NSScrollView subclass not working with inertia

2011-02-13 Thread Carter Allen
I am currently implementing my own NSTableView replacement that uses views 
instead of cells, and is fairly similar to the way that UITableView works (uses 
reusable views, queuing, etc.) Everything is working quite well, except for one 
problem. Similar to how UITableView works, the new table view (called 
CZTableView) is a subclass of a scroll view. The scroll view (CZScrollView) is 
a subclass of NSScrollView, and uses a subclass of NSClipView called 
CZClipView. I know, lots of subclasses, but most of them do very little.

Scrolling is working almost perfectly. The last issue is inertia. I have 
inertia enabled in System Preferences, and it clearly works in other apps. The 
problem is that it doesn't work in the custom scroll view. Has anyone ever 
experienced this with a scroll view?

A few thoughts:

- All views (scroll view, clip view, and table view) are layer-backed. I don't 
think this should make a different, but layers on OS X have always been a 
- The table view overrides -reflectScrolledClipView: to draw new cells as 
needed (pulling them out of the queue, all that jazz). It does call super, but 
I'm not sure if this could cause problems. This gets called repeatedly until I 
stop scrolling, and it stops immediately, meaning that whatever scrolling 
events that should be caused by inertia aren't making it that far.
- All views have their coordinates flipped.
- I know there is a setting you can put in the app preferences file to disable 
inertial scrolling, and I haven't added it.

If code samples would help, I'd be happy to provide them. I'd rather only give 
out what needs to be seen though, as there is quite a bit of code involved to 
make the table view work.

Carter Allen___

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Re: [ANN] Cong 0.7

2011-02-11 Thread Carter Allen
Really excellent work on this! Nice job catching the fact that I was using an 
embedded framework and kept the headers in there...though I'm not sure how to 
automate the removal of them during the build (hmm). It would be great if this 
was part of Xcode in some way (obviously a tough request). Oh, and Strange 
name for a framework made me laugh.

Carter Allen

On Feb 10, 2011, at 5:21 PM, Stephane Sudre wrote:

 After checking your code with the Build and Analysis features of
 Xcode, your leaks with Instruments, you may want to check the
 resources of your Mac OS X application with Cong.
 Cong is a free application that checks the contents of application
 bundles and looks for glitches such as:
 - Deprecated keys in Info.plist files
 - Missing files referenced by Info.plist values
 - .strings files with no values defined in them
 - Duplicate entries in .strings files
 - Common typos with punctuation marks
 - etc.
 Cong is available here:
 Hope it can help.
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Re: [ANN] DDMathParser

2010-11-22 Thread Carter Allen
Hey Dave,

I'm currently working on an app that loads expressions from plugin-like files, 
and currently we're having the expressions be written in JavaScript syntax and 
then using a WebView to evaluate the JavaScript. Obviously, this is less than 
ideal. I'm wondering if you think that DDMathParser is equal, greater, or 
lesser in raw mathematical capability (remember, everything has to be done 
based on an input string) than using JavaScript. If it's lesser, then perhaps 
there would be some way of having your class detect when it has hit an 
expression it can't figure out, and at that point pass the expression to WebKit.

Carter Allen

On Nov 22, 2010, at 9:41 PM, Dave DeLong wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I thought it'd be fun to write a mathematical expression evaluator, a la 
 Graham Cox's GCMathParser, but one that was extensible.  So I dusted off my 
 parsing skills and wrote DDMathParser: 
 It's an NSString = NSNumber expression evaluator, and its major feature is 
 that you can define custom mathematical functions.  So if you really need to 
 have a multiplyBy42() function, then you can quickly write one, register it, 
 and use it.
 You can use it very simply:
   NSLog(@%@, [@1 + 2 numberByEvaluatingString]); //logs 3
 Or very complexly:
   DDMathParser * parser = [DDMathParser mathParserWithString:@2 ** 3 ** 
   [parser setPowerAssociativity:DDMathParserAssociativityRight];
   DDExpression * e = [parser parsedExpression];
   NSLog(@%@, [e evaluateWithSubstitutions:nil evaluator:nil]); //logs 
 It supports pretty much all of the functions defined by NSExpression, plus 
 many more (primarily trig functions: sin(), cos(), atanh(), etc).  And like I 
 mentioned above, you can create new functions as well.
 It supports variables of the same format used by NSPredicate/NSExpression 
 ($variable) for substituting in values during evaluation.
 It has rudimentary support for simplifying expressions, and I'm currently 
 working on support for translating an arbitrary DDExpression into an 
 NSExpression and still having it work properly (even with custom functions).
 The source code is available on my github page, and I'd appreciate any 
 comments or feedback you might have.
 Dave DeLong
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[iOS] NSUserDefaults-backed Properties

2010-10-08 Thread Carter Allen
Hello everyone!

I'm working on cleaning up an app that was written by a colleague of mine a 
while ago, and one of the things that he did quite a bit was use properties 
(declared as @properties, with custom getters/setters) that are actually backed 
by NSUserDefaults. Seemingly, this was to provide excellent persistence - no 
matter how the app closed or crashed, it always remembered exactly what was 
going on. This is still important even with the advent of multi-tasking, as I 
am still targeting 3.x, as well as users without multi-tasking.

Here's an example of one of his properties:

- (BOOL)gameShouldBeCounted { return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] 
boolForKey:@gameShouldBeCounted]; }
- (void)setGameShouldBeCounted:(BOOL)shouldBeCounted {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:shouldBeCounted 
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];

Calling synchronize that often can't possibly be efficient, but it seems to be 
the only way to make sure that defaults actually get written right away. Does 
anyone have any recommendations of how to make this better? I was thinking 
about some sort of KVC/O system, where actual ivars were used and 
NSUserDefaultsController was set to observe them and update asynchronously, but 
I have no idea where to start with a system like that.

Any advice is welcome!

Carter Allen___

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Re: Command-line parsing

2010-07-21 Thread Carter Allen
You might be thinking of DDCLI:


I've used it before, and when you're writing an ObjC CLI, it does its job 

- Carter Allen

On Jul 21, 2010, at 8:54 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote:

 I'm writing a Foundation tool that will take both options and pathname 
 If you use NSUserDefaults, you can handle key-value options (-threshold 17) 
 pretty easily, but this has limitations. I don't see how it can be graceful 
 * Two-hyphen options (chatty --verbose).
 * Non-value options (ls -a).
 * Single-item key-value options (chatty --verbose=3 -or- chatty -v3).
 * Concatenated options (ls -al)
 I also don't know what you do about normal arguments (ls -al /Users/fritza) 
 without using NSUserDefaults _and_ running through [[NSProcessInfo 
 processInfo] arguments] with at least a minimal state machine, which defeats 
 the purpose.
 Enough complaining. Correct me if I'm wrong.
 I remember from 2001 or so that there was an open-source framework inherited 
 from the OpenStep days, that included a helper for getopt(3) sorts of tasks, 
 but for the life of me, I can't remember its name, and I don't know where it 
 would be hosted or whether it would be compatible with today's Foundation 
 Yes, iterating through [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments] and parsing 
 for myself is the ultimate option, but if it's a solved problem, why make all 
 the mistakes again?
 Google doesn't turn up much, beyond the NSUserDefaults trick. Any ideas?
   — F
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Re: NSInteger compare - Help Needed

2010-07-17 Thread Carter Allen

Have you tried changing  in your code to simply ? That may work.

- Carter Allen

On Jul 17, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Steve Wetzel wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am new to Cocoa programming and am trying to do something that I thought 
 was straightforward but not working.  I am using the tag field of a button to 
 tell me what button is pushed.  This code does not work
 - (IBAction) numberPressed:(id)sender {
   NSLog(@Sender tag is:%d, [sender tag]);
   if ([sender tag]  10) {
   displayValues.rawNumber = [displayValues.rawNumber 
 stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@%d, [sender tag]]];
 buttons with tags 1-9 work great but the button with tag 0 does not.  When I 
 pass tag 0 the if statement is evaluated as false.  
 When I press button with tag 1 I get Sender tag is:1 and the if statement 
 is evaluated as true.
 When I press button with tag 0 I get Sender tag is:0 and the if statement 
 is evaluated as false.
 What is going wrong here?
 Steve’s daily photo blog
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CGContext text drawing doesn’t scale up on iP hone 4

2010-07-11 Thread Carter Allen
I am trying to create an app that scales up nicely on the iPhone 4.
Currently most of it scales up perfectly, except for one crucial
piece: the text that I draw inside a CALayer, inside its
drawInContext: method. Here is my code:

- (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context {

    CGContextSetGrayFillColor(context, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    CGContextFillRect(context, self.bounds);

    CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(context, true);
    CGContextSetShouldAntialias(context, true);

    CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothing(context, true);
    CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(context, true);

    CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(context, true);
    CGContextSetShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(context, true);

    CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0.0f, self.frame.size.height);
    CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0f, -1.0f);

    CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor]);
    CGContextSelectFont(context, CardKit, 30.0f, kCGEncodingMacRoman);
    CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(context, kCGTextFill);
    CGContextShowText(context, A, sizeof(A));


This short produce crisp text on both devices, but unfortunately, it
produces blurry text on both. Here is how it appears:
That image is taken at 100% zoom on the iPhone 4. What in the world?
Any ideas how I can fix this?

Carter Allen

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Resizing Issues with NSCollectionView

2009-12-29 Thread Carter Allen
I have a couple NSCollectionViews in a window. They are each in a side of a
split view, and I'm having resize issues. It starts out fine, like this:
http://c.zcr.me/84B7X , but then when I resize it, this happens:
http://c.zcr.me/84D3C . All views and pieces are set up to stretch
horizontally, including the scroll view, collection view, collection view
item, and the split view that contains it all.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Carter Allen

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Strange Problems with IBPlugin

2009-12-26 Thread Carter Allen

Thanks in advance, I know this is a lot to ask. I am working on a framework
of custom classes for my own personal use, and it was going very well until
I started to work on the Interface Builder plugin part. Download the
non-working code here http://c.zcr.me/7aBcU. I have think that I have done
everything necessary to make my plugin work so far (I know I haven't
programmed the backend of the inspector palette, but that shouldn't prevent
it from working. I would really appreciate it if someone could look at the
code and see what is causing my problems, as I am completely stumped. The
problem right now is that when I hit Build and Go in XCode, IB launches but
never gets past the bouncing stage. It freezes up and doesn't continue.
When I try to load the plugin normally, it gives me this
I searched about that error, and the only people online that talk about it
are people that messed up the linking of the framework, and in all of their
cases, the plugin worked fine thru XCode.

Again, thank you for any help you can provide, I know this isn't convenient.

Carter Allen

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