Need help for the macro with defn and defmacro inside

2010-03-03 Thread
Hi :

  I would try to make a macro to simplify the database methods as
follows, but it doesn't work,
is there any way to fix it, or any easier solution? Thanks..

(defmacro with-db [& body]
  `(with-connection *db* ~...@body))

(defmacro with-transaction [& body]
  `(with-db (transaction ~...@body)))

; basic table operations - drop, insert, update, select(by id)
(defmacro create-database-methods [db]
  (let [db# db]
   (defn (var (str "drop-" db#)) []
   (drop-table (keyword ~db#))
   (catch Exception _))
   (defn (var (str "insert-" db#)) [body]
 (insert-values (keyword ~db#)
   (keys body)
   (vals body)))
   (defn (var (str "update-" db#)) [id attribute-map]
 (update-values (keyword ~db#)
   ["id=?" id] attribute-map))
   (defmacro select-userentry [id & body]
with-query-results rs [~~(str "select * from " ~~db# "
where id=?") id]

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Re: name clash/problem with refer

2010-03-03 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

On Mar 4, 7:36 am, cageface  wrote:

> So I figured I'd try to use the :exclude option but got this:
> user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.string :exclude [repeat])
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
> from: java.lang.Boolean (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Almost correct:

(use '[clojure.contrib.string :exclude (repeat)])


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name clash/problem with refer

2010-03-03 Thread cageface
In trying to build compojure with the git MASTER versions of clojure &
contrib I ran into this error:

Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.string)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: repeat already refers to:
#'clojure.core/repeat in namespace: user (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

So I figured I'd try to use the :exclude option but got this:
user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.string :exclude [repeat])
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
from: java.lang.Boolean (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Digging a little deeper I tried to diagnose the problem with refer:
user=> (refer 'clojure.contrib.string :exclude [repeat])
java.lang.IllegalStateException: repeat already refers to:
#'clojure.core/repeat in namespace: user (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Looking at the code of the refer function I'm *guessing* that the code
that filters out the :excludes isn't working because [repeat]
evaluates to an existing function in the current namespace and not a
bare symbol to be matched against the incoming symbols from the target
lib, but I'm not sure.

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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread

On Mar 2, 11:34 pm, Sophie  wrote:
> How do I choose? What are the trade-offs?
> Any and all guidance, insights, advice etc. welcome!
> Thanks!

To me, it seems like you have two orthogonal pieces of data, and a
function that builds a report from that data.  You have a set of job
listings, and a set of applicants.  I see no reason why these need to
be coordinated (ref).  The addition of a job listing is totally
independent of an applicant updating her resume.  So it's
uncoordinated (atom).  That is, the job listings are always in a
consistent state no matter what I do to the applicant data.  Said
another way, there's nothing I can do to the applicant data that can
put the job listings in an inconsistent state.

As for the match function.  Well it needs to get a snapshot of both
pieces of data, and then determine what applicants match up with each
job listing.  While this function is running a job could be added, an
applicant could update her resume, or maybe an applicant will remove
her resume but your function won't see any of that, but who cares?  It
will see a consistent snapshot of both pieces of data, and from those
it will build the result.  As of time T1, here is your latest and
greatest match report.

Now, say you want the match report built every time a job listing or
applicant data is changed.  This way the 'latest' report is always in
memory and ready to go.  Well, in this case, you now need to
coordinate the update of job listings or applicant data with the
generation of the report.  You never want your program to enter a
state where the job listings are in state L101 and applicants are in
state A54 and your report is based on the combination of (L101, A53).
That's an inconsistent state because your report is not based on the
latest data.  In this case, you'd probably want to use refs to make
sure the your job/applicant data is coordinated with your report
data.  However, if your data is constantly changing, and the match
function takes a while to run then this may be very slow.

Take what I say with a grain of salt as I'm also fairly new to this
stuff.  At the end of the day, experience is probably the best

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Re: clojure slides

2010-03-03 Thread Mike Mazur

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:58, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> Looks like I'll be doing a talk on clojure next week at the local java
> user group.
> Any recommendations on slides I can steal? :)

There are some presentations in our google group file section[1]. Look
for PDF files.



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clojure slides

2010-03-03 Thread Wilson MacGyver
Looks like I'll be doing a talk on clojure next week at the local java
user group.

Any recommendations on slides I can steal? :)

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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doto doc fix

2010-03-03 Thread MarkSwanson
-  value of x supplied at the from of the given arguments.  The forms
+  value of x supplied at the front of the given arguments.  The forms

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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread Richard Newman

For a single value
there seems to be little reason to adopt refs, though I've often
wondered why Stuart Halloway's book gives an example updating a single
ref of messages for a chat application.

I seem to recall atoms being the last reference type to be introduced.  
They might not have existed when Stuart was writing.

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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread Rick Moynihan
On 3 March 2010 04:34, Sophie  wrote:
> As a bit of a newbie to the functional + identity/state design space,
> I'm struggling a bit with where to use identity constructs (refs) and
> where to stay with pure functions, and could use some guidance. Pardon
> me if some of my terms are a bit off. Here is a simple hypothetical
> app for matching Applicants to Jobs.
> I have several Applicants, each with some set of Skills. There are
> several Jobs, each with some Requirements. There is some Match
> relation between Skills and the Jobs they can match. The set of
> Applicants, each of their skills, and the set of Jobs can change with
> time. There is a set of Jobs that each Applicant can fill,
> functionally computed from applicant skills & job requirements &
> Match.
> Ok, so jobs_that_an_applicant_can_fill is a pure function, I get
> that.
> Do I design a single "World" ref whose state changes with time to
> different worlds, so adding a new Applicant or even adding a new Skill
> to an existing Applicant results in a new World value? Or is it better
> to have an "Applicants" ref and a "Jobs" ref that refer to different
> sets of those er.. things?
> Can each Applicant have a "skills" ref, whose state changes to
> different sets of Skills? Should I design it this way?
> How do I choose? What are the trade-offs?

If you have a single value representing the whole world, then it seems
that protecting it with an atom would be the simplest and most
idiomatic solution.  Refs are for co-ordinated change, i.e. where you
want to update multiple values at the same time.  For a single value
there seems to be little reason to adopt refs, though I've often
wondered why Stuart Halloway's book gives an example updating a single
ref of messages for a chat application.

If you partition your data more, into several values, then you should
use refs to co-ordinate the change.  The more granular you make the
refs, the more you trade complexity of design for potential throughput
under concurrent load, as finer grained refs are likely to mean less
collisions during transactions (unless of course you update every ref
in every transaction - which sounds like it'd be the worst case


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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread Mike Meyer
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010 14:20:56 -0800 (PST)
Armando Blancas  wrote:

> On Mar 2, 8:34 pm, Sophie  wrote:
> > Do I design a single "World" ref whose state changes with time to
> > different worlds, so adding a new Applicant or even adding a new Skill
> > to an existing Applicant results in a new World value? Or is it better
> > to have an "Applicants" ref and a "Jobs" ref that refer to different
> > sets of those er.. things?
> >
> It's simpler to use refs close to the object that will change; that
> makes
> the code to mutate the value simpler; if the world is the only mutable
> object,
> then the code to change something in there will increase with the
> depth
> of the mutation.

I'm not sure it's simpler: update-in makes reaching deep into a
structure to create a new structure with that one change in it easy,
and is probably more efficient than trying to do the same thing by

More importantly, if you break your refs up into smaller objects, you
should get better concurrency, as you can change two such refs in two
different threads without a problem. If you put the two in a structure
in the same ref, then you can't update one while the other is being
worked on.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: objects, interfaces and library design

2010-03-03 Thread Mike Meyer
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010 09:47:09 -0800 (PST)
cageface  wrote:

> I've been reading through the examples of "OO" in clojure using multi-
> methods and they certainly seem very flexible and powerful. I'm
> wondering, however, how people handle interface & library design. If
> people can implement "objects" as maps, structs, or just about
> anything else you can discriminate on via a dispatch function, how do
> you handle code reuse and sharing of libraries. If we're all using our
> own home-grown OO systems how do we communicate?

I hope that most people aren't using home-grown OO systems for most of
their problems - especially given that maps are almost enough for a
prototype-based system to start with. That would be working "against
the grain", as it were. While it would be nice to have a standard OO
system for the cases where that's appropriate, those should be
relatively rare.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Seajure meeting tomorrow night (Seattle Clojure group)

2010-03-03 Thread Phil Hagelberg
Just a reminder: tomorrow night we're having a meeting of Seajure, the
Seattle Clojure group.

7:00 pm at University Zoka,+university+district,+seattle&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=49.490703,90.791016&ie=UTF8&hq=zoka,&hnear=University+District,+Seattle,+WA&ll=47.66624,-122.296629&spn=0.010361,0.022166&z=16&iwloc=B

We'll be at the table in the back. Look for the "my other car is a
cdr" sticker. Topics may include but not be limited to:

* Code clinic: get some extra eyes and opinions on a project
* Making optimum use of Clojars
* Map vs Reduce: which is better?


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Re: objects, interfaces and library design

2010-03-03 Thread cageface
On Mar 3, 2:05 pm, Jarkko Oranen  wrote:
> Well, it seems to me that the "universal interface" is the sequence.
> Turns out many things can be represented as sequences. :) And since
> maps are just collections of key/value pairs, very generic code can be
> written to process them, too. As long as the wanted keys are there,
> any extra information the map might be carrying can often be ignored.

So is it generally the case that people implement "objects" as maps?
That's what I've been doing in my dabblings with the language so far
and it seems flexible enough.

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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread Armando Blancas

On Mar 2, 8:34 pm, Sophie  wrote:
> Do I design a single "World" ref whose state changes with time to
> different worlds, so adding a new Applicant or even adding a new Skill
> to an existing Applicant results in a new World value? Or is it better
> to have an "Applicants" ref and a "Jobs" ref that refer to different
> sets of those er.. things?

It's simpler to use refs close to the object that will change; that
the code to mutate the value simpler; if the world is the only mutable
then the code to change something in there will increase with the
of the mutation.

> Can each Applicant have a "skills" ref, whose state changes to
> different sets of Skills? Should I design it this way?

Yes; and if the kills set in independent of other state it may be an
atom and you
avoid a dosync if the program is single-threaded.

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Re: objects, interfaces and library design

2010-03-03 Thread Jarkko Oranen
On Mar 3, 7:47 pm, cageface  wrote:
> I've been reading through the examples of "OO" in clojure using multi-
> methods and they certainly seem very flexible and powerful. I'm
> wondering, however, how people handle interface & library design. If
> people can implement "objects" as maps, structs, or just about
> anything else you can discriminate on via a dispatch function, how do
> you handle code reuse and sharing of libraries. If we're all using our
> own home-grown OO systems how do we communicate?
> Is this something that the deftype/protocol proposals are meant to
> address or do people just work around it in other ways or is it just
> not a real issue in practice?

Well, it seems to me that the "universal interface" is the sequence.
Turns out many things can be represented as sequences. :) And since
maps are just collections of key/value pairs, very generic code can be
written to process them, too. As long as the wanted keys are there,
any extra information the map might be carrying can often be ignored.

deftype will allow people to define their own types for data that
would be inefficient to store in a map. They will still (optionally)
expose a map-like interface, so any generic map-processing code is not
necessarily obsoleted by them. Protocols on the other hand allow you
to define interfaces which can be implemented "after the fact",
hopefully making interoperability easier.

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Re: Binary byte reader closure

2010-03-03 Thread TimDaly
Works for me now. No idea what changed. Different day. Sigh.

On Mar 3, 12:07 pm, Michael Wood  wrote:
> On 2 March 2010 23:57, TimDaly  wrote:
> > I would like to have a function that returns the next binary byte of a
> > file.
> > I tried
> > (defn reader (file)
> >  (let [in (new file]
> >    #(. in (read
> > The idea is that I could call this function once and it would return a
> > closure
> > over the 'in' object. Then I could simply call reader to get the next
> > byte. As in
> > (def fetchbyte (reader "file.o"))
> > (fetchbyte)
> > I get an error
> > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
> > from:
> > clojure.lang.Symbol
> Works for me after fixing the argument list (as mentioned by Meikel)
> and closing the parenthesis in the let vector.  I also changed (new
> Blah something) to (Blah. something) and (. object (method)) to
> (.method object) but those should not make a difference:
> user=> (defn reader [file] (let [in ( file)]
> #(.read in)))
> #'user/reader
> user=> (def fetchbyte (reader "/etc/shells"))
> #'user/fetchbyte
> user=> (fetchbyte)
> 35
> user=> (fetchbyte)
> 32
> user=> (fetchbyte)
> 47
> --
> Michael Wood 

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Re: "Unable to resolve symbol" in third-party jarfile

2010-03-03 Thread Michael Gardner
On Mar 3, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Michael Wood wrote:

> On 2 March 2010 17:40, Michael Gardner  wrote:
>> As part of a project to help me learn Clojure, I'm trying to send an
>> email using code like 
>> For the JavaMail API I'm using GNU JavaMail, which in turn requires
>> GNU JAF (activation.jar). When I try to run my program, I get:
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: � 
>>> in this context (activation.jar:0)
>> (The symbol in question shows up for me as a diamond with a question
>> mark in it.) Any clues on what this could be? Since it's dying at line
>> 0, maybe it's choking on a UTF BOM or something?
> How are you trying to run it?  It looks like it's trying to treat
> activation.jar as a Clojure source file.

Ah, that was it. I was using clojure's -cp option with a path with a wildcard 
at the end, but forgot to enclose the path in quotes. Clojure was interpreting 
the second jarfile in that dir as the script I was asking it to run.

It would be nice if clojure would die with a message about "too many arguments" 
in such a case, but I'm just happy to have figured it out. Thanks!


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objects, interfaces and library design

2010-03-03 Thread cageface
I've been reading through the examples of "OO" in clojure using multi-
methods and they certainly seem very flexible and powerful. I'm
wondering, however, how people handle interface & library design. If
people can implement "objects" as maps, structs, or just about
anything else you can discriminate on via a dispatch function, how do
you handle code reuse and sharing of libraries. If we're all using our
own home-grown OO systems how do we communicate?

Is this something that the deftype/protocol proposals are meant to
address or do people just work around it in other ways or is it just
not a real issue in practice?

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Re: Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 03.03.2010, at 16:05, Andrea Tortorella wrote:

> given that a protocol is represented as a simple map, which is the
> way to know if something is infact a protocol.

I don't think that is possible without relying on undocumented characteristics 
that are likely to change. What do you need this for?

> Or suppose i want to add a function that works on protocols how can i do that?

Just like for any other data type: using the existing functions that work on 
protocols. But again, what kind of function do you have in mind?


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Re: Binary byte reader closure

2010-03-03 Thread Michael Wood
On 2 March 2010 23:57, TimDaly  wrote:
> I would like to have a function that returns the next binary byte of a
> file.
> I tried
> (defn reader (file)
>  (let [in (new file]
>    #(. in (read
> The idea is that I could call this function once and it would return a
> closure
> over the 'in' object. Then I could simply call reader to get the next
> byte. As in
> (def fetchbyte (reader "file.o"))
> (fetchbyte)
> I get an error
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
> from:
> clojure.lang.Symbol

Works for me after fixing the argument list (as mentioned by Meikel)
and closing the parenthesis in the let vector.  I also changed (new
Blah something) to (Blah. something) and (. object (method)) to
(.method object) but those should not make a difference:

user=> (defn reader [file] (let [in ( file)]
#(.read in)))
user=> (def fetchbyte (reader "/etc/shells"))
user=> (fetchbyte)
user=> (fetchbyte)
user=> (fetchbyte)

Michael Wood 

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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread eyeris
One aspect of your question that makes it difficult to answer is that
you don't explain what the repercussions should be (in terms of
synchronization) when a new applicant or job enters the pool or a new
skill is attributed to an applicant. Should the job<->applicant
matching function be restarted? Are you simply trying to isolate the
matching algorithm from updates to the data structures?

On Mar 2, 10:34 pm, Sophie  wrote:
> As a bit of a newbie to the functional + identity/state design space,
> I'm struggling a bit with where to use identity constructs (refs) and
> where to stay with pure functions, and could use some guidance. Pardon
> me if some of my terms are a bit off. Here is a simple hypothetical
> app for matching Applicants to Jobs.
> I have several Applicants, each with some set of Skills. There are
> several Jobs, each with some Requirements. There is some Match
> relation between Skills and the Jobs they can match. The set of
> Applicants, each of their skills, and the set of Jobs can change with
> time. There is a set of Jobs that each Applicant can fill,
> functionally computed from applicant skills & job requirements &
> Match.
> Ok, so jobs_that_an_applicant_can_fill is a pure function, I get
> that.
> Do I design a single "World" ref whose state changes with time to
> different worlds, so adding a new Applicant or even adding a new Skill
> to an existing Applicant results in a new World value? Or is it better
> to have an "Applicants" ref and a "Jobs" ref that refer to different
> sets of those er.. things?
> Can each Applicant have a "skills" ref, whose state changes to
> different sets of Skills? Should I design it this way?
> How do I choose? What are the trade-offs?
> Any and all guidance, insights, advice etc. welcome!
> Thanks!

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Re: Binary byte reader closure

2010-03-03 Thread TimDaly
Sorry, that was a transcription error. My common-lisp is showing.
The original source has square brackets.

The issue seems to be that something internal to Clojure does
not implement the ISeq interface. Why it wants to find an
ISeq interface on Symbol is unclear. The symbol "in" should
be part of the closure but it is just a capture of the number
of the stream, likely implemented as an integer.

So my expectation is that the function
   #(. in (read))
will be returned as the value of "reader".
Thus, the call
should turn into
  (#(. in (read))
  ((lambda () (. in (read
in slightly more traditional syntax.

Since (read) returns a byte each call should return a byte.

On Mar 3, 9:43 am, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mar 2, 10:57 pm, TimDaly  wrote:
> > (defn reader (file)
> >   (let [in (new file]
> >     #(. in (read
> The arguments a written in a vector not a list:
> (defn reader
>   [file] ; <- note vectpr
>   (...))
> Sincerely
> Meikel

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Re: Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Andrea Tortorella
I'm not on my machine so i'cant experiment, i tried on  #clojure with
clojurebot but it's not 1.2, so i ask here,
 given that a protocol is represented as a simple map, which is the
way to know if something is infact a protocol.
Or suppose i want to add a function that works on protocols how can i
do that?

> > I thought that P had some kind of protocol type, that extends
> > something like:
> As you found out, it doesn't. But then, you shouldn't care about how 
> protocols are represented in memory, as long as the documented API functions 
> work.
> Konrad.

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Re: Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

On Mar 3, 2:43 pm, Andrea Tortorella  wrote:

You have to use some instance of T.

> (extends? P T)
> ;==> nil

(extends? P some-t) will return false, because you don't call extend

> (satisfies? P T)
> ;==> nil

(satisfies? P some-t) will return true.

> (extenders P)
> ;==>nil

See first case.


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Re: Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Andrea,

You need to make two little changes: (1) satisfies? is a predicate  
about instances, not types, and (2) the extend predicates check for  
explicit extension:

(defprotocol P
(foo [x]))

(deftype T [])

(extend ::T
  {:foo (fn [] "dummy")})

(extends? P T)
=> true

(satisfies? P (T))
=> true

(extenders P)
=> (:user/T #)

Hi everyone,

if I run this code:

(defprotocol P
(foo [x]))

(deftype T []
 (foo [] "dummy"))

(extends? P T)
;==> nil
(satisfies? P T)
;==> nil
(extenders P)

are they not yet implemented?

anyway when I run

(type P)
;==> clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

So the protocol is simply a map.

I thought that P had some kind of protocol type, that extends
something like:

(defprotocol ProtocolProtocol
(extends? [p t])
(extenders [p])
(satisfies? [p t]))

(deftype Protocol [methods implementers]
(extends? [t] ...)
(extenders [] ...)
(satisfies? [t] ...))

Does it make any sense?

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Re: Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 03.03.2010, at 14:43, Andrea Tortorella wrote:

> (extends? P T)
> ;==> nil
> (satisfies? P T)
> ;==> nil
> (extenders P)
> ;==>nil

The doc string of both extends? and extenders refers to types "explicitly 
extending" a protocol. My understanding is that this excludes protocols 
implemented via their associated Java interface, which is what you did in your 
definition of T.

However, satisfies? works well in your case but its second argument must be an 
instance of the type. Try this:

(satisfies? P (T))
; ==> true

I am not aware of any function that checks whether a given type implements a 
given protocol, but then I never needed such a function either.

BTW, you can get the Java interface corresponding to a protocol using 
(:on-interface protocol). This is not a documented feature, so you'd better 
don't use it in production code. But it's great for exploring and debugging.

> I thought that P had some kind of protocol type, that extends

> something like:

As you found out, it doesn't. But then, you shouldn't care about how protocols 
are represented in memory, as long as the documented API functions work.


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Re: Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Shawn Hoover
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Andrea Tortorella wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> if I run this code:
> (defprotocol P
>  (foo [x]))
> (deftype T []
>  P
>  (foo [] "dummy"))
> (extends? P T)
> ;==> nil
> (satisfies? P T)
> ;==> nil
> (extenders P)
> ;==>nil
> are they not yet implemented?

Nil means the tests fail, that T does not extend or satisfy P. It looks like
you're missing the argument on the foo function in the definition of T. If
you put an argument in there, do you get the results you expect?

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Re: Binary byte reader closure

2010-03-03 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

On Mar 2, 10:57 pm, TimDaly  wrote:

> (defn reader (file)
>   (let [in (new file]
>     #(. in (read

The arguments a written in a vector not a list:

(defn reader
  [file] ; <- note vectpr


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Re: "Unable to resolve symbol" in third-party jarfile

2010-03-03 Thread Michael Wood
On 2 March 2010 17:40, Michael Gardner  wrote:
> As part of a project to help me learn Clojure, I'm trying to send an
> email using code like 
> For the JavaMail API I'm using GNU JavaMail, which in turn requires
> GNU JAF (activation.jar). When I try to run my program, I get:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: � 
>> in this context (activation.jar:0)
> (The symbol in question shows up for me as a diamond with a question
> mark in it.) Any clues on what this could be? Since it's dying at line
> 0, maybe it's choking on a UTF BOM or something?

How are you trying to run it?  It looks like it's trying to treat
activation.jar as a Clojure source file.

Michael Wood 

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Protocols and Types

2010-03-03 Thread Andrea Tortorella
Hi everyone,

if I run this code:

(defprotocol P
 (foo [x]))

(deftype T []
  (foo [] "dummy"))

(extends? P T)
;==> nil
(satisfies? P T)
;==> nil
(extenders P)

are they not yet implemented?

anyway when I run

(type P)
 ;==> clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

So the protocol is simply a map.

I thought that P had some kind of protocol type, that extends
something like:

(defprotocol ProtocolProtocol
 (extends? [p t])
 (extenders [p])
 (satisfies? [p t]))

(deftype Protocol [methods implementers]
 (extends? [t] ...)
 (extenders [] ...)
 (satisfies? [t] ...))

Does it make any sense?

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Using deftype to define mutually recursive data inside agent

2010-03-03 Thread zahardzhan
Sorry my english

I use in my small clojure program one complicated mutually-recursive
data structure that represents an agent-in-environment. This structure
is clojure agent which have self-reference inside himself and
reference to environment, where environment is set of agents:

(let [a (agent {:some state})]
  (send a assoc
  :self (delay a)  ;; this is self-reference
  :env (ref (delay (set a  ;; this is reference to
environment in which agent live
(await a)
a) ;; my agent

Is there a better way to declare this agent using deftype?

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Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread Sophie
As a bit of a newbie to the functional + identity/state design space,
I'm struggling a bit with where to use identity constructs (refs) and
where to stay with pure functions, and could use some guidance. Pardon
me if some of my terms are a bit off. Here is a simple hypothetical
app for matching Applicants to Jobs.

I have several Applicants, each with some set of Skills. There are
several Jobs, each with some Requirements. There is some Match
relation between Skills and the Jobs they can match. The set of
Applicants, each of their skills, and the set of Jobs can change with
time. There is a set of Jobs that each Applicant can fill,
functionally computed from applicant skills & job requirements &

Ok, so jobs_that_an_applicant_can_fill is a pure function, I get

Do I design a single "World" ref whose state changes with time to
different worlds, so adding a new Applicant or even adding a new Skill
to an existing Applicant results in a new World value? Or is it better
to have an "Applicants" ref and a "Jobs" ref that refer to different
sets of those er.. things?

Can each Applicant have a "skills" ref, whose state changes to
different sets of Skills? Should I design it this way?

How do I choose? What are the trade-offs?

Any and all guidance, insights, advice etc. welcome!


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Binary byte reader closure

2010-03-03 Thread TimDaly
I would like to have a function that returns the next binary byte of a
I tried

(defn reader (file)
  (let [in (new file]
#(. in (read

The idea is that I could call this function once and it would return a
over the 'in' object. Then I could simply call reader to get the next
byte. As in

(def fetchbyte (reader "file.o"))


I get an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq

I've tried several other paths. From the REPL I can type
(def in (new "file.o"))
(def fetchbyte #(. in (read)))

and it all works fine. Is there a way to return a closure in Clojure?

I tried using a lazy-cons to make a lazy stream but that also failed.
I tried (seq (. in (read))) to generate an iterator-style walker but
that failed.

Tim Daly

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"Unable to resolve symbol" in third-party jarfile

2010-03-03 Thread Michael Gardner
As part of a project to help me learn Clojure, I'm trying to send an
email using code like
For the JavaMail API I'm using GNU JavaMail, which in turn requires
GNU JAF (activation.jar). When I try to run my program, I get:

> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: � 
> in this context (activation.jar:0)

(The symbol in question shows up for me as a diamond with a question
mark in it.) Any clues on what this could be? Since it's dying at line
0, maybe it's choking on a UTF BOM or something?


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