[cia-drugs] Sentimental Depopulation

2006-09-15 Thread norgesen

Sentimental Depopulation | Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:21:53 
-0300 | Source: www.timboucher.com

Found via RigInt: an 
article entitled Oil and People: 
Reducing Population in step with Oil Depletion by William Stanton. His 
argument is that as oil runs out, we will have to reduce to population levels 
before the Industrial Revolution, in which oil allowed us to boost our 
population upwards. 
The funnest part of the whole thing though is that he claims that people who 
will resist the “cold logic” of his active depopulation scenario are nothing but 
He knows however that his viewpoint is not altogether popular:

  If, in this article, I discuss ways in which a global population reduction 
  of some 6 billion people is likely to take place during the 21st Century, 
  precedent suggests that nearly everyone will ignore me. “He must be mad”, 
  media reviewers concluded when they read my first probes into the subject two 
  years ago and effectively blacklisted the book
But I would suggest that these types of views are actually gaining traction 
little by little lately, courtesy of a bump upward in visibility of primitivist philosophy. Not that I think any 
primitivists are yet actively promoting depopulation, but they certainly do seem 
all agree that its ecologically “necessary” if not specifically desirable. In 
any event, Stanton also raises the possibility of, essentially, merciful 
genocide as food begins to run out:

  It may well be that, in the West, the same argument will affect the 
  thinking of militarily powerful nations. “If billions must die, and we have 
  the technology to ensure that they are others, not us, why should we hold 
  back”? Instantaneous nuclear elimination of population centres might even be 
  considered merciful, compared to starvation and massacres prolonged over 
He sees that as a “worst case” scenario though, unless “enlightened 
governments and their peoples” figure out something better. I would wager that 
as discussion of these topics heats up, we are bound to see more and more people 
crossing the line of what was previously moral indignation over ideas like this, 
and see an increase in active discussions of this kind. He then begins to 
analyze what he probably sees as harsh truths and which he believes that he is 
one of the few people man enough to engage in this kind of thinking:

  Probably the greatest obstacle to the [more peaceful “natural” population 
  reduction] scenario with the best chance of success (in my opinion) is the 
  Western world’s unintelligent devotion to political correctness, human rights 
  and the sanctity of human life. In the Darwinian world that preceded and will 
  follow the fossil fuel era, these concepts were and will be meaningless. 
  Survival in a Darwinian resource-poor world depends on the ruthless 
  elimination of rivals, not the acquisition of moral kudos by cherishing them 
  when they are weak.
See also eliminative materialism and positivism, which all have their roots in this same 
Enlightenment/Industrial Revolution period that Stanton suggests we need to 
move, in spirit, back beyond. It has, as far as I can tell, only ever been the 
“masses” who were fed the line about human rights and the sanctity of human 
life. The master caste, big brother, has never really adhered to any of these 
airy-fairy “sentimental” principles because they have greater freedoms which we 
do not have. But it is in their interest and the interest of social cohesion to 
foist these “sentimental” ideals on us. 
He continues:

  So the population reduction scenario with the best chance of success has to 
  be Darwinian in all its aspects, with none of the sentimentality that shrouded 
  the second half of the 20th Century in a dense fog of political correctness 
  (Stanton 2003 page 193). It is best examined at the nation-state scale. The 
  United Kingdom will serve as the model.
  To those sentimentalists who cannot understand the need to reduce UK 
  population from 60 million to about 2 million over 150 years, and who are 
  outraged at the proposed replacement of human rights by cold logic, I would 
  say “You have had your day, in which your woolly thinking has messed up not 
  just the Western world but the whole planet, which could, if Homo sapiens had 
  been truly intelligent, have supported a small population enjoying a wonderful 
  quality of life almost for ever. You have thrown away that opportunity.”
  The Darwinian approach, in this planned population reduction scenario, is 
  to maximise the well-being of the UK as a nation-state. Individual citizens, 
  and aliens, must expect to be seriously inconvenienced by the single-minded 
  drive to reduce population ahead of resource shortage. The consolation is that 
  the alternative, letting Nature take its course, would be so much 
So in other words, he is saying that it’s our fault - yours and mine - that 
our sappy sentimentalism, belief in 

[cia-drugs] Senate Puts Another Nail in the Coffin of the 4th

2006-09-15 Thread norgesen

Senate Puts Another Nail in the 
Coffin of the 4th 
Thursday September 14th 2006, 9:07 am 

National Security Surveillance Act, currently working its way through the 
rubberstamp halls of Congress, is simply remarkable in its fascist depth and 
breadth. But what is nearly as remarkable is the lack of response and outrage to 
this bit of authoritarian legislation that effectively kills the Fourth 
Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. “[Senator Arlen] 
Specter’s bill concedes the government’s right to wiretap Americans without 
warrants, and allows the U.S. Attorney General to authorize, on his own, dragnet 
surveillance of Americans so long as the stated purpose of the surveillance is 
to monitor suspected terrorists or spies,” reports Wired. 
Not only does the bill allow “the attorney general, or anyone he or she 
designates, to authorize widespread domestic spying, such as monitoring all 
instant-messaging systems in the country, so long as the government promises to 
delete anything not terrorism-related,” it also allows “unfettered wiretapping 
and physical searches without warrants.” If you believe the government deletes 
“anything not terrorism-related” and does not feed this data into its massive 
and long-standing matrix of snoop databases, I have a bridge to sell you. Our 
government, unchecked for decades, has kept a staggering pile of data on 
millions of citizens, particularly “terrorist” Americans opposed to the 
As noted here on numerous occasions, the government has snooped in earnest on 
Americans for decades, beginning officially with the creation of the National 
Security state on November 4, 1952, and authorized earlier in a letter written 
by President Harry S. Truman in June of 1952. From the beginning, the NSA and 
the CIA have worked closely with telecoms, a fact highlighted recently with NSA 
snooping revelations. Now we are told Verizon executive vice president and 
general counsel William P. Barr began his career as a CIA “analyst” in the 1970s 
and went “on to become an assistant legislative counsel for the agency,” 
according to Brian Beutler, 
writing for Raw Story. “He has also held a number of other public positions 
since then, including those of domestic policy adviser to President Ronald 
Reagan and even U.S. Attorney General under George Herbert Walker Bush.” 

  When that position expired after Bill Clinton became President in 1993, 
  Barr went to work as general counsel for GTE, the company that would later 
  merge with Bell Atlantic to form Verizon Communications, where he now serves 
  as executive vice president and general counsel. In those capacities, though, 
  he has maintained ties with officials in Washington who have repeatedly called 
  upon his testimony when crafting anti-terror legislation.
  That testimony reveals a record of sympathy with the sorts of legally 
  contentious activities the NSA is alleged to be conducting with its 
  wiretapping and data mining programs. 
After “everything changed” following nine eleven—that is to say, when the 
Constitution and the Bill of Rights became even more irrelevant than previously 
to our rulers—Barr “defended executive-branch war-time actions before the Senate 
Judiciary Committee, including controversial measures such as: the use of 
military tribunals to try suspected members of al Qaeda; suspension of criminal 
justice procedures which, he noted, ‘will frustrate our fight against al Qaeda’; 
and the withholding of operational details by the Attorney General of ongoing 
criminal investigations. The USA PATRIOT Act ultimately codified powers that 
closely mirror his suggestions, and he has since gone on record in support of 
that legislation as well…. President Bush’s chief rationale for ignoring FISA 
has been a contention, strikingly similar to Barr’s, that the urgency of terror 
cases does not allow enough time for the acquisition of surveillance warrants,” 
in other words the Fourth Amendment is a dead letter. 
Arlen “Magic Bullet” Specter and the Senate Judiciary Committee are in the 
process of embalming the Fourth Amendment once and for all, as the point here is 
not to monitor “al-Qaeda,” a documented intelligence contrivance, but snoop all 
opposition to the emergent fascist state. 

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[cia-drugs] Progress or Regress? : PAUL KRUGMAN - Middle Class; Torture Bill Update, Call for Action

2006-09-15 Thread MA PA

  Progress or Regress? : PAUL KRUGMAN - Middle Class; Torture Bill Update, Call for Actionby PAUL KRUGMAN - The New York Times Friday Sep 15th, 2006   - Krugman: Middle Class - Why has technological and economic progress done so little for most Americans? - Torture Bill Update: The Good, the Bad, and A Call for Action and more  OP-ED COLUMNIST Progress or Regress? By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: September 15, 2006 Is the typical American family better off than it was a generation ago? That’s the subject of an intense debate these days, as commentators try to understand the sour mood of the American public. But it’s the wrong debate. For one thing, there
 probably isn’t a right answer. Most Americans are better off in some ways, worse off in others, than they were in the early 1970’s. It’s a subjective judgment whether the good outweighs the bad. And as I’ll explain, that ambiguity is actually the real message. Here’s what the numbers say. Continued: http://mparent.livejournal.com/12397854.html U.N. Inspectors Dispute Iran Report By House Panel http://mparent.livejournal.com/12360662.html U.N.: U.S. report on Iran's nuclear plan 'outrageous and dishonest' http://mparent.livejournal.com/12359123.html BUSH WANTS TO GUT GENEVA CONVENTIONS http://mparent.livejournal.com/12397717.html Torture Bill Update: The Good, the Bad, and A Call for Action http://mparent.livejournal.com/12397120.html And More on Today's Newswire http://mparent.livejournal.com/2006/09/14/ MARC PARENT CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS http://mparent.livejournal.com/ Homepage http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409 Archived http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon Archived  

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[cia-drugs] Venezuela's Chavez Pledges To Help Iran Against Attackers

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


  Chavez Pledges To Help Iran Against AttackersFriday September 15th, 2006 / 


HAVANA (AP)--Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez 
  pledged Thursday that Venezuela will support Iran if it is invaded as a 
  result of the Middle Eastern nation's high-stakes nuclear standoff with 
  the U.N. Security Council. "Iran is under threat; there are plans to 
  invade Iran, hopefully it won't happen, but we are with you," Chavez told 
  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a meeting of the Group of 15 
  developing nations. The U.N. has demanded that Iran suspend uranium 
  enrichment amid concerns by some nations that it could be used for nuclear 
  weapons. Iran insists that its enrichment efforts are peaceful, aimed 
  solely at producing electrical energy. Chavez said Venezuela stands 
  with Iran in this time of crisis, just as it has with Cuba, where Fidel 
  Castro handed over power to Raul while recovering from intestinal surgery. 
  If they don't defend each other, no one else will, Chavez said. "Under 
  any scenario we are with you just like we are with Cuba," Chavez said. "If 
  the United States invades Cuba, blood will run ... We will not have our 
  arms crossed while bombs are falling in Havana or they carry Raul off in a 

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[cia-drugs] What is the U.S. Military Doing in Paraguay?

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


What is the U.S. Military Doing in 
Benjamin Dangl

From "Upside Down World"
The U.S. military is conducting secretive operations in Paraguay and 
reportedly building a new base there. Human rights groups and military analysts 
in the region believe trouble is brewing. However, the U.S. embassy in Paraguay 
denies the base exists and describes the military activity as routine.
According to an article in the Bolivian newspaper, El Deber, a U.S. base is 
being developed in Mariscal Estigarribia, Paraguay, 200 kilometers from the 
border with Bolivia. The base will permit the landing of large aircraft and is 
capable of housing up to 16,000 troops. A contingent of 500 U.S. troops arrived 
in Paraguay on July 1st with planes, weapons, equipment and ammunition. (1)
With Bolivia’s recent uprisings, their enormous gas reserves, and a 
presidential election on the way, this questionable activity could pave the way 
for a U.S. intervention. Rumors of Al Qaeda training grounds near Paraguay may 
also work to the Bush administration’s advantage as it makes a case for military 
operations in the region. 
On May 26, 2005 the Paraguayan senate approved the entrance of the troops, 
granting them total immunity, free from Paraguayan and International Criminal 
Court jurisdiction. The legislature is due to expire in December 2006, but is 
automatically extendable. Since December 2004, the U.S. has been pressuring 
Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Paraguay into signing a deal which would grant 
immunity to U.S. military. The Bush administration threatened to deny the 
countries up to $24.5 million in economic and military aid if they refused to 
sign the deal. Paraguay was the only country to accept the offer. (2) 
US Embassy Denies Base Claims, Rumsfeld Looks Forward to Military 
A statement issued from the U.S. embassy in Paraguay explained that the 
military exercises in question involve humanitarian and medical assistance to 
poor communities as well as military training. The embassy maintained that the 
U.S. has “absolutely no intention of establishing a military base anywhere in 
Paraguay” and “has no intention to station soldiers for a lengthy period in 
Paraguay.” (3) 
The Pentagon used this same rhetoric when describing its actions in Manta, 
Ecuador, now the home of an $80 million U.S. military base. First they said the 
facility was an archaic “dirt strip” which would be used for weather monitoring 
and would not permanently house U.S. personnel. Days later, the Pentagon stated 
that Manta was to serve as a major military base tasked with a variety of 
security-related missions. Human rights groups have linked the U.S. base in 
Manta to the 2002 coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. (4) 
Before the arrival of U.S. troops in Paraguay, Luis Castiglioni, the Vice 
President of Paraguay, visited Washington D.C. where he met with Dick Cheney and 
Donald Rumsfeld. During the visit, they discussed defense and security in South 
America and the “international war on terrorism.” Rumsfeld said the U.S. would 
be sending experts to Paraguay from the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, 
(an institution similar to the infamous School of the Americas) in order to 
develop a “planning seminar on systems for national security.” Rumsfeld promised 
to visit the country and expressed his “full support for the coming exercises 
between the American and Paraguayan armed forces.” (5) 
If history is any lesson, Paraguayans are right to be wary. Servicio Paz y 
Justicia (SERPAJ), a human rights group in the country, warned that the terms of 
the deal struck between the U.S. and Paraguay are “very dangerous to us, 
especially taking into account that it was U.S. soldiers who taught torture and 
other forms of human rights violations in courses at the School of the Americas 
under the National Security Doctrine." (6) 
Orlando Castillo of SERPAJ stated, “The U.S. has strong aspirations to 
convert Paraguay into another Panama for their troops, and they’re not far from 
controlling the southern cone and extending the war in Colombia.” A U.S. 
military base operated in Panama for nearly 90 years. (7) 
Possible US Military Intervention in Bolivia
If the new U.S. base does in fact exist, its location makes sense. It will 
put U.S. troops within easy striking distance of the Bolivian provinces of Santa 
Cruz and Tarija, home to the second largest gas reserves in South America. 
Bolivian business leaders interested in privatizing and exporting the country’s 
gas have spearheaded a move in these resource rich provinces for a secessionist 
referendum, which will take place on August 12th. If the region votes for 
autonomy, it’s likely the gas will be privatized, an unpopular plan that’s 
generated massive protests in the country since 2003. If new civil unrest occurs 
over the gas issue, the U.S. military will be in a strategic 

[cia-drugs] Embassy Attack in Syria Debated

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: [osint] Embassy Attack in Syria Debated

 Embassy Attack in Syria Debated


 Almost immediately after the attack occurred, the finger pointing began. 
 Syrian Muslim Brotherhood claimed that Assad's usual suspects were behind
 the attack while some within the Syrian regime suggested that America
 herself was behind the attacks. Interestingly, few give much credence to 
 independent capabilities of Jund al-Sham, the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist
 group - once led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - that claimed responsibility.
 Sami Moubayed writes in the Asia Times' 
 http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HI15Ak01.html Syria, US 
 in the fog of war:
 One would be on safe ground to dismiss the theory of a US plot out of 
 Baynouni's accusation of Syrian complicity, though, bears closer scrutiny.
 Baynouni points out that the Rawda district is a heavily guarded
 neighborhood because it borders the Presidential Palace and the homes of
 high-level officials in the Ba'ath regime, in addition to several foreign
 embassies. It would be very difficult for armed terrorists to penetrate a
 security zone like Rawda, he said, had they not been helped by Syrian
 security. This argument, popular among some in the Syrian opposition, is
 difficult to believe for a variety of reasons.
 Terrorists can, and have, previously infiltrated heavily guarded compounds
 not only in Syria but all over the world. In Syria, during the heyday of
 tight security in the 1970s and 1980s, the Muslim Brotherhood carried out 
 series of armed attacks in similar heavily guarded neighborhoods of
 Damascus, assassinating prominent members of the Ba'athist regime. The 
 famous Brotherhood attack was on army headquarters in Omayyad Square in
 central Damascus, and another on the Azbakiyye neighborhood, both 
 in the 1980s.
 On the other hand, is it not possible that the Syrian faction of Jund
 al-Sham is so heavily infiltrated by Syrian intelligence that the Syrian
 infiltrator(s) know of planned attacks - if not plan and/or even approve
 them - alerting Syrian intelligence long before hand?
 Following this scenario for sake of discussion, it is illogical to believe
 that the four gunmen/car bombers knew they were playing on a Syrian Intel
 stage, only to be killed by a waiting Syrian security team before they had
 even infiltrated their target. To them, in such a scenario, the attack was
 While stopping short of being convinced of Syrian regime complicity, said
 one counterterrorism official in a phone conversation Wednesday, I would
 challenge anyone to find a successful Jund al-Sham attack.
 Indeed, in 2005 a Jund al-Sham bomb placed under the car of a Lebanese
 pro-Hariri journalist, Ali Tu'mah, failed to kill or injure its target or
 anyone else.
 Outside Syrian control, a Jund al-Sham attack earlier that year in Doha,
 Qatar, netted 16 injuries, but the only fatality was that of the Jund
 al-Sham suicide car bomber as he rammed his weapon into a Doha theater.
 Pondering whether or not Syrian intelligence was behind the US embassy
 attack in Damamscus for the purpose of international consumption is pure
 speculation, to be sure.
 But there is much to be said for the credence the idea is lent by Syria's
 own sponsorship of terrorism.
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[cia-drugs] Iran's oil bourse to be launched

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Iran’s oil bourse to be 
TEHRAN, Sept. 15 (MNA) -- 
  Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri-Hamaneh said here on Friday that all preparatory 
  requirements were arranged for launching the oil stock market in the 

  Speaking to the 
  reporters at the Mehrabad International Airport upon arriving in Tehran from an OPEC conference in Vienna, 
  Vaziri-Hamaneh said that all un-subsidized oil products can be offered in 
  this stock market. 
  He also rejected 
  rumors about the preparation of a plan to gradually increase the gasoline 
  price, but added that the cabinet had submitted a bill to the Majlis for 
  importing gasoline.
  “If the bill is 
  ratified, the present condition will continue and rationing will be put 
  into practice later.” 
  Hamaneh further noted 
  that the plan to issue fuel debit cards will be finalized within three 
  As for the decisions 
  made during that OPEC conference, the minister said that the member 
  countries were quite concerned for the downward trend of oil price, and so 
  decided to maintain the present oil production ceiling. 
  Elsewhere in his 
  remarks, Vaziri-Hamaneh referred to the development of the Azadegan 
  oilfield and said that an agreement has been inked with the Japanese, 
  granting to them a 15-day opening to meet their commitments. 
  He explained “the 
  Total Company anyway stresses cooperating with the Japanese and is 
  interested in starting the conduction of project after the cooperation 
  contract is finalized with the Japanese contractor.” 
  Answering a question 
  about the development of the Arash oilfield, Iranian oil minister said 
  that an Iranian delegation will head for Kuwait within 7 to10 days, adding that 
  however, Iran and 
  Kuwait are determined to 
  jointly develop their joint oilfield. 
  Hamaneh said that a 
  two-month opening has been also granted to the Chinese contractor to 
  develop Yadavaran oilfield. 
  Elaborating on the 
  development process of the Peace Pipeline, he said the consultant party is 
  supposed to estimate and submit the gas price as soon as possible so that 
  Iran can negotiate it with the 
  Indian and Pakistani ministers. 


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[cia-drugs] Europe's freedom threatened

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Europe's freedom threatened
"...Europe must be free, 
democratic and prosperous. It will not be achieved by democratic deficit, 
supranationalism, statism, or an increase in legislating, monitoring, and 
William Rees-Mogg - Other 
articles Fri 15 Sep, 2006 
I have been a reader of the European Journal for many years. Occasionally I 
have written articles for it. I admire its approach of rational and scholarly 
euro-scepticism. I even have a family connection, as our youngest daughter, 
Annunziata, edited the magazine for three years.
There are many people who would enjoy reading it, thereby supporting the 
cause of European independence. If you want to subscribe you should visit this website.
The September issue has a particularly important article written by Vaclav 
Klaus, who is the President of the Czech Republic. He lists six objectives for 
Europe. I would myself accept these six objectives as a programme for the new 
Europe, infinitely preferable to the Constitutional Treaty which was drafted by 
Giscard d’Estaing, the ex-President of France. This is the Klaus programme:

  Europe must be free, democratic and prosperous. It will not be achieved by 
  democratic deficit, supranationalism, statism, or an increase in legislating, 
  monitoring, and regulating. 
  Europe needs a system of ideas which must be based on freedom, personal 
  responsibility, individualism, natural caring for others and a genuinely moral 
  conduct of life. 
  Europe needs a political system which must not be destroyed by a 
  post-modern interpretation of human rights (with its emphasis on positive 
  rights, with its dominance of group rights and entitlements over individual 
  rights and responsibilities and with its denationalisation of citizenship), by 
  the weakening of democratic institutions which have irreplaceable roots 
  exclusively in the territory of the states, by the ‘multiculturality’ brought 
  about by the loss of a needed coherence inside countries, and by the 
  continental-wide rent-seeking or various NGOs. 
  Europe needs an economic system which must not be damaged by excessive 
  government regulation, by fiscal deficits, by heavy bureaucratic control, by 
  attempts to perfect markets by means of constructing ‘optimal’ market 
  structures, by huge subsidies to privileged or protected industries and firms, 
  and by heavy labour market legislation. 
  Europe needs a social system which must not be wrecked by all imaginable 
  kinds of disincentives, by more than generous welfare payments, by large-scale 
  income redistribution, by all other forms of government paternalism. 
  Europe needs a system of relations and relationships of individual 
  countries which must not be based on false internationalism, on supranational 
  organisations and on a misunderstanding of globalisation and of externalities, 
  but on the good neighbourliness of free, sovereign countries and on 
  international pacts and agreements. 
The federalist programme unfortunately still has the backing of Germany, and 
of the French, Italian and Spanish Governments. The Constitution was rejected by 
the voters of France and the Netherlands, but has been silently implemented by 
the Commission.
In January 2007, Germany will take the Chair of the European Union of six 
months. It is Angela Merkel’s ambition to use that period to revive the 
Constitution. Under the proposed Constitution, Germany would have become the 
predominant power in a European Federation.
The model which Germany supports is the federation of German states which the 
German statesman Bismarck established in the 1860s and 1870s. Just as Abraham 
Lincoln forcibly reunited the United States by war in the 1860s, Bismarck 
reunited Germany, defeating Austria and France, and bullying Bavaria. Naturally 
the Czechs, who are not a German people, do not now want to join a Germanic 
federation of Europe. Nor do the British. Such a federation would certainly be 
an unreliable ally for the United States.
In my view, we all need to compare the Klaus plan for Europe – it is not a 
Constitution – and the Franco-Germany Constitution. I know which one I prefer. 

Chancellor Merkel’s attempt to impose a federal system will, in my view, 
destroy the liberty of Europe if it succeeds, and will risk splitting the 
European Union if it fails.

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[cia-drugs] Russian Central Bank Official Murdered

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Russian Central Bank 
Official Murdered By Faruk Akkan, Moscow 
Friday, September 15, 2006 zaman.com 
Kozlov, the deputy chairman of the Russian Central Bank, was killed by two 
gunmen on Wednesday night. 
Kozlov , responsible for regulating the nation's banking system, was rushed 
to the hospital and underwent emergency surgery for wounds to his head and 
The 41-year-old later died from his injuries. 
Dr. Inna Sigeyeva, an official from the hospital in Moscow, announced, “The 
patient died early in the morning without regaining consciousness.” 
Security authorities assert the murder was committed by hired assassins. 
The deputy chairman was highly regarded for his efforts against 
money-laundering and financial crimes. 
There are nearly 1,200 banks in Russia, most of which operate with a small 
amount of capital. 
Many banks controlled by illicit interest groups are charged with performing 
unofficial and unrecorded banking transactions. 
The central bank supervises banks to prevent money laundering and money 
transfers to terrorist organizations. 
Russia’s Vice Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov praised Kozlov as “a very 
courageous and honest person,” and said the murder could have been sparked by 
Kozlov’s efforts to clean up the Russian banking system. 
Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said Kozlov had "more than once stepped on the 
toes of unscrupulous financiers.” 
Kozlov chaired the Russian Standard Bank from 1999 to 2000 and the Bank of 
Russia in 2002. 
He also worked on tax reductions and customs duties to support the business 
Contract murders were a hallmark of business life in Moscow in the early 
1990s, but had become less common in recent years. 
Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, who noted that it was the first time a 
high-level bureaucrat such as Kozlov had been murdered, assured they would 
investigate the incident and apprehend the perpetrators. 
In a statement to Reuters, Chairman of Russian Union of Industrialists and 
Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin claimed that because he was an important figure 
in the finance and business sector and the government, it would not be hard to 
find the assassins. 
Two gunmen shot Kozlov while he was exiting the Spartak sports complex 
Wednesday night. 
He had been there to take part in a game with other bank employees. 
According to media reports, the assassins fired their guns at least four 
times, killing Kozlov’s driver Alexander Semyonov on the spot. 
The assassination has not affected ties between developing countries. 
James Croft from Commerzbank in London said that the murder did not have a 
direct effect on assets. 
Stating that Kozlov was in Putin’s close company, Croft further explained 
that Putin might use the murder as a pretext to deepen reforms. 


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[cia-drugs] China Sinopec Set For 51% Stake In Iran Oil Field -Report

2006-09-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


  Sinopec Set For 51% Stake In Iran Oil Field -ReportFriday September 15th, 2006 / 


BEIJING -(Dow Jones)- China Petrochemical 
  Corp., better known as Sinopec Group, is close to signing a deal with Iran 
  to develop the Yadavaran oil field in the southern area of the Middle 
  Eastern country, the Shanghai Securities News reported Friday. Sinopec 
  will secure a 51% stake in Yadavaran, with India's state-owned Oil and 
  Natural Gas Corp. (500312.BY) taking a 29% interest and local Iranian 
  companies holding the remainder, the report said. A deal would not 
  only grant China access to a field with estimated reserves of more than 30 
  billion barrels of oil, but also represent the latest alliance between 
  Sinopec and India's ONGC. Last month, the two companies teamed up to 
  buy a 50% stake in Omimex de Colombia Ltd., which has oil and 
  gas-producing assets in the South American country and is owned by 
  U.S.-based Omimex Resources Inc. China and India are often seen as 
  rivals in the race to secure energy supplies as their domestic consumption 
  climbs, with state-owned firms bidding against each other for assets in 
  Africa and central Asia. However, they have recently embarked on 
  working together, with officials from the two countries signing a 
  framework agreement for cooperation in January. In 2004, Iran and 
  China signed a memorandum of understanding in which Iran would allow 
  Sinopec Group to develop Iran's Yadavaran oil field. In exchange, China 
  signed an agreement to buy 10 million metric tons a year of Iranian 
  liquefied natural gas for 25 years, although it didn't say when the first 
  deliveries would be made. According to the report, talks have recently 
  involved Sinopec agreeing to provide equipment and services as part of the 
  development of Yadavaran. -By David Winning, Dow Jones Newswires; 
  8610-65885848; [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Edited by Tracy Gan 

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[cia-drugs] Re: Iran's oil bourse to be launched

2006-09-15 Thread mark urban
-I believe this has more to do with why bush and the neocons want to 
bomb the shit out of iran than terrorism.

-- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis 

   Iran's oil bourse to be launched
   TEHRAN, Sept. 15 (MNA) -- Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri-Hamaneh 
said here on Friday that all preparatory requirements were arranged 
for launching the oil stock market in the country. 
   Speaking to the reporters at the Mehrabad International 
Airport upon arriving in Tehran from an OPEC conference in Vienna, 
Vaziri-Hamaneh said that all un-subsidized oil products can be 
offered in this stock market. 

   He also rejected rumors about the preparation of a plan to 
gradually increase the gasoline price, but added that the cabinet had 
submitted a bill to the Majlis for importing gasoline.

   If the bill is ratified, the present condition will continue 
and rationing will be put into practice later. 

   Hamaneh further noted that the plan to issue fuel debit cards 
will be finalized within three months. 

   As for the decisions made during that OPEC conference, the 
minister said that the member countries were quite concerned for the 
downward trend of oil price, and so decided to maintain the present 
oil production ceiling. 

   Elsewhere in his remarks, Vaziri-Hamaneh referred to the 
development of the Azadegan oilfield and said that an agreement has 
been inked with the Japanese, granting to them a 15-day opening to 
meet their commitments. 

   He explained the Total Company anyway stresses cooperating 
with the Japanese and is interested in starting the conduction of 
project after the cooperation contract is finalized with the Japanese 

   Answering a question about the development of the Arash 
oilfield, Iranian oil minister said that an Iranian delegation will 
head for Kuwait within 7 to10 days, adding that however, Iran and 
Kuwait are determined to jointly develop their joint oilfield. 

   Hamaneh said that a two-month opening has been also granted 
to the Chinese contractor to develop Yadavaran oilfield. 

   Elaborating on the development process of the Peace Pipeline, 
he said the consultant party is supposed to estimate and submit the 
gas price as soon as possible so that Iran can negotiate it with the 
Indian and Pakistani ministers.

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