Re: Opening file with C++ iostream from application bundle

2009-04-20 Thread Carlos Eduardo Mello is the file loading code

bool ::LoadFromFile( string fileName, int which )
ifstream fin;
string temp, item;
int itemCount, i;
int lineCount = 0; fileName.c_str() );
while( !fin.eof() )
getline( fin, temp );

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Re: Converting String Representations at Runtime

2009-04-20 Thread John Joyce

Is there an easy way to take input (user or file based) at runtime
and convert unicode strings such as \u8D64 (UTF8 character) or a
whole series of these to the human-readable characters they  

I imagine I should be using NSScanner, but is there not some simple
function or method to lookup and return the character as it should
be represented?
Happy to RTFM, just need a pointer to the docs I should be looking  

Does CFStringTransform do what you want?

Adam, Thanks!!
Sorry for the late reply, haven't been able to address this since last  

CFStringTransform does exactly what I wanted to do.
It even pretty gracefully handles the whole string supplied.
(no idea to how far mileage would vary with this based on supplied  
string size or content... maybe somebody from apple can comment on that)
Oddly enough, that archived thread mentions supplying a constant that  
is not in the documentation as best as I could tell...

perhaps the CF docs dong get as much attention as they should?
I can certainly file a bug if appropriate...

The only catch was I finally had to sit down and look at how to handle  
toll-free bridging. But thankfully that was not too bad. Mostly a  
matter of typecasting really.

Thanks a million!

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Re: NSSavePanel and file formats

2009-04-20 Thread Graham Cox

On 18/04/2009, at 7:56 AM, Quincey Morris wrote:

I notice that the current HIG recommends the use of a file format  
popup in the Save dialog, when an application supports multiple  

and the picture of the Save dialog seems to suggest that the popup  
is to be implemented in an accessory view: 

It seems to me that *each* of the formats in the popup is going to  
have its *own* list of valid file extensions, so that changing the  
selected item in the popup should make a corresponding change to  
NSSavePanel's allowedFileTypes.

I can sort of see my way to doing that by subclassing a  
NSViewController that owns the accessory view, and making the view  
controller responsible for calling allowedFileTypes when the popup  
selection changes, but I'm wondering if I'm overlooking a more  
direct solution.

I'm also wondering if changing allowedFileTypes while the Save  
dialog is displayed will actually work. (Will it replace the  
extension of whatever is currently in the file name text field?)

Comments, anyone?

The save dialog shows the format pop-up automatically if you declare  
in your info.pList that you export multiple types. Presumably it also  
takes care of everything else too - you just need to set up the pList  
and respond to the type passed to your document's -daatOfType:error:  
method which will depend on what the user chose.



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Looking for Drag and Drop samples

2009-04-20 Thread Dave DeLong

Hey everyone,

I'm working on some drag and drop stuff, and have reached an impasse.   
Currently, I've got a basic master-detail view, where I can drag and  
drop to rearrange the groups in the master outline view.  What I'd now  
like is to be able to drop items from the detail view onto one of the  
group items to copy it into that group (just like dragging an email  
into a new folder in, or dragging a song into a playlist in  

I tried adding the type of the dragged item (a simple  
NSStringPboardType) to the outline view's regsiterForDraggedType's  
array, but I'm still not entirely sure what all the various delegate  
methods are doing.  I managed to get it working for rearranging, but  
I'm now looking for somewhere that has a clear explanation of what the  
delegate methods are, when they're fired, why they're fired, and maybe  
some sample code to go with it.

I've taken a look at the Drag and Drop outline view in the sample  
code, and also the Drag and Drop guide in the docs, but I'm really  
looking for something that could explain this step by step.

Any pointers?


Dave DeLong

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[MEET] Amsterdam CocoaHeads Wed, April 22

2009-04-20 Thread Cathy Shive


The next meeting of the Amsterdam CocoaHeads will be this Wednesday,  
April 22 from 7-9PM.

Location and presentation info can be found here:

Hope to see you there!


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Re: NSSavePanel and file formats

2009-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris

On Apr 20, 2009, at 00:16, Graham Cox wrote:

The save dialog shows the format pop-up automatically if you declare  
in your info.pList that you export multiple types. Presumably it  
also takes care of everything else too - you just need to set up the  
pList and respond to the type passed to your document's - 
daatOfType:error: method which will depend on what the user chose.

Ah, I didn't know that. If I did, I would have mentioned that this is  
actually for an Export As... dialog, so that the file types are by  
definition not in info.plist.

I did actually get the popup to work via a NSViewController subclass  
for an accessory view, and calling setAllowedFileTypes: while the  
dialog is displayed works just fine.

But one annoying problem remains. When exporting files (at least in my  
case) it's highly desirable for some formats to get a suffix on the  
default filename (specifically, because some of the formats require  
creating a folder of stuff instead of a file, and an extension on the  
folder isn't desirable at all), but there appears to be no way to  
change the filename while the dialog is displayed. There's no  
setFilename method, and no delegate method that appears to allow the  
filename to be changed.


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Re: Problem: sqlite3 and .sqlite-journal files

2009-04-20 Thread Chris Hanson

On Apr 17, 2009, at 12:47 PM, Тимофей Даньшин wrote:

However, a strange thing happens: when the user _creates_ a  
database, everything is stored as hoped. But when the user _opens_  
an existing database, nothing is stored in it, and a new file gets  
created, which name coincides with the name of the database the user  
opened with -journal in the extension. (I did read about that on  
the sqlite3 site, but it didn't seem to help).

That file is, as its name implies, the journal file for the  
database.  It's used by SQLite to implement its transactional data- 
integrity guarantees.

  -- Chris


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Re: NSSavePanel and file formats

2009-04-20 Thread Graham Cox

On 20/04/2009, at 5:51 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

But one annoying problem remains. When exporting files (at least in  
my case) it's highly desirable for some formats to get a suffix on  
the default filename (specifically, because some of the formats  
require creating a folder of stuff instead of a file, and an  
extension on the folder isn't desirable at all), but there appears  
to be no way to change the filename while the dialog is displayed.  
There's no setFilename method, and no delegate method that appears  
to allow the filename to be changed.

Have I followed correctly? You want to name a folder, say Foo, but  
then place files inside called e.g. Foo_001, Foo_002 etc?

This is perfectly possible - NSFileWrapper is a convenient way to  
encapsulate a whole bunch of files inside a folder, and you can return  
a file wrapper from NSDocument's -fileWrapperOfType:error: method. It  
would entirely be up to your document to construct the folder the way  
you want it - this wouldn't be the job of NSSavePanel. The only  
purpose of the save panel is to return the full path where the user  
wants the file object(s) saved, not to perform the save, so in general  
it's up to the user to enter a filename as they wish. I guess the fact  
that there's no -setFilename: method reflects that. You can set  
whether the extension part is hidden of not of course.

In this case, the user enters Foo and you append the suffixes when  
you actually save the data to that Folder. Delegate methods do allow  
you to validate the entered filename.

It's not unreasonable to provide your own UI for handling this sort of  
thing if you really need something different. In one app I wrote I did  
something similar, where my save panel's accessory view had extra  
stuff for specifying how a series of automated file suffixes were  
built, but the main save panel simply supplied the root name and  
target directory.



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Re: Looking for Drag and Drop samples

2009-04-20 Thread I. Savant

On Apr 18, 2009, at 5:52 PM, Dave DeLong wrote:

I've taken a look at the Drag and Drop outline view in the sample  
code, and also the Drag and Drop guide in the docs, but I'm really  
looking for something that could explain this step by step.

  The docs *do* explain this step by step. Maybe if you mention what  
parts are unclear to you, that'd be a much easier starting point than  
please rephrase the entire DnD documentation for me. :-)



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Is there a way where we can avoid the machine from going to sleep...?

2009-04-20 Thread Anshul jain

Hi All,
		I am developing a small CD/DVD Wirting Application. There seems to  
be a problem when the user leaves the app  for writing DVD's sometimes  
the machine goes to sleep and my application gives a Writing error. Is  
there a way where we can avoid the machine from going to sleep...?

Can anybody help me out.

Thanks in Advance.

Anshul jain


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Re: C numerical libraries for integrating with Cocoa

2009-04-20 Thread Chris Goedde

On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Boyd Collier wrote:

Have you looked at the book Numerical Recipes in C?  You can view  
a copy on-line at  (and  
probably other places as well).

Yes, maybe I should have mentioned that. (Actually, I'm old enough  
that my copy is Numerical Recipes in Fortran, but it's easy enough  
to translate.) I was looking for an alternative to rolling my own. I  
think I'm going to try the GNU Scientific Library, anyone have  
experience with that?

Thanks to Kevin Cathey for pointing out that some of this is built  
into Mac OS X. Didn't realize that!



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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-20 Thread Jerry Krinock
Problem solved.  Although predicates cannot involve transient  
properties, you can follow relationships in a predicate using a key  
path.  Obj-C Categories to the rescue…

For example, you can write a category on NSNumber containing a method - 
letterGrade.  Then use this to create the leftExpression in the row  
template.  Now everything works nicely, except you need to dig into  
the template after creating it, get the views and change the title of  
the menu item from score.letterGrade to something like Letter  
Grade.  But, in a real-life app, you need to do that for localization  

On 2009 Apr 18, at 05:03, Mike Abdullah wrote:

If it helps, the reason for Apple only supporting searching of  
persistent properties is for performance. If you're using the SQLite  
store for example, the predicate is not evaluated against the in- 
memory objects, but against the individual bits of data in the  
SQLite table. Of course, why Apple couldn't have then added  
automatic support for in-memory matching as the second step I don't  

Yes, I figured something like that was going on but didn't want to get  
my hand slapped for trying to peek under Core Data's covers :)

I also tried Keary's suggestion, and learned some stuff that may be  
useful to have in the list archives...

On 2009 Apr 17, at 09:27, Keary Suska wrote:

I am not really up to speed on NSPredicateEditor, but could you use - 
ruleEditor:predicatePartsForCriterion:withDisplayValue:inRow: to  
convert the display case of grade = A-F to a predicate that is  
actually grade = = score range? I imagine you would need to  
construct a compound predicate with subpredicates (sub-rows). Either  
that or use the BETWEEN operator.

Good question.  Long answer:

The method you refer to is one of five delegate methods of the  
NSPredicate superclass NSRuleEditor, three of which the delegate must  
implement.  My guess is that implementing an NSPredicateEditor  
delegate is way to override the default row template generation.   
Might be what I need.  However…

•  No documentation on how to implement a delegate.

•  Delegate seems to be ignored.  I sent -setDelegate:self and echoed  
it back at several points.  I implemented the three required methods,  
returning nil or 0.  Expected result: Probably empty rule editors.   
Actual result: None of my delegate methods ever get invoked and  
everything still works as before.  Echoing back -delegate returns self  
as expected.

•  Even if the delegate methods worked, I don't think I could  
implement them to return the required results. For example,  
ruleEditor:displayValueForCriterion:inRow: is supposed to return The  
criterion for which the value is required.  I know what a criterion  
is in English but to write code one needs something precise.  No  
explanation in either this document or the Predicate Programming  
Guide.  Oh, and the type of it is id :(

One clue I can find is that -criteriaForRow returns the same [items]  
as those returned from the delegate method  
ruleEditor:child:forCriterion:withRowType:.  Aha -- so I send - 
criteriaForRow for each row up to -numberOfRows, log the results and  
get an array like this:

2009-04-19 17:22:45.521 TestApp[52864:10b] criteria for row 2: (
_NSPredicateEditorItem: 0x15b71ce0 [Name],
_NSPredicateEditorItem: 0x15b6fbf0 [contains],
_NSPredicateEditorItem: 0x15b70e80 [NSTextField: 0x15b50fe0]

I can see what they're doing -- these are the three subviews in the  
template.  But notice the underscore prefix on  
_NSPredicateEditorItem.  Since I can't create those, I'd need a way to  
get this default answer and then tweak it, and I have no idea how to  
do either.

Conclusion:  Judging from these results and the lack of results in web  
searches, NSRuleEditor seems to be seldom used, NSPredicateEditor is  
rarely used, and probably delegate support in NSPredicateEditor is  
incomplete and unusable in Mac OS X 10.5.


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Opening file with C++ iostream from application bundle

2009-04-20 Thread Carlos Eduardo Mello

Hi everyone,

my Cocoa app (Objective-C++) works perfectly from within Xcode.  
However when I double click the application in Finder it does not load  
my data file.The file is a short text file which was placed next to  
the executable in the buildDebug or buildRelease folders. It is  
loaded with standard C++ iostream methods. Now, however, I'd like to  
place this file somewhere within the Application contents folder and  
load it from there, so I can use the app as a standalone.

1. I know this is not the recommended way to open a file in a Cocoa  
App, but this is just a quick utility for use in class, so I don't  
wan't to change my file loading code  and deal with File dialogs,  
bundle loading or preferences. This is not really a preferences file  
either. It contains some data which is vital to the application but  
will not be modified by the user.

2. Where should I place the file?

3. How do I direct my executable to it so that I can load it with my  
stream reading code?

4. Can it be done with a path in info.plist or  somethinglike that?

Thanks already for any help/suggestion/link.


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Re: Opening file with C++ iostream from application bundle

2009-04-20 Thread Alexander Spohr

Am 19.04.2009 um 03:50 schrieb Carlos Eduardo Mello:

1. I know this is not the recommended way to open a file in a Cocoa  
App, but this is just a quick utility

Your code is shorter than 2 lines Objective-C?

for use in class, so I don't wan't to change my file loading code  
and deal with File dialogs, bundle loading or preferences.

No dealings necessary.

This is not really a preferences file either. It contains some data  
which is vital to the application but will not be modified by the  

2. Where should I place the file?

Inside resources. XCode will copy it to the right location.

3. How do I direct my executable to it so that I can load it with my  
stream reading code?

NSString *aPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@Filename  

4. Can it be done with a path in info.plist or somethinglike that?

No. But you can load it with one of these lines, depending on the  

NSData *someDataBlob = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:aPath
NSDictionary *aDictionary = [NSDictionary  

NSArray *anArray = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:aPath];



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Re: Is there a way where we can avoid the machine from going to sleep...?

2009-04-20 Thread Fritz Anderson

On 20 Apr 2009, at 6:22 AM, Anshul jain wrote:

		I am developing a small CD/DVD Wirting Application. There seems to  
be a problem when the user leaves the app  for writing DVD's  
sometimes the machine goes to sleep and my application gives a  
Writing error. Is there a way where we can avoid the machine from  
going to sleep...?

Google prevent sleep. Technical QA 1340,  
second entry.

— F

Fritz Anderson -- Xcode 3 Unleashed: Now in its second printing -- 


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Re: how to get the windows ‘s coordinate

2009-04-20 Thread Fritz Anderson

On 20 Apr 2009, at 2:01 AM, Joe Yi wrote:

hello all:I have no way to get the app window 's

show me the detail method.

You don't provide enough information on what you want to do.

What is your target system? iPhone (UIWindow)? Mac OS X (NSWindow)?

Have you looked in the class reference for the class you are  
interested in? Did you look in the class reference for the superclass?

What is that URL you provide? My system does not recognize the  
applewebdata scheme.

— F


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Re: NSSavePanel and file formats

2009-04-20 Thread Adam R. Maxwell

On Apr 20, 2009, at 12:51 AM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Apr 20, 2009, at 00:16, Graham Cox wrote:

The save dialog shows the format pop-up automatically if you  
declare in your info.pList that you export multiple types.  
Presumably it also takes care of everything else too - you just  
need to set up the pList and respond to the type passed to your  
document's -daatOfType:error: method which will depend on what the  
user chose.

Ah, I didn't know that. If I did, I would have mentioned that this  
is actually for an Export As... dialog, so that the file types are  
by definition not in info.plist.

Can you use NSExportableTypes or NSExportableAs in Info.plist?  It's  
been a long time since I had to deal with that, but ISTR it will  
handle the types popup for you (and hopefully the extension as well).

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to check wifi connection. how?

2009-04-20 Thread Carlo Gulliani
is there easy way how to check is enabled wifi connection on mac or not? I need 
to show warning's alert (when app was launched) if the wifi's connection is not 


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Re: to check wifi connection. how?

2009-04-20 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
- (BOOL) connectedToNetwork
// Create zero addy
struct sockaddr_in zeroAddress;
bzero(zeroAddress, sizeof(zeroAddress));
zeroAddress.sin_len = sizeof(zeroAddress);
zeroAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;

// Recover reachability flags
SCNetworkReachabilityRef defaultRouteReachability =
SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(NULL, (struct sockaddr
SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags;

BOOL didRetrieveFlags =
SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(defaultRouteReachability, flags);

if (!didRetrieveFlags)
printf(Error. Could not recover network reachability flags\n);
return 0;

BOOL isReachable = flags  kSCNetworkFlagsReachable;
BOOL needsConnection = flags  kSCNetworkFlagsConnectionRequired;
return (isReachable  !needsConnection) ? YES : NO;

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Carlo Gulliani carlogulli...@yahoo.comwrote:

 is there easy way how to check is enabled wifi connection on mac or not? I
 need to show warning's alert (when app was launched) if the wifi's
 connection is not available.


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Interactive design and development

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Re: to check wifi connection. how?

2009-04-20 Thread Carlo Gulliani
wow, very good. many thanks


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Re: SQLite 3 crash report - debugging help needed

2009-04-20 Thread Jeremy W. Sherman

 I haven't been able to track this down to anything specific - it doesn't
 happen with any regularity or frequency, nor does it occur anywhere on my
 development machine that will allow me to track it down.

How did you come by this crash log? From the 0x48, it looks like it's
attempting to dereference an int passed into sqlite3VdbeExec where a pointer
should go, but that's a wild guess.

It's dying in sqlite3 code, so you have access to the source. Take advantage
of that. If you can attach to it in the debugger around the time of the
crash, you can observe the arguments passed into that last function call.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Jon C. Munson II wrote:


 I'm not sure that this is the correct list to post this.

 My app is done in Cocoa though, with a sqlite 3 backend using CoreData to
 access/manage it.

 Here's the short version of the crash log (the whole log can be provided,
 but I didn't want to clutter this email with what may be useless

 Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception Codes:
 KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0048 Crashed Thread:  0

 Thread 0 Crashed:
 0   libsqlite3.0.dylib  0x95a677a5 sqlite3VdbeExec + 2821
 1   libsqlite3.0.dylib  0x95a72ea2 sqlite3Step + 386
 2   libsqlite3.0.dylib  0x95a7355d sqlite3_step + 29
 3  0x905166c8 _execute + 56
 4  0x90515f88 -[NSSQLiteConnection
 execute] + 632
 5  0x90511e3b
 newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 907
 6  0x9050aa10 -[NSSQLCore
 objectsForFetchRequest:inContext:] + 304
 7  0x9050a88d -[NSSQLCore
 executeRequest:withContext:] + 461
 8  0x9050997a -
 executeRequest:withContext:] + 522
 9  0x9050705b -[NSManagedObjectContext

 executeFetchRequest:error:] + 587
 10 -[_NSManagedProxy
 fetchObjectsWithFetchRequest:error:] + 147
 11 -
 _performFetchWithRequest:merge:error:] + 76
 12 -
 fetchWithRequest:merge:error:] + 209
 13 -
 _executeFetch:didCommitSuccessfully:actionSender:] + 106
 _NSSendCommitEditingSelector + 66
 15 -[NSController
 _controllerEditor:didCommit:contextInfo:] + 197
 16 __invoking___ + 29
 17 -[NSInvocation invoke] +


 I haven't been able to track this down to anything specific - it doesn't
 happen with any regularity or frequency, nor does it occur anywhere on my
 development machine that will allow me to track it down.  In short, it
 to just happen.

 Anyone have any idea how to address this problem???

 Thanks in advance!

 Peace, Love, and Light,

 /s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Converting String Representations at Runtime

2009-04-20 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 4:44 PM, John Joyce wrote:
 CFStringTransform does exactly what I wanted to do.
 It even pretty gracefully handles the whole string supplied.
 (no idea to how far mileage would vary with this based on supplied string
 size or content... maybe somebody from apple can comment on that)
 Oddly enough, that archived thread mentions supplying a constant that is not
 in the documentation as best as I could tell...
 perhaps the CF docs dong get as much attention as they should?
 I can certainly file a bug if appropriate...

From the documentation:

On Mac OS X v10.4 and later, you can also use any valid ICU transform
ID defined in the ICU User Guide for Transforms.


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Re: Select Object in NSDictionaryController

2009-04-20 Thread Keary Suska

On Apr 19, 2009, at 1:29 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

I have a table with two columns, labeled Key and Value bound to  
myDictionaryController.key and myDictionaryController.value.

Now I want to select a row programmatically (e.g.  
[ myDictionaryController selectRowWIthKey: @someKey ]; ).

But such a method I cannot find.

There is no such facility, unfortunately. It would be nice. Why not  
file an enhancement request?

And trying to use the inherited selectObjects: does not work  
(nothing happens, not even an error message).

Well, -selectObjects: can't be used to change a controller's  
selection, so no wonder you aren't getting anywhere.

So: how can I select a row in my table?

Normally, -setSelectedObjects:, -setSelectionIndex:, or - 
setSelectionIndexes:. If they don't work, and you want help with that,  
then be specific about what precisely you tried (i.e. show code!). It  
also helps to mention what you expect to happen, and what is actually  
happening differently than your expectation.


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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hud panel tiger

2009-04-20 Thread Rick C.

Just to be sure the HUD panel in IB3 cannot be used if the app is for tiger 
correct?  Is there any workaround or basically it has to be done in code?  As a 
note I notice all the 3rd party frameworks seem to be leopard only as well?

Thank you,



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Re: Using CFStringTransform with Attributed strings or runs, maintaining the styling of the Attributes in transformed results.

2009-04-20 Thread Douglas Davidson

On Apr 19, 2009, at 1:44 PM, John Joyce wrote:

I didn't see it in the function documentation, but
is there a way for CFStringTransform to tell me the ranges of the  
the transformations it has done in the returned string?!

That would certainly be nifty!

Take a look at the header comments.  Notice that the range argument is  
actually a range pointer, and the comments specify that on return,  
range is modified to reflect the new range corresponding to the  
original range.

As far as your original question goes, using CFStringTransform on an  
NSMutableAttributedString's -mutableString should do something  
sensible, though I can't guarantee it will do exactly what you want.   
Another option would be to iterate through the string by attribute  
ranges and act on each range individually, though of course you'll  
have to account for changes in length due to the transforms.

Douglas Davidson


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printer name via NSPrintInfo after running Page Setup

2009-04-20 Thread
after i run the page setup dialog (successfully), if i examine the 
name of the chosen printer (via [[printInfo printer] name]) should it 
reflect the printer chosen in the page setup dialog?

i'm not seeing this. in fact, i am seeing the same printer name 
before and after running the page setup dialog. i'm not sure if this 
has to do with the printer's i have setup on my machine, or if this 
is a bug (in my code or one of the system frameworks).

can anyone verify whether or not changing the printer in the page 
setup dialog should be reflected in the print info contained within 
the NSPageSetup sent to the page setup did complete method?


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Re: NSSavePanel and file formats

2009-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris

On Apr 20, 2009, at 03:45, Graham Cox wrote:

You want to name a folder, say Foo, but then place files inside  
called e.g. Foo_001, Foo_002 etc?

No, I mean there are, say, export formats A, B and C. Assuming the  
document file name is something like '', export format A  
should show a suggested name like 'myData.a'; format B should show a  
suggested name like 'myData B Stuff'; format C should show a suggested  
name like 'myData C Stuff'. In the latter cases, the name in the Save  
panel's filename text field is the folder name, not a file name. (The  
names of the files inside those folders is fixed.)

Not that this is really about folders. Another hypothetical example  
might be exporting information from a contacts database as text files.  
The export formats might be 'Names Only', 'Names  Addresses' and  
'Names and Phone Numbers'; the corresponding suggested files names  
might be 'myDatabase Names.txt', 'myDatabase Addresses.txt' and  
'myDatabase Phones.txt', so that different exports do not by default  
overwrite each other. File name suffixes are the only choice in this  
case since the extension doesn't distinguish between them.

On Apr 20, 2009, at 07:08, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

Can you use NSExportableTypes or NSExportableAs in Info.plist?  It's  
been a long time since I had to deal with that, but ISTR it will  
handle the types popup for you (and hopefully the extension as well).

I didn't know about that either, but it doesn't exactly help here,  
since handling the extension isn't the problem any more. (It was when  
I first asked the question.)

Also, I'm trying to implement what appears to be a fairly new  
recommendation in the HIG, which uses Export As… on the File menu to  
replace Save a Copy As…, Save To…, or Save As… to a format the  
application can't open. That implies keeping the export file formats  
out of the Save As… dialog, and keeping document types out of the  
Export As… dialog, which NSExportableTypes doesn't seem designed to do.


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Re: Select Object in NSDictionaryController

2009-04-20 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 20 Apr 2009, at 23:05, Keary Suska wrote:

On Apr 19, 2009, at 1:29 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

I have a table with two columns, labeled Key and Value bound to  
myDictionaryController.key and myDictionaryController.value.

Now I want to select a row programmatically (e.g.  
[ myDictionaryController selectRowWIthKey: @someKey ]; ).

But such a method I cannot find.

There is no such facility, unfortunately. It would be nice. Why not  
file an enhancement request?

And trying to use the inherited selectObjects: does not work  
(nothing happens, not even an error message).

Well, -selectObjects: can't be used to change a controller's  
selection, so no wonder you aren't getting anywhere.

Sorry about this. It was setSelectedObjects: which I tried.

So: how can I select a row in my table?

Normally, -setSelectedObjects:, -setSelectionIndex:, or - 
setSelectionIndexes:. If they don't work, and you want help with  
that, then be specific about what precisely you tried (i.e. show  

Here it is:
NSArray *defs = ...some array... (which is bound to content of  

NSUInteger defIndex = 0;
for( NSDictionary *aDef in defs )
for( NSString *defKey in aDef )
NSString *value = [ aDef objectForKey: defKey ];
BOOL ok = ... some test with value  
if ( !ok )  //  select the bad thing
			[ definitionsArrayController setSelectionIndex: defIndex ];	//	this  
works fine
			//	now the table shows aDef and the first row in the table is  
			[ myDictionaryController setSelectedObjects: [ NSArray  
arrayWithObject: defKey ] ];	

//  now no row is selected
return NO;


 It also helps to mention what you expect to happen, and what is  
actually happening differently than your expectation.

Well: there is this table bound to myDictionaryController. And I would  
expect that the row which contains defKey would be selected, but  
nothing is selected instead.

This code works (but seems incredibly complicated and inefficient):

NSArray *arrangedObjects = [ dictController arrangedObjects ];
id theThing = nil;
for( id something in arrangedObjects )
NSString *key = [ something key ];
if ( [ key isEqualToString: defKey ] )
theThing = something;

if ( theThing == nil )  //  error
NSLog(@%s Error not found,__FUNCTION__);
  [ dictController setSelectedObjects: [ NSArray arrayWithObject:  
theThing ] ];


Kind regards,



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Compiling a XIB creates a different NIB file everytime

2009-04-20 Thread Lyndsey Ferguson

Hello All,

I've been asked to look into an oddity that concerns our build team.  
Our XIB files are being compiled to NIB files differently each time  
even though no changes have been made.

Everything works fine, but we would expect that the if the XIB file  
hasn't changed, the NIB file should be an exact match every time it is  

Can someone explain what is going on? Is this typical?

For example, the md5 digest for the MainMenu.nib file for the first  
compile, then the second will be:


Thanks for any information.

Lyndsey Ferguson


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Re: Compiling a XIB creates a different NIB file everytime

2009-04-20 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Lyndsey Ferguson wrote:
 Everything works fine, but we would expect that the if the XIB file hasn't
 changed, the NIB file should be an exact match every time it is created.

Where is this promised?  If there's so much as one GUID in the
resultant NIB then your theory is completely destroyed.

Why are you concerned about the identity of the compiled NIB?

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-20 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Apr 20, at 04:50, Jerry Krinock wrote:

Problem solved

But there's an even better way.  Upon further study of the Predicate  
Programming Guide, I find that there are even more limitations to Core  
Data fetches with predicates.  The most troubling is that:

The Core Data SQL store supports only one to-many operation per  
query; therefore in any predicate sent to the SQL store, there may be  
only one operator (and one instance of that operator) from ALL, ANY,  
and IN.

A much better way appears to be to fetch all objects from the store  
with no predicate and then use -[NSArray  
filteredArrayWithPredicate:].  This takes only one more line of code,  
solves all problems, and is supposedly cheaper too:

If you use the Core Data framework, the array methods provide an  
efficient means of filtering an existing array of objects without —-  
as a fetch does —- requiring a round trip to a persistent data store.

Furthermore, now since my left-side expressions don't need to be  
managed properties I don't need the categories -- I can just add  
simple derived-attribute getters to my target object class and  
predicate upon the derived attribute directly.

So, I guess the reason why Apple has never noticed that Core Data  
Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness is  
because there's a better way to do it.

Makes me wonder why NSFetchRequest even supports a predicate, since  
its predicate has all these limitations and is supposedly more  
expensive when compared to fetching all objects and then using - 
[NSArray filteredArrayWithPredicate:] ?  It would have saved me a day  
on the learning curve had it not been there for me to hang myself with.


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Re: C numerical libraries for integrating with Cocoa

2009-04-20 Thread Boyd Collier
I've used parts of the GNU Scientific Library.  The code for  
particular functions is excellent (or at least what I've used or  
looked at), but the library is very large and it took me quite a while  
to separate out just the parts that I wanted to use and to make sure  
that I had the needed headers without included many others that I  
didn't need.  Maybe that's an admission of lack of skill and knowledge  
on my part more than anything else.  Good luck to you, if that's the  
way you choose to go.


On Apr 17, 2009, at 3:41 PM, Chris Goedde wrote:

On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Boyd Collier wrote:

Have you looked at the book Numerical Recipes in C?  You can view  
a copy on-line at  (and  
probably other places as well).

Yes, maybe I should have mentioned that. (Actually, I'm old enough  
that my copy is Numerical Recipes in Fortran, but it's easy enough  
to translate.) I was looking for an alternative to rolling my own. I  
think I'm going to try the GNU Scientific Library, anyone have  
experience with that?

Thanks to Kevin Cathey for pointing out that some of this is built  
into Mac OS X. Didn't realize that!



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Quartz Comp on iPhone

2009-04-20 Thread Development
Is it possible to load a quartz composition on iPhone? I'm not seeing  
anything in the APIs


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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-20 Thread Melissa Turner
On Mon, April 20, 2009 11:02 am, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 Makes me wonder why NSFetchRequest even supports a predicate, since
 its predicate has all these limitations and is supposedly more
 expensive when compared to fetching all objects and then using -
 [NSArray filteredArrayWithPredicate:] ?  It would have saved me a day
 on the learning curve had it not been there for me to hang myself with.

filteredArrayWithPredicate: is only an option if you have a relatively
small dataset. There's overhead to loading an object into memory, both in
terms of memory and CPU cycles.

Doing filtering in memory is a code smell. It generally signals that
you're fetching against the wrong entity, or that your model needs to be
tweaked to be more efficient.



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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-20 Thread Jim Correia

On Apr 20, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

A much better way appears to be to fetch all objects from the store  
with no predicate and then use -[NSArray  
filteredArrayWithPredicate:].  This takes only one more line of  
code, solves all problems, and is supposedly cheaper too:

If you use the Core Data framework, the array methods provide an  
efficient means of filtering an existing array of objects without —-  
as a fetch does —- requiring a round trip to a persistent data store.


Makes me wonder why NSFetchRequest even supports a predicate, since  
its predicate has all these limitations and is supposedly more  
expensive when compared to fetching all objects and then using - 
[NSArray filteredArrayWithPredicate:] ?

You are taking that quote out of context and misinterpreting it.

If you already have an array of NSManagedObjects (fully realized, no  
faults), then it is going to be faster to filter that array than it is  
to execute a fetch request with a predicate, which always round trips  
to the store.

They key is if you already have an array... (Or a set.)

If you don't, then fetching a limited set with a predicate is  
(usually) going to be considerably faster than fetching all objects,  
and reducing the result after the fact with a predicate.

Consider what happens when you fetch all objects of a particular type.  
Now consider what happens if you can give Core Data a predicate which  
says no, just these 3.



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Re: printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-20 Thread

thanx for the response. its not clear from the documentation whether 
or not the name specified for pageSizeForPaper is an internal name or 
a user name.

in any case, i've solve my problem via methods i posted yesterday to 
this email list.


At 10:56 AM +0200 4/20/09, Daniel Demiss wrote:

I'm not quite sure if I got you right but:

Am 17.04.2009 um 23:24 schrieb

my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes 
the page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate 
the paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

How about saving the return value of paperName instead, which
you could use in conjunction with NSPrinter's pageSizeForPaper:?
Validation of the string would be as simple as

NSZeroSize != [myPrinter pageSizeForPaper:userSuppliedPaperName]




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Re: printer name via NSPrintInfo after running Page Setup

2009-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris

On Apr 20, 2009, at 09:46, wrote:

after i run the page setup dialog (successfully), if i examine the  
name of the chosen printer (via [[printInfo printer] name]) should  
it reflect the printer chosen in the page setup dialog?

I'm pretty sure that it never worked the way you're expecting, all the  
way back to Mac OS 7.

Note that in Leopard at least, all of the Page Setup options are  
available in the Print dialog, so I think there's never any need to  
use Page Setup at all *unless* you specifically want to format the  
page for a printer other than the one you're printing on -- in which  
case you likely wouldn't want Page Setup to switch printers on you.


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NSArray merge sorting

2009-04-20 Thread David Scheidt
Am I missing something, or is there really not a built-in to merge two  
I can roll my own, of course, but there are so many builtins, I'd have  

one was lurking somewhere.

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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-20 Thread Sean McBride
On 4/20/09 11:02 AM, Jerry Krinock said:

But there's an even better way.  Upon further study of the Predicate
Programming Guide, I find that there are even more limitations to Core
Data fetches with predicates.  The most troubling is that:

The Core Data SQL store supports only one to-many operation per
query; therefore in any predicate sent to the SQL store, there may be
only one operator (and one instance of that operator) from ALL, ANY,
and IN.

Anyone know of a way to catch such 'SQL-unfriendly' predicates at
compile time?  Or with a static analyser?

It strikes me that if one currently develops with with XML store, and
then one day switches to the SQL store (say when it becomes compatible
with GC apps, grrr) when one is in for lots of things suddenly breaking.


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Compiling a XIB creates a different NIB file everytime

2009-04-20 Thread Jonathan Hess

Hey Lyndsey -

A NIB file contains many hash based unordered data structures, and  
won't have a byte for byte identical representation from one save/ 
compile operation to the next - even when the represented interface is  

Jon Hess

On Apr 20, 2009, at 10:47 AM, Lyndsey Ferguson wrote:

Hello All,

I've been asked to look into an oddity that concerns our build team.  
Our XIB files are being compiled to NIB files differently each time  
even though no changes have been made.

Everything works fine, but we would expect that the if the XIB file  
hasn't changed, the NIB file should be an exact match every time it  
is created.

Can someone explain what is going on? Is this typical?

For example, the md5 digest for the MainMenu.nib file for the first  
compile, then the second will be:


Thanks for any information.

Lyndsey Ferguson


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Re: Select Object in NSDictionaryController

2009-04-20 Thread Keary Suska

On Apr 20, 2009, at 11:12 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

NSArray *defs = ...some array... (which is bound to content of  

NSUInteger defIndex = 0;
for( NSDictionary *aDef in defs )
for( NSString *defKey in aDef )
NSString *value = [ aDef objectForKey: defKey ];
BOOL ok = ... some test with value  
if ( !ok )  //  select the bad thing
			[ definitionsArrayController setSelectionIndex: defIndex ];	//	 
this works fine
			//	now the table shows aDef and the first row in the table is  
			[ myDictionaryController setSelectedObjects: [ NSArray  

This doesn't work because the selected object(s) need to be the actual  
objects managed by the controller.

This code works (but seems incredibly complicated and inefficient):

NSArray *arrangedObjects = [ dictController arrangedObjects ];
id theThing = nil;
for( id something in arrangedObjects )
NSString *key = [ something key ];
if ( [ key isEqualToString: defKey ] )
theThing = something;

if ( theThing == nil )  //  error
NSLog(@%s Error not found,__FUNCTION__);
 [ dictController setSelectedObjects: [ NSArray arrayWithObject:  
theThing ] ];


This, or something similar, is probably your best bet. Also, chances  
are any other apparently shorter solution would really just do the  
same thing.


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: Compiling a XIB creates a different NIB file everytime

2009-04-20 Thread Lyndsey Ferguson

On Apr 20, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:
A NIB file contains many hash based unordered data structures, and  
won't have a byte for byte identical representation from one save/ 
compile operation to the next - even when the represented interface  
is identical.

Okay, thanks Jon,


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Re: NSArray merge sorting

2009-04-20 Thread

Would NSSet cut the mustard here?

On 20 Apr 2009, at 20:54, David Scheidt wrote:

Am I missing something, or is there really not a built-in to merge  
two arrays?
I can roll my own, of course, but there are so many builtins, I'd  
have thought

one was lurking somewhere.

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Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Empty stack trace in crash reports

2009-04-20 Thread Seth Willits

Alright, not strictly Cocoa related, but someone will surely know :)

What are the empty threads that show up in a crash report? ie Thread  
22 crashed, and there's 20 threads listed in the report, but 17-21  
have no stack trace. Is this a thread that hasn't started, hasn't  
finished, is spazzed because of stack corruption?

I'm wondering if this could be a potential clue for some patterns that  
I should be learning.

Seth Willits


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Re: NSArray merge sorting

2009-04-20 Thread WT
I was thinking about NSSet/NSMutableSet as well, but there may be a  
problem with that solution: I don't think the order of elements is  
guaranteed to remain the same between adding the elements and  
accessing them.


On Apr 20, 2009, at 10:44 PM, wrote:

Would NSSet cut the mustard here?

On 20 Apr 2009, at 20:54, David Scheidt wrote:

Am I missing something, or is there really not a built-in to merge  
two arrays?
I can roll my own, of course, but there are so many builtins, I'd  
have thought

one was lurking somewhere.


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Re: printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-20 Thread

for the archives... i received the following off-list and it is
exactly what i was looking for.

Just an idea, why not use:


and then loop through them all and compare what you have to:


you can get the PMPrinter from:


which you can get from

-[NSPrintInfo PMPrintSession]

At 2:24 PM -0700 4/17/09, wrote:

my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes
the page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate
the paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

however, if the user attemps to write a script (either directly or
by modifying a previously recorded script), i need to validate any
paper name the user has specified. i don't see how to go from a
user specified paper name to an internal name such that i can call
-[NSPrintInfo setPaperName:].

have i missed something?



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Re: Quartz Comp on iPhone

2009-04-20 Thread David Duncan

On Apr 20, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Development wrote:

Is it possible to load a quartz composition on iPhone? I'm not  
seeing anything in the APIs

Quartz Composer is not part of the iPhone SDK.
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Re: Compiling a XIB creates a different NIB file everytime

2009-04-20 Thread Jonathan Hess

On Apr 20, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Lyndsey Ferguson wrote:

On Apr 20, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:
A NIB file contains many hash based unordered data structures, and  
won't have a byte for byte identical representation from one save/ 
compile operation to the next - even when the represented interface  
is identical.

Okay, thanks Jon,

If you're producing unflattened NIB's via ibtool's --flatten NO, or  
Xcode's IBC_FLATTEN_NIBS build setting, and you're primarily  
interested in detecting semantic changes to the file you could instead  
MD5 the result of running ibtool --all against the produced NIB  
file. You won't be able to use ibtool --all against a flattened/ 
stripped NIB.

Jon Hess



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Problem in displaying image in NSTableView

2009-04-20 Thread cocoa learner
Hello All,
In my NSTableView I am using NSImageCell as one column to display images.
And I have implemented my datastore method like this -

- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)aTableView

objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn

row: (NSInteger)rowIndex


/* code to display other column data



//Code to display image

if (coloumnIndex == 2)


NSImage *tmpImage = [[tableData objectAtIndex: rowIndex] personPhoto];

NSLog(@TableController::dataSourceSecondAPI : [ Debug ] Coloumn Index = 2,
so returning the image);

return tmpImage;



And my persons init method looks like this -

- (id) init


[super init];

personName = @New name;

personAddr = @New addrress;

personPhoto = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:

if (personPhoto == nil)


return nil;


 return self;


After running my application the image looks very small like an icon.
Can any one tell me how to display a bigger image in NSTableView?

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simulating nested classes in objective-c

2009-04-20 Thread Aroon Pahwa
I'm working on a project that involves translating C# code to Objective-C (so I 
never have to write network protocol definitions again!).

I've run into an issue: C# (and Java) both have nested classes which is the 
ability to define a new class inside of an existing class. This is a nice 
feature for breaking up functionality within a class, reducing namespace 
pollution and generally organizing data structures. The problem, of course, is 
that Objective-C doesn't have nested classes.

Luckily I don't actually need to translate the C# nested classes to something 
of similar functionality, I just need to solve the problem of naming 
collisions. For instance, if the C# code has two classes that both define a 
nested class named ResultInfo then I end up with a collision.

My first soltion was to prepend the name of the containing class to the name of 
the nested class so in the previous example I would end up with 
SomeContainerClass_ResultInfo and SomeOtherContainerClass_ResultInfo. My issue 
with this is that the names are wy too long.

I'm wondering if anyone has had to deal with this issue before and has any 
ideas of what I can do to keep the names short, not kill the usefulness of Code 
Sense in XCode, and come at least close to gauranteeing no naming collisions 
between these translated nested classes.

I've read a ton of docs about the porting of and bridges between Java code and 
Objective-C but they all seem to gloss over the issue of nested classes...

Thanks in advance!

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Tracking rects, tracking areas and events

2009-04-20 Thread Erik Österlund

I have a few questions about the subject.

1. What is the difference between tracking areas and tracking rects?
2. If I register a tracking rect, will the mouseMoved: message keep on  
spamming, or will only mouseEntered: and mouseExited: be sent? If I  
understood this correctly, all three are activated with the  
setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: message.
3. What happens if two rects intersect? Which one will be called? Is  
it possible to create tree-like priorities like views and subviews?


- Fisk

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iPhoto and Scripting Bridge

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Hafeneger


Does anybody know how to create new albums via Scripting Bridge in  
iPhoto? Doing this in AppleScript is not difficult, but I don't get it  
work via Scripting Bridge. Any ideas?

With best wishes, Stefan

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Creating table rows from XML

2009-04-20 Thread Phil Dokas
Hello all, I'm writing my first iPhone application and I've run into a  
problem I can't seem to get a grasp on.

In short I want to parse an XML file and display a UITableView with  
data from a set of XML elements. I've got all the code written for  
this but whenever I try to access my array of data inside of - 
tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: I crash without an error message in  

Here are the two relevant classes:

@interface PDPagesViewController : UITableViewController {
  NSData* received_data;
  NSMutableArray* pages;
- (void)beginParsing;

@interface PDPage : NSObject {
  NSNumber* page_id;
  NSString* title;
@property(nonatomic,retain) NSNumber* page_id;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSString* title;
-(id)initWithID:(int)in_id andTitle:(NSString*)in_title;

I init my PDPagesViewController as follows:

- (id)init {
  if (self = [super init]) {
pages = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self beginParsing];
  return self;

I construct my NSURLRequest and setup my parser inside of  
beginParsing. Here is the delegate method which then builds my array:

- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser
didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName
  namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI
 qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict
  // Handle page elements
  if ([elementName isEqualToString:@page]) {
NSString *titleAttr = [attributeDict objectForKey:@title];
NSString *idAttr = [attributeDict objectForKey:@id];
if (titleAttr  idAttr) {
  PDPage* newPage = [[PDPage alloc] initWithID:[idAttr intValue]  

  [pages addObject:newPage];
  [newPage release];

Insofar as I can tell, everything is ok so far. The problem occurs in  
this table delegate method (again, part of PDPagesViewController),  
with crashing lines and received output listed in comments:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView  
cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

  static NSString *CellIdentifier = @Cell;

  UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView  

  if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero  
reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];


  // Set up the cell...
  NSLog(@Setting up table cell %d, [indexPath row]);  // Setting  
up table cell: 8
  NSLog(@retain count: %d, [pages retainCount]);  // retain count:  

  NSLog(@array count: %d, [pages count]);  // array count: 16
  NSLog(@page retain count: %d, [(PDPage*)[pages objectAtIndex: 
[indexPath row]] retainCount]);  // page retain count: 1
  NSLog(@title: %@, [(PDPage*)[pages objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]  
title]);  // This line causes a crash
  NSLog(@pages array right now: %@, pages);  // This line causes a  
  cell.text = [[pages objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] title];  // This  
line causes a crash

  return cell;

It seems to me that whenever I try to interact with my NSMutableArray  
as such in this method it crashes, but when I use only its NSObject  
methods it's fine. And yet, it and its contents have the right retain  
count. I feel like I must be missing something basic, so any insight  
would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Phil Dokas -//-


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Re: printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-20 Thread Daniel Demiss

I'm not quite sure if I got you right but:

Am 17.04.2009 um 23:24 schrieb

my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes the  
page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate the  
paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

How about saving the return value of paperName instead, which
you could use in conjunction with NSPrinter's pageSizeForPaper:?
Validation of the string would be as simple as

NSZeroSize != [myPrinter pageSizeForPaper:userSuppliedPaperName]



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2009-04-20 Thread fawad shafi

dear all,
i am new on OpenGL Framework, i dnt know to that how to display the simple 3D 
image using OpenGL.
Thanks in advance.

Fawad Shafi

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Re: hud panel tiger

2009-04-20 Thread Cocoa Dev

20 apr 2009 kl. 18.15 skrev Rick C.:


Just to be sure the HUD panel in IB3 cannot be used if the app is  
for tiger correct?  Is there any workaround or basically it has to  
be done in code?  As a note I notice all the 3rd party frameworks  
seem to be leopard only as well?

Thank you,



I believe you are correct on your first point. As a substitution you  
could use Matt Gemmell's HUDWindow (which can be found at 

Tim Andersson


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Binding NSDictionary controller to a read-only ivar

2009-04-20 Thread Thomas Westfeld

Dear all,

I was fiddeling around with the NSDictionary controller to display a  
dictionary of NSStrings along with its corresponding keys in a  
NSTableView. It works so far, one column is bound to key the other to  
value of the arranged objects, while the content of the dictionary  
controller is bound to a dictionary in my model object. So far so good.

Now I have a getter method in the model object that returns a  
NSDictionary in which the values of the original dictionary have been  
altered. This dictionary is generated on the fly and is returned  

Now I unbind the dictionary controller of my dictionary property and  
bind it programatically to the read-only dictionary. It works, but  
after one run loop I think the dictionary gets released and the  
dictionary controller's contend is bound to a released object.

How do I mange it properly?

Do I have to store the altered dictionary as an ivar in the object to  
get memory management right?

Thanks in advance for your help


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Re: Tracking rects, tracking areas and events

2009-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris

On Apr 19, 2009, at 15:20, Erik Österlund wrote:

1. What is the difference between tracking areas and tracking rects?

Tracking rects are available pre-Leopard. NSTrackingArea was  
introduced in Leopard to fix significant problems that made tracking  
rects pretty much useless for anything but the simplest cases.

2. If I register a tracking rect, will the mouseMoved: message keep  
on spamming, or will only mouseEntered: and mouseExited: be sent?

Tracking rects have no effect on the production of mouseMoved messages.

If I understood this correctly, all three are activated with the  
setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: message.

No, setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents is something else again.

If you're not using NSTrackingArea, or if the mouse isn't inside a  
NSTrackingArea, you'll get old-style mouseMoved events if  
setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES has been called for the window. Pre- 
Leopard, this was the only way to get mouseMoved events.

If the mouse is inside a NSTrackingArea, you'll get new-style  
mouseMoved events instead. To prevent confusion, you'd almost  
certainly never call setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES if you're using  

3. What happens if two rects intersect?

If you're asking about tracking rects, there were supposed to be rules  
about which one won, but I don't recall you could ever rely on it  
working properly in all cases.

Which one will be called?

If you asking about NSTrackingArea, all of the relevant areas respond.  
You're responsible for choosing which ones should really do something.

Is it possible to create tree-like priorities like views and subviews?

Not with NSTrackingArea. Keep in mind that mouseEntered/mouseExited/ 
mouseMoved are sent to the tracking area's owner, regardless of the  
view/subview structure. (OTOH cursorUpdate is sent to the topmost view  
under the mouse pointer, regardless of the tracking area's owner.)


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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-20 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Apr 20, at 11:24, Jim Correia wrote:

On Apr 20, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

Makes me wonder why NSFetchRequest even supports a predicate, since  
its predicate has all these limitations and is supposedly more  
expensive when compared to fetching all objects and then using - 
[NSArray filteredArrayWithPredicate:] ?

You are taking that quote out of context and misinterpreting it.

Yes, you're correct about that; I was being sloppy there.

However, I did my own experiment on this with about 1200 objects a few  
months ago, each object having about 2 dozen attributes and a couple  
of relationships.  A couple hundred bytes in each record.  I compared  
the time for a Core Data fetch-with-predicate versus Core Data fetch- 
without-predicate followed by array filtering.  Apples versus apples.   
The latter was slightly faster.

For others this may not be true -- Always test performance in your  
own app -- and now I understand why NSFetchRequest supports a  
predicate.  But in my case the search completes in milliseconds, and  
not having to program around the limitations of Core Data's fetch-with- 
predicate is a huge advantage.

On 2009 Apr 20, at 13:09, Sean McBride wrote:

It strikes me that if one currently develops with with XML store,  
and then one day switches to the SQL store ... when one is in for  
lots of things suddenly breaking.

Yup.  I gleefully chucked that off my list of things to retest after  
I ditched the Core Data fetch-with-predicate.

On 2009 Apr 20, at 11:23, Melissa Turner wrote:

Doing filtering in memory is a code smell. It generally signals that  
you're fetching against the wrong entity, or that your model needs  
to be tweaked to be more efficient.

Well, when I first started with Core Data, my religion was: Oooo --  
database -- relationships -- Oooo -- queries -- fast -- cool.  But it  
doesn't always pan out.


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Re: Tracking rects, tracking areas and events

2009-04-20 Thread Erik Österlund

Apr 21, 2009 kl. 12:07 AM skrev Quincey Morris:

2. If I register a tracking rect, will the mouseMoved: message keep  
on spamming, or will only mouseEntered: and mouseExited: be sent?

Tracking rects have no effect on the production of mouseMoved  

So is there any difference at all between using NSPointInRect on the  
mouseMoved: event instead of using tracking rects? I mean, the events  
would have been sent anyway, if I understood this correctly. Then it  
would also be much easier to dynamically determine which object should  
be activated and choose whatever rules you want.

If I understood this correctly, all three are activated with the  
setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: message.

No, setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents is something else again.

If you're not using NSTrackingArea, or if the mouse isn't inside a  
NSTrackingArea, you'll get old-style mouseMoved events if  
setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES has been called for the window. Pre- 
Leopard, this was the only way to get mouseMoved events.

If the mouse is inside a NSTrackingArea, you'll get new-style  
mouseMoved events instead. To prevent confusion, you'd almost  
certainly never call setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES if you're using  

Are the new-style mouseMoved events the same then, except they are  
sent only when mouse is over the area, while old-style were sent all  
the time? I thought the point with having tracking rects/areas would  
be to lower the amount of events sent, and send them only when mouse  
entered or exited the area.

Which one will be called?

If you asking about NSTrackingArea, all of the relevant areas  
respond. You're responsible for choosing which ones should really do  

I suppose that is for the mouseMoved: event, so does the same go for  
mouseDragged: events? They seem to be both related and unrelated  
somehow since they have the same kind of behaviour but do not need to  
be activated to be sent...

Is it possible to create tree-like priorities like views and  

Not with NSTrackingArea. Keep in mind that mouseEntered/mouseExited/ 
mouseMoved are sent to the tracking area's owner, regardless of the  
view/subview structure. (OTOH cursorUpdate is sent to the topmost  
view under the mouse pointer, regardless of the tracking area's  

If this is an OpenGL-view and it has no subviews, but I'd like to have  
the subview behaviour, would the best approach be to just manually  
handle events as mentioned earlier, use layers with tracking areas  
somehow, or perhaps a completely different solution?


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Re: OpenGL

2009-04-20 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 20 Apr 09, at 06:59, fawad shafi wrote:
i am new on OpenGL Framework, i dnt know to that how to display the  
simple 3D image using OpenGL.

This doesn't appear to be relevant to Cocoa development, at least  
until the Cocoa OpenGL views get involved. If you're just getting  
started with OpenGL, you may want to begin by getting yourelf a copy  
of the OpenGL Red Book.

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Re: Tracking rects, tracking areas and events

2009-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris

On Apr 20, 2009, at 16:03, Erik Österlund wrote:

So is there any difference at all between using NSPointInRect on the  
mouseMoved: event instead of using tracking rects? I mean, the  
events would have been sent anyway, if I understood this correctly.  
Then it would also be much easier to dynamically determine which  
object should be activated and choose whatever rules you want.

If all you want to do is know where mouse is, then using old-style  
mouseMoved events is much safer than using tracking rects. But the  
drawback (as spelled out in the NSWindow documentation) the drawback   
is that old-style mouseMoved events are spewed out indiscriminately,  
so long as setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES is in effect for the window.

If you don't need to support Tiger, tracking areas are a better  

Are the new-style mouseMoved events the same then, except they are  
sent only when mouse is over the area, while old-style were sent  
all the time?

Basically, yes. Well, the new-style events can also tell you which  
tracking area they were generated for.

I thought the point with having tracking rects/areas would be to  
lower the amount of events sent, and send them only when mouse  
entered or exited the area.

It would have been the point, if tracking rects ever had the  
capability of limiting the number of mouseMoved events. But they  
don't, and that is one of their deficiencies.

I suppose that is for the mouseMoved: event, so does the same go for  
mouseDragged: events? They seem to be both related and unrelated  
somehow since they have the same kind of behaviour but do not need  
to be activated to be sent...

Nope, mouseDragged events are different. They're generated while the  
mouse is down, and are sent to the view that the mouseDown was sent  
to. Old-style mouseMoved events (if enabled) are not sent while the  
mouse is down. New-style mouseMoved events (if enabled during dragging  
by the NSTrackingEnabledDuringMouseDrag option) are sent while the  
mouse is down.

If this is an OpenGL-view and it has no subviews, but I'd like to  
have the subview behaviour, would the best approach be to just  
manually handle events as mentioned earlier, use layers with  
tracking areas somehow, or perhaps a completely different solution?

It's hard to say in general. NSTrackingArea is fairly easy to get  
started with, so I'd suggest you just experiment to find the best  
approach for you.


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Re: Problem in displaying image in NSTableView

2009-04-20 Thread Steve Christensen

On Apr 18, 2009, at 7:54 PM, cocoa learner wrote:

Hello All,
In my NSTableView I am using NSImageCell as one column to display  

And I have implemented my datastore method like this -

- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)aTableView
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
row: (NSInteger)rowIndex
/* code to display other column data

//Code to display image
if (coloumnIndex == 2)
NSImage *tmpImage = [[tableData objectAtIndex: rowIndex] personPhoto];

NSLog(@TableController::dataSourceSecondAPI : [ Debug ] Coloumn  
Index = 2,

so returning the image);

return tmpImage;

And my persons init method looks like this -

- (id) init
[super init];

Probably safer to use self = [super init]; here. For most classes  
self won't change, but it has been brought up on-list before that  
there are some exceptions where [super init] can give you a  
completely different instance.

personName = @New name;
personAddr = @New addrress;
personPhoto = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:
if (personPhoto == nil)

You need a call to [self dealloc] here, otherwise you leak an  
instance of the class if you can't load the image.

return nil;

 return self;

After running my application the image looks very small like an icon.
Can any one tell me how to display a bigger image in NSTableView?

The image is scaled to fit the table's row height, rather than having  
the row height adjusted to fit a particular image. If the row height  
isn't currently large enough, you can either change it in IB or in  
code. And for 10.4 and later, you can have your table's delegate  
implement -tableView:heightOfRow: to change the height on a row-by- 
row basis.


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Re: Problem in displaying image in NSTableView

2009-04-20 Thread Gwynne Raskind

On Apr 20, 2009, at 8:01 PM, Steve Christensen wrote:

personName = @New name;
personAddr = @New addrress;
personPhoto = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:
if (personPhoto == nil)
You need a call to [self dealloc] here, otherwise you leak an  
instance of the class if you can't load the image.

Small correction here: For a failure in -init, call [self release],  
not dealloc. You should never call dealloc directly except from  
dealloc itself to call [super dealloc].

-- Gwynne, Daughter of the Code
This whole world is an asylum for the incurable.

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Re: OpenGL

2009-04-20 Thread Steve Christensen

On Apr 20, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Andrew Farmer wrote:

On 20 Apr 09, at 06:59, fawad shafi wrote:
i am new on OpenGL Framework, i dnt know to that how to display  
the simple 3D image using OpenGL.

This doesn't appear to be relevant to Cocoa development, at least  
until the Cocoa OpenGL views get involved. If you're just getting  
started with OpenGL, you may want to begin by getting yourelf a  
copy of the OpenGL Red Book.

...and subscribe to the mac-opengl mailing list, which is also a  
better place to ask these sorts of questions.


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Re: NSArray merge sorting

2009-04-20 Thread Greg Guerin

Would NSSet cut the mustard here?

NSArray allows duplicate items; NSSet does not.  What do you propose  
happen if one or both NSArray inputs have items that compare as equal?

Algorithmically speaking, a merge sort from two inputs into a new  
output seems pretty simple.  Simply choose the lesser of the two  
available next-items and append it to the new array.  Or if both next- 
items are equal, choose one arbitrarily.

  -- GG


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Re: NSArray merge sorting

2009-04-20 Thread Jonathan Hess

On Apr 20, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Greg Guerin wrote:

Would NSSet cut the mustard here?

NSArray allows duplicate items; NSSet does not.  What do you propose  
happen if one or both NSArray inputs have items that compare as equal?

Algorithmically speaking, a merge sort from two inputs into a new  
output seems pretty simple.  Simply choose the lesser of the two  
available next-items and append it to the new array.  Or if both  
next-items are equal, choose one arbitrarily.

You should probably choose the one that came first in the original  
array. Merge sort should be order preserving, and even though the  
objects are ordered the same with respect to the comparison function,  
their identities my be different and their relative ordering should be  

Jon Hess

 -- GG


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Re: OpenGL

2009-04-20 Thread Brent Fulgham
 On 20 Apr 09, at 06:59, fawad shafi wrote:
 i am new on OpenGL Framework, i dnt know to that how to display the
 simple 3D image using OpenGL.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Steve Christensen wrote:
 ...and subscribe to the mac-opengl mailing list, which is also a better
 place to ask these sorts of questions.

And for goodness' sake, please look at; before posting
such requests for help!

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Re: NSArray merge sorting

2009-04-20 Thread David Scheidt

On Apr 20, 2009, at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

On Apr 20, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Greg Guerin wrote:

Would NSSet cut the mustard here?

NSArray allows duplicate items; NSSet does not.  What do you  
propose happen if one or both NSArray inputs have items that  
compare as equal?

Algorithmically speaking, a merge sort from two inputs into a new  
output seems pretty simple.  Simply choose the lesser of the two  
available next-items and append it to the new array.  Or if both  
next-items are equal, choose one arbitrarily.

You should probably choose the one that came first in the original  
array. Merge sort should be order preserving, and even though the  
objects are ordered the same with respect to the comparison  
function, their identities my be different and their relative  
ordering should be preserved.

This is what computer scientists call a stable sort.  Handy if you  
want to provide a list of names that's sorted by key1, and if key1 is  
identical, by key2.  (last name, then first name, then ID number, for  

I'm prefectly capable of writing a merge sort.  It's just that it  
seemed like a pretty basic function, which I'm going to use what I'd  
have thought was a pretty common reason (merging two arrays of strings  
as possible values for NSComboBoxes), and if Apple had gone to the  
trouble of writing one, I wanted to use it.  Apple's code tends to be  
faster than the stuff I write, for one thing, and it gets debugged by  
more people.

My quick hack for avoiding this until I wrote a  
mergesortWithSelector:RemoveDuplicates category on NSArray was to  
stick the two lists into an NSMutableSet, and then put them into an  
NSMutableArray and sort that with sortUsingSelector:.  That works  
fine, and seems fast enough (though I didn't instrument it), but  
offends my sense of elegance. 

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Re: Creating table rows from XML

2009-04-20 Thread Nathan Kinsinger

On Apr 20, 2009, at 12:30 AM, Phil Dokas wrote:

 PDPage* newPage = [[PDPage alloc] initWithID:[idAttr intValue]  

In the -initWithID:andTitle: method are you sure you are copying the  



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Re: Creating table rows from XML

2009-04-20 Thread Nathan Day
What happens when you run it in the debugger, you say this is your  
first iPhone application if you are new to using a debugger then you  
really need to learn how to use that, it will make finding bugs like  
this a lot easier, for example you can break just before you add an  
object to you array (pages) and type 'po pages' in the terminal to see  
what pages is, if I have miss read you and you are familiar with the  
debugger then just ignore everything I have said.

On 20/04/2009, at 4:30 PM, Phil Dokas wrote:

Hello all, I'm writing my first iPhone application and I've run into  
a problem I can't seem to get a grasp on.

In short I want to parse an XML file and display a UITableView with  
data from a set of XML elements. I've got all the code written for  
this but whenever I try to access my array of data inside of - 
tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: I crash without an error message in  

Here are the two relevant classes:

@interface PDPagesViewController : UITableViewController {
 NSData* received_data;
 NSMutableArray* pages;
- (void)beginParsing;

@interface PDPage : NSObject {
 NSNumber* page_id;
 NSString* title;
@property(nonatomic,retain) NSNumber* page_id;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSString* title;
-(id)initWithID:(int)in_id andTitle:(NSString*)in_title;

I init my PDPagesViewController as follows:

- (id)init {
 if (self = [super init]) {
   pages = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
   [self beginParsing];
 return self;

I construct my NSURLRequest and setup my parser inside of  
beginParsing. Here is the delegate method which then builds my array:

- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser
didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName
 namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI
qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
   attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict
 // Handle page elements
 if ([elementName isEqualToString:@page]) {
   NSString *titleAttr = [attributeDict objectForKey:@title];
   NSString *idAttr = [attributeDict objectForKey:@id];
   if (titleAttr  idAttr) {
 PDPage* newPage = [[PDPage alloc] initWithID:[idAttr intValue]  

 [pages addObject:newPage];
 [newPage release];

Insofar as I can tell, everything is ok so far. The problem occurs  
in this table delegate method (again, part of  
PDPagesViewController), with crashing lines and received output  
listed in comments:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView  
cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

 static NSString *CellIdentifier = @Cell;

 UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView  

 if (cell == nil) {
   cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero  
reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];


 // Set up the cell...
 NSLog(@Setting up table cell %d, [indexPath row]);  // Setting  
up table cell: 8
 NSLog(@retain count: %d, [pages retainCount]);  // retain count:  

 NSLog(@array count: %d, [pages count]);  // array count: 16
 NSLog(@page retain count: %d, [(PDPage*)[pages objectAtIndex: 
[indexPath row]] retainCount]);  // page retain count: 1
 NSLog(@title: %@, [(PDPage*)[pages objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]  
title]);  // This line causes a crash
 NSLog(@pages array right now: %@, pages);  // This line causes a  
 cell.text = [[pages objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] title];  // This  
line causes a crash

 return cell;

It seems to me that whenever I try to interact with my  
NSMutableArray as such in this method it crashes, but when I use  
only its NSObject methods it's fine. And yet, it and its contents  
have the right retain count. I feel like I must be missing something  
basic, so any insight would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Phil Dokas -//-


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how to combine two cocoa application together

2009-04-20 Thread yiling wu
 I have two cocoa applications which have the functionality I want to use.
Are there any easy way to combine them together. Thanks!

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Notifications for the low battery...?

2009-04-20 Thread Anshul jain

Hi All,
		I am developing a small Application to perform a Task. Which can  
drain lot of battery(in Laptops).

IOKit provides the APIs to get the battery status but i was not able  
to find the Notification which can notify the application when the  
battery is Low.

So I want to get the Notifications for the low battery. Is this  

Can anybody help me out.

Thanks in Advance.

Anshul jain


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Re: hud panel tiger

2009-04-20 Thread Rick C.
Thank you Tim...just wanted to be sure I wasn't overlooking anything...

Much appreciated,


From: Cocoa Dev
To: Rick C.
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 2:04:21 AM
Subject: Re: hud panel tiger

20 apr 2009 kl. 18.15 skrev Rick C.:

 Just to be sure the HUD panel in IB3 cannot be used if the app is for tiger 
 correct?  Is there any workaround or basically it has to be done in code?  As 
 a note I notice all the 3rd party frameworks seem to be leopard only as well?
 Thank you,


I believe you are correct on your first point. As a substitution you could use 
Matt Gemmell's HUDWindow (which can be found at

Tim Andersson


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