[cia-drugs] Re: Akha Journal: Prisoners of a White God on line - The Video

2009-01-04 Thread muckblit
I watched the Tom Ryska video at your first link.

In the end, the UN inquest finds that girls, not boys, have been abused.

How many of the children are exported? If not so many, I suppose they
are too old, not babies. At the rate they are going, they could export
the babies of abused girls.

The same deadly hierarchicalism which demands such license for itself
over there, then demeans the person and gifts, is assaulting us here
in the US. I know I feel demeaned and unappreciated and under-utilized
over here. At first we might be impressed and give license to
hierarchicalism, but then we would be disappointed when we find out
why they want license. All they want is everything and a few trillion
dollars including our last trillion for a parachute, as they bail out,
leaving us in the plane.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Matthew McDaniel akhal...@... wrote:

 Dear Friends:
 The video documentary about the Akha of Thailand and Laos, and their
treatment at the hand of fundamentalist mission organizations, can now
be seen on line at the following links. 
 Time constraints and documentary size prevented all the excellent
footage that was collected from being put in this video, and we see
this film as an understatement of the scale of the child removals of
what we saw over many years in Thailand, an ethnocide at best, a
genocide of systematic abuse of human rights.
 Matthew McDaniel
 The Akha Heritage Foundation.
 http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
 Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
 Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 
 PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

[cia-drugs] Pediatricians Demand Annual Flu Shots for Infants as Vaccine-Pushing Doctors Descend into Extremist Quackery

2009-01-04 Thread norgesen
Pediatricians Demand Annual Flu Shots for Infants as Vaccine-Pushing Doctors 
Descend into Extremist Quackery 

Mike Adams
December 30, 2008

 Vaccinations are modern medicine's most-favored form of quackery. Even while 
the bulk of the evidence shows vaccines and flu shots ultimately harm more 
people than they help, they continue to be pushed by doctors, drug companies 
and state health authorities. Now you can add pediatricians to that list.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, a group of drug-pushing doctors that claim 
to care for children, is now demanding that parents get their children injected 
with an annual flu shot vaccine -- even for six-month-old babies! According to 
the new AAP guidelines, all children from six months to eighteen years old 
should receive an annual flu shot vaccine injection even though flu shots have 
been scientifically shown to be effective on only about one percent of those 
receiving them!

But here's the most disturbing part: The AAP is now aggressively attacking 
anyone who suggests flu shot vaccines should be spaced apart or skipped 
altogether in order to reduce the vaccine burden on a child.

The cumulative toxic vaccine burden
With a child in the U.S. now receiving upwards of 130 different vaccines (many 
are combined into a single shot, so it's not 130 shots), it only makes logical 
sense to wonder whether there's such a thing as a cumulative toxic vaccine 
burden that might harm the health of a child. But the AAP apparently believes 
there's no limit to the number of vaccines a child may be given. Even a 
six-month old infant may receive a thousand different vaccines as long as they 
are demanded by health authorities.

Any doctors or health authority who questions vaccines today is immediately 
branded a quack by the pro-drug, pro-chemical medical establishment, and 
vaccines have become the dividing issue that separates the medically insane 
from the sane. Those who push for mandatory vaccines (like HPV) and annual flu 
shots for infants are, of course, the insane mad doctors who think the human 
body is somehow deficient in viral DNA fragments and must be supplemented with 
any number of such injections in order to be healthy.

The agenda of the insane vaccine pushers is to literally criminalize all 
parents who object to vaccines and strip the medical licenses of any doctors 
who urge caution on vaccines. Importantly, they claim there is no room for 
debate on the issue of vaccines because they are so righteous in their vaccine 
wisdom that no reasonable person can even question the reasoning behind a child 
being injected with over a hundred vaccines.

Vaccine pushers have become irrational zealots
By taking this position, the pro-vaccine pushers have revealed themselves as 
irrational vaccine zealots who promote their chemical agenda not because it 
makes scientific sense, nor because it is medically justified, but rather 
because it is their demented way of dominating and controlling the population.

The pro-vaccine doctors have become a cult, and in this cult instead of 
sacrificing all your money and possessions, you sacrifice the health of your 
own children, turning them into modern medicine's lab rats who are subjected to 
outrageous medical experiments. (Let's face it: Injecting a child with 130+ 
vaccines is nothing less than a medical experiment.)

The frightening thing about this cult is that its power over the population is 
enforced at gunpoint. Try to resist the vaccination cult's directives, and you 
may find yourself arrested at gunpoint, your children kidnapped by state health 
authorities (CPS) and you end up in jail, charged with neglecting your child's 

That's no exaggeration: In states like Maryland, parents are already being 
threatened with imprisonment for failing to get their children vaccinated, and 
the vaccine cultist are pushing for mandatory vaccine laws throughout the 

The radicalization of the vaccine pushers
In attempting to criticize opposition to his fabricated war on Iraq, President 
Bush famously said, You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists. 
This extremist stance is now mirrored by the vaccine pushers who are 
essentially saying, You either agree with us, or you're a criminal.

Such a position leaves zero room for thoughtful debate, eliminating the 
possibility of coherent discussion over possible health threats that might be 
posed by vaccines. It's also a clear sign of the radicalization of the vaccine 
pushers who unfortunately seem to hold positions of high authority in modern 

As the vaccine-pushing cult becomes more radicalized and even militarized (due 
to gunpoint enforcement, attack dogs at the Maryland courthouse vaccine 
enforcement event, etc.) it runs the risk of looking more and more like a 
home-grown terrorist group. It already shares many similarities with terrorist 
groups: The use of fear to promote its agenda, the use of chemical weapons that 
harm and 

[cia-drugs] Rosicrucians reveal NAU agenda in 1916

2009-01-04 Thread norgesen
Rosicrucians reveal NAU agenda in 1916 
Matthew D. Jarvie
December 18, 2008

The following is from the book Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th 
Convocation of the Rose Cross Order (situated in Quakertown, Pennsylvania). On 
page 23, the 'Introduction to the Great Seal' by R. Swinburne Clymer, July 6th, 
1916, excerpted:

More than a year ago, Grace K. Morey, the author of the article, 'The Great 
Seal of the United States and Its Mystic Significance', prepared a sketch for a 
short primer of the Illuminati teachings... 

If the student will give serious study to the article on the Seal of the 
United States, he will find that on the reverse side of the seal which is as 
yet uncut, there is to be found the Pyramid, but with the capstone as yet not 
placed, and thus he will see that the Philosophy of the Illuminati is the 
absolute and undeniable Philosophy upon which these United States are founded 
as is clearly indicated by... the drawings of the reverse side of the United 
States seal. 

And thus it would appear that the Unseen Hierarchies which shaped the 
foundation of the great Republic which must some day rule the world, are the 
same Hierarchies which gave us the Soul Science Philosophy as taught by the 

And now let us look into the future, not far, but just beyond the line. We 
find that scholars condemn the design of the reverse side of the United States 
Seal, that it has never been cut but has remained hidden as though it were 
something to be ashamed of. 

However, though this appears the truth, it is not the truth. The reason why it 
has never been cut is because the time is not yet as the cap-stone has not yet 
been set. 

And what is this cap-stone? My reader, prepare for a shock. 

When Atlantis ruled the world, that which is now America was connected with 
Egypt by what is now Mexico, and in Mexico, in the territory of Yucatan, there 
is a Pyramid in which the Fire Philosophers worshipped God as Divine Fire and 
Life in like manner as did the Initiates of Egypt, for the two were then one. 

America is not complete, and will not be complete, cannot be complete, until 
Mexico is again part of America as she was in the long ago, and when Mexico is 
once again a part of the United States, then will the cap-stone have been set 
on the Pyramid and the reverse side of the United States seal will be cut. 

May it not be long until the Holy Pyramid shall be completed and may it be 
completed without the shedding of blood. 


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] More Groups Than Thought Monitored in Police Spying

2009-01-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca mario.prof...@zg.htnet.hr
Date: January 3, 2009 6:40:36 PM PST
To: spyn...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [SPY NEWS] More Groups Than Thought Monitored in Police Spying
Reply-To: spyn...@yahoogroups.com

More Groups Than Thought Monitored in Police Spying
New Documents Reveal Md. Program's Reach

By Lisa Rein and Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, January 4, 2009; A01

The Maryland State Police surveillance of advocacy groups was far more
extensive than previously acknowledged, with records showing that
troopers monitored -- and labeled as terrorists -- activists devoted
to such wide-ranging causes as promoting human rights and establishing
bike lanes.

Intelligence officers created a voluminous file on Norfolk-based
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, calling the group a
security threat because of concerns that members would disrupt the
circus. Angry consumers fighting a 72 percent electricity rate
increase in 2006 were targeted. The DC Anti-War Network, which opposes
the Iraq war, was designated a white supremacist group, without

One of the possible crimes in the file police opened on Amnesty
International, a world-renowned human rights group: civil rights.

According to hundreds of pages of newly obtained police documents, the
groups were swept into a broad surveillance operation that started in
2005 with routine preparations for the scheduled executions of two men
on death row.

The operation has been called a waste of resources by the current
police superintendent and undemocratic by the governor.

Police have acknowledged that the monitoring, which took place during
the administration of then-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R), spiraled
out of control, with an undercover trooper spending 14 months
infiltrating peaceful protest groups. Troopers have said they
inappropriately labeled 53 individuals as terrorists in their
database, information that was shared with federal authorities. But
the new documents reveal a far more expansive set of police targets
and indicate that police did not close some files until late 2007.

The surveillance ended with no arrests and no evidence of violent
sedition. Instead, troopers are preparing to purge files and say they
are expecting lawsuits.

The effort, made public in July, confirmed the fears of civil
liberties groups that have warned about domestic spying since the
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Interviews, e-mails, public records and an
independent state review reveal that police in Maryland were motivated
by something far narrower: a query about death penalty activism
directed to a police antiterrorism unit that was searching for a  

But some observers say Sept. 11 opened the door. No one was thinking
this was al-Qaeda, said Stephen H. Sachs, a former U.S. attorney and
state attorney general appointed by Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) to review
the case. But 9/11 created an atmosphere where cutting corners was

Maryland has not been alone. The FBI and police departments in several
cities, including Denver in 2002 and New York before the 2004
Republican National Convention, also responded to the threat of
terrorism by spying on activists.

Sachs's review, released in October, condemned the Maryland spying as
a severe lapse in judgment. No one has been reprimanded or fired, and
the undercover trooper has been promoted twice.

To date, the activists listed as terrorists are not known to have
experienced any related limits in their travel, employment or
financial transactions.

State police officials have provided only glimpses of their
intelligence-gathering and have defended some of it as necessary to
ensure public safety at potentially contentious protests. Although
they have provided related documents to the American Civil Liberties
Union and Maryland lawmakers, they have not given the same records to
The Washington Post under the Public Information Act.

The department declined to make the officers involved available to
answer questions. Some sources spoke on condition of anonymity because
of the case's sensitivity. Ehrlich also has declined to comment;
senior police officials say he was never briefed on the program. The
newly discovered documents do, however, reveal for the first time the
stated purpose of the operation: To assess the threat to public
safety by various protest groups, and identify high threat groups for
continued monitoring.

* * *

The documents and law enforcement sources say the operation began in
2005 with a simple request from Maj. Jack Simpson, a field commander
in special operations. In late February, he called Lt. Greg Mazzella
in the intelligence division and asked for a threat assessment of
protests expected before the scheduled execution dates for two men on
Maryland's death row.

After trawling the Internet, an analyst reported a potential for
disruption at both 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] It was horrible knowing I was being snooped on

2009-01-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca mario.prof...@zg.htnet.hr
Date: January 3, 2009 6:44:40 PM PST
To: spyn...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [SPY NEWS] It was horrible knowing I was being snooped on
Reply-To: spyn...@yahoogroups.com

From The Sunday Times
January 4, 2009
It was horrible knowing I was being snooped on
Harriet Rudd

I had been informed that Matt was testing spy kit for the newspaper
(I'm used to him using me as a guinea pig for his job) but he didn't
tell me when he intended to start the test, or about all the kit he
was going to use. A week after he mentioned it, I was happily going
about my private business, so I was rather taken aback when he
telephoned to say he'd just been listening to one of my phone
conversations . . . even though he was at work.

It was a horrible sensation to know I'd been snooped on. Really weird.
I kept on running the conversation through my mind, in spite of having
nothing to hide. Even though it was just a test, it made me start to
question the trust I assumed we had.

Then came the car tracker and the horrible, horrible computer
keystroke recorder.

Even though I wasn't having an affair, it's terrifying how easy even a
technologically incompetent fool like my dear husband managed to plug
straight into my life. I started to rethink what I'd done that day and
saw how easy it would be for perfectly innocent things to be
misinterpreted. Such as if I'd written love at the end of an e-mail.
Or had a brief, harmless whinge about husbands to a friend on the
phone. Or snogged the TV repair man . . .

You can see why people on Big Brother go so mad so quickly. Even
though they know they're being spied on, it's a huge pressure.

While Matt had his gadgets, I felt totally self-conscious . . . I
started to behave as though I were being monitored. Not a nice feeling.

If I ever do conduct an illicit relationship with a man called Geoff,
which, despite this little saga, is unlikely, I now know not to do it
by e-mail or phone or at home or by car. So we shall meet in the woods
that are walking distance away on Sunday mornings when the kids are
with Nana and Matt goes for his bike ride.

There are ways of getting your own back on an overly inquisitive
husband, of course. I did my own research in the wake of Massagegate
and it turns out that you can employ a few quite simple
counter-espionage measures. The internet offers bug detectors,
machines that interfere with hidden voice recorders and mobile phones
with inbuilt encryption. For £122, you can buy a small sweeper that
alerts you to hidden bedroom cameras. And there's another little box
that produces white noise to mask sweet nothings.

Frankly, though, if things have got that bad, you're probably better
off cutting your losses and running off with Geoff.

Copyright 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Why Is Federal Reserve Acting in Secret, without Oversight or Accountability?

2009-01-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

From: dasg...@aol.com
Date: January 3, 2009 10:20:48 PM PST
To: ramille...@aol.com
Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com
Subject: Why Is Federal Reserve Acting in Secret, without Oversight or  

Fed has abandoned monetary policy, critic says

Sun Jan 4, 2009 2:58am GMT

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve has embarked on a  
campaign of unsupervised industrial policy to end the country's  
financial crisis, a move that could undermine its independence, a  
former top U.S. official said on Saturday.
John Taylor, who was under secretary of treasury for international  
affairs from 2001 to 2005, said the explosive growth of the Fed's  
balance sheet since September was unbelievable.

This doesn't really seem like quantitative easing in the sense of  
finding a growth rate in the money supply, he told a panel discussion  
during the annual meeting of the American Economics Association.

What you are looking at now is really being determined by other  
considerations. How much should we buy of mortgage-backed securities?  
How much should we loan to foreign central banks? This is really more  
like an industrial policy, he said.

The Fed's balance sheet has more than doubled in size to over $1.2  
trillion in recent months as it has tried to shield the U.S. economy  
from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression by  
supporting key credit markets.

This has included direct purchases of mortgage-backed bonds by the Fed  
and support for top-rated non-financial borrowers in the crucial  
commercial paper market, as well as hundreds of billions of dollars  
lent to banks on the basis of collateral.

If you have a situation where the Fed is borrowing to invest in all  
these sectors it seems to me you have a huge governance issue...that  
demands a lot of thought, Taylor said.

Taylor said the U.S. Congress has a legitimate right to demand a say  
in who the Fed lends money to. The outcome would be radical reform  
that would risk monetary policy independence, he said.

This concern was echoed somewhat by the president of the St Louis  
Federal Reserve Bank, James Bullard, who also took part in the panel  
discussion. He said the close collaboration between the Fed and U.S.  
Treasury in fighting the crisis could have unintended consequences.

We are blurring the institutional arrangements a little, Bullard  
said. I am concerned about independence. Fed independence is very  
important, he told reporters.

(Reporting by Alister Bull, editing by Leslie Adler)

New year...new news. Be the first to know what is making headlines.

[cia-drugs] modern slavery and torture - forced child prostitution

2009-01-04 Thread smartnews

modern slavery and torture - forced child  prostitution   

from _http://ritualabuse.us_ (http://ritualabuse.us)  

describes crimes of abuse and torture  

If This Isn’t Slavery, What Is? By Nicholas D. Kristof 1/3/09 Phnom  Penh, 
Cambodia  - Barack Obama’s presidency marks a triumph over the legacy  of 
slavery, so it would be particularly meaningful if he led a new abolitionist  
movement against 21st-century slavery — like the trafficking of girls into  
brothels. Anyone who thinks it is hyperbole to describe sex trafficking as  
should look at the maimed face of a teenage girl, Long ProssThe  business 
model of forced prostitution is remarkably similar from Pakistan to  Vietnam — 
and, sometimes, in the United States as well. Pimps use violence,  humiliation 
and narcotics to shatter girls’ self-esteem and terrorize them into  
unquestioning, instantaneous obedienceThe Obama administration will have a  
tool to fight traffickers: the Wilberforce Act, just passed by Congress,  which 
strengthens sanctions on countries that wink at sex slavery. Much will  depend 
on whether Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton see trafficking as a priority.  There 
would be powerful symbolism in an African-American president reminding the  
world that the war on slavery isn’t yet over, and helping lead the 21st-century 
 abolitionist movement.   

**New year...new news.  Be the first to know what is making 
headlines. (http://www.aol.com/?ncid=emlcntaolcom0026)