LayoutSubviews after orientation change in inactive tab

2013-07-31 Thread Trygve Inda
I have a tabbed iOS app.

Tab #2 has a background that is obtained from an auto-resizing scrollView in
Tab #1.

If I am viewing Tab #2, and rotate the device, I need the layout for Tab #1
to reconfigure its views immediately rather than until I select it again.

How can I do this?

I have added a UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification to The scrollView in
Tab #1 that needs to get resized, but am not sure how to force the
ScrollView frame to auto-resize itself.




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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Oleg Krupnov
Hi Ken,

 Let the app crash.  Let the CrashReporter tell the user that it crashed.  If 
 you want to receive the crash report yourself, use an external watchdog 
 process or collect the crash report file on next launch.

I'd agree that this approach technically is more correct. One downside
of it though is that the user should launch the crashed app at least
one more time. Hopefully, it's not going to be a crash on first launch
followed by immediate trashing of the app :)

So it boils down to these questions:

1. What is the correct way of terminating the app if the exception
happens in the main thread? I need the system Crash Reporter to save
the context and stack trace of the original problem, not of some
exception handler.

2. Will it work in sandboxed mode? The folder with crash reports may
appear unaccessible.

P.S. It dawned at me that I could relaunch another instance of the app
(using a shell script) before my app terminates, in this way relying
on the user to do this is not needed.


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Re: Mixing Obj-C and C methods

2013-07-31 Thread Andy Lee
On Jul 30, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Michael Crawford wrote:
 That class object occupies a
 non-zero quantity of memory, at its lowest level being somewhat like
 the combination of a single copy of a C struct, as well as some C
 functions, that from the Objective-C point of view, appear to be
 class methods that know all about their class object,

Both class methods and instance methods are indeed C functions (IMPs).  But to 
clarify, it isn't that class methods know about their owning class in the 
sense one might imagine, with some sort of back-pointer.  It's that at the time 
a class method is invoked, a class pointer is passed to the function as an 
implicit argument named self, and *that's* how the function knows the class 
on whose behalf it is executing.  It's a subtle distinction, but an important 

One reason it's important is that you could have a subclass and it could invoke 
the same class method:

[MyClass myClassMethod];
[MySubclass myClassMethod];  // Assume MySubclass does not override the method.

The value of self will be different in the two cases at the time that method 
executes.  In each case, self is the receiver of the message.

Similarly, at the time an instance method is invoked, an instance pointer is 
passed to the function that constitutes the implementation of the method, again 
as an implicit argument named self.

 but that are
 not capable of (directly) operating on instances.

All functions, whether pure C functions or Objective-C methods, are capable of 
directly operating on instances.  They can instantiate objects, message them, 
and depending on scope, they can directly access their ivars.

The distinction you may be getting at is that only Objective-C instance methods 
can directly access ivars without having to qualify them with self-, because 
the self is implicit.



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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Graham Cox

On 30/07/2013, at 7:43 PM, Quincey Morris 

 On Jul 30, 2013, at 10:26 , Graham Cox wrote:
 How often have you encountered an unexpected exception from some low-level 
 code you don't own under circumstances you can't control? If your app 
 crashed every time you'd soon have a reputation for unreliability that is in 
 all probability undeserved. On balance it's better to carry on with some 
 minor glitch than quit unexpectedly.
 Surely the problem with this perspective is that the uncaught exception 
 results in an abrupt transfer of control from the point of the exception back 
 to (approximately) [NSApplication sendEvent:]?
 If you don't own the low-level code where the exception was thrown, you can 
 have no confidence that non-stack data structures being maintained by that 
 code -- along with all of the intermediate levels of calling code -- are in 
 any usable state.

I totally agree - from the point of view of a developer.

However, from the point of view of a) the user and b) the director of a company 
making and selling apps, it's not what you want to happen. Any crash is 
unacceptable - it makes the app look flaky and the user will lose faith in it 
and probably lose their data too. The vast majority of exceptions in practice 
are benign - much better to effectively ignore them and continue as best you 
can (which is very often with 100% functionality) than crash. If there are 
cases that come up that can be handled better, then those handlers can be added 
in later.

As an example, I had one recently where under very specific circumstances, the 
user could end up pushing the code into inverting a transform that had no 
inverse, e.g. a divide by zero. The Core Graphics framework throws an exception 
if you do that, but the specific circumstances had not been caught in testing 
because it was such a weird corner case. If my app crashed at that point, it 
would look very serious indeed, whereas the actual outcome for the user was a 
very minor graphical glitch. I now add a handler for that case that puts things 
back in a good state, but simply ignoring the original exception wasn't a 
disaster either.



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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013, at 12:07 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
 However, from the point of view of a) the user and b) the director of a
 company making and selling apps, it's not what you want to happen.

Within the past year or so, we moved all our apps to crashing on
uncaught exceptions. This change was supported by our CEO. And as far as
I'm aware, OmniFocus has _always_ crashed on uncaught exceptions.

Because crashing is better than corrupting the user's data.

--Kyle Sluder

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[BUG?] LSUIElement=YES and NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification

2013-07-31 Thread Stephane Sudre
Is it a known bug that the
NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification notification is not
sent for applications whose LSUIElement key is set to YES?

I've found an entry for this in StackOverflow but the explanations
provided to the original poster are forgetting the LSUIElement factor.

Mac OS X 10.7.5.

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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Scott Ribe
On Jul 30, 2013, at 11:51 PM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

 One downside
 of it though is that the user should launch the crashed app at least
 one more time.

Which is why he specifically mentioned the option of an external watchdog 

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Oleg Krupnov
 Which is why he specifically mentioned the option of an external watchdog 

This seems like an overkill. Every app needs some kind of crash
reporting, are you suggesting to accompany each app with a watchdog
process? Besides, the user might think your app is a spyware when he
sees the watchdog process in Activity Monitor.

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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Scott Ribe

On Jul 31, 2013, at 8:23 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

 Every app needs some kind of crash
 reporting, are you suggesting to accompany each app with a watchdog

Yes. (Unless you're distributing through the Mac App Store.)

 Besides, the user might think your app is a spyware when he
 sees the watchdog process in Activity Monitor.

Why? MyApp_CrashReporter shouldn't raise any red flags, especially if you 
give the user the *decision* as to whether to allow this or not--and if you 
don't, it really is spyware anyway--mild spyware, for an innocuous purpose, but 
regardless, sending yourself information about your user's activity without 
your user's permission is exactly that.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Exiting non-POSIX threads?

2013-07-31 Thread Fritz Anderson

On 31 Jul 2013, at 9:23 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

 Which is why he specifically mentioned the option of an external watchdog 
 This seems like an overkill. Every app needs some kind of crash
 reporting, are you suggesting to accompany each app with a watchdog
 process? Besides, the user might think your app is a spyware when he
 sees the watchdog process in Activity Monitor.


It has these advantages:

• It the practice of almost every high-end third-party developer I've 
encountered. Perhaps I am biased by my opinion that applications are high-end 
if they adopt this practice.

• It assures the user that the developer will receive the report. I have no 
such faith in Apple's crash reporter.

It has these defenses:

• By definition, the best way to do a job is not overkill, a term that isn't 
to be confused with more work for the developer.

• People don't run ps(1) or Activity Monitor. Those who do see dozens of 
processes they can't identify. Those who pass that threshold know enough to 
look for the parent process (your application). Those who can't do that, and 
kill it, deserve what they get; they haven't lost any of the functionality they 

• A small, sleeping process consumes practically no resources. There is no 
cause for horror.

— F


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Search options

2013-07-31 Thread dangerwillrobinsondanger
I have two questions. 
The simple one, if a file is invisible to the user but was previously visible 
(say renamed with a . prefix) can it still be found by NSMetadataQuery searches?

The more open ended one, what are the recommended search facilities for 
searching for things not indexed by Spotlight?
Or am I limited to task wrappers or NSFileManager directory enumerations? 
Clearly that could take a lot of time and resources to search that way. 



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Re: CALayer autoresizing difficulties

2013-07-31 Thread Andreas Mayer

Am 31.07.2013 um 07:39 schrieb

 [_playLayer setAutoresizingMask:kCALayerMinXMargin | kCALayerMaxXMargin | 
 kCALayerMinYMargin | kCALayerMaxYMargin];

 According to this code, the CALayer should be centered, and as the NSView's 
 bounds change, the CALayer's frame should adjust to stay centered in the view 
 while the layer's bounds don't change. However, my special CALayer's bounds 
 grow as I expand my main view.

I think it works exactly the opposite way.

(This is about views, not layers. But I'm pretty sure they didn't invert the 
logic for layers only.)

If set, the view's width changes proportionally to the change in the 
superview's width. Otherwise, the view's width does not change relative to the 
superview's width.

Which makes sense since kCALayerNotSizable is zero.


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Slow down a scroller?

2013-07-31 Thread Steve Mills
Is there any way to make a scroller less touchy? We have a couple cases where 
the horizontal scroller isn't controlling pixel movements of the view, but is 
used for more granular movements (rounded to the beginning of each measure in a 
musical score). It doesn't take much to flick it from 0 to 1 in this case, and 
it's impossible to swipe slowly enough to achieve measure-by-measure scrolls.

I've tried multiplying the thumb proportion by even large numbers like 100, but 
it doesn't seem to affect its sensitivity at all. Any ideas?

Steve Mills
office: 952-818-3871
home: 952-401-6255
cell: 612-803-6157


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Re: [BUG?] LSUIElement=YES and NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification

2013-07-31 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2013 Jul 31, at 06:32, Stephane Sudre wrote:

 Is it a known bug that the NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification 
 notification is not
 sent for applications whose LSUIElement key is set to YES?

The *behavior* is known, at least by me, and is as you say, Stephane.  The 
question is: Does Apple consider it to be a bug?

The documentation of NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification states that 
it is posted when an application finishes executing.  Is an application 
running with LSUIElement considered to be an application?  Unfortunately, 
NSWorkspace documentation throws out the word application like that in quite 
a few places without a precise definition.

This is likely one of those cases where it would be safe to assume that Apple 
will not change (fix) the behavior, because to do so might break apps 
expecting the old behavior.

Have you filed a bug on this and has there been any response?  If not, I'll 
file one because I too use this notification and would at least like the 
behavior to be properly documented.

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Re: Search options

2013-07-31 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2013 Jul 31, at 08:45, wrote:

 what are the recommended search facilities for searching for things not 
 indexed by Spotlight?  Or am I limited to task wrappers or NSFileManager 
 directory enumerations? Clearly that could take a lot of time and resources 
 to search that way.

Several years ago I looked into this and concluded that the fastest, *reliable* 
file search on Mac OS X was still the ancient PBCatalogSearchSync() or 
PBCatalogSearchAsync().  Does anyone know a more modern API which can beat 

If not, you can still use my Cocoa wrapper…

Demo project…


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Connect to Server on LAN over WiFI

2013-07-31 Thread koko
I just need some direction here.

Given a server on a LAN how do I connect to the server, i.e what iOS API do I 


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Re: Connect to Server on LAN over WiFI

2013-07-31 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:35 AM, koko wrote:

 I just need some direction here.
 Given a server on a LAN how do I connect to the server, i.e what iOS API do I 

What kind of server? What protocol does the server use? What are you trying to 

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: Connect to Server on LAN over WiFI

2013-07-31 Thread Alex Zavatone
Well, for one, you've got to start by telling us what type of server it is.  
AFP, HTTP,  SMB, VNC,  WebDAV, SQL/PHP, what kind of server do you want to 
talk to and what kind of tasks do you expect to do?

You may want to read up on the URL Loading System Programming Guide and the 
File System Programming Guide if this is for any file based operations.  

On Jul 31, 2013, at 1:35 PM, koko wrote:

 I just need some direction here.
 Given a server on a LAN how do I connect to the server, i.e what iOS API do I 
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Re: Connect to Server on LAN over WiFI

2013-07-31 Thread koko

On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:56 AM, Alex Zavatone wrote:

 URL Loading System Programming Guide

Just what I was looking for … thanks!


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Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Vincent Habchi

I apologize if this question looks stupid or contrived. Here it is: is it 
permissible to use [@“” mutableCopy] to initialize (or reset) a NSMutableString 
instead of the more classical [[NSMutableString alloc] init]?

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 31 Jul 2013, at 19:09, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 I apologize if this question looks stupid or contrived. Here it is: is it 
 permissible to use [@“” mutableCopy] to initialize (or reset) a 
 NSMutableString instead of the more classical [[NSMutableString alloc] init]?



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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Vincent Habchi

Le 31 juil. 2013 à 20:15, Mike Abdullah a écrit :

 I apologize if this question looks stupid or contrived. Here it is: is it 
 permissible to use [@“” mutableCopy] to initialize (or reset) a 
 NSMutableString instead of the more classical [[NSMutableString alloc] init]?

Thanks! (No side effect?)



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Re: Search options

2013-07-31 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 31 juil. 2013 à 18:52, Jerry Krinock a écrit :

 On 2013 Jul 31, at 08:45, wrote:
 what are the recommended search facilities for searching for things not 
 indexed by Spotlight?  Or am I limited to task wrappers or NSFileManager 
 directory enumerations? Clearly that could take a lot of time and resources 
 to search that way.
 Several years ago I looked into this and concluded that the fastest, 
 *reliable* file search on Mac OS X was still the ancient 
 PBCatalogSearchSync() or PBCatalogSearchAsync().  Does anyone know a more 
 modern API which can beat these?

I don't know about modern API, but I know about low level way to query the FS: 

I think you can achieve performances equivalent to what you get using 
PBCatalogSearchSync using this function.

-- Jean-Daniel


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread David Duncan
On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Le 31 juil. 2013 à 20:15, Mike Abdullah a écrit :
 I apologize if this question looks stupid or contrived. Here it is: is it 
 permissible to use [@“” mutableCopy] to initialize (or reset) a 
 NSMutableString instead of the more classical [[NSMutableString alloc] 
 Thanks! (No side effect?)

Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. It 
should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@]
David Duncan


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Re: Search options

2013-07-31 Thread Ken Thomases
On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:52 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2013 Jul 31, at 08:45, wrote:
 what are the recommended search facilities for searching for things not 
 indexed by Spotlight?  Or am I limited to task wrappers or NSFileManager 
 directory enumerations? Clearly that could take a lot of time and resources 
 to search that way.
 Several years ago I looked into this and concluded that the fastest, 
 *reliable* file search on Mac OS X was still the ancient 
 PBCatalogSearchSync() or PBCatalogSearchAsync().  Does anyone know a more 
 modern API which can beat these?

I haven't worked with it, but I think that the searchfs() system call is what 
underlies those routines at the BSD/POSIX layer.



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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Fritz Anderson
On 31 Jul 2013, at 1:28 PM, David Duncan wrote:

 On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
 Le 31 juil. 2013 à 20:15, Mike Abdullah a écrit :
 I apologize if this question looks stupid or contrived. Here it is: is it 
 permissible to use [@“” mutableCopy] to initialize (or reset) a 
 NSMutableString instead of the more classical [[NSMutableString alloc] 
 Thanks! (No side effect?)
 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@]

Or [NSMutableString string].

— F


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Ken Thomases
On Jul 31, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:

 On 31 Jul 2013, at 1:28 PM, David Duncan wrote:
 On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
 Le 31 juil. 2013 à 20:15, Mike Abdullah a écrit :
 I apologize if this question looks stupid or contrived. Here it is: is it 
 permissible to use [@“” mutableCopy] to initialize (or reset) a 
 NSMutableString instead of the more classical [[NSMutableString alloc] 
 Thanks! (No side effect?)
 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@]
 Or [NSMutableString string].

With ARC, yes.  With MRR, they're different in terms of ownership.



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Re: Search options

2013-07-31 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2013 Jul 31, at 11:29, Ken Thomases wrote:

 I haven't worked with it, but I think that the searchfs() system call is what 
 underlies those routines at the BSD/POSIX layer.

Interesting.  This was my first time looking at searchfs(), but it's deja vu of 
PBCatalogSearchSync() or PBCatalogSearchAsync(), especially the crazy structs / 
parameter blocks.  And yes, the PBCatalogSearch stuff does seem to be the 
*higher* level API, because they feature the asynchronous flavor, which 
searchfs() does not.


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Vincent Habchi
Thanks to all for answering,

 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@«  »]

But much slower I expect, since it creates a NSString, takes a mutable copy, 
then implicitly releases the constant empty NSString.

BTW, what’s the difference between [[NSMutableString alloc] init] and 
[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@“”]?



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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Sandor Szatmari
I think there are some overlooked subtleties as @ is a string literal.  
Retain and release are pretty much meaningless to it.

Sandor Szatmari

On Jul 31, 2013, at 15:28, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Thanks to all for answering,
 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@«  »]
 But much slower I expect, since it creates a NSString, takes a mutable copy, 
 then implicitly releases the constant empty NSString.
 BTW, what’s the difference between [[NSMutableString alloc] init] and 
 [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@“”]?
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Re: [BUG?] LSUIElement=YES and NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification

2013-07-31 Thread Stephane Sudre
I will file one because I consider that even if LSUIElement is set,
it's still an application (otherwise there would no point in returning
an running application instance when launched using NSWorkspace APIs)

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2013 Jul 31, at 06:32, Stephane Sudre wrote:

 Is it a known bug that the NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification 
 notification is not
 sent for applications whose LSUIElement key is set to YES?

 The *behavior* is known, at least by me, and is as you say, Stephane.  The 
 question is: Does Apple consider it to be a bug?

 The documentation of NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification states 
 that it is posted when an application finishes executing.  Is an 
 application running with LSUIElement considered to be an application?  
 Unfortunately, NSWorkspace documentation throws out the word application 
 like that in quite a few places without a precise definition.

 This is likely one of those cases where it would be safe to assume that Apple 
 will not change (fix) the behavior, because to do so might break apps 
 expecting the old behavior.

 Have you filed a bug on this and has there been any response?  If not, I'll 
 file one because I too use this notification and would at least like the 
 behavior to be properly documented.

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Re: [BUG?] LSUIElement=YES and NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification

2013-07-31 Thread Peter Ammon

On Jul 31, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2013 Jul 31, at 06:32, Stephane Sudre wrote:
 Is it a known bug that the NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification 
 notification is not
 sent for applications whose LSUIElement key is set to YES?
 The *behavior* is known, at least by me, and is as you say, Stephane.  The 
 question is: Does Apple consider it to be a bug?
 The documentation of NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification states 
 that it is posted when an application finishes executing.  Is an 
 application running with LSUIElement considered to be an application?  
 Unfortunately, NSWorkspace documentation throws out the word application 
 like that in quite a few places without a precise definition.
 This is likely one of those cases where it would be safe to assume that Apple 
 will not change (fix) the behavior, because to do so might break apps 
 expecting the old behavior.
 Have you filed a bug on this and has there been any response?  If not, I'll 
 file one because I too use this notification and would at least like the 
 behavior to be properly documented.

Yes, NSWorkspace does not post DidTerminate notifications (and a few others) 
for background and UIElement apps. This is one of those historical quirks that 
must be maintained for bug compatibility.

The more modern -[NSWorkspace runningApplications] method gives you a list of 
all applications, including background and UIElement. You can use KVO to 
observe this property, and be notified when apps are launched or terminated.

Hope that helps!


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Fritz Anderson
On 31 Jul 2013, at 2:28 PM, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Thanks to all for answering,
 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@«  »]
 But much slower I expect, since it creates a NSString, takes a mutable copy, 
 then implicitly releases the constant empty NSString.

NSString literals are baked into the application binary, and couldn't be 
deallocated if you tried. They are interned, so the code sample at the end of 
this message prints the same addresses for foo and empty no matter how you use 
them (even the product of -copy).

 BTW, what’s the difference between [[NSMutableString alloc] init] and 
 [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@“”]?

The latter is redundant.

— F


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Greg Parker
On Jul 31, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
 David Duncan wrote:
 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@«  »]
 But much slower I expect, since it creates a NSString, takes a mutable copy, 
 then implicitly releases the constant empty NSString.

For giggles I tried some NSMutableString allocation patterns into my 
microbenchmark test harness. 

Simple alloc/init is the fastest:

100  [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] release]
102  [[NSMutableString new] release]
109  [NSMutableString string]  // ARC enabled
117  [[@ mutableCopy] release]
119  @autoreleasepool { [NSMutableString string]; }  // ARC disabled
129  [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@] release]

(Smaller numbers are better. Numbers are getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) time for 
1000 iterations, normalized to fastest=100. Your mileage may vary.)

ARC and non-ARC scores are the same within measurement noise, except for 
[NSMutableString string] where ARC can optimize the autoreleased return value 
so the test doesn't need to spin the autorelease pool. Note th

 BTW, what’s the difference between [[NSMutableString alloc] init] and 
 [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@“”]?

Semantically there's no difference: you get the same string with the same 
retain count.

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Gary L. Wade
On 7/31/2013 1:01 PM, Greg Parker wrote:

Simple alloc/init is the fastest:

100  [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] release]
102  [[NSMutableString new] release]
109  [NSMutableString string]  // ARC enabled
117  [[@ mutableCopy] release]
119  @autoreleasepool { [NSMutableString string]; }  // ARC disabled
129  [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@] release]

(Smaller numbers are better. Numbers are getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) time for
1000 iterations, normalized to fastest=100. Your mileage may vary.)

Yeah, those numbers make sense from a theoretical standpoint (i.e.
without looking at the source code).  The +new call theoretically calls
+alloc/-init so would be slightly slower due to three method calls
(+new/+alloc/-init) and the -init call theoretically can do very little
until actual data is supplied while the others with actual data might add
the overhead of defining the actual data; theoretically, an empty string
is more data than no data yet to be filled.
Gary L. Wade


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Vincent Habchi

thanks for diverting some of your time testing this. As someone already 
commented, the results are somehow consistent with “common sense”, whatever 
that means (cf. below).

 ARC and non-ARC scores are the same within measurement noise, except for 
 [NSMutableString string] where ARC can optimize the autoreleased return value 
 so the test doesn't need to spin the autorelease pool. Note th

The end of your message somehow got lost in the cyberspace.

I thus suppose that to “clean” a NSMutableString, it is faster to recreate 
another one rather than use -deleteCharactersInRange: with a range covering the 
whole string.

Thanks again so much to everybody for your enlightening advice.


“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” A. 


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Greg Parker
On Jul 31, 2013, at 1:32 PM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
 Greg Parker wrote:
 ARC and non-ARC scores are the same within measurement noise, except for 
 [NSMutableString string] where ARC can optimize the autoreleased return 
 value so the test doesn't need to spin the autorelease pool. Note th
 The end of your message somehow got lost in the cyberspace.

The spurious text was an editing error. No content was harmed.

 I thus suppose that to “clean” a NSMutableString, it is faster to recreate 
 another one rather than use -deleteCharactersInRange: with a range covering 
 the whole string.

Not necessarily. If you have long string and you want to clear it and re-fill 
it with another long string, then it may be faster to use 
-deleteCharactersInRange: in order to avoid memory re-allocation overhead. But 
that possibility depends on precise implementation details of NSMutableString.

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Sandor Szatmari
Why not [aMutableString setString:@];?

Sandor Szatmari

On Jul 31, 2013, at 16:32, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 thanks for diverting some of your time testing this. As someone already 
 commented, the results are somehow consistent with “common sense”, whatever 
 that means (cf. below).
 ARC and non-ARC scores are the same within measurement noise, except for 
 [NSMutableString string] where ARC can optimize the autoreleased return 
 value so the test doesn't need to spin the autorelease pool. Note th
 The end of your message somehow got lost in the cyberspace.
 I thus suppose that to “clean” a NSMutableString, it is faster to recreate 
 another one rather than use -deleteCharactersInRange: with a range covering 
 the whole string.
 Thanks again so much to everybody for your enlightening advice.
 “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” A. 
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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Vincent Habchi
Le 31 juil. 2013 à 22:38, Greg Parker a écrit :

 Not necessarily. If you have long string and you want to clear it and re-fill 
 it with another long string, then it may be faster to use 
 -deleteCharactersInRange: in order to avoid memory re-allocation overhead. 
 But that possibility depends on precise implementation details of 

So I guess profiling is once more everybody’s friend.
Thanks anyhow once more for taking the time to answer my very minor inquiry.



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Re: Initializing a NSMutableString an odd way

2013-07-31 Thread Alex Zavatone

On Jul 31, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Greg Parker wrote:

 On Jul 31, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
 David Duncan wrote:
 Why would there be? Your just asking for a mutable copy of an empty string. 
 It should be equivalent to [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@«  »]
 But much slower I expect, since it creates a NSString, takes a mutable copy, 
 then implicitly releases the constant empty NSString.
 For giggles I tried some NSMutableString allocation patterns into my 
 microbenchmark test harness. 

I'm rather fascinated with these and wrote the one that profiled the speed of 
all variable classes and functions of Lingo back in the Director days.

Once we knew just how fast each of the variable allocations and functions took 
when compared to each other, this made it really easy to determine what 
approaches not to use in the interests of performance, or where we could change 
code for the sake of readability over performance.

By any chance is this harness open or is it a private project?  Of course, we 
have instruments, but it would be rather great to simply be able to plug in 
some operations and know the speed of them and their speed relative to each 

 Simple alloc/init is the fastest:
 100  [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] release]
 102  [[NSMutableString new] release]
 109  [NSMutableString string]  // ARC enabled
 117  [[@ mutableCopy] release]
 119  @autoreleasepool { [NSMutableString string]; }  // ARC disabled
 129  [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@] release]
 (Smaller numbers are better. Numbers are getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) time for 
 1000 iterations, normalized to fastest=100. Your mileage may vary.)
 ARC and non-ARC scores are the same within measurement noise, except for 
 [NSMutableString string] where ARC can optimize the autoreleased return value 
 so the test doesn't need to spin the autorelease pool. Note th

Your note got cut off near the en


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Re: [BUG?] LSUIElement=YES and NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification

2013-07-31 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2013 Jul 31, at 12:46, Stephane Sudre wrote:

 I will file one because I consider that even if LSUIElement is set, it's 
 still an application (otherwise there would no point in returning an running 
 application instance when launched using NSWorkspace APIs)

Although you are correct (a running application is indeed an application), 
your bug should ask that the NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification 
*documentation* be clarified, because, as Peter Ammon confirmed, it's way too 
late for Apple to change the behavior.

On 2013 Jul 31, at 12:47, Peter Ammon wrote:

 The more modern -[NSWorkspace runningApplications] method gives you a list of 
 all applications, including background and UIElement. You can use KVO to 
 observe this property, and be notified when apps are launched or terminated.

I'll try that.  Thanks!


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