Re: [CMake] Problems Building a Java Project Under Cygwin

2017-10-29 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 29/10/2017 04:44, R0b0t1 wrote:

What fails is the compile step, like so:

javac: file not found:
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Is this due to a change in the path separator?

On another note, are there any suggestions for building Java projects?
Everything seems very confusing. I am not very smart.


the Java compiler is NOT a cygwin program, so it has no clue of

It will be more easy to use a windows cmake for your Java project

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Re: [CMake] How to find dll's on Cygwin? (fwd)

2017-10-28 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 28/10/2017 05:38, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2017-10-27 22:31+0200 Marco Atzeri wrote:

On 27/10/2017 09:32, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Our understanding is the Cygwin naming convention for the various
kinds of libraries would be (in the gnat library case)

dll   cyggnat-6.dll
import library    libgnat-6.dll.a
static library    libgnat.a

Hi Alan,

the understanding is correct, it should be
libgnat-6.dll.a or libgnat.dll.a
However as

 $ gnatlink -v -shared hello
Copyright (C) 1995-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
gcc -c -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -gnatA -gnatWb -gnatiw -gnatws 
/usr/bin/gcc.exe b~hello.o ./hello.o -shared -o hello.exe -L./ 
-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/6.4.0/adalib/ -lgnat-6 
-Wl,--stack=0x200 -shared-libgcc
cannot find -lgnat-6

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gnatlink: error when calling /usr/bin/gcc.exe

I suspect the ada package is incomplete, so I raised
the attention of the package maintainer.



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Re: [CMake] How to find dll's on Cygwin? (fwd)

2017-10-27 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 27/10/2017 09:32, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

I am pretty sure there are a non-zero number of CMake users here who
have had CMake experience finding dll's on Cygwin (since it appears
from the quote below that import libraries can be replaced by dll's
for the purposes of linking on that platform).  So if you are one with
such experience, I would really appreciate an answer to (or commment
on) the specific question below concerning finding cyggnat-6.dll on
Cygwin or if you prefer to frame your response to the more general
question of finding dll's on that platform, that would be great as


using the import library is the standard way for linking,
looking for the shared library is surely unusual.

I am not a user of ADA, but the import libraries seems
the one on /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/6.4.0/adalib/



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[CMake] Post test in build tree

2015-02-05 Thread Marco Atzeri

on latest Lapack source there is on ""
the following command


but unfortunately as "./" is on the source tree
it does not work if the build tree is a different one.

Any suggestion how to modify it ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [CMake] Problem compiling clang on cygwin, library prefix mismatch

2014-09-19 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 19/09/2014 11:17, Guilherme wrote:

The output i see on the command line is:

make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'lib/libLLVMSupport.dll.a', needed
by 'bin/cygLLVMLineEditor.dll'.  Stop.

Well i'm trying to build all as shared.

on cygwin, the build system usually produce something like:

$ find . -name "*dll*"

the import library is called lib.dll.a
while the shared is cygX.dll


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Re: [CMake] CMake 3.0.1 - avast Win32;Dropper-gen

2014-08-17 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 17/08/2014 14:30, Georgios Petasis wrote:

Hi all,

I installed the latest cmake under windows, and avast keeps telling me
cmake.exe has a virus.
The detected virus is Win32:Dropper-gen.

Avast finds it in cmake.exe, inside both the windows zip file, and the
setup file.

Is it really a virus, or a false alarm?


I will bet on the second


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Re: [CMake] Cygwin drive paths are killing me

2014-06-16 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 15/06/2014 23:45, J Decker wrote:

Of course someone like me find some upsides, like having a
large number of unix tools available on windows, otherwise
we will have no users nor any packagers

I guess over the years I've just ended up collecting small static
versions of 'unix tools' in my tools folder under unix

cp, rm, mv, ls, mkdir.exe, echo.exe, touch, uname, make.exe,

and some less generally useful things, wget, ssh, cvs, mtn

but I think of the above cmake only needs make and other things are
handled with cmake -E commands
and then the compiler...  and  make (mingw32-make) comes with mingw
anyhow; so I'm pretty sure everything can build with MinGW (not MSYS),
cmake, and the android NDK on a clean system.

of course.

I found curious on this "android NDK" the usage of a cygwin build system
with a not cygwin compiler. I would expect of both or none, mixing
is really complicating the things.
Last time I cross compiled from windows to a Linux MIPS,
the cross compiler was a true cygwin application.

(and 30% faster than a cygwin environment)

Likely, cygwin is handicapped by the lack of a true system fork.

personally I can't stand how slow cygwin is; even things just built with
cygwin run 30-50% slower than any other compiler... and it's really not
worth it to have paths that don't really work and then redhat got
ahold of it and it just went downhill from there (yes that was a long
time ago)

MinGW doesn't even need environment changes, just need the bin in PATH...

cygwin also does not need environment changes. But this is more a
discussion for another mailing list.


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Re: [CMake] Cygwin drive paths are killing me

2014-06-15 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 14/06/2014 21:31, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2014-06-14 12:25-0400 David Cole wrote:

The difficulty of uninstalling it, and the difficulty of replicating a
cygwin environment that is on one machine *exactly* on another machine
with *all* the same components at *all* the same versions ... these are
but 2 of the reasons I will NEVER rely on cygwin again for anything.
It's just too painful, and there's absolutely NO upside.

Hi Dave:

Why are you holding back so much from giving us your real opinion of
Cygwin?  :-)

Seriously though, I wonder if some of your complaints have an answer.

About "difficulty of uninstalling" the answer is here:

short version:
- stop all cygwin programs
- stop all the cygwin services
- zap the cygwin directory

Of course someone like me find some upsides, like having a
large number of unix tools available on windows, otherwise
we will have no users nor any packagers.



PS: cmake works fine on cygwin, so
thanks Dave.

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Re: [CMake] Cygwin drive paths are killing me

2014-06-11 Thread Marco Atzeri

On 11/06/2014 15:25, Eric Wing wrote:

I am currently in this unholy trinity of needing to use Android on
Windows through Cygwin.
Basically, the Android NDK requires Cygwin if you want to run it on
Windows. I'm using my fork of the Android-CMake toolchain originally
from OpenCV and trying to generate "Unix Makefiles" with CMake. I
provide a -C initial_cache list to try to pre-populate my dependency
list since this is a cross-compile.

This is really ugly stuff. I thought I was on the verge of finally
getting it working, but I keep bouncing back and forth between file
path problems:

- Cygwin returns absolute paths like /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)
- But CMake can't seem to resolve the /cygdrive/c part and when trying
to access files in this form, it fails with 'file not found'

Hi Eric,

1) don't use path with space in names.

2) cygwin version of CMAKE perfectly understand /cygdrive/c




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Re: [CMake] Status/use of CMake on Cygwin

2013-06-23 Thread marco atzeri

Il 6/24/2013 12:04 AM, Hogan Jr, Roy E ha scritto:


I have been struggling to get the Trilinos solver package built using
Cmake, but have been unsuccessful so far.  I have been working this for
several days and need help.  I’m attaching a recent request to the
Trilinos mailing list.  Would you have any guidance for me?   Thank you..


Roy Hogan

Hi Roy,
from you logs, I see that
mpiexec is found
mpifort is found

it is not clear if mpicc is not found or not recognized.

On my system

$ mpicc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.5.3

My suggestion:
-) check that openmpi is correctly installed

$ cygcheck -c  openmpi libopenmpi-devel
Cygwin Package Information
Package  VersionStatus
libopenmpi-devel 1.7.1-2OK
openmpi  1.7.1-2OK

-) check that mpicc is working, see attached test case.

$ mpicc hello_c.c -o hello_c
$ mpirun -n 4 ./hello_c.exe
Hello, world, I am 1 of 4
Hello, world, I am 2 of 4
Hello, world, I am 3 of 4
Hello, world, I am 0 of 4


 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
 * University Research and Technology
 * Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2006  Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Sample MPI "hello world" application in C

#include "mpi.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int rank, size;

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
printf("Hello, world, I am %d of %d\n", rank, size);

return 0;

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Re: [CMake] Problem with "configured" file under Cygwin/Windows 7

2013-05-25 Thread marco atzeri

Il 5/25/2013 1:06 PM, Arjen Markus ha scritto:


I have installed a very recent version of Cygwin on Windows 7
(64 bits) and the version of CMake that comes with it (2.8.9-2). When I
use this however to configure and build projects that work fine
under Windows (various versions0, then I get either configuration
problems or build problems that turn out to be caused by a strange
permission set on "configured" files.

Using one of these projects I have created an almost minimal project
to demonstrate the problem. If you configure it via CMake under
Windows 7, the file "gnulliver.h" has "special permissions". I have
no clue what that means or how it arises, but the consequence is that
a program can not open it. Not even a program running under
Administrator rights.

Oddly enough, you can change the permissions from Windows Explorer by
opening the permissions dialogue and giving the user full access.

I have tried to reproduce it in an even smaller project than the one
attached, that is: just a CMakeListst.txt file and,
but that worked without this problem. So it seems a combination of
steps is required to trigger this issue.

Can anyone shed some light on this? It makes it impossible to use
Cygwin in combination with Windows 7 (I have not tried on other
platforms, quite possibly it is specific to this combination.)



the attachment seems broken

$ tar -xf problem-cygwin.tar
tar: A lone zero block at 11


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Re: [CMake] Status/use of CMake on Cygwin

2013-05-20 Thread marco atzeri

Il 5/20/2013 11:01 AM, Alan W. Irwin ha scritto:

On 2013-05-20 07:51+0200 marco atzeri wrote:

the slowness at startup on cywin is mainly due the fork

unfortunately windows makes a real fork implementation very inefficient.

Hi Marco:

Your explanation sounds reasonable since it appears all new processes
are started with fork, but do you have a reference for that conclusion
that gives more specifics? All the above URL says is that fork can be
"a little slow" on Cygwin with no timing specifics.

"a littel slow" is an euphemism

$ while (true); do date; done | uniq -c
 11 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:10 AM
 11 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:11 AM
 11 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:12 AM
 11 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:13 AM
 11 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:14 AM
 11 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:15 AM
  8 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:16 AM
  6 Mon, May 20, 2013 11:38:17 AM

on Linux this is around 20-50 times faster.

We also noted that Windows 64 bit platforms are slower than
previously Windows 32 bit platforms

and similar on cygwin mailing list.


Alan W. Irwin



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Re: [CMake] Status/use of CMake on Cygwin

2013-05-19 Thread marco atzeri

Il 5/20/2013 3:28 AM, Alan W. Irwin ha scritto:

On 2013-05-19 21:06- David Cole wrote:

With regard to your frustration with Cygwin speed, I must say I have
similar frustrations with how fast commands execute under bash.exe.
That issue appears to be
entirely due to startup latency.  For example, here is a comparison of
"cmake --version" results on Linux versus running that same command
under bash.exe on Wine.

software@raven> time cmake --version
cmake version

sys 0m0.004s

bash.exe-3.1$ time cmake --version
cmake version

sys 0m0.040s

These results were determined with a CMake version I built myself on
Linux and a downloaded Windows binary (built by Kitware with Microsoft
proprietary compilers) on MinGW/MSYS/Wine, but in the past I have also
gotten similar bad results for a CMake version that I built myself on
MinGW/MSYS/Wine, and there are similar bad startup latency results
(0.2 seconds just to execute the --version option for the command
which is a factor of ~25 slower than the corresponding Linux result)
for all other heavily used build commands such as gcc and make.  So
this is a general bash.exe issue and not a cmake issue, and it a real
killer of build speeds since cmake and gcc are often invoked during
the build process (e.g., to provide progress reports, to make a quick
build test, or to actually make a build containing many separate small
source files ) in a way that is completely dominated by the bad
startup latency numbers above.

At this point I don't know whether this startup latency issue is due
to an issue with bash.exe on Wine or a more general bash.exe issue on
Windows, and if anybody hear could do such a simple "time cmake
--version" test for a MSYS/bash.exe environment on Microsoft Windows
to see whether the result is nearer 0.200 seconds or 25 times faster
that might confirm or eliminate Wine as the culprit.

the slowness at startup on cywin is mainly due the fork

unfortunately windows makes a real fork implementation very inefficient.

Alan W. Irwin



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Re: [CMake] Cygwin Boost find error

2013-04-25 Thread marco atzeri

On 4/25/2013 10:07 AM, Lloyd wrote:

Thanks the link helped me to solved the problem. Sorry, I shall avoid
irrelevant posts in the future

It is not irrelevant, but you have more chance to have the right answer
on the cygwin help list.



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Re: [CMake] Cygwin Boost find error

2013-04-25 Thread marco atzeri

On 4/25/2013 8:54 AM, Lloyd wrote:

I am building a project in both Windows 7 and Cygwin. I am using boost
libraries in the project and it works correctly in windows


When I try to configure in cygwin it returns error saying that could not
find boost. From Cygwin installer i have installed boost (both source as
well as the library version). Still cmake could not find it. I also
tried to locate the library, but could not find it. Can you please tell
me the default location of boost in cygwin? or is there a way to locate
the install paths of libraries?

this is more a question for cygwin help list,
anyway the development headers and libraries location
are reported here:

I think it is not possible to use the Windows version of boost with
cygwin as I am using different compilers (Visual studio in windows and
gcc in cygwin).

correct. gcc4 package for cygwin



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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin at 64bit

2013-03-18 Thread marco atzeri

On 3/15/2013 5:14 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

On 3/15/2013 4:41 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 3/15/2013 11:31 AM, marco atzeri wrote:

ok, found.
I do not need to malloc the space for the win32_path
assigning again the pointer does not work.

Next step, to check if no other issues on 64bit

Yes, that would do it...   If you allocate new memory then the
information never gets passed back to the caller... :)


copy and past code, sometimes, does not work.
attached the patch to remove cygwin_conv_to_win32_path.

First bootstrap on cygwin64 works,
still running the rest of the build.


Hi Bill,
my trial builds but does not pass all tests and fails on source
packaging ; I guess for a mismatch in path length capability
between the two solutions.

The solution implemented by Yaakov, to completely remove
the path conversion posix/win32 as reported on;a=tree

works on both 32bit and 64bit cygwin platform



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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin at 64bit

2013-03-15 Thread marco atzeri

On 3/15/2013 4:41 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 3/15/2013 11:31 AM, marco atzeri wrote:

ok, found.
I do not need to malloc the space for the win32_path
assigning again the pointer does not work.

Next step, to check if no other issues on 64bit

Yes, that would do it...   If you allocate new memory then the
information never gets passed back to the caller... :)


copy and past code, sometimes, does not work.
attached the patch to remove cygwin_conv_to_win32_path.

First bootstrap on cygwin64 works,
still running the rest of the build.


--- ../orig/cmake-2.8.9/Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx2012-08-15 
21:28:03.0 +0200
+++ cmake-2.8.9/Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx2013-03-15 16:56:12.540496600 
@@ -85,7 +85,21 @@
 #ifdef __CYGWIN__
-extern "C" void cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(const char *path, char *win32_path);
+typedef unsigned int cygwin_conv_path_t;
+  CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A = 0, /* from is char*, to is char*   */
+  CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_W, /* from is char*, to is wchar_t**/
+  CCP_WIN_A_TO_POSIX, /* from is char*, to is char*   */
+  CCP_WIN_W_TO_POSIX, /* from is wchar_t*, to is char**/
+  /* Or these values to the above as needed. */
+  CCP_ABSOLUTE = 0,   /* Request absolute path (default). */
+  CCP_RELATIVE = 0x100/* Request to keep path relative.   */
+extern "C" ssize_t cygwin_conv_path( cygwin_conv_path_t what, const void * 
from, void * to, size_t size );  
 // getpwnam doesn't exist on Windows and Cray Xt3/Catamount
@@ -1123,7 +1137,15 @@
-cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(path, win32_path);
+ssize_t size;
+size=cygwin_conv_path(CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A, path, NULL, 0 );
+if (size < 0)
+  perror ("cygwin_conv_path");
+  {
+if (cygwin_conv_path(CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A, path, win32_path, size ))
+ perror ("cygwin_conv_path");
+  }
 SystemToolsTranslationMap::value_type entry(path, win32_path);

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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin at 64bit

2013-03-15 Thread marco atzeri

On 3/15/2013 4:00 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

On 3/15/2013 3:24 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 3/15/2013 7:17 AM, marco atzeri wrote:

Dear Bill,

we are starting to port packages on cygwin at 64 bit

Of course a cmake version for that platform will be helpful;
I tried to build the current source and the first obstacle is that
the deprecated "cygwin_conv_to_win32_path" function is not
available anymore.

I tried to replace it with "cygwin_conv_path" but it seems I am missing
something as on both 64 and 32 bit versions the outcome is:

Have you tried adding the print statements to the original code and
building with 32 bit cygwin and comparing results?

good idea, unfortunately they look the same

posix /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/
win32 E:\cygwin\pub\devel\cmake\cmake-2.8.9\.build\Bootstrap.cmk\
posix /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake.exe
win32 E:\cygwin\pub\devel\cmake\cmake-2.8.9\.build\Bootstrap.cmk\cmake.exe

except that of course it works.

I will try to avoid including all the cygwin.h, could be that
I am modifying something I should not

ok, found.
I do not need to malloc the space for the win32_path
assigning again the pointer does not work.

Next step, to check if no other issues on 64bit



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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin at 64bit

2013-03-15 Thread marco atzeri

On 3/15/2013 3:24 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 3/15/2013 7:17 AM, marco atzeri wrote:

Dear Bill,

we are starting to port packages on cygwin at 64 bit

Of course a cmake version for that platform will be helpful;
I tried to build the current source and the first obstacle is that
the deprecated "cygwin_conv_to_win32_path" function is not
available anymore.

I tried to replace it with "cygwin_conv_path" but it seems I am missing
something as on both 64 and 32 bit versions the outcome is:

Have you tried adding the print statements to the original code and
building with 32 bit cygwin and comparing results?

good idea, unfortunately they look the same

posix /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/
win32 E:\cygwin\pub\devel\cmake\cmake-2.8.9\.build\Bootstrap.cmk\
posix /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake.exe
win32 E:\cygwin\pub\devel\cmake\cmake-2.8.9\.build\Bootstrap.cmk\cmake.exe

except that of course it works.

I will try to avoid including all the cygwin.h, could be that
I am modifying something I should not

CMake Error: CMake executable cannot be found at /cmake.exe
CMake Error: Error executing cmake::LoadCache(). Aborting.

I added two printf, to check my changes;
the conversion seems right



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[CMake] cmake for cygwin at 64bit

2013-03-15 Thread marco atzeri

Dear Bill,

we are starting to port packages on cygwin at 64 bit

Of course a cmake version for that platform will be helpful;
I tried to build the current source and the first obstacle is that
the deprecated "cygwin_conv_to_win32_path" function is not
available anymore.

I tried to replace it with "cygwin_conv_path" but it seems I am missing 
something as on both 64 and 32 bit versions the outcome is:

CMake Error: CMake executable cannot be found at /cmake.exe
CMake Error: Error executing cmake::LoadCache(). Aborting.

I added two printf, to check my changes;
the conversion seems right

 posix path /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/
 win32 path 

 posix path /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake.exe
 win32 path 

 posix path /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake
 win32 path 

file is there

$ ls -l /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 marco Administrators 5733380 Mar 15 09:34 

and it is a working binary, as direct execution gives :
$ /pub/devel/cmake/cmake-2.8.9/.build/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake.exe
Bootstrap CMake should not be used outside CMake build process.

So I am clearly missing something else .
Any idea ?


--- orig/cmake-2.8.9/Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx   2012-08-15 
21:28:03.0 +0200
+++ cmake-2.8.9/Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx2013-03-15 09:33:39.928041000 
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@
 #ifdef __CYGWIN__
-extern "C" void cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(const char *path, char *win32_path);
+extern "C" ssize_t cygwin_conv_path( cygwin_conv_path_t what, const void * 
from, void * to, size_t size );  
 // getpwnam doesn't exist on Windows and Cray Xt3/Catamount
@@ -1123,7 +1124,20 @@
-cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(path, win32_path);
+ssize_t size;
+size=cygwin_conv_path(CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A, path, NULL, 0 );
+if (size < 0)
+  perror ("cygwin_conv_path");
+  {
+win32_path= (char *) malloc (size);
+if (cygwin_conv_path(CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A, path, win32_path, size ))
+ perror ("cygwin_conv_path");
+  }
+printf(" posix path %s\n", path);
+printf(" win32 path %s\n", win32_path);
 SystemToolsTranslationMap::value_type entry(path, win32_path);

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Re: [CMake] cmake-2.8.7 crash on cygwin

2012-08-09 Thread marco atzeri

On 8/8/2012 10:48 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

trying to build vtk-5.10.0-1 with cygwin cmake-2.8.7,
cmake crashes building vtkUnicodeCaseFoldData.h

$ cmake -P vtkUnicodeString.cmake
Aborted (core dumped)

leaving an almost empty

$ cat vtkUnicodeCaseFoldData.h
// Generated file, do not edit by hand!

static vtkUnicodeString::value_type vtkUnicodeCaseFoldData[] = {

cmake crash on cygwin-1.7.15 , 1.7.16 and latest snapshot
so it could be a cmake bug.

If someone want to test or investigate, I uploaded files, strace
and stackdump on


using cmake-2.8.8-2 from

I have no crash, so or it is a bug solved in 2.8.8
or attached Yaakov's patch solve the issue.

could you look on it for the next 2.8.9 cygwin package ?

--- origsrc/cmake-2.8.8/Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx2012-04-18 
13:10:54.0 -0500
+++ src/cmake-2.8.8/Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx2012-07-11 
05:42:36.768957300 -0500
@@ -73,13 +73,6 @@
 // Windows API.
 #if defined(_WIN32)
 # include 
-#elif defined (__CYGWIN__)
-# include 
-# undef _WIN32
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-extern "C" void cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(const char *path, char *win32_path);
 // getpwnam doesn't exist on Windows and Cray Xt3/Catamount
@@ -876,7 +869,7 @@ bool SystemTools::SameFile(const char* f
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
 static bool WindowsFileExists(const char* filename)
@@ -891,15 +884,7 @@ bool SystemTools::FileExists(const char*
 return false;
-#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
-  // Convert filename to native windows path if possible.
-  char winpath[MAX_PATH];
-  if(SystemTools::PathCygwinToWin32(filename, winpath))
-return WindowsFileExists(winpath);
-  return access(filename, R_OK) == 0;
-#elif defined(_WIN32)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
   return WindowsFileExists(filename);
   return access(filename, R_OK) == 0;
@@ -919,26 +904,6 @@ bool SystemTools::FileExists(const char*
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-bool SystemTools::PathCygwinToWin32(const char *path, char *win32_path)
-  SystemToolsTranslationMap::iterator i =
-  if (i != SystemTools::Cyg2Win32Map->end())
-strncpy(win32_path, i->second.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
-  else
-cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(path, win32_path);
-SystemToolsTranslationMap::value_type entry(path, win32_path);
-  return win32_path[0] != 0;
 bool SystemTools::Touch(const char* filename, bool create)
   if(create && !SystemTools::FileExists(filename))
@@ -3702,7 +3667,7 @@ bool SystemTools::LocateFileInDir(const
 bool SystemTools::FileIsFullPath(const char* in_name)
   kwsys_stl::string name = in_name;
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
   // On Windows, the name must be at least two characters long.
   if(name.length() < 2)
@@ -4520,9 +4485,6 @@ bool SystemTools::ParseURL( const kwsys_
 unsigned int SystemToolsManagerCount;
 SystemToolsTranslationMap *SystemTools::TranslationMap;
 SystemToolsTranslationMap *SystemTools::LongPathMap;
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-SystemToolsTranslationMap *SystemTools::Cyg2Win32Map;
 // SystemToolsManager manages the SystemTools singleton.
 // SystemToolsManager should be included in any translation unit
@@ -4568,9 +4530,6 @@ void SystemTools::ClassInitialize()
   // Allocate the translation map first.
   SystemTools::TranslationMap = new SystemToolsTranslationMap;
   SystemTools::LongPathMap = new SystemToolsTranslationMap;
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-  SystemTools::Cyg2Win32Map = new SystemToolsTranslationMap;
   // Add some special translation paths for unix.  These are not added
   // for windows because drive letters need to be maintained.  Also,
@@ -4625,9 +4584,6 @@ void SystemTools::ClassFinalize()
   delete SystemTools::TranslationMap;
   delete SystemTools::LongPathMap;
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-  delete SystemTools::Cyg2Win32Map;
--- origsrc/cmake-2.8.8/Source/kwsys/ 2012-04-18 
13:10:54.0 -0500
+++ src/cmake-2.8.8/Source/kwsys/ 2012-07-11 
17:42:52.097828100 -0500
@@ -277,15 +277,6 @@ public:
   static bool FileExists(const char* filename);
-   * Converts Cygwin path to Win32 path. Uses dictionary container for
-   * caching and calls to cygwin_conv_to_win32_path from Cygwin dll
-   * for actual translation.  Returns true on success, else false.
-   */
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-  static bool PathCygwinToWin32(const char *path, char *win32_path)

[CMake] cmake-2.8.7 crash on cygwin

2012-08-08 Thread marco atzeri

trying to build vtk-5.10.0-1 with cygwin cmake-2.8.7,
cmake crashes building vtkUnicodeCaseFoldData.h

$ cmake -P vtkUnicodeString.cmake
Aborted (core dumped)

leaving an almost empty

$ cat vtkUnicodeCaseFoldData.h
// Generated file, do not edit by hand!

static vtkUnicodeString::value_type vtkUnicodeCaseFoldData[] = {

cmake crash on cygwin-1.7.15 , 1.7.16 and latest snapshot
so it could be a cmake bug.

If someone want to test or investigate, I uploaded files, strace
and stackdump on


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Re: [CMake] A way to suppress 'make install' output

2012-06-25 Thread marco atzeri

On 6/25/2012 10:50 AM, Michele Santullo wrote:

On 06/25/2012 10:42 AM, marco atzeri wrote:

On 6/25/2012 10:29 AM, Stefan Eilemann wrote:


I'm looking for a way to suppress the output when installing a
project: One of our projects installs a large directory structure, and
the resulting 'make install' output is so noisy that finding other
errors in parallel builds is next to impossible.

Does somebody have an idea?



make install &> filename

no output at all and everything in the "filename"


Suppressing would be more like redirecting to /dev/null.
Use just > to keep eventual messages on stderr.


my solution saved the output.  /dev/null is not very verbose ;-)

In general a good learning point is

My preference will be to save all the log on different files
and to not suppress anything

make |& tee make_build.log
make install |& tee make_install.log

It is a personal taste of course


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Re: [CMake] A way to suppress 'make install' output

2012-06-25 Thread marco atzeri

On 6/25/2012 10:29 AM, Stefan Eilemann wrote:


I'm looking for a way to suppress the output when installing a project: One of 
our projects installs a large directory structure, and the resulting 'make 
install' output is so noisy that finding other errors in parallel builds is 
next to impossible.

Does somebody have an idea?



make install &> filename

no output at all and everything in the "filename"


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Re: [CMake] Where can I get the latest version of CMake for cygwin?

2012-03-03 Thread marco atzeri

On 3/2/2012 8:55 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

On 3/2/2012 1:57 PM, Robert Dailey wrote:

Latest version of CMake on the Cygwin installer is 2.8.4. I need 2.8.7.
Where can I get 2.8.7 for Cygwin?

We have them built, but I have been very bad at not getting them
uploaded to the server.

You can find them here:

a simple RFU (request for upload) at cygwin-apps
mailing list, with the link at your files

will allow a larger audience and the correct deployment
of your package.

Thank in advance


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[CMake] cmake for cygwin

2012-02-07 Thread marco atzeri

Hi Bill,
any plan to update the cygwin package ?

Currently we are still on 2.8.4-1


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[CMake] cmake package for cygwin

2011-05-18 Thread marco atzeri
Hi Bill,
are you planning to release the 2.8.4 package for cygwin ?

Thanks in advance
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Re: [CMake] FIND_PROGRAM w/ CMake 2.8.2 and Cygwin

2011-01-11 Thread marco atzeri
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Emmanuel Blot  wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 5:56 PM, marco atzeri  wrote:
>> I don't understand why you find and empty definition
> Well, it seems that CYGWIN is not defined:
>  MESSAGE (STATUS "XCC1 evaluates to ${xcc1}")
>  MESSAGE (STATUS "XCC2 evaluates to ${xcc2}")
>  FIND_PROGRAM (xcc3 ${XTOOLCHAIN}-gcc-${XCC_VER}.exe)
>  MESSAGE (STATUS "XCC3 evaluates to ${xcc3}")
> gives:
> -- CYGWIN:
> -- Suffix:
> -- XCC1 evaluates to xcc1-NOTFOUND
> -- Suffix: .exe
> -- XCC2 evaluates to xcc2-NOTFOUND
> -- XCC3 evaluates to /usr/local/gnu-eabi-4.5.2/bin/arm-eabi-gcc-4.5.2.exe
> Forcing CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX does not help either.
> Is there some special invokation to perform so that CYGWIN gets detected?
> Maybe some cross-compilation setting invalidates the CYGWIN detection?
> Cheers,
> Manu

please maintain the discussion on the mailing list as these is a general issue

if you are cross compiling, the target is not cygwin, so CYGWIN is not defined.
However on cygwin both


are valid program names and you can call them.

I am not familiar with cmake and cross compiling, so I can help you on
the specific matter.

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Re: [CMake] FIND_PROGRAM w/ CMake 2.8.2 and Cygwin

2011-01-10 Thread marco atzeri
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Emmanuel Blot  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've just bumped into an issue with Cygwin.
> I have not compiled with CMake and Cygwin for a while, so I'm not sure
> where the problem comes from (Cygwin, CMake, or the combination of
> both).
> The following command used to work on all platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Cygwin):
>  FIND_PROGRAM (xcc arm-eabi-gcc)
> but now, with Cygwin, the command fails to locate the executable which
> is in the path indeed.
> IF I had the Windows executable suffix (.exe), it works:
>  FIND_PROGRAM (xcc arm-eabi-gcc.exe)
> Obviously, the "fix" is not portable and will break on any non-Windows 
> platform.
> Some questions:
> 1/ Is this a known issue / new regression?
>  I have not been subscribed to the ML for a while, and I can't find a
> decent way to search through the ML archives,
> does not offer a search

use gmane for the search

> function. Sorry if the question has already been answered (let me know
> if it is)
> 2/ What is the best way to circumvent this issue?
> 3/ Am I missing something obvious?
> Note: "CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX" is defined to the empty string on
> CMake 2.8.2/Cygwin, which seems wrong as well.
> Cheers,
> Manu

in the past Yaakov proposed several changes for cygwin and

is present in its proposal.

I presume next 2.8.4 will cover it

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[CMake] R: CMake 2.8.4 release scheduled for next month

2010-12-09 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Gio 9/12/10, David Cole  ha scritto:

> (copying a CMake developers email to
> the users list, just as an FYI to
> all the CMake users out here...)
> The CMake developers held a "bug triage" meeting yesterday,
> and here
> are some notes about it:
> We are still planning to start the release candidate cycle
> for CMake
> 2.8.4 on Wed. Jan. 12, 2011. Because of that, all changes
> to be
> considered for inclusion in the -rc1 build should be pushed
> to the
> stage and merged to 'next' before the nightly start time on
> the
> evening of Mon. Jan. 10, 2011.
> Assuming changes are in by that time, and they all pass the
> 'Nightly
> Expected' dashboard the next day, Brad and I will merge
> them into
> 'master' on Tues. Jan. 11. Then, we'll be ready to build
> the rc1 on
> Wed., assuming nothing alarming in the 'Nightly 2.8
> Release' dashboard
> section.
> After that point, we will not accept further changes for
> CMake 2.8.4
> except for fixes for regressions and crashes.
> Closed:
> =
> We closed these because they are fixed long ago, they no
> longer apply,
> or we're just never going to do them:
> Deferrals:
> =
> We decided to defer the following bugs to a future release
> because
> there is not enough time left to complete them before the
> scheduled
> date:
> Still in progress:
> =
> The remainder of the bugs that are still targeted for
> potential
> inclusion in 2.8.4 are listed on the roadmap:
> Thanks to all who slogged through the bug list with us
> yesterday.
> Looking forward to a solid 2.8.4 release first thing in
> 2011!
> Cheers,
> David

any hope to solve

with the discussed change of policy for cygwin ?


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[CMake] cmake policy setting

2010-10-29 Thread Marco Atzeri
As there is no example in the documentaion, 
could someone clarify me if the change of any policy
that should require an additional

cmake_policy(SET CMP NEW)

could also be requested at cmake invocation with  
# -D :=: Create a cmake cache entry.

When cmake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a CMakeCache.txt 
file and populates it with customizable settings for the project. This option 
may be used to specify a setting that takes priority over the project's default 
value. The option may be repeated for as many cache entries as desired. 


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-28 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Gio 28/10/10, Marcus D. Hanwell  ha scritto:

> It seems that the policy based approach would have allowed
> you a one
> line patch to most packages (changing the policy to NEW).

I guess so. I can work with a one single line patch.

> Marcus


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-28 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Mer 27/10/10, Marcus D. Hanwell  ha scritto:

> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Alan
> W. Irwin

> wrote:
> > On 2010-10-26 17:53-0400 Bill Hoffman wrote:
> >
> >> The policy mechanism might not be ideal but in a
> year or so, all of this
> >> would go away, and the meantime the patches you
> have to maintain for cygwin
> >> ports would become trivial.  The patch would
> basically have a set cmake
> >> version at the top.   I thought the command line
> option was a nice
> >> compromise.
> >
> > Bill, as somebody associated with a software package
> (PLplot) which
> > already works on Cygwin, I think the policy mechanism
> is the ideal way
> > to handle this requested change.  I do believe the
> Cygwin packagers
> > when they say the change will make a lot more projects
> build without
> > issues on Cygwin, but it is also extremely likely
> their preferred
> > solution (breaking backwards compatibility for cmake)
> would also break
> > currently working builds (such as the PLplot one) on
> Cygwin.
> >
> > I sympathize with the frustrations of the Cygwin
> packagers at the
> > slowness with which this issue has been dealt with,
> but OTOH, I am not
> > sure they completely understand the neat resolution of
> the issue that
> > you are now offering with a policy-based approach to
> the requested
> > change. Thus, I suggest you just go ahead and
> implement that preferred
> > solution without further frustrating delays. Then
> publish cookbook
> > instructions about the one-line change that needs to
> be made in the
> > top-level CMakeLists.txt file of each currently
> non-working Cygwin
> > project (but not the working ones like PLplot) in
> order for the new
> > policy to be recognized. Ideally, upstream projects
> that currently
> > don't build on Cygwin will adopt this solution, but if
> they are slow
> > in doing that, it should not be too difficult for the
> Cygwin packagers
> > to implement a sed (or whatever) script to do the
> required one-line
> > changes in the top-level CMakeLists.txt files for each
> package in an
> > automatic fashion.
> As someone who packaged software for Gentoo Linux for many
> years I can
> sympathize with your frustration when something is not
> corrected in a
> timely fashion. I don't know much about the background of
> this
> particular case, but I would hope that you would choose to
> work with
> Bill rather than patch CMake and circumvent his efforts to
> fix this
> issue.
> If this results in a one line patch to Cygwin packages in
> the short
> term, which can be removed in the longer term, that would
> seem like a
> reasonable solution to the problem. Breaking backwards
> compatibility
> could potentially break all of the packages people got
> working on
> Cygwin with CMake, and that would be far worse.
> Disclaimer: I am also a Kitware employee, but before I came
> here I
> worked in open source for many years as part of larger
> projects such
> as Gentoo, KDE and Avogadro. I for one like the policy
> mechanism, as
> it allows CMake to move forward while not breaking existing
> builds. As
> a packager I would never intentionally change the default
> behavior of
> a project, effectively forking the project.
> If you chose to take such rash action I would also avoid
> cygwin in the future.
> Marcus

Hi Marcus,
I guess your comments were for me and not really for Irwin.

Unfortunately in this case the policy chosen for CYGWIN
is a BAD one, causing most of package not originally designed
with cygwin in mind (and I should say they are the vast majority)
to be almost impossible to correctly port on Cygwin
without a deep and invasive patch activity.
My and Yaakov's experience is that inverting the policy
the porting becomes very easy and almost all the package
build from the source without patches or few very basic

I hope this also clarify you and the others why we are so
"obsessive" about this change. I prefer this change in 
cmake than starting a "don Quixote" quest to change all the 
softwares that use cmake as build system.


Disclaimer: I am just a volunteer cygwin package maintainer, 
my job is totally unrelated to this activity.

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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-28 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Mer 27/10/10, Alan W. Irwin  ha scritto:

> On 2010-10-26 17:53-0400 Bill Hoffman
> wrote:
> > The policy mechanism might not be ideal but in a year
> or so, all of this would go away, and the meantime the
> patches you have to maintain for cygwin ports would become
> trivial.  The patch would basically have a set cmake
> version at the top.   I thought the command
> line option was a nice compromise.
> Bill, as somebody associated with a software package
> (PLplot) which
> already works on Cygwin, I think the policy mechanism is
> the ideal way
> to handle this requested change.  I do believe the
> Cygwin packagers
> when they say the change will make a lot more projects
> build without
> issues on Cygwin, but it is also extremely likely their
> preferred
> solution (breaking backwards compatibility for cmake) would
> also break
> currently working builds (such as the PLplot one) on
> Cygwin.
> Alan

Hi Irwin,
thanks for the feedback.

PLplot seems a interesting piece of software,
and I noticed it needs/looks qhull and octave, 
of whom I am the cygwin package maintainer.

Excluding the tcl/tk requirement, whose package need deep
maintenance on cygwin, PLplot build fine with WIN32=0. 
With just some quirk behaviour building the modules (*.rc),
but it could be a interference of my antivirus

There is a general test mode ? Or I should run one by one


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-27 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Mer 27/10/10, Clinton Stimpson  ha scritto:

> I did see in the Cygwin overview that the Win32 api should
> generally be 
> avoided.
> However, its probably misleading that chapter 4,
> "Programming with Cygwin," 
> shows Win32 code instead of Unix code in the examples.

Updating the documentation is always THE problem ;-)

But sometimes also on cygwin you need to develop 
something that is windows aware like a console

> Clint


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-27 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Mer 27/10/10, Alexander Neundorf ha scritto:

> > >> I suppose one other options is something like
> this:
> > >>
> > >> "Warning: CMake has be forced to break
> backwards
> > >> compatibility by the cygwin ports
> maintainers, we apologize
> > >> if this broke your code. If your code does
> not compile, then
> > >> set the cygwin policy to OLD, or add
> if(CYGWIN) set(WIN32 1)
> > >> to your code."
> > >
> > > I am not familiar with the cmake policy stuff.
> > > But it seems a workable solution.
> >
> > In my, not so humble, opinion it is the only solution
> if you insist on
> > changed behavior.
> I agree too.
> As a cmake developer, keeping backward compatibility is one
> of the major goals 
> of cmake.
> Just changing the behaviour will most probably break stuff
> which is working 
> now.
> Who uses cmake for building for cygwin, can test for 
> if(UNIX)
> or
> if(CYGWIN)
> To differentiate between CYGWIN and a "real" native UNIX he
> can also test for 
> if(WIN32), e.g. to check whether some other Windows stuff
> exists on the 
> system (which does).
> This seems like a good and sensible choice to me.
> If a cmake-based project wants to support cygwin, it must
> be aware of that.
> If a project which was developed on e.g. Linux is ported to
> Cygwin, some 
> patches may be necessary to that program. I think that's
> normal when porting 
> software to another OS.
> Alex

Dear Alex,
thanks for you comments, but I would like to highlight
one missing point on your reasoning.

We don't want to limit ourself to the packages where 
the developer thought of cygwin as a defined target, 
we are potentially interested to all packages that have 
a generic unix as target.

Most of the projects ignore what cygwin is; their developers
write CMakeLists.txt with IF(WIN32) conditions for windows
and IF(UNIX) for unix.

Trying to build such programs on cygwin with both the 
two conditions is doomed to failure. To port such package,
that are by large the majority, on cygwin we have 3 options:

propose a long patch to every upstream, highlighting the 
mistake they did forgetting us. Considering the easy success 
we have to convince cmake developers, this road is more
a less a nightmare for any cygwin package maintainers.

use a cmake package outside the cygwin distro that don't set
WIN32 for cygwin. It is my current solution; but it is not
optimal for cygwin  as I would like that also others could 
build the packages as I am doing. 
Should every cygwin maintainer have its own cmake package ?

convince the current cmake cygwin package maintainer, that
is also a cmake developer, that we need a way to unset WIN32.
How ? I am open to proposal, except case 1, please.

I understand that making a unconditional WIN32 switch
could break some package, but I suspect they are much less
than Bill is afraid of. After all I built both CMAKE and VTK
with WIN32=0. But I admit that eventually my build is 
different from the original aim of their developers.

Having a switch/policy to define the cygwin behaviour,
is a possible solution that would allow us to build the majority
of unix package as smooth as possible also for cygwin 
and allow current developers using cmake on cygwin 
to maintain their settings if they need so.


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-27 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Mer 27/10/10, Bill Hoffman  ha scritto:

> On 10/26/2010 9:58 PM, Yaakov
> (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 17:53 -0400, Bill Hoffman
> wrote:
> >> Backwards compatibility may not be important to
> you, but to CMake it is
> >> very important.  When a developer chooses to
> use CMake, I want to
> >> respect that choice, and work as hard as I can to
> make sure I don't
> >> break that code.   CMake has been
> doing this for 10 years on cygwin,
> >> wrong or right that is how it has been
> done.   If there is code that
> >> builds with CMake on cygwin today, your suggested
> change will break that
> >> build.
> > 
> > No, it will most likely *fix* it.
> How is that possible?  If it is working today with the
> way CMake is for someone, and we make this change, it will
> stop working.  It can not *fix* something that is
> already working.  It can only break something that is
> already working, it can not fix something not broken...

Bill, it is not working. We don't succeed to port
programs using cmake as build chain in the cygwin distro,
using your package. I need to use Yaakov one.
So I need a working alternative.

I doubt any linux distribution will accept to release
a key tool that doesn't follow the distri guideline.

> > 
> > Bottom line: we insist that the CMake in the Cygwin
> distro not define
> > WIN32.  If you're prepared to handle that
> upstream now, great.  If not,
> > we will need to ship a patched version until this
> issue is rectified.
> > How do you wish to proceed?
> > 
> > 
> I guess you could release a patched cygwin that defaults to
> having the policy set to new, and I could release one that
> has the policy set to warn by default.
> I suppose one other options is something like this:
> "Warning: CMake has be forced to break backwards
> compatibility by the cygwin ports maintainers, we apologize
> if this broke your code. If your code does not compile, then
> set the cygwin policy to OLD, or add if(CYGWIN) set(WIN32 1)
> to your code."

I am not familiar with the cmake policy stuff. 
But it seems a workable solution.

> We could emit that warning when cmake is run on cygwin for
> all projects until they require a new enough CMake that
> contains these changes by using the policy mechanism.
> I would like to proceed by using the standard cmake policy
> mechanism. However, you have made it clear you will not be
> happy with that approach.
> I am curious what you mean by "will need to ship a patched
> version until this issue is rectified."?  Will you
> block me from being the CMake maintainer for cygwin
> somehow?

This is something we would like to avoid, as the fallout 
will damage both the communities (cmake and cygwin).
Think of it as our last desperate solution (nuclear one).
> Sorry this is becoming so difficult.  I seriously just
> care about the existing CMake users and don't want to break
> things for them.
> -Bill

Same for us. 
Cygwin users "usually" expect cygwin tools to 
build cygwin programs, not strange hybrid.


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-24 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Lun 25/10/10, Hendrik Sattler  ha scritto:

> Am Montag 25 Oktober 2010, 05:44:27
> schrieb Yaakov (Cygwin/X):
> > On Sun, 2010-10-24 at 10:12 +0200, Hendrik Sattler
> wrote:
> > > And: believe it or not, WIN32 and CYGWIN are
> _not_ in strong contrast.
> > > They've got so much in common, starting from the
> binary file format to
> > > all low level stuff that cygwin is never going to
> change. Live with it.
> > 
> > The "low-level stuff" -- IOW the usage of PE binaries
> -- is about *all*
> > Cygwin has in common with Win32.  Everything
> above that, including the
> No. You have the same kernel under the skin and any
> software that has low-
> level parts thus needs to know that it is running on
> Windows, be it through 
> the cygwin layer or not. How does it do that without the
> WIN32 define?

this type of package are less than 1% of total. All the others 
pass through the cygwin layer.

The vast majority of packages ignore cygwin and built
fine following the IF(LINUX) conditionals,
bur if there are also IF(WIN32) conditionals we arrive 
with a deathly mix of unix and win32 characteristics.

This make the porting job a tiring job, and it is the main reason
why very few cmake built package are inside the cygwin distribution.
I hit this problem for every package I tried and the easy solution
is to use a cmake that don't set WIN32, than the porting is 
almost a piece of cake.
I built also VTK as truly cygwin package in this way.

> > usage of *NIX/X11 vs Win32/GDI APIs is different, and
> that represents
> > the bulk of IF(WIN32) usage.
> And for the cases it doesn't? You don't throw away
> compatibility for "the bulk 
> of ...".

This compatibility is a great damage to our efforts to include
whatever package in the cygwin distributin.

Eventually you could add a cygwin-legacy mode to mantain the 
current WRONG (for us cygwin mantainers) WIN32 setting.

> HS


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-24 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Dom 24/10/10, Hendrik Sattler  ha scritto:

> Am Sonntag 24 Oktober 2010, 08:37:30
> schrieb Marco Atzeri:
> > It should be changed. That will be the cleanest way
> for porting and
> > most of the time we will not need any IF (CYGWIN) to
> complete our job
> > as package maintainer.
> > 
> > Othewise we should patch any sources to replace IF
> (WIN32) with
> > IF(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) and these means that this
> wrong policy
> > is forcing unneeded workload on our backs.
> > 
> > Also cmake and vtk sources are full of IF(WIN32 AND
> > because WIN32 and CYGWIN are in strong contrast.
> No, they are not. There are certain things in cygwin that
> are so WIN32 like.
> I have the following in my CMakeLists for OpenOBEX:

I do not see openobex as a package ported to cygwin

>   if ( UNIX AND NOT WIN32 )
> -fvisibility=hidden )
>     check_c_compiler_flag (
>   endif ( UNIX AND NOT WIN32 )
> [...]
> because on WIN32, the DLLEXPORT is used instead. So your

on cygwin DLLEXPORT is handled directly by the compiler gcc.
There is no need of a special handling on top of Unix one
for a true cygwin package. 

> proposal really 
> breaks working setups while trying to fix it for those
> upstreams that cannot 
> read documentation? That sucks.
> And: believe it or not, WIN32 and CYGWIN are _not_ in
> strong contrast. They've 
> got so much in common, starting from the binary file format
> to all low level 
> stuff that cygwin is never going to change. Live with it.

sorry no. We work very hard to make cygwin as mach as possible
unix compatible and break the un-needed win32 heritage and 
mis-understandings of what cygwin is.
I am cygwin package mantainer for 14 packages, and Yaakov handle
almost a third of all cygwin packages.
So I presume we have a better idea of you about what means porting 
any package to cygwin as effort. 

> HS


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-23 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Ven 22/10/10, Rolf Eike Beer  ha scritto:

> > This super-set is wrong. Cygwin belongs to Unix
> family
> Exactly. And guess what: "IF (UNIX)" would also include
> Cygwin.
> > I noticed. But Automake/autoconf makes it right, it
> > doesn't mix cygwin with win32 programs.
> Well, you did not ask right ;)
>   foo
> -> Cygwin would say foo
> IF (WIN32)
>  foo
> ENDIF ()
> -> Cygwin would say foo
>  foo
> ENDIF ()
> -> well, you guess it
> So this is only different from what other build tools or
> whatever do. But
> it is well known behaviour, it is documented, and it can't
> be changed for
> backward compatibility anyway.

It should be changed. That will be the cleanest way for porting and
most of the time we will not need any IF (CYGWIN) to complete our job 
as package maintainer.

Othewise we should patch any sources to replace IF (WIN32) with
IF(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) and these means that this wrong policy 
is forcing unneeded workload on our backs.

Also cmake and vtk sources are full of IF(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN)
because WIN32 and CYGWIN are in strong contrast.

> >> > Checking for CYGWIN in the CMakeLists.txt
> >> > oblige to modify upstream source for any
> package
> >> > we want to port on cygwin. While not setting
> WIN32
> >> > allow to use upstream source without change
> and
> >> building
> >> > like any other Unix system.
> >>
> >> Not checking for CYGWIN is an error in the
> upstream package
> >> and should be reported there or patched by you.
> >
> > This is absurd.
> > The upstream could ignore CYGWIN, but I as package
> maintainer
> > I should not patch every single package when NOT
> setting
> > WIN32 allow me to build from the source of the shelf.
> Ehm, if the upstream writes a CMakeLists.txt it should
> write a valid one.
> > To build qhull (
> > I needed no cygwin specific patch, but only a cmake
> package
> > with a RIGHT understanding of what Cygwin is:
> SET(WIN32 0)
> >
> > Also VTK builds as true cygwin programs with SET(WIN32
> 0)
> Those are bugs, report them.

For me and almost all the other cygwin package maintainers, it 
is a wrong behaviour of cmake so I am reporting here.
(Bill of course could disagree, but its only cygwin package is cmake)

> Eike

Marco Atzeri

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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-22 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Ven 22/10/10, David Cole  ha scritto:

>This depends on your perspective. Are you using cygwin to try 
> to make a native Windows port of a Unix program, or are you 
> simply trying to compile the Unix program as if it was still 
> Unix (and thereby trap it in the cygwin environment)?

My perspective is very simple. I am a cygwin package maintainer.
So I expect that cmake on cywin builds cygwin programs, not something else.

When I want to compile mingw-programs, I use the 
mingw64-i686-gcc cross compiler (cygwin to mingw)
not gcc ( cygwin to cygwin).

> We have been used to people saying they want to build native 
> Windows apps with cygwin... and that's why it is the way it 
> is. Perhaps there would be less cygwin-angst in the cmake 
> world if we had adopted the opposite perspective, but that's
> the way it's been.

> If we change it now, it should be changed via a cmake policy
> so that it's easy to get both behaviors for a while... 

if cmake don't change it useless for porting to cygwin.

And this is really blocking the port of a lot of packages.

I don't like to build my own version of cmake to overcome
the current setting of the cmake cygwin package.


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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-22 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Ven 22/10/10, Michael Wild  ha scritto:

> >> 
> >> That's why one should check for CYGWIN in the
> >> CMakeLists.txt files. IMHO this is a user-error
> and not
> >> CMake's fault. The doc clearly states about the
> WIN32
> >> variable:
> >> 
> >>        WIN32  True on
> windows
> >> systems, including win64.
> > 
> > But for cygwin is WRONG. It should be false
> One could also argue that cygwin is running under WIN32. A
> matter of convention.

Sorry again, but you are wrong. 
It is not a convention, Cygwin is a unix platform. 
Cygwin programs don't work as usual win32 programs

> > 
> > WIN32 in not defined when you compile for cygwin any 
> > package.
> > It is defined if your target is non cygwin but a pure
> > win32 program like mingw ones.
> > Eg. Autoconf/Automake don't set WIN32.
> WIN32 is the super-set of pure Windows, CYGWIN and
> MSYS/MINGW. And in case you haven't noticed: CMake is not a
> Autoconf clone...

This super-set is wrong. Cygwin belongs to Unix family

I noticed. But Automake/autoconf makes it right, it 
doesn't mix cygwin with win32 programs.

> > Checking for CYGWIN in the CMakeLists.txt
> > oblige to modify upstream source for any package
> > we want to port on cygwin. While not setting WIN32
> > allow to use upstream source without change and
> building
> > like any other Unix system.
> Not checking for CYGWIN is an error in the upstream package
> and should be reported there or patched by you.

This is absurd.
The upstream could ignore CYGWIN, but I as package maintainer
I should not patch every single package when NOT setting
WIN32 allow me to build from the source of the shelf.

To build qhull ( 
I needed no cygwin specific patch, but only a cmake package 
with a RIGHT understanding of what Cygwin is: SET(WIN32 0)

Also VTK builds as true cygwin programs with SET(WIN32 0)

> My 2c.
> Michael

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Re: [CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-22 Thread Marco Atzeri
--- Ven 22/10/10, Michael Wild  ha scritto:

> On 22. Oct, 2010, at 11:07 , Marco Atzeri wrote:
> > Dear developers,
> > the current cmake package for cygwin is unsuitable to
> build
> > cmake package as it defines WIN32.
> > Cygwin programs are unix-like ones while WIN32 is
> needed only
> > for pure windows programs. 
> > Defining WIN32 breaks building normal unix programs.
> > 
> > To build the last qhull package
> >
> > I was obliged to use the cmake Ports version.
> > 
> >;a=tree;f=devel/cmake;hb=HEAD
> > 
> > Using such package I was also able to build VTK, with
> very minor
> > change of the source.
> >
> > 
> > 
> > As the first target of a cygwin package is to allow
> to
> > build other cygwin packages, the current package 
> > does NOT satisfy this requirement.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Marco
> That's why one should check for CYGWIN in the
> CMakeLists.txt files. IMHO this is a user-error and not
> CMake's fault. The doc clearly states about the WIN32
> variable:
>        WIN32  True on windows
> systems, including win64.

But for cygwin is WRONG. It should be false

WIN32 in not defined when you compile for cygwin any 
It is defined if your target is non cygwin but a pure
win32 program like mingw ones.
Eg. Autoconf/Automake don't set WIN32.

Checking for CYGWIN in the CMakeLists.txt
oblige to modify upstream source for any package
we want to port on cygwin. While not setting WIN32
allow to use upstream source without change and building
like any other Unix system.

>               Set to
> true when the target system is Windows and on cygwin.
> Michael


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[CMake] cmake for cygwin

2010-10-22 Thread Marco Atzeri
Dear developers,
the current cmake package for cygwin is unsuitable to build
cmake package as it defines WIN32.
Cygwin programs are unix-like ones while WIN32 is needed only
for pure windows programs. 
Defining WIN32 breaks building normal unix programs.

To build the last qhull package
I was obliged to use the cmake Ports version.;a=tree;f=devel/cmake;hb=HEAD

Using such package I was also able to build VTK, with very minor
change of the source.

As the first target of a cygwin package is to allow to
build other cygwin packages, the current package 
does NOT satisfy this requirement.



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