Re: NSView/NSTableView question

2010-12-09 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Great thanks for the replies.  I was also thinking about this but I might try 
 to add a little bit of graphics too using NSBezierPath would it still work?  
 But at least these 2 ideas can keep me going until I get this working right.  

You can also do this in a subclass of NSTableView:

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
[super drawRect:rect];
if([self numberOfRows]  0) {
// draw empty message here


It’s worth noting that overriding -drawRect: disables certain performance 
optimizations implemented by the table view.


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Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-17 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 The old ImageAndTextCell doesn’t handle the background style, and that alone 
 makes a modified version of the ATImageTextCell worth using.
 What do you mean by 'the background style'? I don't need the cell to draw a 
 background at all; it's in an outline view.

Take a look at the backgroundStyle property, new in 10.5. It makes drawing the 
right colors and background for a given view state much less error-prone.


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Re: Question about touchesBegan

2009-12-16 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I'll elaborate a little more. I have a main view with some source buttons
 (UIButton) at the top. When I click one, I bring up a radio style tuner bar
 in a subview (animates up from the bottom). I am using touches to move the
 pointer in that subView. Works great, however because the subView is
 detecting touches for the whole subView - it prevents touches on those
 buttons in the main view. Do I simply need to architect this in another way?
 Say create a subview of just the UIButtons at the top of all subViews?

That would work. You could also override -hitTest:withEvent:.


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Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I looked at ATImageTextCell, but it does things I don't need (fill color) and 
 has dependencies on a bunch of other classes from that sample. I'll stick 
 with ImageAndTextCell since it's simpler and standalone.

The old ImageAndTextCell doesn’t handle the background style, and that alone 
makes a modified version of the ATImageTextCell worth using.


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Re: [iPhone] Sample code for live camera stream?

2009-12-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Erm, Ustream Live Broadcaster does it just fine. Are you suggesting
 they are circumventing API restrictions?

There was recently a clarification in the developer forums from Michael 
Jurewitz; I’d suggest you take a look there.


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Re: Problem with setMarkedText:selectedRange:

2009-12-13 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Hi, I have a view which implements the NSTextInputClient protocol, and my 
 implementation of 
 - (void)setMarkedText:(id)aString selectedRange:(NSRange)selectedRange 
 creates an NSTextView, adds it as a subview, makes it first responder, 
 selects all the text, deletes it, and then tries to use either the same 
 setMarkedText... call on the subview's input context or 
 setMarkedText:selectedRange: on the view to try to set the marked text. 
 It looks as if it works, but when I press the next keystroke, it doesn't 
 insert the composed character. E.g. I want to add an e acute, and I press 
 option-e and it shows the acute, then I press e and it just replaces the 
 acute with the e instead of composing an e acute.
 Any suggestions of how to get this working properly?

This discussion belongs on cocoa-dev; coretext-dev is a discussion list for the 
CoreText API.

That being said: your input client’s NSTextView subview has its own editing 
session, so the input method won’t try to compose text (that is, 
setMarkedRange: is an appearance attribute only and doesn’t affect how the 
system interprets user input). Why are you inserting a subview like this? If 
it’s just to get the yellow-highlight/thick-underline behavior, you should 
implement that yourself in your input client.


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Re: Instruments UI Recorder and Screenshots

2009-11-11 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I've been playing around with the UI Recorder functionality in  
 Instruments and I'm interested in taking a screenshot after a UI  
 Recorder playback has occurred. Does anyone know if this is possible? It 
 looks like you can create your own instruments which can run scripts, so 
 I thought it might be possible to use the screencapture command to pull 
 this off, but I'm not sure if its possible to target a specific window 
 (iPhone Simulator) and if I can get this to occur after the UI recorder 
 playback has completed.

You can script Instruments using the instruments(1) CLI tool; I’m not
sure if you can save your recorded trace as part of a template, but if
you can, that might get you there. That said, the xcode-users list is 
more appropriate for this question.


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Re: Right-to-Left / Bidi / Arabic / Hebrew support in my app

2009-08-31 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 It looks like I'll just have to use other controls to do the same effect in
 IB, and just check of == ar || he in code to do the reverse

On 10.6 your heuristic should instead mirror the value of the new
-userInterfaceLayoutDirection accessor in NSApplication (and NSCell).

From the release notes:
-userInterfaceLayoutDirection is a new NSApplication interface that
returns the default layout directionality of general user interface flow
for the running application. The method returns
NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionRightToLeft when running with
localizations such as Arabic or Hebrew that should have the user
interface layout origin on the right edge of the coordinate system.

NSCell (Updated since WWDC 2008)
NSCell now has -userInterfaceLayoutDirection and
-setUserInterfaceLayoutDirection:. This new property describes the
in-cell layout directionality. For NSCell subclasses that have multiple
visual components in a single cell instance, this property should
specify the directionality or flow of components.


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Re: NSSplitView resizing

2009-08-26 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I have a window containing a NSSplitView. When the window is resized, both 
 panes of the split view resize proportionally. I would like one pane to 
 remain fixed while the other resizes. Xcode does this, as well as iCal and 
 other apps.
 Is there a delegate method that does this or must I subclass NSSplitView?

You can achieve this with the -splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:
delegate method.


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Re: Title Bar of Key Window

2009-08-14 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I was just wondering if it was possible to control this behavior and  
not have the title bar highlighted for a particular window, but  
still allow it to be the key window. The particular kind of window I  
am interested in is a NSPanel.

Is it an inspector-type window? You may want to make it non-activating.


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Re: How do I track down an OSStatus error code?

2009-07-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Looking for the meaning behind the value -43.

Try MacErrors.h in CarbonCore.


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Re: NSCondition (unlocked when not locked)

2009-07-10 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
  What’s the value of SLEEP? -waitUntilDate: can return NO indicating that the
  timeout elapsed and the lock is not locked; you probably want -wait.
 No, I do want the waitUntilDate because I do not solely want to wait
 for the signal.

In that case you probably want to use an NSConditionLock with all the
conditions you would like to wake up for; better than polling for
whatever else you’re doing except in the very specific case of a task
which actually needs to be performed at a given interval (though the way
the code is structured right now may end up running your other tasks
more often than SLEEP).

 So you are saying it should rather be like this?
   while (!quit) {
   [pollingCondition lock];
   if([pollingCondition waitUntilDate:
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:SLEEP]]) {
   [pollingCondition unlock];
 I can't seem to find that indicated in the documentation though.
 Also the documentation suggests that after calling
   [pollingCondition lock];
 the contract is to have a lock for sure.

You know, you’re right. I was thinking of the way that NSConditionLock
behaves here (do you see a pattern?). Sorry for the bad advice—how

Greg Guerin’s advice is helpful, and is yet another thing shoving you
toward NSConditionLock (it manages the boolean—or
higher-cardinality—condition). It doesn’t explain why the lock was
complaining about being unlocked; did you try breaking on _NSLockError
like the log message suggests? Are you perhaps reinitializing the
pollingCondition from another thread?


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Re: Font matching

2009-07-06 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Hi, I have an application where I need to be able to find the closest  
 equivalent font should a font be missing. e.g. someone creates a file  
 and sends it to someone else, who doesn't have the font that was used to 
 create the original file installed on their system.

 I thought that maybe saving the NSFontDescriptor in the file should be  
 able to allow me to find the best font using the  
 matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys method passing nil as the  
 mandatory keys

That’s pretty much exactly the intention of the descriptor. Since
NSFontDescriptor is toll-free bridged, you’ll find that many of these
questions are answered in the CTFontDescriptor documentation.

 I have no idea what it would do if the font was  either there or
 - if the font was there, would it return just one font descriptor, or  
 potentially multiple?

If descriptor itself is normalized, then the array will contain only
one item: the original descriptor. In the context of font descriptors,
normalized infers that the input values were matched up with actual
existing fonts, and the descriptors for those existing fonts are the
returned normalized descriptors.

 - if it was able to be exactly matched, is there some way of knowing  
 this (e.g. is isEqual: implemented on NSFontDescriptor?)

You can compare the -fontAttributes dictionaries.

 - if the font is not there, will it continue to fall back until it finds 
 a suitable font? If so, will it return only one item in the array? What 
 does it try to match in the algorithm?

It will fall back to the system font, yes. If there are mandatory keys
there may not be any matching font. The algorithm tries to match as many
keys as it can when finding a suitable font.

 - if it does return multiple descriptors, are they ordered so that I  
 know which one is considered the best match?

There is an ordering, but it's not likely to help you. The
-fontAttributes dictionary will come in handy for sorting by relevance.

 - if I pass in nil as the mandatory keys, will it *always* return at  
 least one descriptor?


 Now sometimes my file is edited by someone using windoze, and the font  
 name doesn't exactly match what you see on the Mac even though it is  
 essentially the same font and usually the name of one is a substring of 
 the other. Is there an elegant way to handle this?

If the name isn’t a mandatory key you can try a binary search of the
result list (sorted by name) and use a heuristic of your choosing to
decide whether the font matches. You may want to instantiate a font for
the descriptor and compare the display and family names as well as the
standard (PostScript) name.

If you have more questions you’re best off heading to the coretext-dev
list, where the ATS and CoreText engineers are more likely to hang out.


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Re: MDSchemaCopyAllAttributes() returning nil

2009-06-18 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I'm working on a project that works a lot with Spotlight, and we're  
trying to get a list of all the attributes that Spotlight knows  
about.  We found a really nice function called  
MDSchemaCopyAllAttributes that returns a CFArrayRef of CFStringRefs,  
each one corresponding to a spotlight attribute in the schema.

The problem is that when we run this program as root (which we have  
to), MDSchemaCopyAllAttributes seems to consistently be returning  
nil.  Is this normal behavior?  If so, how can we get a list of all  
Spotlight attributes across an entire machine (and not just the user  

You should be using a privileged helper process for the privileged  
operations your application performs instead of running as root. There  
was a great session on Authorization Services at WWDC; until the video  
is up, you can take a look at:
• The Authorization Services Programming Guide: 

• BetterAuthorizationSample: 


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Re: MDSchemaCopyAllAttributes() returning nil

2009-06-18 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

Why is the privileged process asking Spotlight for anything?  Try to
factor as much code as possible out of your privileged tool.

This is the root tool that powers the Mozy backup product.  One of  
the features is that users can specify queries to determine which  
files to back up.  However, it needs to find all files across the  
system, and not just the users files.  Hence, our backup utility has  
to run as root.  Part of our query stuff needs to have access to the  
list of spotlight attributes for optimization reasons.

You can pass it in from the UI process, then. Like Kyle was alluding  
to, the tool should do as little as possible with privilege. If all  
you really need privileges for is file enumeration and copying, then  
that’s all you should do. You can use IPC to filter in the main  
process with the full complement of libraries available to you.


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Re: issues encoding MailMessage and NSData

2009-05-22 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
that works fine, but when I go to decode the object I get the  
following error:

exception raised:*** -decodeObjectForKey: only defined for abstract  
class.  Define -[NSKeyedArchiver decodeObjectForKey:]!

You need to use an NSKeyedUnarchiver, not an NSKeyedArchiver, to  
decode the object.


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Re: Capturing key events in a menu

2009-05-19 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 When a menu is open the Menu Manager in HIToolbox handles incoming
 events on its own. You be able to capture the events with an embedded
 NSView, but I first need to ask the standard question: what are you
 trying to achieve?

 Well, I want to know what the user typed when a menu is open, so that I 
 can narrow the items displayed.

Something like the Spotlight for Help implementation, then? (That's the
search field in the Help menu in most apps in Leopard.)

 How can I embed an NSView? I know I can do that for an NSMenuItem, but  
 then the menu item must have focus for the view to receive the events,  
 is it not so?

The thing to do would be to embed an NSSearchField in an NSMenuItem, and
have it receive focus when the menu is opened. As for filtering the
results, you'll need to replace the menu content with your own filtered
content, which is extremely tricky to do with the current Menu Manager

I’d suggest that you:
1) File a bug asking for API to simplify the implementation of this sort
   of menu,
2) file a bug asking for a sample app that shows how to implement this
   sort of menu,
3) think of another UI to use in the meantime.


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Re: Capturing key events in a menu

2009-05-18 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Basically, I want to do quite a simple thing: capture a keyDown event 
 when a menu is opened. So the user opens a menu, presses a key and I want 
 to know what key it was.
 Unfortunately NSMenu isn't an NSResponder, so I can't capture it there. 
 Also, the event isn't passed down to NSApp (where I could capture it in a 
 subclass or delegate), as the menu handles it to position the higlight on 
 the appropriate letter. Can I somehow override that behaviour?

When a menu is open the Menu Manager in HIToolbox handles incoming
events on its own. You be able to capture the events with an embedded
NSView, but I first need to ask the standard question: waht are you
trying to achieve?


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Re: Interpreting -underlinePosition and -underlineThickness

2009-05-14 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 How should NSFont's -underlinePosition and -underlineThickness values be 
 interpreted? Are they fixed values, indicating an absolute offset, or are 
 they some proportion of the pointSize or something else?

In the optimal case (I’ll explain shortly), the underlinePosition is the
number of points below the baseline to position the center of the line
with width underlineThickness.

However (and this is a big however), many fonts report an invalid
underline thickness and/or position. In this case, both the Cocoa and
CoreText rendering paths cook up values based on the average of the
metrics of Helvetica and Times, scaled to fit the metrics of the
selected font. (Please do file a bug for API to access these computed

 I ask because the results I'm getting by treating it as an absolute  
 value differ from Apple's rendition, but the docs are unenlightening on 
 this point.

An image with a comparison would go a long way to helping us diagnose
this issue.


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Re: Breaking underlining on descenders

2009-05-13 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 When standard text lays out with underlining, the underline is  
 interrupted around descenders, which is nice. Unfortunately my  
 underlining code doesn't do this, and I can't see a simple way or layout 
 manager delegate method I could use to figure out where the breaks should 
 go. Is there somewhere else I should be looking, or is there no public 
 method to help here? If the latter, any ideas on how I could figure out 
 the break positions? All I need is a list of offsets relative to the line 
 fragment rect where the breaks are.

You can draw the underline first, then a large point-width stroke in
NSClearColor in copy compositing mode (or alternatively, the wide stroke
 fill used as a negative mask), then the actual fill on top.


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Re: Centering a window ... not in the usual way!

2009-05-13 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I am not sure of Mic's intent, but [window center] is only useful for the
 main screen. If you need per-screen windows, I am not sure how to have the
 OS do it. Given a few different resolutions though, it should not be hard to
 deduce the OS positioning algorithm.

For what it's worth: the center algorithm currently places the center of
the window 3/4 of the way up from the bottom of the main screen's frame,
and then makes any adjustments necessary to keep the window title on the
screen. This definition may very well change in a future release, but is
true as of Mac OS X 10.5.

Please do file a bug if you'd like to see API and/or better
documentation for determining the proper attention position for a


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Re: Bindings related NSUndoManager problem

2009-05-05 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Now I have come to implement Undo.  It actually works, but there is a  
 problem (see below).  The code to implement Undo is in my view class:

 - (void)removePath:(PathElement *)oldPath
   NSUndoManager *undo = [[self window] undoManager];
   [undo registerUndoWithTarget:self selector:@selector(addPath:)  
   [undo setActionName:@Remove Object];
   [paths removeObject:oldPath];
   [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

 - (void)addPath:(PathElement *)newPath
   NSUndoManager *undo = [[self window] undoManager];
   [undo registerUndoWithTarget:self selector:@selector(removePath:)  
   [undo setActionName:@Add Object];
   [paths addObject:newPath];
   [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

You're not sending KVO change notifications for the paths key, so the
observer isn't tearing down its observations when the path is removed.
See the NSKeyValueObserving Protocol Reference:


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Re: CA -animator animation only works the first time

2009-04-29 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 02:49:23PM -0700, Erg Consultant wrote:
 I have two standard Cocoa objects in my window that I animate using CA's 
 AppKit -animator method. When my nib loads, I get the original NSRects of the 
 two items by sending them the -frame message. I then recalc the rects to move 
 the two views offscreen.
 When I show my window, I animate both views back into the window thusly:
 [ [ oudWindowIconView animator ] setFrame:destGameIconRect ];
 [ [ oudWinowLogoImage animator ] setFrame:destLogoRect ];
 This works fine - the first time. The next time I show my window and the same 
 code runs, the two items are not visible in the window.
 The dest rects of the reanimated views are the same as the original view 
 rects when the nib loads.
 So why does the animation work only the first time?

-awakeFromNib will only be called once, when the window is loaded from
the NIB. You need to reset the view positions in the code that actually
displays the window.


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Re: NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle Questions

2009-04-10 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 If I do a NSBundle *thisBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];  
 it won't compile.

That code should work. Can you be more specific about the error? E.g.
your exact code and compiler error logs.


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Re: Programmatically opened NSPanel not responding to actions

2009-03-31 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I am adding the NSPanel with the addWindowsItem, and display it consequently
 a deminiaturize call.

You should instead just orderFront: the window or showWindow:, depending
on whether you have an NSWindowController.


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Re: Strange NSCell subclass issue ...

2009-03-31 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 07:37:03PM +0100, Mic Pringle wrote:
 I have subclassed NSCell and implemented only the following method ...
 - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
   NSImage *separator = [NSImage imageNamed:@Separator.png];
   [separator setScalesWhenResized:YES];
   [separator setFlipped:YES];
   NSGraphicsContext *context = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
   [context saveGraphicsState];
   NSImageInterpolation interpolation = [context imageInterpolation];
   [context setImageInterpolation:NSImageInterpolationHigh];
   [separator setSize:NSMakeSize(cellFrame.size.width, 2.0f)];
   [separator drawInRect:NSMakeRect(cellFrame.origin.x,
 cellFrame.size.height - 10.0f, cellFrame.size.width, 2.0f)
   [context setImageInterpolation:interpolation];
   [context restoreGraphicsState];
 I have then subclassed NSTableView and set the dataCell of the first
 column to the above subclass.
 All works fine, except for the fact that the image drawn (separator)
 in the drawWithFrame method is only drawn in the very first cell. I
 have three rows displayed in the table view, and can clarify this as I
 can click on them and get the blue highlight.
 Any ideas as to why this would only draw the first cell and not all three ?

Your y coordinate is based off of the height instead of the top; see


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Re: [BUG?] - [NSLayoutManager usedRectForTextContainer:] returns incorrect value

2009-03-30 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I'm running the code below. I have a single NSWindow with a checkbox and 
 a button. In the awakeFromNib method of the main controller, I change the 
 attribute of the checkbox string. In the compute: method, I compute the 
 height requested to display a string for a specific font and maximum 

 If I run this code as is, I get 17.0 as the required height. That's  

 If I comment the awakeFromNib code, I get 34.0f as the required height. 
 That's correct.

Is this the code exactly as it is in the app? e.g. compute: doesn't
depend in any way on the values you set in -awakeFromNib? (I think this
is your complaint, but I'm just verifying.)

Not that this fixes your problem, but
-[NSAttributedString boundingRectWithSize:options:] would probably be a
bit easier for you to use.


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Re: Custom NSCell issues

2009-03-26 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 hello I'm using a custom NSCell in order to draw some elements in an
 NSTableView. I've created a simple tableview with 2 row. However my
 draws is always put on first row while the second one is empty.
 This my code for NSOutlineView delegate
 while this is for my NSCell
 What's wrong?

Your midY calculation is ignoring the origin of the cellFrame, so
everything is being positioned relative to the origin.

Try NSMidY(rect).


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Re: signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN) not respected by Xcode/GDB?

2009-03-25 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

I'm not completely satisfied using signals (especially since they are
not dynamically allocated and I may want to use more in the future)
but signals was the lowest level alternative I could think about. This
code will be used _very_ frequently and I want to use the lowest
possible level, mainly for performance reasons but also for ease of
setup. And signals seems like a reasonable alternative considering

A pipe is the canonical way to tickle a thread waiting select/poll/ 
kqueue. You can rest assured that pipes are quite performant.


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Re: signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN) not respected by Xcode/GDB?

2009-03-25 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Why can't Unix be a modern OS with dynamically allocated
 and named signals? :-)

Signal-handling behavior is so restricted to begin with that more
signals would just end up with more code making non-async-signal-safe
calls. Pipes are easy to create, and can easily be passed from process
to process for IPC.


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Re: need advice on subclassing NSScrollVIew

2009-03-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 In a similar situation, I didn't subclass NSScrollView. I subclassed NSView 
 and inserted an NSScroller directly as its subview. I tracked the position 
 with a 64-bit variable which I converted to a range suitable for the 
 NSScroller just for setting its thumb position and size. I set my view as the 
 NSScroller's target to convert back to my 64-bit position.
 In the subclass' -drawRect: method, I calculated the visible portion of the 
 view, and simply drew that - no NSClipView required. For your case, you'd 
 have an additional step involving the scale; be careful with loss of 
 precision there.
 Despite being somewhat more work to implement, this proved to be more 
 efficient and also a good learning experience regarding the view drawing 

One unfortunate caveat of this solution is that it’s very difficult to
exactly reproduce some of the behavior of NSScrollView, especially if
you plan to handle dragging or anything else that requires

And don’t forget about exposing the proper accessibility roles and


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Re: NSGradient draws incorrectly in PDF context?

2009-03-12 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I've noticed I'm getting different results with NSGradient when drawing 
 to screen and when drawing in a PDF context, e.g. printing, or write PDF 
 to clipboard. If the gradient contains colours with transparency, it 
 draws correctly on-screen (allowing what's drawn behind to come through), 
 but draws opaquely in PDF.

PDF doesn’t support alpha in gradient colors. You’ll need to render out
to a bitmap and then draw that instead. For best results you want a high
resolution image that is dithered to prevent banding that the PDF
rendering engine might otherwise do on its own.


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Re: problems with NSTextField destroying background

2009-03-11 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 My problem is, I want the NSTextField to be transparent (and show the  
 NSBox behind), but instead it's making a hole in the NSBox to show the  
 desktop, what am I missing?

For historical reasons the NSTextField fills its content with
NSRectFill, which uses the NSCompositeCopy compositing operation instead
of NSCompositeSourceOver. This will blow out your window content. Please
do file a Radar if you’d like to see this fixed.

Can you show us a picture of what your UI looks like? We may be able to
suggest an alternate solution.


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Re: MVC, storing VIEW-specific information and core data

2009-03-09 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 While I do realize that I will have to get this data into the Managed
 Context somehow in order for it to be stored automatically with the
 document, I want to be able to make my model completely and utterly UI

You could have a NodeViewState, joined to the Node by a relationship,
for each node to store the view-only parameters.


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Re: [Q] NSObject's poseAsClass - Replacement?

2009-03-05 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I have a need to use poseAsClass, but I see that it has been deprecated 
 in 10.5 and won't be available for 64-bit applications.

 So, is there a replacement?

WAYTTD: What are you trying to do? Maybe you don’t need to pose.


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Re: NSSplitView splitViewDidResizeSubviews

2009-03-03 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Also, if I want to know when the user has completed the divider  
 movement, how would I find that out? I suspect I'd need to subclass  
 NSSplitView method that handles the mouse events...

Yes; specifically, you should look at -mouseDown:, since NSSplitView
runs an event loop instead of using


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Re: Advice on building a complex user custom control

2009-03-03 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I'm working on a small game engine, and as such, I want to create a
 level editor for the game. I love the old style Doom level editors, so
 that's what I'm going for [1]. Notice in that screenshot the amount
 the user can interact with - moving vertices on the grid, creating
 lines between vertices, adding/removing objects, etc.
 At the moment, I have a main MapView control, which creates vertices
 in an NSArrayController. I have 2 ways of viewing these vertices - one
 is to handle rendering them directly in the MapView, and another
 approach creates a new VertexView for each vertex, and adds it as a
 subview of the MapView. From what I've read online, this is not going
 to scale beyond maybe 50 vertices, so I don't think this is an
 approach. However, handling *everything* in the MapView itself feels
 like it drastically reduces the cohesion of the control.

You can handle everything in one view while still breaking up the
handling. For instance, you can have Vertex objects which handle events,
passed to them by the MapView, when they are selected. Having one view
doesn’t require you to handle all the input in one place—your view just
becomes a dispatcher.

My 2¢.


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Re: Is there any Objective C supported code review tool?

2009-01-30 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Please name me code review tool (Freeware preferred) that is commonly used
 by Mac/ObjectiveC/XCode developer community.

Review Boards supports any code, and I believe supports Objective-C
syntax highlighting.


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Re: -finstrument-functions and program startup

2009-01-29 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Actually, a probe of 'pidnnn:::entry' works just great (where nnn  
is the

target process' pid.)

Check out the pid provider documentation: 

Only for code that has such probes compiled into functions / methods.
Apple has these compiled into many of the system frameworks but it
doesn't add them to your own code ...which was my point.

That’s not correct—the pid provider instruments every user function  
call in the target (well, every one that has an externally visible  


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Re: -finstrument-functions and program startup

2009-01-29 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 How is this instrumentation done? I guess the text segment is modified
 in RAM when the pid provider is attached to the process?

Yes, when a probe is enabled a small thunk is dropped in that calls out
to the DTrace pieces in the kernel and logs the event. USDT probes work
similarly, but insert a no-op in the instruction stream since there’s no
function/callsite to thunk on.


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Re: Context Menu in NSBrowser

2009-01-27 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 All NSViews show, when control-clicked, their context menu.
 But not the NSView subclass NSBrowser.

 Is this a documented feature or a bug?

This is a bug in the Leopard and earlier versions of AppKit.

For now, you can loop through the matrices using -matrixForColumn: and
set their menus individually. You’ll also need to set the menu of their
superviews, the clip views which enclose the matrices, if you wish to
support context menus in the areas without row content.


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Re: File association

2009-01-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

Document Tyoe Name : myApplication
CFBundleTypeExtensions : prp
Document OS Type : 
Role : Editor
Handler rank : Owner

Then run it and saved the project.
Then I double click the saved project, but it opens in TextEdit.
Is there any other keys I need to set?

You need to set a unique document type;  won’t cut it. You need to  
make sure the type code does not consist only of lowercase letters, as  
these OSTypes are reserved for use by Apple.


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Re: NSDictionary key from the content of a set

2009-01-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I'm trying to create an NSDictionary that uses key based upon the  
contents of a NSSet (specifically a set of NSManagedObjectID's). I'm  
currently at a bit loss as to how to do it. My various attempts at a  
hash based solution (see below) don't appear to be working.

Are you creating a map from the NSSet to something else? An NSMapTable  
may be more appropriate.

A note on your pasted code:
NSString *hashFromCharacteristicTypes = [NSString stringWithFormat: 
[[NSNumber numberWithInteger:hashInt] stringValue]];

NSDictionary keys can be any object that adheres to NSCopying, so you  
don’t need to convert the number to a string before placing it in the  

(In fact, you can make the set the key, but I have a feeling you  
probably don’t want to copy the set.)


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Re: Quick (?) NSCell question: getting the drawing (inner) rectangle

2009-01-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Perhaps this method is only intended to provide information to the  
system by the NSCell implementation and is not intended for the  
purpose I need.  In which case, is there a way to achieve what I  
want without having to ask for the NSTableColumn width and working  
out what proportion of this width is used for non-'interior'  
furniture (if any)?

-[NSTableView frameOfCellAtColumn:row:] is what you’re looking for.  
The frame that’s passed to the interior drawing method is really  
dependent on the cell subclass you’re using, but it’s based on the  
frame passed to -[NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:].

Now the standard question: what are you trying to do?


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Re: AudioFileOpen Error

2009-01-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
When I build the project I get one error on the AudioFileOpen line.   
This is log:_AudioFileOpen, referenced from:

It sounds like you haven’t linked against the AudioToolbox framework.  
You can add the framework by bringing up the context menu in the Xcode  
group tree and selecting Add  Existing Frameworks….



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Re: File association

2009-01-14 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I saved the project using NSArchiver with an extension say .myExtension. And
 also I opened the saved project by unachieved it from menu. Now I need to
 open the saved project when double clicking on it.
 How can I do this file association?

See the Runtime Configuration Guidelines:

 Where I need to write code for unarchiving its content ?

You should read about the Cocoa document architecture:


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Re: How to center a custom NSView in a NSScrollView

2009-01-14 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I've already tried with a custom NSClipView, as explained here:

This is the standard way to do this.

 The question is, how can I center a custom NSView in a NSScrollView, if 
 the visible width and/or height is greater than the fixed size of the 

What does centering mean if the view’s size is larger than that of the
scroll view?


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Re: How font size managed without affecting the font? Please help

2009-01-14 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I use this code to change the fontsize:
 NSFont *font1 = [NSFont fontWithName:[pop1 titleOfSelectedItem] size:[[pop2
 titleOfSelectedItem] doubleValue]];

In the second popup’s action method, you should be invoking
-[NSFontManager convertFont:toSize:] to convert the fonts to the right
size. (And, in the first popup, -[NSFontManager convertFont:toFace:].)


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Re: Arggg...overrelease in table view cell, but where?

2008-12-11 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

I have implemented -copyWithZone in my NSTFC subclass as such:

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
  MyTableCell   *copy = [super copyWithZone:zone];
  copy.cellObject = [self.cellObject copy];
  copy.gridController = [self.ViewController copy];

  return copy;

NSCells use NSCopyObject to do their copies, which ends up setting the  
values of cellObject and gridController in your copies, but not  
retaining them. You need to nil them out before setting the values in  
your properties. This is a long-standing misbehavior of NSCell that  
probably won’t be changing anytime soon.


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Re: Cant Load an Image into a CALayer

2008-12-03 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
		NSImage * image = [[NSImage alloc]  

Your conditional statement is failing because the image can't be  

you need to pass the path to your image relative to the current working
directory; see the documentation: 

If this image is in your resources directory, you can use either
  [NSImage imageNamed:@Destroyer.png]
  [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]  
pathForResource:@Destroyer ofType:@png]]


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Re: tracking down a table column...

2008-12-02 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I’m getting an “ambiguous” error in my log that I can’t readily  

The error is:

Cocoa bindings error:  Error accessing bound property of object
NSTableColumn 0x196370: [NSTableColumn 0x196370  

this class is not key-value coding compliant for the key value

I’d like to know to which column (in human terms) this error  
refers.  I
checked my stuff, can’t see the issue right off.  Everything seems  
to work

fine as well.

If you can break in the debugger, you should be able to get the  
column’s identifier using

po [(id)0x196370 identifier]

and the column number with
po [tableView columnWithIdentifier:[(id)0x196370 identifier]]


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Re: tracking down a table column...

2008-12-02 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

OK, I gave that a nada.

First, I got:

No symbol id in current context.

So, I took (id) out of the call.

Then I got:

Cannot access memory at address 0x0

I did try the call for the tableView, but got the same as id above.

Did you paste the lines exactly as they were, or substitute the  
hexadecimal values from the running log?


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Re: displaying huge log files

2008-12-01 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 12:48:26AM -0800, Andrew Farmer wrote:
 On 29 Nov 08, at 14:23, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
 On Nov 29, 2008, at 5:39 AM, Mudi Dandan wrote:
 Is it possible to to display a memory mapped file in an NSTextView

 Of course.

 With one caveat: When creating a memory mapping (by using mmap), you  
 have to specify the length of the region you want to map - so, if the  
 file grows, you have to remap the file. Detecting this is up to you;  
 kqueue may be useful in doing so. Also, if the file gets really large*, 
 it may fail to map at all on 32-bit systems, as there's a limited amount 
 of address space available.

 Unless you're absolutely sure that memory-mapping files is crucial to  
 your application's performance, try just using standard file descriptors 
 first. The performance difference isn't that huge, and there are a lot 
 fewer caveats** involved.

If you want an example of how this mapping is done, check out the
sources for HexFiend:


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Re: Textured Window Responder Issue

2008-12-01 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 When the view uses NSOpenGLView a mouse drag in the view will send  
 events to the view. It works properly.

 When the view uses CAOpenGLLayer a mouse drag in the view will move the 
 window! The mouse events are being sent to the view but are apparently 
 being picked up and acted upon by the window as well.

Presumably you have a custom view; you need to return the right value
from -[NSView mouseDownCanMoveWindow]:


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Re: Core Data/Bindings issue

2008-11-24 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

The popup button has:
Content bound to MyArrayController.arrangedObjects
Content Values bound to

Sometimes, and is vaguely seems to be related to changing the XIB,  
the labels of the cells in the popup are what I would expect from  
calling -description on the managed objects it's listing. The rest  
of the UI works as expected when it happens, but the cell content is  

And as luck would have it, I haven't been able to replicate this  
while writing this mail.

There are two usual reasons that happens:
1) The content values binding is not set up to bind to a string value  
of the content—in this case it looks like you’re OK—or,
2) the bound selection isn’t available in the bound content values and  
the pop-up falls back to something else.


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Re: Key Paths @count and mutablestrings

2008-11-05 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I've cleared out all my other code and associated problems, and I'm  
at the same point, key path orderReference works, but  

[Session started at 2008-11-05 20:42:25 +.]
2008-11-05 20:42:28.462 powizard[22921] [_NSFaultingMutableSet  
0x165e910 addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] is not  
supported. Key path: @count

It sounds like you’re trying to bind to the count of an array  
controller which is already fetching properties through the model key  
info. Take a look at this message from the archives:


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Re: [Q] How to add nested items to NSOutlineView?

2008-11-05 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
However, if I get reference of an item in existing view and insert  
new item in its data source, NSMutableArray, it can't display the  
newly added nested items.

I tried NSTreeController's rearragneObjects and the NSOutlineView's  
reloadItem:reloadChildren, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Can anyone tell me how to add new items?

Since you’re using NSTreeController, you should modify the array in a  
KVO-compatible way. Take a look at 


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Re: Key Paths @count and mutablestrings

2008-11-04 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 06:55:24PM +, Amy Heavey wrote:
 PurchaseOrder is an Entity, with a relationship called products to the 
 PurchaseOrderItems Entity which lists the actual items on the order. I'd 
 like a column in my Purchase Order tabel to display the number of items 
 in the order, so I've tried a number of different things along the lines 
 Value: bound to Purchase Order Array Controller

 but I get the following error:
 2008-11-03 18:41:44.928 powizard[8498] [NSManagedObject 0x654a70  
 valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for 
 the key @count.
 How do I access the count of a to-many relationship?

You’ve got that backwards; you want [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I then want to print out some of this data, so I've created a view, and 
 got it all laid out, now I just need to populate it with the data. I 
 thought the easiest way would be to loop through the info and display 
 strings but I'm struggling a bit.

Do you mean print out on a printer, or just display on the screen?

 I figure I need 4 strings, 1 for each 'column' of the table I want, then 
 I can just create strings with new lines and it will lay itself out 

 If I was binding a tablecolumn I would use the following binding:

 arrangedObjects.qty[Purchase Order Items Array Controller 

 so how do I loop through the array, setting the string value each time to 
 create a string along the lines of @1234/n3698/n3258/n4587/n where 
 1234, 3698, 3258 and 4587 are the qty values?

I’m not really clear what you’re doing here. You’ll want to go through
your array controller’s arrangedObjects accessor to get the values, and
then pull out the keys on your own.


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Re: About Ink drawing with wacom tablet

2008-11-04 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Did I miss something, or I was doing something wrong?  I have
 InkSetApplicationWritingMode (kInkWriteAnywhereInApp);
 InkSetApplicationRecognitionMode (kInkRecognitionGesture |

You don’t want to turn on Ink in your case, since you want to capture
the tablet events on your own instead of having Ink send them to the


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Re: [OT] How do people use and contribute to this list?

2008-10-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 Can anyone offer any advice or suggestions? Or should I settle for the
 cumbersome digest mode?

I’ve found that a combination of procmail rules on my IMAP box and Mutt
compiled with the ignore-thread patch [1] work quite well for me. I
haven’t found a MUA which beats Mutt for reading mailing lists (and
indeed that’s all I usually use it for).


 There are some bugs in the updated version of this patch, but it
 works well enough for my intended uses.

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Re: UI elements in custom view mess up drawing

2008-10-14 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 When I turn off the progress indicator 
 however, or when I update the string value of the text field, the drawing 
 from the drawRect method above is drawn offset from its origin, instead 
 drawing at the origin of either of the subviews, resulting in spurious 
 lines being drawn where there should only be background (the gradient). 
 (You can see a screenshot of the effect here:

The rect passed to -[NSView drawRect:] is the dirty rect of the view,
not the bounds of the view. The changing subviews are dirtying your view
and then you're drawing as if that changed area was your complete frame.

Try replacing your use of rect with -[NSView bounds] instead, and then
take a look at the View Programming Guide [1].



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Re: waiting for an NSThread

2008-10-13 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I've another n00b Cocoa question: How can I wait for a thread to finish 
 without depending on a flag that may be reset and set before the thread 
 i'm waiting for has time to check it?

Take a look at NSConditionLock in Foundation.


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Re: Problems with loose ViewController coupling and KVO to-many relationships

2008-10-07 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

There's a design flaw here somewhere, but I can't quite figure out
what it is.  It's highlighted by trying to reorder widgets.  With KVC
to-many relationships, there's no atomic way of moving an object from
one position in an array to another : you remove the object, then
re-insert it at the new location.  But when the object is
(temporarily) removed from the array, the window controller gets an
observeValueForKeyPath saying it's been deleted, and so releases the
corresponding WidgetViewController, the view gets deallocated, and so
on.  I'll then get a second observeValueForKeyPath saying that an
object has been inserted, recreate the WidgetViewController, re-insert
the view, etc etc.

That’s not a design flaw, but rather just a shortcoming of the KVO  
change model. Note that NSMutableArray has no operation to move an  
object from one index to another, either.

This seems pretty wrong to me.  I can see a few workarounds (perhaps
storing the kvo notifications until the end of the current runloop so
I can add them together and figure out what was really a deletion and
what was just a reordering), but they all seem pretty ugly and

The runloop batching is probably the best thing to do if you’re  
concerned about the cost of reordering views, or if you want to  
animate the change in some way. If you just need to atomically  
rearrange the view, you might be able to get by with a pool of  
recently-deallocated WidgetViews and WidgetViewControllers that you  
reuse when you get a new object insertion (avoiding the allocation  


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Re: IKImageView and delegate callback/notification of image changes

2008-10-07 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Has anyone come across a solution for knowing when the image has  
been edited?

You should be able to use KVO to be notified when the image property  
of the IKImageView changes.


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Re: NSLevelIndicator - setEnabled not respected

2008-09-30 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I've googled for over a week, and I can't find out what I'm missing  

See the AppKit release notes for 10.5 at

In short, the enabled property only works if you link your app against  


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Re: Always allowing drags from WebView inside a global NSPanel

2008-09-23 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 The problem I am having is that to drag out of the WebView the panel has 
 to be main (i.e. the close/minimize/zoom buttons are filled in).  
 However, if you hold down the command key, the drag out of that window  
 works fine.

 Where do I start looking to make this work without having to hold down  
 the command key?

Have you looked at -[NSView acceptsFirstMouse:]?


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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 What I want to achieve is that when a new window is created, it has
 the maximal size allowed by the screen, menu and the dock, exactly
 like if someone clicked the green zoom button in the window's title
 bar. I don't want any resizing animation or flickering though.

Before ordering the window onto the screen, you can set its frame to
fill the screen by calling -[NSWindow zoom:]. Alternatively, you can set
its frame to [[window screen] defaultFrame], which is the same frame
that -zoom: will use, subtracting space for any visible drawers.


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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:22:52PM -0700, j o a r wrote:
 Alternatively, you can set its frame to [[window screen]  
 defaultFrame], which is the same frame
 that -zoom: will use, subtracting space for any visible drawers.

 I think that should be:

   -[NSScreen visibleFrame]

Yes, that’s correct—my mistake.


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Re: Core data fetch returns no objects

2008-09-18 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 02:05:03PM +0200, Tomaž Kragelj wrote:
 If I use the same code for fetching immediately after adding the objects 
 to the context, the fetching works... It looks like the problem might be 
 related to fact that I use different persistent store for Project than 
 for Measurement - if I fetch other objects saved in the same persistent 
 store, fetch works.

Core Data does not support relationships across persistent stores. You may be
able to use fetched properties to grab the related objects. See the Core Data
programming guide:


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Re: NSXMLParser and multithreading

2008-09-16 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Excerpts from Mark Thomas's message of Tue Sep 16 11:36:41 -0400 2008:
   Was wondering if somebody could answer how thread safe NSXMLParser is, as
 I need to use it with NSURL set to remote server and the response could take
 a while, so this why I want to put off into another thread.

Instances of NSXMLParser can be safely used from any thread, but only by one
thread at a time. It would be acceptable to instantiate and remotely load the
data from a secondary thread in your app.

   While I can see it can be used with a NSURL, is there a way I can do a
 HTTP POST with it when I pass it into a NSXMLParser ? As I want to parser
 the results which the server will send me.

You'll need to do the POST yourself and then pass the response as an NSData to


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Re: async NSOperation and NSOperationQueue

2008-09-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Excerpts from John Love's message of Mon Sep 15 11:02:21 -0400 2008:
 I must be doing something terribly wrong, because when I start up the  
 NSOperationQueue that does some time consuming calculations, I do not  
 get back control of my application until after the lengthy calculation  
 is complete.  Here are the relevant code snippets:

At what point is your app sticking? After you start all the queues, but
before you return from -startCalculation?

 - (void) calculateWorksheetRow:(id)data {
   // takes a long time here
 - (void) startQueue {
 theQueue = [[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init] autorelease];
 theOp = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self
 [theQueue addOperation:theOp];

You're starting one queue per operation, but you really want one queue
for all the operations.


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Re: Do I Need Multiple NSArrayControllers For This?

2008-09-15 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 I found this
 overriding -arrangeObjects: Since I need to return several different
 arrays of objects (active, new, and prior) how is this different from
 multiple NSArrayControllers with predicate bindings. Perhaps creating
 methods like -activeObjects: -newObjects: that create the filtered arrays
 and pass those to -arrangeObjects:?

The predicate bindings might be useful if you actually needed to access
all the other subarrays, but since you just want the count, it's
sufficient to just do it in the single controller. If you want to
generalize you can probably add a key for a predicate which determines
what the extra count you're maintaining is.

You're of course welcome to have another array controller, but you'll
end up having to keep it and the unfiltered controller in sync, which is
really not worth the effort.


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Re: Question about dataWithPDFInsideRect:

2008-09-12 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Suppose I have a model (myModel) and its view (myModelView) which is  
a subclass of NSView. myModel has an update method that updates the  
model, and changes in the view are all drawn inside the drawRect:  
method of myModelView. If I have the following sequence:

[ myModel update ];
[ myModelView setNeedsDisplay: YES ];
myModelViewData = [ myModelView dataWithPDFInsideRect: [ myModelView  
bounds ] ];

Is the data I get back from dataWithPDFInsideRect: guaranteed to  
reflect the last changes that stem from [ myModel update ]? Or is it  
possible that I might get data that's essentially cached from a view  
of the model from some previous state? Hope that makes sense.

Yes; -[NSView dataWithPDFInsideRect:] will create a PDF graphics  
context and eventually end up calling -[NSView drawRect:] with the  
passed bounds.


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Re: Do I Need Multiple NSArrayControllers For This?

2008-09-11 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Just want to clarify this a bit. In the Bindings inspector, when I  
assign a
value transformer, that gets applied to the Controller Key and then  
Model Key Path portion applies to the transformed value. Am I  

that correctly?

The value transformer gets applied immediately before providing the  
value to the bound object; if you have a model key path (which, by the  
way, is not always required), it will get applied to the result of  
getting the value from the model key path of the model.


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Re: Do I Need Multiple NSArrayControllers For This?

2008-09-11 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Just want to clarify this a bit. In the Bindings inspector, when I  
assign a
value transformer, that gets applied to the Controller Key and then  
Model Key Path portion applies to the transformed value. Am I  

that correctly?

The value transformer gets applied immediately before providing the  
value to the bound object; if you have a model key path (which, by  
the way, is not always required), it will get applied to the result  
of getting the value from the model key path of the model.

By the way, another way to implement this is to set a property in a  
subclass of NSArrayController inside its -arrangeObjects: method.


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Re: Do I Need Multiple NSArrayControllers For This?

2008-09-10 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I have a Core Data entity that has a date and relationship. I want  
to create a label like.

25 Foos (12 New)

A Foo is active if it its relationship is null and it is new if its  
date is within the startDate and endDate specified by the user.

My intuition is that this does require two NSArrayControllers each  
with a filter predicate binding to get the desired array of Foos,  
but I wanted to see if there was anything I hadn't considered.

You might want a value transformer on the arrangedObjects of the array  
controller: one that just returns the count, and one that returns the  
count as filtered by a predicate.


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Re: NSTableView bindings and current selection

2008-09-08 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
I have a tableView (showing query results) that has its values bound  
to an array controller; that works fine. I also have a NSPathControl  
showing the path of the selected item; this works fine too. I have  
implemented a right-click contextual menu to Show in Finder... the  
selected item in the tableView.
My question is, how do I get the path of the selected item so my  
showInFinderMenuAction: method does as it's supposed to do?
To be totally honest, even though I have got the menu working (it's  
a menuForEvent:theEvent method) and I can log the selected row  
correctly, I'm unsure of what to do next to implement the contextual  
As the tableView implements bindings, I can't see a way of getting  
the selected items row/column value, let alone that row's path  

You can get the clickedRow of the table view, and use that as an index  
into the array controller’s arranged content. (Be sure to use the  
clicked row, not the array controller’s selection, unless you change  
the selection itself on the right-click).


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Re: Creating a runloop to handle specific mouse events

2008-09-04 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
At one point, my application blocks the runloop and I have to poll  
for mouse events by calling [NSApplication  
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]. I'm not happy with  
the polling. It seems to me that creating a separate thread and  
configuring its runloop to process the events I'm interested in  
(specific mouse events for a specific window) is a more elegant  
solution. I couldn't find any example code doing that. I suspect  
that it's not possible for third-party developers to tap into the  
event stream coming from the window server, to create a  
CFRunloopSource similar to the one that feeds the main runloop.

This isn’t really polling as much as taking over the runloop and  
filtering out some events. There’s nothing really inelegant about this— 
it’s the call that powers the tracking loop in most of the controls in  
AppKit. If you really wanted, you could shuffle off the events to  
another thread for processing later.


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Re: NSOutlineView developer example

2008-09-03 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Hi Guys, i tried to understand the NSOutlineView developer example  
which is in /Developer/Examples/AppKit/OutlineView.
It simply shows the entire filesystem. I tried to alter it, so it  
shows any relative path of the filesystem, but whatever i do, it  
does not work.
Does anybody have an idea, where to alter it, i.e to /Volumes/ 
Macintosh HD/path/to/directory, to show the tree from there only?

Take a look at the implementation of +[FileSystemItem rootItem], which  
defines the root object in the outline view’s displayed hierarchy.


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Re: Best 'native' formats for NSImage and NSSound?

2008-09-02 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
In running Shark on my app recently I noticed that by far, my app  
spent most

of its time in: CGSConvertBGR888toRGBA.

I'm having trouble understanding what this means. It appears that
CoreGraphics is having to convert some of my non-alpha channel  
images to

have an alpha, and perhaps re-order the bytes? But shouldn't these
conversions only occur once, when CG realizes it needs this additional

NSImage should only be doing the conversion once unless you’re  
continually reloading the image from its original file. You should see  
an NSBitmapImageRep, in the target drawing context’s format, attached  
to the image after drawing. I don’t believe the sub-rect drawing  
behavior is any different. It’d be useful to see the relevant part of  
your Shark trace.

My app is re-using the same NSImages each frame, simply compositing
various sub-rects from the original large images.

And also, seeing how much work NSImage is having to do, it got me  
are there any image/sound file formats which require 'less work' on  
the part
of NSImage and NSSound? In terms of loading the initial data,  
unpacking the

bytes, etc.

I was wondering if switching to .TIFF or .AIFF (or any other  
formats) could

possibly provide a performance boost?

There’s no real guarantee for images, since the compositing buffer  
format isn’t specified, and is therefore subject to change at any  
time. If you’ve got a downloadable app, you may want to optimize for  
file size anyway. (The same advice applies for sounds.)


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Re: Simulating menu bar blink in Cocoa

2008-04-19 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
If I understand well, your trying to catch event that match a menu  
item shortcut minus the shift key. Isn't it possible to override - 
[NSApp sendEvent:] as you did, but instead of taking care of the  
event yourself, create a new event that match the menu item and  
then call super with this new event ?

- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
if ([theEvent isAnHotkeyEvent]) {
theEvent = [NSEvent eventWithTheKeystrokeAppKitWant];
[super sendEvent:theEvent];

I really don't know if it works, but it worth the try.

That’s a pretty common way to do it, and avoids the need to duplicate  
the actual method dispatch. Works great.


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Re: NSMapTable with pointer keys ?

2008-03-27 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz

(reading the doc for NSMap, I figured these are the right options)

However, when trying to fetch an object with a void* key to check  
for its presence (using the C api as recommended)

NSMapGet(myMap, aKey);

I get an instant crash and looking at the stack trace, it's because  
aKey is being sent an ObjC message, to which it will hard time  
replying since it's not an NSObject in the first place.

That’s because you’ve marked the keys as being object pointers; you’ve  
got your key and value pointer functions reversed.

(Also be sure you want the StrongMemory personality, and not  


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Re: reading data from a UDP port - questions

2008-03-17 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
(2) But in any case, NSString doesn't mind embedded null bytes.  
(It's not null-terminated like a C string; the string object  
remembers the length separately.) That doesn't mean you should store  
binary data in an NSString, though. NSData is better for that.

NSString isn’t really too happy with embedded NULLs. See the  
documentation for the initWith___: methods, which are littered with  
the statement “must not contain NULL.”


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Re: Best way to hook up Font Panel to floater (that isn't first responder)?

2008-03-04 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
Is there a way to hook up the Font Panel directly? This needs to be  
spring loaded so that the Font Panel follows the user's focus most  
of the time, but switches to my panel when the user clicks the Font  
button but returns to the original 1stR when they go back to the  
main document. Or maybe my thinking is just wrong?

Check out -[NSFontManager setTarget:].


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