[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Who kidnapped Centanni?

2006-08-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 26, 2006 2:17:11 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [SPY NEWS] Who kidnapped Centanni?Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hotair.com/archives/2006/08/24/who-kidnapped-centanni/ Who kidnapped Centanni?  (Update: A new theory from JPost)  posted at 5:42 pm on August 24, 2006 by Allahpundit  A Fatah splinter group? The Palestinian security sources told TIME that Holy Jihad Brigades is made   up of gunmen who belonged to one of the many armed groups that splintered   apart from the late Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement…The true motivation behind the kidnapping, say these security sources, was   to discredit both Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority — who rashly   told U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that he could free the pair of   journalists swiftly — and Ismael Haniyeh, the Palestinian prime minister,   whose Hamas-led government has tried to crack down on Fatah splinter groups’   roaming death squads and extortion rackets in Gaza.Al Qaeda? The language in the statement, which denounces the U.S.-led wars in Iraq   and Afghanistan, is similar in style and content to the kind of dispatches   issued by Abu Musab al Zarqawi when he was leading al Qaeda in Iraq…Also unusual for Palestinian militants was the extraordinary demand issued   in the statement that “Muslim prisoners in U.S. jails be released within three   days” in exchange for the two Fox journalists. Targeting journalists from an   American news organization and making demands on the United States rather than   Israel is not typical for Palestinian groups.“Al Qaeda 3.0″? The Global Islamic Media Front today released a copy of the Steve Centanni   & Olaf Wiig hostage video in an internet posting…The fact that it was the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) that released   these artifacts is very bad news. The group is an al Qaeda mouthpiece that   generally distributes high-production value propaganda pieces.The fact that the GIMF was not involved in the initial production of the   video is a sign that the “Holy Jihad Brigades” is exactly as I feared: part of   al Qaeda 3.0. What this means is that they are an al Qaeda inspired jihad   gang, not directly under the control of the terror organization, but which is   connected through a worldwide network of radical Salafists–most importantly   through the internet.Hezbollah? In addition, the Holy Jihad Brigades is hoping that by staging a   high-publicity kidnapping of foreigners, they may attract the largess of the   Lebanese militia group, Hizballah. In recent months, say Israeli intelligence   officials, Hizballah has started to bankroll a wide array of Palestinian   groups in Gaza and the West Bank in their battle against Israeli forces, and   the Brigades may be hoping to join this lucrative club.Hezbollah and Al Qaeda? An Iranian intelligence official explained to Asia Times Online, “There   have been some contacts between Hezbollah and al-Qaeda in the past, but those   contacts were at the individual level. The two organizations never spoke to   each other officially. Neither did they exchange any official delegations.“However, nobody can deny that individuals of both organizations carried   out operations jointly. And as the situation is emerging, there are chances   that any time soon the two organizations will be compelled to interact   officially.”This is confirmed by a Pakistani intelligence source who is part of an   international intelligence cartel investigating regional arms markets.The U.S. and New Zealand won’t negotiate. Olaf Wiig’s wife is saying what she has to say to win his freedom.Yet another Palestinian terrorist splinter group is preparing to declare the birth of the caliphate tomorrow in Jerusalem. They’re seen as a hardline alternative — to Hamas.Update: Just across at JPost. They cite Palestinian “security” sources and Hamas officials as corroborating Time’s report — with a significant new detail. Another top Hamas activist told the Post that his movement’s investigations   have shown that the two journalists were initially kidnapped by   members of one of the PA’s security forces. “The kidnappers,   who wanted to put pressure on the Palestinian leadership to pay them their   salaries, later handed the two over to Fatah gunmen,” he said. “They are now   being held in one of the refugee camps near Gaza City.”   

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[cia-drugs] ***URGENT ACTION ALERT***This is the truth & invitation to help save the planet

2006-08-26 Thread MarshaMcClelland
***URGENT ACTION ALERT***This is the truth & invitation to help save 
the planet

Dear Group Owners;

Please allow this most urgent alert and excuse the necessary cross 
posting because these dire times call for drastic measures...This 
communication is not really about religion per say but then it is at 
the same time...Kind of an oxymoron, I guess

Not a religion but knowledge and a way of life and being that can 
and will save us all

These type posts are meant to expose most religion for what it 
really is...There are two separate forces when it comes to 
religion...One that keeps the masses blind...The other to open their 
eyes and set them free

Some members in all the groups will not welcome this message but I 
plead with you group owners to allow this truth be posted for all 
the others to be able to digest and make up their own minds

Many do not want you to have this knowledge and go to great extremes 
to stop it

But it is real and the basic content to this communication needs to 
be spread like wildfire

Thank you in advance for allowing this to post...The children will 
thank you, too

I wrote to a member at our WTP_U group>>>

Re: [The State Of Israel] I will bless those who bless you, and 
curse those who curse you.

Hey Laura...Maybe if we are successful at convincing Ron of the fact 
that Israel really is the enemy>>>Maybe we could convince Harry 
there really is a Creator?
Then Ron being the good heart he is could start enlightening the 
masses with the genuine and whole truth
And Harry could be right there to back this (been there all the 
time) great news...This knowledge is not something new but really 
old and ancient truth
The spiritual part of the truth that has gotten suppressed by man 
made religion and doctrine throughout time...One of the tricks of 
the "greatest deception to mankind",  interjected to confuse and 
separate, to allow the evil and greedy to rule the masses
Once you open yourself to this truth you will be truly amazed at the 
revelations and epiphanies to come...If you're like I was and afraid 
to search out so called taboo areas believing what the old schooled 
Christians passed down to us...You need not be...No one can deceive 
you because you will know them by their fruit
These old lessons were designed to keep us passive and from learning 
our true potential...So "We The Peasants" would not become "We The 
The key to this new & ancient way of living is simple>>>The essence 
is made wholly of love and acceptance of all others
This way of living (and not a religion) gives a whole new meaning to 
the name Christian...What a Christian really should be like...No 
matter what doctrine one allows to dictate man made rules or truth 
mixed with deception to them, they need to reevaluate 
immediately...The real Christian thing to do would be>>>To be sure 
all aspects of every individual is pure in love and good fruit 
including and especially loving and caring for all of Creation...Not 
just part of them
We all need start all over and together this time not allowing all 
the tricks to divide us
Now, would this be a miracle when Harry and Ron unite in love for 
mankind using determination and truth to help save us all?...Both 
good and gentle men who have been part of the result of the 
conditioning we have all been put through for generations coming 
together for one purpose?...Our purpose that was sidetracked from 
the beginning
That purpose being to be the caretakers of this planet...And 
please...I don't want to hear the one that says our only purpose to 
be here is to glorify God...That's not true and it does nothing to 
stop death and suffering of little ones...God is good and if you 
mistake bad fruit for good in condoning evil deeds...Your God is of 
the negative force and supporting Israel involves fruit that stinks 
to high Heaven
Okay Harry & Ron...Please go within yourselves and examine 
reality...We need you both desperately to help break the old curse 
and link together in truth...We need you both to help break the 
balance from negativity to the positive
I'm a big advocate at exposing the truth behind scripture that man 
has tainted but in it's duality as with everything else touching 
this planet, it has truth and divinity too
Scripture states that "God's" children will recognize truth when 
they hear it...Anyone with a basically good heart "is' capable of 
having ears to hear...Every good hearted person is a child of  the 
good God whether he wants to claim this or not
We need all get real now...Get the movie>>>What The Bleep Do We 
Know!? Down The Rabbit Hole and wake up to fact that is stranger 
than fiction...Come out of the box and go from being the peasant to 
being a person and help take back all that belongs to us for future 
generation to come
That curse at the end of Revelation in the Bible is not real and put 
there for good reason...The motive for it was not good, as in a 
positive nature, but served it's e

[cia-drugs] Re: HOLMGREN LIES AGAIN: FALSELY CLAIMS that Prof. Steven Jones trashes the demolition evidence

2006-08-26 Thread Mark S Bilk
On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 03:38:10PM -0700, Scott Loughrey wrote:
>as verb: 1. to defraud; cheat. ...
>as noun: 5. a cheat; swindler.

Scott Loughrey's response is one of the usual ones for the 
Holmgren-Webfairy-Haupt disinformation group.  When presented 
with a rational refutation of their so-called evidence they 
ignore it, and respond with nonsensical personal attacks.

Haupt and Webfairy have done this many times when I and others
have shown that their no-WTC-planes "evidence" doesn't at all
prove what they say it does.  Holmgren, if he responds at all, 
tends to write long arguments, which when examined turn out, 
again, not to prove what he says they do, just like his present 
attack on Steve Jones.

Scott Loughery is confusing my family name -- which was 
"Americanized" from some Russian name (maybe Bialik) by an 
immigration official on Ellis Island in the 1920s -- with an 
English word that happens to be spelled the same, but has 
no connection with it at all.  Nico Haupt and Rosalee "Webfairy" 
Grable have used exactly the same ad hominem attack many times;
Haupt even has it on a web page.

Scott Loughery, Nico Haupt, and Rosalee "Webfairy" Grable all hope 
that you folks who read their personal attacks will be so lacking 
in the ability to think, that you will be influenced by their 
obvious nonsensical attempt to confuse you.

That is what _they_ think of _you_!


On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 03:38:10PM -0700, Scott Loughrey wrote:
>as verb:
>1. to defraud; cheat.
>2. to evade payment of (a debt).
>3. to frustrate.
>4. to escape from; elude.
>as noun:
>5. a cheat; swindler.
>6. a trick; fraud; deceit.
>--- Mark S Bilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Just as with all the claims by Gerard Holmgren, Nico Haupt,
>>and Rosalee "Webfairy" Grable that no planes hit the WTC
>>towers, one finds on close examination that their alleged
>>"evidence" does _not_ prove their claims.  They are engaged
>>in a program of lying disinformation and scurrilous ad
>>hominem attacks which all have the purpose of discrediting
>>the 9-11 truth movement.  That's why they have concentrated
>>their attacks on David Ray Griffin and Steven E. Jones, the
>>two researchers who have been among the most successful in
>>reaching the public and the news media.
>>In the present case, here is what Holmgren gives (after
>>three pages of crap) as "proof" of his claim that "Jones
>>trashes the demolition evidence".  It's part of a response
>>that Jones wrote after Holmgren had sent him several messages
>>containing personal attacks:
>>"I was not convinced of demolition as a `proven fact' before
>>I made `any public appearance or publication.' Nor were
>>the faculty assembled at my Sept 2005 seminar at BYU (my
>>'debut' seminar on the subject). It was the work I did on
>>thermite/ thermate, including experiments done here at BYU,
>>that convinced me"
>>Note that Jones does _not_ say that the free-fall of
>>the towers, the pulverization of the concrete, etc., are
>>worthless in proving demolition.  In fact, just to name
>>one instance, on page 9 of a 175 page pdf file about 9-11,
>>Jones _cites_ the free-fall evidence.  He only says that he
>>_personally_, at the time, was not convinced of demolition
>>"as a proven fact", until he found chemical evidence of the
>>actual incendiary substances used to melt the steel columns.
>>That just means that Jones, personally, and some BYU faculty
>>members, were using a more stringent standard of proof than
>>those of us for whom the previous evidence sufficed.
>> He is a scientist on the faculty of a major university,
>>who has published dozens of research papers in peer-reviewed
>> Presumably he wanted tangible, not just inferential, evidence
>>before risking his reputation, his livelihood, and maybe
>>his life by speaking out against the false-flag operation
>>that underlies the government's genocidal mass murder in
>>Afghanistan and Iraq and installation of a police state here.
>>Holmgren, Haupt, and Webfairy cannot be trusted.
>>Their so-called evidence of planes not hitting the WTC
>>is believable only to people who don't have the relevant
>>knowledge of video technology and physics.
>>On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 08:57:42AM -0500, Webfairy
>>>- Original Message - 
>>>From: Gerard Holmgren 
>>>Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:39 AM
>>>Subject: New article

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[cia-drugs] The devil's bankers

2006-08-26 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

‘Crime is a leading 
benificiary of globalisation’The devil’s 
The belief of the US and British 
governments that they could seize dirty money thought to be financing terrorism 
has merely diverted scarce police resources from the pursuit of criminal money 
By Ibrahim Warde 

The Clearstream scandal, which is currently roiling 
the French political establishment, exposes two aspects of financial 
globalisation: the promise of transparency and the potential for money 
laundering. Indeed, the very name of the Luxembourg-based clearing house 
suggests both transparency and a cleansing flow.
It was originally assumed that the information 
revolution and omniscient, self-regulating markets would provide their own 
defence mechanisms. But huge black holes soon appeared in a world in which “the 
language is coded, the uninitiated excluded and the rules seldom written and 
communicable” (1).
Senator John Kerry, in his 1998 book The New War: The Web of Crime That Threatens America’s Security, 
wrote: “The opening of borders to international commerce and the information 
highway have benefited terrorists every bit as much as they have helped 
legitimate businesspeople and criminals” (2). In 2005 
Moises Naim, editor of Foreign Policy, observed that illicit 
activities were not limited to the margins of the international economy and that 
crime (the most lucrative business) has been a leading beneficiary of 
globalisation. Terrorism, nuclear proliferation, arm sales, drug dealing, 
counterfeiting, piracy, human trafficking, tax evasion and money laundering have 
all exploded (3).
In a system based on speed, efficiency and 
anonymity, shadowy operators have an advantage over political and judicial 
authorities, especially considering the ground lost by national regulators to 
the World Trade Organisation, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, 
the Bank for International Settlements, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 
or the Basle Committee.
The rules of the game are now largely determined by 
the world’s most powerful nations, especially the United States, in cooperation 
with little-known private companies such as Clearstream, of which its former 
boss, André Lussi, said: “Banks have customers and our customers are the banks. 
We are the notaries public of the world” (4).
In 2004 Lussi was indicted in Luxembourg for money 
laundering, manipulation of financial statements, fake accounting, financial 
fraud and tax evasion. The Clearstream affair testifies to the potential for 
dissimulation and manipulation among those new notaries.
The role of anti-money laundering measures was to 
fight such dysfunctions. Money laundering integrates funds derived from criminal 
activities into the legitimate financial system: it cleans dirty money. 
According to some sources, it goes back to the 1920s (when the gangster Al 
Capone bought laundromats to help disguise the criminal origin of his hard 
cash). But the idea, just like as the war against it, is of more recent vintage. 
The media began to mention it at the time of Watergate (1972-74), which revealed 
how the Nixon administration had adeptly hidden the origin and destination of 
funds. The phrase first appeared in legal proceedings only in 1982.
In 1986 the US became the first country to 
criminalise money laundering, as part of the escalating war on drugs. The idea 
was that, since profit motivates drug dealers, going after the money would 
damage the drug trade. The money trail also promised to yield useful clues and 
unmask vast conspiracies. None of the “three stages of money laundering” - 
placement (the introduction of funds into the financial system), layering 
(multiple conversions and movements designed to confuse the money trail) and 
integration (when the funds re-enter the legitimate economy) - is illegal in 
itself. But it is illegal to combine them to hide the criminal origin of 
The ‘crime of the 1990s’
Money laundering was the “crime of the 1990s” and 
throughout that decade money laundering laws and regulations grew exponentially. 
Beyond drug dealing, the range of crimes covered expanded to include almost 200 
offences, among them racketeering, theft, trafficking in human organs and 
endangered species, and, of course, terrorism. In parallel, the US effort 
against dirty money was internationalised through the FATF, created by the G7 in 
As it expanded, the anti-money laundering apparatus 
was criticised: the supply of illegal drugs had steadily increased while the 
amounts of dirty money seized by the government were negligible. In 2001 Paul 
O’Neill, the Bush administration’s first Treasury Secretary, noted that there 
was little to show for the $700m a year spent by the government on money 
laundering: over 15 years there had been only one substantial catch. Although 
the apparatus gave law enforcement agencies plenty of opportunities to go after 

[cia-drugs] HOLMGREN LIES AGAIN: FALSELY CLAIMS that Prof. Steven Jones trashes the demolition evidence

2006-08-26 Thread Mark S Bilk
Just as with all the claims by Gerard Holmgren, Nico Haupt, and 
Rosalee "Webfairy" Grable that no planes hit the WTC towers,
one finds on close examination that their alleged "evidence"
does _not_ prove their claims.  They are engaged in a program
of lying disinformation and scurrilous ad hominem attacks which
all have the purpose of discrediting the 9-11 truth movement.  
That's why they have concentrated their attacks on David Ray 
Griffin and Steven E. Jones, the two researchers who have 
been among the most successful in reaching the public and 
the news media. 

In the present case, here is what Holmgren gives (after three 
pages of crap) as "proof" of his claim that "Jones trashes the 
demolition evidence".  It's part of a response that Jones wrote 
after Holmgren had sent him several messages containing personal 

"I was not convinced of demolition as a `proven fact' before 
I made `any public appearance or publication.' Nor were the 
faculty assembled at my Sept 2005 seminar at BYU (my 'debut' 
seminar on the subject). It was the work I did on thermite/
thermate, including experiments done here at BYU, that 
convinced me"

Note that Jones does _not_ say that the free-fall of the towers, 
the pulverization of the concrete, etc., are worthless in proving 
demolition.  In fact, just to name one instance, on page 9 of 
a 175 page pdf file about 9-11, Jones _cites_ the free-fall 
evidence.  He only says that he _personally_, at the time, was 
not convinced of demolition "as a proven fact", until he found 
chemical evidence of the actual incendiary substances used to 
melt the steel columns.

That just means that Jones, personally, and some BYU faculty
members, were using a more stringent standard of proof than 
those of us for whom the previous evidence sufficed.  He is a 
scientist on the faculty of a major university, who has published
dozens of research papers in peer-reviewed journals.  Presumably 
he wanted tangible, not just inferential, evidence before risking
his reputation, his livelihood, and maybe his life by speaking out 
against the false-flag operation that underlies the government's 
genocidal mass murder in Afghanistan and Iraq and installation 
of a police state here.

Holmgren, Haupt, and Webfairy cannot be trusted.  Their so-called 
evidence of planes not hitting the WTC is believable only to 
people who don't have the relevant knowledge of video technology 
and physics.

On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 08:57:42AM -0500, Webfairy wrote:
>- Original Message - 
>From: Gerard Holmgren 
>Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:39 AM
>Subject: New article

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Re: [cia-drugs] EU Dictatorship Exposed 2 of 2

2006-08-26 Thread Arlene Johnson
Britain, the country that still rules America (see my 13th edition), is being 
betrayed by the same forces  
that are betraying every other country, the Illuminati...and the VATICAN. But 
no mention of the Illuminati 
or the Vatican exists in this two-part expose that deals with Britain. Why?

Both Tony Blair and John Major are members of the Bilderbergs, that relatively 
secret organization that 
is a cover for the Illuminati. John Major was disengenuous when he said what he 
said in the first part of 
this message. Too, he is a  member of the Carlyle Group, that organization 
whose members also include 
George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Tony Blair changed his stripes when he 
visited the Bilderbergs,
which enabled him to get elected; he is, therefore, accountable to them, not 
the British people. In my 
13th edition, too, you who decide to read it, will see what Tony Blair wanted 
to do last year. Fortunately, 
his popularity is so low that he was not able to carry it out. If I may make a 
prediction, however, the 
next PM of Britain will carry out adopting the euro. Just you wait and see.

These are all puppets of these other more sinister forces, which I have already 
mentioned in the first
paragraph. They control all the parties, so it doesn't matter who wins. They 
win; the British people lose.

Also no mention of the Queen herself, who is a cousin to George W. Bush. She's 
part of the Merovingian
line of the Illuminati, or 13th family of the 13 families. She could prevent 
this, but she's part of the problem.


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine.
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-Original Message-
>From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 25, 2006 10:00 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] EU Dictatorship Exposed 2 of 2
>continued from part 1 of  EU Dictatorship Exposed
>Justice for All
>The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is located in Luxembourg and is based on 
>the American Supreme Court blueprint.   It was largely the inspiration of one 
>of the founders of the EU, Jean Monnet, and his friend and confidante, US 
>Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter.
>�No appeal is available in the ECJ.   Its decisions are absolute.
>�The all-male judge teams are both unelected and unaccountable under 
>EU law.   They are free to do whatever they please and there is no legal 
>comeback.   Further, the judges are not required to have any judicial 
>experience whatsoever.   Most do not.
>�The kernel of the ECJ?s power is derived from the Treaty of Rome, 
>Article 249.   The wording is deliberately generalised, enabling Brussels to 
>extend the widest possible interpretations to these, and other clauses of the 
>Treaty:  ?A regulation shall have general application [what does ?general? 
>mean?]It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all 
>Member States??
>�Thus the European Court of Justice has been given powers ?with no 
>restriction? over the member states.   This effectively places British 
>citizens under the control of a foreign power and is intended to remove 
>forever Britain?s right to govern herself.   This represents the abandonment 
>of our nation.   Any British politician currently allowing this, or who has 
>participated in orchestrating these efforts in the past, has committed treason 
>under the Treason Act of 1795 and the Treason Felony Act of 1848.
>�National parliaments are now mere rubber stamps for all the 
>legislation pouring out of Brussels.   Legally elected British MPs can turn 
>back none of it.
>�The EU is abolishing trial by jury under the new European corpus 
>juris system being introduced in Britain.  Once the system is in place, an 
>indicted individual will have to prove his innocence against the combined 
>machinery of the state.
>�The European Union is abolishing havaeas corpus, the supreme 
>British legal safeguard which declares ?no imprisonment without fair trial?, 
>instituted under Article 39 of Magna Carta, 1215.
>�Under British law, a law enforcement officer or the public 
>prosecutor must place evidence before a court within 24 hours of a citizen?s 
>arrest, detailing the charges being brought against them.
>�Unpaid lay magistrates, representing the people and drawn from the 
>people themselves, are being replaced after more than 600 years.   They 
>currently hear over 90% of criminal cases.   The new EU-wide justice system 
>will be enforced by inquisitorial courts (no injury).
>�British judges are already imposing European law upon British 
>citizens.   Take the ?metric martyr? episode in 2001, when a market trader was 
>convicted for selling a pound of bananas weighed  using British imperial 
>measures (pounds and ounces).   British District Judge Mo

[cia-drugs] Writers and editors are needed to increase public awareness and congressional action.

2006-08-26 Thread J M

 reports and meetings in congressional offices are encouraging.  One legislative assistant said that after the prison torture investigations, “Congress’ ears are now open.”  It is important to continue the momentum before the
 election, and also when the new Congress convenes in 2007.     Writers and editors are needed for many projects.  We would like for groups of volunteers to compose short letters for hundreds of TI’s to send to the media, activist groups, congressional committees and subcommittees, or their own representative and two senators.       Creativity and new approaches are important.  Keep in mind that one legislative counsel mentioned that they rely on “hard government evidence.”  Personal stories should be saved for the investigation.     Please let us know which TI issues you would like to write about to the media and Congress.  Some letters can be used for multiple committees or subcommittees, which are listed on the following web site:  http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/cgi-bin/committee_list.cgi?site=ctc     Our writers are available to help make suggestions to improve rough drafts or final drafts of letters.  Thanks for volunteering to help with this letter writing campaign.      Gordon  936-588-4538  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Aaron  617-785-5778  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Derrick  513-531-8873  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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[cia-drugs] MAUREEN DOWD : Junior Needs a Spanking & More

2006-08-26 Thread MA PA

MAUREEN DOWD : Junior Needs a Spanking & MoreBy MAUREEN DOWD - The New York Times - Saturday, Aug. 26, 2006   Dowd: Spanking Junior - Somebody has got to grab the stubborn, shuttered scion wearing the ”43„ windbreaker and talk some sense into him. - PLUS: Republican Report Hypes Iran Threat & More OP-ED COLUMNIST Junior Needs a Spanking By MAUREEN DOWD Published: August 26, 2006 The Old King put the Boy King over his knee yesterday and gave him a good thwack with a lobster-shaped paddle. O.K., that didn't happen, but don't you wish it had? Junior certainly deserves it, with recent attempts to blame his dad for policies that led to 9/11 and the rise of Osama and Middle East terrorism. As with so
 many things about this byzantine, Shakespearean relationship between father and son, reunited here at last for a wedding, a christening and a funeral this weekend, it's an ironic turn of events. The son was furious when the father was painted as a wimp in the 1988 campaign, and now he and his spinners are painting 41 as a weak leader. W.'s pain at what happened to his aristocratic dad with "the wimp factor" led him to overreact in the other direction when he became president, embracing a West Texas-tough, muscle-bound foreign policy that shunned diplomacy, nuance, compromise, multilateral treaties and allied coalitions as measures that reflected impotence. And now it has led him to scapegoat his own father, and Bill Clinton, for sending signals of weakness that encouraged the terrorists — even as many Middle East experts say it is W.'s culturally obtuse, diplomatically averse and morally simplistic style that has spurred terrorism and made the world more
 dangerous. Continued: http://mparent.livejournal.com/11710540.html Interview with Flight 175 air traffic controller on 9/11 - Video http://mparent.livejournal.com/11709382.html Stephen Colbert vs. Rancor - Video http://mparent.livejournal.com/11711083.html Republican Report Hypes Iran Threat http://mparent.livejournal.com/11711380.html Israel appoints coordinator of possible war with Iran http://mparent.livejournal.com/11709518.html General on Iraq: "Common sense
 would dictate that we cut our losses and get out as soon as feasible" http://mparent.livejournal.com/11709709.html And More on Today's Newwire http://mparent.livejournal.com/2006/08/26/   MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/   http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon       
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[cia-drugs] "It's important that someone confesses..."

2006-08-26 Thread norgesen

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"It's important that someone 

I know many of you consider the Karr imbroglio a 
distraction from more significant matters. As it happens, this blog shall 
feature a very significant spy story 
within hours. Right now, though, I must confess that the Karr/Ramsey business 
has a can't-take-my-eyes-off-the-car-wreck fascination -- which means that I 
must indulge in another round-up of mondo bizarro newsbits.Is Karr covering for an accomplice? Conspiracy 
fans will get a tingle from this Karr quote, preserved on oxide by his 
one-time confidant Wendy Hutchens: 
"I may or may not have ever been to her grave, I may or may have 
  not ever been to her house.""Maybe that person who did that ... thinks 
  it's important that someone confesses... And he's chosen that other person to 
  do that in his place ..." In the meantime, we have additional evidence strongly suggesting (but 
not proving) that Karr was in Georgia, not Colorado, on Christmas of 
1996.Can we definitively say 
that Karr was out of state on that holiday? Not necessarily. This story from 2001 notes that a mysterious 
Jaguar was seen in near the Ramsey home at Christmas, 1996 -- and Karr drove 
such a vehicle in 1997, although he may not have owned one at the time of the 
killing. (One of the oddities of this case is that Karr, an ill-to-do teacher, 
always managed to afford high-end wheels.)Regardless of where he 
actually ws on that date, we now know that Karr used this Yahoo email address: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. That choice 
proves obsession, not complicity. He used that account to correspond with 
professor Michael Tracy, and signed the emails "Daxis."A handwriting expert with the Secret Service 
argues that Karr did not write the ransom note. However, Curt Baggett, co-founder of the School of 
Forensic Document Examination, insists that Karr is the author. This case establishes a new law 
of physics: For each new claim, an equal and opposite claim shall 
emerge.George McCrary, a long-time friend of John Karr's father, claims 
that Karr's mother tried to burn her son John alive when he was an infant. 
Could so early a trauma leave lasting scars on the psyche? I will leave that 
poser for the pros to dope out -- if even they know.Finally, a non-Karr note on 
child abuse: I urge readers to read an original piece by Professor 
Hex, who discusses Joe Lieberman's previous Republican 
opponent in Connecticut -- Phil Giordano, an ex-Marine and young "G.O.P. 
hotshot." Turns out Giordano had a prostitute mistress. He was also recorded as 
saying "I want one of the little girls" -- referring to the lady's 8-year-old 
daughter and 11-year-old niece.The motif asserts itself yet again: 
Republican family values.

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Very weird Karr 

Yes, I know that the John Mark Karr story has 
rapidly turned into silly-season material. Face it: We're hooked.Karr, 
we learn, was in Thailand to change his sex. (Yet he likes girls. Did he intend 
to become a lesbian?) Dr. Thep Vechavisit claims that Karr was one 
of his patients. According to this site, "Doctor Thep Vechavisit has no 
licence to practise, but makes cosmetic operations at Pratunam Polyclinic." So. 
A wanna-be female who may also be a wanna-be killer goes to a wanna-be 
doctor...Even stranger: The late psychic Dorothy Allison provided a sketch 
of Jon Benet Ramsey's killer in 1997. The sketch, we now see, bears a remarkable 
resemblance to John Mark Karr. Hmm...but does it resemble the way Karr looked 
then?For a somewhat-skeptical 
take on Allison (by crime author Katherine Ramsland), go here. For the very-skeptical viewpoint (by Joe 
Nickell, one of the few CSICOP types who does actual research instead of just snorting harrumph harrumph), go here.Since the Karr business butts up 
against the Polly Klaas case, I suppose now would be a good time to get a story 
on the record which might otherwise go unwritten. This tale may place the 
Allison matter in some perspective.As I noted in an earlier post, a 
friend of mine -- call him Arthur -- was acquainted with Polly's grandfather. 
Arthur worked with the ad-hoc citizens' group which tried to help find Polly in 
the two months between the kidnapping and the recovery of the 
body.Somehow, Arthur ended up dealing (always by telephone) with one of 
the many psychics who claimed to have info on the case.The psychic -- 
call him Bernie -- insisted that he had never visited Northern California. Yet 
he pinpointed an unused road not on any current map. He gave accurate, detailed 
descriptions of structures and geographical features found along a rural trail 
known only to few locals. Bernie insisted that something important would happen 
at a specific location along this trail on Halloween, which happened to fall 
within that two-m

SOS Re: [cia-drugs] Please allow to post as all connects>Victory for Christopher Bollyn (911 researc

2006-08-26 Thread Arlene Johnson
Oh Wow Marsha. You have cleared up a cobweb for me. Lisa wrote a brilliant 
article that I know is true, but when I asked people to donate "what they felt 
they could afford" to me because I have literally been homeless on the streets 
of London, she lambasted me. I removed her from my Address Book at her request, 
but then discovered that she is a member of cia-drugs listserv, so would have 
had my work for free anyway simply because of that membership.

I know what I am doing is patriotic, so by virtue of the fact that Lisa wasn't 
willing to help me even with $1, that is proof enough that she isn't a patriot. 
Could she and Victor Thorn be CIA? They claim they work jobs. She even told me 
to get a job when she lambasted me for having the nerve to ask people for money.

You can be sure that I will spread this post around far and wide. People such 
as Lisa and Victor need to be exposed to every decent human being.


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access my e-zine, which is 
internationally acclaimed.
Password for 2006: message

-Original Message-
>From: MarshaMcClelland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 25, 2006 8:14 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Please allow to post as all connects>Victory for 
>Christopher Bollyn (911 researc
>Victory for Christopher Bollyn (911 researcher & journalist set up & 
>beaten by law enforcement) and the beginning of wing tv's demise/
>Thu., August 24, 2006: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3: Click 
>Guests: Christopher Bollyn and Victor Thorn to debate the 
>Christopher Bollyn abuse and arrest incident and WingTV's coverage 
>of the event - callers included Jack Blood and Mark Bilk from 
>California who presented the results of a voice stress analysis of 
>officer Russo who was involved with the arrest of Christopher Bollyn.
>Open letter to Michael Collins Piper>>>Wow-Your show was awesome
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], 911-insidejob-impeachbush-
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], United-Stands-
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], American-Peace-
>Dear Michael,
>The general consensus in the patriot and political groups in 
>cyberspace is that the mean wing team, lisa guliani & victor thorn, 
>really are the enemy of the people...
>I was listening to my friend Judy Andreas on RBN Live and happened 
>to hear your show the other night, after the one she was on, was 
>over...I had never had the pleasure to listen before and I was 
>concerned because a radio show host in good standing like you, being 
>friends with the likes of victor and lisa didn't make sense...Judy 
>said you'd come around and you did by golly by allowing truth to 
>come out like that on today's show...
>Thank you s much...It was super great
>First Jack Blood whom lisa and victor crucified shamefully, 
>confronting victor/scott with the truth then Mark Bilk's 
>extravaganza...WOW...Kudos to them both
>What a break for Chris...There are no words to express how great and 
>unique Mark's surprise was...He is amazing...Case closed and 
>Christopher Bollyn justly wins
>Goes to show you that something good can come out of something bad 
>like even the used to be dynamic duo
>Thanks Michael...Please look close at who and what victor and lisa 
>really are...I know them well...Their June 16 show, "Useful Idiots" 
>was about me...All lies easily proven...If I ever care to but 
>they're not important enough to address and nobody buys their spin 
>The few in comparison to the wise on this matter, who still believe 
>their scam will see their true colors now, after this Christopher 
>Bollyn attack...Thank goodness
>The funny thing is they go after all the well known patriots and 
>really went wild on just a little one like me and I'll get to be the 
>one to deliver the final blow to their demise in the truth 
>I have the capacity to reach the masses and the two fake patriot 
>losers know it, too...And to think I used 

[cia-drugs] How they "arranged" a Californian election

2006-08-26 Thread norgesen

Friday, August 25, 2006
How they "arranged" a 
Californian election

Note: Michael Collins has allowed reproduction of the 
following piece, as long as I give a link to Scoop Independent Media. Which I've just now 
done. Everything below the asterisks comes from Collins:
* * *
It appears the US media overlooked one of the great 
political stories of the year. In what is becoming something of a pattern, 
here’s a brief chronology:On June 6, 2006 Republican Brian Bilbray 
allegedly slightly outpolled Democrat Francine Busby in the special election for 
California’s 50th Congressional District, despite Busby’s lead in the polls 
going into the election. There were immediate cries of foul following the 
election due to major irregularities, including electronic voting machines sent 
out to the homes and cars of volunteers for up to 12 days prior to the election, 
and irregular election results like huge mega-precincts of absentee ballots 
where turnout was thousands of percent more than registered voters.On 
June 13, 2006, Bilbray flew to Washington, DC and was sworn in as a member of 
the United States House of Representatives by House Speaker Dennis 
Hastert.On or about June 30, 2006, 17 days after Bilbray was sworn in as 
a member of the House, Mikel Haas, Registrar of San Diego County, officially 
completed the audit of election results required for certification, and 
officially certified the election of Bilbray over Busby based on 163,931 votes 
cast, of which 2,053 votes were said to be cast on Diebold TSX touchscreens, and 
the remainder scanned via Diebold Accuvote OS computers.On July 31, 
2006, the Contestants filed an election contest, seeking a hand recount and to 
invalidate the election on several grounds, not only including the affirmative 
evidence of irregular results, but also including the stonewalling of citizen 
information requests and the pricing of recounts at an estimated $150,000 that 
made it difficult or impossible for any citizen to tell who won the 
election.On August 22, 2006 the defendants moved to dismiss, arguing 
that the swearing in of Bilbray deprives everyone else of jurisdiction including 
specifically the San Diego Superior Court because Art. I, sec. 5 of the US 
Constitution has been held to mean that the House and Senate are the judges of 
the Qualifications of their Members, one of those qualifications is supposed to 
be “election.”There is some thing very wrong with this sequence. 
Elections are not complete, anywhere, until they are officially certified by 
local authorities. How can a citizen get sworn in as a member of the House of 
Representatives before his or her election is certified? Only Speaker Dennis 
Hastert, his team, and Bilbray have the answer.In a filling in 
San Diego Municipal Court yesterday, attorney Paul Lehto outlined the core in 
stark terms: 
Defendants are in effect arguing for the remarkable 
  proposition that unilateral self-serving actions by a majority party in the 
  House of Representatives to shuttle in a member of the same party can be 
  effective, even if those actions do violence to and amount to circumvention of 
  other sections of the US Constitution as well as the California constitution. 
  Document available here.
Lehto is one of the two attorneys representing citizens who 
are challenging the election. Shortly after the last vote was cast, citizens 
discovered disturbing facts. Prior to Election Day, several poll workers had 
taken home voting machines for periods of a day to a week at a time without 
supervision or even consistent tracking procedures. Other irregularities like 
vote switching on touch screen machines emerged. Brad Friedman of 
www.BradBlog.com conducted an extensive investigation that uncovered a series of 
sloppy procedures by County Registrar Haas.The election became an 
immediate cause for citizens, supporters of the losing candidate, and national 
voting rights activists. The results were also challenged by Howard Dean, 
Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.A suit was filed by two 
local citizens challenging the election. The initial filing relied on the right 
of citizens to know that their votes are and counted correctly in order to 
assure that the candidate designated as the winner is in fact the winner. Part 
of the suit is a request, denied to date, for a recount of the ballots cast on 
Election Day.In response to the suit, the County of San Diego filed a 
response questioning the authority of the local court to decide the case since 
(a) membership in the house was the province of the House of Representatives and 
(b) the speaker had already sworn in Bilbray.Lehto and Simpkins filed a 
withering response to this argument. They point out that elections are the 
province of local and state authorities for all elections including federal 
contests, unless otherwise specified in the constitution. The following is form 
the filing yesterday: 
Clearly, the swift swearing in did not end

[cia-drugs] The Men Who Knew Too Much? NSA Wiretapping Whistleblowers Found Dead in Italy and Greece

2006-08-26 Thread norgesen

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Is your cell phone spying on 
you? Are the whistleblowers being killed?
Joseph Cannon

Note: A version of this 
piece appears today on BradBlog. 
This version has additional information. Is someone murdering people who know too much about NSA 
wiretapping?Two whistleblowers -- one in Italy, one in Greece -- 
uncovered a secret bugging system installed in cell phones around the world. 
Both met with untimely ends. The resultant scandals have received little press 
in the United States, despite the profound implications for American critics of 
the Bush administration.Last month, Italian telecommunications security 
expert Adamo Bove either lept or was pushed from a freeway overpass; he left no 
note and had no history of depression. Last year (March, 2005), Greek 
telecommunications expert Costas Tsalikidis met with a similarly enigmatic end. 
Both had uncovered American attempts to eavesdrop on government officials, 
anti-war activists, and private businessmen.The 
Bove case relates to the long-standing controversy over the CIA's kidnapping of 
cleric Abu Omar, who was flown to Egypt and tortured. The post-Berlusconi 
government of Italy is attempting to arrest and try all of CIA personnel 
involved. Bove used mobile phone records to trace more than two dozen American 
agents.Bove had also revealed that his employer, Telecom Italia, had 
allowed illegal "spyware" -- undetectable wiretaps -- to infest Italy's largest 
communications system. His testimony helped to uncover the unsettling relationship between SISMI chief 
Marco Mancini and Telecom Italia head Giuliano Tavaroli. (Mancini, recently 
arrested by Italian investigators, has also come under some suspicion for his 
possible role in the strange affair of Major General Nicola Calipari, killed by 
American troops in Itaq.) In the 1990s, Bove had received wide praise for 
helping to secure convictions of two bosses in the Camorra, Naples' answer to 
the Sicilian Mafia.The case of Costas Tsalikidis -- an engineer for Vodaphone, 
Greece's top telecommunications firm -- offers a similar picture. Tsalikidis 
discovered an extraordinarily spohisticated piece of spyware within his 
company's network. The Prime Minister and other top officials were targeted, along with Greek military officers, 
anti-war activists, various business figures -- and a cell phone within the 
American embassy itself. This 
page gives a full list of the targets, very few of whom 
could be considered as having even a remote connection to terrorism.As 
investigative journalists Paolo Pontoniere and Jeffrey Klein report: 
The Vodaphone eavesdropping was transmitted in real 
  time via four antennae located near the U.S. embassy in Athens, according to 
  an 11-month Greek government investigation. Some of these transmissions were 
  sent to a phone in Laurel, Md., near America's National Security 
  Agency.According to Ta Nea, a Greek newspaper, Vodafone's CEO 
  privately told the Greek government that the bugging culprits were "U.S. 
  agents." Because Greece's prime minister feared domestic protests and a 
  diplomatic war with the United States, he ordered the Vodafone CEO to withhold 
  this conclusion from his own authorities investigating the case.
The CEO of Vodaphone in Greece, George Koronias, has -- like 
Giuliano Tavaroli, his Italian counterpart -- come under the suspicion of having 
a hidden relationship with American and British 
intelligence. At least three Vodafone comunications hubs (one expert says the number could be as high as 
22) were compromised by the eavesdropping technology. Koronias had reported only 
two of these bugs, and had failed to alert a watchdog agency of the discovery of 
further listening devices.Vodafone is a British company, comparable to 
Sprint in the United States. Testifying before a Greek parliamentary committee, 
Koronias insisted that no-one in the U.K. could have had any connection to the 
ultra-sophisticated spyware. 
'Only Ericsson's staff could have set up such a 
  device,' he said. Ericsson furiously countered that Vodafone not only knew 
  about the illegal software but had activated it at the request of British 
  intelligence agents.
More on Ericsson's 
official response: 
Ericsson, the company that produces the software 
  used by Vodafone, issued an announcement clarifying that two types of software 
  were employed for tapping the phone conversations.The first one 
  employed legally had been developed by Ericsson and had been installed in 
  Vodafone, yet it was not activated. The second software, which was of unknown 
  origins, namely it had not been developed by Ericsson, had been illegally 
  installed in Vodafone’s system to activate the legal software and erase the 
  traces of the phone-tapping.
This is, by any measure, a troubling admission -- especially 
since Ericsson manufactures many mobile phones used in the United States. 
Vodaphone insists they were never informed of this "featur


2006-08-26 Thread Arlene Johnson
Someone please make Alan Van Arsdale aware of this information. Granada Hills 
IS part of Los Angeles; it's in the north east area of the San Fernando Valley. 
The area code there is 818.


Arlene Johnson
>-Forwarded Message-
>>From: leslie o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Aug 25, 2006 1:24 AM
>>To: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Government/Alien Implants Removed in California   Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:38 am 
>>On Saturday, May 18, 1996 three people underwent the surgical removal of 
>>unusual foreign objects from their bodies at a private medical facility in 
>>Granada Hills, California, near Los Angeles. Two of the people reportedly 
>>believe they have had contact with alien beings who may have installed the 
>>so-called implants. The third person said he did not believe he had ever had 
>>alien contact. Instead, he said, the object might have been installed under 
>>his jaw during dental surgery several years ago. 
>>The surgeries were performed by a team headed by Dr. Roger Leir and 
>>Houston-based hypnotherapist Derrel Sims, the same team that performed 
>>similar and much-discussed implant removals last August. 
>>About 30 invited observers crowded a small meeting room outside the operating 
>>room and watched the operations on closed-circuit television. Among those 
>>present were Whitley Strieber and his wife Ann, Robert O. Dean and his wife 
>>Cecilia, television producer Robert Kiviat, filmmaker Paul Davids, attorney 
>>Daniel Sheehan, hypnotherapists Debra Lindemann, Barbara Lamb and Donna 
>>Higbee, and CNI News editor Michael Lindemann. A number of Japanese guests 
>>were also present. 
>>The first two operations went very quickly. Both patients were women, and 
>>each one had a similar object removed from the calf of her left leg. 
>>These objects were very close to the surface and were removed following a 
>>simple incision. They were described by Dr. Leir as "nodules" of 
>>indeterminate composition. When excised, each was surrounded by tissue. Both 
>>objects with their surrounding tissue were approximately cylindrical and 
>>measured about 1 centimeter long by one-half centimeter wide. 
>>Dr. Leir explained that the tissue would be removed from the objects, and 
>>then the tissue and the objects would be analyzed separately. Results of the 
>>tests might not be available for several weeks or more. 
>>It was not immediately clear whether or not the objects removed from the two 
>>women were metallic. 
>>After her operation, which involved only local anesthetic, the first of the 
>>women answered questions for the observing audience. She said she first 
>>suspected the presence of an implant after she discovered an unexplained 
>>"scoop mark" on her left calf about one year ago. Subsequent x-rays indicated 
>>the presence of an object. This woman, an active member of a local MUFON 
>>chapter, already considered herself an abductee, and said she is also 
>>convinced that abduction has run in her family for several generations. After 
>>learning of the work of Derrel Sims and Dr. Leir, she volunteered to have the 
>>object removed for study. 
>>She said she did not experience any sensation of pain or any change in her 
>>body during or immediately after the surgery. She said she believes she has 
>>another object in her right ear that should also be removed for study. There 
>>was no indication if or when this would happen. 
>>Commenting on the implications of these surgeries, she said: "I hope doctors 
>>will see that this is real. So many people need help and support. There 
>>aren't enough support groups. Most abductees don't have a support system." 
>>She also said she would like her encounter experiences to end, and that she 
>>fears for her two children. She does not believe her children have had 
>>encounters yet. 
>>The second woman patient did not make any public comments following her 
>>The third patient, a man in his mid-30s, presented a very different 
>>situation. He does not believe he has had alien encounters. Instead, he 
>>believes an object was inserted into the flesh of his neck below his left jaw 
>>during dental surgery for the removal of a molar several years ago. 
>>**At the time, he was employed by a Department of Defense subcontractor, and 
>>the dentist was recommended to him by his employer. No evidence was offered 
>>as to why the dentist or the employer would be involved in placing an implant 
>>in this man. However, he said that immediately after the dental surgery, he 
>>began hearing two distinct voices in his head. He had himself examined and 
>>tested by several different specialists in an effort to rid himself of the 
>>annoying voices, but to no avail. Finally, he underwent MRI and x-ray scans, 
>>which clearly revealed the presence of a foreign object in the tissue below 

[cia-drugs] Iran denies attacking Romanian oil rig

2006-08-26 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Iran denies attacking Romanian oil rig

  Antena 3 TV

Iran denies claim its military attacked a Romanian oil rig in Iranian 
waters in what appears to be an out-of-control commercial dispute.By 
Anca Paduraru in Bucharest for ISN Security Watch (25/08/06) 
Tehran has emphatically denied allegations by a Romanian oil company 
operating a drilling rig in Iranian waters that its military attacked the rig on 
It is now one side's word against the other's, with no independent means of 
verifying the claim by the Romanian oil company, Grup Servicii Petroliere 
Viorel Petcu, chief operator of the rig, said the installation and the crew 
came under pistol and machine-gun fire at 9.45am local time on Tuesday from an 
Iranian chopper and military ships positioned next to the oil rig. He said the 
Iranian military then boarded the rig and held the crew hostage for six hours, 
cutting off their communication.
The crew of 19 Romanians and seven Indians on the Orizont rig were not harmed 
in the incident, according to GSP.
“We are in good physical shape, but not so emotionally due to the stress of 
the past 24 hours,” Petcu told the Romanian media via satellite-phone on 
Wednesday during a press conference at the GSP headquarters in Constanta Black 
Sea port.
While the details of the incident remain murky at best - with GSP claiming 
that the Iranian military attacked its rig and took its oil workers hostage, and 
officials in Tehran saying Iran was only attempting to board the rig to deliver 
a court order preventing GSP from leaving Iranian waters before its contracts 
were fulfilled - both sides agree that the incident was the result of a 
commercial dispute.
Iranian ambassador to Bucharest Aliakbar Farazi responded strongly to the 
claims, telling a press conference the same day that “blatantly false 
allegations are made for the benefit of one commercial company alone.”
"These reports are part of media misinformation and are false," Iran's IRNA 
news agency quoted Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi as saying 
on Wednesday.
"The Romanian company, in continuation of its earlier illegal measure in 
moving away some drilling equipment from the area, intended to carry out its 
second robbery today. This was foiled thanks to the presence of Iranian police," 
Asefi said.
Romanian presidential security adviser Sergiu Medar told media that the 
country's intelligence services had not briefed them on the alleged attack, and 
that all information had so far come solely from GSP.
On Wednesday, two Romanian diplomats traveled from Tehran to the Orizont oil 
rig in the Persian Gulf to assess the situation and investigate the claims.
However, Romanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Melania Marian told ISN 
Security Watch on Thursday that the ministry still could neither confirm nor 
deny that the drilling rig had been attacked by the Iranian military.
The commercial dispute
GSP president Gabriel Comanescu has accused Farazi of doing the bidding of 
Iranian private companies.
According to Comanescu, Iran has been exerting pressure on GSP at the behest 
of Iranian companies interested in buying GSP's rigs in the Persian Gulf. Most 
foreign oil companies have pulled out of Iran due to the political situation, 
and the Iranians have no other rigs to purchase, according to the GSP 
However, Farazi claims that GSP is attempting to put an early and illegal end 
to its current contracts with two Iranian companies as it seeks more lucrative 
deals with other companies.
Last week, GSP officials told the Romanian weekly magazine Saptamana 
Financiara that the company was seeking to withdraw its Orizont and Fortuna 
drilling rigs from Iranian waters in order to comply with a 1 July request by 
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) to subject the rigs to the regular certification 
Germanischer Lloyd supervises and ensures the quality of ships and maritime 
In accordance with GL's request, last week GSP moved its Fortuna rig from its 
drilling position in Iranian waters, relocating to the Sharjah Emirate, UAE 
according to GSP.
But that move was wracked with difficulties that culminated in a tough battle 
in Iranian courts after two Iranian oil companies protested. GSP won the court 
battle and relocated its Fortuna rig.
According to Comanescu, a similar lawsuit was pending in Iranian courts 
regarding GSP's right to move the Orizont drilling rig for testing in UAE when 
the Iranian military allegedly attacked.
Farazi denied Comanescu’s claim, saying the helicopter that allegedly 
attacked the GSP rig was in fact attempting to land on the heliport to dispatch 
the latest court order preventing the rig from moving out of Iranian waters.
Comanescu said the alleged attack was unnecessary, as GSP could not have 
moved the rig without Iran's knowledge.
“The platform must be lowered to the water level and its pillars lifted from 