Re: NSMatrix mouse puzzle

2008-09-04 Thread D.K. Johnston
Thanks for your reply. The index variable is actually i: I forgot  
to change it when pasting the code into the email. So it does  
terminate after 10 seconds.

The reason I want a delay is that the user is supposed to have 10  
seconds only to look at the data displayed in the matrix. Then it's  
cleared. (It's a memory test, to prevent drunks from starting a  

I was looking at NSTimer, but it seemed simpler to do what I did. I'll  
look again.


P.S. And indeed, I'm not a real programmer: I just play one on TV.

On 3 Sep, 2008, at 21:52, Graham Cox wrote:

On 4 Sep 2008, at 2:40 pm, D.K. Johnston wrote:

// wait 10 seconds
NSUInteger i = 0, resume = time( nil ) + 10;
while( i  resume )
index = time( nil );

Don't do this!

This is not a good way to wait for a period of time, even if waiting  
for a period of time were a good way to do what you want (which it  
isn't). All this does is chew up CPU time - events will still be  
captured and queued while this is running, so when it ends, they  
just get processed and passed to the now enabled control. Also, as  
posted the above code never terminates - i is never changed.

What's to say your data display always takes 10 seconds anyway?  
Depends on the data, the machine you're running on, etc, etc... time  
delay loops are what a first-timer using BASIC uses - real  
programmers never do this.

Disable the matrix at the start of data load. When the data load  
finishes, signal that fact to some object that re-enables the  
control. Load the data asynchronously (using a thread or timer- 
driven loop).




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Re: Selection in NSCollectionView

2008-09-04 Thread Markus Spoettl

On Sep 3, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
But even after I tried to do something similar, I never got the  
collection to select things using the mouse, so I gave up. (It does  
work in IconCollection, but I couldn't find out why, or what was  
different.) That was the 3rd time I gave up trying to use  
NSCollectionView for something or other.

I don't know about how to make this work with compound views - by that  
I mean views containing other standard Cocoa subviews. I can imagine  
things get considerably more difficult because those sub views all  
have their own event handling implemented (mouse, keyboard). I also  
failed to make this work in my early tests, if I remember correctly  
the hitTest thin never worked (I could be wrong - it was several  
months back).

However, I have used NSCollectionView in conjunction with custom  
NSViews and selection is no problem. Basically there are two ways a  
view can get selected:

1) The selection state is change through the view's item controller.  
This usually happens when the selection indexes of the bound  
NSArrayController that controls the collection view's content change.  
The view has to be informed by its controller that it has been  
selected so it can update its visual state accordingly. This can be  
done by overwriting setSelected in the view's item controller.

2) An event in the view takes place that requires it to become  
selected or de-selected. This can be something like a -mouseDown:  
event, a keyboard event (if the view is can become and is  
firstResponder), probably not much else. In that case, the view  
informs its item controller (every view has its own controller) that  
it has been selected (or de-selected). The item controller forwards  
the information change to the collection view. After than (1) is what  

For this to work you need to implement a custom NSCollectionViewItem  
subclass that overwrites -setSelected:. In there you first call super  
and then let the view know about the selection state (probably by  
giving the view its own -selected property). You will also need to  
overwrite -setRepresentedObject: and let the view know who its  
controller is (and possibly the represented object too):

- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)flag {
[super setSelected:flag];

// tell the view that it has been selected
[(MyCustomView* )[self view] setSelected:flag];

- (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)object
[super setRepresentedObject:object];

MyCustomView *view = (MyCustomView *)[self view];

[view setController:self];
[view setRepresentedObject:object];

After that your NSView subclass knows both its controller object and  
the object it represents and it can forward events of interest to the  
item controller.

Not sure if that brings you any closer to a solution for your problem.

Markus Spoettl

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Re: NSOutlineView developer example

2008-09-04 Thread Boris Prohaska
Ok, so here we go. When i build and run the developer example  
OutlineView i get an OutlineView with one / element and a triangle  
next to it, so i can browse the whole filesystem. In FileSystemItem.m  
there is a method:

+ (FileSystemItem *)rootItem {
   if (rootItem == nil) rootItem = [[FileSystemItem alloc]  
initWithPath:@/ parent:nil];

   return rootItem;

so far so good. But when I change the initWithPath to  
initWithPath:@/Volumes/MyDisk/path/to/any/directory, as Ben said, i  
want the same behaviour like with the / only, but a tree from my  
path there. But this does not happen. Instead, i get a single row with  
the last path component with NO triange on the side, so this is kind  
of useless.

Does anyone know why this happens?

Am 04.09.2008 um 01:35 schrieb Graham Cox:

On 4 Sep 2008, at 3:42 am, Boris Prohaska wrote:

but this still doesn't work

Define doesn't work. If you expect help you have to be a lot more  
precise. What errors did you get? What are the symptoms? What have  
you tried? Remember that no-one is as interested in this problem as  
you - if you want to get answers, make the problem interesting! I'm  
guessing most people will read your question, say 'meh' and move on...




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clipView's boundsSize changes after scrollToPoint:

2008-09-04 Thread chaitanya pandit

I have a clipView showing an NSTextView, the clipView is scaled.
I see a weird behaviour where sometimes the clipView's bounds size  
changes after the scrollToPoint: gets called.
The change in the bound's height in my case was from 392.66687 to  
This causes the document view kinda oscillate when scrolled to the  
bottom end.

Any idea why the bounds size is getting changed?
If i restore the boundsSize to the original value after calling  
scrollToPoint, scrolling behaves fine but this would be a tweak rather  
than a solution.

I would appreciate any help.


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Re: NSOutlineView developer example

2008-09-04 Thread Marco Masser

so far so good. But when I change the initWithPath to  
initWithPath:@/Volumes/MyDisk/path/to/any/directory, as Ben said,  
i want the same behaviour like with the / only, but a tree from my  
path there. But this does not happen. Instead, i get a single row  
with the last path component with NO triange on the side, so this is  
kind of useless.

Does anyone know why this happens?

Erm... hi...

The problem is not the root path itself, but the -fullPath method:

- (NSString *)fullPath {
	return result = parent ? [[parent fullPath]  
stringByAppendingPathComponent:relativePath] : relativePath;


If the fullPath of the root item should be returned, this just returns  
its relative path. This works because for /, the full and the  
relative path are the same. If your root item should be /Users, the  
full path is /Users, but the above method returns just Users,  
therefore rendering all subsequent child item's paths useless. To get  
it working in a quick'n'dirty way, I tried the following (it works):

1) Add a new ivar called rootPath
2) In -initWithPath:parent: check whether the parten item passed is  
nil. If so, set the path passed as the rootPath

3) Modify the -fullPath method to look like this:

- (NSString *)fullPath {
	return result = parent ? [[parent fullPath]  
stringByAppendingPathComponent:relativePath] : rootPath;



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What Size My Window?

2008-09-04 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann
 For an ordinary window one can set in IB Auto Save Name: and  
everything works as expected. I can give it a nice size and position  
and the next time I open it, all is fine.

But if this window is a document, controlled by some  
NSDocumentController, this Auto Save Name seems to be ingnored (at  
least on Tiger).
This is annoying, as it forces me to size each new window again and  

Several solutions come to mind:

1. Have a FrameAutosaveName for each document
Disadvantage: does not define a nice size for new documents.
Clutters preferences.

2. Let the nib decide. (Current strategy).
Disadvantage: if my definition of nice size differs from the nib, I  
have to resize each new document.

3. Use last changed/ moved window
Disadvantage: if I want all windows in size A, but one special  
document in size B,  then after this special document I have to  
resize the next one again to size A.

4. Have a menu: Use frontmost window as default size and position
Disadvantage: menu clutter, clumsy.

5. Use the frontmost window
Disadvantage: If I have one window with non-standard size, I must  
remember not to close it as the last one.

6. Other?

So: is there some commonly agreed upon right strategy?
Are there some official guidelines for document window sizes?

Kind regards,



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Re: Creating a runloop to handle specific mouse events

2008-09-04 Thread Uli Kusterer

On 03.09.2008, at 18:36, Berk Özer wrote:
At one point, my application blocks the runloop and I have to poll  
for mouse events by calling [NSApplication  
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]. I'm not happy with  
the polling. It seems to me that creating a separate thread and  
configuring its runloop to process the events I'm interested in  
(specific mouse events for a specific window) is a more elegant  
solution. I couldn't find any example code doing that. I suspect  
that it's not possible for third-party developers to tap into the  
event stream coming from the window server, to create a  
CFRunloopSource similar to the one that feeds the main runloop.

 You can't really do that, because the GUI should always be driven  
from the main thread. Few parts of the GUI are thread-safe. Why do you  
have to block the runloop anyway? Have you thought about doing your  
work asynchronously or even in a second thread, and only doing the  
actual event handling and redraws in the main thread?

 PS - please do not reply to existing threads and change the subject  
line to create a new posting. That will sort your message under that  
old, completely unrelated thread in threaded view in most mail  
applications. Create a new message instead.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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Re: Selection in NSCollectionView

2008-09-04 Thread Markus Spoettl

On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:56 AM, Quincey Morris wrote:
The IconCollection sample code doesn't do this. If you drag over the  
collection, you get a marquee rectangle that selects everything  
inside it. I see no code to do this (beyond the hitTest override at  
the individual view level), so I concluded that this behavior is in  
NSCollectionView itself.

It is, the collection view updates the selection indexes and set its  
collection view items' selected states accordingly (in which order I  
don't know).

The puzzling part was that I could find no way to enable this  
behavior in my own NSCollectionView, and I think that's (basically)  
what the OP was saying too.

You get the marquee if you turn on multi-selection in the collection  
view. Otherwise, only one item can be selected and I can see why  
marquee selection makes little sense in that case.

No doubt I missed something obvious, but considering that prototype  
NSCollectionItem bindings also appear to be broken currently, any  
time spent fiddling with NSCollectionView felt to me like a waste.

Some things are broken (resizing will reset scroll bar positions,  
automatic scroll bars will confuse the control completely, key-view  
loop is broken, no control over animation). Before you suggest, I have  
reported those and got zero response from Apple. I seriously hope  
there is work going on behind those closed doors. It is a great  
control despite its deficiencies - for what I use it anyway.

Markus Spoettl

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Re: Why do all these methods of measuring string metrics with font attribute fail?

2008-09-04 Thread Uli Kusterer

On 04.09.2008, at 03:57, an0 wrote:

IMO, the size of a string with font attribute is an intrinsic property
determined only by the string and the font(and the layout of the
string on the view, but here let's fix the layout to one single line);
and the view used to render the attributed string should have a
reasonalby bigger size to hold the whole string. In other words, one
could have a good guess of the view size from the attributed string

 Well, this is programming, we try not to guess too much. It's much  
better design to ask the object that actually does all the drawing to  
tell you how much room it will take. Consider an NSTextFieldCell: It  
can have no borders, rounded ends (in which case the distance from the  
left and right edges to the actual text will be larger than that to  
the top and bottom, to accomodate the half-circles), rectangular  
border... If this measuring was done by string dimensions and a  
reasonable guess, it'd mean if you realize field X should really have  
rounded ends instead of straight ones, you'd have to change your  
measuring code everywhere you do your reasonable guess.

 On the other hand, the NSTextFieldCell knows how it has to be  
configured, and it knows what algorithm to use for its current  
appearance and content. It has to, or it wouldn't be able to draw  
itself. Why duplicate this logic elsewhere? A cell is a lightweight  
object intended to encapsulate text drawing, selection and editing,  
and creating one and keeping it around means your drawings will be  
much faster, because state and previous results of measurements can be  
cached in the NSTextFieldCell for faster drawing.

 That said, while Cocoa has a convenience method for drawing a string  
in a rect in NSStringDrawing.h, there's none for measuring it. You  
could roll your own according to this article:

but for best performance you'd want to cache the three text system  
objects you created for this (the NSStringDrawing methods can't really  
do much cacheing, though I've heard they try their best given their  
lack of information), and that's what an NSTextFieldCell probably does  
anyway, so why bother? Just use the cell class for your string  
measuring and drawing.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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Re: What Size My Window?

2008-09-04 Thread Uli Kusterer

On 04.09.2008, at 10:10, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

6. Other?

So: is there some commonly agreed upon right strategy?
Are there some official guidelines for document window sizes?

 You can save the size of your window in some plist in your document  
using -stringWithSavedFrame and restore it using -setFrameFromString:.  
That would be per-document. The one issue this has is that the user  
would have to save the document each time to make this stick. So just  
moving a window dirties the document.

 It's a little hard to do this using an NSDocument, but a common  
approach is to use a resource or xattributes to attach the window  
positions to a file without touching the actual document. That way,  
diff and similar tools won't think it's changed, and if the position  
gets lost during internet transfer, that's not too bad, as it's not  
vital information.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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Re: NSNotificationCenter removeObserver NOT working

2008-09-04 Thread Ken Ferry
Hi Valentin,

I think you're hoping that passing nil for the observer acts as a
wildcard?  It does not, check the docs.

Observer to remove from the dispatch table. Specify an observer to
remove only entries for this observer. Must not be nil, or message
will have no effect.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 2:51 AM, Valentin Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to remove all notifications that have a certain object and I
 can't seem to get that to work. I'm doing something like this:

 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:nil name:nil

 The notifications for this sender keep coming and that causes a problem.
 How can I fix that ?



 Valentin Dan, Software Developer Direct: +1 905 886 1833

 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Office: +40 356-710158

 Masstech Group Inc.  Fax:+40 256-220912



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Re: NSMatrix mouse puzzle

2008-09-04 Thread Graham Cox

On 4 Sep 2008, at 4:14 pm, D.K. Johnston wrote:

The reason I want a delay is that the user is supposed to have 10  
seconds only to look at the data displayed in the matrix. Then it's  
cleared. (It's a memory test, to prevent drunks from starting a  

I was looking at NSTimer, but it seemed simpler to do what I did.  
I'll look again.

NSTimer is ideal for this - just set it to have a value of 10 seconds  
and not to repeat. In the callback, re-enable the matrix.

cheers, Graham

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Re: NSPanel: resigning key focus?

2008-09-04 Thread Graham Cox

On 4 Sep 2008, at 8:26 pm, Vijay Malhan wrote:

How do I make NSPanel(activating utility window) to resign key focus  
on an

event (escape key down). I have tried:
- resignFirstResponder
- resignKeyWindow

None works.

I have sub-classed NSPanel to get keydown events.

This won't work because it doesn't know who should become the  
responder when it resigns. Instead, if you make some other object  
(window) key, this one should lose that status. (i.e. it can only jump  
if it has somewhere *to* jump).

hth, Graham

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Re: Creating a runloop to handle specific mouse events

2008-09-04 Thread Berk Özer
It's a big legacy app. Refactoring the blocking routines into separate  
threads is major work. So I was wondering if I could kind of reverse  
the concept by controlling which events get channelled to which  
thread. The rendering functionality of the window server wouldn't need  
to be thread-safe. Only the access to the event queue. Of course, I  
must not issue any display commands from within the secondary threads.

At the moment, polling works for me. I'm just curious about  
alternative solutions.



On Sep 4, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:

On 03.09.2008, at 18:36, Berk Özer wrote:
At one point, my application blocks the runloop and I have to poll  
for mouse events by calling [NSApplication  
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]. I'm not happy  
with the polling. It seems to me that creating a separate thread  
and configuring its runloop to process the events I'm interested in  
(specific mouse events for a specific window) is a more elegant  
solution. I couldn't find any example code doing that. I suspect  
that it's not possible for third-party developers to tap into the  
event stream coming from the window server, to create a  
CFRunloopSource similar to the one that feeds the main runloop.

You can't really do that, because the GUI should always be driven  
from the main thread. Few parts of the GUI are thread-safe. Why do  
you have to block the runloop anyway? Have you thought about doing  
your work asynchronously or even in a second thread, and only doing  
the actual event handling and redraws in the main thread?

PS - please do not reply to existing threads and change the subject  
line to create a new posting. That will sort your message under that  
old, completely unrelated thread in threaded view in most mail  
applications. Create a new message instead.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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(no subject)

2008-09-04 Thread mahaboob
Hi All,

I need to create a plug-in for safari. It should be a toolbar and when I'm
installing it, it has to a prompt user to enter personal info and should
be stored in same computer. When I'm using browser, where I need to fill
the data on form fields. I have one more thing, when I am clicking on
toolbar icon, it should auto populate data on appropriate fields. How can
I do it ? From where I should start ?.

Thanks in advance


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Re: NSPanel: resigning key focus?

2008-09-04 Thread Vijay Malhan

 This won't work because it doesn't know who should become the responder
 when it resigns. Instead, if you make some other object (window) key, this
 one should lose that status. (i.e. it can only jump if it has somewhere *to*

The next object in responder chain should become first responder. If there
is a document window open, then it should become the first responder or the
application itself. The panel should change it's state as deactivated.

What I am trying to do here is to allow application to listen the key events
after hitting the escape key on the activated panel. If the panel is active
it takes the key events which is the correct behavior. But if user wants to
use some application shortcuts (specially single key shortcuts), it
conflicts with let's say look-ahead/key-selection feature on a Table view on

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Re: NSPanel: resigning key focus?

2008-09-04 Thread Vijay Malhan

 This won't work because it doesn't know who should become the responder
 when it resigns. Instead, if you make some other object (window) key, this
 one should lose that status. (i.e. it can only jump if it has somewhere *to*

 The next object in responder chain should become first responder. If there
 is a document window open, then it should become the first responder or the
 application itself. The panel should change it's state as deactivated.

 What I am trying to do here is to allow application to listen the key
 events after hitting the escape key on the activated panel. If the panel is
 active it takes the key events which is the correct behavior. But if user
 wants to use some application shortcuts (specially single key shortcuts), it
 conflicts with let's say look-ahead/key-selection feature on a Table view on

If I do:
[window orderOut: nil];
[window orderFront: nil]; // Not asking it to be key

This results in the behavior I am trying to achieve.
But this workaround will not work as there is a flicker (ordering out and
ordering in).

I was expecting similar behavior with [window resignFirstResponder].

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Changing the model behind contoller's back?

2008-09-04 Thread Oleg Krupnov
I am experimenting with Core Data model bound to NSTreeController
bound to a custom view.

When I change the model via controller like this:

Widget* newWidget = [NSEntityDescription
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Widget inManagedObjectContext:[self
NSUInteger path[2] = {0, 0};
[widgetTreeController insertObject:newWidget
atArrangedObjectIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:path

then the custom view receives a change notification via its binding,
but when I modify the model directly,

[[self rootWirdget] addChildWidgetsObject:newWidget];
where addChildWidgetsObject: is a dynamic mutator accessor, i.e.
there's only declaration in my project, and the implementation is
provided by Core Data.

then the binding in the custom view is not fired.

The question is: am I allowed to alter the model directly, or should I
always use the controller?

I think that I should be allowed to alter the model directly, because
the model can be manipulated via Apple Script etc. But what can be the
problem then?

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Re: (no subject)

2008-09-04 Thread Thomas Davie

On 4 Sep 2008, at 12:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I need to create a plug-in for safari. It should be a toolbar and  
when I'm
installing it, it has to a prompt user to enter personal info and  
be stored in same computer. When I'm using browser, where I need to  

the data on form fields. I have one more thing, when I am clicking on
toolbar icon, it should auto populate data on appropriate fields.  
How can

I do it ? From where I should start ?.

As far as I know, you can't add toolbars to Safari.  At a guess, this  
is by design.


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NSProgressIndicator drawing

2008-09-04 Thread Marcel Borsten
I'm using a NSProgressIndicator in my interface, but it shows some  
strange edges around it when it is visible. The progress indicator is  
superimposed over a background picture (which is loaded by a the view  
as background). What am I doing wrong here?

inline: Picture 3.png

Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,


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Re: NSProgressIndicator drawing

2008-09-04 Thread Mike Abdullah
Are you making the progress indicator a subview of the picture? If  
not, that would explain your screenshot.

On 4 Sep 2008, at 13:29, Marcel Borsten wrote:

I'm using a NSProgressIndicator in my interface, but it shows some  
strange edges around it when it is visible. The progress indicator  
is superimposed over a background picture (which is loaded by a the  
view as background). What am I doing wrong here?

Picture 3.png

Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,


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Bluetooth disconnect WiFi

2008-09-04 Thread Macarov Anatoli

I have PowerBook G4 and PowerPC. In Xcode and Obj - C, I use 
IOBluetooth.framework. Why when bluetooth is working WIFI connection is 
interrupted, and sometimes quits working. May be both devices use one and the 
same antenna or use the same frequency? Is there a way out?

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Re: Why do all these methods of measuring string metrics with font attribute fail?

2008-09-04 Thread an0
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Peter Ammon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:01 AM, an0 wrote:

 I should declare up front that I know there are some arcane ways to
 measure string metrics using things like NSTextStorage,
 NSLayoutManager and the kin.
 Given the string and the font used to render it, it is reasonable
 there should be some straightforward way to tell the metrics of the
 string when laid out in one line. Actually, I thought I'd found
 several after reading through the docs; however, all of them turned
 out to be very miserable.
 Here goes what I've tried, with the effects in comments:
Then what about boundingRectForFont? Why is it so large?
   NSFont *font = [NSFont labelFontOfSize:12]; // I put the string in a
   NSRect fontRect = [font boundingRectForFont]; // too large

 This is measuring how much space it would take to render any single glyph.
  This isn't what you want for measuring text.

   NSRect glyphRect = [font boundingRectForGlyph:'W']; // too too small

 Glyphs are not the same thing as characters, and you cannot pass one in
 place of the other.  The ASCII value of a character is not related to its
 glyph value.  For example, the glyph corresponding to W would be 58 in the
 font you were using.
Using 58 for 'W' seems to make no difference here, the resulting glyph
height is still unreasonably small.

 (In fact, you should not think about glyph value of a character at all.
  Some characters have no glyphs, like space; sometimes multiple characters
 produce a single glyph, like an fi ligature.)

 In order to generate glyphs from characters, you should use the methods in
 NSLayoutManager.  However, as you know, this is overkill for simple text

 IMO, the size of a string with font attribute is an intrinsic property
 determined only by the string and the font(and the layout of the
 string on the view, but here let's fix the layout to one single line);
 and the view used to render the attributed string should have a
 reasonalby bigger size to hold the whole string. In other words, one
 could have a good guess of the view size from the attributed string

 So, if my understanding of these two metrics is right, how can they
 differ so much? Was I using the wrong APIs?

 If my understanding is wrong, can you tell me what's the exact
 relationship between these two metrics?

 You were using the wrong APIs.  To find the size of a string, use -[string
 sizeWithAttributes:].  To find the natural size of a control whose content
 is some string, use -[[textField cell] cellSize].  As you surmised, the
 control's natural size is often reasonably bigger than the content - but
 it may not be, if the control is fixed size (such as a circular button).

So, it seems -[string sizeWithAttributes:] is the only API that gives
a reasonable size of string. But I'm wondering what all the other APIs
listed above are for. If they give no useful information for
application programmers, why does Apple expose them to confuse us?
 If you just want a control to be big enough for its content, set the content
 on the control and then call -[control sizeToFit].

 Hope this helps,


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Re: [NSTableView] Drag and Drop issues with NSButton in Leopard

2008-09-04 Thread Stéphane Sudre

On Sep 3, 2008, at 12:27 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote:

On Sep 2, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Stéphane Sudre wrote:

I have some code that works OK on Tiger but does not on Leopard.

I have a NSTableView with a column whose data cell is a  
NSButtonCell subclass.

The NSButtonCell is set to be a checkbox/switchbox.

The subclass implements the following method:

- (BOOL) trackMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame  
ofView:(NSView *)controlView untilMouseUp:(BOOL)flag

return YES;

in order to prevent clicks to be taken into account.

On Mac OS X 10.4.x, this works perfectly: you can't click the  
checkbox to change its value but you can initiate a drag by  
clicking on the checkbox.

On Mac OS X 10.5.x, this prevents the click but does not allow the  
drag operation to begin.

I've tried to play with the new NSTableViews methods in Leopard to  
deal with advanced tracking but this did not help. Either it's a  
regression or I'm not doing something correctly (I just hope it's  
the second case).

What could be done to make this work on Leopard?

The release notes should have covered this, but you want to  
implement this in 10.5 (only required if you are linking against  
10.5 or higher):

I'm linking against 10.4 when developing on Tiger and against 10.5  
when developing on Leopard. So I'm in the only case.


Return anything except trackable. This fixes it?

It does.



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Re: (no subject)

2008-09-04 Thread I. Savant
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Thomas Davie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As far as I know, you can't add toolbars to Safari.  At a guess, this is by

  ... and a very GOOD design, too:
  (just one example)



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Re: Why do all these methods of measuring string metrics with font attribute fail?

2008-09-04 Thread Graham Cox

On 4 Sep 2008, at 11:27 pm, an0 wrote:

If they give no useful information for
application programmers,

Yes they do, but perhaps just not for your application. If you want to  
use glyphs as a graphic element for example, it's sometimes useful to  
query these sizes without having to try laying them out as text.  
Remember, there is a big difference, conceptually, between a string (a  
collection of characters) and a font (a collection of glyphs). Glyphs  
are graphical entities, and most of the stuff in NSFont and  
NSFontManager is there to support these concepts at that level.

Your problem (and confusion) appears to stem from the fact that you  
seem to think that a font is something like a string, and so can be  
treated as a collection of characters. The layout of glyphs to form an  
image of a string of text on the screen is a complex process, and  
applications that do this need to know all sorts of metrics beyond  
how much space does this string occupy. In fact to calculate that  
they need to add up the space occupied by each glyph, and some of the  
methods you mentioned are there to support that sort of processing.

cheers, Graham

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Re: NSProgressIndicator drawing

2008-09-04 Thread Marcel Borsten

The picture is drawn in a custom view with:

[[NSColor colorWithPatternImage:image] set];

I don't think I can load the NSProgressIndicator as a subview in this  
way, so I am going to look at getting the image there in another way.



On 4 sep 2008, at 14:58, Mike Abdullah wrote:

Are you making the progress indicator a subview of the picture? If  
not, that would explain your screenshot.

On 4 Sep 2008, at 13:29, Marcel Borsten wrote:

I'm using a NSProgressIndicator in my interface, but it shows some  
strange edges around it when it is visible. The progress indicator  
is superimposed over a background picture (which is loaded by a the  
view as background). What am I doing wrong here?

Picture 3.png

Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,


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Re: understanding conversions between CF and NS datatypes

2008-09-04 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Sa,30.08.2008 um 05:22 schrieb Michael Ash:

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Allen Curtis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
1. Where can I get a better understanding of the data conversion  

these different frameworks?
2. Ultimately the device path names will appear in a ComboBox. Was it
necessary to convert the CFMutableArray to a NSMutableArray for the
datasource function?

Ultimately the most important thing to understand about toll-free
bridging (the link between CF and NS data types) is that you don't
have to convert anything. You *can't* convert anything. Because they
aren't two different things. An NSArray *is* a CFArray. An
NSMutableArray is a CFMutableArray. They are just two different names
for the same type.
I'm not sure, whether this is completly correct. I would prefer to  
say, that are two different names of two different types, which are  
interchangeable. But AFAIK in some (rare) cases, CF and NS behaves  
differently. I know this example

Creates a new empty mutable array.

*The maximum number of values that can be contained* by the new array.  
The array starts empty and can grow to this number of values (and it  
can have less). If this parameter is 0, the array’s maximum capacity  
is not limited. The value must not be negative.




The *initial capacity* of the new array.


Mutable arrays *expand as needed*; numItems simply establishes the  
object’s initial capacity.

So, if you get an CFMutableArray and cast it to an NSMutableArray you  
will get unintended results on inserting behind the capacity.


It gets slightly tricky because the compiler doesn't know this crucial
fact. So when you have a CFMutableArrayRef and you try to treat it
like it was an NSMutableArray*, the compiler gets complainey. So you
have to do some fancy typecasting to shut it up. But it's very
important to understand that this typecast doesn't do any sort of
conversion or translation or anything of the sort, it just tells the
compiler to look at the exact same pointer to the exact same object in
a new light.


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Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: understanding conversions between CF and NS datatypes

2008-09-04 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Do,04.09.2008 um 16:41 schrieb Negm-Awad Amin:

Am Sa,30.08.2008 um 05:22 schrieb Michael Ash:

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Allen Curtis  
1. Where can I get a better understanding of the data conversion  

these different frameworks?
2. Ultimately the device path names will appear in a ComboBox. Was  

necessary to convert the CFMutableArray to a NSMutableArray for the
datasource function?

Ultimately the most important thing to understand about toll-free
bridging (the link between CF and NS data types) is that you don't
have to convert anything. You *can't* convert anything. Because they
aren't two different things. An NSArray *is* a CFArray. An
NSMutableArray is a CFMutableArray. They are just two different names
for the same type.
I'm not sure, whether this is completly correct. I would prefer to  
say, that are two different names of two different types, which are  
interchangeable. But AFAIK in some (rare) cases, CF and NS behaves  
differently. I know this example

Creates a new empty mutable array.

*The maximum number of values that can be contained* by the new  
array. The array starts empty and can grow to this number of values  
(and it can have less). If this parameter is 0, the array’s maximum  
capacity is not limited. The value must not be negative.




The *initial capacity* of the new array.


Mutable arrays *expand as needed*; numItems simply establishes the  
object’s initial capacity.

So, if you get an CFMutableArray and cast it to an NSMutableArray  
you will get unintended results on inserting behind the capacity.

Oh, I tried it (Casting an CFMutableArray to an NSMutablearray and  
send masses of -addObject: to it) and did not get an error?

Can somebody explain that?


It gets slightly tricky because the compiler doesn't know this  

fact. So when you have a CFMutableArrayRef and you try to treat it
like it was an NSMutableArray*, the compiler gets complainey. So you
have to do some fancy typecasting to shut it up. But it's very
important to understand that this typecast doesn't do any sort of
conversion or translation or anything of the sort, it just tells the
compiler to look at the exact same pointer to the exact same object  

a new light.


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Amin Negm-Awad


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Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: Preference panes and Apple Help

2008-09-04 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Wed, 03 Sep 2008 09:27:05 +1000, Andrew White [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS: I couldn't see any call to deallocate a FSRef.  Does it get correctly
cleaned up as part of normal stack cleanup?

Andrew: Yes. :) Look in Files.h. Despite the Ref ending on the name
(legacy), an FSRef is not a pointer; it's just a struct. Objective-C is C.
Therefore this is an ordinary local variable; the 80 bytes on the stack are
cleaned up when the variable goes out of scope. m.

matt neuburg, phd = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
One of the 2007 MacTech Top 25:
AppleScript: the Definitive Guide - Second Edition!


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Re: Why do all these methods of measuring string metrics with font attribute fail?

2008-09-04 Thread an0
I know the difference between string and font, and that between
grapheme and glyph.
However, I might miss the point that the size of the rendered string
is not simply the sum the sizes of individual glyphs. There should be
some extra space taken by spacing among and around glyphs. And some
other more subtle typesetting details, also.
Thanks for your hint, anyhow.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Graham Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4 Sep 2008, at 11:27 pm, an0 wrote:

 If they give no useful information for
 application programmers,

 Yes they do, but perhaps just not for your application. If you want to use
 glyphs as a graphic element for example, it's sometimes useful to query
 these sizes without having to try laying them out as text. Remember, there
 is a big difference, conceptually, between a string (a collection of
 characters) and a font (a collection of glyphs). Glyphs are graphical
 entities, and most of the stuff in NSFont and NSFontManager is there to
 support these concepts at that level.

 Your problem (and confusion) appears to stem from the fact that you seem to
 think that a font is something like a string, and so can be treated as a
 collection of characters. The layout of glyphs to form an image of a string
 of text on the screen is a complex process, and applications that do this
 need to know all sorts of metrics beyond how much space does this string
 occupy. In fact to calculate that they need to add up the space occupied by
 each glyph, and some of the methods you mentioned are there to support that
 sort of processing.

 cheers, Graham


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Re: Creating a runloop to handle specific mouse events

2008-09-04 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
At one point, my application blocks the runloop and I have to poll  
for mouse events by calling [NSApplication  
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]. I'm not happy with  
the polling. It seems to me that creating a separate thread and  
configuring its runloop to process the events I'm interested in  
(specific mouse events for a specific window) is a more elegant  
solution. I couldn't find any example code doing that. I suspect  
that it's not possible for third-party developers to tap into the  
event stream coming from the window server, to create a  
CFRunloopSource similar to the one that feeds the main runloop.

This isn’t really polling as much as taking over the runloop and  
filtering out some events. There’s nothing really inelegant about this— 
it’s the call that powers the tracking loop in most of the controls in  
AppKit. If you really wanted, you could shuffle off the events to  
another thread for processing later.


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Re: What Size My Window?

2008-09-04 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 4 Sep 2008, at 15:48, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Sep 4, 2008, at 3:10 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

For an ordinary window one can set in IB Auto Save Name: and  
everything works as expected. I can give it a nice size and  
position and the next time I open it, all is fine.

But if this window is a document, controlled by some  
NSDocumentController, this Auto Save Name seems to be ingnored (at  
least on Tiger).
This is annoying, as it forces me to size each new window again  
and again.

This is a bug in NSWindowController that's fixed in Leopard.   
Search for New Behavior for NSWindowController Frame Autosave  
Names in the Leopard AppKit release notes http://

You can work around it using -[NSWindowController  

I did:
- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];
[ aController setWindowFrameAutosaveName: DocumentWindowName ];

It works - but not as I was expecting it to work:
It sets (and remembers) the size/position of the first window.
But all subsequent windows will get the position from the nib and  
their size is never remembered.

This is (for my taste at least) much better:

- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];
[ myWindow setFrameUsingName: DocumentWindowName ];
windowControllerHasLoadedNib = YES;

//  document is delegate for only its own window:
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if ( windowControllerHasLoadedNib )
[ myWindow saveFrameUsingName: DocumentWindowName ];

same for windowDidMove:.

Kind regards,



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Re: understanding conversions between CF and NS datatypes

2008-09-04 Thread Sean McBride
On 8/29/08 10:38 AM, Allen Curtis said:

I am writing a Cocoa application for accessing a serial device. (IOKit) In
order to do this, you need to translate between CF and NS data types. (I

You could probably make use of the AMSerialPort class (google it) to
make thing a lot easier.


Sean McBride, B. Eng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: understanding conversions between CF and NS datatypes

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Negm-Awad Amin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am Sa,30.08.2008 um 05:22 schrieb Michael Ash:

 Ultimately the most important thing to understand about toll-free
 bridging (the link between CF and NS data types) is that you don't
 have to convert anything. You *can't* convert anything. Because they
 aren't two different things. An NSArray *is* a CFArray. An
 NSMutableArray is a CFMutableArray. They are just two different names
 for the same type.

 I'm not sure, whether this is completly correct. I would prefer to say, that
 are two different names of two different types, which are interchangeable.

No, they are the same type.

 But AFAIK in some (rare) cases, CF and NS behaves differently.

Meaningless. You can subclass NSArray and get whatever behavior you
want. The result is still an NSArray (and still a CFArray).


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Re: NSProgressIndicator drawing

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Ash
2008/9/4 Marcel Borsten [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm using a NSProgressIndicator in my interface, but it shows some strange
 edges around it when it is visible. The progress indicator is superimposed
 over a background picture (which is loaded by a the view as background).
 What am I doing wrong here?

Looks like the problem described in the last paragraph here:


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Can I get a FILE* from Cocoa (NSFileHandle )?

2008-09-04 Thread Paul Archibald
I have gotten some suggestions on a problem which require access to  
standard C calls. In particular, one poster suggested that I use some  
calls which require a FILE*, when all I have at this point are  
NSTask, NSPipe, and NSFileHandle objects.

Is it possible to get a FILE* from an NSPipe or NSFileHandle? I don't  
see anything in the documentation that looks like that. (I am not  
getting much help from Google either.)


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Re: Can I get a FILE* from Cocoa (NSFileHandle )?

2008-09-04 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 4 sept. 08 à 19:09, Paul Archibald a écrit :

I have gotten some suggestions on a problem which require access to  
standard C calls. In particular, one poster suggested that I use  
some calls which require a FILE*, when all I have at this point are  
NSTask, NSPipe, and NSFileHandle objects.

Is it possible to get a FILE* from an NSPipe or NSFileHandle? I  
don't see anything in the documentation that looks like that. (I am  
not getting much help from Google either.)

fdopen[[fileHandle fileDescriptor], ...)

See man fdopen for details.


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Re: Can I get a FILE* from Cocoa (NSFileHandle )?

2008-09-04 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Sep 4, 2008, at 10:09 AM, Paul Archibald wrote:

I have gotten some suggestions on a problem which require access to  
standard C calls. In particular, one poster suggested that I use  
some calls which require a FILE*, when all I have at this point are  
NSTask, NSPipe, and NSFileHandle objects.

Which calls and what problem are they trying to solve?

Is it possible to get a FILE* from an NSPipe or NSFileHandle? I  
don't see anything in the documentation that looks like that. (I am  
not getting much help from Google either.)

It's pretty unlikely that you can map stdio FILE to a NSFileHandle.  
NSFileHandle does offer the -fileDescriptor method, which is the  
underlying object that both FILE and NSFileHandle are built on top of.  
NSPipe has similar methods. Maybe you can use some calls that work at  
that level?

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA

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Re: understanding conversions between CF and NS datatypes

2008-09-04 Thread Negm-Awad Amin

Am Do,04.09.2008 um 18:27 schrieb Michael Ash:

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Negm-Awad Amin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Am Sa,30.08.2008 um 05:22 schrieb Michael Ash:

Ultimately the most important thing to understand about toll-free
bridging (the link between CF and NS data types) is that you don't
have to convert anything. You *can't* convert anything. Because they
aren't two different things. An NSArray *is* a CFArray. An
NSMutableArray is a CFMutableArray. They are just two different  

for the same type.

I'm not sure, whether this is completly correct. I would prefer to  
say, that
are two different names of two different types, which are  

No, they are the same type.

But AFAIK in some (rare) cases, CF and NS behaves differently.

Meaningless. You can subclass NSArray and get whatever behavior you
want. The result is still an NSArray (and still a CFArray).

But I wouldn't say, that a subclass of a baseclass is the same type as  
the baseclass. You can assign a subclass instacne to a baseclass  
pointer and there is no casting, so indeed the situation is similiar  
to NSArray and CFArray.

But saying, that assigning proves the type identity (correct word?) …



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Amin Negm-Awad


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Re: Can I get a FILE* from Cocoa (NSFileHandle )?

2008-09-04 Thread Paul Archibald
Naturally as soon as I posted my query I noticed that there was a  
method I had not paid any attention to, and, of course, that is the  
one Jean-Daniel and Robert already knew about, and have been kind  
enough to point out to me. Thanks guys, I will be testing this out next.


On Sep 4, 2008, at 10:18 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:

Le 4 sept. 08 à 19:09, Paul Archibald a écrit :

I have gotten some suggestions on a problem which require access  
to standard C calls. In particular, one poster suggested that I  
use some calls which require a FILE*, when all I have at this  
point are NSTask, NSPipe, and NSFileHandle objects.

Is it possible to get a FILE* from an NSPipe or NSFileHandle? I  
don't see anything in the documentation that looks like that. (I  
am not getting much help from Google either.)

fdopen[[fileHandle fileDescriptor], ...)

See man fdopen for details.

Get a fileDescriptor from your NSFileHandle object, then fdopen it  
to get a FILE*.


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Re: understanding conversions between CF and NS datatypes

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Negm-Awad Amin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am Do,04.09.2008 um 18:27 schrieb Michael Ash:

 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Negm-Awad Amin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Am Sa,30.08.2008 um 05:22 schrieb Michael Ash:

 Ultimately the most important thing to understand about toll-free
 bridging (the link between CF and NS data types) is that you don't
 have to convert anything. You *can't* convert anything. Because they
 aren't two different things. An NSArray *is* a CFArray. An
 NSMutableArray is a CFMutableArray. They are just two different names
 for the same type.

 I'm not sure, whether this is completly correct. I would prefer to say,
 are two different names of two different types, which are

 No, they are the same type.

 But AFAIK in some (rare) cases, CF and NS behaves differently.

 Meaningless. You can subclass NSArray and get whatever behavior you
 want. The result is still an NSArray (and still a CFArray).

 But I wouldn't say, that a subclass of a baseclass is the same type as the
 baseclass. You can assign a subclass instacne to a baseclass pointer and
 there is no casting, so indeed the situation is similiar to NSArray and

Subclassing is supposed to be an is a relationship. In other words,
if I subclass NSMutableArray and call the new class a MyMutableArray,
then a MyMutableArray is an NSMutableArray. An NSMutableArray is in
turn an NSArray, and an NSArray is an NSObject.

Likewise, an NSArray is a CFArray, and a CFArray is an NSArray. They
are just two different names for the same thing. The fact that you can
obtain different behaviors depending on how you create them is not all
that interesting, as that happens *anyway* with many different

 But saying, that assigning proves the type identity (correct word?) …

Not sure what you mean here.


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Re: NSNotificationCenter removeObserver NOT working

2008-09-04 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Sep 4, 2008, at 3:02 AM, Valentin Dan wrote:
Oh, yeah ... I didn't read that part. I would have been easier  
though if

it had acted like a wildcard :-)

It would also be extremely problematic.

You have no way of knowing what else might be observing that  
particular notification, nor what might break if you unregister  
observers willy-nilly.


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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread I. Savant
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:14 PM, John Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to know how to create a line break in Interface Builder.
 \n does not work...
 I have a multiline text field that is populated using bindings, the value is 
 modified using a display pattern:
 %{value1}@  %{value2}@
 I need a line break between these two values.
 Any ideas?

  If inserting a \n escape doesn't work, my next idea would be to
create a dependent key (dependent on whatever key you were original
trying to bind) that gives the proper formatted string.

  Say you wanted to bind to two keys called: foo and bar. Create a
third key formattedFooBarString (or whatever) and register it as
dependent upon foo and bar (so that if either foo or bar change,
foormattedFooBarString is also updated). The key has no setter, but
its getter returns:

return [NSString stringWithFormat:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@, [self
valueForKey:@foo], [self valueForKey:@bar]];

  You then bind to foormattedFooBarString (without using the display
pattern) and it should work fine. I hope this helps.


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Notify when file moved

2008-09-04 Thread Trygve Inda
I have a pref pane and a background app tied to it. Sometimes, people try to
trash the pref pane while the background process is running which orphans
things a bit.

Is there a way to have the background process notified when the pref pane is
moved (ie moved to the trash).

Note the background process resides in the pref pane bundle.




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Re: Notify when file moved

2008-09-04 Thread I. Savant
 Is there a way to have the background process notified when the pref pane is
 moved (ie moved to the trash).

  Google FSEvents Framework (Leopard only). For pre-Leopard, google BDAlias.


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Re: Creating a runloop to handle specific mouse events

2008-09-04 Thread Uli Kusterer

On 04.09.2008, at 17:04, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote:
This isn’t really polling as much as taking over the runloop and  
filtering out some events. There’s nothing really inelegant about  
this—it’s the call that powers the tracking loop in most of the  
controls in AppKit. If you really wanted, you could shuffle off the  
events to another thread for processing later.

 Also, if you use the run loop correctly, it will block until your  
timeout is hit. Which is much more well-behaved than busy-polling.

 OTOH, I hope you're not getting GUI events on that run loop like  
mouse clicks, because I don't think that's supported from multiple  
threads, so you may get odd crashes doing that.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread John Murphy
This was actually my first thought as well, but I was hoping to avoid this 
technique because I am using this as part of a tutorial I want to remain in 
Interface Builder as much as possible for this particular lesson. 

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, I. Savant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: I. Savant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: line break in Interface Builder
 Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 7:20 PM
 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:14 PM, John Murphy
  I need to know how to create a line break in Interface
  \n does not work...
  I have a multiline text field that is populated using
 bindings, the value is modified using a display pattern:
  %{value1}@  %{value2}@
  I need a line break between these two values.
  Any ideas?
   If inserting a \n escape doesn't work, my next
 idea would be to
 create a dependent key (dependent on whatever key you were
 trying to bind) that gives the proper formatted string.
   Say you wanted to bind to two keys called:
 foo and bar. Create a
 third key formattedFooBarString (or whatever)
 and register it as
 dependent upon foo and bar (so that if either foo or bar
 foormattedFooBarString is also updated). The key has no
 setter, but
 its getter returns:
 return [NSString stringWithFormat:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@,
 valueForKey:@foo], [self
   You then bind to foormattedFooBarString (without using
 the display
 pattern) and it should work fine. I hope this helps.



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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread Quincey Morris

On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:14, John Murphy wrote:

I need to know how to create a line break in Interface Builder.
\n does not work...
I have a multiline text field that is populated using bindings, the  
value is modified using a display pattern:

%{value1}@  %{value2}@
I need a line break between these two values.
Any ideas?



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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread I. Savant
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:26 PM, John Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This was actually my first thought as well, but I was hoping to avoid this 
 technique because I am using this as part of a tutorial I want to remain in 
 Interface Builder as much as possible for this particular lesson.

  That's unfortunate. :-)


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Disabled NSButton

2008-09-04 Thread Ronnie B
Hi All!

I am implementing a login panel.  I would like to have 'Ok' button disabled
as long as the password field is empty.  Any advise?


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RE: NSNotificationCenter removeObserver NOT working

2008-09-04 Thread Valentin Dan
Actually I kind of read it but not the right documentation ... in my
X-Code (2.4.1) documentation it says it can be used as nil. Only the
documentation on the web says otherwise ...



Valentin Dan, Software Developer Direct: +1 905 886 1833

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Office: +40 356-710158

Masstech Group Inc.  Fax:+40 256-220912  





From: Valentin Dan 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 1:03 PM
To: 'Ken Ferry'
Cc:; Dan Tascau; Tim Rodgers
Subject: RE: NSNotificationCenter removeObserver NOT working



Oh, yeah ... I didn't read that part. I would have been easier though if
it had acted like a wildcard :-)





Valentin Dan, Software Developer Direct: +1 905 886 1833

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Office: +40 356-710158

Masstech Group Inc.  Fax:+40 256-220912 





-Original Message-
From: Ken Ferry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 1:00 PM
To: Valentin Dan
Cc:; Dan Tascau; Tim Rodgers
Subject: Re: NSNotificationCenter removeObserver NOT working


Hi Valentin,


I think you're hoping that passing nil for the observer acts as a

wildcard?  It does not, check the docs.


Observer to remove from the dispatch table. Specify an observer to

remove only entries for this observer. Must not be nil, or message

will have no effect.




On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 2:51 AM, Valentin Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED]





 I'm trying to remove all notifications that have a certain object and

 can't seem to get that to work. I'm doing something like this:




 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:nil name:nil





 The notifications for this sender keep coming and that causes a

 How can I fix that ?










 Valentin Dan, Software Developer Direct: +1 905 886



 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Office: +40


 Masstech Group Inc.  Fax:+40


















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Core Data Form

2008-09-04 Thread Jon Buys


I have a problem with my app that is most likely very simple for  
someone with experience.  I have a core data based application that I  
would like to be able to add objects to via a sheet that drops down  
when the user clicks the + button (or presses Command-N).  On the  
sheet are two NSTextField and one NSPopUpButton, an add button and a  
cancel button.  From my AppController class I can get the values as  
strings that are entered into the sheet here:

- (IBAction)endAddHostSheet:(id)sender

NSString *hostString = [hostNameTextField stringValue];
if ([hostString length] == 0)
NSLog(@the host name is %@, hostString);

NSString *ipAddressString = [ipAddressTextField stringValue];
if ([ipAddressString length] == 0)
NSLog(@the ip address  is %@, ipAddressString);

	NSString *selectedGroupString = [groupsPopUpButton  

NSLog(@the selected Group is %@, selectedGroupString);

// Do stuff to add to core data here... 

[NSApp endSheet:addHostSheet];

//Goodbye, sheet
[addHostSheet orderOut:sender]; 

But my question is, how can I add these strings to core data?

My core data setup is very simple.  I have three entities (one which  
I'm not yet using) named Host, Group, and ContactGroup. Host has  
attributes hostName, ipAddress, and a to-one relationship named  
group.  Group has an attribute groupName, and a to-many relationship  
named hosts.

I've defined classes for the Entities, like this:

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h
@class ContactGroup;
@class Group;

@interface Host : NSManagedObject {


@property (readwrite, retain) ContactGroup *contactGroup;
@property (readwrite, retain) Group *group;
@property (readwrite, copy) NSString *hostName, *ipAddress, *CPU,  
*RAM, *hardDrive;

+(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)newHostPanel withName:(NSString  
*)newHostName andIpAddress:(NSString *)newIpAddress inGroup:(NSString  


I've was trying to add the hosts with the addHostFromPanel method  
defined above (with a + instead of a -), and implemented like this:

+(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)newHostPanel withName:(NSString  
*)newHostName andIpAddress:(NSString *)newIpAddress inGroup:(NSString  

// Debug stuff
NSLog(@host name passed over is  is %@, newHostName);
NSLog(@ip address  passed over is is %@, newIpAddress);
NSLog(@the group passed over  is %@, newGroup);

// Here we go!
	Host *host = [NSEntityDescription  
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host inManagedObjectContext:[self  

host.hostName = newHostName;
host.ipAddress = newIpAddress; = newGroup;

return host;

But, when I try to call this method from my AppController to add the  
strings to core data, I get an error (as well as a compile warning)  
that Host can't find it's managedObjectContext.

I'm very new to Cocoa (obviously), and right now I'm very confused.   
I'm sure I'm missing something very basic here, but I've been stuck on  
this for a couple of weeks now.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Launching preference panel of an application from another application

2008-09-04 Thread Arun

I am a newbie into cocoa programming.
Can anyone let me know how can we launch Preference panel of one cocoa
application from another cocoa application.
I am have written a cooca application in which Preference panel can be
launched through by clicking on AppName - Preferences
Also i have written one more application which is a per-user login Menulet
process. This process will be launched upon user log-in and will
insert an Status icon in the Status bar. From this i status bar item i need
to launch the Preference panel of the earlier Application.
Can anyone suggest how can i achieve this.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Finder Eject Button in OutlineView

2008-09-04 Thread kiran Sanka

Hi Corbin,
Thanks you very much . This is the one I Was looking for .

On Sep 2, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote:

On Sep 1, 2008, at 4:25 PM, kiran Sanka wrote:

I am trying to figure out how I might be able to do something like  
Finder does displaying disc Eject Image(When disc inserted)  
indicator as part of an outline item.

I did by customizing NSTextField Cell as below

- (void) drawWithFrame:(NSRect)inRect inView:(NSView *)inView
// First we split the cell in two
NSRect textFrame, imageFrame;
	NSDivideRect (inRect, imageFrame, textFrame, 3.0f + [urlIcon  
size].width, NSMaxXEdge);

if([self icon] != nil)
		NSPoint imageLocation = NSMakePoint( NSMidX(imageFrame),  
NSMidY(imageFrame) );

imageLocation.x -= [urlIcon size].width/2.0f;
imageLocation.y -= [urlIcon size].height/2.0f;

// Draw the Disc Eject image
if ([[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] isDrawingToScreen])
if ([[self stringValue] length]) {
[urlIcon drawAtPoint:imageLocation
		fromRect:NSMakeRect( 0, 0, [urlIcon size].width, [urlIcon  
size].height )

[super drawWithFrame:textFrame inView:inView];
// Let our super do what it does best
[super drawWithFrame:inRect inView:inView];
But when mouse roll over to discEjectImage i would like set another  
image like finder EjectImage.But i dont know how to work out with  
mouseEntered and mouseMove in a particular cell of an outlineView

I'd be grateful is someone could push me in the right direction.



kiran Sanka


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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread Uli Kusterer

On 04.09.2008, at 21:35, I. Savant wrote:

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Quincey Morris


 Well there's an 'option'. Have you tested this in a binding? I'm
interested in hearing whether it actually works.

 Just tried it. Works like a charm. Glad to learn about this. Though  
the editing experience leaves a bit to be desired.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread I. Savant
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Uli Kusterer

  Just tried it. Works like a charm. Glad to learn about this. Though the
 editing experience leaves a bit to be desired.

  Hey, great! Glad as well, thanks, guys!


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Re: Disabled NSButton

2008-09-04 Thread Randall Meadows

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Ronnie B wrote:

Hi All!

I am implementing a login panel.  I would like to have 'Ok' button  

as long as the password field is empty.  Any advise?

-controlTextDidChange: delegate method; in it, [en|dis]able the button  
according to the length of the password field text.


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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread Randall Meadows

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:35 PM, I. Savant wrote:

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Quincey Morris


 Well there's an 'option'. Have you tested this in a binding? I'm
interested in hearing whether it actually works.

Yes, it also works in the single-line Label UI widgets, without  
having to change the linewrap/scroll setting on it.  Among other  


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Re: Launching preference panel of an application from another application

2008-09-04 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Sep 4, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Arun wrote:

Can anyone let me know how can we launch Preference panel of one cocoa
application from another cocoa application.

You'd have to use AppleScript or DO to do that, pick one.

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: Disabled NSButton

2008-09-04 Thread Ronnie B
Thanks Randall.  It worked.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Randall Meadows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Ronnie B wrote:

  Hi All!

 I am implementing a login panel.  I would like to have 'Ok' button
 as long as the password field is empty.  Any advise?

 -controlTextDidChange: delegate method; in it, [en|dis]able the button
 according to the length of the password field text.


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Re: line break in Interface Builder

2008-09-04 Thread John Murphy
That works. Thanks everybody!



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Re: NSNotificationCenter removeObserver NOT working

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:51 AM, Valentin Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to remove all notifications that have a certain object and I
 can't seem to get that to work. I'm doing something like this:

 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:nil name:nil

 The notifications for this sender keep coming and that causes a problem.
 How can I fix that ?

A good general guideline for NSNotificationCenter methods: if you
aren't passing 'self' as the observer parameter, you're probably
doing something wrong. Management of observation should be done by the
observers and not by anything else.

There may be situations where this is not the case, but if there are
then I have yet to encounter one in my years of working on OS X.


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Re: Disabled NSButton

2008-09-04 Thread Chris Hanson

On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:33 PM, Ronnie B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to have 'Ok' button disabled as long as the password  
field is empty.

Add a -canLogIn method to the panel's controller that returns YES when  
the user has entered a password. Then bind your button's enabled state  
to your controller's canLogIn property.

  -- Chris 

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NSTask Question

2008-09-04 Thread J. Todd Slack
So I need to use NSTask and I am trying to run a small executable  
command-line app from inside my 'resources' directory in my app bundle.

But what is the right path to access?

The app I want to run is here:  
to run

And the app I want to access from is at:

I have tried a bunch of variations and nothing is working I get:

[1855:813] launch path not accessible



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Re: NSTask Question

2008-09-04 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Sep 4, 2008, at 3:42 PM, J. Todd Slack wrote:

So I need to use NSTask and I am trying to run a small executable  
command-line app from inside my 'resources' directory in my app  

But what is the right path to access?

The right path is whatever this method returns: [[NSBundle mainBundle]  
pathForResource:@your-task-name-here ofType:@]

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: NSTask Question

2008-09-04 Thread J. Todd Slack

Hi Nick,

Thanks, that seems better,  than trying to build it up myself.



On Sep 4, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

On Sep 4, 2008, at 3:42 PM, J. Todd Slack wrote:

So I need to use NSTask and I am trying to run a small executable  
command-line app from inside my 'resources' directory in my app  

But what is the right path to access?

The right path is whatever this method returns: [[NSBundle  
mainBundle] pathForResource:@your-task-name-here ofType:@]

Nick Zitzmann


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Circular NSSlider: How to get the same behaviour as in Quartz Composer?

2008-09-04 Thread Marco Masser


In Quartz Composer, published input ports of type index or number have  
a text field and a circular NSSlider in the viewer's parameter panel.  
This NSSlider behaves exactly like I would like mine to behave, but I  
can't figure out how to do that.

What I'm getting: One full rotation clockwise gives the values from - 
minValue to -maxValue.
What I'd like: One full rotation clockwise increments the value by a  
certain amount (in Quartz Composer this is something like 6 or 7).

I probably could do something like keeping track of the count of the  
full rotations of the slider, multiply that by some value and add the  
result to the value I want to modify, but this seems clunky. Isn't  
there any other way?



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GDB Problems

2008-09-04 Thread Bridger Maxwell
On one of my projects any time I try to start the program with a debug point
set, GDB crashes before anything happens. It prints out:

[Switching to process 2279 local thread 0x2d03]
2008-09-04 16:32:28.470 MyApp[2279:813] 1.0
[Switching to process 2279 thread 0x5603]
[Switching to process 2279 thread 0x5603]
Program received signal:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Cannot access memory at address 0x4
Cannot access memory at address 0x4
I then did a backtrace and get:

*(gdb) **backtrace*

#0  0xdeadbeef in ?? ()

Cannot access memory at address 0x4

What is extremely frustrating is that this has started to happen in all of
my applications, even a brand new vanilla project. This project is the only
one that it happens all of the time for though, usually building and
rebuilding will a successful launch.

After some Googling, it seems others have run into this problem but no one
posted a fix. One person suggested it had to do with his installation of
both Xcode2.5 and Xcode3.1, which I had both installed. I uninstalled both
and then reinstalled Xcode3.1, but the problem persists.

It looks like someone had a similar problem with a Java app that got
resolved ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06697.html),
but mine isn't Java.

Please help me! I can't continue to work until this is resolved and I have
already spent a few days trying to figure it out.

Thank You,
Bridger Maxwell

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NSTableView Protocol Help!

2008-09-04 Thread Eric Lee
So, I've written a practice application with NSTableView, and  
NSMutableArray. I have NSTableView connected to AppController as a  
dataSource, and I connected all outlets.

I have ALREADY defined the protocols needed, but for some reason, this  
message keeps on appearing in the debugger:

*** Illegal NSTableView data source (MyDocument: 0x167290).  Must  
implement numberOfRowsInTableView: and  

Here are the protocols that I have written:


- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)anotherTableView
  forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)anotherTableColumn
[mutableArray replaceObjectAtIndex:rowIndex withObject:anObject];

- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
  objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
return [mutableArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex];

- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:aTableView
return [splitViewMutableArray count];

Thanks for any help!!

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Re: NSTableView Protocol Help!

2008-09-04 Thread Keary Suska
9/4/08 5:10 PM, also sprach [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 So, I've written a practice application with NSTableView, and
 NSMutableArray. I have NSTableView connected to AppController as a
 dataSource, and I connected all outlets.
 I have ALREADY defined the protocols needed, but for some reason, this
 message keeps on appearing in the debugger:
 *** Illegal NSTableView data source (MyDocument: 0x167290).  Must
 implement numberOfRowsInTableView: and

As the error shows, the datasource for the tableview is set as a MyDocument
instance, and not your AppController class.


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: GDB Problems

2008-09-04 Thread Ken Thomases

On Sep 4, 2008, at 5:49 PM, Bridger Maxwell wrote:

On one of my projects any time I try to start the program with a  
debug point

set, GDB crashes before anything happens. It prints out:

[Switching to process 2279 local thread 0x2d03]
2008-09-04 16:32:28.470 MyApp[2279:813] 1.0
[Switching to process 2279 thread 0x5603]
[Switching to process 2279 thread 0x5603]
Program received signal:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Cannot access memory at address 0x4
Cannot access memory at address 0x4
I then did a backtrace and get:

*(gdb) **backtrace*

#0  0xdeadbeef in ?? ()

Cannot access memory at address 0x4

What is extremely frustrating is that this has started to happen in  
all of
my applications, even a brand new vanilla project. This project is  
the only

one that it happens all of the time for though, usually building and
rebuilding will a successful launch.

I suspect you've recently installed a haxie, input manager, third- 
party kernel extension or other piece of software which modifies the  
behavior of nearly all applications on your system.  It seems to be  
interfering with gdb.  If you can figure out what it is, disable or  
uninstall it and reboot.

Good luck,


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string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread steph thirion

from the selector of a given getter function, I need to get the  
selector of the equivalent setter function. For instance, from color I  
should get setColor.

char* getterName = sel_getName(getterSelector);

char * setterName = ... ? ...

SEL setterSelector = sel_getUid(setterName);

What would be the less costly way, performance wise, to convert the C  
string color to setColor?

I have no experience in working with strings in objc, and was hoping  
someone would point me in the right direction before I start.


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Re: What Size My Window?

2008-09-04 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 4 Sep 2008, at 15:49, Uli Kusterer wrote:

On 04.09.2008, at 10:10, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

6. Other?

So: is there some commonly agreed upon right strategy?
Are there some official guidelines for document window sizes?

 You can save the size of your window in some plist in your  
document using -stringWithSavedFrame and restore it using - 
setFrameFromString:. That would be per-document. The one issue this  
has is that the user would have to save the document each time to  
make this stick. So just moving a window dirties the document.

 It's a little hard to do this using an NSDocument, but a common  
approach is to use a resource or xattributes to attach the window  
positions to a file without touching the actual document. That way,  
diff and similar tools won't think it's changed, and if the  
position gets lost during internet transfer, that's not too bad, as  
it's not vital information.

Although keeping size per document is not my current aim, the idea of  
using xattributes is a very neat one.

I will definitely keep this in mind for the future.

Thanks for this hint!

Kind regards,



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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Andrew Merenbach

On Sep 4, 2008, at 5:40 PM, steph thirion wrote:

from the selector of a given getter function, I need to get the  
selector of the equivalent setter function. For instance, from color  
I should get setColor.

char* getterName = sel_getName(getterSelector);

char * setterName = ... ? ...

SEL setterSelector = sel_getUid(setterName);

What would be the less costly way, performance wise, to convert the  
C string color to setColor?

I have no experience in working with strings in objc, and was hoping  
someone would point me in the right direction before I start.


Two functions that you may consider are:



The first, per its name, will create an NSString out of a SEL  
variable, while the second will reverse the process.  Thus, for a  
selector of balloonColor (for example) you could have:

SEL getterSel = @selector(balloonColor);
NSString *getterName = NSStringFromSelector(getterSel);
NSString *setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:getterName];
SEL setterSel = NSSelectorFromString(setterName);

This is probably one of the easiest Cocoa ways to do what you want, at  
least using the steps that you have outlined.  There may of course be  
an easier way to do it but without knowing the specifics of your  
situation it's harder to tell what might be more suited to your  
situation.  Hope this helps!


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Phil
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:40 PM, steph thirion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 from the selector of a given getter function, I need to get the selector of
 the equivalent setter function. For instance, from color I should get

I assume you want to do more with the selector than just invoke
it---otherwise you can just use KVC and save yourself some grief.
There are a few cases you may encounter here:
 1. There is no setter.
 2. There is a setter and the class is KVC compliant for the key.
 3. There is a setter and the class isn't KVC compliant for the key,
but there is a setter defined as part of a property definition.
 4. (3) but without the property definition.

 char* getterName = sel_getName(getterSelector);

Instead of using C strings, you can use NSStrings and
NSSelectorFromString() and NSStringFromSelector()---making string
manipulation much easier. However, for case (3), you'll need to do
some parsing of the property attribute list from

 What would be the less costly way, performance wise, to convert the C string
 color to setColor?

 I have no experience in working with strings in objc, and was hoping someone
 would point me in the right direction before I start.

If you're working in Cocoa (and I assume you are, since this is a
cocoa-dev list), this is a good starting point:


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Phil
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Andrew Merenbach
 SEL getterSel = @selector(balloonColor);
 NSString *getterName = NSStringFromSelector(getterSel);
 NSString *setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:getterName];
 SEL setterSel = NSSelectorFromString(setterName);

Selector's are case-sensitive, so you'll have to do...

setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:[getterName capitalizedString]];


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Andrew Merenbach

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:37 PM, Phil wrote:

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Andrew Merenbach

SEL getterSel = @selector(balloonColor);
NSString *getterName = NSStringFromSelector(getterSel);
NSString *setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:getterName];
SEL setterSel = NSSelectorFromString(setterName);

Selector's are case-sensitive, so you'll have to do...

setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:[getterName  


Hi, Phil,

I did indeed overlook this aspect.  Thanks for pointing that out!


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Re: Changing the model behind contoller's back?

2008-09-04 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/09/2008, at 9:52 PM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

The question is: am I allowed to alter the model directly, or should I
always use the controller?

You can change the model directly, but you must use KVC-compliant  
methods to do so, unless you fire -willChangeValueForKey and - 
didChangeValueForKey in your custom method.

Normally you would use indexed accessor methods for collection types,  

- (unsigned int)countOfFoo;
- (id)objectInFooAtIndex:(unsigned int)index;
- (void)insertObject:(id)anObject inFooAtIndex:(unsigned int)index;
- (void)removeObjectFromFooAtIndex:(unsigned int)index;
- (void)replaceObjectInFooAtIndex:(unsigned int)index withObject: 

Have a look here: 

Rob Keniger


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Steve Weller

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:37 PM, Phil wrote:

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Andrew Merenbach

SEL getterSel = @selector(balloonColor);
NSString *getterName = NSStringFromSelector(getterSel);
NSString *setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:getterName];
SEL setterSel = NSSelectorFromString(setterName);

Selector's are case-sensitive, so you'll have to do...

setterName = [@set stringByAppendingString:[getterName  


From memory I think that does not work: capitalizedString also  
decapitalizes all but the first character, so capitalizedString will  
become setCapitalizedstring instead of setCapitalizedString.


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Steve Weller   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Writing, Editing, Developer Guides, and a little Cocoa


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Phil
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Steve Weller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From memory I think that does not work: capitalizedString also decapitalizes
 all but the first character, so capitalizedString will become
 setCapitalizedstring instead of setCapitalizedString.

Gah, you're right! I guess the only way to do it then is with an

NSMutableString *getterName = [NSStringFromSelector(...) mutableCopy]
[getterName replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)
withString:[[getterName substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString]];

Maybe it is easier with C strings:

const char *getterName = sel_getName(...)
char *getterName_m = strdup(getterName);
getterName_m[0] = toupper(getterName_m[0]);
// and clean up...


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread steph thirion

On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:34 AM, Phil wrote:

I assume you want to do more with the selector than just invoke
it---otherwise you can just use KVC and save yourself some grief.

Actually, that's all I want!

I'm working on a class that will manage transitions of properties.  
It's for a game on a slower device, so I need the less costly solution.

I was trying to go with performSelector, but just a while ago I was  
stunned to find out there's no way to pass along an argument that is a  
basic type. Same with NSInvocation, AFAIK you can only pass objects.  
And I'd rather avoid having NSNumber instances instead of simply int  
variables just because of that. Using an instance where I simply need  
an int or a float seems a waste of memory and performance, correct me  
if I'm wrong.

Then there's KVC. Which I haven't been able to pull out because of  
some int / id problems in arithmetics that I couldn't understand yet.  
But the concept of KVC seems like it could be costly, at least more  
than pointing directly to the right door, like performSelector or  
NSInvocation does.

I'm a bit confused, I thought I was getting into something simple to  
resolve and it's growing into a big monster. Help would be deeply  

(btw thanks all for the input on the string conversions.. I might look  
into it once I get past this)


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Animated images in a NSTableView

2008-09-04 Thread Dave Carrigan
I am having problems with animated images in a NSTableView  
(specifically an animated GIF). After some experimentation, I have  
determined that the problem seems to be that the view doesn't update  
itself after the next frame in the animation loads. I determined this  
after I noticed that the images did change any time I resized the  
table's window. As a workaround, I created a NSTimer that fires off a - 
setNeedsDisplayInRect to the table view every .05 seconds.

This works, but has a couple of problems:

1. It seems like invalidating the entire table column might affect  
performance if I get a lot of rows.

2. It doesn't work with Cocoa bindings. From what I've been able to  
figure out, every time I call setNeedsDisplayInRect, the binding calls  
the model's image getter method, and this seems to reset the animation  
to the first frame.

Does anybody have suggestions on a better solution?

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA

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[MEET] Minnesota CocoaHeads 9/11/08

2008-09-04 Thread Bob McCune
I wanted to announce the next Minnesota CocoaHeads meeting is next  
Thursday (9/11) from 6:00-8:00pm.  We meet at the offices of Synergy  
Information Services in Bloomington.

Troy Gaul will giving a presentation entitled Lightroom Exposed.  Troy  
is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom’s lead and will talk about its evolution  
and unconventional architecture (large parts are written in Lua).   
This should be a very interesting discussion!

We'll also be giving out 2 copies of the newly released Excode 3:  
Unleased.  Come join us and register to win.

If you'd like some more information or directions, please stop by one  
of our sites:

Bob McCune

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Accessing SDL Frameworks Bundled with Leopard...

2008-09-04 Thread John Joyce
Does anybody know any official or proper way to link to the SDL  
framework that is bundled in the root library in Leopard?

is surprisingly, there!


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Re: Accessing SDL Frameworks Bundled with Leopard...

2008-09-04 Thread Phil
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 4:04 PM, John Joyce
 Does anybody know any official or proper way to link to the SDL framework
 that is bundled in the root library in Leopard?
 is surprisingly, there!

Not on my system. /Library/Frameworks is typically for frameworks
shared by installed applications on the system, the frameworks that
come bundles with the system are in /System/Library/Frameworks.

Something else has probably installed SDL.framework. I would suggest
getting your own copy of the SDL framework to use.


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Re: Accessing SDL Frameworks Bundled with Leopard...

2008-09-04 Thread Jason Coco

On Sep 5, 2008, at 00:04 , John Joyce wrote:

Does anybody know any official or proper way to link to the SDL  
framework that is bundled in the root library in Leopard?

is surprisingly, there!

I don't have any such directory on my installation of Leopard. Another  
application probably installed this there (/Library/Frameworks is for
3rd-party, shared frameworks usually). You should find the source and  
use that because if your application doesn't come with this framework,
chances are it will fail to load on somebody else's computer (like  
mine). But, once you have the framework, you just drag it into shared  

in XCode or add it as a -framework flag to gcc.


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Phil
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 2:51 PM, steph thirion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was trying to go with performSelector, but just a while ago I was stunned
 to find out there's no way to pass along an argument that is a basic type.
 Same with NSInvocation, AFAIK you can only pass objects. And I'd rather
 avoid having NSNumber instances instead of simply int variables just because
 of that. Using an instance where I simply need an int or a float seems a
 waste of memory and performance, correct me if I'm wrong.

You can use +instanceMethodForSelector: to get a function that you can
use to call the method with primitive arguments---see the overview
section of the NSObject class reference.

 Then there's KVC. Which I haven't been able to pull out because of some int
 / id problems in arithmetics that I couldn't understand yet. But the concept
 of KVC seems like it could be costly, at least more than pointing directly
 to the right door, like performSelector or NSInvocation does.

However, finding the correct door is probably just as costly (or
potentially more than) KVC. I'd suggest avoiding developing your own
solution unless you know there's a problem with using what's provided
by the framework.

If you can tell us a bit more about what you're trying to accomplish,
we might be able to suggest some better approaches.


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Re: Why do all these methods of measuring string metrics with font attribute fail?

2008-09-04 Thread Henry McGilton (Starbase)

On Sep 3, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Douglas Davidson wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:01 AM, an0 wrote:

So, can anyone tell me why all these fell through so badly, and what
is the true straightforward way to do this if any?

The true straightforward way to do this is with -sizeToFit.

-sizeWithAttributes: will give you the size of the string,
but what you appear to want here is to size the textfield, which is  
not the same thing.

Coming into this discussion a little late . . .

A little experimenting suggests to me that  -sizeWithAttributes:   
appears to

not really give you the *real* size of the string (by which I think you
might mean the measured size of the glyphs indicated by that string).   

size appears to contain an advance or right-side bearing space after
the final character.So the size looks like it's some number of units
bigger than the strict bounding box of the string of glyphs.

I would appreciate some ideas on how to find a *real* bounding box for
a string.

. . . . . . . .Henry


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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Charles Steinman
--- On Thu, 9/4/08, steph thirion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm working on a class that will manage transitions of
 It's for a game on a slower device, so I need the less
 costly solution.

I can understand your performance constraints, but have you actually profiled 
your game and found that the speed of KVC is a significant problem? This 
screams premature optimization to me. I mean, I suppose it's possible, but 
this seems relatively lightweight compared to what usually makes up a game.



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Re: string convertion: converting getter name to setter

2008-09-04 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:51 PM, steph thirion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Same with NSInvocation, AFAIK you can only pass objects.

Where'd you get that idea? NSInvocation's -setArgument:atIndex: method takes
a void* for its first argument, and describes it as an untyped buffer. If
only objects could be passed, the first argument would be declared as id*.
Also, its description says This method copies the contents of *buffer* as
the argument at *index*. The number of bytes copied is determined by the
argument size. There would be no need to determine their size, since
objects are pointers and pointers are all the same size.

The only documented limitation with respect to argument types is that it
can't handle variadic argument lists, or union types.

 And I'd rather avoid having NSNumber instances instead of simply int
 variables just because of that. Using an instance where I simply need an int
 or a float seems a waste of memory and performance, correct me if I'm wrong.

Frankly, this smells a *lot* like premature optimization. Do you have any
evidence that the simple solution doesn't perform acceptably? That is, have
you written your code the easy way first, and profiled it with Shark?


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Re: NSPanel: resigning key focus?

2008-09-04 Thread Vijay Malhan
Peter. Yes, bracketing the calls removes the flicker. But as far as the
correct solution goes:
There might not be any other window which I should make key. In that case
the panel should simply resign the key focus and let application handle the

It seems this will be the solution for now. Thank you.

- Vijay

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Peter N Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 The correct solution is probably to figure out which should be the key
 window and make that key, however:

  If I do:
 [window orderOut: nil];
 [window orderFront: nil]; // Not asking it to be key

 This results in the behavior I am trying to achieve.
 But this workaround will not work as there is a flicker (ordering out and
 ordering in).

 You could try bracketing that in

 [window orderOut: nil];
 [window orderFront: nil]; // Not asking it to be key


  Keyboard Maestro 3 Now Available!
Now With Status Menu triggers!

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