[cfaussie] Re: How to make flash video

2005-11-23 Thread M@ Bourke
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[cfaussie] Re: How to make flash video

2005-11-23 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi MikeThere is a converter thingo you can download from MMI think you can get it without getting the whole flash program, actually I think its like a big fat plug in for Dream Weaver.M@

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[cfaussie] Re: The new conference for DownUnder

2005-10-17 Thread M@ Bourke
I was one of the doomsayers as I have been using ColdFusion since it was
called Cold Fusion.

Peter didn't you once post on the rocketboots bog that it was always called coldfusion and never cold fusion 

anyway good to see that your no longer of the opinion that Adobe will just scrap CF.

My only problem with Macrobe will be seeing the ugly ugly Adobe logo on
everything, that red logo really is ugly, every time I see it all I can
think of is my browser hanging because of a PDF trying to load.

I'd like to see Adobe be a little more creative with there logo.
A part from that, I'm quite excited about whats to come.


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[cfaussie] Re: The new conference for DownUnder

2005-10-17 Thread M@ Bourke
The issues your are haiving with PDF? I am sharing
them. But my main browser is Firefox beta 1.5.

I'm running FF 1.07
I don't have PDF issues as much these days but over the years, its been
quite frustrating, especially if you click on a link that you didn't
know was for a PDF, the splash screen should have a exit button.

Adobe teaming with MM is great for my employer, as being in the print
industry we use a lot of PDF's and we also use a lot of CF, so bringing
the 2 companies together is great.


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[cfaussie] Re: New look (lol) ACTCFUG.com web site

2005-10-15 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Peter,

Check the site in firefox on 1024 * 768 (or what ever it is) 
the MM live seminar... ad over laps the right cell.
also some text from the middle cell overlaps the right cell 


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[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-11 Thread M@ Bourke
What about SEO? Flash is still unsearchable as far as the web is concerned.

Exactly flash has some basic meta tags these days (I'm led to believe) but search engines punish flash sites hard.

 but if you built an application in HTML an Flash and ran
them side by side you will no doubt find that orders would be the same;

Absolute non sense, 1 of my house mates I used to live with works for a
company that gets 100% of customers from search engines (including
search engine advertising), 
For every $100 the company turns over, $90 profit is made once you take out wages hosting etc. 
If this companies site was made in flash it would get no greater then
1/10 the same search engine referrals, the sites content is HTML and
continually updated and all new content is indexed by google daily. 

I think this is a good example that shows your above statement is incorrect. 
Flash has a place in the world, but at present day it isn't a HTML
replacement, my comp runs fine with 30 tabs open, if I had 30 tabs open
all running an instance of the flash player, it wouldn't be so smooth.

less then 50% of the world have broadband and in 10 years time many
country's will still be running dial up, when I go to a news site on a
dial up connection, I open 10 tabs and they are all loaded in under 30
if I loaded 10 flash sites on dial up I'd put in for annual leave then come back when its loaded.

I also don't believe flash is faster to develop, in some cases it would be, but not always. 
Most of a projects cost comes from its up-keep, html CMS systems are more abundant and easier for non programmers to use. 

Also if you make one site in HTML and then want 10 very similar but
different looking sites, you can simply copy and paste the code then
edit 1 CSS file.

I spend most of my *personal* net time surfing news sites, if the news
site was all flash, I'd stop going there, any flash banner ads I block
straight away.

I like some flash sites, but prefer most sites to be html.


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[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-11 Thread M@ Bourke

 but if you built an application in HTML an Flash and ran
them side by side you will no doubt find that orders would be the same;You are correct, my retort was based on the e-commerce example notedpreviously.
I still disagree, if Flash is only on 98% of computers, then shouldn't the flash site (In theory) get 2% less sales ?

Actually this'll get to complicated so I'll quit here.

Who invented the word This'll

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[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-10 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Claude

Solution is simple, use a US based webhost, 
CF is quite healthy, MM CF sales are up quite substantially as are Blue Dragon sales.

today I see more .com.au .cfm's then ever before, 
also CF has around 10% of all websites (on the intranetand estimated at double on intranets)

There has always been IMO a shortage of quality OZ CF hosts, I've
always used a US host, not saying there isnt any good CF hosts though,
just shop around.

today I believe CF is healthier then 3 years ago (I know more CF devs
and see more CFjobs then ever before), as for OZ webhosts with CF I
couldn't really comment on that.

If a business says that something there competitors support is dead, then its probably a smart move by that business.

If you go into a Holden dealer and ask if they have fords, odd's are they'll say fords aren't the current fad and holdens are.

When sales of CF server start to fall then i'd believe its becomming less of.
there is some OZ hosts on this list who would be more then happy to help you out.

Mike and Kym...


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[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-10 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Mike, 

you've been an active whinger of MM and CF for over a year, if you think MM is so bad, why don't you get a job using Java ?

I find it hard to believe you have trouble getting a CF job at present, unless you don't want to travel outside your suburb,

I know of 3 companies who can't get CF devs, I know other companies who can't get .net devs and are paying top $

a recruiter says there is only 2 cf jobs in Sydney and you believe a recruiter ?
how on earth would a recruiter know how many jobs there are in Sydney ? 
most companies recruit internally.

I also know of 2 companies in Sydney who between them have employed over 9 CF devs in the past month. 
The only shortage to do with CF is a shortage of CF devs, not CF jobs.

Stop being so picky, be prepared to relocate if your a contractor, or
if there is 500 C++ jobs across the road then become a C++ dev and
prove everyone wrong.

As for companies moving to other languages, I've been contacted by
companies who are moving from Java to CF because of CF's less code
required ability. 

Just like windows shops are moving to linux, there is some linux shops
moving to windows. as you'll always have some CF shops moving to .net
and .net shops moving to CF j2ee

there is a lot of companies heavily invested in a certain language and
couldn't afford to re-write years and years worth of code to other

If the job issue is the language and not you, then simply go for jobs
of diff languages, if you don't want to learn another language, then
feel free to follow my rule when it comes to I can't find a job
arguments, which is you can always pick fruit

there are thousands of fruit picking jobs that can't be filled all over Australia, 

With all jobs and all industry's there is always different times of the year where jobs are more abundant then others.

My most friendly tips for you would be 

  Be more persistent
  Get a full time role
  Learn a new language
  Be willing to relocate.
  Pick fruit

Remember that with all the outsourcing fairy tales that failed, many
companies are buying up full time devs, which will result in less
contract jobs then say 1.5 years back.


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[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-10 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Claude,

When you say mike I think you meant me Matt forgive me if I'm wrong there.

Brisbane is the CF capital of Australia, that's undisputed, probably more CF use there then any language lol. 

Best advice would be to go along to the QLD user groups, I know a few
QLD devs personally and they have all stated that Bris Vegas has a CF
community where everyone knows everyone, so if you aren't a frequent
visitor of CF user groups then I'd become one.
Worst that'll happen is you'll meet some great people.

If you have a big network of Devs in QLD, then I'd start by asking around and seeing who knows of positions going etc.

best of luck 


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[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-10 Thread M@ Bourke
There is a geniuine perception in a large proportion of web site owners
that .ColdFusion is either dying or will die when Adobe take control.

Mike I've only heard 1 developer say such a thing, peter tilbrooke said
it on here once and everyone disagreed, Adobe would be insane to buy
out MM then scrap profitable products lol

Adobe needs CF, it gives Adobe an extra strong footing in there PDF
market, the Adobe people were very very impressed with CF, this is
stated in 1 of the CF 10th birthday recordings, 

The same garbage was said when MM took over Allaire, and CF sells more servers now then when allaire was selling it.

As for your other comments/questions I've replied to you off list.

also CF has
around 10% of all websites

I do hope you don't
mean in the world………what a statement. I'm aghast if it

Why are you shocked by 10%
are you shocked in a positive way or a negative way, I hope you meant a positive way. 
10% of the Internet is massive
majority of all pages on the web are static HTML.

most big sites like ya yahoo, google, ebay amazon etc aren't CF, ASP, PHP or JSP

Perl and so fourth
although 1 of those .com's has a Coldfusion intranet and also another has a PHP intranet.

Also I believe MM when they say for every CF page on the net they
estimate there is 2 on an intranet, as I have worked on more CF
intranet applications then CF Internet applications, and most of the
companies I've worked for have a website made out of ASP or some crap,
but had CF intranet applications
the reason for this that I can gather is (by talking to developers at
the company), they got some 3rd party to design there website.

There is over 100 server side languages that sites on the net are made up of, so 10% is a massive %.
CF is never going to be the number one language, the number 1 language
will always be an open source free language like PHP or the like, 
CF if a specialised product, aimed solely as Rapid web development.

Do I think MM could do more to sell there product? yes. 
I worked at a company that used cf5 and the developers told me that
they have no plans to upgrade as they can't see any difference between
cf5 and cf6.1 (and most developers were java developers)
This is where I think MM could send out an info pack to previous customers each time a new version comes out.
even an email would be a start. 

One year I downloaded a MM product, then 3 months later got an invite
to a developer conference/product launch, so I went along. 
then a year later I checked and found that another product launch had just been on and I had missed it, 
So Iemailed MM asking why I never got invited, I was told that they
only send out emails to people who have downloaded one of there
products within the last year lol.
would make a lot more sense to email everyone who hasn't chose to unsubscribe.


[cfaussie] Re: Is CF Programming Becoming Dieing A Slow Death ??

2005-10-10 Thread M@ Bourke
after the dot.com bust, I found it hard to find work as a contractor here in Melbourne.

So did most people after the .com bust regardless of what language you were using.

I find CF to be just as strong as ever, how ever it may depend on where you live etc, 

A wise programmer once told me once you think you have just about
mastered a language, that's when its time to start learning another
Follow that rule and you'll be fine.

who's off to bed.

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2005-09-27 Thread M@ Bourke
Try a server side redirect


If ya were running blue dragon the cfforward tag would do the above,
I'm pretty sure getPageContext().forward is 1 of those undocumented non future guaranteed thingo's 
so if that works and ya use it, be sure to make a note, in case MM ever phase it out.
how ever I could be wrong. 

Sleep time

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[cfaussie] Re: [OT] Proposals

2005-09-27 Thread M@ Bourke
 Most guys I talk to prefer to get her drunk and then ask, but I'm a
 bit more romantic and go for the steak dinner...

I'm 1 of the first guys, go the drinks. j/k... my looks are enough...

tell a client you'll note down requirements and get back to them ASAP, never tell em a price there and then on the spot. 

then work out how long you reckon it'll take, and work out your hourly rate that your after, then charge 3 times that, 
so say you want to earn $10ph then charge $30 as you may spend say 10
hours coding, but spend 20 hours doing all the other stuff, like
meeting the client, getting the requirements, estimating stuff, showing
the client the semi completed project, making changes, going back to
the client a dozen times, getting paid, checking to see you have
the money, then all the tax work later on in the year etc etc.

If your only going to be a contractor then this will be a little
different but if you want to run a business then its like the above.
and if you plan on employing other contractors or employees then your
going to be doing more work and you may have an employee sitting idle
so you'll need to charge at least 3 times what your paying the

And if billed on to 
the client, how does the client react? Surely they have no clue

you explain it to the client in the quote before the project starts.
Always over quote time, never under quote, better to say 6 weeks and
then impress them by having it done in 4 then to say 3 weeks and P#($
them off by taking 4
and yes most of the country has no clue, They voted in a prime minister simply because he appears on the side of a spray can.

who wonders if anyone gets his sense of humour, and also wonders if he'll ever understand him self. 

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[cfaussie] Re: How to do XmlSearch on XHTML?

2005-09-27 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Scott,

CF seems to have a bug with Xmlsearch Xpath when xmlns is concerned,
I also found this our recently while searching some SOAP, if you google
you'll *may* be able to find blog posts from other people who have had
similar issues, 
I had to get around it by doing it more manually 
cfoutputXmlParse(cfhttp.fileContent, true).XmlRoot[Body][heya][yo][1][datatoget].XmlText/cfoutput


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[cfaussie] Report Threads

2005-09-26 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi All,

Just processing a lot of PDF's and Flash papers all at once, and they are going like a snail.
Problem is I'd like them to go like a Zyrtec
I'm looking through the CFadmin for a way to give the processing of
these files some more grunt, I see the report thread numbers can be
I was wondering if the server side PDF and Flash paper generation would be classed as report threads ?
Anyone know if so ? or know what resources I can give my server so it goes like a Zyrtec ?


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[cfaussie] Re: FarCry 3.0: The Glamour Puss

2005-09-25 Thread M@ Bourke
Glamour Puss

Glamour - An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.

Puss - A generally viscous, yellowish-white fluid formed in infected tissue,
consisting of white blood cells, cellular debris, and necrotic tissue.

Sounds rather arousing, will do my best to make it into the Breeze on friday.


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[cfaussie] RE: quick survey: building *all* the UI with CFcustom tags?

2005-09-25 Thread M@ Bourke
I just use a MVC frame work and dump the view in as content variables.

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[cfaussie] Re: CF *Fusebox* Job at my work

2005-09-24 Thread M@ Bourke

is the direct link, for those interested


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[cfaussie] Re: CFdocs on Google Talk

2005-09-23 Thread M@ Bourke

Hopefully they'll give the bot some more intelligence so it can entertain us a little more.


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[cfaussie] CF *Fusebox* Job at my work

2005-09-22 Thread M@ Bourke

Just incase anyone is after a job and didn't know, there is a CF *Fusebox* job at my work, 
its on cfjobs.


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[cfaussie] Re: CF *Fusebox* Job at my work

2005-09-22 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all

I'm not actually in charge of recruitment so please only forward resumes onto the email address thats in the job ad.


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[cfaussie] CFdocs on Google Talk

2005-09-22 Thread M@ Bourke

If anyone runs Google Talk 
add [EMAIL PROTECTED] its a bot, you can tell it a tag and it will display the documentation for it. 

I'd assume as along as ya got any Jabber client you'll be fine.

PS: was told Forta created the bot but not 100% sure on that.

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[cfaussie] cf install issues.

2005-09-18 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all, 

1 of our CF Dev's is having some issues upgrading to cf7 and wants to
go back to cf6 without having to reinstall CF6 again, is there any easy
way to get cf6 working again without reinstalling it? 


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[cfaussie] Re: cf install issues.

2005-09-18 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Mark, 

It's cool now, they ended up getting CF7 working after a few installs installs. 

thanks for your help though. 


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[cfaussie] Re: [OT] eBay plans to acquire Skype

2005-09-15 Thread M@ Bourke
Skype will be dead within 5 years, 
SIP will win, the future of the web is open protocols, 
Google will have a very big impact on open standards.
Long live Google. 

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[cfaussie] Re: testing testing

2005-09-13 Thread M@ Bourke
Is now

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Job?

2005-08-31 Thread M@ Bourke
M@: You're weird.

Scott, Please explaiN!!! lol

I'm serious, I honestly find if I ask for more then they are
offering I have a greater chance of getting an interview, maybe its just they
think this guy thinks his good, lets bring him in for a laugh who
knows, now your on the job market try it.
Personally though I wouldn't try it if I was on the market, only try it while
I'm working, kind of interesting to see what a company thinks.
All companies that have agreed to interview (even though I never got the job)
after I've wanted more then they have said they'll give me are companies where
the developer being replaced left because of money issues.
So I guess maybe they think 
if this guy gets exactly what he wants he may never leave and hell its
only $5k more his asking anyway
or maybe its just they want to have a laugh lol. 
Now when I'm contacted and asked how much I'm after I always say the same xx amount,
as it's how much it'll take me for a company to keep me for the next 10years,
and it's not anything above what many CF jobs are already paying.

And I don't believe in telling a company I'd like to work
for them for 5 years but really be thinking "if I do a year here I'll be able
to leave and get more cash elsewhere" as that's not fair on the employer,
especially if they have some weird complex system and want a zero staff turn
over rate.

I just found over the years if I said what I thought wasn't
that much I'd never get an interview but if I said what I thought was a good offer
I'd get an interview.

Most likely it's because the (Large) companies are smart and
budgeted x amount and I'm asking that amount (or a little below), so they'd
think "well we can afford this guy and his obviously more confident in his
skills then joe blogs who's asking for a lot lot less"

How ever some companies try and pay way less then they have
budgeted, I once got offered $24k in an interview, the funny thing was it was
on the 1st of April (not this year),

I honestly thought it must have been an April fool's joke,
after a while I thought "Should I be laughing?... hang on this guy might be

This companies excuse was they had a Uni grad willing to
work for $24k a year as he was straight out of Uni, all I could think was "this
guy is after paid work experience they won't keep him long"

Anyway… I declined the offer and the UNI grad ended up
leaving the company a few months later for another job.

That company now pays over double that (obviously learnt
there lesson), how ever I wouldn't work for them for a million $'s, I was
personally offended by there offer and by them wasting my time.

Anyway if your ever bored and wanting to try out the "more
chance of getting an interview asking for heaps then asking for little" theory
then feel free to, let me know how it goes, maybe you'll end up asking
exactly what they have budgeted for, maybe ask way more and they'll bring you
in for a laugh.

Who believes avg wage + little perks like big bouncey balls, great team etc are better then bigger wages.

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[cfaussie] Returning DPI of Image

2005-08-31 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all, 

Does anyone know of a good custom tag or java object etc that I can invoke and use to return the DPI of a jpeg image ?
FYI I'm running CF 2.0

Thanks in advance

Who's really using CF 6.1 but said his using 1.5 as a joke =)

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[cfaussie] Re: Returning DPI of Image

2005-08-31 Thread M@ Bourke

Who's really using CF 6.1 but said his using 1.5 as a joke =)

Now I sound extra dumb as I orginally wrote 1.5 then changed it to 2.0 but forgot to change my sig line lol

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[cfaussie] Re: Returning DPI of Image

2005-08-31 Thread M@ Bourke
LOL Barry,

Ya meant to follow cfaussie guildlines which I'm sure state somewhere that you must read someone's sig line :)

Who loves sig lines

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[cfaussie] Re: Returning DPI of Image

2005-08-31 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Haikal,
This is for printing so yeah it needs to be printed. 

I will settle for the centimeters width/height or even mm etc

who was impressed by Barry's big sig line.

On 9/1/05, Haikal Saadh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On further reflection, what exactly do you mean 'DPI of an image'?DPI does not come into play until you actually print the image at aparticular size, so, a 300px wide image, printed 3 inches wide will be100DPI (or PPI), same image printed 6 inches wide would be 50DPI (PPI).
Or, are you referring to the DPI field in the EXIF headers?Or am I completely wrong?

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[cfaussie] Re: download site

2005-08-30 Thread M@ Bourke
its cool I quite liked living as chad, 
I made some bad typo's lol

or has chad made a post before mind (or diff threat) that I can't find?
should have read

or has chad made a post before mine (or diff thread) that I can't find?

Who thinks Darren was probably suffering heat stroke from all that QLD sun =P
 Solar radiation

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Job?

2005-08-30 Thread M@ Bourke

Well if that's the case,where are the
development contracts? 
Why do you have to work contracts, what's your worry with working full time?

I think CF is very healthy, maybe you see more jobs in some other skills, but
just think how many more developers there are in that field. 

There is obviously something wrong with your resume if you don't get invited to
interviews, I'm no IT God but I always get invited for interviews, for jobs I
don't even apply for. 

In the past three months I've put myself up for every single Coldfusion
job that I've found, and all but one of them have been put on hold or not
proceeded for one reason or another.

another reason why you should look at working full time, by avg syd contracting
rates you have lost 30k by being out of work for 3 months, you could be
out of work another 3 months which will mean another $30k if you work half the
year at avg rates you'll earn $60k (ish give or take $10k) how ever all full
time Syd jobs I get contacted about are over $70k, anywhere from low 70's to
mid 80's (except some jobs in outer suburbs).
Now if you can pick up a job earning $80k full time in most cases it would be
better then working 9 months doing contracts and earning $90k the $10k less is
worth a lot more when it comes to less stress in finding next your contract
which is pretty obvious that you're already suffering from that.

If you have trouble getting interviews for full time jobs
then up your rate, I find the more I ask the more like I am to get an


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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Job?

2005-08-30 Thread M@ Bourke
If you have trouble getting interviews for full time jobs
then up your rate, I find the more I ask the more likely I am to get an

That doesn't mean you'll be more likely to get the job though just more likely to get an interview


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[cfaussie] Re: CFCATCH Problem.

2005-08-28 Thread M@ Bourke
I could be wrong, but.. I don't think cfoutput goes inside of cfmail,
I got a feeling cfmail actually does the output stuff its self

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[cfaussie] Re: CF and Payment Gateways?

2005-08-25 Thread M@ Bourke
Oh no we dont
support minor technologies like coldfusion they told me.

If you use Commweb you have to use a com object 

LOL, ya think they would offer a java object, considering there is 10
trillion java developers in the world

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[cfaussie] Re: CF and Payment Gateways?

2005-08-25 Thread M@ Bourke
 10 trillian?

Yes steve close to it trillion not trillian lol

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[cfaussie] Re: Ray C BlogCFC

2005-08-24 Thread M@ Bourke
 How about GoingBourko.com

yeah thats kinda cool, I'm after name thats a little creative or a
play on words etc.

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[cfaussie] Re: OT googles new tools like IM

2005-08-24 Thread M@ Bourke
 I mean really? all said and done its just another MSN but with less
 features (you of all people should miss emote's ) hehe

now its just a MSN with less features, but before it was released it
was an unknown creating a lot of interest.
good thing about it though is it uses Jabber which will help pressure
the big guns MSN Yahoo AOL to all use the 1 standard network, just
like mobile phones use the one network, landlines use the one network
and email uses the one network, so should IM.


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[cfaussie] Re: CF and Payment Gateways?

2005-08-24 Thread M@ Bourke
I've used 3 think they all easily integrate with CF as payment
gateways are pretty simple.
they were
PayPal, ANZ e-gate and think the other is by the NAB

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[cfaussie] OT googles new tools like IM

2005-08-23 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all, 

Just for anyone who don't know googles IM is expected to be launched
this week some time.
Also there new sidebar tool is pretty cool I've started using it on my
home PC as I was already using google desktop search, now I'm just
waiting for it to index .cfm files so I can find code quicker on my
messy HD.

Who cleverly insert some CF stuff into thos message.

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[cfaussie] Re: Ray C BlogCFC

2005-08-22 Thread M@ Bourke

LOL, I'd set it up a blog for my self but I can't think of a good
domain name to register, all I could come up with was mossylog.com but
I was told there is already a similar name...

I liked 4nik8r.com but that was taken

who's after a good domain name.

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[cfaussie] fugli

2005-08-22 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all, 

I've tried signing up to fugli but don't get a confirmation email,
I've checked my spam box and all,
Is there any known issues with signing up to that list ?

who always laughs at the name fugli

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[cfaussie] Re: fugli

2005-08-22 Thread M@ Bourke
 Hey M@,
 Same thing happened to me when I tried subscribing to Cfaussie using my
 gmail account. I got around by sending an email with subscribe subject
 to the cfaussie address.

Hi Kevin, 

I tried sending subcribe but just get an email back saying I don't
have an account or what ever
anyone know the admin email for fugli ? so I can email the list admin for help

who thinks Thanks should have an X instead of ks

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[cfaussie] Re: MM Studio 8

2005-08-22 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Steve I went to the Sydney show yesty, 

I was impressed by the cool spinning object with the copy of it as a
shadow spinning that looked cool,

also I liked how dreamweaver can finally upload files in the
background so ya can upload 100 files and still continue to code, as I
used to hate how you couldn't code till it finished uploading.

flash looks cool. 


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[cfaussie] Re: Sydney monday anyone going ?

2005-08-21 Thread M@ Bourke
I was there, 

had a jumper on though lol. 

anyone else go ?
was a pretty darn big turn out.


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[cfaussie] Re: Ray C BlogCFC

2005-08-21 Thread M@ Bourke
I've just set it up for my younger brothers site
is running mysql, Linux, Blue Dragon 6.2


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[cfaussie] Sydney monday anyone going ?

2005-08-18 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all, 

My work and I will be at the Macromedia product launch in Pitt St on
monday morning, if anyone else is going let me know and I'll say Hi
Odd's are I'll have a black shirt with a purple logo saying E-Bisprint
Come say hi if you see me, if you do see me and don't want to say
hi just don't keep stareing at me and thinking I think that's M@
from cfaussie cos I'll get heaps paranoid that someone is stareing at
me LOL.
if you're female, feel free though as I'm used to that.


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[cfaussie] Re: ACTCFUG

2005-08-14 Thread M@ Bourke
 Still alive and well despite disappearing from the main cfug.org.au site.

so why was it removed ?

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[cfaussie] RE: Screen sizes

2005-08-11 Thread M@ Bourke
I prefer auto stretch, so that it don't matter if your using a big
widescreen or a crud screen crud reso a right hand colum will always
be on the very right of the browser and left hand colum always on the
very left etc.

of cos not all sites end up like that though, many corporate sites
remain centered to 800 X 600 thats how our companies current site is


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[cfaussie] Re: IsTime

2005-08-11 Thread M@ Bourke
a cool function would be notdefined()
instead of cfif not isdefined()  
which I of cos would only use if I didn't know what struct it belonged to

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[cfaussie] Re: No posts since 2/8/2005

2005-08-11 Thread M@ Bourke
Not really, 
check ya junk mail box

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[cfaussie] RE: Screen sizes

2005-08-11 Thread M@ Bourke
 yeah that 'real world' sucks when it comes to playing gta-like games.
 there's no respawn points.

Problem with the real world for some people is they can't find a hot
coffee plugin :)

who just said the friday funny

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[cfaussie] Re: Studio MX 8 pricing

2005-08-09 Thread M@ Bourke
despite it being so small I could not insert my ... into it 

w0w they make them that small :P

anyone downloaded a trial yet ? if so whats it like ?

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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Carl, 
whats your fusebox.xml.cfm file look like ?


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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
  do action=v.home contentvariable=content.welcome /

Should be 
  do action=v.home contentvariable=welcome /
the contentvariable attribute automatically places all var declared by
it into the contentvariable scope.

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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
  do action=v.home contentvariable=content.welcome /

contentvariable attribute simply says 
hey set this do action as a content variable, I want the content
variable to be called what every string I give the content variable

or have I totally mis read your question
as I did that atleast once lol.


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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
what every string
should be
what ever string
I'm having a bad day for typo's and Braino's


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[cfaussie] Re: (Late) Friday Distraction

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
Come on steve admit it, you read the rules first :P

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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
Simply calling Welcome should be enough 
in you 
 v.home directory's circuit.xml file what does the v fuseaction say ?
does it include a file ?
if so does the file exist
oh yeah make sure ya fusebox is in development mode (just checked ya
fusebox file it is)
you might need to refresh the fusebox 
try adding 
fusebox.load=1fusebox.parse=1 to the end of ya url and running that.


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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
try putting layout.main into ya default post process instead of preprocess
so change 
   do action=layout.main /


   do action=layout.main /


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[cfaussie] Re: fusebox question

2005-08-08 Thread M@ Bourke
I actually run 4.0X by the way and not 4.1 , so 4.1 could bit a little

I have not seen contentvariable=content.X before but that
doesn't mean it's not a correct way


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[cfaussie] Re: (Late) Friday Distraction

2005-08-07 Thread M@ Bourke
my first and only go I got 1:13

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: MM Podcast mix

2005-08-01 Thread M@ Bourke
am listening to it now on my phone 
very funny so far.

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: MM Podcast mix

2005-08-01 Thread M@ Bourke
finished it, very funny, when google's HR team employ's commedians I'm
going to recommend Scott Barnes to them

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[cfaussie] Re: Achieve full erection!

2005-07-31 Thread M@ Bourke
Also I just checked my spambox in gmail and found quite a few mailing
list emails in there, so if people are using gmail and thinking
cfaussie has been quiet lately be sure to check ya spambox

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[cfaussie] RE: OT: gmail mail down?

2005-07-29 Thread M@ Bourke
No communist would plot to bring down gmail, communism's main ideology
is based around
everyone working together for the greater good and gmail is that
great and good that both communist and capatalist will want it to stay
online =)

Who thinks everything google Is r0x

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[cfaussie] CF podcasts

2005-07-26 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi all, 

Does anyone know of any/many podcasts for CF?
I'm currently listening to one right now, its simply the cf 10th b-day
d00 from MM

but is there many regular cf podcasts out there ? 
if so some links


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[cfaussie] Macromedia showcases new products Sydney

2005-07-26 Thread M@ Bourke

Anyone going?

I'll be there with 2 others from my work. 
Register early


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[cfaussie] Re: Macromedia showcases new products Sydney

2005-07-26 Thread M@ Bourke
 Yeah i'm going - just finished registering then.
 I'll cya down there :)

Odd's are you might see me in the car on the way there as well. 
I bags Shotgun. 

who must have shot gun

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[cfaussie] Re: CF podcasts

2005-07-26 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Mark and Pat, 

thanx for the links, I'll be sure to grab those files =)


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[cfaussie] RE: debug in cffunction

2005-07-25 Thread M@ Bourke
base  = Basic

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: ColdFusionGear.com

2005-07-24 Thread M@ Bourke
On 7/25/05, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Warning: If you plan to wear this shirt, make sure you hide your lunch
 money inside your secret undewear pocket(s) that are resistent to
 exceess atomic wedges.

Ha Ha - Nelson Muntz
Scott your post was probably the most funny post I have ever read on here. 

Still laughing

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[cfaussie] RE: debug in cffunction

2005-07-24 Thread M@ Bourke
 I am getting into the whole cffunction thing...

Hi Chad,
If you want to get into the whole Cffunction thing more I recommend
to start by having all querys within CFC's
just start with base CRUD methods.

Chuck some crud on it - Nelson Muntz

Who chucks crud on everything

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[cfaussie] Re: WOT: for beer lovers...

2005-07-23 Thread M@ Bourke
 Well in this case, you missed a very funny ad.  It's well worth the
 look, and relax, I dont believe the java applet is going to hurt you
 or anyone.

I'm on dial up =(
I'll check out at work on Monday.

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[cfaussie] Re: WOT: for beer lovers...

2005-07-22 Thread M@ Bourke
My religion dictates that if I load a page with a java applet I must
close that page straight away.

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[cfaussie] Re: WOT: for beer lovers...

2005-07-22 Thread M@ Bourke
 Does that mean that someone else has to do the configuring for you in CF
 Administrator when you are setting up mappings and all of those other
 things that use the CFTree applet or similar? Wow, good religion, you
 can skive out of work :^)

Exactly at work they say admin the cf admin and I say religious conflict
and go home early for the day lol nah 
just websites on the net that have basic stuff in java applets that
could be done in flash.
since 2001 I've been using tabbed browsing, I'll load a new page in a
tab and let that load, while its loading I'll go back to other tabs
and continue to work, but when a tab loads a java applet the whole
browser always freezes up which prevents me from multi tasking g.

so yeah, I stay well clear of java applet pages.
Java is for servers or desktop applications, Java isnt for client side
internet (in my view).


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[cfaussie] Re: CF Birthday Party wrap up

2005-07-13 Thread M@ Bourke
Sounds like ya's all had fun, was disapointed I couldn't join in.

did anyone sing Is this the way to coldfusion ?
of cos assuming coldfusion came from boston and you replaced armarello
with coldfusion ;)

what did the shirts look like ?


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[cfaussie] Re: CF Birthday Party wrap up

2005-07-13 Thread M@ Bourke
haha shirts sound funny, what was the official size of them ?
Extra large beach tent.

what group got the biggest turn out.

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[cfaussie] Re: Sydney's ColdFusion Birthday Bash, Wednesday 13th July

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
I have a CF 5 T shirt as mentioned on here before but its frame on my wall :S
1 day it'll be on ebay.


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[cfaussie] Re: Sydney's ColdFusion Birthday Bash, Wednesday 13th July

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
 ok how about general allaire/macromedia 'ware then??
 come on, gotta get in the true geek spirt!

only own the 1 shirt, 
MM CF 5, has all tags and attributes on chest and all functions on
sleves and all writing upside down so you can read it  while wearing
shame we use 6.1 at work , I keep asking for us to go back to 5 :P

I think I may have a pen or super ball laying around somewhere, I
could have rocked up bouncing a ball with a pen sticking out of my

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[cfaussie] Re: Dude check out this sweet site!

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
Scott you been coding in ASP again ?

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Links - Macromedia Flash Player 8 Public Beta and Google toolbar for Firefox

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
Ok I just installed the flash 8 plugin, 
now no flash loads on the macromedia sites and the only flash I have
gotten to load is 1 flash page on 1 of works sites and all the rest of
our flash don't load lol.

anyone else have the same issues ?


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[cfaussie] Re: Sydney's ColdFusion Birthday Bash, Wednesday 13th July

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
Sorry all, I can't make it tonight. 
Business has come up. 

Will try my best to make the next one. 

Hope you all enjoy the night, be sure to let us all know how the night went.


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[cfaussie] Re: Reminiscing

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
Interesting story by the way =)


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[cfaussie] Re: Reminiscing

2005-07-12 Thread M@ Bourke
 Interesting technique,
 very neat but why not just a page with the code and the HTML?

or a coder could just use a tried and proven framework and use MVC ;)
Half hour to learn a frame work then thousends of hours of admireing =)


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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Oldest CF user here?

2005-07-11 Thread M@ Bourke
Can anyone remember when the name changed from Cold Fusion to ColdFusion?

Hi Justin,
November 98 it became Coldfusion.

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Oldest CF user here?

2005-07-11 Thread M@ Bourke
Peter whats it called on your 1.0 floppy disks ?

does it have writing or just the  old CF logo ?
as you once wrote on the rocket boots blog that it has always been
called coldfusion and never cold fusion

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[cfaussie] Re: Sydney's ColdFusion Birthday Bash, Wednesday 13th July

2005-07-11 Thread M@ Bourke
Due to school holidays we're back at Red Square at Glebe so I'm
looking forward to your RSVP and seeing you there.

Sweet, even greater chance of me making it.
Mike said he'll be bringing bad Mike so that makes me extra keen to make it ;)

Hope to make it and hope to see ya's all there, hope to meet some
people off here that I'm yet to meet in person.


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[cfaussie] RE: RocketBoots Master Classes Next Month

2005-07-10 Thread M@ Bourke
 No Melbourne?
Robins Alergic to Rain :P

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[cfaussie] Re: Cookies

2005-07-07 Thread M@ Bourke
Cyber space has Hash Cookies now ?

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Oldest CF user here?

2005-07-06 Thread M@ Bourke
I go back to 94
in 94 I used to hang on the dalnet servers with many other nerds, 
Mr allaire was a member of the chan he went by the alias allaireman
I wen't by the alias bourkeman along with heaps of devs in the chan
there was 1 dev who went by ditroxsietosis

anyway back then parts of the server for open source, as allaireman
was seeking help from the chan and sending to and from 1 another txt
files of code,  anyway at the time cfset was actually called cfvar
and ditroxsietosis (who I thinks real name was richard cranium IIRC)
said if the language was to attract newbies it needed to be even more
basic and suggested cfset.
then I had a closer look at the tag list which only had 4 tags at the
time, anyway there was 1 tag called cfwrite at the time allaireman
had even wrote about half a page of documentation, the documentation
for cfwrite stated something like this tag is used to output data
to the page so I suggested why not call it cfoutput.
allaireman said (I have the logs here somewhere let me check) I want
the tags to be under 8 chars including the opening and closeing pointy
Bourkeman said what... are people only going to be accessing these
servers by using dos command line?
then after about 4 minutes allaireman agreed on cfoutput.

after a few months of receiving channel (including getting 3 chan
members to alpha test cf0.5) help allireman started coming into the
chan a lot less often and by the time cf1.0 got launched he stopped
visiting the chan for good, so most of us being insecure nerds were
disappointed with him and simply kept hacking away with c++, then in
2001 I started using CF commercially starting with cf4.5, not long
after that I was using 5.0 then beta testing neo now I use CFMX 6.1
and BD 6.2, I refuse to use cfmx7.0 until they get rid of the MX and
give it a different name :P

who has been using CF longer then all you [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[cfaussie] Re: Integrating udm4

2005-07-06 Thread M@ Bourke
Any relation to Andrew ?

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Oldest CF user here?

2005-07-06 Thread M@ Bourke
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] always you need to cut the dosage down on the medication 

Ok...well the last few lines were true, 

and im 23 years old.. actually I'm 22 turning 23

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[cfaussie] Re: Integrating udm4

2005-07-06 Thread M@ Bourke

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[cfaussie] Re: CF Birthday Bash, Bendigo, July 13th

2005-07-06 Thread M@ Bourke
what about the song from the thread is this the way to coldfusion
of cos assuming CF comes from boston and you replace some word with CF.

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[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne CFMX Birthday Meeting

2005-07-05 Thread M@ Bourke
w0w satnight user groups, 

ya's could really get wasted at these meetings.


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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Birthday Bash, Sydney 13th July

2005-07-05 Thread M@ Bourke
Hi Andrew,

Put me down for a shirt, carton of beer, 2 large pizza's, CFMX
(enterprise edition) and a taxi home.


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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Birthday Bash, Sydney 13th July

2005-07-05 Thread M@ Bourke
 What no tall blonde?

hmmm make it 2 ;)

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