Wow nice! :-)

Of course wait-till can be done with Timers build-in JDK.

And here is a proposition for cron parsing function:

(defn parse-cron-expr[ pattern ]
(let[ cal (Calendar/getInstance) ]
(let [[min-pat hour-pat day-pat month-pat week-pat] (letfn[ (parse-cron[ val 
pos cal ]
(letfn[ (range-values[ val ]
(if-let[ [ gr min max ] (first (re-seq #"([\d]+)-([\d]+)" val)) ]
(range (Integer. min) (inc (Integer. max)))
(if (= val "*") 
(condp = pos Calendar/DAY_OF_WEEK nil Calendar/DAY_OF_MONTH nil
(map (if (= pos Calendar/MONTH) inc identity)
(range (.getMinimum cal pos) (inc (.getMaximum cal pos)))))
 [(Integer. val)])   )) ]
(let[ [ tx re div ] (first (re-seq #"([^\/]+)/?([\d]+)?" val)) 
div-n (or (nil? div) (Integer. div)) ]
(filter #(or (nil? div) (= (mod %1  div-n) 0)) 
(sort (distinct (mapcat range-values (re-seq #"[^\,]+" re))))))))
 (into-set[ cal val ]
(into #{} val))
 (into-weeks[ cal val ]
(let [ z (zipmap (range 1 8) (iterate #(inc (mod %1 7)) (.getFirstDayOfWeek 
cal))) ]
(into-set cal (map #(get z %1) val))))
 (into-months[ cal val ]
(into-set cal (map dec val))) ]

(let[ cal (repeat cal) ]
(map #(%1 %2 %3) [into-set into-set into-set into-months into-weeks] 
cal (map parse-cron  (re-seq #"[\S]+" pattern) 
[ Calendar/MINUTE Calendar/HOUR_OF_DAY Calendar/DAY_OF_MONTH
Calendar/MONTH  Calendar/DAY_OF_WEEK ] cal) ))) ]

(if (and (empty? day-pat) (empty? week-pat))
[min-pat hour-pat day-pat month-pat 
(into #{} (range (.getMinimum cal Calendar/DAY_OF_WEEK) (inc (.getMaximum 
cal Calendar/DAY_OF_WEEK)))) ]
[min-pat hour-pat day-pat month-pat week-pat]))))

and use is

(parse-cron-expr "0 10 10-13 * 1-5")

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