Re: [ANN] Fluokitten - Category theory concepts in Clojure - Functors, Applicatives, Monads, Monoids and more

2013-07-03 Thread Nils Bertschinger

Am Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 16:49:43 UTC+2 schrieb Dragan Djuric:

 Monads as a Haskell construct is what the previously mentioned laws 
 describe. Monads in category theory are defined in a category X as a triple 
 (T, n, m) where T is a functor and m and n certan natural transformations 
 such that certan diagrams commute. In that sense, I am not sure that even 
 Haskell's implementation is perfectly clean.

in category theory, monads are functors with additional constraints. 
Haskell's implementation is clean to the extend that Hask, i.e Haskell 
types and morphisms between them, form a category (there are some issues 
with laziness).
The connection to the categorical definition is most easily seen if you 
define monads using join instead of = (bind). You basically need a 
functor, i.e. a type constructor with a proper fmap (check the laws here as 
well), and two natural transformations mu, eta. As it turns out, 
polymorphic functions are natural transformations in Haskell's category, 
i.e. they always obey the required laws, no need to check them. Let's call 
your functor type t, then mu and eta have the following types:
  mu :: a - t a -- Haskell's return
  eta :: t (t a) - t a   -- Haskell's join

The required laws now state that:
  eta (eta mm)  = eta (fmap eta mm)
  eta (mu m) = eta (fmap mu m)=   identity
which just says that if you have something of type t (t (t a)) it does not 
matter whether you flatten it from the inside or outside first and if you 
have something of type t a, you can put it into another t from the outside 
or inside and flatten it to get back the identity.

Now, conceptually changing the monad does not make much sense. Remember 
that a monad is a functor with additional structure, so we are always 
working in the same functor! The laws just express that we have a special 
functor which obeys additional properties, besides the functorial ones.

Also generalizing the types of (=) to support different monads is 
forbidden by the laws. Try to define
  myBind :: (Monad m, Monad n) = m a - (a - n b) - n b-- like 
(=), but changes the monad
and now look at the second law:

  x = return  =  x
or written with explicit types:
  ((x :: m a) = (return :: a - m a)) :: m a  =  x :: m a

  ((x :: m a)  `myBind` (return :: a - n a)) :: n a
but this cannot equal (x :: m a), since it does not even have the same type!



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Slime hack for REPL testing

2012-02-27 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi everyone,

I just did a small hack for swank-clojure which has the repl thread
hold the last three input forms in variables **1, **2 and **3
Based on this, I added a slime function slime-extract-test which does
the following:

user (range 7)
   (0 1 2 3 4 5 6)

   user (range 3)
   (0 1 2)

   user (concat *1 *2)
   (0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)

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Slime hack for REPL testing

2012-02-27 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi everyone,

just finished a small hack for swank-clojure (see my fork on github:
The repl thread now has access to the last three input forms that were
typed into the repl. These forms are accessible as **1, **2 and **3
respectively. The Common Lisp names +, ++ and +++ would not work in
Clojure and the output forms are numbered *1, *2 and *3, so this is
what I came up with.

Based on this functionality, I added the Emacs function slime-extract-
test. To explain what it does, here is an example. Imagine the
following repl interaction:

   user (range 7)
   (0 1 2 3 4 5 6)

   user (range 3)
   (0 1 2)

   user (concat *1 *2)
   (0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)

Now, hit M-x slime-extract-test and this gets transformed into an
expression suitable for clojure.test

   (is (= (concat (range 3) (range 7)) '(0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)))

which is written into a Testing buffer.

What do you think? Any use for that?


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Re: Slime hack for REPL testing

2012-02-27 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Stefan,

On Feb 27, 3:23 pm, Stefan Kamphausen wrote:

 extracting forms from the REPL session into some test-magic definitely is
 useful.  However, my sessions seem to be structured in a different way and
 only having access to the previous three inputs doesn't seem viable to me.
 I think, I'd prefer a REPL where I would tell swank to start recording my
 stuff and later extract all the interactions which didn't yield an
 exception.  Mind, that this is just guessing what would feel right, though.

thanks for your thoughts. It is really the simplest solution that I
could think of and does not necessarily fit everyones workflow. I tend
to use very short snippets at the repl which are usually self
contained, i.e. do not depend on defined variables, but rely heavily
on *1, *2 as shortcuts to save typing. Up to now, I did not bother
much to make unit tests out of my repl experiments. This mode
hopefully improves on that ;-)



 Kind regards,

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Re: letrec

2011-12-15 Thread Nils Bertschinger

to implement letrec in a language with eager evaluation strategy some
kind of mutability is probably needed. Consider for example a self-
referential definition such as

(let [fibo (lazy-cat [1 1] (map + fibo (rest fibo)))]
  (take 10 fibo))

This will not work since fibo is not in scope when the binding is
established. The standard solution would probably be something like

(let [fibo (promise)]
  (deliver fibo (lazy-cat [1 1] (map + @fibo (rest @fibo
  (take 10 @fibo))

Not as nice as the original version due to explicit dereferencing, but
workable. As an alternative one could use a macro to expand to this
and use a code walker (or symbol-macros) to automatically include the
@ calls. The following is untested, but should be close:

(defmacro letrec [binding  body]
  (let [[var expr] binding
g-var (gensym)]
`(let [~g-var (promise)]
   (symbol-macrolet [~var @~g-var]
  (deliver ~g-var ~expr)

and voila

(letrec [fibo (lazy-cat [1 1] (map + fibo (rest fibo)))]
  (take 10 fibo))

produces (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55).



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Re: Agents vs. Actors

2011-12-03 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Benny,

On Dec 3, 9:21 pm, Benny Tsai wrote:
 Hi Nils,

 A while back, I also took a stab* at implementing Erlang-style actors in
 Clojure, along with solutions for a few classic concurrency problems
 (Dining Philosophers, Sleeping Barber).  I was blown away by how easy it
 was to implement actor semantics on top of agents.
looks good. Somewhat different approach where the state of the agent
is handled more explicitly. I tried to stay close to Erlang, so the
state is wrapped in a closire which acts as my matching function.
It might also be interesting to solve some of those classic
concurrency problems the Clojure way and compare to the actor

 Comparing our respective efforts, I see a lot of room for improvement in
 mine :)  I like how your actors send messages containing the address of the
 recipient, which seems truer to the actor model.  Also, you raise a great
Actually, I do not include the address of the recipient into the
message. The message is simply a symbol and then dispatched in a case
The example might be slightly confusing since the actors are
named :ping and :pong and send messages ping and pong to each
It's really a very simple sketch ... no pattern matching on messages
and no mailboxes.

 point regarding pattern matching; I think that can greatly simplify the
 message handlers in my code.  Looks like it's time for me to get acquainted
 with core.match :)
This seems to be the right approach to fake Erlang-style message

 Thanks for the food for thought!


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Re: delayed recursive macro expansion?

2011-12-03 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Andrew,

the approach suggested by Tassilo looks correct.
Macros are evaluated at compile-time, so you need a termination
condition that can be decided without actually running your form. In
you're case you want run-time delayed evaluation, which is easily
achieved by wrapping the expression into a closure.

On Dec 3, 6:45 pm, Andrew wrote:
 Aren't the calls to itry-the-fn different from the calls to itry-the-macro?
 For example, let's say my expr is (/ a b) where b is currently zero and
 maybe the user decides to set a new value for b when prompted.

 itry-the-macro can be called this way: (itry (/ a b)) and is able to print
 out the source code (/ a b) for the user as a string if it needs to.

 itry-the-fn has to be called this way, right? (itry (fn [] (/ a b)) and is
 unable to print out the source code of the expression. Let me know if I'm
You are right about the calling interface. itry-the-fn needs to have
its argument delayed explicitly, i.e. (itry (fn [] (/ a b))), and
cannot look into the form. A standard way to solve this problem is to
define both, a function and a macro which provides a more convenient
interface to the function.

(defmacro itry-the-macro [expr]
   `(itry-the-fn (fn [] ~expr)))
or in case you want to preserve access to the source code of the
(defmacro itry-the-macro [expr]
   `(itry-the-fn (fn [] ~expr)
and itry-the-fn takes two arguments, one of which it can call and one
that can be expected, printed etc.

This approach of defining a macro as a shallow wrapper around a
function is quite common. It is also used in a couple of places in

Hope your attic lights up a little,


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Re: stack overflow vs scheme

2011-12-02 Thread Nils Bertschinger

the Scheme version of quicksort is not tail-recursive since append is
called on the return value of the recursive calls. Thus, also in
Scheme this eats up your stack. That your Scheme code can sort larger
sequences simple means that your Scheme implementation has a larger
stack than the JVM with standard settings.
Basically, the only difference between Scheme and Clojure with respect
to tail-recursion is that Scheme automatically optimizes the recursive
call when it appears in a tail-call position whereas in Clojure you
have to explicitly call recur (or trampoline for mutual recursion) if
you want tail-call optimization.

Since quicksort requires two recursive calls which then have to be
combined it is not completely trivial to implement it in a tail-
recursive, i.e. iterative, fashion. There is a general method which
can be applied, namely continuation passing style (CPS), but it might
look a little odd if you haven't seen it before. Basically, you use a
variable holding a chain of closures which resemble the stack. I found
a rather nice exposition in this blog post:



On Dec 1, 6:09 pm, john.holland wrote:
 I was studying clojure for a while, and took a break to work on SICP in
 scheme. I found that they do numerous things that are against advice in
 Clojure having to do with the tail recursion.
 I got to thinking about that Clojure recur/loop stuff and wondered how you
 would do a quicksort with it. So I went to rosetta code and looked at what
 they had for scheme and for clojure.

 In scheme I can do a quicksort which makes two calls to itself and it can
 scale pretty high before running out of RAM.  I went up to 1 sorting
 from worst (reversed) order to forward order. I do get
 stack overflows beyond that though.

 In clojure, the same algorithm produces the dreaded StackOverflow after
 1000 values.
 I tried giving the JVM a gig of RAM, no help.

 Below are the (trvial) procedures.

 I understand that the advice in clojure is to use loop/recur etc, however,
 a big part of the charm for me of something like scheme is that I can write
 code that is a straightforward statement of a mathematical approach to the

 Although quicksort is really simple, the idea of doing it with loop/recur
 baffles me.

 After a while with the scheme stuff clojure seems very complex and this,
 which seems like a fundamental issue, is not going well for it.

 Can anyone post a quicksort that doesn't give stack overflows in clojure?


 scheme quicksort

  (define (quicksort l)
 (if (null? l)
     (append (quicksort (filter (lambda (x) ( (car l) x)) (cdr l)) )
             (list (car l))
             (quicksort (filter (lambda (x) ( (car l) x)) (cdr l)) 

 =scheme utility to make data sets
 (define (nums x) (if ( x 0) '() (cons x (nums (- x 1)

 ==scheme call=
 (quicksort  (nums 1))

 ===clojure quicksort
  (defn qsort [[pivot  xs]]
   (when pivot
  (let [smaller #( % pivot)]
  (lazy-cat (qsort (filter smaller xs))
     (qsort (remove smaller xs))

 =clojure utility to make data sets
 (def nums (fn [lim] (loop [limx lim acc []] (if ( limx 0) acc (recur (-
 limx 1) (cons limx acc)) 

 clojure call==
 (quicksort  (nums 1))

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Agents vs. Actors

2011-12-02 Thread Nils Bertschinger

how do Clojure agents relate to Erlang actors?
To gain some insights, I tried to implement Erlang style message
passing between agents. The first version is just a very incomplete
sketch (no mailbox, case instead of pattern matching ...), but already
shows that it is quite easily doable:

The idea is that the agent holds a dispatch function which is then
called by ! (send) with the message to be send. Somehow it resembles
the way closures can be used to implement an object system. Thus,
agents seem to be the functional analog of agents:
Functional programming Object-oriented
sequential  closure
concurrent   agent

Another great design from Rich Hickey! Clojure is fun and gets better
every day ...



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Re: Agents vs. Actors

2011-12-02 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Stuart,

thanks for the info. I did not really think about some of these
differences. Basically, it was just a fun exercise ... not (yet)
useful for anything serious.

On Dec 2, 10:14 pm, Stuart Sierra wrote:
  how do Clojure agents relate to Erlang actors?

 There are several important differences:

 1. Agents are designed for in-process communication only.
Right, whereas Erlang actors are distributed. This was not so
important for me at the moment.

 2. Observing the state of an Agent does not require sending it a message.
Good point, I must have forgotten that ... maybe this makes agents
actually more general than actors?

 3. Agents accept arbitrary functions instead of a predefined set of
That is true, but I was wondering whether it is possible to simulate
Erlang style messages with this. In my sketch the state of an agent is
a handler function which only accepts a limited set of messages. Seems
to be a close fake of Erlang actors (and reading the state without
sending a message as in 2. is not very useful since it only returns
the handler function ... calling this function then acts as a send).




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Re: stack overflow vs scheme

2011-12-02 Thread Nils Bertschinger

On Dec 2, 8:13 pm, john.holland wrote:
 Thanks for all the replies. It seems to me that as  general solutions to
 stack overflow, trampoline and recur are
 very valuable. I had gotten the mistaken idea that Scheme was somehow
 immune to the problem.
  My experiments in Scheme seemed to get to higher amounts of recursion
 before blowing up than my Clojure did,
 but they are both susceptible to it. Are there things like trampoline and
 recur in Scheme? In Lisp?
Well yes, but they are not explicitly specified since Scheme
automatically optimizes tail calls. Consider this example:
(define (fact n)
   (if ( n 2)
  (* n (fact (- n 1)
This is not tail recursive and eventually blows the stack ... in
Scheme and in Clojure.
(define (fact-accu n res)
   (if ( n 2)
  (fact-accu (- n 1) (* n res
Here, the recursive call is in tail position and gets optimized by the
Scheme compiler. In Clojure you would have to call recur instead,
otherwise your stack grows. In Scheme this is not necessary since the
optimization is always done if possible. Thus, there is no special
syntactic marker, i.e. reserved word, for this. (Same holds for mutual
recursion - trampoline).
In Common Lisp the situation is somewhat unfortunate, since tail call
optimization is implementation dependent. So, you cannot rely on it
and therefore loop/tagbody etc are your friends there.

Hope this helps,


 John Holland

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Re: Rebinding a recursive function

2011-12-01 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Roman,

as far as I understand, the Clojure compiler is doing some
optimizations for recursive functions to save the variable lookup.
This means that you have to explicitly write the recursive call as
(#'fact (dec n)) if you want to dynamically rebind the function.
Somehow this doesn't feel right for a dynamic language.

Clojure 1.3, which cannot dynamically rebind variables unless they are
explicitly marked as ^:dynamic, introduced with-redefs to solve this
problem. In Clojure 1.3 you're example works as expected if you use
with-redefs instead of binding in the definition of fact-with-logging.
In case you can't use Clojure 1.3, you might be able to use the source
code of with-redefs in order to achieve a similar effect in 1.2.
Though, I haven't tested it.



On Nov 30, 9:11 pm, Roman Perepelitsa

 I'm trying to intercept each call to a recursive function in order to
 insert logging. It works on the first invocation but not on others. What am
 I missing?

 (defn fact [n]
   (if ( n 2)
     (* n (fact (dec n)

 ; Given function f, returns another function that
 ; does the same as f but also prints the arguments.
 (defn with-logging [f]
   (fn [ rest]
       (println (str rest))
       (apply f rest

 ; Factorial that prints its argument on each call.
 (defn fact-with-logging [n]
   (binding [fact (with-logging fact)] (fact n)))

 ; This prints (5) but not (4)...(1). Why?
 (fact-with-logging 5)


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Re: use namespace locally in a function

2011-11-23 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Clojure is a Lisp, so it should be possible to extend it yourself ...
What about something like this?

(defmacro locally-using
  Allows to use symbols from other namespace in the local scope
of the macro body.
Syntax: (locally-using [symbol*] :from namespace
  [symbols from ns-name  body]
  (assert (= from :from) Wrong syntax ... delimiter :from missing or
  (let [local-vars (map (fn [sym] (symbol (str ns-name) (str sym)))
`(do (require '~ns-name)
 (symbol-macrolet [~@(interleave symbols local-vars)]

which then let's you write:
(locally-using [split] :from clojure.string (split Hello world #

The above macro could probably be made smarter to only require the lib
if it not already loaded and also unload when it is done in this
case. But since you have to load the lib anyways to use it and
qualified names do not clutter your current namespace, the above
version seems to be good enough.



On Nov 23, 4:40 am, Igor TN wrote:
 Yes, I meant local context. In principle, this could help to avoid
 namespacing conflicts in certain cases. But not a big deal, just
 wondering if the language supports that. Apparently not. Cool with me.
 Thanks everybody!

 On Nov 22, 6:59 pm, Alex Baranosky

  Looks like he'd like to make a namespace available *only* in a local
  context, which some languages support, like Scala, for one.  I never have a
  need for that, really.

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Re: deprecating butlast?

2011-11-23 Thread Nils Bertschinger

you're right that drop-last is more general than butlast. So why does
butlast exist at all?
I would say, that it is there for a very good reasons. It solves a
common problem, namely to drop the last element of a sequence and
reads better in this case than the equivalent idiom using drop-last.
Thus, it is a perfect example for a useful abstraction and capturing
common abstractions should be the main reason for defining functions
(macros) in the first place. Obviously, any function (macro) could
always be replaced by its definition, so it has to justify its
existence by being reusable and improving readability. This also
applies if it only captures a very special use case as long as it is
common enough. I would say that butlast is well justified according to
these criteria.



On Nov 22, 12:54 pm, Daniel Janus wrote:

 Why keep both butlast and drop-last in clojure.core? The latter has the
 advantage that it's lazy and can drop off more than one element from the
 end of a seq. In contrast, I can't think of any advantage of butlast,
 except that it seems to be slightly (ca 20%) faster than (doall (drop-last
 x)). Wrapping drop-last in a doall should not be normally necessary, though.

 Should butlast be deprecated?


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Re: Probabilistic programming in clojure

2011-11-21 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Jeff,

good idea to move this over to clojure 1.3. I have just included your

On Nov 20, 5:32 am, Jeff Rose wrote:
 Cool!  I experimented a little bit with Church a while back, but
 having something like this in Clojure could be really interesting.  I
 don't have much experience with sampling, but if I understand it
 correctly, your grass-is-wet demo is defining a belief network where
 each sample taken represents the complete state of the graph, or just
 the final outcome?  What does a sample look like?  It would be great
 if we could use this kind of generative model to create chord
 sequences, melodies, and rhythms for Overtone.  I don't know what
 kinds of choice points would be appropriate, or if we could train them
 based on a database of existing progressions?

The grass-is-wet demo indeed specifies a belief network. In contrast
to Church, the definition of the model, conditioning on observations
and specifying the output variables is all done in one path. This
works exactly like the probability monad in clojure.contrib. Thus,
each sample corresponds to an outcome of the output variables, i.e.
rain in the example. Since the model is conditioned on grass-is-wet
= true, using m-zero of the monad implements rejection sampling, you
obtain samples of the posterior distribution p(rain | grass-is-wet =
In principle it should be possible to use it for generative models of
music. Since I'm not an expert in this area, I don't know which kind
of models and probability distributions are useful to describe musical
structure. Let me know if you have an idea, I would be happy to help
putting it into clojure.


 On Nov 18, 12:57 am, Nils Bertschinger wrote:
  Hi everyone,

  inspired by the bher compiler for the probabilistic scheme dialect MIT
  Church, I have implemented a version of the probability monad which
  uses Metropolis Hastings to draw samples from runs of monadic
  programs. You can find the code on 

  The monadic version is more a proof of principle and not very fast. It
  might nevertheless be useful, e.g. for educational purposes. Have a
  look and decide for yourself ...
  For the future, I'm working on a different approach to embed
  probabilistic operations into clojure which scales better and allows
  to run somewhat larger models.

  Any comments and feedback are welcome. Best,


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Re: Probabilistic programming in clojure

2011-11-21 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Julius,

good catch, I don't know how I missed that???
Just uploaded a fix ... should work now.


On Nov 20, 5:58 pm, Julius Seporaitis wrote:
 Hello guys,

 I would like to try out this library, but ran into a problem with Clojure
 1.3, 'lein repl' throws an exception, when:

 *user= (use 'probabilistic-clojure.monadic.demos)*
 *user= (test-mixture mixture-mem)                *
 *Trying to find valid trace ...*
 *Starting MH-sampling.*
 *IllegalArgumentException No value supplied for key: 0.7
  clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap.createWithCheck (*

 I am a total beginner with Clojure, if you could provide a at least a hint
 of how to resolve this - I'd appreciate it.

 P.S. I am using the 1.3 branch by Jeff, that works with Leiningen.


 - Julius

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Re: Probabilistic programming in clojure

2011-11-18 Thread Nils Bertschinger
On Nov 18, 8:05 am, Konrad Hinsen
 --On 17 novembre 2011 15:09:11 -0800 Nils Bertschinger wrote:
  The two approaches are somewhat complementary to each other. Your
  monad does exact inference on discrete distributions by running
  through all possibilities. Mine is sampling based and does approximate
  inference using MCMC.

 I tried that approach as well:

 but I never used it much because for my own applications, exact inference
 was very doable. I'll check out yours for comparison!

Just checked your implementation, the stream approach is indeed quite
nice to thread random numbers through programs. It seems that I handle
downstream conditioning somewhat different. The stream can basically
be filtered to implement rejection sampling, whereas I thread a
database state through the program to record all random choices (as
well as their probability) that have been taken. That way conditioning
does not have to be based on rejection, but is simply accounted for by
including the probability of the conditioned value. Then I can propose
a change to this database store, re-run the program and implement
Metropolis Hastings sampling on top of this, i.e. test whether the
change increased the probability of the random decisions taken
throughout the program and either accept or reject it accordingly.
Your stream approach can probably be nicely extended to particle
filters. I'll think about that ...



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Probabilistic programming in clojure

2011-11-17 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi everyone,

inspired by the bher compiler for the probabilistic scheme dialect MIT
Church, I have implemented a version of the probability monad which
uses Metropolis Hastings to draw samples from runs of monadic
programs. You can find the code on github:

The monadic version is more a proof of principle and not very fast. It
might nevertheless be useful, e.g. for educational purposes. Have a
look and decide for yourself ...
For the future, I'm working on a different approach to embed
probabilistic operations into clojure which scales better and allows
to run somewhat larger models.

Any comments and feedback are welcome. Best,


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Re: Probabilistic programming in clojure

2011-11-17 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi Konrad,

thanks for the link. I know your very nice library and actually use
clojure.contrib.monads to implement my probability monad.
The two approaches are somewhat complementary to each other. Your
monad does exact inference on discrete distributions by running
through all possibilities. Mine is sampling based and does approximate
inference using MCMC. This makes it feasible to simulate larger
discrete models and also continuous distributions can easily be
incorporated. In the demos section you can find a Gaussian mixture
model demonstrating these features.


On Nov 17, 9:58 pm, Konrad Hinsen
 There's also this one in clojure-contrib (old, not yet moved to the new 
 contrib collection):


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Re: Eval in future ... Bug or feature?

2011-09-03 Thread Nils Bertschinger
On Sep 3, 2:35 am, Brian Goslinga wrote:
 The future is probably executing in a different thread, so the dynamic
 binding of *ns* probably isn't the user namespace.

Thanks Brian. That's exactly what happens:

user (future *ns*)
#core$future_call$reify__5496@489a44f1: :pending
user (deref *1)
#Namespace clojure.core

Thus, I have to either re-bind *ns* or use one of the bound-fn forms:

user (future (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'user)] (eval '(my-inc 1
#core$future_call$reify__5496@eaa4c7c: :pending
user (deref *1)
user (pmap (bound-fn* eval) '((my-inc 1) (my-inc 2)))
(2 3)

Thanks again,


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Eval in future ... Bug or feature?

2011-09-02 Thread Nils Bertschinger
Hi everyone,

it appears that eval works differently when used inside a future. The
following example REPL session shows what I mean:

user (clojure-version)
user (defn my-inc [x] (+ x 1))
user (eval '(my-inc 1))
user (future (eval '(my-inc 1)))
#core$future_call$reify__5496@18c92d9: :pending
user (deref *1)
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: my-inc in this context
  [Thrown class java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException]

I found this rather strange. Does anyone know why this happens and
whether it is actually intended? Is it a bug or a feature ;-).



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