url here and you can see for
 yourself what it does.   But there's no such page.  The one that I
 eventually found after 5 clicks to get there by the most direct route,
 says  things like : Custom branded experiences using 2D vector
 graphics, animation, styling, and skinning.I think i know what
 that means but it's totally meaningless to my client who's a furniture
 manufacturer.   And the other client who makes and imports
 high-performance car parts, doesnt understand the difference between
 Vista and XP.  Is confused about the difference between RAM and hard
 drive storage.I wouldnt even try to explain it to him.  It's a
 pity that Microsoft didnt think any of those uses might want to know
 what it is.

 Some more examples of this lack of explanation:When Windows Update
 says i need to update my machine,  i just get a message saying you
 have some updates  but no easy way to find out what those updates
 are, and decide whether I need them.or XPPro Service Pack 3 - says
 there are some feature enhancements included, but no way to find out
 what those enhahcements are.  (I have discovered after installing SP3
 that my Remote Desktop no longer works, so presumably the SP3 changed
 something there without my knowledge or approval.   I now have to
 spend time tracking it down and changing whatever it is back again).

 A few years ago, I found myself on someone's mailing list and was
 bombarded with stuff about an international SOA conference that was
 coming up.  I had never seen that term before, and nowhere did they
 use the term in full, so i found myself curious as to what SOA was,
 and was it some technology i needed to know about.   It went on for
 weeks - SOA this and SOA that - inviting people to this SOA conference
 - the speakers and SOA experts speaking at the conference none of whom
 i'd ever heard of.   I assumed it was something in IT but no idea what
 SOA was.   So their entire marketing was wasted on me at least.
 Perhaps they figured 'if they dont know what SOA is, they're not going
 to spend thousands to come to the conference. Probably right i
 suppose, but all it would have taken was a simple sentence saying what
 SOA is, or maybe just spelling out the 

[cfaussie] Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIRApplication

2008-05-21 Thread Owen West
That sounds like what I will need to do. I have not managed to connect to it 
locally from an AIR application so using a facade web service is probably the 
best option.
Thanks everybody for the input.
Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
Computer Programmer 
Applications Development Team
Information Technology  Telecommunications
Hunter New England Health
Ph: (02) 4921 4194
Fax: (02) 4921 4191

 Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/05/2008 12:38 am 
i have done that sorta but using CF.  Created a webservice and dropped it on 
each server.  Then when i want to connect to the server from another server i 
use the webservice as my gateway.
cfcomponent extends=cfide.adminapi.administrator/cfcomponent could be 
your webservice but i am unsure if the adminapi is accessible remotely.  If you 
are able to connect to it using air locally i would imagine it is so you should 
be able to call all the functions through the webservice.  that is unless i am 
way off :)

From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Owen West
Sent: Tuesday, 20 May 2008 1:14 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com 
Subject: [cfaussie] Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIR Application

Hi all,
Hoping somebody can help me out. We have several clustered CF8 instances here 
at work and I want to develop an AIR application whereby our developers can 
connect to a CF Cluster name from the AIR app, enter CF DSN details, Mappings, 
etc and have these settings created automaticallly at the click of a button on 
each CF instance in the cluster. This will greatly simplify our deployment as 
currently we need to log in to each instance separately using the CF 
administrator URL, create all required elements, making sure we get all the 
settings right, and repeat for each cf server.
My main problem at the moment is that I am having difficulty in getting the AIR 
application to connect to a remote ColdFusion server's Admin API cfcs. I can 
connect to my local development server's admin api, but not my remote testing 
server. It is certainly possible that I have missed something really obvious, 
however I cannot seem to figure out how to do this. All the examples I have 
seen show using cfml code such as 
  adminObj = createObject(component, cfide.adminapi.administrator ( 
http://appdevcf.cfide.adminapi.administrator/ ));
However, this only connects to the local CF server. How can I point this at a 
remote ColdFusion server's admin api?
As I said, maybe I'm missing something really obvious - if so please point me 
in the right direction!
Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
Computer Programmer 
Applications Development Team
Information Technology  Telecommunications
Hunter New England Health
Ph: (02) 4921 4194
Fax: (02) 4921 4191

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Microsoft Uses Flash!!!

2008-05-21 Thread Mike Kear

I dont tihnk you understood my point at all, Scott.I spent 23
years in sales, selling from individual sales on the phone (yes i
admit it,  i was one of the early developers of hte telemarketing
industry - not my proudest contribution ot teh world!) up to being in
charge of a team of major accounts sales people, including
responsiblity for $30million worth of federal and state government

So I do understand about putting the most attractive view on things.

But I also understand that if you surround your sales pitch with a lot
of fog and gobbledegook, you wont sell a thing.

Here's an interesting fact for you - at Lexmark, we had our brochures
given to us by the marketing people.  I never read one of them, and
nor did any of the sales people, as far as I konw.  Nor did any of my
clients.  We know this because there was a glaring error in one of
them that was repeated on and on for years, and no one ever picked it

How useful might those brochures have been if they had been written in
words and phrases that people will read?

To bring this back to our job as web developers - web sites suffer the
same thing.  Use flowery rubbish in teh text components, or make them
simply lots  of motherhood statements  (e.g. ...provide users with a
richer internet experience) and no one will read them. What is
the point of that?

But thatnks for your input.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or for Disneyland packages:

 Come to Disneyland, spend 15hrs on a plane, pay around $15-20k in total for
 4 people only to line up for 60mins per ride in 35 degree heat with little
 or no shade whilst drinking Coke (see below) that has enormous amounts of
 Corn Syrup which your body gets confused over and decides to store as fat -
 Believe in the Magic.

 (sorry, that was my exp anyway heheh). Anyway it's about promoting a
 experience, people want to hear the positives and the experience associated
 to the said products, it's the glass is always half full

 On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nope, more towards the one after yours.

 As for the Widgetsoft... fair enough, don't agree but understand with
 regards to your current opinion. Everything someone does to promote a
 product will have marketing spin to it, as all marketers are liars (Seth
 Godin). I mean would you buy coke if it had on the package:

 Will rot your teeth, give you a massive sugar high with an equal
 massively low to follow and although you assume you're re-hydrating your
 body, you're in fact dehydrating it more


 On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scott, it you're referring to my post in this thread,  I specifcally
 said that it isnt a Microsoft is the evil empire rant.  It's about
 how so many people (not just Microsoft but they're the most prominent
 offender in my view) think that merely using the name of something is

 How many times have we all seen someone announce proudly that 'version
 3.2 of WIdgetSoft is now released!!  and wondered, what the hell is

 I have a machine that's groaning under the weight of around 100
 processes.  It's working ok, but if i installed everything that people
 wanted me to install, then I'd end up with a bazillion conflicts and a
 whole lot of precious RAM used up for things i don't need.  As it is,
 i havent got a clue what some of those 100 processes are.   I just
 know that if i close some of them, things break.  So I leave them
 running, and trust my anti-virus to make sure they're all ok. So
 my policy is 'just because someone says i need to install this, is not
 good enough reason.  I need to decide for myself whether i need to
 install it.  I remember back to the days when i had Real Audio
 installed, and it kept taking charge of things and changing my
 settings, installing spyware and other things.  it was a thoroughly
 unpleasant piece of software to have on my machine.

 And I had two calls this week from clients asking me what this
 Silverlight thing is, and should they install it.   I was hoping to
 be able to call them back and say something like yes it's ok to
 install.  have a look at http://url here and you can see for
 yourself what it does.   But there's no such page.  The one that I
 eventually found after 5 clicks to get there by the most direct route,
 says  things like : Custom branded experiences using 2D vector
 graphics, animation, styling, and skinning.I think i know what
 that means but it's totally meaningless to my client who's a furniture
 manufacturer.   And the other client who makes and imports
 high-performance car parts, doesnt understand the difference between
 Vista and XP.  Is confused about the difference between RAM and hard
 drive storage. 

[cfaussie] Re: Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIRApplication

2008-05-21 Thread MrBuzzy
Sorry, no time to try this out...

I'm wondering if you can set the remoting CFC access to 'public' (from
memory that's set in remoting-config.xml).

Then the admin API CFCs might be accessible to your AIR app via the flex
gateway, without the need for a facade.
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Owen West [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 That sounds like what I will need to do. I have not managed to connect to
 it locally from an AIR application so using a facade web service is probably
 the best option.

 Thanks everybody for the input.

  Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
 Computer Programmer
 Applications Development Team
 Information Technology  Telecommunications
 Hunter New England Health
 Ph: (02) 4921 4194
 Fax: (02) 4921 4191

  Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/05/2008 12:38 am 
   i have done that sorta but using CF.  Created a webservice and dropped
 it on each server.  Then when i want to connect to the server from another
 server i use the webservice as my gateway.

 cfcomponent extends=cfide.adminapi.administrator/cfcomponent could be
 your webservice but i am unsure if the adminapi is accessible remotely.  If
 you are able to connect to it using air locally i would imagine it is so you
 should be able to call all the functions through the webservice.  that is
 unless i am way off :)


 *From:* cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Owen West
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 20 May 2008 1:14 PM
 *To:* cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [cfaussie] Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIR

  Hi all,

 Hoping somebody can help me out. We have several clustered CF8 instances
 here at work and I want to develop an AIR application whereby our developers
 can connect to a CF Cluster name from the AIR app, enter CF DSN details,
 Mappings, etc and have these settings created automaticallly at the click of
 a button on each CF instance in the cluster. This will greatly simplify our
 deployment as currently we need to log in to each instance separately using
 the CF administrator URL, create all required elements, making sure we get
 all the settings right, and repeat for each cf server.

 My main problem at the moment is that I am having difficulty in getting the
 AIR application to connect to a remote ColdFusion server's Admin API cfcs. I
 can connect to my local development server's admin api, but not my remote
 testing server. It is certainly possible that I have missed something really
 obvious, however I cannot seem to figure out how to do this. All the
 examples I have seen show using cfml code such as

   adminObj = createObject(component, 

 However, this only connects to the local CF server. How can I point this
 at a remote ColdFusion server's admin api?

 As I said, maybe I'm missing something really obvious - if so please point
 me in the right direction!


 Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
 Computer Programmer
 Applications Development Team
 Information Technology  Telecommunications
 Hunter New England Health
 Ph: (02) 4921 4194
 Fax: (02) 4921 4191

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIRApplication

2008-05-21 Thread Steve Onnis
you still need to get to the cfc and because you are talking about remote
servers i dont believe you can connect remotely to another server using
normal cfcs


From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of MrBuzzy
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 12:54 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from

Sorry, no time to try this out...
I'm wondering if you can set the remoting CFC access to 'public' (from
memory that's set in remoting-config.xml).
Then the admin API CFCs might be accessible to your AIR app via the flex
gateway, without the need for a facade.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Owen West [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That sounds like what I will need to do. I have not managed to connect to it
locally from an AIR application so using a facade web service is probably
the best option.
Thanks everybody for the input.
Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
Computer Programmer 
Applications Development Team
Information Technology  Telecommunications
Hunter New England Health
Ph: (02) 4921 4194
Fax: (02) 4921 4191

 Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/05/2008 12:38 am 

i have done that sorta but using CF.  Created a webservice and dropped it on
each server.  Then when i want to connect to the server from another server
i use the webservice as my gateway.
cfcomponent extends=cfide.adminapi.administrator/cfcomponent could be
your webservice but i am unsure if the adminapi is accessible remotely.  If
you are able to connect to it using air locally i would imagine it is so you
should be able to call all the functions through the webservice.  that is
unless i am way off :)


From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Owen West
Sent: Tuesday, 20 May 2008 1:14 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIR

Hi all,
Hoping somebody can help me out. We have several clustered CF8 instances
here at work and I want to develop an AIR application whereby our developers
can connect to a CF Cluster name from the AIR app, enter CF DSN details,
Mappings, etc and have these settings created automaticallly at the click of
a button on each CF instance in the cluster. This will greatly simplify our
deployment as currently we need to log in to each instance separately using
the CF administrator URL, create all required elements, making sure we get
all the settings right, and repeat for each cf server.
My main problem at the moment is that I am having difficulty in getting the
AIR application to connect to a remote ColdFusion server's Admin API cfcs. I
can connect to my local development server's admin api, but not my remote
testing server. It is certainly possible that I have missed something really
obvious, however I cannot seem to figure out how to do this. All the
examples I have seen show using cfml code such as 
  adminObj = createObject(component, cfide.adminapi.administrator
http://appdevcf.cfide.adminapi.administrator/ );
However, this only connects to the local CF server. How can I point this
at a remote ColdFusion server's admin api?
As I said, maybe I'm missing something really obvious - if so please point
me in the right direction!
Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
Computer Programmer 
Applications Development Team
Information Technology  Telecommunications
Hunter New England Health
Ph: (02) 4921 4194
Fax: (02) 4921 4191

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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Chris

Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a
reboot Cold fusion stopped working.


The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.

File not found: /index.cfm

Coldfusion administrator still works and URLs to other files on the
website still work

and other non cfm websites work on the server.

So I guess its a mapping issue as plesk uses vhosts now wwwroot.

Please help, Case of beer to best helper!

I have remote admin access.

Urgent please
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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Steve Onnis

This is why I installed it on a VM before I tried to install it on a server.
Even after uninstalling plesk I couldn't get cf to work again. Eneded up
trashing the vm and starting over. 

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:18 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a reboot
Cold fusion stopped working.


The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.

File not found: /index.cfm

Coldfusion administrator still works and URLs to other files on the website
still work http://trainingdirectory.com.au/images/1girl_000.jpg

and other non cfm websites work on the server.

So I guess its a mapping issue as plesk uses vhosts now wwwroot.

Please help, Case of beer to best helper!

I have remote admin access.

Urgent please

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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Andrew Scott


Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  9015 8628
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:18 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a
reboot Cold fusion stopped working.


The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.

File not found: /index.cfm

Coldfusion administrator still works and URLs to other files on the
website still work

and other non cfm websites work on the server.

So I guess its a mapping issue as plesk uses vhosts now wwwroot.

Please help, Case of beer to best helper!

I have remote admin access.

Urgent please

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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIRApplication

2008-05-21 Thread MrBuzzy
You can if you're using AIR or Flex to invoke the CFC.

Below is the section of remoting-config.xml, it explains itself quite well.

Again I don't know if it works, but reason suggest it might.


*!-- define the resolution rules and access level of the cfc being invoked


*!-- Use the ColdFusion mappings to find CFCs, by default only CFC files
under your webroot can be found. --*


*!-- allow public and remote or just remote methods to be invoked --*


On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you still need to get to the cfc and because you are talking about remote
 servers i dont believe you can connect remotely to another server using
 normal cfcs

 *From:* cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *MrBuzzy
 *Sent:* Thursday, 22 May 2008 12:54 PM
 *To:* cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [cfaussie] Re: Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from

   Sorry, no time to try this out...

 I'm wondering if you can set the remoting CFC access to 'public' (from
 memory that's set in remoting-config.xml).

 Then the admin API CFCs might be accessible to your AIR app via the flex
 gateway, without the need for a facade.
 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Owen West [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 That sounds like what I will need to do. I have not managed to connect to
 it locally from an AIR application so using a facade web service is probably
 the best option.

 Thanks everybody for the input.

  Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
 Computer Programmer
 Applications Development Team
 Information Technology  Telecommunications
 Hunter New England Health
 Ph: (02) 4921 4194
 Fax: (02) 4921 4191

  Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/05/2008 12:38 am 
   i have done that sorta but using CF.  Created a webservice and dropped
 it on each server.  Then when i want to connect to the server from another
 server i use the webservice as my gateway.

 cfcomponent extends=cfide.adminapi.administrator/cfcomponent could
 be your webservice but i am unsure if the adminapi is accessible remotely.
 If you are able to connect to it using air locally i would imagine it is so
 you should be able to call all the functions through the webservice.  that
 is unless i am way off :)


 *From:* cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Owen West
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 20 May 2008 1:14 PM
 *To:* cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [cfaussie] Connect To Remote CF Server Admin API from AIR

  Hi all,

 Hoping somebody can help me out. We have several clustered CF8 instances
 here at work and I want to develop an AIR application whereby our developers
 can connect to a CF Cluster name from the AIR app, enter CF DSN details,
 Mappings, etc and have these settings created automaticallly at the click of
 a button on each CF instance in the cluster. This will greatly simplify our
 deployment as currently we need to log in to each instance separately using
 the CF administrator URL, create all required elements, making sure we get
 all the settings right, and repeat for each cf server.

 My main problem at the moment is that I am having difficulty in getting
 the AIR application to connect to a remote ColdFusion server's Admin API
 cfcs. I can connect to my local development server's admin api, but not my
 remote testing server. It is certainly possible that I have missed something
 really obvious, however I cannot seem to figure out how to do this. All the
 examples I have seen show using cfml code such as

   adminObj = createObject(component, 

 However, this only connects to the local CF server. How can I point this
 at a remote ColdFusion server's admin api?

 As I said, maybe I'm missing something really obvious - if so please point
 me in the right direction!


 Owen West  M.SysDev (C.Sturt) MCP MCAD MCSD
 Computer Programmer
 Applications Development Team
 Information Technology  Telecommunications
 Hunter New England Health
 Ph: (02) 4921 4194
 Fax: (02) 4921 4191

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cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Guennadi M

It's probably of no use to you right now, but Plesk 8.4 (came out last
week) now supports CF8 on Linux. May like to update your plesk to that
(from within plesk) and then run CF/Plesk connection script from
within Plesk control panel.

Guennadi M

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a
 reboot Cold fusion stopped working.


 The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
 Please contact the website administrator.

 File not found: /index.cfm

 Coldfusion administrator still works and URLs to other files on the
 website still work

 and other non cfm websites work on the server.

 So I guess its a mapping issue as plesk uses vhosts now wwwroot.

 Please help, Case of beer to best helper!

 I have remote admin access.

 Urgent please

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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Andrew Scott

Also this link might help too


Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  9015 8628
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:18 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a
reboot Cold fusion stopped working.


The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.

File not found: /index.cfm

Coldfusion administrator still works and URLs to other files on the
website still work

and other non cfm websites work on the server.

So I guess its a mapping issue as plesk uses vhosts now wwwroot.

Please help, Case of beer to best helper!

I have remote admin access.

Urgent please

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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Barry Beattie

I've never heard of Plesk before... (sheltered life I suppose) ...

is it any good? and if so, how?

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Guennadi M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's probably of no use to you right now, but Plesk 8.4 (came out last
 week) now supports CF8 on Linux. May like to update your plesk to that
 (from within plesk) and then run CF/Plesk connection script from
 within Plesk control panel.

 Guennadi M

 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a
 reboot Cold fusion stopped working.


 The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
 Please contact the website administrator.

 File not found: /index.cfm

 Coldfusion administrator still works and URLs to other files on the
 website still work

 and other non cfm websites work on the server.

 So I guess its a mapping issue as plesk uses vhosts now wwwroot.

 Please help, Case of beer to best helper!

 I have remote admin access.

 Urgent please


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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Chris

Can I pay some one to jump in there and take a look and fix
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Guennadi M

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I have a windows server with Plesk 8 and Coldfusion 7, after a
 reboot Cold fusion stopped working.


Are you sure it's a windows server? From what I can see,
www.trainingdirectory.com.au that resolves to is
actually a Linux (Fedora) machine.

If your host supplied Plesk, or claim that they know Plesk, they
should be able to fix it in no time.


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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Andrew Scott

Good question, I am more used to helm than Plex. But I believe Plex is
better in its ease of use over Helm.

Sorry not much info I know, but I have had no real use of Plex as yet. Only
from what I have heard around the traps.

Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  9015 8628
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:43 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

I've never heard of Plesk before... (sheltered life I suppose) ...

is it any good? and if so, how?

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Andrew Scott

Btw in what order did you install them? I hope to god you had been smart
enough to realise that Plex then Coldfusion?

Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  9015 8628
Mobile: 0404 998 273

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:47 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

Can I pay some one to jump in there and take a look and fix

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread andrewlorien

you probably need to provide a bit more information before anyone
would be willing to take you up...

are you SURE it's windows?
who set it up the first time (and do you think they knew what they
were doing)?
how long since the last reboot?

is the coldfusion checkbox in site properties checked?

On May 22, 2:47 pm, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can I pay some one to jump in there and take a look and fix
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Guennadi M

makes no difference. At all. At e least since Plesk 8.3.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Andrew Scott

 Btw in what order did you install them? I hope to god you had been smart
 enough to realise that Plex then Coldfusion?

 Andrew Scott
 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
 Phone: +613  9015 8628
 Mobile: 0404 998 273

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Chris
 Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:47 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

 Can I pay some one to jump in there and take a look and fix


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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Chris

Plesk is great, until you get a problem, as plesk changes your default
server settings.

For users of the control panel, plesk much easier to use than cpanel.
I have used both. Cpanel offers more options though.

Its a fedora server not window.

The server has been running fine for 2 years, then for no reason, CFM
stops working. I have got to say that the reliability of coldfusion
server on windows is not that good if you where to compare it to PHP
which I have had allot less issues. I guess CF8 will fix these issues.

Plesk reccomends installing CF then Plesk, this was done 2 years ago,
and the servers been fine up to now.

can anyone help with CF going bad on linux?

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Chris

Ok, I have CF working again, thanks for all your help, its great to
see an active and helpful CF community.

I understand why Server admins get gray hair and age 2 times faster
than government workers. I need a beer.

On May 22, 3:14 pm, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Plesk is great, until you get a problem, as plesk changes your default
 server settings.

 For users of the control panel, plesk much easier to use than cpanel.
 I have used both. Cpanel offers more options though.

 Its a fedora server not window.

 The server has been running fine for 2 years, then for no reason, CFM
 stops working. I have got to say that the reliability of coldfusion
 server on windows is not that good if you where to compare it to PHP
 which I have had allot less issues. I guess CF8 will fix these issues.

 Plesk reccomends installing CF then Plesk, this was done 2 years ago,
 and the servers been fine up to now.

 can anyone help with CF going bad on linux?
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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Barry Beattie

don't leave us hanging with a mystery...

what fixed it? Gremlins?

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, I have CF working again, thanks for all your help, its great to
 see an active and helpful CF community.

 I understand why Server admins get gray hair and age 2 times faster
 than government workers. I need a beer.

 On May 22, 3:14 pm, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Plesk is great, until you get a problem, as plesk changes your default
 server settings.

 For users of the control panel, plesk much easier to use than cpanel.
 I have used both. Cpanel offers more options though.

 Its a fedora server not window.

 The server has been running fine for 2 years, then for no reason, CFM
 stops working. I have got to say that the reliability of coldfusion
 server on windows is not that good if you where to compare it to PHP
 which I have had allot less issues. I guess CF8 will fix these issues.

 Plesk reccomends installing CF then Plesk, this was done 2 years ago,
 and the servers been fine up to now.

 can anyone help with CF going bad on linux?

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[cfaussie] ColdFusion 8 Wins Codie!

2008-05-21 Thread Rae Buerckner
ColdFusion 8 wins Codie Award for Best Web Services Solution.




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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Plesk File not found index.cfm

2008-05-21 Thread Chris

Yes, Gremlins fixed it. They are now all happy drunk.

Odd, I restarted CF a few times. Went mad and made all these posts.
Then restarted CF again a few hours later and presto, it worked.

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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion 8 Wins Codie!

2008-05-21 Thread Mark Mandel
Dude.. don't you know CF is dying, don't post stuff like that here, it gets
people hopes up.

(Okay, I'm totally joking, but someone had to say it ;oD )


On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Rae Buerckner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ColdFusion 8 wins Codie Award for Best Web Services Solution.





W: www.compoundtheory.com

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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion 8 Wins Codie!

2008-05-21 Thread Rae Buerckner
Now, Now!

If you're going to be at WebDU, you've just become a target for my laser gun

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dude.. don't you know CF is dying, don't post stuff like that here, it gets
 people hopes up.

 (Okay, I'm totally joking, but someone had to say it ;oD )


 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Rae Buerckner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ColdFusion 8 wins Codie Award for Best Web Services Solution.




 W: www.compoundtheory.com

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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion 8 Wins Codie!

2008-05-21 Thread AJ Mercer
I got the same reply when I posted this to the cfugwa list ;-)

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dude.. don't you know CF is dying, don't post stuff like that here, it gets
 people hopes up.

 (Okay, I'm totally joking, but someone had to say it ;oD )


 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Rae Buerckner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ColdFusion 8 wins Codie Award for Best Web Services Solution.




 W: www.compoundtheory.com



AJ Mercer
Web Log: http://webonix.net

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