Re: group rows on basis of value in a column in CSV with clojure

2018-07-07 Thread Varun J.P
Hi All, 
Thanks for the tip to use (group-by last …)
It was working fine until my csv file got updated. Now i am not sure abt 
the number of columns in my csv. It could change in every row, but I still 
need to group it with Heading 3 itself. 

Example of my updated CSV is as below

Heading1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 
> abc 123 Value1 newValue 
> def 234 Value1 anotherValue oneMoreValue 
> ghi dfgew Value1 aValue 
> jkl 456 Value5 
> pqr 567 Value5 
> stu 678 value3 
> vwx sdf value4 
> yza 900 value4 

Now i cant use (group-by last ...) instead i tried using (nth 

On Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 10:42:08 PM UTC+5:30, Philipp Neumann wrote:
> Hi.
> This is a job for (group-by last ...)
> Regards
> Varun J.P > schrieb am Di., 3. Juli 
> 2018, 19:05:
>> My CSV file is something like the attached file which could have 'n' 
>> number of line. I need to group by the values in the last column. 
>> Current I believe the below code will return me a vector of vector. 
>> (defn read-csv-file
>>  [path]
>>  (try
>>(with-open [input-file (io/reader path)]
>>  (let [a_list (doall (map (comp first clojure-csv.core/parse-csv) (
>> line-seq input-file)))]
>>(rest (into [] a_list
>>(catch Exception exception (throw exception
>> i need to iterate through this vector of vector and create a new vector 
>> of vector containing only elements of the first group, then in next 
>> iteration i need the second set and so on. 
>> Example CSV 
>>> Heading1 Heading 2 Heading 3 
>>> abc 123 Value1 
>>> def 234 Value1 
>>> ghi dfgew Value1 
>>> jkl 456 Value5 
>>> pqr 567 Value5 
>>> stu 678 value3 
>>> vwx sdf value4 
>>> yza 900 value4 
>> so when this CSV is parsed i will have something like 
>> [
>> [abc 123 Value1]
>> [def 234 Value1]
>> [ghi dfgew Value1]
>> [jkl 456 Value5]
>> [pqr 567 Value5]
>> [stu 678 value3]
>> [vwx sdf value4]
>> [yza 900 value4]]
>> So when i iterate through this i need to group the vector of vector by 
>> the last column 
>> so my first iteration output should be something like 
>> [
>> [abc 123 Value1]
>> [def 234 Value1]
>> [ghi dfgew Value1]]
>> 2nd iteration should be 
>> [
>> [jkl 456 Value5]
>> [pqr 567 Value5]]
>> 3rd should be 
>> [
>> [stu 678 value3]] 
>> and so on.
>> How would i achieve this in clojure. is there any build in csv parsing 
>> function
>> Regards 
>> JP
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Re: What is the minimal Emacs config for practical Clojure development?

2018-07-07 Thread Austin Haas
I've determined that the previously mentioned errors are related to 
incompatibilities with inf-clojure and clojurescript.

I filed a bug, and a workaround, with inf-clojure 

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Re: What is the minimal Emacs config for practical Clojure development?

2018-07-07 Thread Austin Haas

I shouldn't have said that two of those errors were the same. They're 
different, but they both mention unquoted symbols.


clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Arguments to require must be quoted. Offending 
spec: (symbol (namespace (quote clojure.repl/pst))) at line 1  
{:file "", :line 1, :column 5, :root-source-info {:source-type 
:fragment, :source-form (do (require (symbol (namespace (quote 
clojure.repl/pst (clojure.repl/pst *e))}, :tag :cljs/analysis-error}


WARNING: Use of undeclared Var cljs.user/Throwable at line 6 
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Assert failed: Argument to resolve must be a 
quoted symbol
(core/and (seq? quoted-sym) (= (quote quote) (first quoted-sym))) at line 4 
 {:file "", :line 4, :column 2, :root-source-info 
{:source-type :fragment, :source-form (try (:arglists (clojure.core/meta 
(clojure.core/resolve (clojure.core/read-string "ClojureScript" (catch 
Throwable t nil))}, :tag :cljs/analysis-error}

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Re: What is the minimal Emacs config for practical Clojure development?

2018-07-07 Thread Austin Haas
I tried this, changing node to browser, like so: 

clojure -J-Dclojure.server.repl="{:port ${1:-} :accept 
cljs.server.browser/repl}" -cljs-canary  -m cljs.main -re browser -r

That starts a REPL in my terminal, but when I try to connect to it from 
Emacs, using C-c M-c RET localhost RET , I get the following in my 
Emacs *inf-clojure* buffer:

Process inf-clojure connection broken by remote peer

and the following the terminal REPL:

Exception in thread "Clojure Connection repl 1" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
Unable to resolve symbol: PrintWriter-on in this context, 

On Friday, July 6, 2018 at 4:50:57 PM UTC-7, Andrea Richiardi wrote:
> Ok this command will open a socket REPL directly in cljs.user:
> clojure -J-Dclojure.server.repl="{:port ${1:-} :accept 
> cljs.server.node/repl}" -R:cljs-canary  -m cljs.main -re node -r
> You need the right deps.edn aliases - then you will be able to nc 
> localhost  or inf-clojure-connect to it.
> On Friday, July 6, 2018 at 11:18:56 AM UTC-7, Austin Haas wrote:
>> I spent a couple more hours working with Monroe and Figwheel. I still 
>> can't figure out how to use the REPL. After trying to evaluate a few 
>> expressions, Emacs gets completely locked up spewing the following error 
>> message 1000s of times: 
>> clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Arguments to require must be quoted. 
>> Offending spec: (symbol (namespace (quote clojure.repl/pst))) at line 1 
>>  {:file "", :line 1, :column 5, :root-source-info 
>> {:source-type :fragment, :source-form (do (require (symbol (namespace 
>> (quote clojure.repl/pst (clojure.repl/pst *e))}, :tag 
>> :cljs/analysis-error}
>> I've switched back to inf-clojure and Figwheel with the following config:
>> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/third-party/inf-clojure/")
>> (require 'inf-clojure)
>> (setf inf-clojure-lein-cmd "lein run -m clojure.main")
>> (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook #'inf-clojure-minor-mode)
>> (add-hook 'inf-clojure-mode-hook #'eldoc-mode)
>> That seems to work, but I see something like this in the minibuffer every 
>> time I move the cursor, with or without eldoc mode enabled:
>> def: (:arglists^[[0m
>>   ^[[36m3^[[0m  ^[[36m(clojure.core/meta^[[0m
>>   ^[[36m4^[[0m  ^[[36m(clojure.core/resolve^[[0m
>>   ^[[36m5^[[0m  ^[[36m(clojure.core/read-string "def")
>> Does "lein run -m clojure.main" create a socket REPL?
>> I followed the instructions for inf-clojure for a "Clojure Command Line 
>> Socket REPL" (
>> but then (fig-start) is not found.
>> I followed the instructions for inf-clojure for a "Leiningen Socket REPL" 
>> (, 
>> and that produces results like with "lein run -m clojure.main"; it works, 
>> but I get the "eldoc" garbage in the minibuffer. AFAICT, the eldoc problem 
>> doesn't occur until I run (cljs-repl).
>> Any insight greatly appreciated. 

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Re: What is the minimal Emacs config for practical Clojure development?

2018-07-07 Thread Austin Haas
Yesterday, I followed the excellent "Clojurescript Quick Start Guide" 
( Everything worked as 
expected. They did a great job of making it as minimal as possible.

After that, I followed the "Emacs and Inferior Clojure Interaction Mode" 
guide ( That's a nice guide, 
too. I had one issue: the instructions are out of date because inf-clojure 
removed the run-clojure alias for the inf-clojure function. I submitted a 

Currently, I'm running with Emacs, inf-clojure, and lein-cljsbuild. It 
seems to be working well. I don't have live code reloading, like Figwheel.

This is the function I'm using in my .emacs to launch the repl: 

(defun cljs-browser-repl ()
  (inf-clojure "lein trampoline run -m clojure.main repl.clj"))

And the contents of repl.clj:

(require '[cljs.repl :as repl])
(require '[cljs.repl.browser :as browser])  ;; require the browser 
implementation of IJavaScriptEnv
(def env (browser/repl-env :static-dir ["." "out/" "resources/public/"])) 
;; create a new environment
(repl/repl env) ;; start the REPL

Today, for unknown reasons, I'm no longer getting the "def: 
(:arglists^[[0m..." messages in my minibuffer, but instead I'm seeing two 
different errors when I put the cursor in an expression:

WARNING: Use of undeclared Var cljs.user/Throwable at line 6 
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Assert failed: Argument to resolve must be a 
quoted symbol
(core/and (seq? quoted-sym) (= (quote quote) (first quoted-sym))) at line 4 
 {:file "", :line 4, :column 2, :root-source-info 
{:source-type :fragment, :source-form (try (:arglists (clojure.core/meta 
(clojure.core/resolve (clojure.core/read-string "ClojureScript" (catch 
Throwable t nil))}, :tag :cljs/analysis-error}

This usually pops up in the minibuffer as: defn: (core/and (seq? 
quoted-sym)), but fortunately the full message went to the REPL once. Note 
that this is the same error I was when using Monroe instead of inf-clojure.

The other message I see is: 

ReferenceError: planck is not defined

which pops up in the minibuffer as: defn: ()

I also got this error once when trying to get the docstring for a var:

WARNING: No such namespace: lumo.repl, could not locate lumo/repl.cljs, 
lumo/repl.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "lumo.repl" at line 1 
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var lumo.repl/doc at line 1 
WARNING: Can't take value of macro cljs.core/declare at line 1 
ReferenceError: lumo is not defined

To my knowledge, I'm not using lumo or planck.

Andrea, do you still think these are issues with inf-clojure?

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