Re: Maven error - Java returned: 1

2012-09-28 Thread Ivan Kozik
On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 2:29 AM, Timothy Baldridge  wrote:
> For some reason, maven builds clojure just fine, but then dies with a really
> odd error. I've enabled the verbose logs, but nothing besides "Java returned
> 1" is displayed:

The log shows that a test in clojure.test-clojure.metadata failed, and
test failure causes build failure.

Because of a different failing test, I've had to change
failonerror="true" to failonerror="false" in the "test" target in


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Maven error - Java returned: 1

2012-09-28 Thread Timothy Baldridge
For some reason, maven builds clojure just fine, but then dies with a
really odd error. I've enabled the verbose logs, but nothing besides "Java
returned 1" is displayed:




[INFO] Scanning for projects...


[INFO] Building clojure 1.5.0-master-SNAPSHOT

[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0-beta-1:enforce (enforce-maven) @
clojure ---
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.5:add-source
(add-clojure-source-dirs) @ clojure ---
[INFO] Source directory: /home/tim/tmp/clojure/src/jvm added.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.3:resources (default-resources) @
clojure ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] Copying 40 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ clojure
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (clojure-compile) @ clojure ---
[INFO] Executing tasks


 [java] Compiling clojure.core to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.core.protocols to
 [java] Compiling clojure.core.reducers to
 [java] Compiling clojure.main to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.set to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.xml to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.inspector to
 [java] Compiling clojure.walk to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.stacktrace to
 [java] Compiling clojure.template to
 [java] Compiling clojure.test to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.test.tap to
 [java] Compiling clojure.test.junit to
 [java] Compiling clojure.pprint to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling to
 [java] Compiling clojure.repl to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling to
 [java] Compiling to
 [java] Compiling to
 [java] Compiling to
 [java] Compiling clojure.string to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling to /home/tim/tmp/clojure/target/classes
 [java] Compiling clojure.reflect to
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.3:testResources (default-testResources)
@ clojure ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @
clojure ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.6:test (default-test) @ clojure ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (clojure-test) @ clojure ---
[INFO] Executing tasks


 [java] Compiling clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples to
 [java] Compiling clojure.test-clojure.genclass.examples to

 [java] Running clojure.test tests
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.agents
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.clojure-set
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.clojure-walk
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.compilation
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.control
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.def
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.errors
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.evaluation
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.fn
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.for
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.genclass
 [java] clojure.test-clojure.ja

Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Matt
There is already a rails like Clojure web framework which has been around 
for a while called Conjure:

Here is the wiki to get started:

The most recent release is out of date, but I have been working on an 
update. I've completed all of the new features of the update and now I'm 
running through tests and making sure the tutorial is still accurate. 
Unfortunately, I haven't had as much time to work on it as I would have 
liked recently.

Though I'm using it at my work, not many others seem to be using it. Most 
people in the community prefer libraries over frameworks. I doubt you'll do 
much better with your own web framework if you don't somehow take that into 
account. After seeing a lot of interest in Drift 
( when I broke it out of Conjure into 
its own library, I broke Conjure into a group of libraries for the next 
release. If you do make your own web framework, you may want to use some 
parts of Conjure.


On Friday, September 28, 2012 3:36:20 AM UTC-4, goracio wrote:
> Hi
> So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google 
> get these results, at least for me
> 1. noir
> 2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
> 3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
> 4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
> 5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
> So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
> Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir 
> developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site 
> instructions are nice but already outdated ( lein2). No news, no blog, no 
> new features, no examples, no infrastructure. Lein new project, insert noir 
> in dependencies and you don't have working app, you must add :main and 
> stuff to work. What about testing ? no info, no structure, decide on your 
> own. 
> It's no secret that web development today is biggest and popular trend. If 
> language and it's community have good web framework that language will gain 
> more popularity. 
> Take Ruby on rails it has over 30 core contributers, huuuge community, 
> active development, industry standart web development framework. Good 
> testing, development infrastracture, easy start, sprockets for js css 
> managment and so on. Also it has some books about testing and framework 
> itself which is good start point for newbies. 
> I like Clojure, for simplicity mostly. It has amazing power and i believe 
> it can be very good platform for web development. 
> So what i suggest :
> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most 
> mature framework) .
> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
> Make good site about it
> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first version)
> Make first version
> Make couple good examples
> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on 
> github that will be online and updated frequently).
> --
> good example what site could be
> Alternative to online book can be guides, as for ruby on rails 
> Another good news that there is nice web IDE for Clojure by Bodil Stokke 
> Super easy install, very nice 
> insterface, reactive interface ( no need for browser refresh, autorecompile 
> when you save ) web based ! and under active development, just perfect 
> place for newbies to start. So this project also can be added to Clojure 
> Web framework project.
> Also we have ClojureScript so Clojure web framework would be perfect place 
> where this thing can shine.
> Let's discuss.

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Simon Peyton Jones - Haskell is useless

2012-09-28 Thread Rich Morin
This conversation never mentions Clojure, but I think folks here
may find it quite interesting and relevant:

  Simon Peyton Jones - Haskell is useless


 -- Morin +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

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Is Slick feasible in Clojure?

2012-09-28 Thread Manuel Paccagnella

I'm participating in a discussion in the progfun course on Coursera (Scala 
based). Interesting discussions are going on there, especially when Clojure 
is involved. I was wondering if something like 
Slickwould be doable in Clojure. I've no experience 
with Slick (and very little 
with Scala), but from a learning perspective I was wondering if I could 
write something like it in Clojure (another good, probably advanced, 
exercise that maybe I could do in the future to improve my Clojure-fu).

Here the relevant portion of the comment that made me think:

[...] if at runtime you can get the metadata inferred by the compiler and 
> the syntax tree used, then this allows for libraries like LINQ in .NET ... 
> i.e. reuse of existing syntax to issue queries to a DB or to offload 
> processing to a GPU, all while keeping type-safety. The point being that 
> you do not care about how those queries are going to get processed, you 
> just issue queries using standard syntax and let the provider compile and 
> execute those queries. You can also change the implementation on the fly, 
> as easily as you can change between a LinkedList and an ArrayList in Java. 
> The macros support and the compiler refactoring happening in Scala 2.10 is 
> awesome and you should checkout Slick, which is the LINQ alternative for 
> Scala:
> Here's a sample:
>  val l = for {
>  c <- coffees if c.supID == 101
>  } yield (, c.price)
> Where "coffees" can represent anything, from a collection of in-memory 
> objects, like a linked list, to a database table or a MongoDB collection. 
> And the filtering could be implemented in whatever is best for the 
> collection type, from parallel filtering by multiple threads to issuing the 
> right SELECT to a MySQL, or the right API call to MongoDB. Same syntax, 
> same type-safety, polymorphism at its best.
> I've never seen such a library for LISP, with all their support for 
> multimethods, homoiconicity and macros.

Sounds quite complex, but I'm thinking mainly about the syntax part: same 
syntax different implementations in the background. From an intuitive point 
of view, it should be possible I think but I'm wondering what would be the 
best approach to do this. 


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Starting a new ClojureScript project, where to start?

2012-09-28 Thread Daniel Glauser
Hi folks,

Where would you point someone if they wanted guidance starting a new 
ClojureScript project?  I friend who's big into 
CoffeeScript/Backbone/Require and is looking to kick off a side project 
with ClojureScript.  He's sold on Clojure but looking for some guidance. 
 We checked out Pinot which is now broken up:

Are there any sample apps with the new libraries?

I cruised by ClojureScriptOne which is the most expansive ClojureScript 
sample I've seen.  The last commit was eight months ago and some of the 
libs look a bit stale in project.clj. Is ClojureScriptOne still a good 
sample to point folks at or have things changed significantly?

On a separate note I finally have Clojure in production!  It's working 
great and development is moving forward.  It's currently a Noir app. 
 Looking to roll in Friend and Datomic shortly.  From there I hope to 
publish a sample app, with all these well written disconnected libraries it 
seems like we could use more examples of how to put them together.  Ping me 
if you'd like to help.

If any Clojure folks are coming through Denver and would be willing to lead 
a topic at the Den of Clojure we would love to have you.  We do accept 
presenters but encourage folks to focus on leading a topic and keeping the 
meetings more hands on.


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Re: how to securely store parameters in config files

2012-09-28 Thread Kevin Downey
if you use a password to encrypt your config, you will need config2
for the password, and of course you do not want people to have access
to config2, so you should encrypt that, and put the password in
config3, and ...

I recommend using lein test selectors to split out tests that hit
external services in to a different class of tests, tests that don't
require the credentials can be loaded and run by anyone, tests that do
require a config file that is not checked in.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Murtaza Husain
> Hi,
> I am using a config file to store passwords / keys for DB and connection to
> other services like AWS.
> I am using Travis CI for build, and running my tests, and then deploying it
> to live server.
> I would like to encrypt the variables in my config file and only the
> application should be able to read it. This is the criteria -
> 1) The application should be able to decrypt it in multiple environments,
> from the build server to multiple deployment servers.
> 2) The password used to decrypt the config file is not avalaible to the
> developers.
> Also are there any leiningen plugins / features that will aid in this ?
> Thanks,
> Murtaza
> --
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And what is good, Phaedrus,
And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

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Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Mark Rathwell
> Well there are many usefull libs for web development you can choose this and
> that combine them and get something.
> But from newbie perspective it's kind of a difficult question where to start
> from, what to use, what good practice is.
> What lib to use for persistance with Mysql, Postgre, for Mongo, is there
> alternative to Backbone here, how make site reactive, how to use ajax, is
> there MVC pattern or there is no any and so on.
> How can i test my app, what best libs for that and what best practices.
> How can i deploy my app, what tools i can use for that.
> What debbuging tools can i use.
> Is there any special IDE or plugin to existing IDE for fast and convinient
> web development. Simple case - lein can autoreload/autocompile code for
> ClojureScript but how about a project?

These are all documentation issues.  It's not that documentation
doesn't exist, but I think one consolidated location telling telling
the entire story of Clojure web development would be extremely helpful
for people looking to answer the questions you have listed.

> And still if Noir is like Sinatra for not too big sites and projecst and
> Rails is like a pro maybe there should be something like a pro at Clojure.

I think this is really an issue of combining the right existing
components, and knowing what those right components are for a given

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:30 PM, goracio  wrote:
> "lein new noir my-app
> cd my-app
> lein run"
> Yes i already made pull request to update README file with this.
> Well there are many usefull libs for web development you can choose this and
> that combine them and get something.
> But from newbie perspective it's kind of a difficult question where to start
> from, what to use, what good practice is.
> What lib to use for persistance with Mysql, Postgre, for Mongo, is there
> alternative to Backbone here, how make site reactive, how to use ajax, is
> there MVC pattern or there is no any and so on.
> How can i test my app, what best libs for that and what best practices.
> How can i deploy my app, what tools i can use for that.
> What debbuging tools can i use.
> Is there any special IDE or plugin to existing IDE for fast and convinient
> web development. Simple case - lein can autoreload/autocompile code for
> ClojureScript but how about a project?
> So examples and good updated guides/online book does matter.
> There should be clear point about why Clojure and Clojure applied to web
> better then others, how it can solve problems better then others.
> How can i recommend others to use Clojure and how i answer the question "So
> what about clojure is there any good framework to start with and what i can
> do with that" ?
> I am not talking about absence of any guides and recommendations about web
> dev in Clojure there are couple good examples but they are outdated.
> And still if Noir is like Sinatra for not too big sites and projecst and
> Rails is like a pro maybe there should be something like a pro at Clojure.
> пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г., 19:37:05 UTC+4 пользователь Sean Corfield
> написал:
>> The lein-noir plugin works with lein2 so you can just say:
>> lein new noir my-app
>> cd my-app
>> lein run
>> The website seems to provide reasonable documentation on
>> getting started. If you have suggestions to improve the documentation, I'm
>> sure Chris would be happy to receive them (I suspect the site is
>> also a repo on github so you can send pull requests).
>> I ported my web framework FW/1 from CFML to Clojure for my own use but
>> feel free to check that out too. Again, the simple lein2 approach works:
>> lein new fw1 my-app
>> cd my-app
>> lein run
>> (or PORT=8123 lein run to use a different port)
>> Documentation is minimal because it's deliberately a simple framework but
>> there's an example app, also ported from the CFML version, and more docs on
>> the CFML version's github repo - plus a fairly large user community for the
>> CFML version :)
>> I don't really thinks Rails-like frameworks fit with the Clojure way of
>> thinking. As Chas said, we're more inclined to combine a number of libraries
>> to help build an application than to use "frameworks". FW/1 uses Ring and
>> Enlive and provides just a thin convention-based veneer over those to
>> achieve most of what the CFML version has offered for three years :)
>> Sean
>> On Friday, September 28, 2012, goracio wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google
>>> get these results, at least for me
>>> 1. noir
>>> 2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
>>> 3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
>>> 4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
>>> 5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
>>> So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
>>> Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir
>>> developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site
>>> instr

Re: google-closure-library 2029

2012-09-28 Thread Stuart Sierra
I made the G.Closure library artifacts and manually uploaded them to Maven 
Central. I haven't had time to do the latest G.Closure library release.

Can somebody confirm that ClojureScript works 100% with the rev. 2029 
release of the Closure Library?


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google-closure-library 2029

2012-09-28 Thread henry clifford
Hey everyone, I'm trying to find a .jar of the the latest 

I'm currently using org.clojure for 

But havn't been able to find a jar for 0.0-2029

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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ClojureScript: catching all javascript exceptions

2012-09-28 Thread Dima B

I came to the point where I need to be able to catch all javascript 
exceptions, log them down and swallow. I've been trying to achieve this by

(try ... (catch Exception e ...))
(try ... (catch nil e ...))
(try ... (catch js/object e ...))

and nothing seems to do the trick.

Could you please help me find the syntax which allows me to catch and 
swallow all exceptions in clojurescript?
I'm using all latest (clojurescript via cljsbuild).

Thank you,

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More Concise or Idiomatic Max Sub-Array?

2012-09-28 Thread noahlz
I've implemented the following two versions of the "Max Sub-Array" problem 
( in Clojure, using 
the Kadane algorithm.

First with `loop` / `recur`

(defn max-sub-array [A]
  (loop [x (first A)
 a (rest A)
 max-ending-here 0
 max-so-far 0]
(if (seq a)
  (recur (first a) (rest a) (max x, (+ max-ending-here x)) (max 
max-so-far, max-ending-here))

Then with `reduce`

(defn max-sub-array-reduction [A]
  (letfn [(find-max-sub-array [[max-ending-here max-so-far] x]
 [(max x (+ max-ending-here x)) (max max-so-far 
(second (reduce find-max-sub-array [0 0] A

Is there a more concise implementation, perhaps using `filter` or merely by 
making the `reduce` version more "idiomatic" somehow?

Also posted here:

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Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread goracio
"lein new noir my-app
cd my-app
lein run"

Yes i already made pull request to update README file with this.

Well there are many usefull libs for web development you can choose this 
and that combine them and get something. 
But from newbie perspective it's kind of a difficult question where to 
start from, what to use, what good practice is. 
What lib to use for persistance with Mysql, Postgre, for Mongo, is there 
alternative to Backbone here, how make site reactive, how to use ajax, is 
there MVC pattern or there is no any and so on.
How can i test my app, what best libs for that and what best practices.
How can i deploy my app, what tools i can use for that.
What debbuging tools can i use. 
Is there any special IDE or plugin to existing IDE for fast and convinient 
web development. Simple case - lein can autoreload/autocompile code for 
ClojureScript but how about a project? 

So examples and good updated guides/online book does matter. 
There should be clear point about why Clojure and Clojure applied to web 
better then others, how it can solve problems better then others.

How can i recommend others to use Clojure and how i answer the question "So 
what about clojure is there any good framework to start with and what i can 
do with that" ?
I am not talking about absence of any guides and recommendations about web 
dev in Clojure there are couple good examples but they are outdated.

And still if Noir is like Sinatra for not too big sites and projecst and 
Rails is like a pro maybe there should be something like a pro at Clojure.

пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г., 19:37:05 UTC+4 пользователь Sean Corfield 
> The lein-noir plugin works with lein2 so you can just say:
> lein new noir my-app
> cd my-app
> lein run
> The website seems to provide reasonable documentation on 
> getting started. If you have suggestions to improve the documentation, I'm 
> sure Chris would be happy to receive them (I suspect the site 
> is also a repo on github so you can send pull requests).
> I ported my web framework FW/1 from CFML to Clojure for my own use but 
> feel free to check that out too. Again, the simple lein2 approach works:
> lein new fw1 my-app
> cd my-app
> lein run
> (or PORT=8123 lein run to use a different port)
> Documentation is minimal because it's deliberately a simple framework but 
> there's an example app, also ported from the CFML version, and more docs on 
> the CFML version's github repo - plus a fairly large user community for the 
> CFML version :)
> I don't really thinks Rails-like frameworks fit with the Clojure way of 
> thinking. As Chas said, we're more inclined to combine a number of 
> libraries to help build an application than to use "frameworks". FW/1 uses 
> Ring and Enlive and provides just a thin convention-based veneer over those 
> to achieve most of what the CFML version has offered for three years :)
> Sean
> On Friday, September 28, 2012, goracio wrote:
>> Hi
>> So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google 
>> get these results, at least for me
>> 1. noir
>> 2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
>> 3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
>> 4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
>> 5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
>> So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
>> Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir 
>> developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site 
>> instructions are nice but already outdated ( lein2). No news, no blog, no 
>> new features, no examples, no infrastructure. Lein new project, insert noir 
>> in dependencies and you don't have working app, you must add :main and 
>> stuff to work. What about testing ? no info, no structure, decide on your 
>> own. 
>> It's no secret that web development today is biggest and popular trend. 
>> If language and it's community have good web framework that language will 
>> gain more popularity. 
>> Take Ruby on rails it has over 30 core contributers, huuuge community, 
>> active development, industry standart web development framework. Good 
>> testing, development infrastracture, easy start, sprockets for js css 
>> managment and so on. Also it has some books about testing and framework 
>> itself which is good start point for newbies. 
>> I like Clojure, for simplicity mostly. It has amazing power and i believe 
>> it can be very good platform for web development. 
>> So what i suggest :
>> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most 
>> mature framework) .
>> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
>> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
>> Make good site about it
>> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first 
>> version)
>> Make first version
>> Make couple good examples
>> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on 
>> github that will be online and updated frequently).
>> -

Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Sean Corfield
The lein-noir plugin works with lein2 so you can just say:

lein new noir my-app
cd my-app
lein run

The website seems to provide reasonable documentation on
getting started. If you have suggestions to improve the documentation, I'm
sure Chris would be happy to receive them (I suspect the site
is also a repo on github so you can send pull requests).

I ported my web framework FW/1 from CFML to Clojure for my own use but feel
free to check that out too. Again, the simple lein2 approach works:

lein new fw1 my-app
cd my-app
lein run
(or PORT=8123 lein run to use a different port)

Documentation is minimal because it's deliberately a simple framework but
there's an example app, also ported from the CFML version, and more docs on
the CFML version's github repo - plus a fairly large user community for the
CFML version :)

I don't really thinks Rails-like frameworks fit with the Clojure way of
thinking. As Chas said, we're more inclined to combine a number of
libraries to help build an application than to use "frameworks". FW/1 uses
Ring and Enlive and provides just a thin convention-based veneer over those
to achieve most of what the CFML version has offered for three years :)


On Friday, September 28, 2012, goracio wrote:

> Hi
> So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google
> get these results, at least for me
> 1. noir
> 2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
> 3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
> 4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
> 5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
> So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
> Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir
> developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site
> instructions are nice but already outdated ( lein2). No news, no blog, no
> new features, no examples, no infrastructure. Lein new project, insert noir
> in dependencies and you don't have working app, you must add :main and
> stuff to work. What about testing ? no info, no structure, decide on your
> own.
> It's no secret that web development today is biggest and popular trend. If
> language and it's community have good web framework that language will gain
> more popularity.
> Take Ruby on rails it has over 30 core contributers, huuuge community,
> active development, industry standart web development framework. Good
> testing, development infrastracture, easy start, sprockets for js css
> managment and so on. Also it has some books about testing and framework
> itself which is good start point for newbies.
> I like Clojure, for simplicity mostly. It has amazing power and i believe
> it can be very good platform for web development.
> So what i suggest :
> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most
> mature framework) .
> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
> Make good site about it
> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first version)
> Make first version
> Make couple good examples
> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on
> github that will be online and updated frequently).
> --
> good example what site could be
> Alternative to online book can be guides, as for ruby on rails
> Another good news that there is nice web IDE for Clojure by Bodil Stokke
> Super easy install, very nice
> insterface, reactive interface ( no need for browser refresh, autorecompile
> when you save ) web based ! and under active development, just perfect
> place for newbies to start. So this project also can be added to Clojure
> Web framework project.
> Also we have ClojureScript so Clojure web framework would be perfect place
> where this thing can shine.
> Let's discuss.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Clojure" group.
> To post to this group, send email to 
> '');>
> Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with
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Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --
World Singles, LLC. --

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Mark Rathwell
> Documentation around libraries (and elsewhere) is recognized
> as a primary weakness, but starting a new, larger web Framework project
> isn't an obvious solution to that very distributed problem.

Agree 100% with this.  I think the various libraries are mostly at the
right level, and are mostly being worked on a the right pace, but
having a wiki-like place with tutorials and contributed project
examples (or walk-throughs of open stuff already available) showing
how all of the pieces can be used together (including both clj and
cljs), and which pieces are right for various types of projects would
be beneficial, I think.

Like everyone else, time is not plentiful right now, but I'd be
willing to contribute if someone has time to take the lead.

 - Mark

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Chas Emerick  wrote:
> If I may offer a couple of counterpoints:
> Compojure is slightly more popular than noir, at least based on the (perhaps
> faulty) measures of stars and forks on github, and "used by" count on
> There are good reasons why a Rails-esque framework has not yet caught on
> with Clojure programmers. Libraries > frameworks, and all the goodness that
> flows from that.  Given that perspective (smaller libraries made to compose
> trivially), there's really not enough work for 5-6 people to do on a single
> project.  Better to have some very large number of people working together
> on a plurality of focused libraries.
> From the data we have[1], people are being quite successful with Clojure in
> web development contexts (anecdotally, using Compojure as well as Noir and
> others, too).  Documentation around libraries (and elsewhere) is recognized
> as a primary weakness, but starting a new, larger web Framework project
> isn't an obvious solution to that very distributed problem.
> Finally, although it is not free, note that 'Clojure Programming'[2]
> provides a "from scratch" tutorial of how to use Ring, Compojure, and
> Enlive.
> Cheers,
> - Chas
> [1]
> [2]
> On Sep 28, 2012, at 3:36 AM, goracio wrote:
> Hi
> So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google
> get these results, at least for me
> 1. noir
> 2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
> 3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
> 4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
> 5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
> So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
> Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir
> developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site
> instructions are nice but already outdated ( lein2). No news, no blog, no
> new features, no examples, no infrastructure. Lein new project, insert noir
> in dependencies and you don't have working app, you must add :main and stuff
> to work. What about testing ? no info, no structure, decide on your own.
> It's no secret that web development today is biggest and popular trend. If
> language and it's community have good web framework that language will gain
> more popularity.
> Take Ruby on rails it has over 30 core contributers, huuuge community,
> active development, industry standart web development framework. Good
> testing, development infrastracture, easy start, sprockets for js css
> managment and so on. Also it has some books about testing and framework
> itself which is good start point for newbies.
> I like Clojure, for simplicity mostly. It has amazing power and i believe it
> can be very good platform for web development.
> So what i suggest :
> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most
> mature framework) .
> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
> Make good site about it
> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first version)
> Make first version
> Make couple good examples
> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on
> github that will be online and updated frequently).
> --
> good example what site could be
> Alternative to online book can be guides, as for ruby on rails
> Another good news that there is nice web IDE for Clojure by Bodil Stokke
> Super easy install, very nice insterface,
> reactive interface ( no need for browser refresh, autorecompile when you
> save ) web based ! and under active development, just perfect place for
> newbies to start. So this project also can be added to Clojure Web framework
> project.
> Also we have ClojureScript so Clojure web framework would be perfect place
> where this thing can shine.
> Let's discuss.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Clojure" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> Note th

Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Chas Emerick
If I may offer a couple of counterpoints:

Compojure is slightly more popular than noir, at least based on the (perhaps 
faulty) measures of stars and forks on github, and "used by" count on

There are good reasons why a Rails-esque framework has not yet caught on with 
Clojure programmers. Libraries > frameworks, and all the goodness that flows 
from that.  Given that perspective (smaller libraries made to compose 
trivially), there's really not enough work for 5-6 people to do on a single 
project.  Better to have some very large number of people working together on a 
plurality of focused libraries.

>From the data we have[1], people are being quite successful with Clojure in 
>web development contexts (anecdotally, using Compojure as well as Noir and 
>others, too).  Documentation around libraries (and elsewhere) is recognized as 
>a primary weakness, but starting a new, larger web Framework project isn't an 
>obvious solution to that very distributed problem.

Finally, although it is not free, note that 'Clojure Programming'[2] provides a 
"from scratch" tutorial of how to use Ring, Compojure, and Enlive.


- Chas


On Sep 28, 2012, at 3:36 AM, goracio wrote:

> Hi
> So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google get 
> these results, at least for me
> 1. noir
> 2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
> 3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
> 4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
> 5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
> So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
> Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir 
> developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site 
> instructions are nice but already outdated ( lein2). No news, no blog, no new 
> features, no examples, no infrastructure. Lein new project, insert noir in 
> dependencies and you don't have working app, you must add :main and stuff to 
> work. What about testing ? no info, no structure, decide on your own. 
> It's no secret that web development today is biggest and popular trend. If 
> language and it's community have good web framework that language will gain 
> more popularity. 
> Take Ruby on rails it has over 30 core contributers, huuuge community, active 
> development, industry standart web development framework. Good testing, 
> development infrastracture, easy start, sprockets for js css managment and so 
> on. Also it has some books about testing and framework itself which is good 
> start point for newbies. 
> I like Clojure, for simplicity mostly. It has amazing power and i believe it 
> can be very good platform for web development. 
> So what i suggest :
> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most 
> mature framework) .
> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
> Make good site about it
> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first version)
> Make first version
> Make couple good examples
> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on 
> github that will be online and updated frequently).
> --
> good example what site could be
> Alternative to online book can be guides, as for ruby on rails 
> Another good news that there is nice web IDE for Clojure by Bodil Stokke 
> Super easy install, very nice insterface, 
> reactive interface ( no need for browser refresh, autorecompile when you save 
> ) web based ! and under active development, just perfect place for newbies to 
> start. So this project also can be added to Clojure Web framework project.
> Also we have ClojureScript so Clojure web framework would be perfect place 
> where this thing can shine.
> Let's discuss.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: CLR Reflection Laziness

2012-09-28 Thread Stephen Compall
On Sep 27, 2012, at 8:23 PM, James Ashley  wrote:

> Typing this in at a REPL worked fine (well, a reasonable Null exception). 
> Running it from a script resulted in an unhandled NullArgumentException (or 
> something along those lines

Based on this statement, I assume you're asking about behavior in script, not 
behavior in REPL, later.

> Does this qualify as a bug?

I doubt it, for the reasons below.

> It's a stupid mistake on my part. I expect to be dumped to the REPL with an 
> error about the exception.
>  I don't think that I should *ever* be able to type in anything in 
> clojure that leads to an unhandled exception. I can see pros and cons both 
> ways, and I don't know what (if any) the community consensus might be.

In the community of programming languages, the consensus is largely in favor of 
*not* dropping into REPL on error, except of course when already running in 
REPL. Clojure JVM, CPython et al, MRI Ruby et al, Perl, Common Lisps (where you 
can rebind the global handler if you like), most Schemes, GHCi et al, and even 
MS F# exhibit this console/REPL dichotomy.

The reasoning, I imagine, is that an end user — the typical console user — is 
likely to be ill-served by a REPL exit. A counterexample demonstrates this: 
Squeak drops into a debugger on normal execution failure, as historical 
Smalltalk philosophy is that all computer users should learn programming.

Stephen Compall
Greetings from sunny Appleton!

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how to securely store parameters in config files

2012-09-28 Thread Murtaza Husain

I am using a config file to store passwords / keys for DB and connection to 
other services like AWS. 

I am using Travis CI for build, and running my tests, and then deploying it 
to live server. 

I would like to encrypt the variables in my config file and only the 
application should be able to read it. This is the criteria -

1) The application should be able to decrypt it in multiple environments, 
from the build server to multiple deployment servers.

2) The password used to decrypt the config file is not avalaible to the 

Also are there any leiningen plugins / features that will aid in this ?


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Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Michael Wood
On 28 September 2012 10:22, goracio  wrote:
> No i don't. Project page for now and
> it's updated 3 months ago. I guess project maintained by one person
> and i guess he does not have much time to do the
> work. Usage info still outdated
> If you want to include Noir in an already created leiningen project, simply
> add this to your dependencies:
> [noir "1.2.2"]
> Project maintained mostly at because there is
> "1.3.0-beta10" version already and github just abandoned.

Just because the documentation is not up to date it does not mean that
github has been abandoned.  If you look here:

you will see that the version on github is 1.3.0-beta10.

Michael Wood 

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Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread goracio
No i don't. Project page for now and 
it's updated 3 months ago. I guess project maintained by one person and i guess he does not have much time to do the 
work. Usage info still outdated

If you want to include Noir in an already created leiningen project, simply add 
this to your dependencies:

[noir "1.2.2"]

Project maintained mostly at because there is 
"1.3.0-beta10" version already and github just abandoned.

On Friday, September 28, 2012 12:04:14 PM UTC+4, Sven Johansson wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 9:36 AM, goracio  >wrote:
>> So what i suggest :
>> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most 
>> mature framework) .
>> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
>> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
>> Make good site about it
>> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first 
>> version)
>> Make first version
>> Make couple good examples
>> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on 
>> github that will be online and updated frequently).
> +1 
> I've been having great fun & success with Noir and would hate to see it 
> covered in moss and in a state of disrepair.
> If time permits, I'd be interested in participating, but time is not 
> something of which I have plenty at the moment.
> But first of all, have you reached out to whoever is the maintainer today?
> Regards/Sven

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Re: Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread Sven Johansson
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 9:36 AM, goracio  wrote:

> So what i suggest :
> Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most
> mature framework) .
> Form working core group from 5-6 people.
> Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
> Make good site about it
> Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first version)
> Make first version
> Make couple good examples
> Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on
> github that will be online and updated frequently).

I've been having great fun & success with Noir and would hate to see it
covered in moss and in a state of disrepair.
If time permits, I'd be interested in participating, but time is not
something of which I have plenty at the moment.

But first of all, have you reached out to whoever is the maintainer today?



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Clojure web framework

2012-09-28 Thread goracio
So i'd like to point to the problem here. Clojure web framework in google 
get these results, at least for me
1. noir
2. stackoverflow question 2008 year
3. stackoverflow question 2010 year
4. joodo ( outdated thing developed by one person)
5. Compojure ( routing dsl)
So there is no popular framework these days for clojure.
Noir is mostly Chris Granger thing. As he make Lighttable today Noir 
developed by some other people ( or may be on person not sure). Main site 
instructions are nice but already outdated ( lein2). No news, no blog, no 
new features, no examples, no infrastructure. Lein new project, insert noir 
in dependencies and you don't have working app, you must add :main and 
stuff to work. What about testing ? no info, no structure, decide on your 
It's no secret that web development today is biggest and popular trend. If 
language and it's community have good web framework that language will gain 
more popularity. 
Take Ruby on rails it has over 30 core contributers, huuuge community, 
active development, industry standart web development framework. Good 
testing, development infrastracture, easy start, sprockets for js css 
managment and so on. Also it has some books about testing and framework 
itself which is good start point for newbies. 
I like Clojure, for simplicity mostly. It has amazing power and i believe 
it can be very good platform for web development. 
So what i suggest :
Take 1 platform for web development in Clojure (for example noir as most 
mature framework) .
Form working core group from 5-6 people.
Decide about name of the project ( or take Noir)
Make good site about it
Make a plan for development ( what core features should have first version)
Make first version
Make couple good examples
Make good documentation and maybe a book ( community book for example on 
github that will be online and updated frequently).
-- good example what site could be
Alternative to online book can be guides, as for ruby on rails
Another good news that there is nice web IDE for Clojure by Bodil Stokke Super easy install, very nice insterface, 
reactive interface ( no need for browser refresh, autorecompile when you 
save ) web based ! and under active development, just perfect place for 
newbies to start. So this project also can be added to Clojure Web 
framework project.
Also we have ClojureScript so Clojure web framework would be perfect place 
where this thing can shine.
Let's discuss.

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