Re: Hiding tab bar causes web content in pushed view to slide down

2015-10-31 Thread David Duncan
Try doing the load in -viewWillAppear: instead. My guess is that the WKWebView 
is adding a UIScrollView when you load the content, and that scroll view is 
being modified after the fact when you can see it.

Alternatively you can try setting automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets=NO on 
your view controller.

> On Oct 29, 2015, at 6:14 PM, Rick Mann  wrote:
> I have a tab bar application with a nav controller in each of the tabs. 
> Clicking on an item in that pushes a new view controller with a WKWebView. 
> Actually there's a UIView specified in IB, and in -loadView I create the 
> WKWebView and add it to the UIView, and then add constraints to make it be 
> the same size.
> Then in -viewDidAppear:, I load the web view content. This works fine.
> Now I changed the pushed controller so that it hides the tab bar on push. 
> Now, when the web content loads, there's a gap between the top of it and the 
> bottom of the nav bar (no gap along the bottom). You can see it slide from 
> the right, then snap down. If I skip the load in -viewDidAppear:, I don't see 
> it move, but of course the page is all the same color.
> I tried coloring the container view blue and the web view red. The view 
> hierarchy inspector in Xcode does not appear to render the stack correctly 
> (e.g. it shows the web content as completely off to the left).
> I finally solved this by a) removing the simulated nav bar in the pushed VC, 
> and b) constraining the container view to the super view, not the top layout 
> guide. I can't tell if this is causing the web content to appear under the 
> nav bar, but that's not particularly critical in this case.
> The thing is, I feel like this is a bit of a hacked solution, and don't 
> understand what's going wrong in the first place.
> -- 
> Rick Mann
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David Duncan


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Re: -replaceSubview transition animation that is applied to both old and new subviews

2015-10-31 Thread Nick
Answering my own question - I ended up using NSPageController.

2015-10-29 8:55 GMT+02:00 Nick :

> Hi
> I am trying to do a nice sliding effect (that looks to the user as
> Calendar scrolling), but for pages. So basically I have several pages that
> I want to present to the user one by one, that he can flip with a trackpad
> gesture.
> I am using a kCATransitionFromLeft animation, when the pages are being
> flipped backwards:
> -(IBAction)prevPage:(id)sender {
> if(self.currentPageIndex <= 0)
> return; //no previous subview
> [self.pageDisplayView
> removeConstraints:self.pageDisplayView.constraints];
> CATransition *trans = [CATransition animation];
> trans.type = kCATransitionMoveIn;
> trans.subtype = kCATransitionFromLeft;
> self.pageDisplayView.animations = @{@"subviews": trans};
> [[self.pageDisplayView animator]
> replaceSubview:self.pages[self.currentPageIndex]
> with:self.pages[self.currentPageIndex-1]];
> self.currentPageIndex--;
> NSDictionary *subView = @{@"page": self.pages[self.currentPageIndex]};
> NSArray *hConstraints = [NSArray array];
> hConstraints = [hConstraints
> arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSLayoutConstraint
> constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|[page]|" options:0 metrics:nil
> views:subView]];
> NSArray *vConstraints = [NSArray array];
> vConstraints = [hConstraints
> arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSLayoutConstraint
> constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|[page]|" options:0 metrics:nil
> views:subView]];
> [self.pagedisplayView addConstraints:hConstraints];
> [self.pageDisplayView addConstraints:vConstraints];
> }
> But the problem is that the previous (old) subview, that is being replaced
> by the new one, does not animate - only the new one does. So it doesn't
> look like scrolling, more like the new page goes over the old page.
> I would like to have the old subview move from right to left as it
> disappears (as in slide out) as well.
> How could I achieve this?
> And just as a subquestion, how is continuous swipe gesture tracking
> usually implemented?  Basically I was hoping to have the user to be able to
> swipe the pages left (go to the next page) and right (go to the prev page),
> but in such a way that while his fingers are still on the trackpad, the
> page doesn't move away completely but stays "in a transition". Something
> like pages in Safari, when you go back and forward with the swipe gesture
> but do not take the fingers off the trackpad. I was wondering how did Apple
> do this?
> Thank you for reading this far and possible suggestions!

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Re: AppleScript-ObjC Bridge Question

2015-10-31 Thread Shane Stanley
On 1 Nov 2015, at 12:05 AM, Dave  wrote:
> continue initWithParam:theParam andAnotherParam:(missing value) of me ?
> Otherwise how will it know to call super or self?

From the AppleScript Language Guide:

> A continue statement causes AppleScript to invoke the handler with the same 
> name in the parent of the current handler.

No me.

Shane Stanley 


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Re: AppleScript-ObjC Bridge Question

2015-10-31 Thread Dave
or maybe:

>   continue initWithParam:theParam andAnotherParam:(missing value)

continue initWithParam:theParam andAnotherParam:(missing value) of me ?

Otherwise how will it know to call super or self?



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Re: AppleScript-ObjC Bridge Question

2015-10-31 Thread Shane Stanley
On 31 Oct 2015, at 10:58 PM, Dave  wrote:
> So:
>continue init()
> Calls the Superclass? 


> How would I do this:
> -(void) initWithParam:(NSString*) theParam
> {
> self = [self initWithParam:theParam andAnotherParam:nil];
> if (self == nil)
>   return;
> //  Do something
> return self;
> }


on initWithParam:theParam
continue initWithParam:theParam andAnotherParam:(missing value)

-- Add your subclass-specific initialization here.
-- If an error occurs here, return missing value.

return me
end init

But the differing inits smells a bit to me -- especially as it's unnecessary.

> Thanks a lot, if you could point me to some documentation on this

There is none to speak of.

Shane Stanley 


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Re: AppleScript-ObjC Bridge Question

2015-10-31 Thread Dave

continue init()

Calls the Superclass? 

How would I do this:

-(void) initWithParam:(NSString*) theParam
self = [self initWithParam:theParam andAnotherParam:nil];
if (self == nil)

//  Do something

return self;

Thanks a lot, if you could point me to some documentation on this I’d be 
grateful I’ve googled it but not come up with much…..

All the Best

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Re: AppleScript-ObjC Bridge Question

2015-10-31 Thread Dave
Thanks a lot Shane, I totally missed it, sorry for the misunderstanding.


> On 30 Oct 2015, at 15:40, Dave  wrote:
> Well, obviously it does get called, but how do you actually define in is 
> AppleScript? I mean what is the equivalent of:
> -(id) init
> {
> self = [super init];
> if (self == nil)
>   return nil;
> [self doSomething];
> return self;
> }
> In AppleScript?
> All the Best
> Dave
>> On 30 Oct 2015, at 09:46, Dave  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is a normal Objective-C type project but calls to AppleScript files as 
>> per here is an example:
>> LTWAppleScriptHandlerOutlook.h file:
>> @interface LTWAppleScriptHandlerOutlook : NSObject
>> {
>> }
>> -(NSString*) testOutlook:(NSString*) theNameString;
>> -(NSString*) testOutlookAgain:(NSString*) theNameString;
>> @end
>> *
>> LTWAppleScriptHandlerOutlook.applescript File
>> script LTWAppleScriptHandlerOutlook
>> property parent : class "NSObject"
>> on testOutlook_(theName)
>> local myString
>> tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
>> activate
>> set myString to the name of window 1
>> set myString to "Hello " & myString
>> end tell
>> return myString
>> end testOutlook_
>> on testOutlookAgain_(theName)
>> local myString
>> tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
>> activate
>> set myString to the name of window 1
>> set myString to "Hello Again " & myString
>> end tell
>> return myString
>> end testOutlook_
>> end script
>> I can’t seem to find any other documentation on this and was wondering if 
>> init would get called if I defined it, when I execute the following:
>> Class
>> myOutlookTestClass;
>> LTWAppleScriptHandlerOutlook*myOutlookTest;
>> myOutlookTestClass = NSClassFromString(@“ LTWAppleScriptHandlerOutlook”);
>> myOutlookTest = [[myOutlookTestClass alloc] init];
>> All the Best
>> Dave
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