[cia-drugs] The Oil factor in Kosovo independence

2008-02-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

The Oil factor in Kosovo independence
Abdus Sattar Ghazali

  February 24, 2008

  On February 17, Kosovo broke away from Serbia and declared its 
independence. Not surprisingly it was instantly recognized as a state by the 
U.S., Germany, Britain and France. With 4203 square miles area, Kosovo may be a 
tiny territory but in the great game of oil politics it holds great importance 
which is in inverse proportion to its size.

  Kosovo does not have oil but its location is strategic as the 
trans-Balkan pipeline - known as AMBO pipeline after its builder and operator 
the US-registered Albanian Macedonian Bulgarian Oil Corporation - will pass 
through it.

  The pipeline will pump Caspian oil from the Bulgarian port of Burgas via 
Macedonia to the Albanian port of Vlora, for transport to European countries 
and the United States. Specifically, the 1.1 billion dollar AMBO pipeline will 
permit oil companies operating in the Caspian Sea to ship their oil to 
Rotterdam and the East Coast of the USA at substantially less cost than they 
are experiencing today.

  When operational by 2011, the pipeline will become a part of the region's 
critical East-West corridor infrastructure which includes highway, railway, gas 
and fiber optic telecommunications lines. This pipeline will bring oil directly 
to the European market by eliminating tanker traffic through the ecologically 
sensitive waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

  In 2000, the United States Government's Trade and Development Agency 
financed a feasibility study of pipeline which updated and enlarged the 
project's original feasibility study dating from early 1996. Brown & Root 
Energy Services, a wholly-owned British subsidiary of Halliburton completed the 
original feasibility study for this project.

  The US Trade and Development Agency's paper published May 2000, which 
assesses that the pipeline is a US strategic interest. According to the paper, 
the pipeline will provide oil and gas to the US market worth $600m a month, 
adding that the pipeline is necessary because the oil coming from the Caspian 
sea will quickly surpass the safe capacity of the Bosphorus.

  The project is necessary, according to a paper, because the oil coming 
from the Caspian sea "will quickly surpass the safe capacity of the Bosphorus 
as a shipping lane". The scheme, the agency notes, will "provide a consistent 
source of crude oil to American refineries", "provide American companies with a 
key role in developing the vital east-west corridor", "advance the 
privatisation aspirations of the US government in the region" and "facilitate 
rapid integration" of the Balkans "with western Europe".

  The pipeline itself, the agency says, has also been formally supported 
"since 1994". The first feasibility study, backed by the US, was conducted in 

  In November 1998, Bill Richardson, the then US energy secretary, spelt 
out his policy on the extraction and transport of Caspian oil. "This is about 
America's energy security," he explained. "It's also about preventing strategic 
inroads by those who don't share our values. We're trying to move these newly 
independent countries toward the west.

  "We would like to see them reliant on western commercial and political 
interests rather than going another way. We've made a substantial political 
investment in the Caspian, and it's very important to us that both the pipeline 
map and the politics come out right."

  Professor Michel Chossudovsky, author of America at War in Macedonia, 
provides a deep insight into the Albanian-Macedonian-Bulgarian-Oil Pipeline 

  "The US based AMBO pipeline consortium is directly linked to the seat of 
political and military power in the United States and Vice President Dick 
Cheney's firm Halliburton Energy. The feasibility study for AMBO's Trans-Balkan 
Oil Pipeline, conducted by the international engineering company of Brown & 
Root Ltd. [Halliburton's British subsidiary] has determined that this pipeline 
will become a part of the region's critical East-West corridor infrastructure 
which includes highway, railway, gas and fibre optic telecommunications lines.

  "Coincidentally, White and Case LLT, the New York law firm that President 
William J. Clinton joined when he left the White House also has a stake in the 
AMBO pipeline deal.

  "And upon completion of the feasibility study by Halliburton, a senior 
executive of Halliburton was appointed CEO of AMBO. Halliburton was also 
granted a contract to service US troops in the Balkans and build "Bondsteel" in 
Kosovo, which now constitutes "the largest American foreign military base 
constructed since Vietnam".

  "The AMBO Trans-Balkans pipeline project would link up with the pipeline 
corridors between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea basin, which lies at the 
hub of the World's largest unexplored oil re

[cia-drugs] Brzezinski Seizing Control Over US Policy In Slow-Motion Coup

2008-02-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Brzezinski Seizing Control Over US Policy In Slow-Motion Coup 

Good background info on Gropebama here.

By: Webster G. Tarpley

WASHINGTON DC - Events of the past few days indicate that the Zbigniew 
Brzezinski faction of lunatic Russia haters have now won the upper hand inside 
the secret councils of the Anglo-American finance oligarchy, displacing the 
hitherto dominant George Shultz-neocon faction.

Although George Bush and his cronies still occupy the White House, the policies 
that are being carried out are coming from the Brzezinski left CIA machine. 
Brzezinski has returned to public prominence in recent months due to his role 
as top establishment controller for the Obama campaign. But Brzezinski is not 
waiting for the outcome of the November elections to take over key parts of the 
US government. Brzezinski and his left CIA allies are already moving to assert 
their strategy, even as the neocons and their characteristic obsessions are 
moved to the back burner. The probability of an attack on Iran or Syria is 
declining, even as the danger of confrontation with Russia, China, and Pakistan 
* all much more dangerous targets to trifle with * increases exponentially.

1. KOSOVO - The independence of Kosovo has opened a new crisis front in Eastern 
Europe, with the potential for very nasty complications in regard to Russia. 
This is the essence of the Brzezinski anti-Russian policy. Kosovo independence 
is of course a flagrant violation of all existing norms of international law, 
most notably the Helsinki CSCE treaty of 1975 which finally put an end to World 
War II by declaring that all borders in Europe were to be considered final 
unless and until any changes had been agreed through mutual consultation of the 
interested parties. Since the Serbian government in Belgrade is vehemently 
opposed to Kosovo independence, the unilateral actions of the US, British, and 
NATO are the very essence of international anarchy. The new regime in Kosovo 
goes far beyond the usual kleptocracy of NATO puppets favored by Brzezinski and 
his circles. The new regime in Kosovo is essentially the terrorist KLA, an 
organization devoted to gun-running, drug-running, and trafficking in human 
slaves. The KLA is a Balkan version of Al Qaeda, and both are wholly owned 
creations of the CIA and British intelligence. With Kosovo independence, the 
US, British, and NATO stand ready to use armed force to defend the right of a 
terrorist gang to assert sovereignty over a segment of modern Europe. The 
criminal obscenity of this policy could hardly be greater, but for Brzezinski 
all methods are legitimate provided that they increase tension with Moscow, and 
in that respect Kosovo independence is already a glowing success.

2. US EMBASSY, BELGRADE - The attack on the US embassy in Belgrade, Serbia by 
gangs of drunken students is a classic Brzezinski operation. The tactic of 
having an incensed rent-a-mob of swarming adolescent patsies attack the US 
Embassy in order to gin up a crisis is one of Zbigniew's signature specialties. 
During the time that Brzezinski was running the foreign policy of Trilateral 
puppet Jimmy Carter, there were bloody attacks on the US embassies in Pakistan 
and in Afghanistan, both countries that featured prominently in Brzezinski's 
arc of crisis theory. Most famous of all was of course the attack on the US 
embassy in Teheran, Iran, which led to the taking of hostages and the huge 
international crisis which helped to doom the Carter administration to 
extinction at the polls. If US diplomats or State Department personnel are 
taken hostage anywhere in the world in the weeks and months to come, this must 
be attributed to Brzezinski.

3. SPACE WARFARE - The shooting down by the Pentagon of a US satellite over the 
Pacific is a very provocative military stunt designed to intimidate both Moscow 
and Beijing, who happened to be Brzezinski's immediate targets. This reckless 
and irresponsible action has raised the specter of an uncontrolled arms race 
reaching into outer space.

4. SYRIA - Zbigniew Brzezinski himself, fresh from addressing a retreat of 
House Democrats in Williamsburg Virginia, is now in Syria at the head of a RAND 
Corporation delegation. The purpose of this mission should not be construed as 
peace in the Middle East, although some foolish observers may read it in that 
way. Brzezinski's goal is immediately to lessen Russian influence in Syria, 
including the closing of certain naval facilities that the Russian navy has 
maintained in that country. In the longer run, Brzezinski would like to turn 
both Syria and Iran into components of the ring he means to forge around Russia 
for the purpose of the strategic encirclement of that rival superpower. 
Zbigniew's argument against the neocons is, why attack Iran and Syria, when you 
can turn them into kamikaze

[cia-drugs] British Empire Restructuring Global Power Structure

2008-02-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
British Empire Restructuring Global Power Structure
February 25, 2008 (LPAC)--LaRouche PAC analysts are keeping a close eye on the 
fights which have been breaking out in international banking circles, as the 
British Empire continues its assault on the nation-state and nationalistic 
elements within nations. The latest bank to come under attack is Swiss giant 
UBS, which has taken substantial losses of late and whose head, Marcel Ospel, 
is rumored to be on the way out. In neighboring France, Daniel Bouton, the head 
of Societe Generale, is also under pressure, over big losses in its trading 
operation, losses which have unconvincingly been blamed on a single rogue 
trader. These moves recall the ousting last year of both Stan O'Neal of Merrill 
Lynch and Chuck Prince of Citigroup, both of whom were replaced after losses. 
What all of these institutions have in common is that they fall into the 
category of "national champions," or institutions which represent power 
structures within nations. In the new global imperialism the oligarchy plans to 
implement through the demise of the financial system, structures which 
represent national power bases must be dissolved into the global slime mold. 
This applies even to structures created by the oligarchy to exert control over 
those same nations. For the empire to dominate, all vestiges of national power 
must be destroyed. 

It is worth noting, in this context, the way the European Central Bank seems 
determined to bail out the British-linked banks. If the nations of Europe are 
to survive, they must come to grips with their own oligarchic problems; if not, 
they will remain captives of this British-centered slime mold, as imperial 
provinces rather than nations. 

[cia-drugs] American System vs. Anglo-Dutch System Dialogue

2008-02-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
I don't believe in sovereignty. 

American System vs. Anglo-Dutch System Dialogue
Economist Magazine Russia Editor: "I Advocate the Lisbon Treaty 100%...I hate 
the Westphalian System!" 

Edward Lucas, the current editor for Russian and Eastern European affairs for 
the Economist Magazine, the official publication of the British Empire, has 
written a new book, "The New Cold War: Putin's Russia and the Threat to the 
West". During a book signing, prior to a lecture he was to deliver at the 
Watson Institute at Brown University in Providence, RI, two LaRouche PAC 
organizers, Alexandra Peribikovsky and Matthew Ogden, drew him into a pointed 
dialogue during which he exposed his lust for the Lisbon treaty process, in 
order to eliminate the sovereignty of nation-states and bring to an end of the 
era of Westphalia.

Because the dialogue yielded some juicy quotes from this explicit British 
imperialist, a paraphrase follows, with some direct quotations included:

LPAC: What do you think of the Kennebunkport process, launched at the meeting 
of Putin with Bush?

LUCAS: (Thick British accent) Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his 
soul; I would have seen the letters KGB.

LPAC: Many people have compared the Kennebunkport proposal to Reagan's SDI.

LUCAS: I think the concept of strategic defense is highly over-rated. (He began 
to go into his spiel about so-called pipe-line politics, the title of one of 
the chapters in his new book).

LPAC: While Putin was involved in the meetings around Kennebunkport, many 
leading people in Moscow were repeatedly discussing the legacy of Franklin 

LUCAS: Well! I think Putin has his own reasons for bringing up FDR!

LPAC: Both the Kennebunkport proposal and the SDI are reminiscent of 
Roosevelt's post-war Russian-American alliance. In fact, the Russian-American 
partnership goes all the way back to the Civil War and even the American 
Revolution. And, ironically, America was always allied with the Russians, 
against the British!

LUCAS: World politics were different back then.

LPAC: In the context of the crash of the entire world financial system, what do 
you think about the United States entering into an alliance with Russia and 
China, to stabilize the dollar, like Roosevelt did during the Bretton Woods?

LUCAS: Why should Russia be a party to that sort of conference? Economically, 
Russia is now a third-rate power. They have no economic power. They're at the 
level of a Holland, or a Belgium. Why should the Dutch, or the Belgians, have a 
seat at the table discussing a new world system?

LPAC: Brussells wants to dictate the new world system, actually! The Lisbon 
treaty would give the president of a United Europe a seat in Belgium.

LUCAS: (direct quote) "I am a strong advocate of the Lisbon Treaty. I support 
it 100%! We should end all of this discussion and debate about an EU 
Constitution, and just do it! Just make it happen!"

LPAC: So you advocate the elimination of sovereignty for the nations of Europe?

LUCAS: "The nations of Europe don't need sovereignty! They no longer need to be 
separate states; Europe needs to create its own internal market."

LPAC: That reminds me of the idea of a Pan-Europe, a One Europe, of Edward 
Mosely, the British fascist from the 1940's...

LUCAS: Oh, you mean Oswald Mosely.

LPAC: What you're advocating would mean the end of the Westphalian System.

LUCAS: (direct quote) "I HATE THE WESTPHALIAN SYSTEM! The world needs to move 
beyond the age of Westphalia!"

LPAC: You don't believe that governments should exist to promote the general 
welfare of its people?

LUCAS: "I believe in international security organizations, like 
NATO...International governing institutions."

LPAC: You know, here in the United States of America, we Americans value highly 
the idea of national sovereignty.

LUCAS: I don't know much about the American system of politics, but I don't 
believe in sovereignty. By the way, are you two part of some specific political 
party or group? I am beginning to notice a certain consistency in your 

[cia-drugs] VIDEO: The Ray Gun In Action

2008-02-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
if this is being publicly released now, imagine what will be publicly released 
in 40 years, which has already been developed now.  iirc, "non-lethal" means 
that less than 25% of the people who this device is used on will die within 30 
days of it having been used upon them.  -vmann


The Ray Gun In Action 

Watch as David Martin gets zapped by a ray gun - a non-lethal weapon that could 
be used to disperse crowds and could save many lives in war zones. Martin's 
report airs Sunday, March 2, on 60 minutes. 

[cia-drugs] Bill Gates dupes students at Waterloo University

2008-02-29 Thread norgesen
Bill Gates is doing a speaking tour of college campuses in order to get
naive students interested in Computer/IT careers, and to push his
immigration agenda. As part of that tour he went to the University of
Waterloo in Canada where he gave a speech to an audience of high school and
college students. 

The university has a web page where you can find out more about the Bill
Gates visit. They even have a video of the entire presentation. 


I made a short 2 minute clip of the video (at about 52 minutes into the 1
hour presentation) where he criticized the H-1B program because he thinks
it's too restrictive. He praised Canada for its loose immigration policies
that make it easy for foreigners to get work visas. Bill Gates said that
there must be a "free flow of talent" between the U.S. and Canada but never
mentioned how that large labor pool enriches his portfolio.


The articles below have a few comments by Gates that are worth mentioning.
This explains why it's so difficult for anyone over the age of 35 to find
jobs at Microsoft:

   "Why do young people play such an important role in innovation,
   even though older people have greater breadth of knowledge and
   a deeper understanding of their field? [snipped] 
   It's not unusual to have the best solution to a tough problem 
   come from one of the youngest people working to solve it.
   Often, our first reaction is that what they are suggesting is
   crazy, until we understand that they have come at the problem
   in a creative, new way.

Lots of brouhaha was published in the media when Microsoft set up a
development center in Vancouver, Canada. Bill Gates said that the Canadian
office was necessary because it was so difficult and expensive to import
H-1Bs into the U.S. Gates praised Canada because: "The Canadian government
makes it easier to bring in smart people from various countries". 

You might wonder where all the smart people are coming from to work in
Vancouver. Buried in the Financial Post article below the truth is
revealed. The smart people Gates adores so much are coming from China,
although Gates also mentioned "other countries", which probably means
India. I doubt that Gates includes Canadians on his list of smart people
anymore than he includes Americans. 

   He said Microsoft has looked to other countries such as China to
   help fill "a pretty significant shortage" of IT workers and has 
   set up development centres, including one in Vancouver, to
   develop new talent.

The following statement by Gates needs some discussion because there is far
more to it than meets the eye:

   "There should be a free-flow of talent from the U.S. to Canada and
   Canada to the U.S. There's bright person who wants a job - it
   shouldn't be hard to go across the border and do that. We should
   make it as seamless as possible."

Gates is only telling half the truth, because it is very easy for Canadians
to cross the border to work in the U.S. Microsoft or any other employer can
obtain TN (Trade NAFTA) visas for anyone that they need to transfer between
the Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. TN visas are unlimited and quick and easy
to obtain, so Microsoft should have no problem moving as many people as
they want to the U.S. 

So what is Bill Gates complaining about?

Moving Canadians into the U.S. isn't an issue for Gates, but moving
foreigners who work in Canada is. In order to get a TN visa Microsoft's
Chinese and Indian employees must become naturalized citizens of Canada,
otherwise they have to get H-1B visas which are in short supply. Getting
naturalized in Canada isn't a big deal for those who have jobs but Bill
Gates probably doesn't want to use Vancouver as a drop house for
non-Canadians any longer than he has too. 

I have contended since the opening of that Vancouver office that Gates
intended to use it as a backdoor to get foreign workers into the U.S.
Apparently he is having some trouble getting as many TN visas as he would
like, so now he is on another lobbying campaign to increase the H-1B cap. 



Microsoft looks for talent in developing countries

Microsoft founder Bill Gates speaks to university and high school students
during a stop in Waterloo, Ont. on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008. (Adrian Wyld
The Canadian Press 
Updated: Thu. Feb. 21 2008 5:32 PM ET 

WATERLOO, Ont. -- A widespread shortage of information technology graduates
across North America is forcing Microsoft Corp. and other software
companies to look to developing countries such as China to meet their
needs, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates says.

"When we want to hire lots of software engineers there is a shortage in
North America - a pretty significant shortage," Gates said Thursday in an

"We h

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Print - Up, Up and Away: What's Really Driving the Price of Oil? - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

2008-02-29 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:47 pm
Subject: [ctrl] Print - Up, Up and Away: What's Really Driving the Price of 
Oil? - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

SPIEGEL ONLINE - February 28, 2008, 04:50 PM
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/0,1518,538412,00.html
What's Really Driving the Price of Oil?

By Beat Balzli and Frank Hornig

The price of crude oil has doubled, from $50 to $100, within months. The  
increase cannot be attributed to the fundamental data, which have hardly  
changed. And the looming recession ought to drive the price down. So why  
is oil getting more expensive?


Pumps in Oklahoma are less important to the price of oil than pension-fund  

Cushing is the kind of place where you'd expect to see a cowboy ride  
around the corner and tie his horse to a rail in front of the Buckhorn  
Bar. This sleepy town of 8,000 on the Oklahoma prairie comes complete with  
a main street that could double for a set in a Western. Its biggest  
attractions include a defunct train station and a run-down movie theater,  
where the price of admission is $1.50.

Robert Felts, a friendly old man who works for the Cushing Industrial  
Authority, likes to show visitors the historic oil pump in the middle of  
town. He tells the story of how, in 1912, a giant oil field was discovered  
nearby that placed Cushing on the map and showered it with more than two  
decades of prosperity. Up to 50 million barrels of oil bubbled out of the  
ground each year in those days. "Our refineries could hardly keep up,"  
says Felts. To solve the problem, the oil barons of the day had large  
storage tanks installed in the surrounding prairieland.


Find out how you can reprint this DER SPIEGEL article in your publication.

There isn't much to talk about besides oil in this small Oklahoma town.  
But reports on the situation in Cushing get global markets moving at 10:30  
every Wednesday morning. That's when US government officials publish a  
figure that reflects the amount of oil stored in the hundreds of tanks  
which now stretch for miles along the horizon.

Located at a key intersection in the North American pipeline system,  
Cushing is home to the largest oil storage facility in the United States.  
Oil traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange literally changes owners  
here in Cushing. If the tanks are full, prices sink. But if levels in  
these tanks fall, prices rise. A rule of thumb for traders: Supply and  
demand control the market.

Normally, at any rate. But in recent months the conventional wisdom has  
flip-flopped. Within a year the price of a barrel of crude has doubled,  
 from $50 to last week's high of $100. Nothing seems impossible now. Some  
analysts see prices rising to between $120 and $150, which would have  
dramatic consequences for the world economy.

Similarly spectacular price developments have only occurred four times in  
the last few decades: in 1973, when the Organization of Petroleum  
Exporting Countries (OPEC) imposed an embargo for the first time; in 1979,  
as a consequence of the Iranian revolution; a year later, when Iraq  
invaded Iran; and in 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Which leads to one the most provocative questions being asked about the  
world economy today: Why are oil prices soaring again?

It's All Speculation

There are plenty of answers. Some hold the crisis in the Middle East and  
constantly growing demand in China responsible. Others blame producing  
countries for keeping the oil spigot half-closed.

But none of it's very convincing. "Supply and demand cannot explain the  
high prices," says Fadel Gheit of Oppenheimer & Co., a leading commodities  
analyst. Like many in his profession, Gheit believes financial investors  
are driving up prices. He's reminded of the Internet bubble around the  
turn of the millennium. According to Gheit, oil is also seeing "excessive  
speculation" at the moment.

OPEC arrives at the same conclusion. "The fundamentals are right," says  
OPEC President Mohammed al-Hamli. In fact, the cartel has expected excess  
supply on markets since early February -- a result of the American  
economic crisis.

This excess supply would normally cause the price per barrel to fall.  
Instead, dealers have now broken through the magic $100 threshold for the  
second time in only a few weeks.

The mood is festive among oil barons, who seem to be unimpressed by global  
recession fears. Exxon Mobil recently reported its profits for 2007: $40.6  
billion, a record for the world's largest energy company, and in  
international economic history. A company has never made so much money in  
a year.

Enormous amounts of money are currently changing hands in the business of  
oil contracts. With the American real estate debacle infecting ever larger  
segments of the capital markets, fro