I apologize if this is just useless noise. It's after midnight on
Sunday, I need to get to bed, and I know I'll totally forget about
this if I don't make the scenario public.

This is on clojure 1.5.1. CentOS 6.5 (virtual guest running on a
Citrix Xen Server host, probably also running CentOS), and 64-bit
OpenJDK 1.7.0_55.

I've spent most of this weekend trying to figure out why my `lein
repl` client was exiting when I tried to run a command after

I'm using Stuart Sierra's Workflow Reloaded, so the actual interaction
looked something like (apologies in advance...I'm typing this in
manually rather than copy/pasting):

user=> (reset)
user=> anything
SocketException: The transport's socket appears to have lost its
connection to the nREPL server
   clojure.tools.nrepl.transport/bencode/fn--4287/fn--4288 (transport.clj:95)
   clojure.tools.nrepl.transpart/bencode/fn--4287 (transport.clj: 95)
   clojure.tools.nrepl.transpart/fn-transport/fn--4261 (transport.clj:42)
   clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn--4107 (core.clj:1836)
   java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run (FutureTask.java:262)
   java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:744)
Bye for now!

And I think I might have just managed to get a fairly minimalist
scenario (though it still may be tied into the details of the
libraries I'm loading in project.clj, or some such).

If I use lein to start a REPL at the command prompt and immediately
call (shutdown-agents), I get this same unhandled exception after the
next form I enter.

I'm not sure where to go with this one, or even if I should. I guess I
really should just start with an empty default project.clj and add in
libraries (if needed) until I can reproduce the problem. Except that
google makes it look like no one else has ever had the same problem.
So that might be a complete and total waste of time.

Does anyone have any opinions about whether this is worth pursuing?


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