[cia-drugs] Re: FW: [ctrl] GlblResrch -America's Phoney War in Afghanistan - F. William Engdahl

2009-10-24 Thread muckblit
Yes, boys and girls, Taliban is back, and thanks to Taliban,
Afghanistan no longer produces 130% of annual global opium

A PSYOP this week in Five Weapons Company Media tried to
portray Taliban as evil opium lords of all Afghan opium,
but in the process exposed the truth that since US PSYOP
re-invented the Taliban in 2004 to cover up the US invasion
and occupation having rescued the poppies from Taliban and
raised the opium production from nothing to 3800 tons or 150%
of the world's supply, that the Taliban since then have
suppressed opium production in direct proportion to their

When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, neither the Soviets
or Afghans could compete with CIA's Golden Triangle opium
production, which vastly surpassed French opium production
in the Golden Triangle before Ed Lansdale and Lucien Conein
led CIA's takeover of SE Asian opium from the French and
Cholon's Bay Vien, loyal anti-communist bulwark that Le
Vien was. Upon arrival in Afghanistan in 1979, CIA soon
had Afghanistan surpassing even Air America's Golden Triangle
for opium production.

Please don't call what you do American intelligence, said
the Air America character portrayed by Mel Gibson, taking us
all the way up the river only gone half way up in Apocalypse
Now and American Gangster. Please don't let your children
grow up to be cowboys.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan roads...@... wrote:

[cia-drugs] Is Beloved President Obama still under Divine protection/Guidance?

2009-10-24 Thread nathaniel x vance
Is Beloved President Obama still under Divine protection/Guidance?

Dear Group,
Since Obama decided to run for US president, in my little Oklahoma town of  
40,000 people, I have sold over 2,300 Obama slickers and buttons. Usually, 
almost every patron would ask me; did I think that somebody would assassinate 
him? Of course, at first, I did have somewhat the same fear, but after I 
factored everything that I knew and believed into the equation, I begin telling 
everyone who believed or considered assassination a possibility, that there was 
NO WAY that Obama had made this monumental decision to run for president 
without Providence being behind him and the primary catalyst. His name Barack 
Hussein Obama alone was enough to most an insurmountable strike against him, 
not to mention that he was half black, relatively penniless and nationally a 
near complete unknown.  But I told everyone that they had nothing to worry 
about or fret over, because Obama was being assisted and protected 24/7 around 
the clock day and night by God and His space
 angels! I also told them to go home and read Revelations chapter 8-11, as 
Obama might be or he was one of the last Seven Angels found therein.

However, after the Nov. election – or rather when Obama ascended into the White 
house, for some reason I began to have some doubts myself as to whether Obama 
and his family were still under the divine umbrella and watchful eye of God and 
or His space angels. These doubts came about after I continued to hear that 
since Obamas election to president, that he was getting tons of assassination 
threats against him more than any other president in US history. 
For those of you who have not read this week Zetatalk: GLP, if you are likewise 
concerned about beloved Obama (the recent Nobel Peace Prize winner) safety and 
protection,  I am please, very please to inform you all with the greatest 
confidence, that Obama has not been forsaken as of yet by neither God, nor his 
space angels! 
Here is the Excerpts:

[Questioner]  I am very curious about Bush 41's invitation to Obama to speak at 
Texas AM. I can't help thinking the Spider issued the invitation to the Fly. 
Shades of Dallas, Nov '63? Or some serious brown-nosing on the part of Poppy, 
trying to curry favor with the 'teacher's pet'? 
[and from another] Obama, Bush Sr Urge Community Service [Oct 16] 
http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ 2009/10/16/ obama-bush- sr-urge-commun_ 
n_324465. html Calling public service the essence of our liberty, President 
Barack Obama on Friday urged Americans to step up and volunteer in their 
communities. The event was hosted by former President George H.W. Bush at Texas 
AM University. Bush was the first president to create a permanent White House 
office dedicated to promoting volunteerism. The forum was affiliated with the 
Points of Light Institute, which honors people and groups who participate in 
community service. Bush first spoke of the thousand points of light in his 
acceptance speech at the 1988 Republican convention.
[Zeta Response]   Obama is being protected by more than the Secret Service, 
else he would have been dead long before winning the presidency. Obama would be 
acting counter to his bipartisan pitch to ignore the invitation, so this was 
almost a sure bet by George Herbert Bush. Obama also encourages public service, 
another of his pitches. Then stands the issue of an invitation coming from a 
former president, which gives it standing above others. So was this a planned 
assassination attempt? It was primarily an attempt to put the GOP in a good 
light, as they have been a PR disaster lately, making endless mistakes. The GOP 
has shrunk to a radical base, where the Democrats have gained in numbers, per 
recent polls. Of course there are those who are constantly hoping Obama will be 
killed, but this is not a prime GOP push. The lineup of who would replace Obama 
- Biden, then Pelosi, etc. - is such that Obama's demise would not result in an 
instant improvement. 

Obama is being protected by more than the Secret Service!

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. Is GOD MOCKED?
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee


[cia-drugs] 11-year-old Jonathan McCoy: Stop using the N-Word! [1 Attachment]

2009-10-24 Thread nathaniel x vance
Dear Group,
11-year-old Jonathan McCoy : Stop using the N-Word!
Too often, as a society, we insult our young people, labeling them as a lost 
generation. Here's a young man who has taken leadership in to his 11-year-old 

Jonathan E. McCoy gave a rousing speech earlier this year to his church in 
Baltimore about why our community needs to drop the 'N' word. His speech, A 
New Petition, called for the discontinuation of that six-letter word, and the 
slang usage of the word. 

I'm sending a message to everyone who knowingly or ignorantly uses this word 
to describe our people, whether you're a gangster rapper who uses it to 
communicate with your boys, or someone who looks down on us who haven't got a 
college education, said the pint-sized orator. Whatever the case, it's time 
to discontinue the use of this word. It is implausible that 40 years after the 
assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we still use this word that holds 
no worth in our lives nor our future. 

Watch McCoy's speech:
Sign the Petition:

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. Is GOD MOCKED?
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee


[cia-drugs] EXAMINER: Obama and G-7 Head of State given UFO/ET briefing documents as disclosure information war escalates

2009-10-24 Thread CAMPAIGN
Obama and G-7 Head of State given UFO/ET briefing documents as disclosure
information war escalates
October 24, 8:02 PMSeattle Exopolitics
Lambremont Webre

AP: Pres. Obama on Air Force One, Oct 23, 2009

*Article VI in an ongoing series on the Obama administration and
extraterrestrial disclosure.*
The information war to secure or deny disclosure by the U.S. government of
long-standing secret human-extraterrestrial liaison programs has escalated
to new levels with the public release by the Disclosure Project of the
summary of a Special Presidential Briefing Document given to U.S. President
Barack Obama, and the Head of State of a G-7 nation, which unconfirmed
reports have indicated may be France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy.

In a 
October 24, 2009, Disclosure Project director Steven Greer MD states,
“the summary of the Special Presidential Briefing
we have provided to the President and to his senior military and
intelligence team, the full Briefing contains detailed information on the
projects, project code numbers, names, corporations, locations etc.,
associated with the UFO/ET subject. (The full briefing is too lengthy to
release at this time.) In short, the President now has the key information
that he needs to act. The President must now engage in executive action to
oversee, control, and direct these operations for the benefit of the
American people and the world.

“This SPB has also been provided to the head of state of at least one G7
country, senior members of Congress, and other key government officials via
known and reliable points of contact (POCs) directly to these leaders.”

The Disclosure Project has requested that the summary and transmittal letter
be published in their entirety, and these are set out later in this
article.  Dr. Greer asks readers to contact Mr. Obama and the U.S. Congress
with their opinions on extraterrestrial disclosure.

The Disclosure Project http://www.disclosureproject.org/ held a May 9,
2001 Press Conference at the National Press Club with a number of
high-ranking former governmental, military and scientific witnesses related
to the UFO and extraterrestrial presence.

Continues at: