[cmake-developers] [CMake 0013385]: Ninja: LINK_LIBRARIES not spilled to response file

2012-07-09 Thread Mantis Bug Tracker

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:Zaheer Chothia
Assigned To:
Issue ID:   13385
Category:   CMake
Severity:   major
Priority:   normal
Status: new
Date Submitted: 2012-07-09 11:03 WAT
Last Modified:  2012-07-09 11:03 WAT
Summary:Ninja: LINK_LIBRARIES not spilled to response file
* Command line length is limited on Windows.
* To alleviate this, CMake places object files into a response file, but the
  same is not done for libraries.
* This can pose a problem when the link line becomes too long.

Steps to Reproduce: 
See attached testcase generator.

Additional Information: 
I am primarily interested in a solution for the Ninja generator, although this
issue affects other generators too (e.g. NMake, MinGW Makefiles).  For further
discussion see the mailing list:

Issue History 
Date ModifiedUsername   FieldChange   
2012-07-09 11:03 Zaheer Chothia New Issue
2012-07-09 11:03 Zaheer Chothia File Added: testcase.sh  


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Re: [cmake-developers] Weird behavior with spaces in ctest_configure

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
Well, the documentation is The OPTIONS argument specifies command line
   arguments to pass to the configuration tool.

So I'd say it's more of a code bug and should be fixed in the code if

On the CMake command line we would accept either -DCMAKE_... or -D

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:05 AM, Rolf Eike Beer e...@sf-mail.de wrote:

 I found this in one of my dashboards:

 CMake Warning:
   Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


 This was sort of a WTF as you may guess. I played around with it and found
 that this was caused by this instruction:


 If I remove the space between the -D and the rest everything works fine.
 is up there? This is a bug, the question is: a documentation one or a code


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Re: [cmake-developers] Weird behavior with spaces in ctest_configure

2012-07-09 Thread Eric Noulard
2012/7/9 David Cole david.c...@kitware.com:
 I'm wondering if we should fix the place where that warning is emitted as
 well. It seems like perhaps the variable it's complaining about is 
 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (with a leading space) and if we had some non-white-space
 bracketing characters around the variable name, the real problem would have
 been suggested more strongly by the output on the dashboard. Something like:

 CMake Warning:
   Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


This would be nice and make it easier to catch some whitespace related error.
I Usually use  [] or  in order to exhibit such user defined values.

Le gouvernement représentatif n'est pas la démocratie --

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[cmake-developers] [CMake 0013386]: CPack-generated Debian packages do not comply to Debian policy (discovered via lintian)

2012-07-09 Thread Mantis Bug Tracker

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:Johannes Wienke
Assigned To:
Issue ID:   13386
Category:   CPack
Severity:   minor
Priority:   normal
Status: new
Date Submitted: 2012-07-09 08:22 EDT
Last Modified:  2012-07-09 08:22 EDT
Summary:CPack-generated Debian packages do not comply to
Debian policy (discovered via lintian)
Running lintian on a CPack-generated Debian package produces the following
output (some warnings not related to CPack bugs have been removed; our package
name is rsb0.7, the library is called librsbcore.so):

E: rsb0.7: control-file-has-bad-permissions md5sums 0640 != 0644
E: rsb0.7: no-copyright-file  [1]
W: rsb0.7: non-standard-dir-perm usr/ 0700 != 0755[2]
W: rsb0.7: non-standard-dir-perm usr/bin/ 0700 != 0755
W: rsb0.7: non-standard-dir-perm usr/include/ 0700 != 0755
W: rsb0.7: non-standard-dir-perm usr/lib/ 0700 != 0755
W: rsb0.7: non-standard-dir-perm usr/share/ 0700 != 0755
E: rsb0.7: md5sums-lists-nonexisting-file usr/lib/librsbcore.so   [3]
E: rsb0.7: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/librsbcore.so.0.7.0
E: rsb0.7: postinst-must-call-ldconfig usr/lib/librsbcore.so.0.7.0

${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/COPYING.txt), therefore CPack should use the
specified file as package license file
[2] The exact permissions and therefore error message depend on the current
umask. CPack should set a fixed, compliant umask independently of what the user
happens to use.
[3] This is caused by symlinking usr/lib/librsbcore.so to
usr/lib/librsbcore.so.0.7.0 which happens when sonames and -versions are used in

Steps to Reproduce: 
Our CMake and CPack files are a bit length to include here (viewable at

We called cpack (or make package) with fakeroot to achieve correct user- and

Packaging any CMake based library project should produce identical warnings.

Issue History 
Date ModifiedUsername   FieldChange   
2012-07-09 08:22 Johannes WienkeNew Issue


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[cmake-developers] The BuildFlags test you attempted last week...

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
Not sure what your main goal was for that test, but a similar test already
exists to ensure proper definition of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE or proper selection
of build configuration in a multi-config generator. But only in the context
of running a ctest -D dashboard or a ctest -S dashboard script.

See the files Tests/CTestConfig/CMakeLists.txt and
Tests/CTestConfig/CTestConfig.cxx for details.

You would need a block for if(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) in order to get
the logic just right w.r.t. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE in your test.

The Visual Studio and/or Xcode dashboards that did pass your test, passed
it by luck because the built configuration happened to match the
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE that you were trying to expect.

The important piece of knowledge to have here is that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is
not defined for multi-config generators, and in fact, it should be
considered bad practice, although it's not strictly an error, to define it
in such a build tree. Because in a multi-config generator you can actually
have multiple builds (Debug+Release+...) existing side-by-side in the same
build tree.

Hope this helps,

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[cmake-developers] SONAME on APPLE?

2012-07-09 Thread Stephen Kelly

Hi there,

The patch at:


sets the IMPORTED_SONAME on linux for Qt 5 IMPORTED targets. I don't know 
whether it should also be set on APPLE, but I have now done some 

I created a dummy project to test the output created by CMake when 
generating IMPORTING targets with install(EXPORT).

It seems that on APPLE, otool -D the_lib will output the shared library 
id name. I don't know for certain that it is the same thing (I know very 
little about APPLE), but CMake seems to set that based on the name of the 
library, the SOVERSION property, and the file suffix. So far it seems 
similar to the SONAME reported by objdump on linux.

CMake seems to populate the shared library id name (Let's call it SONAME 
for now, even on APPLE) with a full path when the library is in the build 
directory (/Users/kdab/dev/cmake/build/libcmakeqt.5.dylib), and without 
the path when installed (Only libcmakeqt.5.dylib). 

I don't know if that is configurable.

I didn't find any way to create 'frameworks' with CMake, so I don't know if 
there is even the concept of a SONAME when creating a 'framework' on APPLE.

Running otool -D on QtCore from Qt 5 (configured with -no-frameworks), I get 
a full path to the install location when running it on the binaries in both 
the build location and the install location.

Running otool -D on QtCore from Qt 5 (configured as it is by default, that 
is, with -frameworks), I get a full versioned path to 
QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore in the install location when run on 
QtCore.framework/QtCore in both the build dir and the install dir.

CMake seems to use this information to compute the link line, so it would 
seem advantagous that I set it correctly on relevant platforms. Can anyone 
add clarity to anything I wrote? Should I set the IMPORTED_SONAME to these 
full paths to the installation location on APPLE? Wouldn't that make the 
frameworks non-relocatable, or is that a bug in Qt anyway?




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Re: [cmake-developers] [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES not spilled to response file

2012-07-09 Thread Claus Klein

I have added a patch that should help. (Tested on Darwin only)

Please check it for Windows before apply.


On 09.07.2012, at 12:13, Zaheer Chothia wrote:

Done: http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13385



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Re: [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES not spilled to response file

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Delle Grazie
On Jul 8, 2012 10:59 PM, Zaheer Chothia zaheer.chot...@gmail.com wrote:


 I posted a mail here [1] but have yet to receive any replies.  I think my
 message was too long and detailed so let me summarize:
 * Command line length is limited on Windows.
 * To alleviate this, CMake places object files into a response file, but
   same is not done for libraries.
 * This can pose a problem when the link line becomes too long.

 I am primarily interested in a solution for the Ninja generator, although
 issue affects other generators too.  My previous mail contains a testcase
 proposed solution.  In the interim another issue [2] was posted, but that
 orthogonal and does not solve what is discussed here.

I'd suggest you raise a defect. Kitware are pretty good at fixing things or
suggesting temporary workarounds until the underlying issue is fixed.

 Kind regards,


 [1]: http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2012-June/051065.html
 [2]: http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13366

 On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Zaheer Chothia zaheer.chot...@gmail.com


 I encountered an issue while building a CMake project where one target
is linked
 against a large number of libraries.  Unlike object files, libraries are
 placed into a response file, which can lead to build commands which
exceed the
 length limits on Windows.  For reference, I am using the CMake 2.8.9-rc1
 Ninja generator with Microsoft compilers.

 Following this mail is a testcase generator [1] to demonstrate this issue
 (sample project attached for convenience).  The build fails with this
error (for
 readibility I replaced a long sequence of libraries with ...):

 FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd.  C:\Program Files
 (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\cl.exe  /nologo @hello.exe.rsp  /DWIN32
 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /Zm1000 /D_DEBUG /MDd /Zi  /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 /Fehello.exe
 /Fdhello.pdb -link /implib:hello.lib /version:0.0  /STACK:1000
 /machine:X86  /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console
 src\abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\library2.lib ...
 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
 oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib  cd.
 The command line is too long.

 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

 Although this example may seem artificial, with the use case I refer to
 libraries are are specified by absolute paths so they are indeed
reasonably long
 and (ii) since there are third-party libraries involved I would not be
able to
 simply combine source files into one large library as is possible here.
 should also mention that this issue does not affect the Visual Studio
 generators, however it is present with the following: Ninja, MinGW
 Makefiles, NMake Makefiles, MSYS Makefiles.  For Ninja I suspect that the
 indirection via cmd.exe imposes a maximum command length of 8192 KB,
whereas for
 the others this will likely be 32 KB (CreateProcess).

 I would be quite content if this is fixed for the Ninja generator.  A
simple fix
 would be to adapt the build rules by moving $LINK_LIBRARIES from
'command' to

 --- rules.ninja.bak 2012-06-28 15:23:35 +0100
 +++ rules.ninja 2012-06-28 15:38:09 +0100
 @@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
  # Rule for linking C executable.

 -  command = cmd.exe /c $PRE_LINK  C:\Program Files
 (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\cl.exe  /nologo @$out.rsp  $FLAGS
 /Fe$out /Fd$TARGET_PDB -link /implib:$TARGET_IMPLIB /version:0.0
 +  command = cmd.exe /c $PRE_LINK  C:\Program Files
 (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\cl.exe  /nologo @$out.rsp  $FLAGS
 /Fe$out /Fd$TARGET_PDB -link /implib:$TARGET_IMPLIB /version:0.0
description = Linking C executable $out
rspfile = $out.rsp
 -  rspfile_content = $in
 +  rspfile_content = $in $LINK_LIBRARIES



  [1]: BEGIN: testcase.sh
 #!/bin/bash -e

 # Use a long path to quickly exhaust the command-line length limit.

 # Root directory: application and CMakeLists.txt
 echo int main() { return 0; }  hello.c

 cat  EOF  CMakeLists.txt
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)



 add_executable(hello hello.c)

 for ((i = 1; i = $NUM_LIBRARIES; i++)); do
 echo library$i  CMakeLists.txt

 echo )  CMakeLists.txt

 # Libraries: sources and CMakeLists.txt
 mkdir -p $SRC_DIR
 [[ -f $SRC_DIR/CMakeLists.txt ]]  rm $SRC_DIR/CMakeLists.txt
 for ((i = 1; i = $NUM_LIBRARIES; i++)); do
 echo int function$i() { return $i; }  $SRC_DIR/function$i.c

Re: [CMake] How to configure target or command to preprocess C file?

2012-07-09 Thread Petr Kmoch
Hi Mateusz,

I am not aware of direct cmake support for preprocessing a file, so I
will only comment on the add_custom_*() part.

You have to create a custom command (using the OUTPUT signature) to
actually do the preprocessing. If you're targetting gcc and Visual
Studio, the command could look something like this:

  OUTPUT myfile.sql
  COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -E myfile.sql.in -I ../common
  MAIN_DEPENDENCY myfile.sql.in
  COMMENT Preprocessing myfile.sql.in

(myfile.sql and myfile.sql.in may need to be specified with paths)

Now you need something to drive this command. If the resulting
myfile.sql is used in another build step (such as given as a source
file to add_library/add_executable), you just need to specify it
there, cmake will find the dependency and run the custom command as

On the other hand, if myfile.sql is a final output and processed no
further, you need to add a custom target to drive the command, like

  ProcessSQL ALL
  DEPENDS myfile.sql
  COMMENT Preprocessing SQL files

This will add a makefile target/VS project into your buildsystem, the
build of which will trigger the custom command added earlier. If you
have more than one sql file to preprocess, add a custom command for
each and then list all the resulting files in the DEPENDS section of
the one custom target.

Please check the docs on add_custom_*() to make sure all the options
suit you needs.

Hope this helps,


On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Mateusz Loskot mate...@loskot.net wrote:

 I'm porting build configuration based on GNU Autotools to CMake
 and I have to deal with C preprocessing to generate a file.

 The input for preprocessor is SQL file with C preprocessor directives
 used, like #include another.sql, etc.

 Currently, Makefile uses the following rule to generate plain SQL file
 as output:

 myfile.sql: myfile.sql.in.c
 cpp -I../common $ | grep -v '^#'  $@

 So, the myfile.sql is meant to be one of products of the build process,
 similar to share libraries or executables.

 What CMake tools should I use to achieve the same effect?

 It's unclear to me if I should use add_custom_command,
 add_custom_target or combine both.

 Obviously, I'm looking for a portable solution that would work at least
 with GNU GCC and Visual Studio toolsets. I presume I will have to define
 platform-specific custom commands, one for cpp preprocessor, one for cl.exe.
 Or, does CMake provide some kind of abstraction for C-preprocessing?

 I scanned the archives, but I only found preprocessing of fortran files
 or solutions based on make capabilities (make myfile.i).
 So, it's not quite what I'm looking for.

 Could anyone help me with this?

 Best regards,
 Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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Re: [CMake] How to configure target or command to preprocess C file?

2012-07-09 Thread Mateusz Loskot
On 8 July 2012 13:34, Mateusz Loskot mate...@loskot.net wrote:

 I'm porting build configuration based on GNU Autotools to CMake
 and I have to deal with C preprocessing to generate a file.

 The input for preprocessor is SQL file with C preprocessor directives
 used, like #include another.sql, etc.

FYI, I also posted this question to StackOverflow


Perhaps there are some SO users here, then feel free to copy your answer to SO.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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Re: [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES not spilled to response file

2012-07-09 Thread Zaheer Chothia
Done: http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13385


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Brett Delle Grazie
brett.dellegra...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Jul 8, 2012 10:59 PM, Zaheer Chothia zaheer.chot...@gmail.com wrote:


 I posted a mail here [1] but have yet to receive any replies.  I think my
 message was too long and detailed so let me summarize:
 * Command line length is limited on Windows.
 * To alleviate this, CMake places object files into a response file, but
   same is not done for libraries.
 * This can pose a problem when the link line becomes too long.

 I am primarily interested in a solution for the Ninja generator, although
 issue affects other generators too.  My previous mail contains a testcase
 proposed solution.  In the interim another issue [2] was posted, but that
 orthogonal and does not solve what is discussed here.

 I'd suggest you raise a defect. Kitware are pretty good at fixing things or
 suggesting temporary workarounds until the underlying issue is fixed.

 Kind regards,


 [1]: http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2012-June/051065.html
 [2]: http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13366

 On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Zaheer Chothia zaheer.chot...@gmail.com


 I encountered an issue while building a CMake project where one target is
 against a large number of libraries.  Unlike object files, libraries are
 placed into a response file, which can lead to build commands which
 exceed the
 length limits on Windows.  For reference, I am using the CMake 2.8.9-rc1
 Ninja generator with Microsoft compilers.

 Following this mail is a testcase generator [1] to demonstrate this issue
 (sample project attached for convenience).  The build fails with this
 error (for
 readibility I replaced a long sequence of libraries with ...):

 FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd.  C:\Program Files
 (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\cl.exe  /nologo @hello.exe.rsp  /DWIN32
 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /Zm1000 /D_DEBUG /MDd /Zi  /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 /Fehello.exe
 /Fdhello.pdb -link /implib:hello.lib /version:0.0  /STACK:1000
 /machine:X86  /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console
 src\abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\library2.lib ...
 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
 oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib  cd.
 The command line is too long.

 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

 Although this example may seem artificial, with the use case I refer to
 libraries are are specified by absolute paths so they are indeed
 reasonably long
 and (ii) since there are third-party libraries involved I would not be
 able to
 simply combine source files into one large library as is possible here.
 should also mention that this issue does not affect the Visual Studio
 generators, however it is present with the following: Ninja, MinGW
 Makefiles, NMake Makefiles, MSYS Makefiles.  For Ninja I suspect that the
 indirection via cmd.exe imposes a maximum command length of 8192 KB,
 whereas for
 the others this will likely be 32 KB (CreateProcess).

 I would be quite content if this is fixed for the Ninja generator.  A
 simple fix
 would be to adapt the build rules by moving $LINK_LIBRARIES from
 'command' to

 --- rules.ninja.bak 2012-06-28 15:23:35 +0100
 +++ rules.ninja 2012-06-28 15:38:09 +0100
 @@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
  # Rule for linking C executable.

 -  command = cmd.exe /c $PRE_LINK  C:\Program Files
 (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\cl.exe  /nologo @$out.rsp  $FLAGS
 /Fe$out /Fd$TARGET_PDB -link /implib:$TARGET_IMPLIB /version:0.0
 +  command = cmd.exe /c $PRE_LINK  C:\Program Files
 (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E vs_link_exe
 C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\VC\bin\cl.exe  /nologo @$out.rsp  $FLAGS
 /Fe$out /Fd$TARGET_PDB -link /implib:$TARGET_IMPLIB /version:0.0
description = Linking C executable $out
rspfile = $out.rsp
 -  rspfile_content = $in
 +  rspfile_content = $in $LINK_LIBRARIES



  [1]: BEGIN: testcase.sh
 #!/bin/bash -e

 # Use a long path to quickly exhaust the command-line length limit.

 # Root directory: application and CMakeLists.txt
 echo int main() { return 0; }  hello.c

 cat  EOF  CMakeLists.txt
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)



 add_executable(hello hello.c)

 for ((i = 1; i = $NUM_LIBRARIES; i++)); do
 echo library$i  CMakeLists.txt

 echo )  CMakeLists.txt

 # Libraries: sources and CMakeLists.txt
 mkdir -p $SRC_DIR
 [[ -f 

[CMake] How to pass a flag to be used by cmake?

2012-07-09 Thread Georgios Petasis

Hi all,

I want to build 32-bit binaries on a 64-bit Linux system, with gcc.
In projects that use configure, this is easy:

export CFLAGS=-m32

But how can I do the same with cmake projects?

cmake does not seem to use CFLAGS. Is there a variable I can define when 
I run cmake, to pass the -m32 flag to gcc?


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Re: [CMake] How to pass a flag to be used by cmake?

2012-07-09 Thread Mateusz Loskot
On 9 July 2012 11:47, Georgios Petasis petas...@yahoo.gr wrote:
 I want to build 32-bit binaries on a 64-bit Linux system, with gcc.
 In projects that use configure, this is easy:

 export CFLAGS=-m32

 But how can I do the same with cmake projects?

You do the same

 cmake does not seem to use CFLAGS. Is there a variable I can define when I
 run cmake, to pass the -m32 flag to gcc?

The list archives is a mine for basic problems solutions:


Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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Re: [CMake] CMake 2.8.6 -- 2.8.8 New TryCompile Fails on GCC-GNAT Ada Linking

2012-07-09 Thread Brad King
On 07/06/2012 07:46 AM, Matthew Schuchard wrote:
 I thought the change had been to preserve prior TryCompiles for 
 debugging purposes.
 Would it be too cynical to propose some OS #ifdefs above the code?
 Although you mention file systems, so this an NTFS issue also?

We don't know what causes it.  Some virus scanners will hold a handle
on executable files while scanning them immediately after creation so
there is a race for deletion before the next try-compile runs.  There
have been other more mysterious problems too, all having something to
do with rapid creation and deletion of .exe files.

 Of course, at the end of the day this is what breaks GNAT TryCompile:
 - targetName = cmTryCompileExec;
 But not removing that line of code would seemingly break everything else.
 So the path of least resistance cynical code change proposal:
 #ifdef __linux__
 targetNameBuf = cmTryCompileExec;
 sprintf(targetNameBuf, cmTryCompileExec%u,
 With a nice comment like so this annoying coding language Ada and its 
 terribly conceived compiler GNAT can be supported on Linux or some such.

I'd rather it be something like


so your platform files can control it.


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Re: [CMake] Problems with MSVC 2010 generator

2012-07-09 Thread Dominik Szczerba
Thanks a lot for your hints. I managed to find the problem. By some
unclear reason iostream or one of its sub-includes includes math.h and
very strangely does not take the one in the system folder, instead
taking my local file called Math.h in the same folder as test.cxx
(Windows names are unfortunately case insensitive). Renaming the file
solves the issue.


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Re: [CMake] CMake 2.8.6 -- 2.8.8 New TryCompile Fails on GCC-GNAT Ada Linking

2012-07-09 Thread Matthew Schuchard

On 07/09/2012 08:41 AM, Brad King wrote:

Of course, at the end of the day this is what breaks GNAT TryCompile:

- targetName = cmTryCompileExec;

But not removing that line of code would seemingly break everything else.

So the path of least resistance cynical code change proposal:

#ifdef __linux__
targetNameBuf = cmTryCompileExec;
sprintf(targetNameBuf, cmTryCompileExec%u,

With a nice comment like so this annoying coding language Ada and its
terribly conceived compiler GNAT can be supported on Linux or some such.

I'd rather it be something like


so your platform files can control it.

Well I mean, you are you and I am me, so of course you would conceive of 
a better solution.  I feel like everyone involved would prefer something 
a bit more... robust though.

Alan Irwin said:
To avoid such workarounds in the future, the C++ level of CMake needs
to be generalized to support more than TARGET, LINK_FLAGS, etc.,
to allow full use of gnatmake.  If one of the CMake developers is
interested in doing such a generalization, see info gnat_ugn.info.gz
for more information about all the possible position-dependent parts
of the gnatmake command.

This would be rather awesome and I agree 100%.  If we could use SOURCE 
in the link executable general statement, that would probably be a 
robust solution.  Both Irwin and I use a dummy source for the 
compilation step in an executable creation for Ada (I use GNAT for 
object compilation for libraries though and I forget if Irwin uses that 
or also uses GNATMake with a dummy source for those situations).  If 
there was some way of using GNAT for the compilation step and then 
GNATBind and GNATLink for the link step, that would be rather awesome.  
I tried several different methods to enable that in CMake though, and it 
failed due to lack of available intrinsic variables and possibly also 
GNAT conventions.  I will mention how awesome it was that I could 
semi-colon delimit the statement in the .cmake file successfully 
(SET(CMAKE_Ada_LINK_EXECUTABLE gnatbind foo; gnatlink foo).

I mean, right now to enable GNATMake to access already compiled objects 
needed for the executable to attempt to not force it to unnecessarily 
rebuild, I do something like:

list(GET ARGN 0 primarylibrary)
set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS 
${includeflags} -aI${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})

in a CMake function, which should make everybody cringe.  It would be 
great to just:



although I doubt the above would work in the given syntax even with the 
enhanced capabilities, but I list just as a general concept.  This would 
be clean, allow for no unnecessary rebuilding, no dummy source 
compilation, and less/no hacks/kludges.

I guess the time-cost/Ada-capability-benefit derivative maximum lies at 
enabling the SOURCE tag for the LINK EXECUTABLE statement.  I assume 
(possibly incorrectly), that this would be quick for you guys to 
implement, and it would fix my issues as well as allowing both of us to 
make our Ada toolchains less kludgey.

For a fully clean Ada toolchain that could possibly even be officially 
supported by CMake, we would need probably more intrinsic variables in 
the general COMPILE/LINK statements, and some experimentation to ensure 
efficiency and accuracy.

Thanks for the attention thus far by the way guys.

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Re: [CMake] Problems with MSVC 2010 generator

2012-07-09 Thread Rolf Eike Beer

Am 09.07.2012 15:07, schrieb Dominik Szczerba:

Thanks a lot for your hints. I managed to find the problem. By some
unclear reason iostream or one of its sub-includes includes math.h 

very strangely does not take the one in the system folder, instead
taking my local file called Math.h in the same folder as test.cxx
(Windows names are unfortunately case insensitive). Renaming the file
solves the issue.

The reason is very likely that MS compilers are broken regarding the 
difference between  and  in #include statements, i.e. they always 
work as . You already found out why this is a bad idea.


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Re: [CMake] Problems with MSVC 2010 generator

2012-07-09 Thread Petr Kmoch
Hi all.

Actually, the MS compilers distinguish  and  just fine (at least
in my VS 2005 and VS 2010 installation). Dominik, do you perhaps
specify the path to your Math.h in include_directories()?


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Rolf Eike Beer e...@sf-mail.de wrote:
 Am 09.07.2012 15:07, schrieb Dominik Szczerba:

 Thanks a lot for your hints. I managed to find the problem. By some
 unclear reason iostream or one of its sub-includes includes math.h and
 very strangely does not take the one in the system folder, instead
 taking my local file called Math.h in the same folder as test.cxx
 (Windows names are unfortunately case insensitive). Renaming the file
 solves the issue.

 The reason is very likely that MS compilers are broken regarding the
 difference between  and  in #include statements, i.e. they always work
 as . You already found out why this is a bad idea.



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[CMake] Multiple project

2012-07-09 Thread Romain LEGUAY

Hello everyone,

I have a big project organized like this:
- CMakeLists.txt
-- some .cmake scripts
 -- CMakeLists.txt
-- some .cmake scripts
 -- CMakeLists.txt
-- CMakeLists.txt

For now I have generic scripts and I must run CMake at the root path. 
This way, when I do some modification in my library and I do a make in 
one of my app, the library is build in first place then the application.

Now I want to have an independent comportment for the library building 
and the applications but I need to keep the former comportment.

I success to build my library with independent way but when I try to 
generate all the makfiles from the root path, it doesn't work: it 
doesn't found different files from my CMAKE_MODULE_PATH I defined in 
root/lib/CMakeLists.txt and in root/CMakeLists.txt.

Is it possible to have this comportment?
Do you have some example or site to help me please?

Thank you.



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Re: [CMake] Problems with MSVC 2010 generator

2012-07-09 Thread Mateusz Loskot
On 9 July 2012 14:20, Rolf Eike Beer e...@sf-mail.de wrote:
 The reason is very likely that MS compilers are broken regarding the
 difference between  and  in #include statements,

Please, refer to
- C99 standard (e.g. N1336), 6.10.2 Source file inclusion, clause 1 and 2
- C++ standard (e.g. N3290), 16.2 Source file inclusion, clauses 2 and 3
and notice the implementation-defined specified for both!.

 i.e. they always work as .

This as  is implementation-defined.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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Re: [CMake] Multiple project

2012-07-09 Thread J Decker
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} this is the directory of the root CMakeLists.txt
that is processing, you can base your other paths off of that.

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:58 AM, Romain LEGUAY romain.leg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I have a big project organized like this:
 - CMakeLists.txt
 -- some .cmake scripts
  -- CMakeLists.txt
 -- some .cmake scripts
  -- CMakeLists.txt
 -- CMakeLists.txt

 For now I have generic scripts and I must run CMake at the root path. This
 way, when I do some modification in my library and I do a make in one of my
 app, the library is build in first place then the application.

 Now I want to have an independent comportment for the library building and
 the applications but I need to keep the former comportment.

 I success to build my library with independent way but when I try to
 generate all the makfiles from the root path, it doesn't work: it doesn't
 found different files from my CMAKE_MODULE_PATH I defined in
 root/lib/CMakeLists.txt and in root/CMakeLists.txt.

 Is it possible to have this comportment?
 Do you have some example or site to help me please?

 Thank you.



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Re: [CMake] Multiple project

2012-07-09 Thread Romain LEGUAY

Thanks for your answer!

But I think if I do a 'cmake .' in lib dir or a application folder, I am 
going to have some problem no?


Le 09/07/12 18:14, J Decker a écrit :

${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} this is the directory of the root CMakeLists.txt
that is processing, you can base your other paths off of that.

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:58 AM, Romain LEGUAY romain.leg...@gmail.com wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have a big project organized like this:
 - CMakeLists.txt
 -- some .cmake scripts
  -- CMakeLists.txt
 -- some .cmake scripts
  -- CMakeLists.txt
 -- CMakeLists.txt

For now I have generic scripts and I must run CMake at the root path. This
way, when I do some modification in my library and I do a make in one of my
app, the library is build in first place then the application.

Now I want to have an independent comportment for the library building and
the applications but I need to keep the former comportment.

I success to build my library with independent way but when I try to
generate all the makfiles from the root path, it doesn't work: it doesn't
found different files from my CMAKE_MODULE_PATH I defined in
root/lib/CMakeLists.txt and in root/CMakeLists.txt.

Is it possible to have this comportment?
Do you have some example or site to help me please?

Thank you.



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Re: [CMake] Multiple project

2012-07-09 Thread J Decker
you should always use cmake to build out-of-source.  or something like
a 'build' directory in the source...

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Romain LEGUAY romain.leg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for your answer!

 But I think if I do a 'cmake .' in lib dir or a application folder, I am
 going to have some problem no?


 Le 09/07/12 18:14, J Decker a écrit :

 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} this is the directory of the root CMakeLists.txt
 that is processing, you can base your other paths off of that.

 On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:58 AM, Romain LEGUAY romain.leg...@gmail.com

 Hello everyone,

 I have a big project organized like this:
  - CMakeLists.txt
  -- some .cmake scripts
   -- CMakeLists.txt
  -- some .cmake scripts
   -- CMakeLists.txt
  -- CMakeLists.txt

 For now I have generic scripts and I must run CMake at the root path.
 way, when I do some modification in my library and I do a make in one of
 app, the library is build in first place then the application.

 Now I want to have an independent comportment for the library building
 the applications but I need to keep the former comportment.

 I success to build my library with independent way but when I try to
 generate all the makfiles from the root path, it doesn't work: it doesn't
 found different files from my CMAKE_MODULE_PATH I defined in
 root/lib/CMakeLists.txt and in root/CMakeLists.txt.

 Is it possible to have this comportment?
 Do you have some example or site to help me please?

 Thank you.



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Re: [CMake] Failed to submit ctest report to public.kitware.com CDash server

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 6:41 AM, hce jupiter@gmail.com wrote:

 Rolf Eike Beer wrote
  Of course it does, because the drop site is not set. And CTest should
  be tought to do something sensible then and not trying to contact the
  and then complain it doesn't listen.

 So both drop site http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/HTTPUploadDartFile.cgi
 and http://www.cdash.org/CDash/submit.php?project=VTK are not set for
 cdash test, they are only available for VTK or other kitware projects,


 To test cdash from my own project, I should set up the cdash in
 http://my.cdash.org/, correct?


 Thank you.


You're welcome.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the CMake mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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[CMake] How can I mimic a second CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY for the tests?

2012-07-09 Thread Ateljevich, Eli
My source and tests are stored separately in a quasi-parallel arrangement:
   /mod1  # Build directory
/src  # source
/test # source for tests

When I build the tests, I would like the tests to either go in 
/proj/build/testbin or stay where the object files are, same as they would if 
CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY had never been set. Is there any simple way to 
do this for the /test part of the directory tree, or do I have to set the 
RUNTIME_OUTOUT_DIRECTORY property all over the place?

There are enough test and non-test executables that this is painful either way.


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[CMake] How to run bash shell script during rpm installation?

2012-07-09 Thread jupiter

I need to run shell script to do following check and to install
configure files during RPM installation:

if config files installed in /etc/myconfig, rename files in
/etc/myconfig and copy new config files to /etc/myconfig;
else copy config files to /etc/myconfig

Is there a simple way to do it? I am not clear if the install(SCRIPT
...) can be used, I guess the cmake script can be invoked during
installation to call execute_process() for bash shell commands, but
where I can copy my configuration source files from?

Thank you.

Kind regards,


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Re: [CMake] How to run bash shell script during rpm installation?

2012-07-09 Thread m.hergarden
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but I think that rpm takes 
care of moving old files by renaming them to .rpmorig. As an alternative 
it is possible to pass your own rpm spec file to cmakerpm and there you 
can use pre- and postinstallation hooks to do what you want.


On 07/10/2012 06:48 AM, jupiter wrote:


I need to run shell script to do following check and to install
configure files during RPM installation:

if config files installed in /etc/myconfig, rename files in
/etc/myconfig and copy new config files to /etc/myconfig;
else copy config files to /etc/myconfig

Is there a simple way to do it? I am not clear if the install(SCRIPT
...) can be used, I guess the cmake script can be invoked during
installation to call execute_process() for bash shell commands, but
where I can copy my configuration source files from?

Thank you.

Kind regards,


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[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.8-3382-gac14f78

2012-07-09 Thread Brad King
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  ac14f780b99e2172b230a93cd34feb38b6be8635 (commit)
   via  f70f55c064d2b3a761a32b84ca39ee25377300c5 (commit)
   via  d7e6ca5543fa935d7cf376c961ad8099edbb9cca (commit)
   via  c8486516995332a08f0807deca75e0229c39b5f1 (commit)
   via  37e3d910ec661f8ddc969084cc5f3d2a46091e9e (commit)
   via  1cb3b0fcd64bda6ce77290ee898b1ffe2c04aefa (commit)
  from  346ff0d809f41996037e3cd736538afd58ff11cc (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit ac14f780b99e2172b230a93cd34feb38b6be8635
Merge: 346ff0d f70f55c
Author: Brad King brad.k...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 08:41:44 2012 -0400
Commit: Brad King brad.k...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 08:41:44 2012 -0400

Merge branch 'master' into next


Summary of changes:
 Source/CMakeVersion.cmake |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.8-3388-g334ae70

2012-07-09 Thread Clinton Stimpson
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  334ae7044d368bba84d65fc8fc9e1231f5671b89 (commit)
   via  374b9b9e74490a5734000b5e224c8d2c3d40630b (commit)
  from  575ecd0e6db791450a472817bd05542b5bf411c7 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 334ae7044d368bba84d65fc8fc9e1231f5671b89
Merge: 575ecd0 374b9b9
Author: Clinton Stimpson clin...@elemtech.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 12:18:05 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 12:18:05 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'deploy-qt4-workaround-bug-13258' into next

374b9b9 DeployQt4: workaround bug 13258 where ARGV1 is leaked into a sub 

commit 374b9b9e74490a5734000b5e224c8d2c3d40630b
Author: Clinton Stimpson clin...@elemtech.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 10:18:45 2012 -0600
Commit: Clinton Stimpson clin...@elemtech.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 10:18:45 2012 -0600

DeployQt4: workaround bug 13258 where ARGV1 is leaked into a sub function.

diff --git a/Modules/DeployQt4.cmake b/Modules/DeployQt4.cmake
index b37695d..edf4b4e 100644
--- a/Modules/DeployQt4.cmake
+++ b/Modules/DeployQt4.cmake
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ function(install_qt4_executable executable)
+resolve_qt4_paths(libs )


Summary of changes:
 Modules/DeployQt4.cmake |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.8-3390-g7394e7b

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  7394e7bc5d3ce4cf04f28258505275c9cb2960e1 (commit)
   via  a8c659cd6e39b14efb015e2bbee14b146a9f3be5 (commit)
  from  334ae7044d368bba84d65fc8fc9e1231f5671b89 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 7394e7bc5d3ce4cf04f28258505275c9cb2960e1
Merge: 334ae70 a8c659c
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 13:37:07 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 13:37:07 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'DoNotInvokeCPackAtCMakeTime-forCMakeTests' into next

a8c659c Find dpkg and rpmbuild in usual Fink and MacPort paths

commit a8c659cd6e39b14efb015e2bbee14b146a9f3be5
Author: Eric NOULARD eric.noul...@gmail.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 2 19:49:07 2012 +0200
Commit: Eric NOULARD eric.noul...@gmail.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 2 19:49:07 2012 +0200

Find dpkg and rpmbuild in usual Fink and MacPort paths

diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackDebGenerator.h 
index 7f2352f..84b0023 100644
--- a/Source/CPack/cmCPackDebGenerator.h
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackDebGenerator.h
@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ public:
 #ifdef __APPLE__
 // on MacOS enable CPackDeb iff dpkg is found
-return cmSystemTools::FindProgram(dpkg) !=  ? true : false;
+std::vectorstd::string locations;
+locations.push_back(/sw); // Fink
+locations.push_back(/opt/local); //MacPort
+return cmSystemTools::FindProgram(dpkg,locations) !=  ? true : false;
 // legacy behavior on other systems
 return true;
diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackRPMGenerator.h 
index eec8204..c7dace4 100644
--- a/Source/CPack/cmCPackRPMGenerator.h
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackRPMGenerator.h
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ public:
 #ifdef __APPLE__
 // on MacOS enable CPackRPM iff rpmbuild is found
+std::vectorstd::string locations;
+locations.push_back(/sw); // Fink
+locations.push_back(/opt/local); //MacPort
 return cmSystemTools::FindProgram(rpmbuild) !=  ? true : false;
 // legacy behavior on other systems


Summary of changes:
 Source/CPack/cmCPackDebGenerator.h |5 -
 Source/CPack/cmCPackRPMGenerator.h |3 +++
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.8-3395-g55bd8c7

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  55bd8c766418b54a50fbb7a85d7f4cec9b25dd5b (commit)
   via  6b31d395513fe8ea7b17489b7235c16c1ebad7e1 (commit)
   via  9b311fbee66d98b5396f6327305d5163ab78285c (commit)
   via  e3b1be24a808fdb3dc0482a33fe423c0eb945a7b (commit)
   via  990f77eab35675f323fb320a75e843eb7bddee21 (commit)
  from  7394e7bc5d3ce4cf04f28258505275c9cb2960e1 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 55bd8c766418b54a50fbb7a85d7f4cec9b25dd5b
Merge: 7394e7b 6b31d39
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:17:42 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:17:42 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'ninja-fixes' into next

6b31d39 Ninja: don't shadow 'outputs' variable
9b311fb Ninja: add soname test case
e3b1be2 Ninja: Clean all symlink created for libraries.
990f77e Ninja: remove int/size_t warning

commit 6b31d395513fe8ea7b17489b7235c16c1ebad7e1
Author: Peter Kuemmel syntheti...@gmx.net
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 6 10:16:45 2012 +0200
Commit: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:15:08 2012 -0400

Ninja: don't shadow 'outputs' variable

diff --git a/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx 
index 4787cb3..0cf90aa 100644
--- a/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -508,20 +508,20 @@ void cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator::WriteLinkStatement()
 } else {
-  cmNinjaDeps outputs;
+  cmNinjaDeps symlinks;
   const std::string soName = this-GetTargetFilePath(this-TargetNameSO);
   // If one link has to be created.
   if (targetOutputReal == soName || targetOutput == soName) {
 symlinkVars[SONAME] = soName;
   } else {
 symlinkVars[SONAME] = ;
-  outputs.push_back(targetOutput);
+  symlinks.push_back(targetOutput);
   Create library symlink  + targetOutput,
- outputs,
+ symlinks,
  cmNinjaDeps(1, targetOutputReal),

commit 9b311fbee66d98b5396f6327305d5163ab78285c
Author: Peter Kuemmel syntheti...@gmx.net
AuthorDate: Tue Jul 3 15:01:06 2012 +0200
Commit: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:15:08 2012 -0400

Ninja: add soname test case

diff --git a/Tests/LibName/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/LibName/CMakeLists.txt
index 3dca0b0..07499a1 100644
--- a/Tests/LibName/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/LibName/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,11 +3,24 @@ project(LibName)
 add_library(bar SHARED bar.c)
 add_library(foo SHARED foo.c)
 target_link_libraries(foo bar)
 add_executable(foobar foobar.c)
 target_link_libraries(foobar foo)
   target_link_libraries(foobar -L/usr/local/lib)
+# check with lib version
+add_library(verFoo SHARED foo.c)
+target_link_libraries(verFoo bar)
+set_target_properties(verFoo PROPERTIES VERSION 3.1.4 SOVERSION 3)
+add_executable(verFoobar foobar.c)
+target_link_libraries(verFoobar verFoo)

commit e3b1be24a808fdb3dc0482a33fe423c0eb945a7b
Author: Nicolas Despres nicolas.desp...@gmail.com
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 2 12:35:55 2012 +0200
Commit: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:15:08 2012 -0400

Ninja: Clean all symlink created for libraries.

'ninja -t clean' only cleans built output and dep files so all file
created as a side effect and not mentioned in the 'build' statement
would be omitted.

diff --git a/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx 
index 6befb05..4787cb3 

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-433-g8947f11

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  8947f11d078197e410ddf3235beeda5193fbb59e (commit)
   via  ca403b8c436e25e2fe5de5144fecf7aef8b5de78 (commit)
   via  f9383a9898b915fb836c8b7fe0877acc6aec78c6 (commit)
   via  e30d46e20ee71d57e09f83fafa39b7e464efe110 (commit)
  from  f70f55c064d2b3a761a32b84ca39ee25377300c5 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 8947f11d078197e410ddf3235beeda5193fbb59e
Merge: f70f55c ca403b8
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:22 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:22 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'Ninja-absolute-compile-commands'

ca403b8 Construct the full path before escaping it.
f9383a9 STYLE: Fix line length, remove extra blank line
e30d46e Use full paths in compile_commands.json for out of source builds.


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx |   11 ++-
 Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx |   16 ++--
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-439-g7d06b4b

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  7d06b4bef7be4a5dd38b79fa74b024f93cead91a (commit)
   via  984c1760fb7fe49f2294d26ad51c907aebe05c5a (commit)
   via  ec1d35248510235483abdf1294afb96500ae910f (commit)
   via  64d0e15627e72e4d96297096dd5c63598827ed10 (commit)
   via  6dc053114b8fe213e7d1b41f99d1ec4ab436d29a (commit)
   via  539064d4f73269a887ea032cac431f84fea594e7 (commit)
  from  8947f11d078197e410ddf3235beeda5193fbb59e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 7d06b4bef7be4a5dd38b79fa74b024f93cead91a
Merge: 8947f11 984c176
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:33 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:33 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'update-KWIML'

984c176 Merge branch 'upstream-kwiml' into update-KWIML
ec1d352 KWIML: Teach INT about broken UINT32_C on old HP
64d0e15 KWIML: Teach INT.h that no HP platform implements SCN*8 formats
6dc0531 KWIML: Teach ABI.h about 'long long' and 'char' on old HP
539064d KWIML: Generalize interface to report broken integer literal macros


Summary of changes:
 Utilities/KWIML/ABI.h.in |4 
 Utilities/KWIML/INT.h.in |   29 ++---
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-441-g82a5dab

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  82a5dab47bae39075fbcbca574803817fbb04338 (commit)
   via  f7365f57759118494729ed8b8384ab77b27d4aeb (commit)
  from  7d06b4bef7be4a5dd38b79fa74b024f93cead91a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 82a5dab47bae39075fbcbca574803817fbb04338
Merge: 7d06b4b f7365f5
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:42 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:42 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'documentUndefinedCOMPONENT'

f7365f5 Enhance documentation of install command w.r.t. the Undefined 


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmInstallCommand.h |5 -
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-445-ge6ce00a

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  e6ce00a4ac92c34fedc68fe56d74c31183ea8124 (commit)
   via  20e133e38aa2e0556da61b1441fbd4bcacc925cc (commit)
   via  38df155dd394efd45dff887028b2e1a4c0969b03 (commit)
   via  e6a935f39b2d15677830fdba8090d8c725165ca9 (commit)
  from  82a5dab47bae39075fbcbca574803817fbb04338 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit e6ce00a4ac92c34fedc68fe56d74c31183ea8124
Merge: 82a5dab 20e133e
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:52 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:21:52 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'DetectManSection'

20e133e man documentation: detect man section from the given filename
38df155 documentation: preparation for making the man section configurable
e6a935f -remove trailing whitespace


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmDocumentation.cxx |   58 +--
 Source/cmDocumentation.h   |   38 +++--
 Source/cmDocumentationFormatterMan.cxx |   16 ++---
 Source/cmDocumentationFormatterMan.h   |3 ++
 Source/cmakemain.cxx   |   44 
 5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-451-g8657c3c

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  8657c3cea65ebce68b907fd5cb75055363a351c3 (commit)
   via  361696ae2073b537545755e8ef765d080490d244 (commit)
   via  c77b57ba7d8198a71d8d90a4eac5bcd526050cf9 (commit)
   via  93d084c180fde5bc3c31b9945ea7ddb06d9a6007 (commit)
   via  af298480d020e814fa4537ca7d7dd44d472489b5 (commit)
   via  24ba0fd078ca1db13cdbeb51e531b0fce53f3f3f (commit)
  from  e6ce00a4ac92c34fedc68fe56d74c31183ea8124 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 8657c3cea65ebce68b907fd5cb75055363a351c3
Merge: e6ce00a 361696a
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:02 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:02 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'ctest-cmd-line-vars'

361696a CTest: Add test to verify -D variable definitions work
c77b57b CTest: Allow -Dvar=value with no space between the D and the var
93d084c CTest: Extend -D command line arg handling for variable definitions
af29848 CTest: Rename local variable for clarity
24ba0fd CTest: Refactor error output into ErrorMessageUnknownDashDValue


Summary of changes:
 Source/CTest/cmCTestScriptHandler.cxx  |9 +++
 Source/cmCTest.cxx |   88 +---
 Source/cmCTest.h   |   14 +
 Source/ctest.cxx   |6 ++
 Tests/CMakeLists.txt   |   13 +
 Tests/CTestConfig/ScriptWithArgs.cmake |   16 ++
 6 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Tests/CTestConfig/ScriptWithArgs.cmake

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-453-ga108f41

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  a108f41de14b77fb4f0deca9b16c781a0d4efc23 (commit)
   via  304562e7b51d17735f8e8980e028a00d88b6d1ea (commit)
  from  8657c3cea65ebce68b907fd5cb75055363a351c3 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit a108f41de14b77fb4f0deca9b16c781a0d4efc23
Merge: 8657c3c 304562e
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:11 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:11 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'FindJava-version'

304562e FindJava: improve version matching (#12878)


Summary of changes:
 Modules/FindJava.cmake |6 +++---
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-455-g88c31c9

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  88c31c9017a787e5ebe8eadb4f07f49e93bf9813 (commit)
   via  d7bc8dd6ea5fcecf613134764a040238cb115b4c (commit)
  from  a108f41de14b77fb4f0deca9b16c781a0d4efc23 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 88c31c9017a787e5ebe8eadb4f07f49e93bf9813
Merge: a108f41 d7bc8dd
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:20 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:20 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'EclipseFixIncludeDirDetectionMinGW'

d7bc8dd Eclipse: fix #13313, always set LANG to C, also if unset


Summary of changes:
 ...atorDetermineCompilerMacrosAndIncludeDirs.cmake |   25 +--
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-457-gb57dfb5

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  b57dfb5f18b28bfa02d3750399a79f63305d6824 (commit)
   via  b163c45445ce75eb68d0835b24d4c90ad5b9f6f7 (commit)
  from  88c31c9017a787e5ebe8eadb4f07f49e93bf9813 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit b57dfb5f18b28bfa02d3750399a79f63305d6824
Merge: 88c31c9 b163c45
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:30 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:30 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'fix-typo'

b163c45 Ninja: Fix typo: tagets - targets


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-459-g7b28331

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  7b28331f966a236e1e7f2b15cd351de8263b1711 (commit)
   via  92356038952df71894ea1c390f5b5902df8780be (commit)
  from  b57dfb5f18b28bfa02d3750399a79f63305d6824 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 7b28331f966a236e1e7f2b15cd351de8263b1711
Merge: b57dfb5 9235603
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:39 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:39 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'fix-pie-clang-trunk'

9235603 Fix PositionIndependentTargets test with clang trunk.


Summary of changes:
 Tests/PositionIndependentTargets/pic_test.h |4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-461-g990db9a

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  990db9ae2da58a015a33762505c3127064003674 (commit)
   via  ee158b367c00682aabdcecee080f662af2ffafc3 (commit)
  from  7b28331f966a236e1e7f2b15cd351de8263b1711 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 990db9ae2da58a015a33762505c3127064003674
Merge: 7b28331 ee158b3
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:50 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:22:50 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'variable-doc-spaces'

ee158b3 fix 2 space bugs in variable documentation


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmDocumentVariables.cxx |4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-464-g45a687d

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  45a687d307939a2c5b146df5121fc0ea9697a2b8 (commit)
   via  24a35cef25a939a555360528e95c1f434c7ffc8b (commit)
   via  5f12424ebc9f810ef279d09f1e660e20558dd535 (commit)
  from  990db9ae2da58a015a33762505c3127064003674 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 45a687d307939a2c5b146df5121fc0ea9697a2b8
Merge: 990db9a 24a35ce
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:00 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:00 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'make_cldep_use_cmake_process_exec'

24a35ce Ninja: print error message when command failed
5f12424 Remove process execution code from cmcldeps and have it use cmake 


Summary of changes:
 Source/CMakeLists.txt |1 +
 Source/cmcldeps.cxx   |  519 +++--
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 488 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-467-g6d75da5

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  6d75da5f38e7d1cebad9396c24b1724e342c036f (commit)
   via  ca90709fd67dc0a83ca6f75d793eab38967745a3 (commit)
   via  accd0428f4f76feef5122117699b196d04dca84a (commit)
  from  45a687d307939a2c5b146df5121fc0ea9697a2b8 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 6d75da5f38e7d1cebad9396c24b1724e342c036f
Merge: 45a687d ca90709
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:09 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:09 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'FindBoostNotFoundBug'

ca90709 FindBoost: Future proof to 1.56
accd042 FindBoost: Fix bug where Boost_FOUND could be false when version 


Summary of changes:
 Modules/FindBoost.cmake |  228 ++
 1 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-469-g098e8de

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  098e8de461158154210a41cc80c46a6926c68303 (commit)
   via  926d634d3eba9b6a6d2043d44049ccd304e4ecac (commit)
  from  6d75da5f38e7d1cebad9396c24b1724e342c036f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 098e8de461158154210a41cc80c46a6926c68303
Merge: 6d75da5 926d634
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:18 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:18 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'CPack-fixRegressionCPackWithNoArgs'

926d634 CPack fix regression between 2.8.7 and 2.8.8 when running cpack 
with no arg.


Summary of changes:
 Source/CPack/cpack.cxx |8 ++--
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-471-gb636728

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  b636728e390b62c5952d2d3063d071fe5746008a (commit)
   via  05a8630ee63361ad8665b56412a9602761ca2dc4 (commit)
  from  098e8de461158154210a41cc80c46a6926c68303 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit b636728e390b62c5952d2d3063d071fe5746008a
Merge: 098e8de 05a8630
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:28 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:28 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'CPack-honorCPACK_XXX-valuesInScriptFile'

05a8630 Do not provide defaul value for CPACK_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY if found in 


Summary of changes:
 Source/CPack/cpack.cxx |   19 ---
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-473-gcdc00f0

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  cdc00f0f7ef6c28540a1755573b477690501ee7f (commit)
   via  ac7a1939511eda6b2baa1211fa5dcd12ec241fae (commit)
  from  b636728e390b62c5952d2d3063d071fe5746008a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit cdc00f0f7ef6c28540a1755573b477690501ee7f
Merge: b636728 ac7a193
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:38 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:38 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'getprerequisites-pie-executables'

ac7a193 GetPrerequisites.cmake: detect executables built with the -pie 
linker flag.


Summary of changes:
 Modules/GetPrerequisites.cmake |8 
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-476-gada7fe2

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  ada7fe248a0b0c50a3487150cdfc2add6e8f8b22 (commit)
   via  6332ba5a58f0114d1763c263950eae20b09eaa4b (commit)
   via  0c42faf63acadf320ea6371d42d03386e1c20176 (commit)
  from  cdc00f0f7ef6c28540a1755573b477690501ee7f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit ada7fe248a0b0c50a3487150cdfc2add6e8f8b22
Merge: cdc00f0 6332ba5
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:47 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:47 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'ninja-cmdLineLimit'

6332ba5 Ninja: also consider rule command length for rsp file
0c42faf Ninja: also consider variables when checking command line length


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx   |   41 --
 Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.h |5 
 Source/cmLocalNinjaGenerator.cxx|2 +-
 Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx |3 +-
 4 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-481-g2e43272

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  2e4327218749f59f84db59ea3e464fbd00e0f159 (commit)
   via  6b31d395513fe8ea7b17489b7235c16c1ebad7e1 (commit)
   via  9b311fbee66d98b5396f6327305d5163ab78285c (commit)
   via  e3b1be24a808fdb3dc0482a33fe423c0eb945a7b (commit)
   via  990f77eab35675f323fb320a75e843eb7bddee21 (commit)
  from  ada7fe248a0b0c50a3487150cdfc2add6e8f8b22 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 2e4327218749f59f84db59ea3e464fbd00e0f159
Merge: ada7fe2 6b31d39
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:57 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:23:57 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'ninja-fixes'

6b31d39 Ninja: don't shadow 'outputs' variable
9b311fb Ninja: add soname test case
e3b1be2 Ninja: Clean all symlink created for libraries.
990f77e Ninja: remove int/size_t warning


Summary of changes:
 Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx   |2 +-
 Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx |   13 +++--
 Tests/LibName/CMakeLists.txt|   13 +
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-483-gf6fa381

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  f6fa381a4b484baad731d9e93fbc7ee3f096f107 (commit)
   via  ecfc53da7e93a3c9081d31b25cc7950aa5b780f7 (commit)
  from  2e4327218749f59f84db59ea3e464fbd00e0f159 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit f6fa381a4b484baad731d9e93fbc7ee3f096f107
Merge: 2e43272 ecfc53d
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:24:09 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:24:09 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'cmake-gui-locale'

ecfc53d cmake-gui: Fix code to respect current locale.


Summary of changes:
 Source/QtDialog/AddCacheEntry.cxx |2 +-
 Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetup.cxx|   20 +---
 Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx  |   31 ++--
 Source/QtDialog/FirstConfigure.cxx|   14 +++---
 Source/QtDialog/QCMake.cxx|   82 
 Source/QtDialog/QMacInstallDialog.cxx |   27 +--
 6 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.8-3414-ga497943

2012-07-09 Thread David Cole
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  a49794321466ebf41a18b120152f1b1cbd1ab21f (commit)
   via  f6fa381a4b484baad731d9e93fbc7ee3f096f107 (commit)
   via  2e4327218749f59f84db59ea3e464fbd00e0f159 (commit)
   via  ada7fe248a0b0c50a3487150cdfc2add6e8f8b22 (commit)
   via  cdc00f0f7ef6c28540a1755573b477690501ee7f (commit)
   via  b636728e390b62c5952d2d3063d071fe5746008a (commit)
   via  098e8de461158154210a41cc80c46a6926c68303 (commit)
   via  6d75da5f38e7d1cebad9396c24b1724e342c036f (commit)
   via  45a687d307939a2c5b146df5121fc0ea9697a2b8 (commit)
   via  990db9ae2da58a015a33762505c3127064003674 (commit)
   via  7b28331f966a236e1e7f2b15cd351de8263b1711 (commit)
   via  b57dfb5f18b28bfa02d3750399a79f63305d6824 (commit)
   via  88c31c9017a787e5ebe8eadb4f07f49e93bf9813 (commit)
   via  a108f41de14b77fb4f0deca9b16c781a0d4efc23 (commit)
   via  8657c3cea65ebce68b907fd5cb75055363a351c3 (commit)
   via  e6ce00a4ac92c34fedc68fe56d74c31183ea8124 (commit)
   via  82a5dab47bae39075fbcbca574803817fbb04338 (commit)
   via  7d06b4bef7be4a5dd38b79fa74b024f93cead91a (commit)
   via  8947f11d078197e410ddf3235beeda5193fbb59e (commit)
  from  55bd8c766418b54a50fbb7a85d7f4cec9b25dd5b (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit a49794321466ebf41a18b120152f1b1cbd1ab21f
Merge: 55bd8c7 f6fa381
Author: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 14:24:44 2012 -0400
Commit: David Cole david.c...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 14:24:44 2012 -0400

Merge branch 'master' into next


Summary of changes:

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, next, updated. v2.8.8-3418-gf6f64e2

2012-07-09 Thread Brad King
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, next has been updated
   via  f6f64e2d1b382ff80e2d2f83869f18efedacdb1a (commit)
   via  767a7ad9dac20d252e71941b6cf03f123c7c37fc (commit)
  from  dc22cb53348ecdbf0ebbe2d789dad2d4dfd2cef2 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit f6f64e2d1b382ff80e2d2f83869f18efedacdb1a
Merge: dc22cb5 767a7ad
Author: Brad King brad.k...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 17:20:27 2012 -0400
Commit: CMake Topic Stage kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 17:20:27 2012 -0400

Merge topic 'aix-GNU-shared-libs' into next

767a7ad AIX-GNU: Link shared libs with -brtl,-bnoipath (#13352)

commit 767a7ad9dac20d252e71941b6cf03f123c7c37fc
Author: Brad King brad.k...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 9 17:18:41 2012 -0400
Commit: Brad King brad.k...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Mon Jul 9 17:18:41 2012 -0400

AIX-GNU: Link shared libs with -brtl,-bnoipath (#13352)

We already use these flags with the XL toolchain.  Use them for GNU too.

diff --git a/Modules/Platform/AIX-GNU.cmake b/Modules/Platform/AIX-GNU.cmake
index 543f3e8..81ba365 100644
--- a/Modules/Platform/AIX-GNU.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Platform/AIX-GNU.cmake
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@ set(__AIX_COMPILER_GNU 1)
 macro(__aix_compiler_gnu lang)
   set(CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_${lang}_FLAG -Wl,-blibpath:)
${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_CREATE_${lang}_FLAGS} -Wl,-G,-brtl,-bnoipath)
+  set(CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINK_${lang}_FLAGS -Wl,-brtl,-bnoipath,-bexpall)  
# +s, flag for exe link to use shared lib


Summary of changes:
 Modules/Platform/AIX-GNU.cmake |3 ++-
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list

[Cmake-commits] CMake branch, master, updated. v2.8.8-484-g6274ca6

2012-07-09 Thread Kitware Robot
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project CMake.

The branch, master has been updated
   via  6274ca6f910683495124d22e371a1adc9cf0eebc (commit)
  from  f6fa381a4b484baad731d9e93fbc7ee3f096f107 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -
commit 6274ca6f910683495124d22e371a1adc9cf0eebc
Author: Kitware Robot kwro...@kitware.com
AuthorDate: Tue Jul 10 00:01:05 2012 -0400
Commit: Kitware Robot kwro...@kitware.com
CommitDate: Tue Jul 10 00:01:05 2012 -0400

CMake Nightly Date Stamp

diff --git a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
index 7feb0d7..710e3b4 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
+++ b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
-SET(CMake_VERSION_TWEAK 20120709)
+SET(CMake_VERSION_TWEAK 20120710)


Summary of changes:
 Source/CMakeVersion.cmake |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Cmake-commits mailing list