Re: Clojure needs a web framework with more momentum

2015-05-05 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05.05.2015 03:02, Daniel Compton wrote:

What this may look like for Clojure in 2015 is probably very different
than what it looked like for Ruby in 2004. It may be a traditional
framework, a lein template, a standard pattern of code, a set of
conventions and loosely coupled protocols, pretty much exactly what we
have now, or something entirely different.

I think the ideal* would be a single starting point 
(website/brand/platform), with a mix of literate programming and library 
store. It could be a bit like a checklist of general concerns like 
routing, authentication and so on, listing and comparing mature 
libraries for each of those.

If a literate program explains what is to be achieved and how you go 
about it in code, this would extend that concept to library selection.

This would be the place to find out if seemingly competing libraries 
happen to have different strengths. Where library authors explain their 
choices and may find ways to join forces. Where it will be made clear, 
if a library does happen to be the best in its field or simply stands 
alone. Yes, of course I do see problems around reaching consensus ;)

The development branch of this resource should be a gathering point for 
the community to define current best practices.

* ideal for newcomers to learn how to go about web development, where 
covering standards like blogs and stores are not only matters for 
themselves, but serve as basis for free-form exploration. Ideal for 
seasoned developers for collaborating on furthering the whole field.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Interest in a Full Featured Clojure Blog Engine

2013-07-19 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/19/2013 08:46 PM, Timothy Washington wrote:

There would just be a core data model of posts, assets and tags, that
would exists as definitions, and could be pulled into a runtime soup.

How about unifying everything that may be mapped to its own URL as 
"resource"? Such a resource would have a unique name (or path/name 
combination), created and modified timestamps, owner, permissions ...

Such a data set would then be associated with an entity-type specific 
data set to store what's special to a post or a comment or an image ...

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Interest in a Full Featured Clojure Blog Engine

2013-07-18 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/18/2013 04:24 PM, Timothy Washington wrote:

I know that I currently wish I had a Clojure weblog engine that I could
stick into a site I'm building. If there's already something available,
I'll obviously just use that. But otherwise, is this something that
would be interesting to people?

Oh yes.

I put some effort into a blogging engine myself, but got sidetracked a 
lot. Repo:

It's written as single account blog, but since I'm using Friend, that 
should be straightforward to change.

For editing, I rely on Aloha ( The unfinished 
comment system works only with JS enabled and has no spam protection or 
email notifications. Comments can be nested and the design is meant to 
encourage people to read previous comments, before they add their own 
(this at the cost of varying distance between a comment and its Reply 

Having Aloha-like editing, but without inheriting such a chunk of JS, 
rather using ClojureScript would rock.

One of the more interesting parts might be how pages are assembled:

Further down the road, I wanted to look into versioning, perhaps backed 
by git and realtime collaborative editing. I haven't be traveling, lately :}

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Interactive form workflow with Friend, can't log in

2012-11-13 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/13/2012 12:28 PM, Haim Ashkenazi wrote:

Here's how you wrap your application with middleware (root-routes is
your main routes:

(def app
   (-> #'root-routes
(friend/authenticate …)

Now following your example you can
(web/start app)

Thank you! I had something similar already, but my testing got thwarted 
by expecting too much of ring-reload. Now the following does the trick:

(def secured-app
  (-> #'root-routes
  (friend/authenticate {:credential-fn (partial 
creds/bcrypt-credential-fn users)

:workflows [(workflows/interactive-form)]})
  (wrap-session {:store (immutant-session/servlet-store)})))

(web/start secured-app :reload true)

Finding this example helped:

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: question concerning macros by a newbie

2012-11-13 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/13/2012 11:06 AM, Johannes wrote:

I define a record
(defrecord point [x y])

and the following macro:

(defmacro drg
   [typename components]
   `(def ~(symbol (str typename "-" (str (first components
  (fn [~(symbol "obj")] (get ~(symbol "obj") ~(symbol (str ":" (str
(first components

But calling the macro results in an error message:
user> (drg point [x y])
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol:
:x in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1)

Can anyone tell me what my mistake is?

I guess the problem is that you created :x using symbol, so it is not 
recognized as a key.

But the whole approach, starting with creating names to def to inside a 
macro, is troublesome. This makes it hard to follow what's going on. If 
you provide a larger context of what you are trying to accomplish, I'm 
sure someone can suggest a much better approach.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Interactive form workflow with Friend, can't log in

2012-11-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/12/2012 03:20 PM, Chas Emerick wrote:

Looks like you're not using the keyword-params middleware, which
Friend requires (among others).  Please check the last paragraph in
the 'Authentication' section here:

Once you add that, then the interactive-form middleware will pick up
the form data you're submitting.

I tried to make sense of that in wrapping my main handler in 
authenticate in wrap-keyword-params, later also adding wrap-session, 
wrap-params and wrap-nested params.

I still get a redirect to 

So please, how/where shall I *add* wrap-keyword-params (and the others?) 

Thorsten Wilms

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Interactive form workflow with Friend, can't log in

2012-11-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms


I'm trying to use Friend with the interactive form workflow. Whenever I 
try to login, I get a redirect to


The body of the POST my form generates does include username and password.

My code:

This version does not specify encoding and thus falls back to some 
windows encoding, but a later version with a full html5 body with utf-8 
shows the same result.

Where's my mistake, or what can I do to further diagnose the problem?

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Teaching beginners to program using an interactive ClojureScript REPL

2012-07-17 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/16/2012 11:03 PM, Pascal Chatterjee wrote:

The trickiest thing I've found so far is that, for simplicity, I've
explained def as a function that takes a symbol and a value as
arguments. I've then gone on to say that arguments to a function are
evaluated before the function itself executes, which is true in general
of course but not for special forms, like def.

I don't really want to get into special forms vs functions right in the
first chapter so for now I've just glossed over it and hoped no-one will
notice :)

Do you guys have any ideas on other ways to tackle it?

I think you should not explain def as a function, as that is not a 
helpful simplification but rather just misleading.

You could just explain how it behaves without mentioning special forms 
vs functions.

Or you have to keep special forms out of the first chapter. This made me 
wonder; The Little Schemer starts with atoms, lists, s-expressions and I 
think the first mention of define is on page 16.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Lambda: A lniux distro for clojurists

2012-05-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/24/2012 10:11 PM, banseljaj wrote:

So I have decided to create a Linux Distro specifically for Clojure

My own problem with specialist distros is that I'm interested in too 
many areas (and don't like to reboot). Just Clojure seems to be a *very* 
narrow focus. Is there anyone here who does not use other programming 

I am still open to ideas. I intend to roll it as a complete distro, so I
will love any and all input.

It would be kinda fitting to have functional package management

I wonder if installing a distro could be similar to cloning a repo, 
later on allowing you to take all your local changes to apply them as 
patch to the next release version.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: A New Core.logic Primer

2012-03-15 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/14/2012 08:00 PM, David Nolen wrote:

Thanks to Edmund Jackson we have a new primer for core.logic:

Feedback appreciated!


Does a run* expression evaluate to only the query-variable, while lvars 
introduced with fresh stay internal?

"Finally we unify a and q leaving both with the value of their 
intersection: (1, 2, 3) intersection (3, 4, 5), (3)"
I stumbled over this sentence because of the "(1, 2, 3) intersection (3, 
4, 5), (3)" part. Sudden use of infix, with the result after a comma? 
Just writing (3) would be clearer.

Regarding conde, I had to reread that section carefully. Consider to 
first explain conde with single-goal clauses, to then mention that each 
clause is actually a list of goals with AND-logic (simple case first, 
expand afterwards).

In the "Conso (the Magnificent)" section, use of "return" inside of the 
code blocks is inconsistent with the rest of the article.

I do not understand the explanations to the last 2 examples, even though 
I think I understand the logic. The use of list [1] and list [2] is not 
easy to read, how about writing out first and second list?

I would think that:

  (run* [q]
(conso q [2 3] [1 2 3]))

returns (1); q is the element that when added as head to the first list, 
results in a list equal to the second list (if such an element exists).

  (run* [q]
(conso 1 [2 q] [1 2 3]))

returns (3); q is the element of the first list that when 1 is added as 
head to the first list results in a list equal to the second list (if 
such an element exists).

So conso constraints whatever lvars are present in an attempt to unify 
the cons of its first 2 arguments with its third argument, restricting 
the arguments to be atom-or-list, list, list?

Otherwise an enlightening and inspiring read, thank you!

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: i am so bored

2012-01-14 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 01/14/2012 01:12 PM, Dennis Haupt wrote:

clojure has caught my interest. in general, high level programming has.
i played around with clojure a bit and would like to get something done
that has at least some purpose. are there any small/new projects looking
for help?

Not a currently existing project, but one that could fill some very real 

A platform for collaborative, multi-lingual documentation/book-writing.

For example the Ubuntu Manual Project suffers from the barriers for 
potential contributors, that are the result from exposing Latex, bzr 
version management and being unable to start translation before the 
English version for a specific release of Ubuntu has been finished.

The solution I imagine would allow
- collaborative real-time editing comparable to Etherpad, but fulfilling 
the logical markup and structuring needs of book projects.

- comparison/editing of 2 language version side by side.
- to define ranges of text independent of paragraph boundaries to map 
blocks of meaning between translations.
- Tracking of changes in a way that makes it feasible to update one 
translation from another translation in any order they come.

I assume this would be a quite challenging and expandable project that 
could benefit from using Clojurescript.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Do you use Monads in your real clojure applications

2012-01-04 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 01/04/2012 03:05 AM, Takahiro Hozumi wrote:

In MVC pattern, Model should take responsibility for business logic.
Therefore I write validate function for creating in the model.
If creating a instance of the model should be safe, I must validate a
parameter in the create function.
My problem is that a controller have to validate a parameter twice in
the validate function and the create function.

Ring handler example

(defn handler [{:keys [params] :as req}]
   (if (person/valid? params)
 {:status 200 :body (json/generate-string (person/create params))}
 {:status 400}))

I think this might be suited to monads, which I don't fully

If you work with self-imposed restrictions that make you call functions 
with the same parameters twice in short order, you should reconsider 
those restrictions.

If all the information you need from a validator is true/false, you can 
just call a model function. One that is written under the assumption 
that a certain requirement is met, before it is called.

If the validator returns nil or some concrete piece of imformation, you 
just need to call it, store the result. Then you may call a model 
function with the result (if it is non-nil).

Moustache makes that very straightforward:

(defn integer [s]
   "returns nil if s does not represent an integer
  (Integer/parseInt s)
  (catch Exception e)))

  (app ["order" [id integer]] my-handler) ; for "/order/134" @id@ will 
be bind to 134 (not "134"), this route will not match "/order/abc".

Example taken from

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Clojure list syntax sugar: f(x) notation

2011-12-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 12/26/2011 07:09 PM, Louis Yu Lu wrote:

With some experiments, I found the code is
more readable for me to use f(x) notation for function call, and (op
x) for operator.

Operator? It's all function calls!

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Literate Programming example

2011-11-21 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/20/2011 11:18 PM, Daniel Jomphe wrote:

On Sunday, November 20, 2011 5:50:31 AM UTC-5, thorwil wrote:

I'm following one or the other Free Software project where an
amount of discussions happen regarding work-flow and features. So much
thought, so many decisions on details, but for the most part, the
implementation is all that remains. But the research, concepts and
conscious decisions regarding trade-offs could actually outlive any
implementation, they are portable and could be argued to be more

You raised my curiosity. Would you mind sharing a link? ;)

My prime example would be Ardour ( Almost all the action 
happens on IRC, where the lead developer has many interactions with a 
few other coders and users, among them professional sound-engineers who 
provide critical insight into certain scenarios/work-flows and the 
features of related hard-and software.

Starting to be off-topic, so this is as far as I will take it on this 
list ;)

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Literate Programming example

2011-11-20 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/19/2011 10:21 PM, Daniel Jomphe wrote:

With the tools available to us today, there's no reason why we at least
shouldn't have everything needed to make literate programming more
seamless, more natural. For example, while reading your toy example, I
found myself wanting to ask a question or comment on your thoughts a few
times. If your book had been displayed on a dynamic website geared
towards literate programming, I might have been able to click on a
paragraph and write my question/comment right there. And then, after a
short conversation there, you would have integrated the fruits of our
conversation directly into the end result. Thus each new reader would
have been an occasion to improve the book. ...It's nothing surprising
since this kind of review system already exists in some publishers'

Especially with support for discussions and iterations, such 
infrastructure could be used for design in general.

I'm following one or the other Free Software project where an incredible 
amount of discussions happen regarding work-flow and features. So much 
thought, so many decisions on details, but for the most part, the 
implementation is all that remains. But the research, concepts and 
conscious decisions regarding trade-offs could actually outlive any 
implementation, they are portable and could be argued to be more valuable.

So funny as it might sound, there's a need for literate design!

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: appengine-magic, directory not found, strange file: hierarchy

2011-10-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 10/27/2011 02:45 PM, Paul Koerbitz wrote:

are you sure you used OpenJDK before the upgrade? I remember having
problems with OpenJDK + AppengineMagic which were resolved by switching
to Sun's JDK (this was on Ubuntu 10.04).

Switching to Oracle's version fixed it.

I must have had it installed long before getting into Clojure, to then 
forget about it, on Ubuntu 10.04. Since there's apparently no package 
for 11.10, I followed


Thorsten Wilms

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appengine-magic, directory not found, strange file: hierarchy

2011-10-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms


I recently upgraded my Linux distribution and while everything regarding 
Clojure, Leiningen, Emacs and my project should be like it was before, 
but I get the following error when trying to test my website project in 
a browser:


Problem accessing /. Reason:

Directory does not exist: 

Caused by:

java.lang.Exception: Directory does not exist: 

at ring.middleware.file$ensure_dir.invoke(file.clj:12)
at ring.middleware.file$wrap_file.doInvoke(file.clj:22)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at appengine_magic.core$wrap_war_static$fn__2337.invoke(core_local.clj:43)

at appengine_magic.servlet$servlet$fn__1733.invoke(servlet.clj:108)

at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(

at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(

at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(

at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(


/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/ext/pulse-java.jar does exist and 
has no specific relation to my project at all.

Afterwards, I find the following hierarchy added in my project dir:

/media/sda4/app_engine/tlog-clj-gae: tree file\:/
└── usr
└── lib
└── jvm
└── java-6-openjdk
└── jre
└── lib
└── ext
└── war
└── appengine-generated

My project.clj:
(defproject tlog "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "A blog for Google App Engine"
  :repositories {"sonatype-oss-public" 

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
 [org.clojure/algo.monads "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]
 [org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.1"]
 [net.cgrand/moustache "1.0.0"]
 [hiccup "0.3.6"]]
  :dev-dependencies [[appengine-magic "0.4.6-SNAPSHOT"]])


Using Leiningen on Java 1.6.0_23 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 
swank-clojure plugin 1.3.2. Starting Jetty via appengine-magic's serve.

Any idea what's going on?

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Rich Hickey: "Simple Made Easy" from Strange Loop 2011

2011-10-21 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 10/21/2011 06:50 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

Now I can finally articulate why:  nil complects non-existence, false,
and empty.

How does nil represent empty? '() does not equal nil.

It is also easy in the sense that it is more similar to what Lisp users (as
opposed to Scheme) are used to from past experience.  But it is
decidedly less simple to have these ideas complected.

AFAIK, Common Lisp does treat nil and empty lists as equivalent. Looks 
like a clear difference, not "more similar" to me.

Thorsten Wilms

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Composing HTML rendering functions

2011-10-10 Thread Thorsten Wilms


Initially I created a mess of interlinked functions for rendering HTML 
via hiccup.

I have few pages with parts that may vary or may be present or not based 
on whether the user is logged in as admin.

With the desire to test for the role in a single place and for composing 
the views in a uniform way, I created a little framework and now wonder 
if I'm thinking too complicated, or if this seems sound. Can you suggest 
improvements or alternatives?

The outcome is that I can define my views via defviews:

The roles are cumulative.

Every view defined in this way expects a role and a map (from the 
datastore). The maps is handed through all elements in the vector 
(except if it happens to be a def). The html is assembled as value to 
:buildup. Every element may read and update/add arbitrary key-vals.

All the slightly complicated business happens here:

To allow the rather straightforward parts:

The {:keys} specified are like slots. If one is nil, Hiccup makes it 
fall out.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: advantage of dynamic typing

2011-09-20 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 09/21/2011 01:51 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

I would see no problem of e.g. having a way to explicitly declare, in
the "public interface of the function" (as opposed to "derived
implicitly from the current implementation detail of the function") the
necessary constraints on the function arguments. And the guarantees on
the function's result.

Those could then allow more checks at compile time, without sacrificing
genericity of the code.

Something like Racket's contracts, perhaps?

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: small project to learn clojure

2011-09-17 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 09/16/2011 11:50 PM, Dennis Haupt wrote:

i feel compelled to do something more complex in clojure. not too big,
but bigger than what fits in 100 lines and offers some chances to use
it should also be fun, maybe something like robocode.

Something that is not primitive but may stay small or at least has 
clearly defined boundaries right from start ... if you rule out pure 
logic puzzles, this does point to games, I think.

There are so many simple games, some of which must have been implemented 
a million times. You could try to do one of those, but with a twist, 

Like a Pacman, but where you steer the ghosts (only one at a time, 
changing the direction it heads to).

Dungeonmaster-Sokoban, where you have to push boxes to create a path 
that will lead to the hero's death, once he arrives. That without 
trapping your own worker.

OR, you look for an existing project, where you could implement a 
missing feature. Ideally one where you could interact with the 
author/contributors via IRC. might be a 
candidate, where a comment system or tagging come to mind (I'm not 
affiliated and don't know if something like that is underway, already).

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Rounding the edges of an Emacs beginner

2011-09-13 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 09/14/2011 05:20 AM, Timothy Washington wrote:

But now that I think about it, I can probably just pass a run jetty /
ring  form to swank to start it :) Let me know if I'm on the right path.

I recently started using clojure-jack-in. lein repl made it easy to 
automatically execute a startup script, but complicated other things.

You can of course start things from the slime-repl.

For my appengine-magic using project, I tried a slime-eval-buffer on my 
"start.clj", which mostly works, except that datastore operations will 
not be available from the repl (raises "No API environment is registered 
for this thread"). Maybe it doesn't matter in other cases, just noting 
that slime-eval-buffer and entering forms on the repl are different in 
outcome, regarding threads.

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Re: Recursion for nested comments

2011-08-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

A somewhat related problem within all this:

In the following code, the recursive call of comments-rendition-recur 
leads to the compile-time error
"java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: comments-rendition-recur 
in this context (views.clj:181)",
unless I use declare. views.clj:181 is the last line of the 
comments-rendition-recur defn.

What's going on, here?

Code also on


(defhtml comment-rendition
  [{:keys [index parent author link body created updated time-stamps
   css-class]} children]
   [:div {:class (str "comment-body " css-class)}
 [:a.comment-anchor {:name index :href (str "#" index)}
  (str "#" index " ")]
 [ [:a {:href link} author] ":"]]

(defhtml comment-new-level
  [:div {:class "hyphenate editable start-blank new-level"} "foo"])

(declare comments-rendition-recur)

(defn comments-rendition-recur
  "Recurse for nested Comments."
   ;; comments are [parent children] lists:
   (map #(let [c (first %)
   cs (rest %)]
   (apply comment-rendition (if (empty? cs)
;; Create one level deeper, just for
;; the reply field:
[c (comment-new-level)]
;; Recurse to handle cs:
[(into c (derive-time-stamps c))
   (comments-rendition-recur cs)])))
   ;; Place comment field like a last sibling:
   (html [:div {:class "hyphenate editable start-blank end"}
  (-> comments last first :parent)])))

(defhtml comments-rendition
   [:h3 "Comments"]
   [:noscript [:p "Without JavaScript, you cannot add comments, here!"]]
   (comments-rendition-recur comments)])

(defhtml tree-rendition
  [{:keys [comments] :as all}]
  (article-rendition (into all
   (derive-time-stamps all)))
  (comments-rendition comments))

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Recursion for nested comments

2011-08-21 Thread Thorsten Wilms


For a blogging software, I want to support nested comments. Rendered as 
nested s, to not have to define per level CSS classes.

My data-gathering function calls itself to deliver a nested structure. 
On IRC I've been told that, since it happens via map, there is not 
necessarily a problem with an ever growing stack, but that it depends on 
how I use the result. Thing is, I have no clue what happens regarding 
the interaction of the model and the view code.

Plus I'm wondering if I'm perhaps doing something silly, in having both 
model and view code recurse, or if that's just the nature of dealing 
with the nested structure.

I considered making the model fn use loop/recur, but thinking about how 
to do an accumulator gives me nothing but headaches.

So under which circumstances is such a naive recursion inside map, thus 
making it somehow lazy, a fine solution, and when would it break down?

Can you think of significant improvements to the following code?

From models.clj;
comments have a parent property, with the ID of the article they refer 
to for first level comments, comment ID's for all following levels. 
ds/key-id is an appengine-magic function delivering those IDs:


(defn comments
  "Retrieve all comments for the ID, then recurse to retrieve comments
   for the IDs of the just retrieved comments. The whole will be
   wrapped in ()."
  (let [cs (comments-for-parent id)]
(when (not (nil? cs))
  (map #(cons % (comments (ds/key-id %))) cs

(defn tree
  "Tree consisting of an Article and 0 to n Comments, via article-id.
   nil if there is no Article."
  (let [a (article id)
cs (comments id)]
(if (nil? a)
  (into a {:comments cs}


From views.clj, using Hiccup:

(defhtml comment-rendition
  [{:keys [index parent author link body created updated
   time-stamps css-class]} children]
   [:div {:class (str "comment-body " css-class)}
 [:span.index [:a {:href (str "/" index)} (str "#" index " ")]]
 [ [:a {:href link} author] ":"]]

(defn comments-rendition-recur
  "Recurse for nested Comments."
  (map #(comment-rendition (into (first %)
 (derive-time-stamps (first %)))
   (let [children (rest %)]
 (when-not (empty? children)
   (comments-rendition-recur children comments))

(defhtml comments-rendition
   [:h3 "Comments"]
   (comments-rendition-recur comments)])

(defhtml tree-rendition
  [{:keys [comments] :as all}]
  (article-rendition (into all
   (derive-time-stamps all)))
  (comments-rendition comments))


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Re: is my understanding correct for function "identity"?

2011-08-13 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 08/13/2011 06:45 PM, jaime wrote:

The only reason that I can imagine is this: because we often use
higher-order functions, these higher-order functions will accept
functions as its parameters, in such a situation, when we want to use
a higher-order function but don't want to pass any "real" functions to
it, then we can use function like "identity" and "identity" here is
just to fill the role of parameter of higher-order function.

That's what I'm using it for. In a case where I have 2 places requiring 
the same code before and after one step only used in one case. It would 
be slightly more work, otherwise.

Are there other functions for the same purpose?

I don't see how there could be, for the very same purpose. Though you 
might want to consider splitting up functions some more, instead.

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Re: passing value to functions

2011-07-28 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/28/2011 06:34 PM, Tuba Lambanog wrote:

The determination of whether a called function will apply is left as a
responsibility of the function itself, rather than the calling
function. The motivation is that a function may be called from a
number of places. Perhaps there's a better way?

The called function cannot decide to not be applied, but it may either 
evaluate to its argument (assuming unary), or a value derived from that 

I guess pattern matching would be nice here, but even without, you could 
perhaps split the conditions from the actions. Is there any reason to 
test additional rules after one matches, or would it be beneficial to 
stop after a match? That would make it similar to URL routing like e.g. 
Moustache does it.

From your description, it did sound like you want to call the 2nd 
function with the original argument, not the result of the 1st function. 
But how would you accumulate all the results, then?

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Re: passing value to functions

2011-07-28 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/28/2011 11:29 AM, Tuba Lambanog wrote:

I'm trying to pass a variable through a series of functions, which may
change the value of the variable. However, the next function in line
uses the original value, rather than the changed value. Here's a
pseudo-code of what I'm doing.

I think you should provide more context. Why, if that is the case at 
all, do you want to pass an argument through functions that do not work 
with it?

How many arguments does each fn in the line take (and what do they 
evaluate to)?

Is it a fixed or a variable number of functions?

Perhaps a sub-forum for beginners? Kind of embarrassing to ask here
questions that are so newbie-ish.

Really no reason to feel embarrassed and I doubt the experts here would 
like to monitor an additional space ...

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Re: monads > macros

2011-07-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/12/2011 03:28 PM, James Keats wrote:

I'm mildly concerned about macros being seen as the "secret weapon" of

In their place, i wish monads would get a wider attention and embrace.

Do you want to suggest that it would be common that an issue can be 
solved with either a macro or a monad,

or is it all about attention and how often one or the other is mentioned?

At least some monads, even if not called so, are present in lots of 
languages. But good macro functionality is typical for lisps.

It's not my perception that there is a lot of noise about macros, 
whereas articles about monads are like bunnies and have taken to the 

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Re: Clojure stack

2011-05-19 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/19/2011 02:06 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:

I've actually found the Clojure community to be one of the most
welcoming and most helpful of almost any technology that I've picked
up in about 30 years. YMMV, I guess, and I'm sure it depends on your
programming background.

Same here, except 30 years ago, the technology I may have picked up 
would have included pacifiers :)

That said, setting things up to work with Clojure really feels like an 
investment, currently. really helped me 
regarding motivation to get through it. I started using Emacs because of 
Clojure, after a failed attempt to set up CCW and I don't look back.

After initially installing a Clojure package on Ubuntu, I then learned 
that it was totally unnecessary for a project using Leiningen ...

Look at "([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body] [name doc-
string? attr-map? ([params*] body) + attr-map?])".

I'd instinctively expect something? to be optional and something* to
mean zero or more. Basic regex and something I've seen in
documentation for decades. I'm genuinely surprised you're asserting
there are developers out there who would not know that (I'm not
denying the possibility, just expressing surprise - it simply wouldn't
have occurred to me).

Despite using ? and * in bash, that was not clear to me. I even briefly 
thought about the use of ? to mark predicates, but of course that makes 
no sense, here. It's hard to get into the shoes of someone who doesn't 
know what you know. But all it takes in a case like this is about one or 
two sentences of explanation.

It's also worth saying that there is a perfectly defensible position
that says if you dumb down the documentation and offer too much
hand-holding, you will get an influx of programmers whose skill level
may lead to a lot of poor code that then gets Clojure a bad reputation
as an unmaintainable, poorly performing language. Don't think it can
happen? Look at Basic, CFML, PHP which all have a reputation for
poorly structured code because of too many n00bs being able to pick
them up easily and write bad code.

I even heard complaints about there being way too many bad examples out 
there for Python. Inevitable, at some point, if a PL goes mainstream, I 
guess. Luckily, you just need enough users to build a healthy 
eco-system, not take over the world.

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Re: Clojure ideas repository / todo list

2011-05-15 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/15/2011 06:10 AM, Vivek Khurana wrote:

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 2:47 AM, Islon Scherer  wrote:

Is there anyplace people post ideas of libraries/frameworks/functions
that would be nice to be implemented in clojure?

  Why not post them to mailing list ?

That means risking a stream of noise and results soon forgotten. A wiki 
page would be appropriate, but might lead to the problem of few ever 
being aware of it.

Still, hard to resist ...

* Hot code swapping
* Framework for reversible text transformations
* Wrapper around git or darcs for using them as storage backends
* Event and action wiring similar to what Nitrogen does. See parts 4 and 
5 at Though I wonder how 
that could be combined with Enlive, without friction.

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Re: Enlive update transformation

2011-05-10 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/09/2011 10:15 PM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

I tried to turn that into a transformation:

(defn substitute-token
[& values]
#(map (fn [m] (update-in m [:content]
(fn [c] (apply (partial replace-str
"token" %) c

Apparently I had my brain knotted, but raek and fliebel on IRC helped 
with untying some misconceptions :)

So the solution for applying a function, (partial replace-str "token" 
to) in this case, on the content in html nodes as Enlive transformation is:

(defn substitute-token
  "Replace text 'token' with to."
  #(update-in % [:content]
 (fn [c] (apply (partial replace-str "token" to) c

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Re: [Enlive] Search for a node querying on attrs

2011-05-05 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/04/2011 06:23 PM, Alfredo wrote:

I want to extract only the content part.

I recently had related issues, so:

(def metas

(en/select metas [[:meta (en/attr= :name "keywords")]])

(-> (en/select metas [[:meta (en/attr= :name "keywords")]])
first :attrs :content)

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Re: Appengine-magic and Text properties

2011-04-02 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/31/2011 10:57 AM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

My Article entity has a "body" property for text. The default String
property doesn't handle long text, so it needs to be a Text property.

In, I found:
(:import (
EntityNotFoundException Text)))

(ds/save! (Post. url title (Text. body) ts in-feed? category))

Turned out that I misinterpreted the error, it happens on retrieval, not 
saving, as my Submit handler triggers reloading the submission form ...

So either (Text. body) or (ds/as-text) for saving, given a (:import 
( Text) or (:require 
[ :as ds]).

(.getValue body) when reading.

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Appengine-magic and Text properties

2011-03-31 Thread Thorsten Wilms


I'm using Clojure 1.2.0, Moustache 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and  Appengine-magic 

My Article entity has a "body" property for text. The default String 
property doesn't handle long text, so it needs to be a Text property.

In, I found:
  (:import (
EntityNotFoundException Text)))

(ds/save! (Post. url title (Text. body) ts in-feed? category))

This use of the Text constructor seems to be consistent with the Java 
documentation for App Engine.

But if I do the same, I get:
"java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't 
know how to create ISeq from:"

(One notable difference is that the ackbar I'm looking at uses 
appengine-magic 0.3.2.)

I also tried ds/as-text as briefly mentioned on, but same error message as 

(ds/as-text (Text. body)), too, but (Text. (ds/save body)) leads to:
" cannot be cast to java.lang.String"

Any ideas?

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Re: Macro compile vs run time, appengine-magic defentity

2011-03-30 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/29/2011 10:51 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:

[(with-meta key {:key true})] do not set ID/name.

Which Clojure version are you using? If it is 1.2, try (with-meta key {:tag 

Clojure 1.2 and your are correct, thanks. I added a comment to remember 
that variant, for when I switch version.

Or should I do so already, perhaps, given that all I use is 
appengine-magic, moustache and envlive, so far?

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Re: Macro compile vs run time, appengine-magic defentity

2011-03-29 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/29/2011 10:52 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:

Ah. Now things become clear. I haven't read the problem correctly. You
want [(with-meta key {:key true})].

Thanks, but unfortunately, that builds, but does not set the named key 
(running number for the ID/name attribute, again).

['^:key key] or [`^:key ~key] do set ID/name, but key will be 
interpreted literally.

['^:key ~key] ; does not compile
[^:key key] or [(with-meta key {:key true})] do not set ID/name.

Any other ideas?

At least, I found a solution for my "define that list only once" and 
"macros don't evaluate their arguments" problem: use of eval inside the 
macro definition:

(ns tlog.models
  (:require [ :as ds]))

(def article-attrs '[title, body, created-t, updated-t])

(defmacro def-entity-and-attrs [type key attrs]
  `(ds/defentity ~type ~(vec (concat [(with-meta key {:key true})]
 (eval attrs)

(def-entity-and-attrs Article slug article-attrs)

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Re: Macro compile vs run time, appengine-magic defentity

2011-03-29 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/28/2011 10:29 PM, Alan wrote:

If you need it quoted in the "def" context:

(defmacro def-entity-and-attrs [entity-name key attrs-name attrs]
`(do (def ~attrs-name '~attrs)
 (ds/defentity ~entity-name ~(vec (concat ['^:key key]

Note the ' before attrs.

Thank you, works!

PS why is there a ' before ^:key? It doesn't seem to me like it does

It compiles without, bu then the datastore won't use that argument as 
named-key, but fabricate a running number, instead.

Now the fun is:

[^:key key] leads to a datastore field "slug", as that's the argument 
for key, but it won't be used as named-key for the record.

[':key key] fixes the use-as-named-key issue, but leads to a field 
called "key", not "slug" (datastore viewer lists named-key attributes 
twice, once as ID/name, once with its given name).

The following do not work at all:
[`^:key ~key]
`[^:key ~key]

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Macro compile vs run time, appengine-magic defentity

2011-03-28 Thread Thorsten Wilms


Defining an entity with appengine-magic is straightforward:

(ns tlog.models
  (:require [ :as ds]))

(ds/defentity Article [^:key slug, title, body, created-t, updated-t])

But there are several places (other files), where that list sans the 
first element would be handy and I would like to avoid copy-pasting 
[title, body, created-t, updated-t].

ds/defentity is a macro and won't work if it sees functions at compile 
time (I hope this way to put it is acceptable, but tell me if my mental 
model is lacking).

amaloy helped me with an almost-solution. The following works:

(defmacro def-entity-and-attrs [entity-name key attrs]
  `(ds/defentity ~entity-name ~(vec (concat ['^:key key] attrs

(def-entity-and-attrs Article slug [title, body, created-t, updated-t])

But it was meant to be:

(defmacro def-entity-and-attrs [entity-name key attrs-name attrs]
  `(do (def ~attrs-name ~attrs)
   (ds/defentity ~entity-name ~(vec (concat ['^:key key] attrs)

(def-entity-and-attrs Article slug
  attrs-name [title, body, created-t, updated-t])

Fails with: "Unable to resolve symbol: title in this context"
Or if I quote the vector: "clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast 
to clojure.lang.Symbol"

I guess trying to access attrs-name from elsewhere would have been 
"fun", anyway.

I would love to simply

(def article-attrs '[title, body, created-t, updated-t])

and work with that.

It's not the first time I run into a situation where things beg to be 
composited/concatenated, but can't be, at least not easily.

Any ideas?

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Re: Implicit unpacking of a map

2011-03-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/25/2011 11:37 AM, Ken Wesson wrote:

Interesting, but you just listed title and body twice, where the goal was to
not list them at all (except in the definition of Article and in the html
form, of course, though theoretically, the form could be generated from a a
bit richer single definition, I suppose).

I extracted them from save-article to what's basically a
Clojure-friendlier constructor for Article. Is there a reason for you
to consider this goal supremely important?

Yes, it was the whole reason to not be satisfied with just destructuring 
in the signature. To be concise, avoiding any repetition. While perhaps 
enlightening, anything that makes me end up writing more, not less, is 
not practical.

By now I'm rather sure this would trigger an error, as nothing but an
immediate call of Article. seems acceptable for ds/save!.

Why do you say that? Either your ds-save! is a function that accepts
Article objects, and that apply expression returns one; or else your
ds-save! is a macro that accepts an s-expression that will become part
of its expansion and which works if it evaluates to an Article object
at run-time, which the apply expression does.

I say that because of what Meikel said at
and because my experiments suggest so.

If for some reason you've made it a macro that accepts an
s-expression, but parses it itself and expects it to be a constructor
invocation, then I suggest you rewrite it to accept any s-expression.
Otherwise, the style should be separate parameters, e.g. (defmacro
ds-save! [classname&  ctor-args]) to make it simpler to implement and
to make it clear to its users that it cannot take general-purpose
sexps that return the appropriate Java type.

But really, it should accept pure function invocations happening in
its context, at least -- and the only possibly-impure thing in the
apply/getseq/new-article chain there is the Article constructor
invocation itself, which would be there anyway.

I didn't write it, it's part of appengine-magic. It appears in a 
defprotocol and if I get this right, is mapped to a save!-helper 
function in a defprotocol. So at my current level, I really couldn't 
have written that :)

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Re: Implicit unpacking of a map

2011-03-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/25/2011 01:34 AM, Ken Wesson wrote:

What about this? First, use :title and :body keywords instead of
"title" and "body" strings as keys in form-params. Then define this
utility function:

(defn get-seq [m&  kws]
   ((apply juxt kws) m))

which takes a map and one or more keywords (cannot be other types of
key) and returns a seq (actually a vector) of the corresponding
values, in order; do this

I don't get to chose the keys, with wrap-params I get whatever is used 
in the form as strings, inside a :form-params inside the request map.

(defn new-article [path timestamp title body]
   (Article. path title body timestamp))

Interesting, but you just listed title and body twice, where the goal 
was to not list them at all (except in the definition of Article and in 
the html form, of course, though theoretically, the form could be 
generated from a a bit richer single definition, I suppose).

so you can use apply. And then this:

(defn save-article
   [path form-params timestamp]
 (apply new-article path timestamp
   (get-seq form-params :title :body

By now I'm rather sure this would trigger an error, as nothing but an 
immediate call of Article. seems acceptable for ds/save!. Really not a 
big deal, just Java-interop making things un-lispy.

is neat and tidy and easily extensible to added form-params later (add
them to the end of new-article's arg list and to the get-seq keyword
list in the same order; pass them to the amended Article constructor

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Implicit unpacking of a map

2011-03-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/24/2011 09:38 PM, Alan wrote:

A macro should work fine if you use ~@ instead of just ~.

(defmacro save-article
[path form-params timestamp]
`(ds/save! (Article. ~path ~@(vals form-params) ~timestamp)))

Thanks for the suggestion, but:

Unknown location:
error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq 
from: clojure.lang.Symbol

(I doubt I managed to introduce a mistake, as it looks alright with 

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Implicit unpacking of a map

2011-03-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/24/2011 05:40 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:

The problem is the constructor call. With plain old clojure
functions you could use apply, but Java method and constructor
calls must be hard-wired in the bytecode (and hence at
compilation time) (if I understood this correctly).

Guess that's why a macro, which I tried out of sheer curiosity, doesn't 
work, either.

So there will be now way around explicitly specifying the map
keys. Although you can relieve the pain a little with
destructuring as Tassilo already showed. It can be shorted a
bit using :strs.

(defn save-article
   [path {:strs [title body]} timestamp]
   (ds/save! (Article. path title body timestamp)))

I had been using destructuring, just not in the example, where I had to 
have a whole form-params. :strs makes that quite a bit nicer, thanks!

Looking for a bit more info, I found:
explaining :strs, :keys and :syms.

Thorsten Wilms

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Implicit unpacking of a map

2011-03-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms


The following simplified code works:

(defn save-article
  [path form-params timestamp]
  (ds/save! (Article. path (form-params "title") (form-params "body")

But I would like to not handle the content of form-params explicitly.

My naive attempt that shows that I still have troubles with the 
evaluation model:

(ds/save! (flatten `(Article. path ~(vals form-params) timestamp)))

Fails with: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of 
method: :get-entity-object of protocol: 
#' found for class: 

I take that I created a list that looks like the function call that I 
need, but that is not evaluated as such. Throwing in eval doesn't help.

Can you shed some light on this?

How can I accomplish not having to make the content of form-params 
explicitly? (Not to save on typing, more for my understanding.)

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Extra params for a handler inside Ring's wrap-params

2011-03-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/23/2011 02:32 PM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:


Routing, using ring.middleware.params and net.cgrand.moustache:

(def tlog-app-handler
(app ["admin" &]
{:get (app ...snip...)
:post (app wrap-params [[path not-empty] &] submit-article)}

Thanks to wrap-params, I can destructure request params within
submit-article. However, I also want to have "path". Without
wrap-params, it would simply be:

(app [[path not-empty] &] (submit-article path))

(app wrap-params [[path not-empty] &] (partial submit-article path))

results in "nth not supported on this type: PersistentHashMap"

Should have been:

(app [[path not-empty] &] (wrap-params (partial submit-article path)))

Which works, then.

Thanks to the fine folks in #clojure, I have another solution:

(app [[path not-empty] &] (wrap-params
   (fn [req] (submit-article req path

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Emacs with Lisp and Clojure.

2011-03-23 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/23/2011 08:07 PM, mmwaikar wrote:

Now when I try to install swank-clojure, I get the following message -
File exists: /home/manoj/.emacs.d/elpa/clojure-mode-1.7.1/clojure-

I vaguely recall that I had the same problem and solved it by simply 
moving the existing clojure-mode.el out of the way. You can delete it, 
if that works.

But -
1) There is no auto indentation (so when I go to the next line, after
say (defn some[]), it starts with the first col. in this new line)

Could be the job of Paredit (I'm not sure what does what, here).

Thorsten Wilms

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Extra params for a handler inside Ring's wrap-params

2011-03-23 Thread Thorsten Wilms


Routing, using ring.middleware.params and net.cgrand.moustache:

(def tlog-app-handler
  (app ["admin" &]
{:get (app ...snip...)
 :post (app wrap-params [[path not-empty] &] submit-article)}

Thanks to wrap-params, I can destructure request params within 
submit-article. However, I also want to have "path". Without 
wrap-params, it would simply be:

(app [[path not-empty] &] (submit-article path))

(app wrap-params [[path not-empty] &] (partial submit-article path))

results in "nth not supported on this type: PersistentHashMap"

assoc-param (see looks like 
it could be what I need, but I can't find out how to use it in this 
context (what wraps what and what is the right "map"?)

I realize that I could extract "path" from the request map, but I would 
prefer a solution where what has been taken apart already is used, 
instead of repeating that work.

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: lein appengine-prepare

2011-03-21 Thread Thorsten Wilms
nevermind, in the hours it's been since I send this mail, I fixed that 
issue (a stray :main in my project file and the need to run "lein clean".

On 03/21/2011 10:26 AM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:


After working with appengine-magic a bit, I wanted to use the datastore
viewer to see what's happening. So I tried "lein appengine-prepare" (is
there another way?).


Testing with

1. lein appengine-prepare. This AOT-compiles the entry point servlet,
makes a jar of your application, and copies it, along with all your
library dependencies, to your application's resources/WEB-INF/lib/

2. Run with a path to your application's resources/

But it fails with: "java.lang.Exception: No such var:
appengine-magic.core/default-war-root (core.clj:64)"

Thorsten Wilms

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lein appengine-prepare

2011-03-21 Thread Thorsten Wilms


After working with appengine-magic a bit, I wanted to use the datastore 
viewer to see what's happening. So I tried "lein appengine-prepare" (is 
there another way?).


Testing with

1. lein appengine-prepare. This AOT-compiles the entry point servlet, 
makes a jar of your application, and copies it, along with all your 
library dependencies, to your application's resources/WEB-INF/lib/ 

2. Run with a path to your application's resources/ 

But it fails with: "java.lang.Exception: No such var: 
appengine-magic.core/default-war-root (core.clj:64)"

My core.clj:64:
(ae/def-appengine-app tlog-app #'tlog-app-handler)
is exactly like in the readme and another, functioning project called 

appengine-magic.core does not contain default-war-root directly, but has 
(if (in-appengine-interactive-mode?) (load "core_local") (load 

core_local.clj defn's default-war-root, but core_google.clj doesn't.

Now this can't be called an interactive use, but I wonder if this switch 
does exactly what it's supposed to.

On rereading, I have to note that

With regard to AOT-compilation, if your project needs it, then you must 
include .app_servlet in Leiningen's :aot directive. Otherwise, 
omit the :aot directive altogether. The lein appengine-prepare task will 
take care of AOT-compiling the entry point servlet and cleaning up 

Doesn't make it exactly clear to me, whether this :aot directive is 
required for appengine-prepare, or not. Adding ":aot tlog.app_servlet" 
to me project file makes the "No such var" error go away, but:

$: lein appengine-prepare
preparing App Engine application tlog for deployment
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: 
clojure.lang.Symbol (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2382)
at clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke(main.clj:235)
at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:254)
at clojure.main$script_opt.invoke(main.clj:270)
at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:354)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: 

at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(
at clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq(
at clojure.lang.RT.seq(
at clojure.core$seq.invoke(core.clj:122)
at leiningen.compile$find_namespaces_by_regex.invoke(compile.clj:36)
at leiningen.compile$compilable_namespaces.invoke(compile.clj:51)
at leiningen.compile$compile.invoke(compile.clj:249)

at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:542)
at leiningen.core$apply_task.invoke(core.clj:191)
at leiningen.core$_main.doInvoke(core.clj:250)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:542)
at leiningen.core$_main.invoke(core.clj:255)
at user$eval175.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
... 11 more
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create 
ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol

at clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom(
at clojure.lang.RT.seq(
at clojure.core$seq.invoke(core.clj:122)
at clojure.core$filter$fn__3714.invoke(core.clj:2130)
at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(
... 29 more

This leaves me totally puzzled. Note that my project does compile, 

So, do I need :aot, am I stumbling over a bug in appengine-magic, is it 
yet another case of having overlooked some detail ...?

Thorsten Wilms

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Re: Better Workflow with App Engine?

2011-02-16 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 02/16/2011 05:10 PM, Rasmus Svensson wrote:

With the web server up an running, I open up http://localhost:8080/ in
my browser. Now, lets assume that I want to change the "Hello, world!"
text to "Hello, Clojure-land!". I open the controller.clj file, edit
the corresponding line and press C-M-x somewhere within the defn form
to evaluate it. The change is then visible directly when refreshing
the page in the browser.

If I have written a new function in the controller namespace and want
to try it in the repl, I first enter the namespace by pressing C-c M-p
  in the controller.clj file. The slime repl is now in that
namespace, and I can, for instance, evaluate (my-app {:uri "/test",
:request-method :get}).

I must have read about C-M-x, but it didn't "click". Many thanks for 
your excellent answer, it's already making me a much happier camper :)

Thorsten Wilms

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Better Workflow with App Engine?

2011-02-15 Thread Thorsten Wilms


I managed to get to a "Hello world" level using appengine-magic, plus an 
Emacs Swank/Slime setup.

While I'm pretty sure I won't look back to Python regarding the language 
itself, I already miss the speed and simplicity of just saving, 
switching to a browser, reloading and seeing results.

How would I best go about writing a script that starts swank, emacs 
(with project files), automatically connects slime and evaluates a few 
lines in the slime REPL (switch namespace, compile, run Jetty ...)?

None of this should happen, if I just start Emacs to work on anything else.

Would it be sensible/feasible to somehow hook compiling of the core to 
saving any .clj file in Emacs? Or would monitoring the filesystem and 
recompile on changes, daemon-style be better, and if so, how to 
accomplish that?

Thorsten Wilms

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