[cobirds] The last 48 hours: Yuma to Prowers

2014-05-15 Thread 'Steven Mlodinow' via Colorado Birds
Greetings All
Yesterday and today, Nick Moore and I prowled the eastern edge of the state 
from Yuma to Prowers. A detailed report would exhaust both reader and author, 
so highlights will be presented in more tabular form
14 May- all Yuma County
Stalker Lake: Northern Waterthrush, 3 Blackpoll Warblers, 1 Virginias Warbler, 
2 WR Sandpipers, SB Dowitcher, 1 Tennessee Warbler, Harris's Sparrow, Am 
Wray Fish Hatchery: Gray-Cheeked Thrush, Russet-backed (Swainson's) Thrush, 
Virginias Warbler. 
Laird: 2 Tennessee Warblers, 2 RB Grosbeak
Shelterbelts off 385 n of Wray: YB FLYCATCHER, male MOURNING WARBLER, Plumbeous 
Vireo, Northern Waterthrush, BTB Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler
Simmons SWA: 8 Bell's Vireos, multiple eastern BG Gnatcatchers 
Hale Ponds: GC Thrush, Blackpoll Warbler, Ovenbird, 2 Redstart, Snowy Egret

Tempel Grove, Bent: 4 Ovenbird, Blackpoll, Hooded Warbler, Summer Tanager, 
poorwill, N Waterthrush, Plumbeous Vireo
Neegronda Reservoir, Kiowa : YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER in tamarisks. Common Loon, 
40+ Sanderling
Neenoshe Locust Grove, Kiowa: BLUE-HEADED VIREO, Parula, Nashville, GT Towhee
Lamar CC: HAIRY X DOWNY WOODPECKER hybrid. More to come on this. BLACKBURNIAN 
WARBLER. Am Redstart, Broad-winged Hawk, Ovenbird,2 N Waterthrush 
Lamar HS Shelterbelt: singing Eastern WC Sparrow

In general, western species seemed unusually prevalent near KS and NE borders, 
especially MacGillivrays Warbler and Dusky Fly. Yuma was birdy at most 
locations yesterday, perhaps due to the bad weather fallout earlier this week. 
Points farther south were spared the bad weather and seemed rather less birdy

Good Birding
Steve Mlodinow and Nick Moore
Nearing Longmont CO 

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[cobirds] leucistic robin, Boulder County

2014-05-15 Thread Sandra Laursen
I've seen a leucistic robin twice this week while biking along the Skunk 
Creek Path near the ponds at confluence with the Boulder Creek Path and in 
the CU Boulder research park (S of Arapahoe, N of Colorado, just W of 
Foothill).  The head and part of the back are grey and the rest of the body 
mostly white, with a bit of rufous on the front. A bird of the same 
description was reported on this list last spring by Beth Partin (6/1/13) 
as well as Gary Baxley (3/13/13).

--Sandra Laursen

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[cobirds] Crow Valley this evening, Weld Co.

2014-05-15 Thread Todd Deininger
I spent 4 hours after work today at Crow Valley and raise Ken 10 species.
 To piggy back off of his list, I did see the *Sora.  *Also, *Am.
Coot, Cinnamon Teal, *and about 10 *Wilson's Phalorope.*

On the north side past the gate I had a *Loggerhead Shrike* carrying a
Chipping Sparrow, an *Ash-throated Flycatcher* was perched on one of the
wire cages.

*Brewer's Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow*, and a *Cassin's Sparrow* mixed in
with the large flock of Chipping Sparrows.  Also there was one. possibly
two *Swamp Sparrow* in the stream by the campground.

The *Pine Warbler* was feeding right next to me in the low plants next to
he stream and I also spotted a female *Mourning Warbler.*

The *Orchard Oriole* was in the NW corner where the trail leaves the fence,

Reading through Ken's list, he had 9 birds that I did not see.  On another
note, I am not sure what the high numbers for *Song* and *Lincoln Sparrow* are,
but in some spots they were as thick as the Swainson's Thrush.

Todd Deininger
Longmont, CO

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[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso and Pueblo Counties on 5/15

2014-05-15 Thread melgoff
Hi, Cobirders. 
Jeanne and I made our way to a very birdy Chico Basin Ranch (fee area) today. 
We birded the banding area, Bell's Grove, the HQs area and pond and Rose Pond. 
We met up with Michael Kiessig and Kate Frost at the banding station and had a 
nice time birding with them at various locations across the ranch. 
El Paso County highlights included Red-headed Woodpeckers (plural) at the 
banding station and Bell's Grove. We also had many Hermit and Swainson's 
Thrushes, an American Redstart, Orchard Oriole, Ovenbird, Green-tailed Towhee, 
a FOY Western Wood-Pewee, Ash-throated Flycatcher and a gorgeous 
Yellow-breasted Chat. 
Pueblo County highlights included Northern Waterthrush, Baird's Sandpiper, 
Semipalmated Plover, more Red-headed Woodpeckers, our FOY Eastern Kingbird, 
MacGillivray's Warbler, White-throated Sparrow. Best spot of the day went to 
Michael when he found a sleeping Common Nighthawk on a tree branch next to the 
HQs building. 
Event of the day happened as Jeanne and I sat eating our lunch on a log by the 
HQs Pond. We heard a branch fall from the tree we were sitting under and 
remarked it was lucky it did not hit us (Jeanne was closer to it than I was). A 
couple of minutes later we looked over to see where the branch landed, only to 
discover it was NOT a branch. It was a SNAKE. Lunch over - move along! 
Fun day, snake notwithstanding, and the ride out and back on Hanover Road and 
the Hanover Fire Station were bonuses. 
Let's Go Birding! 
Mel and Jeanne Goff 
Colorado Springs 

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[cobirds] Crow Valley, Weld County

2014-05-15 Thread Ken & Christie Pals

I have not seen a late posting for today for the Crow Valley Campground in
Weld County so will provide a summary.  I did not see all of the birds
reported by Mark Minner-Lee nor all the birds seen by 30 or more people
birding at the campground today.

It was cloudy most of the morning with little sun, a very brief drizzle of
rain, a gentle breeze and at times it was downright chilly.  Later in the
day the sun poked between the clouds and warmth returned.  The water in
Crow Creek continued to rise all day and no one bothered to cross the creek.

In all I saw 55 species at the campground today.

Best birds:
Ducks: Mallard, Blue-winged Teal & Northern Shoveler
Hawks: Broad-winged 1
Sandpiper: Spotted 2
Sora (heard only, could have been a N. Mockingibird but sounded perfect for
Sora NW corner of campground across creek, the sound came from deep in the
Warblers: Yellow-rumped 49, Yellow 28, Common Yellowthroat 12+, Blackpoll
3, Northern Waterthrush 3+, MacGillivray's 4, Ovenbird 1, Wilson's 1,
Orange-crowned 5+, Townsend's 1, Black-and-white 2, & other birders saw a
Pine Warbler.
Flycatchers: Dusky 2, Gray 1, Empid. sp 2, Western 13 & E Kingbirds 1,
Say's Phoebe
Mimics: Northern Mockingbird 1, Brown Thrasher 9, Gray Catbird 6+; it was
fun listening to the mockingbird and the Brown Thrasher seemingly trying to
out dual each other in song.
Thrushes: Swainson's 92+, Hermit 2, Gray-cheeked 1 possibly 2, Veery 1
Kinglet: Ruby-crowned
Gnatcatcher: Blue-gray 6
Grosbeak: Rose-breasted 2 males
Sparrows: Spotted Towhee 10, Green-tailed Towhee 8, Lark Bunting 3,
Lincoln's Sparrow 34, Chipping 145, Clay-colored 4, White-throated 1,
White-crowned 19, Lark 4
Orioles: Bullock's 2, seems like some others saw an Orchard.

It was a great birding day with an 81 year old friend who is birding for
the first year in his life.  It is never too late to start.

Happy birding,

Ken Pals
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] El Paso County: Black-necked Stilts; BJR - Tern

2014-05-15 Thread Aaron Driscoll
Squirrel Creek Road Pond:

3 Black-necked Stilts - lifer!!! yeah!!!
American Avocet
Eastern Kingbird
Solitary Sandpiper
10+ Spotted Sandpipers
Wilson Phalarope
Tons of shore birds - needed a scope to see them.
Great day!

Quick stop at Big Johnson Reservoir:

Stopped at the metal gate - hundreds of swallows.
Tern flew right in front of me and I didn't have a chance to put my bino's
or camera on it.


Aaron Driscoll
Colorado Springs

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Re: [cobirds] Summer Tanager Jeffco Belmar Park..prairie- yes

2014-05-15 Thread 'Birding' via Colorado Birds
but no longer at the pond. Last seen flying toward pines at southeast 
corner of lake. Couldn't find the tanager.

Norm Lewis

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> On May 15, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Ira Sanders  wrote:
> just had a molting male summer Tanager at Belmar.
> Ira Sanders
> Golden
> -- 
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[cobirds] PAINTED BUNTINGS at Picture Canyon, Baca Co. 5/15

2014-05-15 Thread Brandon

Jeannie Mitchell and Aaron Shipe drove down to Picture Canyon, in southern Baca 
County today (5/15), hoping for Painted Bunting.  They saw three adult males! 
Though no females.  I'm not sure I've ever heard of three adult male Painted 
Buntings, at the same place in Colorado before!

Looking at e-bird reports from today, it sounds like the migrant traps in SE 
Colorado are still producing some great eastern birds.

Have a good birding weekend everyone!

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO  

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[cobirds] Summer Tanager Jeffco Belmar Park

2014-05-15 Thread Ira Sanders
just had a molting male summer Tanager at Belmar.
Ira Sanders

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[cobirds] White-winged Dove

2014-05-15 Thread Glenn Hageman
This afternoon we had a White-winged Dove in our back yard.  This week we 
had a mini fallout in our yard.  Spizella - Brewer's, Chipping and 
Clay-colored - Lazuli Bunting - Green-tailed Towhee

Glenn and Jeane Hageman
Denver - Just north of George Washington High School

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[cobirds] Barr Lake SP - Adams County

2014-05-15 Thread 'Cathy Sheeter' via Colorado Birds
Lots of birds at Barr Lake this AM.  Mostly common stuff, but a few notables.

TOWNSEND'S WARBLER.  A male Rose-breasted Grosbeak was viewed as well.

A flock of lingering Cackling Geese were along one of the banks.  

All told - 93 viewed in about four hours.  I only covered about 1\2 of the 
habitat I had planned, but ran out of time.  Full ebird checklist at: 

Oddly MIA were almost all woodpeckers, except a couple Flickers.

Cathy Sheeter
Ft. Lupton

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[cobirds] Yellow-headed BB, Blue-winged Teal / Harriman Park / Jeffco

2014-05-15 Thread Dave Cameron
Just now at Harriman Park (Kipling and Quincy, Littleton):
1 m Yellow-headed Blackbird
A dozen or so pairs of Blue-winged Teal
Clouds of Swallows, incl Violet-greens
Many Red-winged BB's and Grackles
2 Spotted Sandpipers
2 Western Grebes
Several Bufflehead, females only
Yellow-rumped Warblers
Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Lee Martinez Park - McMurry Natural Area

2014-05-15 Thread 'Aran Meyer' via Colorado Birds
Lee Martinez Park - Large group of Chipping, Lark, and Clay-colored 
sparrows in the "crappy" brome field just north of parking lot.  Northern 
Waterthrush in the wetland/pond area just north of "crappy" brome field 
across the recreational trail.  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in same spot.  Green 
Heron and Swainson's Thrush in the forested wetland just south of the 
bridge that takes you over to Legacy Park parking lot and Salyer Natural 
McMurry - Two Northern Waterthrushs continue in the forested wetland just 
south of the McMurry Parking lot where Rob Sparks had found them last 
Friday.  Both were singing consistently.  
Great time of the year.
Aran Meyer
Old Town
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] PRAIRIE WARBLER--Belmar Historic Park/Jeffco

2014-05-15 Thread markchavez
This morning around 11am, Phil Pratt and I had a PRAIRIE WARBLER moving around 
the small pond next to the gazebo.  During this time period, we also had a male 
Blackpoll Warbler, which vanished before our eyes.  The Prairie Warbler 
disappeared after the initial looks, only to be re-found 15 minutes later, and 
then it vanished into a pine.  Photos of the bird can be seen below:


 Mark Chavez
Lakewood-Green Mtn

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[cobirds] Black-and-White Warbler, Waneka Lake Boulder County (5/15)

2014-05-15 Thread 'Chris Knight' via Colorado Birds
Hello All,
There was a female Black-and-White Warbler west of the boathouse at the SW 
side of Waneka Lake in Lafayette at 9:30AM this morning (5/15). It was 
hanging out in a large White Willow tree close-ish to the road near an 
exercise station.
Chris Knight
Longmont, Colorado

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[cobirds] Denver County birds -- local interest

2014-05-15 Thread Chris Rurik
Hi All --

It was gorgeous at Bluff Lake Nature Center this morning. I intended to 
bird for less than an hour and stayed more than two. Highlights included 
Northern Waterthrush (first ID'ed by its reflection in the water), 
MacGillivray's Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, nest-building Black-chinned 
Hummingbird, Wood Ducks, three Spotted Sandpipers, Rock Wren, Blue-gray 
Gnatcatcher, Spotted Towhee, Green-tailed Towhee, and a number of sparrows.

eBird checklist for your perusal: 

Denver City Park has been full of birds, though numbers are now dropping. 
Highlights over the last few days have included Tennessee Warbler, 
Plumbeous Vireo, Green-tailed Towhee, and an accursed Empid.

Good birding,
Chris Rurik
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Last Chance rest area

2014-05-15 Thread Glenn Walbek
Blue headed Vireo
Blackpoll Warbler ( male and female)

Lots of Western migrants!

Glenn Walbek
Castle Rock, CO

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

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[cobirds] RMBO Chatfield Banding Station Update, 5/14/14

2014-05-15 Thread Meredith McBurney
Hi Birders,

If we just look at summary data - 63 new birds plus some recaptures, lots of 
species - then 5/14 looks just like 5/13.  But, on Tuesday, Amber and her crew 
caught the birds in less than 3 hours, while our pace was a little more 
leisurely.  There were likely fewer birds around by Wednesday, but they 
remained active throughout the day.  We caught our last bird (a Wilson’s 
Warbler) as we were finally getting closed about 2:30.

A third of the birds we caught were Hermit Thrushes.  This is the same species 
that dominated the numbers when we had the freezing rain/snow last year, except 
last year it was almost 2 weeks earlier.   We don’t normally catch very many 
HETHs (the average for the 8 years prior to 2013 was 9; 2013 was 39 and 2014 
will be slightly more than that), so I think we can assume it is a species that 
normally passes us by except when forced down by a storm.  Don’t know what the 
2 week difference means - either they come through over a period of time or 
they are later this year.

The birds we caught seemed frisky, but they had almost no fat.  I’m guessing 
they will be hanging around for a few days to gain the weight they need to 
continue their migration.

The stars of the day were the 4 Violet-green Swallows.  We don’t catch swallows 
very often (the insects they are after have to be flying just right - low and 
over land.  And I think we fail to appreciate how truly gorgeous these birds 
are because we are usually looking at them as they streak through the sky or 
are perched really high on a telephone wire.  The many different shades of 
green, violet and blue glisten in the sunlight (as brilliant as Hummers but 
bigger), and their feathers are unbelievably soft.  

Here’s the break-down of the 63 (21 species, which may be a record for number 
of species in 1 day at Chatfield):

Least Flycatcher  1

Hammond’s Flycatcher  1

Dusky Flycather  4

Warbling Vireo  1

Violet-green Swallow   4

House Wren  2

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher  3

Hermit Thrush  21

Swainson’s Thrush  2

Orange-crowned  Warbler  1

Virginia’s Warbler  2

Yellow Warbler  5

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s) 4

MacGillivrey's Warbler  1

Common Yellowthroat  1

Wilson’s Warbler  3

Spotted Towhee  1

Lincoln’s Sparrow  3

White-crowned Sparrow, Gambel’s  1

White-crowned Sparrow, Mountain  1

Brown-headed Cowbird  1

Meredith McBurney

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

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[cobirds] Birding trip to Madagascar

2014-05-15 Thread Norm Erthal

Hi all,
I would like to thank the board for allowing CFO members to take advantage 
of the trips I plan. Many CFO members have participated in these trips. I 
have a trip upcoming to Madagascar. The dates are October 19 through 
November 7. The cost is about $5,000 plus airfare. This is a great cost 
with the best birding guide in Madagascar. Madagascar has 98 endemics, many 
regional endemics, and 5 endemic families. We could see two dozen lemur 
species plus several other unusual mammals and many reptiles including 
chameleons. Due to recent investments in the country by China, much of the 
habitat is disappearing quickly. If you ever wish to visit Madagascar, now 
is the time. 

I can provide more detail upon request.

If you can not take advantage of this opportunity, please forward to anyone 
you know who might be interested. 

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[cobirds] New Yard Bird

2014-05-15 Thread Greg Pasquariello
The first black-chinned hummingbird showed up in my yard in Roxborough
yesterday, a displaying male, though I was unable to locate the female.

-Greg Pasquariello
​Roxborough CO​

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[cobirds] Crow Valley Campground - Weld County, 5/14

2014-05-15 Thread Mark R

Crow Valley remains productive and numerous birders saw a plethora of migrants 
that have been seen in the last week.  The water in the normally dry creek is 
running at 1 - 1.5 ft high in most places so bring hip waders if you plan on 
viewing both sides of the riparian area.

Highlights from my visit (Some seen by others while there)

Gray Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
Dusky Flycatcher
Plumbeous Vireo
Hermit Thrush 
Swainson's Thrush (many)
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Common Yellowthroat (many)
Black-and-white Warbler
Northern Waterthrush (over a dozen)
Pine Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler (5 refound)
Nashville Warbler
Townsend Warbler
Virginia Warbler
Swamp Sparrow
Cassin's Sparrow

The Green Heron and Wood Thrush were not seen by any of the couple dozen people 
I ran into.


Mark Minner-Lee
Superior, CO


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[cobirds] Arctic and Common Terns, Larimer County

2014-05-15 Thread Nick Komar
Acting on a tip from Cole Wild, Austin Hess, Michael Costello and myself were 
able to refind an Arctic Tern and two Common Terns among a small pod of larger 
Forster's Terns yesterday May 14 at 6:30 pm at the south end of Boyd Lake in 
Loveland.  We viewed the roosting terns (search carefully among the emergent 
vegetation if the terns are not flying around) from the southeast corner. We 
parked at a pullout at the end of Frank St. off Boyd Lake Rd. (East of the lake 
- no fee area). Please respect the no trespass signs. Because we respected the 
signs, we were invited by the property caretaker to walk onto the private 
property. However, our best views (through telescopes) were achieved from the 
pullout. I think the Arctic Tern may not be in full breeding plumage yet as the 
small bill appeared dark, I thought I could make out a weak carpal bar on the 
resting bird, and Cole thought he noted some white feathers still visible on 
the forehead. When foraging, the terns may be seen anywhere on the lake. Best 
morning viewing will be from the east side (no fee) and in the afternoon from 
the west side (state park - fee area). 

Nick Komar
Fort Collins CO

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 15 May 2014

2014-05-15 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date: May 15, 2014
email: rba AT cfobirds.org
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, May 15, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report).

Green Heron (Pueblo, Weld)
Broad-winged Hawk (Fremont, El Paso/Pueblo, Larimer,  *Weld)
Ruddy Turnstone (Denver)
Short-billed Dowitcher (Boulder)
Caspian Tern (Arapahoe)
White-winged Dove (Bent)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Prowers)
Black Phoebe (Boulder, La Plata, Rio Grande)
Eastern Phoebe (Jefferson)
Cassin's Kingbird (Douglas, Douglas/Jefferson, Jefferson, Weld)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Weld)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Jefferson)
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH (Baca, El Paso/Pueblo, *Larimer,Weld)
WOOD THRUSH (Bent, Prowers)
Tennessee Warbler (Araphoe, Baca, Bent, El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Prowers)
Nashville Warbler (Bent, Jefferson,  Prowers)
Northern Parula (Douglas/Jefferson, Prowers)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Bent, Boulder)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Boulder, Weld)
Palm Warbler (*Adams, La Plata)
Blackpoll Warbler (Bent,Douglas/Jefferson, El Paso/Pueblo,  Larimer, Weld)
Black-and-white Warbler (Bent,*El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, Weld)
Ovenbird (Bent, Douglas/Jefferson, El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Jefferson,
Pueblo, Prowers, Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Arapahoe, Bent, Boulder, Douglas/Jefferson, El Paso,
El Paso/Pueblo, Jefferson,  La Plata, *Larimer, Pueblo, Weld)
Hooded Warbler (Baca, Bent, Douglas/Jefferson)
Summer Tanager (Baca, Bent, *El Paso, Jefferson)
Black-throated Sparrow (La Plata)
Swamp Sparrow (Weld)
White-throated Sparrow (Bent, El Paso/Pueblo, Jefferson, Pueblo, Weld)
Harris's Sparrow (El Paso/Pueblo, Pueblo)
Northern Cardinal (Baca, Prowers)
Indigo Bunting (Douglas/Jefferson, Jefferson, Prowers)

--A Palm Warbler was reported by Matheus at Rocky Mt Arsenal S of Lake Mary
on May 14.

 --At Aurora Reservoir (fee) on May 13, Suddjian reported Caspian Tern,
Tennessee Warbler, 6 Northern Waterthrush.

--A pair of PAINTED BUNTINGS was reported by Nunes at Picture Canyon on May
10.  The singing male PAINTED BUNTING was reported by Dunning on May 11 in
Picture Canyon.
--At Two Buttes below the dam on May 11, Dunning reported Tennessee Warbler
--At the second campground at Cottonwood Canyon on May 11, Mlodinow
reported calling Summer Tanager, singing Hooded Warbler, and singing
Northern Cardinal.

On May 11 at Tempel Grove, Kaempfer reported WOOD THRUSH, Northern
Waterthrush, Hooded Warbler, 4 Ovenbirds, Tennessee Warbler, and Northern
Parula.  Percival reported molting Summer Tanager and White-throated
Sparrow at Tempel Grove on May 11.
--On May 11 at Hasty Campground, Kaempfer reported White-winged Dove,
Chestnut-sided Warbler, Ovenbird, Black-and-white Warbler, and Blackpoll

--A Black Phoebe was reported by Floyd at a pond on the west side of 109th
St, N of Jasper on May 10.  The Black Phoebe was refound by Gent in the NE
corner of the pond on May 11.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Floyd at Greenlee Preserve in
Lafayette on May 11.  A Chestnut-sided Warbler was reported by Hundertmark
at Greenlee Preserve on May 11.  On May 12, Floyd reported 3 Northern
Waterthrush and Chestnut-sided Warbler at Greenlee Preserve.
--A Short-billed Dowitcher was reported by Floyd on May 11 at the pond on
109th N of Jasper and was refound by Hundertmark on May 12.
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Moore at the bridge on Hwy 287 over
Boulder Creek on May 11.  On May 12, Bell reported seeing the Black Phoebe
on the W side of the Boulder Creek Bridge over Hwy 287.  On May 13, Nunes
reported Black Phoebe downstream of Hwy 287 along Boulder Creek on May 13.
--2 Glossy Ibis were reported by Moore at railroad crossing W of Stearns
Lake on May 11.
--A singing Black-throated Blue Warbler was reported by Hansley in her yard
in Louisville on May 11.   Her address is 545 West Fir Way.  Call
303-263-1714 for updates and directions.
--A KENTUCKY WARBLER was reported by Piombino in her yard in North Boulder
County on May 12.  Call Pam at 303-776-1939 for updates and directions.

--2 Ruddy Turnstones were reported by Hudak at Marston Reservoir on the
Lower Bear Creek count on May 10.  Kilpatrick refound one Ruddy Turnstone
on May 11.  Roller reported on May 12 the the Ruddy Turnstones were at
shoreline close to small building atop dam.

--A Cassin's King