Re: [CinCV] Render error - file writing

2014-03-31 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 03/30/2014 04:01 PM, Janos G. Komaromi wrote:

I'm not a regular user of Cinerella, but today I created a small project
and failed to render it. Rendering to m2v file, first the video, using a
shell script that used to work in the past gives me a "write error".
Does this something have to do with permissions?

I would certainly look at the script and check permissions on every file 
it touches. Perhaps it has a hard-coded temp directory that doesnt' 
exist or your account doesn't have write permissions on?

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Video/Audi sync problem. Can anyone please help?

2012-11-13 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 11/13/2012 01:43 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:

The video/audio is actually 1.4 seconds
out and for which I have adjusted the Preferences but this setting
doesn't seem to "stick" when the project is being rendered into a *.mov

Have you applied any effects or anything or is Cin just copying from the 
input to output? I sometimes see weird things like this when it just 
copies input to output on DV files, so I have to add some sort of null 
effect (like rotate 0 degrees) so that it renders every frame. Have you 
tried adding something like this to all areas that otherwise don't render?

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra vs Cinelerra-CV

2012-11-05 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 11/05/2012 02:02 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:

The CV is being developed day-by-day and is always ahead, in one way, of
the heroinewarrier (v4.4) because hw only takes from CV what it
considers to be relevant to it aims.

Okay, so we needn't worry about the different version numbers then? So 
Cin-CV built on 7 Aug 2012, though version 2.2 still has many/most 
features as Cin-HV 4.4 built on 12 Sept 2012? (The home 
page doesn't have any posts since 2011.)

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra vs Cinelerra-CV

2012-11-05 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 11/3/2012 9:24 PM, Nicola Ferralis wrote:

I created the cinelerra-cv  PPA repository for cases where multiple
version of cinelerra repositories were to be installed. However, that
created much trouble and the cinelerra-cv is now deprecated, and out of

Does this apply to everyone? Like is the CV version itself no longer 
maintained and we should all use Heroine's version 4.x? If that's not 
the case, for those of us running straight Debian, is deb-multimedia 
still the recommended place to get the packages?

Thanks for the clarification.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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[CinCV] Re: Cinelerra YUV4MPEG render problems.

2012-07-09 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Hello again.

I've found a workaround, see below. (Yes, it's been this long since I've 
had to make a DVD project.)

On 02/06/2009 02:32 AM, Sean M. Pappalardo wrote:

I was trying to use Cinelerra today to re-render a sub-project so it'll
fit on a DVD. But I'm getting strange errors now using the YUV2MPEG
output rendering:

[swscaler @ 0x...]Slices start in the middle!

Basically anywhere I'm not rendering any effects (source video is being
copied to the output.) I recall this happening last month as well. (In
between, I've just been making YouTube videos, so no YUV output.)

(It appears the bug is in the YUV tools.)

1) Create the file mpeg2enc.plugin in a directory accessible to all 
render farm nodes with the following contents:

command="mpeg2enc $@ -N 1.0 -4 1 -2 1 -B 2516 -g 7"
echo Running $command...

(You can of course change the stuff after the $@ to suit your 
preferences, since Cinelerra doesn't give the option to change all of 
the parameters mpeg2enc supports.)

2) Do chmod +x on that file,
3) Symlink /usr/lib/cinelerra/mpeg2enc.plugin to that file on your main 
4) On all renderfarm nodes, create /usr/lib/cinelerra/mpeg2enc.plugin 
containing the single line:

sh /path/to/shared/mount/mpeg2enc.plugin "$@"

(A straight symlink doesn't work on some systems, probably for security 

5) chmod +x /usr/lib/cinelerra/mpeg2enc.plugin
6) Make sure mjpegtools is installed on all renderfarm nodes.
7) In Cinelerra's Render window, choose MPEG Video for the file format.
8) Click the wrench next to Video and set the Video Compression options 
as you prefer. (Note that "P-frame distance" means "number of B-frames 
between each I/P-frame.")

9) Click the check marks and you're off!

I hope this helps others!

Sean M. Pappalardo
Pappalardo Productions

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Re: [CinCV] background rendering

2012-04-06 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 04/06/2012 11:32 AM, Haldun ALTAN wrote:

Does the render farm works also for the background rendering ?

Yes it does, but you must make sure the renderfarm is enabled in the 


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[CinCV] Re: [CinCV] Reading files direct l'y fromage à CD or à USB diskwarrior

2012-02-14 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 02/13/2012 12:06 AM, Claude Mabile wrote:

On the File/Open menu I have only access to the ~/home directory but not to a 
CD or an external disk connected to my PC via USB.

how can I load directly in Cinelerra a file without having to copy it to my 
~/home directory

Click in the bar at the top that shows /home/, then you can 
edit the path and press Enter to go to that directory.

Sean M. Pappalardo

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [CinCV] Zooming still images shakes

2011-11-15 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 11/15/2011 06:37 PM, Francisco López wrote:

I use camera's Z value and my pictures are about 1056x792 for 720x576
frame size. The shaky effect appears on rendered video.

Is the rendered video interlaced and you're displaying it on a 
non-interlaced device or vice-versa? Also, if displaying on an 
interlaced device, make sure the field order of the rendered video is 
correct (top or bottom field first) or it will shake horribly.

(Note that interlace issues affect all motion, not just zooms.)

Sean M. Pappalardo

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[CinCV] Running with GDB - gathering crash back-traces

2011-11-07 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Hello, everyone.

Here's a quick HOWTO for running Cinelerra under the GNU Debugger (gdb) 
and getting a back-trace of a crash to help the developers isolate and 
fix the problem:

1) Install the "gdb" package on your system
2) When you're ready to try to reproduce the crash, open a terminal and 
enter   gdb /path/to/cinelerra

3) When the (gdb) prompt comes up, just type  run  and hit Enter.
4) Use Cinelerra as needed to trigger the crash.
5) When it crashes, you will get a (gdb) prompt in the terminal again. 
Type   thread apply all bt   and press Enter.
6) Keep pressing Enter to view all of the pages until you get a (gdb) 
prompt back again. (You may have to do it quite a few times depending on 
how many threads were running.)
7) Copy all of the output from when you started (with the 'run' command) 
to the final (gdb) prompt into a text file.
8) Attach this file to a bug report or message to this mailing list as 

Thanks for your time and attention.

Sean M. Pappalardo

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [CinCV] All video editing programs crashes Ubuntu

2011-07-09 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 07/09/2011 10:06 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:

So I feel sure it was an overheating problem as suggested. I have more
ram coming and that sure won't likely make it worse. Thanks all for the
help and advice. Doug

Good to hear you've made some progress. One other thing to check is in 
the BIOS settings for system temperature. Some BIOSes are set to power 
off the system if the CPU or other components get too hot. You can 
usually adjust the temperature at which that happens in the BIOS, so you 
might try setting that to maximum.

And if you had that much dust in the computer, it might be time to 
replace a fan or two since their bearings don't take kindly to dust. :) 
Replace any that buzz, hum or don't spin at all (stiff when you try to 
spin them with your finger.) This includes any fans in the power supply 
itself (which might mean just replacing the supply itself if you don't 
feel like venturing inside. If you do, unplug the computer while it's on 
(with the OS shut down) to discharge as much power as possible then wait 
2-3 hours before opening up the power supply to give the capacitors time 
to drain so you don't get zapped.)

Hope this helps.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] All video editing programs crashes Ubuntu

2011-07-08 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 07/08/2011 07:56 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:

It doesn't matter, I have tried 3 0r 4 formats with the same results. I
tried convert a couple files in FFmpeg and that seems to work without
crashing. I am crashing Ubuntu.

Oh, like the whole OS? That sounds like a hardware/driver problem then. 
Make sure you have the latest video drivers first, and reinstall them 
even if you have the latest. (I've seen such problems with nVidia drivers.)


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Re: [CinCV] All video editing programs crashes Ubuntu

2011-07-08 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 07/08/2011 06:03 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:

Hi All, I have developed a problen doing video. Cinelerra and Pitivi as
well as Openshot crashes when rendering.

That sounds like there might be a problem with the video encoder you're 
using if all of those applications crash. To what format are you 
rendering? What happens if you try a different format?

Try running Cinelerra (or any of the other applications) from a command 
line so you can see its output when it crashes. That should give you a 
good idea about what's going wrong.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] render MPEG-4 for DVD

2011-02-03 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 02/04/2011 05:55 AM, David Koski wrote:

I have rendered some MPEG-4 video files and would like to burn them to DVDs.
I know that standard DVD requires MPEG-2 but I want the advantage
(compression, quality) of MPEG-4 and will be playing them on my computer
anyway.  All the DVD authoring software I have looked at only burns MPEG-2
files.  Any suggestions?

Burn them as just data DVDs (with an autorun.inf that points to the 
MPEG-4 file if you like.) The DVD standard has no provision for video 
files other than MPEG-2.

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Re: [CinCV] lost sound track

2011-02-01 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 02/01/2011 03:53 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:

work. Maybe I am asking too much of Cinelerra she seems unstable and
strange things begin to happen.

I've noticed problems with memory leaks in recent builds of 2.1-CV at 
least with DV source files. Every time I play & stop the timeline, more 
memory is used. So I keep top running in a terminal and when I get low 
on free RAM (and the swap usage begins to start,) I save, close, and 
reopen Cinelerra. Perhaps you're seeing this too? (This wasn't a problem 
2 years ago.)


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Re: [CinCV] lost sound track

2011-01-31 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 02/01/2011 05:19 AM, Ichthyostega wrote:

E Chalaron schrieb:

ARRG how many times did I swear on this one ???

you're not alone 

Great, so we're agreed then. :)

I would imagine it's a simple fix.

(I'd do it myself but I don't have time ATM to set up a build env.)


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Re: [CinCV] lost sound track

2011-01-31 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 01/31/2011 11:42 PM, Monty Montgomery wrote:

undo undoes even deletes.  I prefer to have a fast infinite undo to
endless modal confirmation dialogues.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I sure don't want a dialog either. I just wish 
"delete last track" was moved to Shift+D or CTRL+D or even CTRL+ALT+D so 
it's not so easy to hit by accident.


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Re: [CinCV] lost sound track

2011-01-31 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo


On 01/31/2011 07:02 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:

Almost finished with a couple weeks work on a video and lost the sound
track for the left side of stereo. I was adjusting volume and poof it
was gone.

For the record, having a single key ('d') do something destructive 
without confirmation is a bug. Especially when that key is right next to 
's' for Save!! Talk about tempting fate.

Doug: what I can suggest beyond what Edouard said is to search your file 
system for an earlier revision of the XML project file. (I will usually 
make a duplicate copy of the XML file once a week or so as I work on it 
to avoid just such a problem.)
Beyond that, if both channels were exactly the same, you can just pan 
the right one to center and be good. If not, if all the edits were done 
identically to the left and right, you could hack a copy of the XML file 
1) copy & paste the entire  code block from the right channel 2) 
search & replace 'CHANNEL="1"' with 'CHANNEL="0"' in the pasted block 
(or whatever the correct channel number is for your sources.)

3) Change the track name in the  tag.

(I once discovered that I had pressed 'd' but didn't know it since the 
affected track wasn't on my screen to begin with and I had to 
reconstruct it that way. Thank heavens it's just XML!)

Hope that helps!

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] hardware

2011-01-31 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 01/31/2011 04:45 PM, Gerrit de Jong wrote:

This means my laptop can do the job? (acer travelmate 5320 celeron 530
1,7 GHz) Just need to buy extra memory and then upgrade to 10.04.
In that case I will wait a little while before bying a desktop with two

Take note that some laptop video chipsets (nVidia) support separate 
output for each display. That is, you can have a totally separate image 
on the external DVI/VGA/HDMI port as on the built-in display panel. 
(I've seen Linux take advantage of this even when the Windows drivers 
can't!) This allows you to connect a larger external monitor and use it as:

- Additional desktop area
- Primary work area
- Compositor display only (especially if you have a video output jack.)

So you might be just fine with the machine you have, but you'll have to 
do some experimenting. Google for xorg.conf multiple desktops or 
multiple screens or desktop spanning, depending on what you want to do. 
You'll likely have to hack the xorg.conf file manually.

Also note that if you configure separate X server displays for each, 
KDE's screen config program gets horribly confused, so you'll need to 
continue to administer it by directly editing xorg.conf.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] What needs doing, and how do we do it? (was: cinelerra fork)

2011-01-29 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo
Dare I ask: what is Heroine Virtual's reluctance to simply being the 
lead contributor to an otherwise community project? It seems to me that 
such an arrangement would result in a better product for them and for 
us, since they can innovate as they prefer and we can smooth out the 
rough edges after their innovations arrive.

This is pretty much how Mixxx handles things using Bazaar branches: we 
have the main "trunk," then we have code branches for in-development 
features/fixes that individuals and/or groups work in (either 
distributed or centralized mode, each contributor can use what he 
likes.) When one of those branches are ready for merging, a merge 
request is submitted, the code is reviewed, then signed off by one of 
the project coordinators/lead developers, and it gets merged into trunk. 
(All other branches can update from trunk at any time to gain the new 
upstream features.) But while waiting for that review process (indeed at 
any time,) anyone can make a custom branch of trunk on his local PC, 
then merge in any other branches he likes resulting in a build with 
whatever features he needs/wants now.

I believe that capability would address Heroine Virtual's concern of 
having what they want/need _right now_, while still allowing them to 
develop alongside the rest of us so we can help or at minimum simply use 
their work as it progresses instead of having to wait. (I for one would 
love to be able to work alongside the people with minds AND 
determination & follow-through that result in such awesome stuff like 
the VicaCopter, the bad-ass Heroine Clock, and indeed even Cinelerra 

Assuming that's agreeable to them, then we would no longer have to waste 
developer time manually merging an entire HV release into the CV 
codebase every six months. (Bazaar eats merges for's very 
good at minimizing conflicts and keeping track of changes.)

What do you all think? Most importantly, what does Heroine Virtual think?

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] What needs doing, and how do we do it? (was: cinelerra fork)

2011-01-27 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo


On 01/27/2011 02:48 PM, Herman Robak wrote:

** An agenda, some kind of schedule, and a place to maintain it.
I suggest a corner of the Documentation Wiki at
(Maybe frequent IRC meetings, too)

I would suggest as well. I'm a developer for Mixxx and we 
use that site to great effect. It has a bug tracker, blueprints (feature 
planning & targeting,) code repository (using Bazaar,) release & 
milestone management, translations, Q&A and everything is integrated. 
(You can link bug reports to code branches, targeting specific 
milestones, for example.) You can use just the parts you like as well 
(so you don't have to abandon the existing bug tracker or git repo if 
you don't want to.) And it's of course free to use.

Hopefully that's interesting to you.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] capture card recomendation

2011-01-12 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

On 01/13/2011 06:46 AM, David Koski wrote:

Anyway, I need to capture 720x480 NTSC using Linux of course.  I am trying to
archive some old hi-8 tapes so I want to get a good quality.  Suggestions
would be appreciated.

You'd get excellent quality (as good as the tapes are anyway) if you can 
find a Digital8 camcorder with firewire or USB output. (Most of them can 
play back analog Hi8 tapes, but you'd have to check.)

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] NTSC/PAL HDV question

2010-10-14 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Hello there.

I'm not an expert, having never used HD footage in Cinelerra yet, so 
others may chime in here.

First of all, you'll want to set the project settings in Cinelerra to 
your target output format (whether thats 720x576i @ 25fps or 1920x1080p 
@ 25fps or whatever.) Then make sure Cinelerra is correctly detecting 
the format of the source video (right-click it in the Media window and 
choose Info.) I know that at least on SD, NTSC uses bottom-field-first 
and PAL uses top-field-first. I would imagine it's the same for HD, so 
you might first try changing the field order of the source video in the 
Info box. (If the field order is wrong, you'll see horrible shaking on 
slow pans & motion.) If that doesn't make a difference, you'll probably 
need to de-interlace the source using a de-interlace effect on the whole 
track, then the rendering engine will take care of re-interlacing if the 
project settings specify it. (To prevent detail loss, see the topics on 
the following wiki page about "Defeating Interlacing" and "Making video 
look like film."

Hope this helps!

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Inserting Still Image Problem

2010-02-21 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Raffaella Traniello wrote:
> I never use a black PNG. Empty space on the track has the same effect.

That was buggy the last time I did it.

>> right-click it in the Media area and set it to 5s.
> What do you mean exactly?

I'm not sure, as I'm not in front of my system and haven't used it in a
few months, so I'll have to get back to you on this. :)


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Re: [CinCV] Inserting Still Image Problem

2010-02-21 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Thomas H. George wrote:
> What must I do to include a Title?

Sounds like you're on the right track. I personally created a black PNG
image of the dimensions of the project, right-click it in the Media area
and set it to 5s. Then I drag that to the timeline, then drag & drop a
Title effect over it.

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Re: [CinCV] What is the best workflow for titling ?

2009-10-04 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

malefico wrote:
> After all this, I was wondering if there was a more clever way to add
> subtitles. I was thinking if it is somehow possible to have all these
> title effects in one horizontal line, instead of this multitrack thing.

Yes, this has been bugging me too. To do one better, why can't
non-overlapping effects be collapsed to the top of the effects section?
That is, if you have an hour-long clip with 30 effects but no more than
three at once, the effects section should only be three tall.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] After installing Cinelerra can't find out to start the program

2009-09-09 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Justin Strack wrote:
> I just installed Cinelerra but I can’t find the link to start the
> program how do I start the program?

Should just be a matter of running 'cinelerra' at a terminal (which
you'll want to do anyway to monitor any errors.)

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Re: [CinCV] Multithreading with mpeg2enc useful?

2009-08-17 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Ed Vaessen wrote:
> Now I have an Intel Core i7 920 processor, which is a quad core and can
> accommodate 8 threads. Changing the parameter for multi-thread to 8 does
> not make the rendering faster. 

If it's a single quad-core CPU, it can only handle 4 threads. I have
experienced a massive speedup over single thread with mpeg2enc on a
2-CPU dual-core Opteron system and specifying 4 threads.


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Re: [CinCV] Project using Cinelerra

2009-08-04 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

malefico wrote:
> BTW does anybody know how to handle Panning keyframes ? apparently there
> is no way to actually see them in the timeline as to edit them.

Are you talking about moving the Camera? Those key frames will show if
you enable them in the View menu.


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Re: [CinCV] [Bug 545] New: Error Installing & Removing Install

2009-07-01 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo
Sounds like you need to do  sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

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Re: [CinCV] Monochroe + red

2009-05-21 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Norval Watson wrote:
> How can I transform full-spectrum color footage into monochrome and red?
> ie. retain any red color in the image but convert the other colors to 
> monochrome?

I'm not in front of my system, but I would suggest making multiple
overlaid tracks. Use the Hue saturation effect on the lower track with
saturation all the way down to give you a black & white image. Then on
the upper track, you essentially want an inverted chroma key (with alpha
channel so the lower track shows through.) Taking a guess, you might try
using Chroma key (HSV) and select the color directly 180 degrees
opposite to red on the wheel, then increase the threshold to near
maximum as you prefer.
If that doesn't work, you can try essentially creating a mask using
Chroma key to show everything but the red you want on a third track,
then using the Difference Key effect on this and the original track.

Hope that helps!

Sean Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Re: my incompetence or buggy as hell?

2009-03-30 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Rafael Diniz wrote:
> As you mentioned SGI/IRIX, did anybody tried compiling cinelerra in Irix?

No, but I used to want to. :) Now that I've got some experience building
stuff (working on Mixxx) I might give it a shot. But I only have O2s
which aren't very speedy by today's standards. (Anyone want to buy one?
I have a 1600SW and interface card to go with one too!)

Sean Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Re: my incompetence or buggy as hell?

2009-03-30 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo
Wow, this thread has garnered quite some response.

For the record, I've been using Cinelerra occasionally (since I don't
have much video work recently) on an HP xw9300 workstation (2x Dual-core
Opteron with 2GB RAM) running Debian Lenny (now Squeeze) AMD64 kernel &
packages. Using the AMD64 Cinelerra package from Valentina Messeri's
repo and debian-multimedia's AMD64 repo to fill in the gaps.

I've been quite pleased with Cinelerra on this system. Yes there are a
couple bugs with some effects, and you have to save often (thankfully
it's one keystroke (s) so I do it after almost every successful edit)
but once you get into that habit, it's very usable. (I usually start
Cinelerra from a command prompt so I can 1) see why it crashed if it
does and 2) restart it with two keystrokes (cursor up & Enter.))

Heroine Virtual even says that Cinelerra is more stable in 64-bit than
32. In fact, I purchased the workstation I did due to their system

I'm also coming from Adobe Premiere 4.2 on SGI/IRIX, and if you want to
talk about buggy...I had so many workarounds for bugs on that thing it
was a large project just to do a slide show video (having to render
stills differently than motion due to artifacts, then trying to join
them later in a way that didn't mess up the field order, with really
only Motion JPEG-A Quicktime as a choice since all the other codecs were
buggy in one way or another! Oy!) What took me a day or more on that
takes me minutes on Cinelerra, so I don't mind the occasional crash,
especially with the console output to see what went wrong.

My 2c.

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] AMD64 compile question (optimization)

2009-03-24 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Richard Rasker wrote:
> The AMD64 "example" is just an empty line, so perhaps there's nothing to
> optimize there? Or are there any specific options/flags like the above
> that might be appropriate for the AMD64 CPU? 

Here are the optimization flags Mixxx uses. I'm sure they'll help:
-O3 -march=k8-sse3 -mmmx -msse2 -msse3 -m3dnow -mfpmath=sse
-fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -funroll-loops

If your CPU doesn't support SSE3, use:
-O3 -march=k8 -mmmx -msse2 -m3dnow -mfpmath=sse -fomit-frame-pointer
-ffast-math -funroll-loops

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] rendering mpeg files

2009-03-17 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

quim wrote:
> The problem is that when I change the resolution to 720x576
> (Settings/Format) the shape of the image also changes and it becomes
> deformed, tall and thin.

Make the project 720x576, then apply a Transform video effect to the
entire video clip. Adjust the scale settings to correct the aspect
ratio. (I think you need to have input values match the source video and
the output values match the project. I forget exactly. Try messing
around with the values.)


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Re: [CinCV] Question - Cinelerra CV

2009-02-23 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Laura Winston wrote:
> * capture video from 2 live camcorders via firewire / DV feed.
> * render the 2 camera feeds into a single image with a horizontal
>   split on the screen.
> * the recording needs to happen in real time on the pc.
> * allow recording straight onto HDD of the laptop

I haven't done any capture work with Cinelerra myself, but I can tell
you that it is an NLE, that is a non-linear editor, which means it's not
intended for real-time operations.

Will you be displaying the rendered output on some live display during
recording, or do you just need reliable real-time capture?

If the latter, why not just capture the raw DV streams with dvgrab or
similar, then edit them in Cinelerra later to create the split-screen

If the former, you might be able to set up a pipe using dvgrab and a
series of mjpegtools to accomplish what you need. Something like dvgrab
 | lavplay | yuvscaler  >
and a similar command for the bottom half in a second terminal (on a
second processor core, preferably.)
I don't know if yuvplay supports joining, but if so, in a third terminal
you could try yuvplay fifoTop.yuv fifoBottom.yuv | mpeg2enc 
-o final.mpg


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Re: [CinCV] DVD longer than half an hour?

2009-02-22 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

John Detwiler wrote:
> So, what do you do beyond the half-hour point?
>   Throttle the bitrate (if possible??) to stay under 4.7 GB?
>   Find some commercial production house to burn denser DVDs?
>   Break the project across multiple discs?

Uhm, use double-layer discs? That's what I do in these cases.


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Re: [CinCV] a/v sync problem on render

2009-02-21 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Raffaella Traniello wrote:
>> What's the best way to get RecordMyDesktop ogg into Cinelerra?

I just had Cinelerra render the ogv into something more useable, like a
Quicktime4Linux MOV file. Cinelerra can import the ogv file just fine,
but editing is very difficult without key frames.


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Re: [CinCV] Importing uncompressed or losslessly compressed video

2009-02-18 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Bruce Bertrand wrote:
> I really do appreciate the input, but I am looking for a truly lossless
> solution here.

Have you tried raw YUV? (If you have the disk space.)

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Re: [CinCV] remove bezier controls

2009-02-11 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created bezier controls by Ctrl-dragging on a keyframe. Now each
> newly created keyframe has a control, causing unwanted effects. How can
> I switch this off globally? And how can I remove controls from a single
> keyframe?

Don't think you can do it globally, but from a single frame, it helps to
expand the size of the video tracks (using the combobox at the bottom of
the timeline) then right-click the curve tangent point and click Delete.


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Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra YUV4MPEG render problems.

2009-02-08 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

John Griffiths wrote:
> I still get nothing rendered and
>[swscaler @ 0x9eb46a0]Slices start in the middle!
> with every frame.

FWIW, I recently worked around this by choosing MPEG-2 Video in the
output format list rather than YUV4MPEG. This still uses mpeg2enc,
somehow bypassing the 2YUV stage, but gives you less control over
mpeg2enc's options, unfortunately. But at least I could get my project
done. Hope this helps you in the meantime.


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Re: [CinCV] difficulty loading video files.

2009-02-07 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo

Joey Stalone wrote:
> My problem is, while Cinelerra loads the videos I want it to, it won't
> play them.  When I try to play them, the whole application shuts down
> with no dialogue, no reason, just *poof* 

First, I suggest ALWAYS running Cinelerra from a terminal so you can see
any crash errors since they're usually only printed to stdout.

Do that and get back to us with the output.

In the meantime, can you play the video files in xine or mplayer?

Sean M. Pappalardo

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Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra YUV4MPEG render problems.

2009-02-06 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo
Hi again.

Daniel Harris wrote:
> I was having the same problem but I cant remember if it was a problem
> with the video format ( lets face it cin is pretty sensitive when it
> comes to file formats) or the pipe command.

I'm using raw DV input files as I always have. It's not the pipe because
I can disable it, rendering to an uncompressed YUV file, and it still
happens. (And any time that message is displayed, the new frame is
dropped, so it looks like the video is paused.)

Has this area been changed in the latest version of Cinelerra? (I can't
get it yet because the AMD64 Debian package still depends on lame0 when
it's now called liblame0.)

I found a way around for this current project (a DCT filter in DVD-Lab
which cheaply lowers the file size and quality, which is okay for the
segment I'm doing it to) but I'll be screwed for new projects if I can't
figure this out. Will mpeg2enc take anything other than YUV as input? Or
can I render back to DV for minimal loss then do the DV-to-YUV-to-MPEG
conversion outside Cinelerra?

Thanks for your time!

Sean M. Pappalardo

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[CinCV] Cinelerra YUV4MPEG render problems.

2009-02-05 Thread Sean M. Pappalardo
Hello there.

I was trying to use Cinelerra today to re-render a sub-project so it'll
fit on a DVD. But I'm getting strange errors now using the YUV2MPEG
output rendering:

[swscaler @ 0x...]Slices start in the middle!

Basically anywhere I'm not rendering any effects (source video is being
copied to the output.) I recall this happening last month as well. (In
between, I've just been making YouTube videos, so no YUV output.)

This is on Cinelerra 2.1CV, compiled 6 Jul 2008, on Debian
Lenny/Testing, kernel 2.6.26-1-amd64 on a dual-Opteron system.

Is there anything I can try?

Sean M. Pappalardo

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