[Clamav-users] Upgrade to 0.85 or wait for 0.86

2005-05-12 Thread Scott Plumee
With several mentions of problems with 0.85, is there a date when 0.86 
might be released?  In the developers opinion, would it be better to 
wait, or go ahead and upgrade now?  Currently running 0.84.

No criticism intended, just trying to spend the time wisely if I do it.

[Clamav-users] And don't forget your towel....

2005-05-12 Thread Scott Plumee
Just noticed the change in freshclam:
Software version from DNS: 0.85
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.84 Recommended version: 0.85
DON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/faq.html
Nice touch.

Re: [Clamav-users] Upgrade to 0.85 or wait for 0.86

2005-05-12 Thread Scott Plumee
Gee, my own little flame war.  Not my intention when I asked the 
original question.  Here's how my thoughts went:

1.  The developers obviously thought that the changes since 0.84 were 
significant enough to release a new version, and obviously hoped that 
people would upgrade to 0.85.
2.  Since the release, there were a number of small bugs/problems that 
were posted to the list.

Let me also state that I use clam on a very small install, so the time 
investment really isn't even a problem,it's just my tendency to wait a 
while after a release of any software is available.  In addition, I'm 
running FreeBSD and I have to wait for the port to be updated no matter 
what (I prefer using ports by personal choice), so perhaps it's academic 
in any case.

But the question should have been: in the viewpoint of the developers, 
are the changes since 0.84 significant enough to warrant upgrading to a 
0.85 even with the known bugs that have been discussed?  Or is there a 
release planned to correct the .85-specific bugs (if they are bugs) in 
the near future that might be worth waiting for.  To me, it would be a 
case of weighing known fixes against new bugs and deciding what's more 
important.  Just my thoughts.

Either way, it's a great product, and my thanks again to the developers.

Re: [Clamav-users] freshclam fails upon FreeBSD server restart

2005-03-26 Thread Scott Plumee
Tomasz Papszun wrote:
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 at 12:18:24 -0500, Scott Plumee wrote:
Steffen Winther Soerensen wrote:
Sounds very much like your network connection and resolve lib isn't in
place at this time, try to delay running freshclam until network
connection is in place.
Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I added a 30 second delay 
to the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-freshclam.sh script.  However, still 
did not solve it - same error on a reboot.  It's a virtual server, and 
the entire reboot process only takes about 15 seconds before I can get 
back in via SSH, so that doesn't seem to be it.

Is there a better way to do this I should try?

Maybe insert 'ping -c 5 database.clamav.net  path/somefile' in the
script just before invoking freshclam and see what you get as the
Note that I don't know whether all database mirrors answer to ping
requests, so you can receive no reply anyway. That's why you can replace
'database.clamav.net' with some hostname which you know is pingable.
Use a hostname, not an IP address, so that you can notice a DNS-related
problem during startup in case it's the reason.
Changed the relevent part of rc.conf to read:
ping -c 5 database.clamav.net  /path/to/the/file/clamtest.log
After a reboot, the file reads:
PING db.other.clamav.net ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=115.091 ms
I tried several more reboots and sometime the hostname ping works, 
sometimes it drops a few packets, sometime no response at all.  The IP 
ping of google.com works each time, so it looks like it might well be an 
issue with the resolving of the hostname.

I'm going to try it with a cron job and see what happens.  Thanks for 
the help so far.


[Clamav-users] freshclam fails upon FreeBSD server restart

2005-03-24 Thread Scott Plumee
Revisiting an earlier problem I thought I had solved.
FreeBSD server 4.7, running clamav 0.83.  Used the FreeBSD port to 
install, added the proper lines to /etc/rc.d to enable it.  Upon a 
server reboot, freshclam fails to update the database.

ClamAV update process started at Thu Mar 24 16:20:48 2005
ERROR: Can't get information about database.clamav.net host.
Giving up on database.clamav.net...
ERROR: Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors 
listed in freshclam.conf is working.
ERROR: Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors 
listed in freshclam.conf is working.

However, if I kill the freshclam process and as root do a sudo -u 
mailnull freshclam --daemon, then the update works both initally and 
after that  without a problem.  Only appears to be a problem after a 
fresh boot.

Still a *nix beginner, so perhaps I'm missing something here.  Running 
freshclam from the command line with no arguments as root works and 
enables the updates to work after that.

Permissions are set to mailnull as owner on the database files and the 
config files, as well as the log files.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: [Clamav-users] portupgrade failing on backup - solved

2005-03-01 Thread Scott Plumee
Daniel A. Deitch wrote:

Thanks for the help .. I got it sorted out.
Can you give any more info on what the problem and solution were?

Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2005-02-26 Thread Scott Plumee
Daniel A. Deitch wrote:
Ok. Checked the permissions and it still doesn't want to work. I'm
trying to upgrade to 0.83 (having a problem with that too apparently),
but this problem has been happening through multiple versions now.
Can someone give me specifics to check .. just in case I'm being an
idiot and didn't check what I needed to.
Just suggestions:
Check that the user/group that clamav runs under is the owner of the 
freshclam.conf and clamd.conf files in /usr/local/etc, as well as the db 
files (sounds like you already did that).

Enable the verbose logging in the conf files.
Make sure that the log files and the pid files already exist.
I don't have my notes from the last installation so I can't remember 
what else.  Did you run a make deinstall before installing the current 
version port, or was this not a port install?  I had kepy my old conf 
files and I didn't have everything correct in there.  Deleted those and 
used the default conf files as a start, made my adjustments, and 
everything worked.

Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2005-02-25 Thread Scott Plumee
Daniel A. Deitch wrote:
I have ClamAV 0.82 installed on a Verio VPSv2 FreeBSD server ... works fine ... 
scans, cleans, deletes ... the works.

My problem is with freshclam ... the problem has been occurring since 0.80, 
0.81, 0.82 and 0.82_1

I have the following flag in my /etc/rc.conf file:
clamav_freshclam_flags=--config-file=/usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf --checks=12 --datadir=/usr/local/share/clamav --daemon-notify=/usr/local/etc/clamav.conf --log=/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
I can't say for sure, but I've got the same setup and I've always
noticed that if I hadn't upgraded to the latest release yet, I would get
the same error messages in the log files after a certain period of time.
 I assumed that the update servers were blacklisting IPs that had out
of date versions after a certain point, as they did when they required
you switch to the new DNS configuration options in the freshclam.conf
file around version .81 or so.  Upgrading to the latest ported version
always got it working for me.  Not much help, but that was what worked
for me.


Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2005-02-25 Thread Scott Plumee
Tomasz Kojm wrote:
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:24:46 -0500
Scott Plumee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't say for sure, but I've got the same setup and I've always
noticed that if I hadn't upgraded to the latest release yet, I would
get the same error messages in the log files after a certain period of
 I assumed that the update servers were blacklisting IPs that had out
of date versions after a certain point, as they did when they required

You're completely wrong.
I learn something new every day grin. I've not put any time into 
nailing down the problem, as the upgrade took care of it each time. 
Thanks for the correction, and I'll see what I have set up incorrectly 
and post back to the list for future use by anyone else.  Terrific product.


Re: [Clamav-users] (no subject)

2005-02-25 Thread Scott Plumee
Brian Morrison wrote:
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:24:46 -0500 in [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scott
Plumee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Daniel A. Deitch wrote:
I have ClamAV 0.82 installed on a Verio VPSv2 FreeBSD server ...
works fine ... scans, cleans, deletes ... the works.

My problem is with freshclam ... the problem has been occurring
since 0.80, 0.81, 0.82 and 0.82_1

I have the following flag in my /etc/rc.conf file:
--checks=12 --datadir=/usr/local/share/clamav
I can't say for sure, but I've got the same setup and I've always
noticed that if I hadn't upgraded to the latest release yet, I would
get the same error messages in the log files after a certain period of
 I assumed that the update servers were blacklisting IPs that had out
of date versions after a certain point, as they did when they required
you switch to the new DNS configuration options in the freshclam.conf
file around version .81 or so.  Upgrading to the latest ported version
always got it working for me.  Not much help, but that was what worked
for me.

Looks to me like the OP has either an odd DNS problem or a permissions
problem somewhere. I think the upgrade advice has only worked by
You were correct.  I have not set permissions on the /var/db/clamav 
directory to be writeable by the user clamav was running as.  Enabled 
verbose logging, saw the problem, made the change, and now I'm happy as 
a clam.

I should probably get kicked off the list for that pun.  Thanks again 
for the help.
