[cia-drugs] McCain Treasure under Big Dub in Friedmania(MadMadMadMad) World

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
You could tell that McCain was with the 20th century looter paradigm
with his 100 Years War paradigm. The only reason a war with no reason to
start it should never end is if there is a hidden agenda, and that
hidden agenda is Dick Cheney's One-Bid Treasure under the Big Dubya in a
Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, without Spencer Tracy.

Neocon is the political label for the same looters who are labelled
neolib in economics. You can find a practical history of neocon neolib
platonic dictatorships in Naomi Klein's book Disaster Capitalism. You
can find a pedantic academic debunk of that platonic dictatorship and
the falsity of its guise as a utopia and a science, in David Levy and
Sandra Peart's book Vanity of the Philosopher. The philosopher is plato,
and his vanity was to believe that a dictatorship would be cool as long
as Plato, or by extension Dub or Cheney, were the dictator. Other
philosophers who share the same superstition, that a dictatorship would
be cool as long as they are the dictators, are Milton Friedman and
Darwin. Levy finds out Darwin's racism, Plato's racism, and without
naming Friedman as the principal medievalist of neocon neolib racist
utopian superstition, debunks the pseudo-science and racism of that
school of economic pro-pagan-da which teaches that the love of money is
the root of all good and to compete against me is sin and if the
American people knew what were were doing, they would chase us down the
street and lynch us from the lamp posts...what we are doing is capital
transfer to those who are higher, tighter, and righter [in Darwin's
racist eyes] and Nuremburg's big no-no and we [devotees propping up
Darwin and Friedman by covert and military and police action] always

Here is McCain as Naomi Klein's worst nightmare again, the
neocon-Yeltsin utopian dictator of Dick Cheney's One-Bid Treasure buried
under Big Dubya in a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad [Vanity of the Philosopher and
Disaster Capitalism neocon Friedmania!] World.

John McCain's 70th birthday bash held on boat of Russian tycoon
By Wayne Madsen


Jun 12, 2008, 00:17

(WMR http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ ) -- John McCain's campaign is
trying to make political hay out of the conviction of Chicago tycoon
Tony Rezko, a one-time fundraiser for presumptive Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama. However, the McCain campaign wants
to bury the story of McCain's 70th birthday bash held on board the yacht
of a Russian aluminum tycoon in the Adriatic Sea. The party was held on
August 29, 2006, McCain's birthday and followed a congressional junket
by McCain and five other GOP senators to the Republic of Georgia.

The host for McCain's yacht party off the coast of the Republic of
Montenegro was, according to WMR sources with close links to the
Republican Party, Oleg Deripaska, one of Russia's most powerful tycoons
who made his billions in cornering Russia's aluminum market in the

The 40-year old Deripaska is also politically-connected, having married
the daughter of Russia's late President Boris Yeltsin. Unlike most other
Russian tycoons, who now live in exile abroad and are protected by
Israeli passports, Deripaska maintains close relations to Russian Prime
Minister Vladimir Putin and another Russian tycoon, Roman Abramovich,
who was also invested in Russia's aluminum industry. In 2000, Deripaska
merged his firm, Basic Element, with Abramovich's firm, RusAl. Both
tycoons maintain expensive homes in London.

Deripaska has attracted the attention of U.S. law enforcement and he has
been the subject of several civil law suits filed against him because of
his business practices. However, no federal criminal charges have been
brought against Deripaska.

That is because Yeltsin's son-in-law counts, in addition to McCain,
former GOP Senator and 1996 GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole among
his most ardent supporters. In 2005, Deripaska paid Dole $500,000 in
lobbying fees and was granted a visa to enter the United States.
However, in 2006, the Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S.
government refused to grant Deripaska another visa because the FBI
discovered he made inaccurate statements to the bureau.

In the past, the Canadian firm Magna International, in which Deripaska
is a $1.5 billion investor, attempted to buy Daimler Chrysler. The deal
ultimately fell through.

McCain and Deripaska first met at a dinner party held concurrently with
the Davos World Economic Forum in January 2006 in Switzerland. The party
was hosted by Canadian gold mining billionaire Peter Munk, owner of
Barrick Gold, which has counted former President George H. W. Bush,
former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, former Senator Howard
Baker, major Democratic Party lawyer/lobbyist Vernon Jordan, and former
German Central Bank President Karl Otto Pohl among the members of its
International Advisory Board.

The party was arranged by 

[cia-drugs] Re: McCain Treasure under Big Dub in Friedmania(MadMadMadMad) World

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
Illustration: Dick Cheney's impeachable one-bid treasure under Big Dubya
in a MadMadMadMad Milton Friedmanic World.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/43955 Cheney treasonous
no-wmd  impeachable one-bid:

Case 3: The White House Conspiracy to Cook the Books - Halliburton,
Carlyle and CIA

In 2002, Arrigo tried a new tact - ingratiating herself with
Halliburton's Man and using it to her advantage. She offered
cooperation for access to his space and make him think she was on his
side. It worked, went on for four and one-half months through late May,
and it paid off - with plenty of insider knowledge about Halliburton
and how it works. Enough to fill a book, she says, but her account
sticks to highlights.

First off, it's pure myth that Dick Cheney stopped running the company.
He called in orders to the man I worked for almost every day and
sometimes two or more times a day. He remained (Halliburton's) 
functional head in all but name. No onehad the power to override his
orders. Second, Cheney never divested himself of Halliburton profits.
He merely hid how (he got them) through a series of shell companies.

One of Arrigo's jobs was to liaison between Halliburton and CIA's
creative accounting departments. In other words, their
co-conspiratorial treasury looting efforts, and Arrigo got insider
access to it. Her advanced math and computer software training qualified
her. In a few months, she became expert in how CIA and Halliburton  hid
their financial illegalities.

She explained - Computers are good ways to fool most people because
(they don't) look inside of them. They can be programmed to print out
one set of books for regulators, another for Defense Contractors,
another for the Pentagon, another for the taxpayer, and so forth. It's
simple. Decide what you want, and machines will create it in any desired
form. The trick is doing it expertly, most criminals can't, so they need
professionals to do it for them. It means crimes are never secret, and
many computer experts know about them. CIA has always been tainted, kept
it secret since inception, so far has been untouchable, but remains
vulnerable to exposure by people of conscience like Arrigo.

She explained: Halliburton has eight software programmers at CIA. Its
home office has many more. She was on conference calls with 60 of them
on ways to conceal illegalities and assure none of it leaks out. The
company has less expertise than CIA so the Agency took charge to make
the two systems compatible. It took several years and over 100
programmers. They came, left for other jobs, and took insider knowledge
with them. It risks more leaks about Halliburton, other contractors,
CIA, the Pentagon, high-ups in government, and the Basel-based Bank of
International Settlements for its part in corruption.

Many investigations are ongoing, but huge pressure is exerted to quash
them. It's feared leaks may unravel the whole scheme - a vast corruption
web involving countless numbers of contractors, related companies, and
many high level government and Pentagon insiders. Cover-up software
hides it. Taxpayers fund it. Amounts keep getting greater, and they're
up to unimaginable levels.

Arrigo explained the system. Suppose Halliburton sold product A in 100
Lot Sizes, in Quantity X at Price Y to the Pentagon on a given date.
Most civilian invoices disclose this. Pentagon ones don't so contractors
can cheat and Pentagon brass profit. Missing information conceals
whether all merchandise was delivered as nothing indicates quantities
shipped. Further, repackaging also hides proper amounts. Omitting the
price alone conceals whether a shipment was shorted, but CIA is more
clever than that. It experimented with tested receivers at some of its
front companies to learn how best to deceive them. What works best is
shifting prices around like random noise - one day this cost, another
a different one, and so forth.

One company used a gross overcharge method that looked suspicious. It
got receivers to discover the real price, and that defeated CIA's
scheme. When it works, it cooks the books, and no one's the wiser.
Ledger entries are inflated, undercut, omitted, added, or varied in
amounts of similar transactions. Like a professional crime
institution, CIA is expert at falsifying books so no one catches on.
How? By random price variations to keep auditors off balance and unable
to discover corruption patterns.

Another example:

CIA varies its front company prices monthly. Suppose Halliburton made a
purchase when it (used) a cost inflation idea of cheating. Halliburton
(has) an incentive to inflate the cost of its purchases (to) justify
(its) high (price) to the military. So as standard practice it uses
CIA's highest price and claims that amount for its cost.

But comparing two sets of 

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Bob Donatelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just in case y'all don't realize it
  ---Ahmed Karzai---Afghanistans head---and American stooge
 ---used to be the main man for the American Oil company Unocal.
 Now you know the rest of the story
 - Original Message 
 To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:47:51 PM
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Consortiumnews. com consortiumnews@ mail.democracyin
 Date: July 5, 2008 8:32:04 PM PDT
 Subject: Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal
 Reply-To: consortiumnews@ mail.democracyin action.org
 Oilman Ray Hunt had close ties to the Bush family and Dick Cheney
dating back years, giving him an important leg up in landing a
controversial oil deal with Iraq's Kurdistan regional government. 
 For the full story, go to Consortiumnews. com.
 We have set a mid-year fundraising goal of $40,000. So far, we are
only one-eighth of the way there. Please consider a tax-deductible
donation to help us meet our goal.
 You can donate by credit card online or by mailing a check. (For
readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our
account, which is named [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.).
 Or you can send a check to: Consortium for Independent Journalism
(CIJ); Suite 102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington, VA 22201.
 With donations of $100, we'll send you an autographed gift copy of
our latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W.
Bush. (Or you can request that we substitute either Robert Parry's
Lost History or his book on the rise of the Bush dynasty, Secrecy 
 With donations of $150 or more, we'll send the hard cover version of
Neck Deep. (We also have a few copies left of Parry's Trick or
Treason, which we can substitute, if you wish, while supplies last.)
 As always, thank you for your support!
 To remove yourself from this list, click here: http://www.democrac
yinaction. org/dia/organiza tions/consortium news/unsubscribe .jsp?remove

[cia-drugs] Re: McCain Treasure under Big Dub in Friedmania(MadMadMadMad) World

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
military keynesianism in a MadMadMadMad Friedmanic world

Vietnam War ending before Agent Orange liability suits from vets, St
Louis archive burned, in a Friedmanic world of military keynesianism as
the neo neo colonialism raping taxpayer wallet and equity and
productivity resource via fractional reserving that collateral  into
military keynesianism

We always lose, Colby to McGehee, mad mad mad mad but no, it's Victory
Refined. 20 years in Vietnam, McCain's 100 years in Iraq, no Gulf of
Tonkin, no domino, no Chinese invasion of Vietnam, no Vietnamese
occupation of Cambodia, no wmd in Iraq likewise, Agent Orange mad, DU
dust mad, one-bid treasure under Big Dub for trillions of dollars may
look mad to you, but it's not mad to military keynesians, it's Victory
Redefined, it's treasure under Big Dubya, it's frivolous jousting
contest fakewar the glory of kings, in a Milton Friedmanic world,
Milton's Paradise Lost for me and you and democracy and constitutional
government, Milton Friedman's paradise gained for hell, Dick Cheney,
one-bid treasure under Big Dub.

Don't MKforget to vote.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[cia-drugs] JFK Rifle Over Iraqwar Vote - Part 1

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/37755  --

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/33137 Fuqra, see Bernard
Henri Levy's book Who Killed Daniel Pearl for links between al Fuqra,
CIA, WTC bomb, and more recent al-CIA-duh facets of 911


I don't see the new DC Sniper thread I started in June 2008.

John Muhamad frequented a west coast bar in the mornings, in Oregon or
Washington state, that was known to have been visited by two or three
other serial killers. That could be an Atta cropduster, James Earl Ray
white mustang, crumb trail element that would come in handy if anybody
noticed what I am about to talk about noticing. In his trial, Muhamad
acted as his own lawyer for part of the trial, just part. No real lawyer
would have let the First Virginia Bank employee get away with perjury
like the following.  Prosecutors suborned perjury from her to fake
placing Malvo and Muhamad and their blue Caprice car at the scene of the
crime. First Virginia Bank is exactly one mile from the SUNOCO
station(see map in photos here at CIA-drugs yahoogroups JFK Rifle Over
Iraqwar Vote), yet the sworn witness testified that that gas station is
in the same parking lot and shopping center with First Virginia Bank.
Neither is in any shopping center, neither shares a parking lot with any
other building, the two buildings are one mile apart, the two buildings
are on opposite sides of a six lane road with a median strip and two
sidewalks between them. John Muhamad had to act as his own lawyer in
order not to make any objection to that perjury, in which the bank
employee placed him at the scene, so to speak, by saying she saw him and
Malvo and their car in the parking lot a mile from SUNOCO, then lying
and saying SUNOCO and the bank were in the same lot and shopping center,
i.e. both at the scene of the crime.

Why would Muhamad want that perjury to stand, placing him at the scene
of the crime? Presto chango, spin away, Malvo frequented a particular
bar because he wanted to be identified with two or three serial killers
who also had gone there years before. He wanted to be convicted of being
a serial killer.  On the other hand, Muhamad's consistent ability to get
released from jail even in another country does not mark him as a
mentally unstable wannabe so much as a government informant of the first

After Muhamad and Malvo and the blue Caprice were placed at the scene
which was a mile away from the scene, half an hour before the crime, a
police officer places Muhamad and Malvo at Bob Evans restaurant across
the street from SUNOCO, but half an hour after the crime. Bob Evans
restaurant's parking lot offers a perfect vantage point for an amateur
sniper to shoot Dean Myers in the head from a hundred yards away, but
there are several problems with that scenario. The government fails to
call a witness who saw the blue caprice pull out of another restaurant
parking lot, Pargo's(now City Grille in Manassas), after the witness
heard a noise like a shot, saw his mother's co-worker Dean Myers fall to
the ground, and knew that the blue Caprice only had one obscure option
to escape from otherwise dead-end Balls Ford road.

Apparently what really happened was that the suspects circled around
behind SUNOCO, crossed Sudley Road Route 234, came back to Bob Evans on
the opposite side of the road from SUNOCO in time to be documented there
by a police officer. Why does the prosecution lead us to believe that
the shot was made from the opposite direction, blowing out the wrong
side of Dean Myers' head like JFK in the Zapruder film? Why did the
forensics specialist testify that none of the bullet fragments left the
skull of Myers? Did police who searched Sudley road between SUNOCO and
Bob Evans not find any fragments there to indicate the shot came from
Pargo's or a Red Roof Inn balcony? The head exploded like JFK, to the
wrong side, the entrance side if the shot came from Bob Evans, but no
fragments escaped the exploding head to mark the shot as coming from the
opposite side?

And now I resort to CSI, to TV. On TV, they never identify fragmented
bullets. The bullet came apart so we can't match it to the barrel of
the gun. And on TV they catch criminals and solve crimes, also unlike
real life. Osama is not even wanted by the FBI.

Muhamad should get the death penalty for allowing the First Virginia
Bank employee to perjure herself, and prosecutors be disbarred for
suborning perjury from her and the forensics specialist, but as far as
we know, the blue caprice was behind SUNOCO at Pargo's(now City Grille)
when the shot was fired, either from the car trunk or Red 

[cia-drugs] Planted Evidence

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
George W. Bush


Bush, a plant, vegetation.

Palm trees, Bushes, make a Dubya.

Greased palm trees. One-bid treasure under Big Dubya in a Mad, Mad, Mad,
Mad or Milton Friedmanic World of military keynesianism.

Trees make a W.

Bushes make a Dubya.

Worship the white man from across the water, the *#::#$? Tory whose
license plate is JFK-6343. You must have his tire marks on your forehead
to buy or sell.

Bushes make a Dubya:


Halliburton hq moved to Dubai-a.

Folks with tire marks on their forehead, sitting around singing
Dubai-a, Lord, Dubai-a, sucking up trickledown under Big Dub.

[cia-drugs] Dubaiya, my lord, dubai-yaaaa: Cheney set for life

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
Bushes make a Dubya,
one-bid treasure under Dubya,
Halliburton hq to Dubai-ya.


New Venice, what a great idea. The old Venice moved to London. Vegas
was a prototype of the new Dubai thing, resorts and all, canals in the
desert. All it should take is a few trillion dollars, and the rubes
will pay that in extortion to the neo Ghengis, al-CIA-duh, just like
the old Ghengis who robbed the gold for Venice in exchange for silver
from Germany and Carthage.

Bushes make a Dubya, one-bid treasure under Big(deserter twice
unelected dictator called president) Dub

Where is our Spencer Tracy, kind-hearted old pedo priest to lead us
through this time of greed? See Seattle Intelligencer coverage of FBI
pedo porn made with CIA-pimped children, neo Lindbergh FBI kidnapping
policy, there's our Spencer Tracy for remake of movie It's A Mad Mad
Mad Mad World.

That's a foursquare Mad world. Milton Friedman's military
keynesianism, FBI as pedo kidnappers, that's two mads, we need two
more mads on the same scale. There are lots of little mads, like CIA
Drugs, Russell Opium Trust (ROT) owning the drug prisons, how about
Palestinian pogrom apartheid holocaust run by Jews who know better?
Fairly mad. How about three mads, G.O.D., or guns oil drugs, plus
fractional reserving on top? Four mads. What are your four mads?

[cia-drugs] Arc of Crisis Divide Conquer

2008-07-14 Thread Scott Munson

Arc of Crisis | Divide  Conquer

Global Research, July 10, 2008

Establishing an Arc of Crisis
Many would be skeptical that the Anglo-Americans would be behind  

acts in Iraq, such as with the British in Basra, when two British SAS
soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives and massive  
of weapons.[1] Why would the British be complicit in orchestrating  
terror in

the very city in which they are to provide security? What would be the
purpose behind this? That question leads us to an even more important
question to ask, the question of why Iraq was occupied; what is the  
of the war on Iraq? If the answer is, as we are often told with our  

dose of CNN, SkyNews and the statements of public officials, to spread
democracy and freedom and rid the world of tyranny and terror, then it
make sense that the British or Americans would orchestrate terror.
However, if the answer to the question of why the Anglo-American  
invasion of
Iraq occurred was not to spread democracy and freedom, but to spread  
and chaos, plunge the country into civil war, balkanize Iraq into  
countries, and create an arc of crisis across the Middle East,  

neighboring countries, notably Iran, then terror is a very efficient and
effective means to an end.

An Imperial Strategy

read more here:

Subject: Swear Jar / Commit terror, to incite terror... in order to  

to terror

Swear Jar


State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq

By Andrew G. Marshall | Global Research | June 25, 2008

Shining Light on the Black World


Are they really oil wars? [Oil See You In Hell!] +

Has Bush Given Israel A Blank Check For War On Iran?

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Government for Sale, Cheap: Bush Admin Official Caught Soliciting Bribes

2008-07-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 13, 2008 7:18:19 PM PDT
Subject: Government for Sale, Cheap: Bush Admin Official Caught  
Soliciting Bribes

Bush Homeland Security Aide Caught On Tape

Selling High-Level Access for Cash for Bush Library


The Sunday Times reports Stephen Payne, a Bush pioneer and a  
political appointee to the Homeland Security Advisory Council, was  
caught on tape offering access to key members of the Bush  
administration inner circle in exchange for “six-figure donations to  
the private library being set up to commemorate Bush’s presidency.”

In an undercover video, Payne is seen promising to arrange a meeting  
for an exiled leader of Krygystan with Dick Cheney or Condoleezza  
Rice. (Not President Bush because “he doesn’t meet with a lot of  
former Presidents these days,” Payne says. “I don’t think he meets  
with hardly anyone.”) All it will take for him to arrange this high- 
level meeting, says Payne, is “a couple hundred thousand dollars, or  
something like that”:

PAYNE: The exact budget I will come up with. But it will be  
somewhere between $600,000 and $750,000, with about a third of it  
going directly to the Bush library. […]

200, 250, something like that. That’s gonna be a show of “we’re  
interested, we’re your friends, we’re still friends.”

Watch the startling video here:


The Times reports, “The revelation confirms long-held suspicions  
that favours are being offered in return for donations to the  
libraries which outgoing presidents set up to house their archives  
and safeguard their political legacies.” Bush loyalists previously  
said they had “identified wealthy heiresses, Arab nations and  
captains of industry as potential ‘mega’ donors” to the Bush library.

The Department of Homeland Security website reports that the  
“Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) provides advice and  
recommendations to the Secretary on matters related to homeland  
security.” Payne has been a member of the council since August 2007.

In Jan. 2008, Payne — an early supporter of Rudy Giuliani — said he  
would throw his support to John McCain if Giuliani dropped out. A  
personal friend of Bush, Payne has helped clear brush on the  
Crawford Ranch with the President (see the picture on the right).

UpdatePayne is President of Worldwide Strategic Partners. His bio on  
a cached version of the consulting firm's site says Payne served as  
George W. Bush's personal travel aide during his father’s 1988  
Presidential campaign. It adds, Currently, Mr. Payne assists the  
White House as a Senior Advance Representative traveling  
internationally in advance of and with President Bush and Vice  
President Cheney.

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[cia-drugs] How does Bill Clinton KNOW 911 was an Inside Job (?)

2008-07-14 Thread Bob Donatelle
    OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 

I saw a video of ex-President Bill Clinton speaking before a crowd and someone 
asked him a question about 911 being an Inside Job  and Clinton  screamed back 

That told me that Bill Clinton KNOWS that 911 was an Inside Job---and was 
trying to intimidate the questioner into silence.
I guess the next question to be asked could have been
  Mr Clinton, Please tell us what you know about the 
100 persons
    who during your administration  had crossed you, 
and  then either 
   committed suicide or mysteriously died unexpectedly
The answer would have been   HOW DARE YOU !   HOW DARE YOU!!!
I'm glad that Clinton showed the world that he knows that 911 was an Inside 
Job. What a fool!


[cia-drugs] Obamas Foreign Policy Advisor Picks Tell Us

2008-07-14 Thread Scott Munson

Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor Picks Tell Us ...

Not to mention Zbigniew Brzezinski, author of THE GLOBAL CHESSBOARD  
and the plan to defeat the UUSR by creating Osama Bin Laden and the  
Mujahadeen freedom Fighters under Reagan.
This low level war waged via Afghanistan drained the Soviets. ZB takes  
credit for that.
ZB wants to attack China and Russia. This is what we have in store in  
an Obama Admin.

Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor Picks Tell Us All We Need To  
Know About Him

Michael Jackman
July 11, 2008


chlorinated Tris: Hazardous flame retardant found in household  
objects: EPA obfuscation as usual



regulatory flim-flam: Environment Canada places partial ban on flame  
retardant - deca PBDE



Blissfully unaware of bisphenol A: Reasons why regulators should live  
up to their responsibilities



Arc of Crisis | Divide  Conquer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

two British SAS soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives  
and massive arsenal of weapons.


Brasscheck TV: War with Iran


NAFTA Highway has no crossings? [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Native American March on DC to Protest Global Warming  Environmental  


MTV holocaust commercials



NEWS  :A General Strike Has Been Scheduled for 9/11/08 -- Please Read  



Appeal to American NSA Officers: Please Join The American People



Law School Dean Calls Conference For Bush War Cimes Prosecution



FISA 'compromise' completes transformation of US into full police state



Media Ignores Ron Paul March For Liberty



ACLU: Terrorist Watch List His 1 Million Names   http://www.aclu.org/watchlist


How does Bill Clinton KNOW 911 was an Inside Job (?)




AWESOME ARTICLE: The Arrogance Of Power



[cia-drugs] Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.

John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.

Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.

What do you think of that?

The witness was a woman who worked at First Virginia Bank. I put the
mapquest map in cia-drugs photos, showing that the bank is a mile from
the crime scene. Why play lawyer yet pass up the opportunity to crush
a softball and send it over the outfield fence as Matlock or Perry Mason?

By crush a softball, I mean it was this easy. Matlock: You say your
bank is in the same shopping center as SUNOCO. What is the name of the
shopping center?

The bank is not actually in a shopping center

What is the name of the shopping center SUNOCO is in then?

SUNOCO is not actually in a shopping center either.

You said they were in the same shopping center, and then you said
that neither is actually in any shopping center. Are they in the same
parking lot?


Do you realize that your bank is exactly one mile from SUNOCO?

If you say so

Your bank and SUNOCO are on opposite sides of six lanes of highway, a
grass median strip, two sidewalks, and two parking lots. Neither is in
a shopping center. Did you tell the prosecution before this trial that
you saw the defendant in the same shopping center where you worked?

No, they told me to say that

The prosecution suborned you to perjure yourself by claiming to have
seen the defendant at the scene of the crime?

Exactly, yes.

Were your two co-workers lying here today when they called you a liar
about events the day of the murder?

I guess not


[cia-drugs] Re: Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-14 Thread muckblit
Still a bit confusing, sorry. She saw MM at the bank, in the parking
lot, but she said that SUNOCO is on that same parking lot in the same
shopping center, but SUNOCO is one mile away, neither bank or SUNOCO
is in any shopping center at all, and the two businesses are on
opposite sides of the highway. So much for placing Muhamad at the
scene. Your opinion so far?

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.
 John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
 voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.
 Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
 representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
 scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.
 What do you think of that?
 The witness was a woman who worked at First Virginia Bank. I put the
 mapquest map in cia-drugs photos, showing that the bank is a mile from
 the crime scene. Why play lawyer yet pass up the opportunity to crush
 a softball and send it over the outfield fence as Matlock or Perry
 By crush a softball, I mean it was this easy. Matlock: You say your
 bank is in the same shopping center as SUNOCO. What is the name of the
 shopping center?
 The bank is not actually in a shopping center
 What is the name of the shopping center SUNOCO is in then?
 SUNOCO is not actually in a shopping center either.
 You said they were in the same shopping center, and then you said
 that neither is actually in any shopping center. Are they in the same
 parking lot?
 Do you realize that your bank is exactly one mile from SUNOCO?
 If you say so
 Your bank and SUNOCO are on opposite sides of six lanes of highway, a
 grass median strip, two sidewalks, and two parking lots. Neither is in
 a shopping center. Did you tell the prosecution before this trial that
 you saw the defendant in the same shopping center where you worked?
 No, they told me to say that
 The prosecution suborned you to perjure yourself by claiming to have
 seen the defendant at the scene of the crime?
 Exactly, yes.
 Were your two co-workers lying here today when they called you a liar
 about events the day of the murder?
 I guess not

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-14 Thread RoadsEnd
The op ran its course and had its effect. Now it is in the  
background. Might be dredged back up during the current polarization  


On Jul 14, 2008, at 10:18 PM, muckblit wrote:

 Still a bit confusing, sorry. She saw MM at the bank, in the parking
 lot, but she said that SUNOCO is on that same parking lot in the same
 shopping center, but SUNOCO is one mile away, neither bank or SUNOCO
 is in any shopping center at all, and the two businesses are on
 opposite sides of the highway. So much for placing Muhamad at the
 scene. Your opinion so far?

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.

 John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
 voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.

 Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
 representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
 scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.

 What do you think of that?

 The witness was a woman who worked at First Virginia Bank. I put the
 mapquest map in cia-drugs photos, showing that the bank is a mile  
 the crime scene. Why play lawyer yet pass up the opportunity to crush
 a softball and send it over the outfield fence as Matlock or Perry

 By crush a softball, I mean it was this easy. Matlock: You say your
 bank is in the same shopping center as SUNOCO. What is the name of  
 shopping center?

 The bank is not actually in a shopping center

 What is the name of the shopping center SUNOCO is in then?

 SUNOCO is not actually in a shopping center either.

 You said they were in the same shopping center, and then you said
 that neither is actually in any shopping center. Are they in the same
 parking lot?


 Do you realize that your bank is exactly one mile from SUNOCO?

 If you say so

 Your bank and SUNOCO are on opposite sides of six lanes of  
 highway, a
 grass median strip, two sidewalks, and two parking lots. Neither is  
 a shopping center. Did you tell the prosecution before this trial  
 you saw the defendant in the same shopping center where you worked?

 No, they told me to say that

 The prosecution suborned you to perjure yourself by claiming to have
 seen the defendant at the scene of the crime?

 Exactly, yes.

 Were your two co-workers lying here today when they called you a  
 about events the day of the murder?

 I guess not



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