Lazy calculation of tooltip text

2018-07-06 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I have a UI item (text field) that displays a tooltip when the user hovers over 
it. However, the information to be displayed in the tooltip is dynamic and 
relatively expensive to compute. At the moment the tooltip is bound to a string 
property which I manually update twice a second. It seems that the right way to 
handle all this would be to compute the information only when I know the 
tooltip is about to display. However, googling and searching of headers has not 
led me to a way to do this. It seems that NSTextView has a method 
textView:willDisplayToolTip:forCharacterAtIndex: which would seem to offer the 
functionality I want. However, I can’t find anything equivalent for other view 

Any suggestions on how I might supply tooltip text dynamically, when the 
tooltip is about to display?

[University of Glasgow: The Times Scottish University of the Year 2018]

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Re: Property in class mirrored to user defaults

2017-06-16 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thankyou Charles and Keary for your replies. I somehow hadn't thought of using 
NSDefaults as backing for the properties. There are a lot of properties 
involved, but with a macro or something I should be able to set it up without a 
massive code bloat. Will give that a go.

On 12 Jun 2017, at 16:01, Charles Srstka <> wrote:

>> On Jun 12, 2017, at 4:04 AM, Jonathan Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This feels like a very basic question, but one that I have not had any luck 
>> searching for (maybe I am using the wrong terms?).
>> At the moment I have properties in a (singleton) class that are bound to UI 
>> elements. At the moment they have the same automatic values every time the 
>> app is launched, although the user can change them while it is running. What 
>> I would like is for the user's previous choice to be remembered when the app 
>> is next launched. Obviously this would seem to be a job for NSUserDefaults. 
>> I am not sure quite what the right way to structure things is, though.
>> All the simple examples I have seen bind to NSUserDefaults and then if the 
>> program actually wants to know what the value is, it simply accesses the 
>> values directly on NSUserDefaults. I would prefer not to do that, though 
>> (see below).
>> What I ~think~ I would like is to still be able to access the values as 
>> properties of my class. That seems to me like the natural way, and it would 
>> seem odd to have two categories of value, some accessed through properties 
>> on the class, and some accessed some other way via NSUserDefaults. However, 
>> if I bind the UI elements to the shared user defaults object, is that not 
>> what will happen? Or is there some way that I can "link" my class and the 
>> user defaults object, so that the properties are saved in user defaults but 
>> I can still access them in a fairly seamless way from my class? I do like 
>> the idea of having the properties (and their types) explicitly declared as 
>> part of my class, rather than being mysterious objects that only exist in 
>> the user defaults.
>> Does anyone have any advice on how I can achieve this, or on how I should be 
>> thinking about all this differently?
>> Thanks
>> Jonny
> If performance isn’t an issue, as it usually isn’t for properties linked to 
> UI elements, and you don’t want to bind the UI elements directly to an 
> NSUserDefaultsController, you can just use UserDefaults as the backing for a 
> property, like this:
> class MyClass: NSObject { 
>   // this is a property only so we can make key paths that will go 
> through it
>   @objc private let userDefaults: UserDefaults
>   private static let fooDefaultsKey = "Foo"
>   @objc private static let keyPathsForValuesAffectingFoo: Set = 
> ["\(#keyPath(userDefaults)).\(MyClass.fooDefaultsKey)"]
>   @objc dynamic var foo: String {
>   get { return UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: 
> MyClass.fooDefaultsKey) ?? "" }
>   set { UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: 
> MyClass.fooDefaultsKey) }
>   }
>   override init() {
>   self.userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
>   super.init()
>   }
> }
> This is pretty cool; on recent releases of macOS, it’ll respond to changes in 
> the defaults even if they come from outside the process. So, if you observe 
> the “foo” property, and then manually use /usr/bin/defaults to change the 
> defaults, your notifications in the app will fire.
> Alternately, you can just set up the property at init time and then update 
> the defaults whenever it changes, like this. You won’t get the cool 
> observation behavior, though, unless you use KVO’s infamously ugly 
> observation APIs (the slick new closure-based one won’t work here, since 
> we’re stuck with using string keys for this).
> class MyClass: NSObject { 
>   private static let fooDefaultsKey = "Foo"
>   @objc dynamic var foo: String {
>   didSet { UserDefaults.standard.set(, forKey: 
> MyClass.fooDefaultsKey) }
>   }
>   override init() {
> = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: 
> MyClass.fooDefaultsKey) ?? ""
>   super.init()
>   }
> }
> Charles


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Property in class mirrored to user defaults

2017-06-12 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

This feels like a very basic question, but one that I have not had any luck 
searching for (maybe I am using the wrong terms?).

At the moment I have properties in a (singleton) class that are bound to UI 
elements. At the moment they have the same automatic values every time the app 
is launched, although the user can change them while it is running. What I 
would like is for the user's previous choice to be remembered when the app is 
next launched. Obviously this would seem to be a job for NSUserDefaults. I am 
not sure quite what the right way to structure things is, though.

All the simple examples I have seen bind to NSUserDefaults and then if the 
program actually wants to know what the value is, it simply accesses the values 
directly on NSUserDefaults. I would prefer not to do that, though (see below).

What I ~think~ I would like is to still be able to access the values as 
properties of my class. That seems to me like the natural way, and it would 
seem odd to have two categories of value, some accessed through properties on 
the class, and some accessed some other way via NSUserDefaults. However, if I 
bind the UI elements to the shared user defaults object, is that not what will 
happen? Or is there some way that I can "link" my class and the user defaults 
object, so that the properties are saved in user defaults but I can still 
access them in a fairly seamless way from my class? I do like the idea of 
having the properties (and their types) explicitly declared as part of my 
class, rather than being mysterious objects that only exist in the user 

Does anyone have any advice on how I can achieve this, or on how I should be 
thinking about all this differently?

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Re: Relative URLs, and string encodings

2017-06-02 Thread Jonathan Taylor
>> My attempt like:
>> [NSURL URLWithString:[path 
>> stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] 
>> relativeToURL:relativeTo];
> Ah, you want NSUTF8StringEncoding instead. Generally speaking, URL encoding 
> always uses UTF-8 nowadays.

Thankyou for your reply Jens. That's reassuring. (And soon after sending that I 
discovered that my proposed use of NSUnicodeStringEncoding was badly broken 
because it prevented url.path.UTF8String from working. Surprise, surprise: 
using your recommended UTF8 makes that work!

> You mean an open or close (aka “curly”) quote? They’re easily typed with 
> Option-[ and Option-Shift-[.

Ah yes, I knew that once, back in the day before text editors started 
auto-creating the open/close quotes themselves. I only write them manually in 
LaTeX these days.


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Relative URLs, and string encodings

2017-06-01 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Can anyone help me with the seemingly simple task of creating a relative NSURL 
for a filesystem object? The catch here (sorry!) is that I really do need 
backward compatibility to 10.7, which rules out 
fileURLWithFileSystemRepresentation:isDirectory:relativeToURL: (which I suspect 
is the “right” way of doing this).

My attempt like:
[NSURL URLWithString:[path 

This had been working ok for some time, but I have just found it to be broken 
for filenames containing unusual characters. In particular, it fails when given 
a filename containing a “smart quote” (not easily created directly with the 
keyboard, but auto-generated as part of a time machine backup, based on the 
machine name).

Although I do not recall why I used stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding, 
I think it must have been because it failed on some other filename pattern if I 
did not do that.

String encodings is something I know basically nothing about, I am afraid. I am 
speculating that what is happening is that the fancy apostrophe is not ASCII 
and so my code does not work for that filename. I can change the encoding to 
NSUnicodeStringEncoding, and things seem ok, but I don’t know whether that will 
now definitely work for all filenames, or whether I have just stored up an even 
more obscure problem for the future.

So, finally getting to two actual questions:
1. Will unicode encoding give me a robust solution here?
2. Is there a differnet, better way (pre-10.9) I should be using to create a 
relative URL?

Thanks for any advice

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Re: Prioritizing drawing of the important stuff

2016-11-01 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi everyone,

Thankyou all for your replies. Plenty of food for thought there - much 
appreciated. Looks like timers and flow control is the way forward then, if I 
want to tackle this. I just thought I'd see if there was anything built in to 
the standard UI frameworks that might be able to help, but it seems not.

To answer one of Quincey's comments:

>> The low priority thing only really runs  when *nothing* else at all is 
>> happening.
> This shouldn’t be happening, on most Macs. An average desktop Mac has at 
> least 2 CPU cores (4 logical CPUs), which should allow at least 2 
> compute-bound tasks to proceed simultaneously...

The reason for this is that the coalescing, post-when-idle NSNotifications I 
was talking about were being posted to the main queue. Hence all the main queue 
time was being taken up in ultra-smooth drawing of sliders etc, since that of 
course also happens on the main queue (UI drawing...). I agree that it looks as 
if I should bite the bullet and run all this stuff multithreaded. The thing is, 
a lot of it doesn't fundamentally ~need~ to run multithreaded - one thread 
should be enough to get drawing responsiveness that I'm pretty happy with, if I 
could just find a way to control what priorities the different aspects are 
being treated with. Sounds like timers, flow control and/or multiple 
threads/queues is the way to go if I want to solve this properly.


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Re: Prioritizing drawing of the important stuff

2016-10-29 Thread Jonathan Taylor
The point, though, is that the slider will happily update pretty much as as 
often as the CPU allows. The issue is how to control what the OS considers to 
be "smooth enough" slider updates - there's a point at which I'd much rather 
have it "only" update the slider and the quick-to-draw image 10 times/sec, and 
have a bit of time spare to do the low-priority drawing, rather than updating 
the slider and easy image 60 times/sec.

On 29 Oct 2016, at 12:27, Slipp Douglas Thompson <> 

> You could just set up a simple debounce timer— reset it back to 0sec elapsed 
> time whenever the slider is updated, and if it reaches a small delay then the 
> HQ image is rendered (and remains on-screen until the slider is later moved 
> and the process repeats).  No need to rely on GCD or threading.
> — Slipp
>> On Oct 29, 2016, at 4:37 AM, Jonathan Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This is a bit of a general question, but hopefully people may have some 
>> suggestions. I've got some drawing code that synthesizes an image in a 
>> window, which will change in response to sliders (e.g. changing the camera 
>> perspective). My problem is how to make it so that the redrawing of the 
>> image is as responsive as possible as the slider moves.
>> At the moment I just respond to KVO notifications from the slider by 
>> redrawing. This works fairly well. However, after further development work 
>> my program is now a bit more complicated. Effectively, I have two images, 
>> one of which is expensive to draw and one less so. What I would like is to 
>> have the quick-to-draw one update fairly often, and the more expensive one 
>> at lower priority. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to achieve 
>> this?
>> Ideally, I would like the quick image to continue to update responsively as 
>> the slider moves. I am less bothered about how responsive the slow image is. 
>> One way I could do this is to treat it as low priority, either though a low 
>> priority GCD thread or through coalescing post-when-idle NSNotifications. My 
>> experiments so far, though, suggest that this is a rather binary thing. The 
>> low priority thing only really runs  when *nothing* else at all is 
>> happening. This can lead to a scenario where (as far as I can tell via 
>> Instruments) the OS is spending every moment of idle time redrawing a moving 
>> slider at some outrageous frequency, making it look ultra-smooth, but not 
>> dedicating *any* time at all to doing my low-priority drawing.
>> So, I think this basically boils down to a question of load balancing. Is 
>> there a good way to balance the time my code spends on different drawing 
>> activities, making sure all do happen to some extent, but some more often 
>> than others? Importantly (and most challengingly I think) this includes UI 
>> drawing activities that the OS undertakes on my behalf (which I have less 
>> control over).
>> I fear there is no easy solution to this, but if anyone has any suggestions 
>> for things I should look at, that would be really helpful.
>> Cheers
>> Jonny.
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Re: Prioritizing drawing of the important stuff

2016-10-29 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your reply. Unless I am misunderstanding you, though, I think we are 
talking about two slightly different things? It seems that what you are 
referring to is useful in the case where there is a "low quality" and "high 
quality" method for redrawing the *same* image. In that case, inLiveResize 
would be useful for knowing which of the two to use. In my case, though, I have 
two separate images. In fact, one is an xy cross section through a 3D dataset, 
and one is a 3D rendering (which clearly takes longer to compute). It makes 
sense for the xy cross section redraw to be more responsive, since it is 
cheaper to draw, but I don't want the 3D rendering to be neglected entirely. 

Is there a way that what you describe can help there, or are we talking about 
two slightly different things here?


On 29 Oct 2016, at 11:24, Jeff Szuhay <> wrote:

> Actually, there is. This sounds a lot like the resize logic built into the 
> framework.
> In Apple’s “View Programming Guide” there is a section dedicated to “Drawing 
> During Live Window Resizing”
> You already have the fast and slow methods for drawing so you can use them if 
> you pay attention to 
>   -(BOOL) inLiveResize
> Also, you can override viewWillStartLiveResize: and viewDidEndLiveResize: 
> methods on your NSView.
> There is also a demo app that uses bindings to change the window shape and 
> transparency based on its size that might be helpful.
> So, I think I am saying this problem is not new and has been addressed in 
> several different ways in the NSView class.
>> On Oct 29, 2016, at 2:37 AM, Jonathan Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This is a bit of a general question, but hopefully people may have some 
>> suggestions. I've got some drawing code that synthesizes an image in a 
>> window, which will change in response to sliders (e.g. changing the camera 
>> perspective). My problem is how to make it so that the redrawing of the 
>> image is as responsive as possible as the slider moves.
>> At the moment I just respond to KVO notifications from the slider by 
>> redrawing. This works fairly well. However, after further development work 
>> my program is now a bit more complicated. Effectively, I have two images, 
>> one of which is expensive to draw and one less so. What I would like is to 
>> have the quick-to-draw one update fairly often, and the more expensive one 
>> at lower priority. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to achieve 
>> this?
>> Ideally, I would like the quick image to continue to update responsively as 
>> the slider moves. I am less bothered about how responsive the slow image is. 
>> One way I could do this is to treat it as low priority, either though a low 
>> priority GCD thread or through coalescing post-when-idle NSNotifications. My 
>> experiments so far, though, suggest that this is a rather binary thing. The 
>> low priority thing only really runs  when *nothing* else at all is 
>> happening. This can lead to a scenario where (as far as I can tell via 
>> Instruments) the OS is spending every moment of idle time redrawing a moving 
>> slider at some outrageous frequency, making it look ultra-smooth, but not 
>> dedicating *any* time at all to doing my low-priority drawing.
>> So, I think this basically boils down to a question of load balancing. Is 
>> there a good way to balance the time my code spends on different drawing 
>> activities, making sure all do happen to some extent, but some more often 
>> than others? Importantly (and most challengingly I think) this includes UI 
>> drawing activities that the OS undertakes on my behalf (which I have less 
>> control over).
>> I fear there is no easy solution to this, but if anyone has any suggestions 
>> for things I should look at, that would be really helpful.
>> Cheers
>> Jonny.
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Prioritizing drawing of the important stuff

2016-10-29 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

This is a bit of a general question, but hopefully people may have some 
suggestions. I've got some drawing code that synthesizes an image in a window, 
which will change in response to sliders (e.g. changing the camera 
perspective). My problem is how to make it so that the redrawing of the image 
is as responsive as possible as the slider moves.

At the moment I just respond to KVO notifications from the slider by redrawing. 
This works fairly well. However, after further development work my program is 
now a bit more complicated. Effectively, I have two images, one of which is 
expensive to draw and one less so. What I would like is to have the 
quick-to-draw one update fairly often, and the more expensive one at lower 
priority. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to achieve this?

Ideally, I would like the quick image to continue to update responsively as the 
slider moves. I am less bothered about how responsive the slow image is. One 
way I could do this is to treat it as low priority, either though a low 
priority GCD thread or through coalescing post-when-idle NSNotifications. My 
experiments so far, though, suggest that this is a rather binary thing. The low 
priority thing only really runs  when *nothing* else at all is happening. This 
can lead to a scenario where (as far as I can tell via Instruments) the OS is 
spending every moment of idle time redrawing a moving slider at some outrageous 
frequency, making it look ultra-smooth, but not dedicating *any* time at all to 
doing my low-priority drawing.

So, I think this basically boils down to a question of load balancing. Is there 
a good way to balance the time my code spends on different drawing activities, 
making sure all do happen to some extent, but some more often than others? 
Importantly (and most challengingly I think) this includes UI drawing 
activities that the OS undertakes on my behalf (which I have less control over).

I fear there is no easy solution to this, but if anyone has any suggestions for 
things I should look at, that would be really helpful.


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Re: Mixed-state checkboxes

2016-07-08 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks Quincey, that makes sense what you're saying about it being more an 
action method, and your suggested approach sounds nice. 

However, I have not managed to quite get things working based on what I think 
you were describing. I have set up an action on the checkbox, and based on your 
comment about "With no setter, the binding won’t try to update the property, 
it’ll basically be read-only" I changed the bound property to read-only. Maybe 
that was not what you had intended, but with Xcode 5 at least there did not 
seem to be a way I could explicitly say that the binding should only be used 
for reading only. Anyway, if I do that, I get an error: "this class is not key 
value coding-compliant for the key globalChannelEnableState". I wonder if I 
have misunderstood what you were meaning?

Also, when you write:
> You don’t need to dispatch anything to a later iteration of the main event 
> loop. (Even in your current code — the setter will automatically generate the 
> KVO notification, so doing it again later is redundant.)
which of the three choices of code (switched by #if statements...) are you 
referring to, from the code I originally posted? For me, in the first and third 
options the will/didChangeValue calls are essential to avoid the checkbox being 
left displaying '-' state. Is that not the behaviour you would expect here?

One option would be to take up your suggestion of the action method, but 
abandon the binding altogether and just set the actual state of the UI element 
directly from my code. I'd definitely be interested in understanding what it 
sounded like you were suggesting with a "basically read-only" binding though...


On 8 Jul 2016, at 18:35, Quincey Morris <> 

> On Jul 8, 2016, at 05:36 , Jonathan Taylor <> 
> wrote:
>> My setter code currently looks like this:
>> -(void)setGlobalChannelEnableState:(NSInteger)state
> In the circumstances you describe, a setter method is effectively an action 
> method, not a setter — that is, it becomes a method that’s called when your 
> code needs to do something, rather than a way to set some state. As you’ve 
> found, the real setter method tends to work against you here, because you 
> have to figure out what the binding expects with the changed value it thinks 
> it’s setting.
> So, I think a cleaner approach is to leave out the setter method entirely, 
> and use a real action method instead. With no setter, the binding won’t try 
> to update the property, it’ll basically be read-only. When the checkbox is 
> clicked, the action method is still invoked — it’s a NSButton, after all. All 
> the action method has to do is retrieve the current global state via the 
> getter, then set the individual states needed to flip it, sandwiched between 
> one pair of will/didChange calls for the key “globalChannelEnableState”.
> You don’t need to dispatch anything to a later iteration of the main event 
> loop. (Even in your current code — the setter will automatically generate the 
> KVO notification, so doing it again later is redundant.)


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Mixed-state checkboxes

2016-07-08 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

I'm trying to work out the correct way to handle a mixed-state checkbox 
(NSButton checkbox with allowsMixedState=YES), bound to a property on my 
controller. I am intending it to serve as an "applies to all" type control at 
the head of a column of checkboxes - so if other checkboxes in the column are 
toggled, it will display a state of on (if all in column are on), off (if all 
are off), or mixed if there is a mixture of states in the column. 

My property has no backing variable, but a manually-implemented getter and 
setter. I am happy with how the getter is working - it scans the column and 
returns the appropriate state. What I am not sure about is how to handle the 

It seems that allowsMixedState makes it possible to *present* the mixed state, 
but also means that the user can click through the three states in order. What 
I believe the normal interface would be in my situation is for a user click on 
a box in on (or off) state to switch it to off (or on), and a click on mixed 
state puts it to either on or off (not sure which). What I would not expect is 
for a click when in off state to put it into MIXED state. In this interface (if 
I have described it clearly!) it makes no sense for the user to actively put 
the checkbox into mixed state.

So... my question is how to implement the correct behaviour? 

1. It would be great if there was a flag I could set that says "behave like I 
want", but I can't see one!

2. Failing that, I believe what I need to do is to spot the setter being called 
with a value of -1 (mixed), and overrule that. However, I haven't found a way 
of doing that that "feels right" - all successful approaches feel like a hack 
rather than the right way of doing it. My setter code currently looks like this:

if (state == -1)
#if 0
// Checkbox remains in '-' state if I use this code
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"globalChannelEnableState"];
state = 1;
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"globalChannelEnableState"];
#elif 1
// Works. Schedule another call in a moment, to update the 
value to 'on'
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 
self.globalChannelEnableState = 1; });
// Also works. Change the input state and fall through to the 
code that does the actual updating (below)
state = 1;

// Update state for all individual channels [code not shown here]

Can anybody comment, and maybe suggest a more elegant way of handling this? For 
brevity, I have not shown the getter code, but remember that there is no 
backing variable and the getter just examines the current program state to 
determine what the correct value is.

Thanks for any comments

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Re: Prioritize my own app's disk access

2016-07-06 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 6 Jul 2016, at 18:01, Quincey Morris <> 
> On Jul 6, 2016, at 03:06 , Jonathan Taylor <> 
> wrote:
>> a single lost frame will be fairly catastrophic for the scientific experiment
> If this is genuinely your scenario, then nothing mentioned in this thread is 
> going to satisfy your requirements. It is pure whimsy to expect any 
> prioritization mechanic to ensure that the capture is buffered around random 
> unrelated user interactions with the Mac.

All fair points, but the fact is that in practice it works remarkably well at 
the moment. There is still some spare i/o and cpu capacity, and in practice the 
8GB of ram *does* act as a very effective, and very large, buffer. There is a 
clear indication displayed if a backlog starts building, and even a backlog of 
1000 frames is easily recoverable without loss. 

A colleague had tried to transfer some old data to another machine for analysis 
during an experiment, and it became clear this was causing a backlog to build 
in the live recording. It was no problem just to cancel the Finder copy 
operation, and the live recording recovered and cleared the backlog. My 
question was just intended to explore whether there was something easy I could 
do to make that sort of low-priority background request more likely to work 
without causing conflicts. It sounds like the answer is probably not! (Though I 
have definitely learned some very useful stuff in the process)

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Re: Prioritize my own app's disk access

2016-07-06 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks for your reply Alastair. Definitely interested in thinking about your 
suggestions - some responses below that will hopefully help clarify:

> The first thing to state is that you *can’t* write code of this type with the 
> attitude that “dropping frames is not an option”.  Fundamentally, the problem 
> you have is that if you generate video data faster than it can be saved to 
> disk, there is only so much video data you can buffer up before you start 
> swapping, and if you swap you will be dead in the water --- it will kill 
> performance to the extent that you will not be able to save data as quickly 
> as you could before and the result will be catastrophic, with far more frames 
> dropped than if you simply accepted that there was the possibility the 
> machine you were on was not fast enough and would have to occasionally drop a 
> frame.

I should clarify exactly what I mean here. Under normal circumstances I know 
from measurements that the i/o can keep up with the maximum rate at which 
frames can be coming in. I very rarely see any backlog at all reported, but 
might occasionally see a transient glitch (if CPU load momentarily spikes) of 
the order of 10MB backlog that is soon cleared. With that as the status quo, 
and 8GB of RAM available, something has gone badly, badly wrong if we enter vm 
swap chaos. 

When I say "dropping frames is not an option", what I mean is that a single 
lost frame will be fairly catastrophic for the scientific experiment, and so my 
priorities in order are: (1) ensure the machine specs leave plenty of headroom 
above my actual requirements, (2) try and do anything relatively simple I can 
do to ensure my code is efficient and marks threads/operations/etc as high or 
low priority where possible, (3) identify stuff that the user should avoid 
doing (which looks like it includes transferring data off the machine while a 
recording session is in progress - hence this email thread!), (4) not worry too 
much about what to do when we *have* already ended up with a catastrophic 
backlog (i.e. whether to drop frames or do something else), because at that 
point we have failed in the sense that the scientific experiment will basically 
need to be re-run.

I should also clarify that (in spite of my other email thread running in 
parallel to this) I am not doing any complex encoding of the data being 
streamed to disk - these are just basic TIFF images and metadata. The encoding 
I referred to in my other thread is optional offline processing of 
previously-recorded data.

> The right way to approach this type of real time encoding problem is as 
> follows:
> 1. Use statically allocated buffers (or dynamically allocated once at encoder 
> or program startup).  DO NOT dynamically allocate buffers as you generate 
> data.
> 2. Knowing the rate at which you generate video data, decide on the maximum 
> write latency you need to be able to tolerate.  This (plus a bit as you need 
> some free to encode into) will tell you the total size of buffer(s) you need.


> 3. *Either*
>   (i)  Allocate a ring buffer of the size required, then interleave encoding 
> and issuing I/O requests.  You should keep track of where the 
> as-yet-unwritten data starts in your buffer, so you know when your encoder is 
> about to hit that point.  Or
>   (ii) Allocate a ring *of* fixed size buffers totalling the size required; 
> start encoding into the first one, then when finished, issue an I/O request 
> for that buffer and continue encoding into the next one.  You should keep 
> track of which buffers are in use, so you can detect when you run out.
> 4. When issuing I/O requests, DO NOT use blocking I/O from the encoder 
> thread.  You want to be able to continue to fetch video from your camera and 
> generate data *while* I/O takes place.  GCD is a good option here, or you 
> could use a separate I/O thread with a semaphore, or any other asynchronous 
> I/O mechanism (e.g. POSIX air, libuv and so on).
> 5. If you find yourself running out of buffers, drop frames until buffer 
> space is available, and display the number of frame drops to the user.  This 
> is *much* better than attempting to use dynamic buffers and then ending up 
> swapping, which is I think what’s happening to you (having read your later 
> e-mails).

I am making good use of GCD here (and like it very much!). There are quite a 
few queues involved, and one is a dedicated disk-writing queue. The main 
CPU-intensive work going on in parallel with this is some realtime image 
analysis, but this is running on a concurrent queue.

Hopefully my detail above explains why I really do not want to drop frames 
and/or use a ring buffer. Effectively I have a buffer pool, but if I exhaust 
the buffer pool then (a) something is going badly wrong, and (b) I prefer to 
expand the buffer pool as a last-ditch attempt to cope with the backlog rather 
than terminating the experiment right then and there.

> Without knowing 

Re: Prioritize my own app's disk access

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks everyone for your replies on this second question of mine. Some 
responses below:

On 5 Jul 2016, at 18:20, Quincey Morris  

> What worries me about the Darwin-level (i.e. Unix-level) API suggestions that 
> others have made is that you don’t know how these interact with Cocoa apps. 
> You didn’t actually say whether your app is a Cocoa app, but if so …

It is indeed a cocoa app.

> I think the best modern approach is to route your CPU and IO usage via GCD. 
> That is, from the point where some callback gives you raw video, use 
> dispatch_async to schedule the processing on a GCD queue, and use the GCD I/O 
> primitives to actually do the I/O.
> That will allow you to specify a quality of service (“user interactive” is 
> the highest), which should interact properly with other apps, e.g. the Finder 
> doing a large copy.
> That should take care of CPU and IO. For memory, I agree with Jens that you 
> should preallocate and reuse memory buffers, rather than re-allocating them, 
> as far as possible.

Interesting. I know and love GCD queues, but have not played with the I/O 
stuff. As far as the quality of service goes, I can't see the APIs for that 
(looking in the 10.9 SDK, at least). Am I looking in the wrong place? Text 
search for variants on "user interactive" haven't brought up anything for me in 
the "dispatch" folder.

If I am honest, I suspect I will probably leave things as-is - the for the same 
pragmatic reasons I mentioned in my other email. Unless and until I have 
problems with i/o throughput when my own app is running unmolested, I think 
I'll probably just reiterate advice to users not to leave large copy operations 
running in the background while also recording to disk! I thought I would ask 
the question just in case there was an easy solution I should know about, but 
it sounds as if (understandably) any solution would be fairly involved and 
require some structural changes to my code. That's not to say that it isn't 
very interesting to broaden my mind and understand better what APIs are out 
there, for the next time...

On 5 Jul 2016, at 17:19, Jens Alfke  wrote:

> In addition to increasing I/O priority, there may be other ways to make your 
> disk writes more efficient. For example you can preallocate space for the 
> file before writing to it. Writing in larger chunks may also help. (Of course 
> you may have tried these already.)

I confess that currently I am using pure cocoa -writeToFile:atomically calls. I 
am fully aware that this is very unlikely to be the best way to do high 
performance IO, but it's great in terms of convenience. Again, I'm afraid (in 
the very specific context of a not-that-widely-distributed program running on 
dedicated computers) my question was fishing for a low-hanging fruit that might 
allow me a quick fix that left my own code as-is but encouraged the Finder to 
play nicely along with my not-entirely-optimal code :-)

> Using wired memory for your buffers is also a good idea, since if any of 
> those buffers get paged out things will really go to hell.

Buffer paging is indeed what eventually brings the program (and machine) to its 
knees if things go *really* badly wrong in terms of a backlog. I'm not seeing 
how this would solve a fundamental problem of i/o bandwidth being inadequate, 
but I can see that this would be a good thing to do in terms of preventing some 
*transient* condition from tipping things from one stable state (streaming to 
disk successfully) to another stable, but disastrous, state (thrashing the disk 
due to paging, meaning the frames can't be saved fast enough, more backlog, 
more thrashing, etc).

> Also, I assume you’ve profiled the code and are confident that it’s being 
> constrained by I/O bandwidth and not CPU time? (It’s possible that I/O 
> requests made by real-time threads get higher priority; I can’t remember if 
> this is the case, as it’s a long time since I’ve had to deal with this sort 
> of stuff.)

Yes. Definitely measured as an i/o bandwidth issue in this case. I am presuming 
(though have not profiled on this level of detail) that the problem is 
primarily one of seek times on a magnetic disk - a Finder copy going on in the 
background is competing with my own writes in terms of where the disk head 
needs to be...

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Re: Property synthesis trouble - 32 vs 64 bit builds

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 5 Jul 2016, at 22:22, "Gary L. Wade"  wrote:
> You might need to write some lower level stuff, but some of the things in 
> there can be done, albeit differently. Apple knows I've submitted a number of 
> bugs and incident reports to get codecs supported in later frameworks. Do the 
> same. It may happen.

... ah, and I've just seen this reply from Gary as well. That's good to know - 
maybe I should take a fresh look if I do commit to the switch to a 64-bit build.

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Re: Property synthesis trouble - 32 vs 64 bit builds

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
>> Quicktime.
> Oh, you poor thing. That’s one nasty API. (Actually dozens of nasty APIs.) O_o

Yep. I rely on code that I worked out years ago, with the help of examples on 
the internet, and I do my best to leave that code untouched!

>> My code has been 32-bit only since I first wrote it, because I make use of 
>> the APIs in QuickTime/ImageCompression.h for encoding movies. It's my 
>> understanding (as of last time I checked) that no equivalent functionality 
>> is available in the newer APIs.
> AVFoundation is supposed to be the replacement for QuickTime, and definitely 
> supports video encoding. I’ve only used it for audio, though, so I don’t know 
> the details of its video support.

Unless it has been enhanced, I think the support for proper compression was 
lacking, and as a result any generated movie files would be enormous.


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Re: Property synthesis trouble - 32 vs 64 bit builds

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks everyone for your replies - some responses below:

On 5 Jul 2016, at 20:55, Greg Parker  wrote:
> A synthesized property must use one of the following types of storage:
> 1. An ivar in that class that @synthesize creates.
> 2. An ivar in that class that you defined yourself.
> @synthesize on 32-bit macOS doesn't support #1. The problem is that 32-bit 
> macOS doesn't support non-fragile ivars. Allowing @synthesize to create ivars 
> would make it too easy to accidentally change ivar layout and break 
> compatibility.
> No platform allows @synthesize to bind to a superclass ivar. That would make 
> it too easy to accidentally bind to an unrelated superclass ivar when you 
> really wanted to create a new ivar.

That last statement is a surprise to me. I had believed that the 32-bit code I 
posted was doing just that - MutableSettings binding its property to the ivar 
in ImmutableSettings. Certainly it's not clear to me how that statement *and* 
your statement that #1 is not supported on 32-bit could both be true (there is 
no backing ivar that I declare in the mutable subclass). I also ~think~ the 
code is working correctly on a 32-bit platform (and has been for several years).

I'm not meaning to be argumentative, just trying to get my head around this :-) 

On 5 Jul 2016, at 18:12, Quincey Morris  
> I’d recommend a different approach, especially if there’s no behavior for the 
> property other than getting or setting an instance variable (which I assume, 
> because you’re trying to use synthesis):
> [...]
> It may sound weird to make the property (internally) settable in an immutable 
> class, but the instance variable is always modifiable in the superclass 
> anyway, so it’s kinda the same thing. Having a private setter there doesn’t 
> really change anything.

Interesting. It does indeed sound weird, but I agree that it shouldn't actually 
be any different to what I'm currently doing. I might just give that a go!

Does this approach have any specific advantages compared to the approach 
suggested by Keary (i.e. basically don't do any synthesis, and just write a 
getter in the base class and a setter in the subclass)?

> Side note:
> Why are you even supporting 32-bit architectures on the Mac? The only good 
> reason I can think of is if you must still update users running OS X 10.5. 
> Users of 10.6.8 and above can (and should) use 64-bit versions of apps.

Quicktime. My code has been 32-bit only since I first wrote it, because I make 
use of the APIs in QuickTime/ImageCompression.h for encoding movies. It's my 
understanding (as of last time I checked) that no equivalent functionality is 
available in the newer APIs. That, plus a big dose of "if it ain't broke, don't 
fix it", as a scientist for whom this Cocoa application of mine is a very 
helpful tool for me and my colleagues, but is just a means to an end rather 
than a product in its own right.

I have only now started looking at 64 bit (knowing I am losing the quicktime 
functionality) because I wanted to look at interfacing with libraries that are 
64-bit only.

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Re: Property synthesis trouble - 32 vs 64 bit builds

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks for that information - that’s very helpful. It sounds from what you are 
saying as if there is nothing wrong with me redefining the *property* in the 
subclass (as read-write), but that it’s just the synthesis itself that is the 
problem? Assuming that is the case, I can easily(*) rectify that by writing 
explicit setters/getters, so I will do that.

(*) there are rather a lot of these properties in the actual original code, but 
it just involves a lot of typing!

On 5 Jul 2016, at 16:12, Keary Suska <> wrote:

>> On Jul 5, 2016, at 5:36 AM, Jonathan Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>> I have a problem with property synthesis in my code, which I hope somebody 
>> can advise on. I find I have to write different property synthesis code for 
>> 32- or 64-bit builds in order to avoid compiler errors.
>> A minimal demonstration of the problem can be found below - build as part of 
>> a fresh project on Xcode 5 or 6, with ARC disabled. It surprises me that I 
>> have to write different synthesis code for 32- or 64-bit builds - and this 
>> then makes me worry that I am doing something more fundamentally wrong. Can 
>> anyone comment (or explain)?
>> [I appreciate that this code may be old-fashioned in style - I am not even 
>> sure what is or is not the recommended style these days. It seems to work 
>> though - and, importantly, as far as I can tell the synthesized property 
>> myFlag on MutableSettings *does* map to the same backing variable, even on a 
>> 64-bit build where I am not able to specify the backing variable in the 
>> synthesis statement]
> 32 vs 64 is likely coincidental, and probably has more to do with compiler 
> differences. I.e., at that time, there were additional compiler “features” 
> for 64 bit vs 32 bit. So my thought is that what you are doing is wrong in 
> both cases, but you are simply getting different compiler errors.
> The essential issue I believe is that you cannot re-synthesize in a subclass. 
> You will have to specify the setter explicitly. The issue in the second 
> (64-bit) case is that when you specify @synthesize with an instance variable 
> you are specifying a *new* instance variable on that class, but the compiler 
> correctly warns you that that instance variable has already been defined in 
> the superclass and therefore cannot also be defined in the subclass. The 32 
> bit compiler seems to be letting you get away with this error, but it could 
> have horrible unintended consequences.


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Re: Prioritize my own app's disk access

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks Alastair. Mark Allan’s email set me off reading things in that area, and 
I am indeed reading the man page for setiopolicy_np at this very moment!

Certainly sounds like the API I am looking for although, as you say, it’s not 
clear where the “default” policy fits into the hierarchy. The man page states 
that [IOPOL_IMPORTANT] "is the default I/O policy for new threads”, and so if 
true then that would suggest that all a program can do is DOWNgrade its 
priority. However, the man page is evidently not entirely correct, based on the 
result you got, so who knows!

I also wonder what priority the Finder would use for copying a folder. I might 
hope it would set itself to STANDARD or THROTTLE; if it does do that, then that 
would suggest that even this is not proving enough to prevent my code getting 

On 5 Jul 2016, at 16:34, Alastair Houghton <> wrote:

> On 5 Jul 2016, at 13:36, Jonathan Taylor <> 
> wrote:
>> This is a long shot, but I thought I would ask in case an API exists to do 
>> what I want. One of the roles of my code is to record video to disk as it is 
>> received from a camera. A magnetic hard disk can normally keep up with this, 
>> but if the user is also doing other things on the computer (e.g. long file 
>> copy in the Finder) then we are unable to keep up, and accumulate an 
>> ever-increasing backlog of frames waiting to be saved. This eventually leads 
>> to running out of memory, thrashing, and an unresponsive computer. Dropping 
>> frames is not an option. In this case, the computer is a dedicated 
>> workstation running my code, so it *is* correct for me to consider my code 
>> to be the number 1 priority on the computer.
>> What I am wondering is whether there is some way I can communicate this 
>> requirement, to cause other apps such as the finder to get disk access at 
>> lower priority. Or alternatively, a way that I can demand high priority 
>> temporarily, at times when I identify that we have accumulated a save 
>> backlog?
> Take a look at get/setiopolicy_np().  It isn’t clear from the documentation 
> exactly what the default behaviour is; when I tried calling getiopolicy_np() 
> I got IOPOL_DEFAULT, which isn’t even mentioned as a value on the man page, 
> but you may find that setting your thread/process’s IO policy to 
> IOPOL_IMPORTANT solves your problem.


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Prioritize my own app's disk access

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
This is a long shot, but I thought I would ask in case an API exists to do what 
I want. One of the roles of my code is to record video to disk as it is 
received from a camera. A magnetic hard disk can normally keep up with this, 
but if the user is also doing other things on the computer (e.g. long file copy 
in the Finder) then we are unable to keep up, and accumulate an ever-increasing 
backlog of frames waiting to be saved. This eventually leads to running out of 
memory, thrashing, and an unresponsive computer. Dropping frames is not an 
option. In this case, the computer is a dedicated workstation running my code, 
so it *is* correct for me to consider my code to be the number 1 priority on 
the computer.

What I am wondering is whether there is some way I can communicate this 
requirement, to cause other apps such as the finder to get disk access at lower 
priority. Or alternatively, a way that I can demand high priority temporarily, 
at times when I identify that we have accumulated a save backlog?

I can see reasons why this is probably not possible, but I thought I’d ask if 
anyone has any suggestions that might be relevant here.
Thanks for any suggestions

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Property synthesis trouble - 32 vs 64 bit builds

2016-07-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

I have a problem with property synthesis in my code, which I hope somebody can 
advise on. I find I have to write different property synthesis code for 32- or 
64-bit builds in order to avoid compiler errors.

A minimal demonstration of the problem can be found below - build as part of a 
fresh project on Xcode 5 or 6, with ARC disabled. It surprises me that I have 
to write different synthesis code for 32- or 64-bit builds - and this then 
makes me worry that I am doing something more fundamentally wrong. Can anyone 
comment (or explain)?

[I appreciate that this code may be old-fashioned in style - I am not even sure 
what is or is not the recommended style these days. It seems to work though - 
and, importantly, as far as I can tell the synthesized property myFlag on 
MutableSettings *does* map to the same backing variable, even on a 64-bit build 
where I am not able to specify the backing variable in the synthesis statement]


@interface ImmutableSettings : NSObject
@property (readonly) BOOL myFlag;

@interface MutableSettings : ImmutableSettings
@property (readwrite) BOOL myFlag;

@implementation ImmutableSettings

if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
_myFlag = true;
return self;
@synthesize myFlag = _myFlag;


@implementation MutableSettings
// This is very odd - I get errors on 64-bit builds if I specify a backing 
variable for synthesis,
// but I get errors on 32-bit builds if I *don't* specify a backing variable!?
#if defined(__x86_64__)
// On 32-bit builds I get an error here:
// "Synthesized property 'myFlag' must either be named the same as a 
compatible instance variable or must explicitly name an instance variable"
@synthesize myFlag;
// On 64-bit builds I get an error here:
// "Property 'myFlag' attempting to use instance variable '_myFlag' 
declared in super class 'ImmutableSettings'"
@synthesize myFlag = _myFlag;



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Tick marks on scroll bars

2016-06-13 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

Does anyone know a way of implementing "tick marks" on a scroll bar, in the way 
that Xcode does to mark code lines where there is an error/warning? From 
reading header files, I can't see any obvious built-in API to implement this 
feature, but perhaps somebody knows of a custom class that somebody has written 
to implement this functionality? It's something I would like to use, and would 
do if it was comparatively simple to do so, but it's not crucial enough that it 
would be worth my time to write a custom subclass from scratch to do it I 
suspect (I have no experience of customizing controls, even if to an expert it 
might be comparatively simple!).

Thanks for any suggestions...

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Re: ARC [was Protecting against "app nap"]

2016-05-12 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Jens,

Thanks again for your reply. I'm sure this has been done to death over the 
years on the list, but... you would definitely recommend ARC then, would you? 
I've been a bit put off by what seems like regular questions on the list(s) 
about debugging and fixing edge cases where ARC doesn't work. I guess that only 
shows the times when it doesn't work, but it's rather left me thinking that 
it's just the same, but with less explicit indication of what is going on. Is 
that an unfair assessment, in your view?

Best regards,

On 11 May 2016, at 16:10, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

>> On May 11, 2016, at 2:31 AM, Jonathan Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>> I guess I just found method naming a bit odd (not really referring to an 
>> object at all), and might have expected it to have an ‘alloc/new’ naming 
>> since I’d have thought the API would be almost exclusively used for 
>> activities that continue beyond the calling scope.
> The only methods named +alloc or +new are the core methods on NSObject that 
> instantiate objects. (There’s also -copy and -mutableCopy.) Regular methods 
> don’t use that naming scheme nor return owned references, they just 
> consistently return unowned references. That keeps the rules simpler.
> (And I really recommend using ARC! It saves trouble and eliminates a lot of 
> bugs, like this one.)
> —Jens


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Re: Protecting against "app nap"

2016-05-11 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thankyou both for your replies - a couple of replies below:

On 10 May 2016, at 23:33, Jens Alfke  wrote:
>> However, I was a bit surprised to find that I seem to need to explicitly 
>> retain the object I get back [this is non-ARC code…] if I want my request to 
>> remain in effect or even for the object to remain allocated to allow me to 
>> call endActivity at a later point.
> It’s standard Cocoa memory management: when an object is returned to you from 
> a method, you don’t own a reference to it, so it’s not guaranteed to remain 
> valid. Since you’re holding onto the object, in order to call -endActivity 
> later, you must be storing it in a non-local variable, so you need to retain 
> it.

Fair enough. I agree that according to standard memory and naming conventions I 
should be expecting to have to retain the object. I guess I just found method 
naming a bit odd (not really referring to an object at all), and might have 
expected it to have an ‘alloc/new’ naming since I’d have thought the API would 
be almost exclusively used for activities that continue beyond the calling 
scope. Oh well.

>> My question here is what is the most appropriate way of identifying in code 
>> whether this feature is available, to ensure I only set it when it will be 
>> accepted.
> Hm, it’s hard to say, because the declaration of DISPATCH_TIMER_STRICT 
> doesn’t specify what OS versions it’s usable with (via 
> __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING or something similar.) You may have to do some 
> research to narrow down when it was added.

OK, will do. Just wasn’t sure if there was a better way to nail it down.

On 10 May 2016, at 18:40, Paul Scott  wrote:
> Did you try clicking “Prevent app nap” in the “Info” inspector for the app?

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t spotted that. Useful to know about (and it looks like 
setting NSAppSleepDisabled in Info.plist should achieve the same thing without 
manual user intervention). However, it looks like beginActivityWithOptions has 
a broader remit than just app nap, so I’ll go with the belt and braces approach 
and do both…


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Protecting against "app nap"

2016-05-10 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

I’m hoping somebody can help me work out how to protect my code against the 
effects of “app nap”. This code is driving a scientific experiment, unattended, 
and it is catastrophic when the OS decides that my timers running at 10Hz 
should only be fired every 10 seconds or so… which it turns out has been 

I have been calling [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] beginActivityWithOptions:…] 
from -applicationDidFinishLaunching. I know that a blanket declaration like 
this would typically be considered poor practice, but honestly if the program 
is running then the experiment is running and I need the OS not to mess with my 
timings to that extent. Anyway, that seems to help stop the timer weirdness. 
However, I was a bit surprised to find that I seem to need to explicitly retain 
the object I get back [this is non-ARC code…] if I want my request to remain in 
effect or even for the object to remain allocated to allow me to call 
endActivity at a later point. I wasn’t expecting to have to retain it, and 
there’s no explicit mention of that in the headers, so I just wanted to check 
that is to be expected, or whether I may be doing something weirdly wrong.

The other thing I wanted to ask relates to creating a timer using 
dispatch_source_create. I have tried to be flexible where I can in terms of 
providing a leeway for non-critical timers, but others I really want to have 
control over. For these I am specifying DISPATCH_TIMER_STRICT, also in the hope 
of dissuading the OS from trying to be too clever for its own good. I notice 
that using this flag leads to dispatch_source_create failing on 10.8.5, which I 
presume is because the flag is not recognised (or needed) on that OS version. 
My question here is what is the most appropriate way of identifying in code 
whether this feature is available, to ensure I only set it when it will be 

Any help much appreciated!

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Re: Identify image file count in directory

2015-11-14 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Gary,

Thanks for your reply. Do you know for sure that this should be significantly 
faster, or were you just guessing? You didn't say which particular API you had 
in mind, but some reading has led me to the fts APIs. These appear to be about 
20% faster than NSFileManager (I specified FTS_NAMEONLY). Better than a kick in 
the teeth, but still seems to me like it might be possible to do it faster.

I measured about 2.5 seconds for a directory on a "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" 
external USB3 hard disk containing 110,000 files with names around 15 
characters long. I don't know much about how filesystems are structured, so 
this information may not be all in one place, but that should represent less 
than 1MB/s of data read in order to get a list of all the filenames in the 

Maybe this is as good as it's going to get, but it would be great to know if 
there is a better way.


On 13 Nov 2015, at 16:54, Gary L. Wade <> wrote:

> Try going down a level to the BSD layer APIs for directory contents traversal.
> --
> Gary L. Wade (Sent from my iPad)
>> On Nov 13, 2015, at 8:28 AM, Jonathan Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to be able to identify quickly (programatically) how many image files 
>> reside in a particular directory. At present I call:
>> [NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:dir error:nil];
>> and then examine the type suffixes (which in comparison is very quick). When 
>> looking at a directory over a network or on an external drive, the 
>> NSFileManager call can take several seconds for a directory containing 18k 
>> files of which half are images.
>> These sorts of numbers are in fact a common use case for me, and I would 
>> like to avoid this delay. This is for preview information in an NSOpenPanel, 
>> so I don't want to make things this unresponsive - but at the same time it 
>> is very useful to have access to this information for the preview.
>> Can anybody advise on a quicker way of achieving what I want to achieve? The 
>> fact that 'ls' takes almost as long makes me think this is probably a fairly 
>> insurmountable problem, but at the same time the quantity of information 
>> transferred (of the order of 200k of data) should not take 2 seconds to 
>> transfer, so in that sense it doesn't seem unreasonable to try and see if 
>> there is a faster way.
>> I would prefer to get the filenames themselves, but I could settle for just 
>> a count of the total number of files (of any kind) in the directory *and* 
>> the ability to get the paths of just the first few files in the directory, 
>> if there might be a faster way of doing that.
>> Thanks for any suggestions
>> Jonny


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Identify image file count in directory

2015-11-13 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

I want to be able to identify quickly (programatically) how many image files 
reside in a particular directory. At present I call:
  [NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:dir error:nil];
and then examine the type suffixes (which in comparison is very quick). When 
looking at a directory over a network or on an external drive, the 
NSFileManager call can take several seconds for a directory containing 18k 
files of which half are images.

These sorts of numbers are in fact a common use case for me, and I would like 
to avoid this delay. This is for preview information in an NSOpenPanel, so I 
don't want to make things this unresponsive - but at the same time it is very 
useful to have access to this information for the preview.

Can anybody advise on a quicker way of achieving what I want to achieve? The 
fact that 'ls' takes almost as long makes me think this is probably a fairly 
insurmountable problem, but at the same time the quantity of information 
transferred (of the order of 200k of data) should not take 2 seconds to 
transfer, so in that sense it doesn't seem unreasonable to try and see if there 
is a faster way.

I would prefer to get the filenames themselves, but I could settle for just a 
count of the total number of files (of any kind) in the directory *and* the 
ability to get the paths of just the first few files in the directory, if there 
might be a faster way of doing that.

Thanks for any suggestions

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Re: Lost memory, GCD, dispatch sources, Cocoa bindings & User interface

2015-09-16 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Jean,

A wild guess that might or might not have any relevance to your problem: I see 
that you are wrapping your blocks with an autorelease pool, and that reminded 
me of a problem I dealt with a while back. 

As I understand it (and as discussed on this list some while back I think) 
pools may not always be drained when you expect. I'm not sure if that applies 
to explicitly generated ones, but it certainly seems to apply to little 
snippets of callback code (e.g. UI accessors) that may be called from within 
the main event loop. I have a dim recollection there may be some funny stuff 
with GCD-related code as well.

Anyway, I have the following little bit of code in my application. I don't 
remember all the details now, so the comment itself (and perhaps a trawl 
through the list archives for that text) will have to serve as an explanation:

// Create a periodic timer that "tickles" the main event loop to drain 
autorelease pools.
// Response from cocoa-dev discussion was that:
//   This is a long-standing problem with AppKit. According to the 
//   "The Application Kit creates an autorelease pool on the main 
thread at the
//   beginning of every cycle of the event loop, and drains it at 
the end, thereby
//   releasing any autoreleased objects generated while processing 
an event."
//   However, this is somewhat misleading. The "end" of the event 
loop cycle is
//   immediately before the beginning. Thus, for example, if your app 
is in the background
//   and not receiving events, then the autorelease pool will not be 
drained. That's why
//   your memory drops significantly when you click the mouse or switch 
[JDispatchTimer allocRepeatingTimerOnQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() 
atInterval:5.0 withHandler:^{
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent 
otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined location:NSZeroPoint modifierFlags:0 
timestamp:[NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] windowNumber:0 context:nil 
subtype:0 data1:0 data2:0];
[NSApp postEvent:event atStart:YES];

I wonder if that would be any help with your case - either for the exact 
reasons I encountered, or for some reason along similar lines. It just might be 
a wild stab in the dark at a quick (but obscure) fix, but if it doesn't help 
then I guess you'll have to start exploring things with Instruments as others 
have suggested.


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KVO detection of changes to selection in NSOpenPanel

2015-07-20 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I’ve just noticed a glitch where my custom file preview box in an NSOpenPanel 
works fine on OS X 10.9.5 but does not get updated on 10.8.5. Specifically, I 
declare a dependency of my property on panel.filenames, panel.URL and 
panel.directoryURL (just to see if ANY of them fire), and none of them are 
getting prodded when the user changes the selected file/directory. Does anybody 
know if this is expected behaviour?

I did notice somewhere buried in here:
that it says (for OS X 10.9)
 Key Value Observation compliance was dramatically increased for public and 
 some private properties of actual, non sandboxed NSOpen and Save panels, 
 including keys affecting other values. For example, if the directory value 
 changes on a save panel, this will cause a KVO notification to be emitted for 
 the URL value as well as the directory value. Sandboxed NSOpen and Save 
 Panels do not have the same level of KVO compliance.

This does make me wonder if I should perhaps not be surprised that my use of 
keyPathsAffectingValueForKey is not going well, although nothing in that 
statement seems to specifically preclude what I am doing from working on 10.8. 
Does anyone know if there’s any hope of my KVO approach working? The 
alternative seems to be to implement a delegate method for 
panelSelectionDidChange. Would that be the sensible way to deal with this, or 
is there a third and better way I should be using?


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Re: How to resize accessory view to match Open panel

2015-07-10 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Well, I think I have bumbled my way towards a working solution that seems to 
work (tested on OS 10.9), although this was largely through trial and error and 
so might not be the best way of doing things. Thankyou very much to everyone 
who offered help on and off list.

One indirect clue I found was here:
(I encountered the same issue if I set 
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=NO in the nib itself)

Another was the failure of my attempts to manually set my own constraints on my 
view, after adding it to the NSOpenPanel. As far as I can tell, the act of 
adding it causes NSOpenPanel to apply some fairly aggressive auto-constraints, 
and I didn’t manage to work out how I could override them. That might somewhat 
explain why my attempts to change things in my nib file weren’t having much 
effect - I suspect that NSOpenPanel is specifically overriding certain 
properties with ones it has chosen itself.

Anyway, long story short: AFTER adding the view as openPanel.accessoryView, I 
manually set the view rectangle to fill its parent view, and then I do:
viewController.view.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | 
NSViewHeightSizable;// Must be done AFTER adding as accessory view
This seems to result in the behaviour I want (my view fills the available 
space, and scales as the window is resized). This works regardless of whether 
the nib itself is set to autolayout or not.

Hopefully that information might be of some use for posterity.


On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:18, Ken Thomases wrote:

 On Jul 9, 2015, at 7:05 AM, Jonathan Taylor 
 I gave it a try, setting what I thought should be needed, but it doesn’t 
 seem to be having the desired effect as yet. I have the nib file set to “Use 
 autolayout”, and have included the code you quoted.
 Even in a NIB set to use auto layout, top-level views have 
 translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints turned on.  So, you should turn it 
 off in the NIB on the Attributes inspector or in code after you've loaded it, 
 if the open panel is expected to be auto-layout-savvy.  (In general, 
 actually, one should leave it on and let the code which places the view into 
 a larger hierarchy decide whether to turn it off.  But maybe turning it off 
 will work for this case.  I don't know.)


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Re: How to resize accessory view to match Open panel

2015-07-09 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 9 Jul 2015, at 16:18, Ken Thomases wrote:

 On Jul 9, 2015, at 7:05 AM, Jonathan Taylor 
 I gave it a try, setting what I thought should be needed, but it doesn’t 
 seem to be having the desired effect as yet. I have the nib file set to “Use 
 autolayout”, and have included the code you quoted.
 Even in a NIB set to use auto layout, top-level views have 
 translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints turned on.  So, you should turn it 
 off in the NIB on the Attributes inspector or in code after you've loaded it, 
 if the open panel is expected to be auto-layout-savvy.  (In general, 
 actually, one should leave it on and let the code which places the view into 
 a larger hierarchy decide whether to turn it off.  But maybe turning it off 
 will work for this case.  I don't know.)

Interestingly, setting it in the NIB did not go well:
*** Assertion failure in -[NSImageView _didChangeHostsAutolayoutEngineTo:], 
An uncaught exception was raised
Should translate autoresizing mask into constraints if 

I guess as you say the runtime is very keen for me to leave it on!

It’s conceivable that my problem is that I am not doing something important 
related to autolayout (which is new to me), though I am not sure what it could 
be. I am giving the view a low content-hugging priority (“the priority with 
which it RESISTS being made larger/smaller than its intrinsic size”) in case 
that would make any difference (it doesn’t). I have tried both with the text 
control and with an NSImageView (just in case that makes any difference). In 
the imageview case, the intrinsic size of the view is very small, and it is 
very happy to resize itself to the frame rectangle that I have no choice but to 
define for it in IB. However it is utterly refusing to undergo any other 
resizing in order to fill the size of the parent view that it has been inserted 
into in the NSOpenPanel. 

If people weren’t saying that they had managed to get accessory views to resize 
according to the width of the parent view (over which I don’t have control, of 
course), then I’d assume it wasn’t possible. However since it apparently is 
possible I’m tearing my hair out over this, trying to work out what I am 
missing. I don’t suppose anybody knows of any examples that definitely 
demonstrate this working?


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Re: How to resize accessory view to match Open panel

2015-07-09 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks very much for your reply. I did wonder if autolayout might make life 
easier - that’s something I haven’t delved into before.

I gave it a try, setting what I thought should be needed, but it doesn’t seem 
to be having the desired effect as yet. I have the nib file set to “Use 
autolayout”, and have included the code you quoted. Doesn’t seem to have any 
effect. I am loading a nib which contains just an NSTextField, which I have 
given a red background to make it clear what its extent is. As you can see from 
this screenshot, the text field is retaining its shape as defined in the nib 
and is not resizing as I would like it to, to match the size of the parent 
It may be that I am doing something wrong related to autolayout (although this 
was exactly the problem I was having with non-autolayout as well…). Do you have 
any thoughts about what I might be missing in order for this to behave as I 
would like?


On 8 Jul 2015, at 22:44, Lee Ann Rucker wrote:

 My accessory views use autolayout and that seems to work fine in 10.9 and up. 
 In 10.8, you need
  [accessoryView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded];
  if (floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) = NSAppKitVersionNumber10_8) {
 [accessoryView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES];
 On Jul 8, 2015, at 8:33 AM, Jonathan Taylor 
 I feel this should be a simple question, but I cannot find an answer that 
 I have an open panel to which I am trying to add an accessory view. That 
 much works. However I would like the accessory view to resize to fit the 
 width of the parent window. It’s just a textual description, after all.
 An old thread here:
 suggests this is not trivial to do.
 I have tried the suggested monitoring of NSWindowDidResizeNotification (and 
 also tried NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification), and these don’t seem to work 
 quite right. There have been plenty of OS changes since that thread was 
 written, so probably no surprises there.
 What happens is that it doesn’t seem possible to *shrink* the Open window (I 
 guess the ‘hard’ size that I am setting for my view is affecting the minimum 
 size of the overall window) and, much more alarmingly, I get crashes when 
 The alternative suggestion related to IB struts doesn’t seem to work for me 
 either. I set all four edge struts and tried both with and without the 
 ‘resizeable’ arrows in the middle of the view. No effect.
 Can anyone advise on the current and correct way of getting the accessory 
 view to resize appropriately? It seems this should be a common desired 
 behaviour, but haven’t had any luck doing it or finding any recent 
 examples/advice on google…
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How to resize accessory view to match Open panel

2015-07-08 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I feel this should be a simple question, but I cannot find an answer that works.

I have an open panel to which I am trying to add an accessory view. That much 
works. However I would like the accessory view to resize to fit the width of 
the parent window. It’s just a textual description, after all.

An old thread here:
suggests this is not trivial to do.

I have tried the suggested monitoring of NSWindowDidResizeNotification (and 
also tried NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification), and these don’t seem to work 
quite right. There have been plenty of OS changes since that thread was 
written, so probably no surprises there.

What happens is that it doesn’t seem possible to *shrink* the Open window (I 
guess the ‘hard’ size that I am setting for my view is affecting the minimum 
size of the overall window) and, much more alarmingly, I get crashes when 

The alternative suggestion related to IB struts doesn’t seem to work for me 
either. I set all four edge struts and tried both with and without the 
‘resizeable’ arrows in the middle of the view. No effect.

Can anyone advise on the current and correct way of getting the accessory view 
to resize appropriately? It seems this should be a common desired behaviour, 
but haven’t had any luck doing it or finding any recent examples/advice on 


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Re: Custom NSView subclass - expressing the fact that a property affects the displayed image

2015-05-27 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 The closest I got was creating a macro that uses np_thread_main() (or 
 whatever it was called exactly, it’s part of the pthreads API, IIRC) and 
 throws if it’s not the main thread. I call that e.g. in 
 observeValueForKeyPath overrides whenever I make thread-unsafe calls, so I 
 don’t accidentally make a threaded call.

Ah, that's a good idea. I had wanted to do something like that but had been put 
off by the very large number of possible entry points. observeValueForKeyPath 
is a great idea that is sure to fire if any GUI-bound properties change.

 Of course, it’s only a runtime check, but it’s better than nothing. Sure 
 would be fine if the Static Analyzer could be made to understand KVO and 
 threading and complain about such uses.

I have a suspicion that if you can get the static analyzer to understand that 
then you have probably solved a number of officially Hard problems along the 

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Re: Custom NSView subclass - expressing the fact that a property affects the displayed image

2015-05-23 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 23 May 2015, at 00:21, Graham Cox wrote:
 My advice is: forget it. What you’re doing is fine, and it’s the normal way 
 to make views repaint when a property changes. It’s not code ‘bloat’ either - 
 @synthesize produces code just as if you’d written it yourself. Any other way 
 than simply adding a call to -setNeedsDisplay: is MORE code than that. 

Just to be clear, I meant source code bloat - in the process of refactoring the 
code I have been rather horrified at how much of my codebase is really just 
glue code for user interface stuff, in what should be just a GUI wrapper on 
some scientific code.

 What would be quite nice (though maybe too much of a special case and very 
 unlikely to happen) is a qualifier for properties that would add the 
 -setNeedsDisplay: automatically as part of the @synthesize, but I doubt that 
 will ever happen because it a) only pertains to views b) might not be optimal 
 for some situations, where only part of the view needs updating, and c) made 
 somewhat redundant by layers, which have a flag that causes a redisplay on a 
 property change.

Ah, now it sounds like layers could be something I should be reading up on 
then! Maybe another one of those cases of me asking the wrong question because 
I don't know what the right one is...

All of you wrote:
 Since you're talking about properties on an NSView subclass, and NSView is 
 documented as being not thread-safe, the atomicity thing sounds like a big 
 red herring (or red flag, depending on your preference for fish or cloth).

[rambling off the original topic...]

You are quite right of course. If I am concerned about atomicity on this 
particular object then I am definitely doing something wrong. There was 
probably some end-of-week thinking behind what I did, but the rough train of 
thought went:

- There is necessarily a fair bit of multithreading in my codebase, and I have 
not found a completely foolproof way of guaranteeing it remains isolated from 
GUI code (though I know I must do that). I want to use [non-gui-related] 
properties on other threads, but then sooner or later I end up accidentally 
causing an interaction with GUI-bound properties and causing an obscure and 
hard-to-debug crash

- A recent such crash involved a double-free of an NSNumber (where to begin 
looking...!?), and brainstorming this lead me to imagine that accessing a 
nonatomic property returning an objc object could lead to that happening.

- As a result I decided I had no good reason to have any nonatomic properties, 
and that I would try and remove any use of nonatomic rather than try and decide 
on a case-by-case basis

- This led to warnings about custom setters paired with auto-synthesized 
getters, which got me looking at this setNeedsDisplay code and wondering if 
there was a better way of doing that anyway.

Probably an overreaction (and very probably not the actual cause of the crash), 
but I was pretty sure that technically speaking my universal use of nonatomic 
[for reasons lost in the mists of time] was not correct.

If only there was a way of annotating properties as 
only-to-be-used-from-the-main-thread. I've asked something to that effect 
previously, though, and nobody had any suggestions. I feel there must be a way 
of designing-in the safety that I need, but I haven't worked out what it might 

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Custom NSView subclass - expressing the fact that a property affects the displayed image

2015-05-22 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I’m trying to think if there is an elegant way of handling the situation I find 
in some of my display code. I have a class which inherits from NSView and which 
overrides drawRect. The class has a number of properties, and if they change 
then the view needs redrawing. At present I have custom setters that call 
through to setNeedsDisplay:YES. This results in quite a lot of code bloat 
(since I would otherwise just @synthesize the properties and be done with it).

I could set an observer on each property, but that would be a bit tedious 
(especially since, as I understand it, I have to remove EACH of the observers 
individually as well on dealloc).

I am trying to think if there is a way I can leverage 
keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey to make things a bit simpler. I’m quite a 
fan of using that where I can. It would be great if I could say that all my 
properties affect some particular property of NSView that would trigger a 
redraw. I can’t think of one that would do the trick, though. [If you think 
about it, the property needsDisplay is NOT the one I want to say is affected by 
my keys…]

I could create a single “dummy” property of my own, say that changes to all 
these other properties affect that key, and then monitor that single key using 
KVO (and call setNeedsDisplay whenever it gets “tickled” by some other property 
change). That would do what I want, but feels a little bit hacky.

Does anybody have any thoughts about what I might do? I feel this is probably a 
relatively common problem that people must have a way of dealing with…


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Re: Custom NSView subclass - expressing the fact that a property affects the displayed image

2015-05-22 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks for your reply Mike:

 Well you could have a single key which you observe internally, and which all 
 the other keys feed into. Whenever it “changes”, treat that as time to mark 
 as needing display. That way you’re asking AppKit to do the work of creating 
 all the other observations for you.

I think this is what I was describing here, isn’t it (or am I misunderstanding 
 I could create a single “dummy” property of my own, say that changes to all 
 these other properties affect that key, and then monitor that single key 
 using KVO (and call setNeedsDisplay whenever it gets “tickled” by some other 
 property change). That would do what I want, but feels a little bit hacky.

 It all seems rather wasteful though. You’ve added a couple of layers of 
 indirection into the system to save a handful of lines of code. Is it really 
 that big a deal to write some custom setters? They’re only four lines long 

I agree that it’s extra indirection, but since performance is never going to be 
an issue, I feel it’s a slight gain on tidiness and maintainability. I agree 
that it’s not a big deal for one property, but when there are lots it starts to 
add up. And it’s not just the setters - what finally spurred me into action was 
the decision that I wanted all my properties to be atomic (which may or may not 
be related to an occasional crash I have been seeing). That means writing a 
correct threadsafe getter for each one as well...


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Re: NSNotificationQueue Question

2015-05-20 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 I have a bit of code that posts notifications to coalescing notification 
 In another place I need to force the notification queue to issue a did change 
 This works but the problem is that there are undesirable side effects to 
 running the runloop once when this call is made.
 What I would like to do is to run the runloop once but only cause the 
 notification queue to post this notification but not do other things.

Is that definitely the way you need to do it, or would you be happy with 
pulling the notifications from the queue using dequeueNotificationsMatching, 
and then reposting with NSPostASAP or NSPostNow?

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Re: NSNotification coalescing - which one gets through?

2015-05-08 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks for your replies Seth:

 I am trying to work out whether there are any rules that define which of 
 multiple NSNotifications combined using coalescing actually get through to 
 the receivers, and preferably a way of controlling that behaviour. This 
 becomes relevant if for example there is different UserInfo associated with 
 each object. I can’t find any specific statement about what the behaviour is 
 under these circumstances.
 My interpretation of the API is that user info should either be consistent or 
 not used in coalescing scenarios, though the documentation never discusses 

Hmm, that's a good point.

 Actually I think I may have answered my own question: calling 
 dequeueNotificationsMatching immediately before posting a new notification 
 seems to do the trick. This seems like a reasonable and logical way of 
 achieving what I want. Can anyone see any problem with doing that?
 Nope. Seems fine to me.

On further consideration I do wonder, in a case where some notifications were 
treated in this way and other different notifications weren't, whether the ones 
I did treat this way would end up effectively being treated as *even* lower 
priority than the ones that weren't (by constantly being relegated to the back 
of the event queue). Shouldn't be a problem in my case though, as I am going to 
treat all coalesced+postWhenIdle events the same way.

 The other way to accomplish is this is to have the data stored outside of the 
 notification and accessible to the receivers, and just let the notifications 
 coalesce as normal. Instead of looking in userInfo, the receivers would go 
 pull the data from the other source. But whether that's a better fit is 
 questionable based on circumstances.

Yes, in fact that's basically the setup I had previously, and wanted to move 
away from. Rightly or wrongly, I decided I would prefer to avoid having a whole 
load of state and properties whose sole purpose (as it turned out) was to be 
queried in response to notifications. That also felt like a slightly awkward 
compromise between a tightly coupled scenario using KVO and a weakly coupled 
scenario using notifications to classes that don't need to know anything about 
the originating class - I liked the idea of things being as decoupled as 

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Re: NSNotification coalescing - which one gets through?

2015-05-06 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Actually I think I may have answered my own question: calling 
dequeueNotificationsMatching immediately before posting a new notification 
seems to do the trick. This seems like a reasonable and logical way of 
achieving what I want. Can anyone see any problem with doing that?

On 6 May 2015, at 11:54, Jonathan Taylor wrote:

 I am trying to work out whether there are any rules that define which of 
 multiple NSNotifications combined using coalescing actually get through to 
 the receivers, and preferably a way of controlling that behaviour. This 
 becomes relevant if for example there is different UserInfo associated with 
 each object. I can’t find any specific statement about what the behaviour is 
 under these circumstances.
 A concrete example: frames are received from a video camera, and a 
 notification (with coalescing) is sent when each one arrives (with a pointer 
 to the actual frame object in the user data of the NSNotification). Listeners 
 may wish to update their own displayed image if spare cycles are available. 
 However a quick experiment suggests that the EARLIEST-posted notification is 
 the one that survives coalescing. That means that receivers are acting on 
 stale information. No doubt there are some different circumstances where it 
 might make sense to keep the earliest-posted notification, but in this case 
 I’d definitely like the most-recently posted to make it through. 
 I can think of several ways of achieving what I want with the help of 
 additional code, but is there any way I can get the NSNotification 
 infrastructure to behave the way I want (coalescing keeps the most 
 recently-posted notification and discards older ones)?
 Thanks for any suggestions!


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NSNotification coalescing - which one gets through?

2015-05-06 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I am trying to work out whether there are any rules that define which of 
multiple NSNotifications combined using coalescing actually get through to the 
receivers, and preferably a way of controlling that behaviour. This becomes 
relevant if for example there is different UserInfo associated with each 
object. I can’t find any specific statement about what the behaviour is under 
these circumstances.

A concrete example: frames are received from a video camera, and a notification 
(with coalescing) is sent when each one arrives (with a pointer to the actual 
frame object in the user data of the NSNotification). Listeners may wish to 
update their own displayed image if spare cycles are available. However a quick 
experiment suggests that the EARLIEST-posted notification is the one that 
survives coalescing. That means that receivers are acting on stale information. 
No doubt there are some different circumstances where it might make sense to 
keep the earliest-posted notification, but in this case I’d definitely like the 
most-recently posted to make it through. 

I can think of several ways of achieving what I want with the help of 
additional code, but is there any way I can get the NSNotification 
infrastructure to behave the way I want (coalescing keeps the most 
recently-posted notification and discards older ones)?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Re: User interface unresponsive in window

2015-04-17 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 Am I right in thinking that when running under Xcode any drawing errors will 
 be logged to the Xcode console?
 No, not unless they’re actually exceptions. Messages from other processes are 
 only going to appear in the system log.

OK, thanks for your suggestion about checking the system log then - I will look 
out for that.

 With puzzling, intermittent errors like this, I often find that reading your 
 own code carefully may be more productive than going to heroic debugging 
 extremes. The trick is not to prejudge *where* in your code you should look. 
 (Don’t be the person looking underneath the street light for a dropped 
 quarter because “that’s where the light is”.)

That's a fair suggestion, but taken in its most general sense that is a 
near-impossible task. There are 100-odd source files in the project, etc, and 
just code-read the project and look for some bug is a non-starter. Are you 
effectively saying that you agree with my hypothesis that the cause is 
GUI-related code being executed on a non-main thread? If you or others have 
definitely seen that cause problems of this sort in the past, then I'll 
certainly do a second more thorough read-through of any code that could 
possibly be relevant...



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User interface unresponsive in window

2015-04-15 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I've started encountering intermittent problems in one specific window in my 
application, where text input boxes become unresponsive, steppers remain 
highlighted after clicking, etc. I'm rather short of ideas on how to debug 
this, particular since I haven't worked out how to reproduce it reliably. Other 
windows seem to remain unaffected.

From dimly-remembered past experience I have a feeling it could be related to 
something somewhere resulting in GUI code being executed on a non-main thread. 
There is in principle a risk of that, since the window interacts with 
peripherals/drivers etc involving multithreaded code. I've tried to isolate the 
GUI code from the multithreaded code, but may perhaps have missed some obscure 
case. [ideally, I'd probably totally isolate anything multithreaded from ObjC 
code, but that would mean a proliferation of shadow classes, which is something 
I'd prefer to avoid being dragged into]

Even if my suspicion about the cause (multithreading+GUI) is correct, I'm still 
not sure how to pin down and debug the problem, since there are so many entry 
points into GUI-related code (e.g. property value changes), not all of which 
even involve my own code directly. It would be great if there was some way of 
enabling a global exception if main-thread requirements are violated, but I 
certainly haven't heard of such a thing (and can imagine there could be very 
good reasons why it would be prohibitively hard to implement). Can anyone 
suggest ways to diagnose and debug my problem (or indeed suggest other possible 
causes I haven't thought of)?

Thanks in advance

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Re: User interface unresponsive in window

2015-04-15 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks for the suggestions. Am I right in thinking that when running under 
Xcode any drawing errors will be logged to the Xcode console? That's certainly 
what I've seen in the past (but not in relation to this problem - haven't seen 
anything in the Xcode console at all for this).

Any other ideas from anyone? Has anybody seen similar symptoms ever in the past 
(GUI not responding properly in one single window)?

On 15 Apr 2015, at 18:01, Quincey Morris 

 On Apr 15, 2015, at 07:04 , Jonathan Taylor 
 From dimly-remembered past experience I have a feeling it could be related 
 to something somewhere resulting in GUI code being executed on a non-main 
 You can at least start by trying the simple things, if you haven’t tried them 
 — Make sure you have an Objc-C exception breakpoint set in Xcode at all times.
 — Use the Console utility to look in the system log for errors about 
 incorrect drawing calls in your app.
 There’s not much chance this will get you off easily, but it’s a quick start.


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Text fields bound to numerical property - commas in number

2015-03-18 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I've come back to some old code that I haven't used for a while, and in the 
meantime I've done several OS upgrades and Xcode upgrades so plenty has 
changed, but my code is behaving in a strange way that I'm sure it didn't used 

I have a text field in my GUI bound to a property of type 'double'. The text 
field does not have any explicit number formatter attached to it. When I set 
the property e.g. to 22000 then it appears in the text field as:
OK, fair enough, maybe the default formatting behaviour of text fields has 
changed. The problem is that when I alter that value (but leaving it in the 
same style), so for example I change it to:
then the value of my property is set to 22. In other words, the comma is not 
being parsed correctly to treat the whole text string as a number.

This behaviour seems very strange and inconsistent. Is this something that 
people are familiar with? I imagine I could solve this by putting an explicit 
number formatter on every text field, but I have rather a lot of them and so 
would prefer not to do this! I'm also concerned that this is indicative of some 
subtler underlying problem that I should maybe understand rather than hide.

Can anyone advise at all?

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Re: NSPathControl (popup) - programatically show Choose dialog

2015-03-17 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 17 Mar 2015, at 10:36, wrote:
 Have you tried just displaying an NSOpenPanel yourself then setting the 
 selected URL returned to the path control's URL property?

I have now, and that certainly is one way of doing it. I have three (minor) 
reasons for preferring not to do it this way:
- It requires a certain amount of code duplication, to customize the dialog the 
path control throws up, and to customize my own one.
- I quite like the idea of the visual feedback of flashing up the path control 
menu to make it clear that the open dialog is associated with that control
- Given that the delegate method pathControl:willPopUpMenu exists, I just can't 
quite believe that there isn't a counterpart -popUpMenu command. It very much 
seems like there isn't, though!

I should probably just go with your suggestion and move on, I just find it a 
little bit puzzling that there doesn't seem to be a way of doing what I had 

 On 2015/03/17, at 19:16, Jonathan Taylor 
 OK, I've got part of the way to a solution, but haven't got it fully working 
 yet. Perhaps the weekday crowd here can advise?
 I've realised that I can get my path control to performClick:
   // When adding a new sequence we immediately prompt the user to select a 
 folder to use for image files
   simulatingPathControlClick = true;
   [folderSelectPopup performClick:self];
   simulatingPathControlClick = false;
 This is a good start, because I see my delegate function being called:
 -(void)pathControl:(NSPathControl*)pathControl willPopUpMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
   if (simulatingPathControlClick)
   [menu performActionForItemAtIndex:0];
 This seems to be the only way of getting access to the menu 
 ( always seems to return nil...). Now that I have 
 access to the menu I can get it to performActionForItemAtIndex. That is 
 basically what I'm trying to do here. However it doesn't quite work as it 
 should. The code as written here brings up the Open dialog, which works as 
 intended, but I am calling it sooner than I should (in willPopUpMenu; the 
 menu has not yet popped up!). As a result, after the user dismisses the Open 
 dialog, THEN the choose menu on the path control pops up, which is 
 annoying and illogical for the user.
 If alternatively I wrap the performClick in a dispatch_async on the main 
 thread (i.e. it should execute after the menu pops up) then something weird 
 happens - the menu appears and then the Open dialog pops up (as I had 
 hoped), but no file system items appear in there. I have a suspicion this 
 has something to do with funny run-loop states when tracking menus, but I 
 don't know what to do about it!
 I don't know if what I am trying to do is an appropriate way of going about 
 things, but hopefully it gives a clearer idea of what I am trying to achieve 
 here (bring up the Open dialog, just as if the user had selected Choose... 
 themselves). And hopefully somebody can suggest how I should tweak what I am 
 doing so it behaves correctly?
 Thanks again
 On 15 Mar 2015, at 13:18, Jonathan Taylor 
 I have a dialog which allows the user to select a folder containing data to 
 be processed, set various parameters that affect the processing, and 
 displays the result of the analysis. There is an NSPathControl (popup) to 
 select the folder. Inevitably the first thing the user does is choose a 
 folder (and of course they have the option of changing this later). I would 
 like to simplify the workflow by automatically popping up the open dialog 
 when the main dialog is first opened, as if the user has clicked on the 
 path popup and selected choose. However, I can't work out an obvious way 
 of triggering the path control to behave as if the user has manually 
 selected choose from the popup. 
 Is there a way I can do that? I could of course throw up my own open 
 dialog and programatically set the URL associated with the path control, 
 but that seems like unnecessary duplication of code when I could just call 
 something like [myPathControl displayChooseDialog] (if such a method 
 Can anyone suggest a way of doing what I want here? 
 Thanks for any suggestions
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Re: NSPathControl (popup) - programatically show Choose dialog

2015-03-17 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 17 Mar 2015, at 10:53, wrote:
 Also see the sample code. 
 It's a lot easier to see how the API is expected to be used. 
 The docs are a little thin in their descriptions.

Thanks very much for pointing me to that, that's interesting. However, it does 
rather emphasize my point about consistency between programatically bringing up 
the Open dialog and doing it through the path control. In that demo code, if 
you set the control type to 'popup' then:
- Clicking on set path brings up an open panel on the window, that has been 
customized with the word Choose, etc
- Clicking on the path popup and selecting Choose brings up an open dialog 
that has been customized using a separate chunk of duplicated code.

 Well the sample code illustrates that the delegate method should be the place 
 to configure the open panel. 

As I say, there are two separate places in the code where the configuring takes 
place, to handle these two different ways of setting the path. I just feel it 
would be nice if set path could trigger the same code as going through the 
path popup. The fact that Apple's own sample code doesn't do this is certainly 
a good hint that it probably isn't meant to be possible, though!

 On 2015/03/17, at 19:36, wrote:
 Have you tried just displaying an NSOpenPanel yourself then setting the 
 selected URL returned to the path control's URL property?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2015/03/17, at 19:16, Jonathan Taylor 
 OK, I've got part of the way to a solution, but haven't got it fully 
 working yet. Perhaps the weekday crowd here can advise?
 I've realised that I can get my path control to performClick:
  // When adding a new sequence we immediately prompt the user to select a 
 folder to use for image files
  simulatingPathControlClick = true;
  [folderSelectPopup performClick:self];
  simulatingPathControlClick = false;
 This is a good start, because I see my delegate function being called:
 -(void)pathControl:(NSPathControl*)pathControl willPopUpMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
  if (simulatingPathControlClick)
  [menu performActionForItemAtIndex:0];
 This seems to be the only way of getting access to the menu 
 ( always seems to return nil...). Now that I have 
 access to the menu I can get it to performActionForItemAtIndex. That is 
 basically what I'm trying to do here. However it doesn't quite work as it 
 should. The code as written here brings up the Open dialog, which works as 
 intended, but I am calling it sooner than I should (in willPopUpMenu; the 
 menu has not yet popped up!). As a result, after the user dismisses the 
 Open dialog, THEN the choose menu on the path control pops up, which is 
 annoying and illogical for the user.
 If alternatively I wrap the performClick in a dispatch_async on the main 
 thread (i.e. it should execute after the menu pops up) then something weird 
 happens - the menu appears and then the Open dialog pops up (as I had 
 hoped), but no file system items appear in there. I have a suspicion this 
 has something to do with funny run-loop states when tracking menus, but I 
 don't know what to do about it!
 I don't know if what I am trying to do is an appropriate way of going about 
 things, but hopefully it gives a clearer idea of what I am trying to 
 achieve here (bring up the Open dialog, just as if the user had selected 
 Choose... themselves). And hopefully somebody can suggest how I should 
 tweak what I am doing so it behaves correctly?
 Thanks again
 On 15 Mar 2015, at 13:18, Jonathan Taylor 
 I have a dialog which allows the user to select a folder containing data 
 to be processed, set various parameters that affect the processing, and 
 displays the result of the analysis. There is an NSPathControl (popup) to 
 select the folder. Inevitably the first thing the user does is choose a 
 folder (and of course they have the option of changing this later). I 
 would like to simplify the workflow by automatically popping up the open 
 dialog when the main dialog is first opened, as if the user has clicked on 
 the path popup and selected choose. However, I can't work out an obvious 
 way of triggering the path control to behave as if the user has manually 
 selected choose from the popup. 
 Is there a way I can do that? I could of course throw up my own open 
 dialog and programatically set the URL associated with the path control, 
 but that seems like unnecessary duplication of code when I could just call 
 something like [myPathControl displayChooseDialog] (if such a method 
 Can anyone suggest a way of doing what I want here? 
 Thanks for any suggestions
 Cocoa-dev mailing list

Re: NSPathControl (popup) - programatically show Choose dialog

2015-03-17 Thread Jonathan Taylor
OK, I've got part of the way to a solution, but haven't got it fully working 
yet. Perhaps the weekday crowd here can advise?

I've realised that I can get my path control to performClick:

// When adding a new sequence we immediately prompt the user to select 
a folder to use for image files
simulatingPathControlClick = true;
[folderSelectPopup performClick:self];
simulatingPathControlClick = false;

This is a good start, because I see my delegate function being called:

-(void)pathControl:(NSPathControl*)pathControl willPopUpMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
if (simulatingPathControlClick)
[menu performActionForItemAtIndex:0];

This seems to be the only way of getting access to the menu 
( always seems to return nil...). Now that I have access 
to the menu I can get it to performActionForItemAtIndex. That is basically what 
I'm trying to do here. However it doesn't quite work as it should. The code as 
written here brings up the Open dialog, which works as intended, but I am 
calling it sooner than I should (in willPopUpMenu; the menu has not yet popped 
up!). As a result, after the user dismisses the Open dialog, THEN the choose 
menu on the path control pops up, which is annoying and illogical for the user.

If alternatively I wrap the performClick in a dispatch_async on the main thread 
(i.e. it should execute after the menu pops up) then something weird happens - 
the menu appears and then the Open dialog pops up (as I had hoped), but no file 
system items appear in there. I have a suspicion this has something to do with 
funny run-loop states when tracking menus, but I don't know what to do about it!

I don't know if what I am trying to do is an appropriate way of going about 
things, but hopefully it gives a clearer idea of what I am trying to achieve 
here (bring up the Open dialog, just as if the user had selected Choose... 
themselves). And hopefully somebody can suggest how I should tweak what I am 
doing so it behaves correctly?

Thanks again

On 15 Mar 2015, at 13:18, Jonathan Taylor wrote:

 I have a dialog which allows the user to select a folder containing data to 
 be processed, set various parameters that affect the processing, and displays 
 the result of the analysis. There is an NSPathControl (popup) to select the 
 folder. Inevitably the first thing the user does is choose a folder (and of 
 course they have the option of changing this later). I would like to simplify 
 the workflow by automatically popping up the open dialog when the main 
 dialog is first opened, as if the user has clicked on the path popup and 
 selected choose. However, I can't work out an obvious way of triggering the 
 path control to behave as if the user has manually selected choose from the 
 Is there a way I can do that? I could of course throw up my own open dialog 
 and programatically set the URL associated with the path control, but that 
 seems like unnecessary duplication of code when I could just call something 
 like [myPathControl displayChooseDialog] (if such a method existed!).
 Can anyone suggest a way of doing what I want here? 
 Thanks for any suggestions


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NSPathControl (popup) - programatically show Choose dialog

2015-03-15 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I have a dialog which allows the user to select a folder containing data to be 
processed, set various parameters that affect the processing, and displays the 
result of the analysis. There is an NSPathControl (popup) to select the folder. 
Inevitably the first thing the user does is choose a folder (and of course they 
have the option of changing this later). I would like to simplify the workflow 
by automatically popping up the open dialog when the main dialog is first 
opened, as if the user has clicked on the path popup and selected choose. 
However, I can't work out an obvious way of triggering the path control to 
behave as if the user has manually selected choose from the popup. 

Is there a way I can do that? I could of course throw up my own open dialog 
and programatically set the URL associated with the path control, but that 
seems like unnecessary duplication of code when I could just call something 
like [myPathControl displayChooseDialog] (if such a method existed!).

Can anyone suggest a way of doing what I want here? 

Thanks for any suggestions

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Binding to selection of NSArrayController

2014-09-23 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

I feel this should be a very simple question, but I am struggling with it - the 
tutorials and online info I can find is either 5 years out of date or seem to 
imply that I am doing everything right!

In my code I have an NSMutableArray of “message” objects, each with a number of 
properties defined on them. In the GUI this is wired up to a table view, via an 
NSArrayController. That all seems to work fine, and the object properties are 
listed in the table[*].

Underneath the table I want to display some more detailed information about the 
currently-selected object in the table. I would have thought that I could do 
this just by binding the relevant NSTextField to 
MessageArray.selection.myExtendedInformationProperty. This works up to a point, 
in that I do see text appearing in the text field. However it does not update 
when the selection in the table view changes, which is what I had intended to 

This is basically what happens on p18 of this tutorial 
(, and 
(although it’s referring to a much older version of IB) I think I have done 
what they do.

Can anyone suggest what I may have omitted to do here, or why my approach is 
wrong? Thanks for any advice.

[*] One slight glitch - if I add an object to the NSMutableArray then it does 
not immediately show up in the table, I have to call will/didChangeValueForKey 
on the property that returns the array. I don’t know if that is expected 
behaviour (maybe I should be adding via the array controller somehow?). This is 
not a problem, but I mention it for completeness, just in case it’s indicative 
of something funny that is going on that I don’t fully appreciate.

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Re: Binding to selection of NSArrayController

2014-09-23 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Ah brilliant, that’s fixed it - thanks very much! Makes sense in retrospect 
that I would have to do that, but hadn’t crossed my mind at the time.

On 23 Sep 2014, at 17:26, Marek Hrušovský wrote:

 This sounds like that selection from nstableview is not properly linked. Make 
 sure that selectionIndex (or something similar) from table is linked to 
 On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Jonathan Taylor wrote:
 Hi all,
 I feel this should be a very simple question, but I am struggling with it - 
 the tutorials and online info I can find is either 5 years out of date or 
 seem to imply that I am doing everything right!
 In my code I have an NSMutableArray of “message” objects, each with a number 
 of properties defined on them. In the GUI this is wired up to a table view, 
 via an NSArrayController. That all seems to work fine, and the object 
 properties are listed in the table[*].
 Underneath the table I want to display some more detailed information about 
 the currently-selected object in the table. I would have thought that I could 
 do this just by binding the relevant NSTextField to 
 MessageArray.selection.myExtendedInformationProperty. This works up to a 
 point, in that I do see text appearing in the text field. However it does not 
 update when the selection in the table view changes, which is what I had 
 intended to happen.
 This is basically what happens on p18 of this tutorial 
 and (although it’s referring to a much older version of IB) I think I have 
 done what they do.
 Can anyone suggest what I may have omitted to do here, or why my approach is 
 wrong? Thanks for any advice.
 [*] One slight glitch - if I add an object to the NSMutableArray then it does 
 not immediately show up in the table, I have to call 
 will/didChangeValueForKey on the property that returns the array. I don’t 
 know if that is expected behaviour (maybe I should be adding via the array 
 controller somehow?). This is not a problem, but I mention it for 
 completeness, just in case it’s indicative of something funny that is going 
 on that I don’t fully appreciate.
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Re: Binding to selection of NSArrayController

2014-09-23 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thankyou both for your advice - it's good to have you set me right on that one. 
Fortunately mine is a relatively uncomplicated case, and so [NSArrayController 
add/removeObject:] should do the job nicely

 It feels a bit odd doing it that way, just because it makes the NSArray almost 
redundant in the whole thing - it's declared as a backing store, but this way I 
don't actually end up accessing it for anything. There's a rather long and 
redundant-seeming chain running from NSArray instance variable - property - 
binding - NSArrayController - IBOutlet - instance variable that I actually 
manipulate. Oh well, if that's the way it's meant to be...

On 23 Sep 2014, at 19:57, Quincey Morris 

 On Sep 23, 2014, at 11:36 , Lee Ann Rucker wrote:
 On Sep 23, 2014, at 9:15 AM, Jonathan Taylor 
 [*] One slight glitch - if I add an object to the NSMutableArray then it 
 does not immediately show up in the table, I have to call 
 will/didChangeValueForKey on the property that returns the array. I don’t 
 know if that is expected behaviour (maybe I should be adding via the array 
 controller somehow?). This is not a problem, but I mention it for 
 completeness, just in case it’s indicative of something funny that is going 
 on that I don’t fully appreciate.
 Yes, it’s complicated. The ArrayController doesn’t know about changes that 
 are made directly to the NSMutableArray. You can use [NSArrayController 
 addObject:] for simple cases, or spend a lot of time with the KVC 
 programming guide, especially “Collection accessor patterns for to-many 
 In fact, Lee Ann is being a little bit kind here, because Jonny really is 
 Doing It Wrong™.
 Because the UI is using bindings, it is *necessary* to update the array 
 KVO-compliantly. Simply adding objects to the NSMutableArray isn’t 
 KVO-compliant, hence the lack of automatic updating of the UI.
 The underlying problem is in thinking of the data (that is, the “M” in MVC) 
 as an array instead of a indexed to-many property. When you make that 
 conceptual change, then, yes, you end up in a deep relationship with the KVC 
 programming guide.
 There is** a quick and dirty way of fixing this, though, without cracking 
 open any programming guides. Anywhere that you update the NSMutableArray 
 (either by referencing its instance variable “myArray” or “_myArray”, or a 
 property “someObject.myArray that provides access to that instance 
 variable), you can use a mutable proxy instead. For example, in the class 
 that has the array, instead of:
   [_myArray addObject: something];
   [self.myArray addObject: something];
 you would write:
   [[self mutableArrayValueForKey: @“myArray”] addObject: something];
 and you should magically see the updates start working. But the KVC 
 programming guide is a better bet for a long-term relationship.
 ** Subject to the proviso that I’m just writing this, not doing it ATM, so I 
 may have missed something.


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NSPopupButton, bindings, and item state

2014-08-15 Thread Jonathan Taylor
After being impressed with bindings for an NSTableView, I’m looking at what I 
can do for a standalone NSPopupButton, in the hope of reducing the amount of 
glue code I have. The button isn’t just a simple one though, I need to:
- Include separator items
- Disable (grey out) some items
- Select multiple items (it’s configured as a pull-down menu)

It’s not obvious to me that there’s a way of doing any of those things with 
bindings (though the multiple-selected-items might work somehow through the 
array controller). Can anyone advise on whether there is any hope for this 
approach, or do I have to accept that this is more than the bindings are 
intended to help with?

Thanks for any suggestions

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Re: NSPopupButton, bindings, and item state

2014-08-15 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 After being impressed with bindings for an NSTableView, I’m looking at what 
 I can do for a standalone NSPopupButton, in the hope of reducing the amount 
 of glue code I have. The button isn’t just a simple one though, I need to:
 - Include separator items
 - Disable (grey out) some items
 - Select multiple items (it’s configured as a pull-down menu)
 It’s not obvious to me that there’s a way of doing any of those things with 
 bindings (though the multiple-selected-items might work somehow through the 
 array controller). Can anyone advise on whether there is any hope for this 
 approach, or do I have to accept that this is more than the bindings are 
 intended to help with?
 Short answer, yes. With some hackery you could get separator items, but the 
 multiple checked state will likely require as much work as your glue code. So 
 I wold say the best approaches are a 50/50 between bindings and glue. That 
 is, you could use bindings for content, but manually handle state, or use 
 bindings for state, and manually handle content. Doing both is probably an 
 exercise in futility.

Thanks for confirming! Out of interest, could you describe the hackery you have 
in mind for separators? It might still be helpful to bind the menu item titles 
to an array.

As for manually handing state (if I were to use bindings for content), would 
the NSMenuDelegate method menu:updateItem:atIndex:shouldCancel: be the 
appropriate place to determine which items are checked, enabled, etc? In my 
all-manual version, I keep track of when the user checks/unchecks individual 
items through an action on the NSMenuItem. I'm going to have to do something 
else if the item list is bound to an array - any suggestions about the most 
appropriate place to identify when the selection changes?

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Re: NSMenu in NSTableView column

2014-08-13 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 I would create a class, say, SignalChannel, with name (for description, but 
 we may not ant to use description for obvious reasons...) and channelID 
 properties. I would then populate the NSPopupButtonCell with SignalChannel 
 objects. This will abstract the model from the view, which is better form 

Ah, I've worked out the underlying problem I've been having. I had been trying 
things along these lines and completely failing to get the popup menu to 
populate correctly. It was working for a standalone popup but not within the 
table, and I was assuming I was doing something wrong and/or it was more 
complex than I realised, and had basically decided not to continue stumbling 
around trying to make it work. Then I found this:
which describes what seems to be a bug in the implementation, along with the 
workaround (binding to an outlet property on the file's owner, rather than 
directly to the array controller). Weird.

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Re: NSMenu in NSTableView column

2014-08-13 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 Ah, I've worked out the underlying problem I've been having. I had been 
 trying things along these lines and completely failing to get the popup menu 
 to populate correctly. It was working for a standalone popup but not within 
 the table, and I was assuming I was doing something wrong and/or it was more 
 complex than I realised, and had basically decided not to continue stumbling 
 around trying to make it work. Then I found this:
 which describes what seems to be a bug in the implementation, along with the 
 workaround (binding to an outlet property on the file's owner, rather than 
 directly to the array controller). Weird.
 That link refers to a view-based table view, which is a different animal 
 altogether. Is your table view cell or view based? It makes a big 

As it stands right now, it's view based (I switched it in InterfaceBuilder). 
Things seem to be working fine with that workaround. 

I started writing a long email to the list on the question of view- vs 
cell-based tables, but as is often the case, in the course of writing it I 
worked out the answer to my particular question at the time. I ended up with 
view based because Apple give clear instructions for how to bind things for 
them in Table View Programming Guide for Mac. Their advice for cell-based 
tables is rather unhelpful, just saying that it's very different and you 
should configure the column’s cell’s bindings. Well thanks Apple! Their 
instructions for view-based tables were clear, so I went with that.

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NSMenu in NSTableView column

2014-08-12 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

I am trying to implement a popup menu in an NSTableView column. I seem to have 
the bindings all set up so that the values in my NSArray are updated according 
to the options the user selects in the table. However, I would like to have 
some way of accessing the tag on the menu item that was selected for each row. 
I thought I could wire up an outlet to the NSMenu object attached to the table 
column, but when I later attempt to access the relevant menu item in the menu 
(in order to look up its tag), I get the following runtime error:

 -[NSMenu itemAtIndex:]: message sent to deallocated instance

I do not encounter this error if I bind to a standalone popup menu, so I don't 
think I'm doing anything wildly stupid here. I can imagine that within the 
table the popup menu objects are being dynamically allocated, so the outlet 
plan isn't working out.

My question then is how should I access the tags in the popup menu in order to 
work out which tag corresponds to the selected item in each row? 

Thanks for any suggestions

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Re: NSMenu in NSTableView column

2014-08-12 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 My question then is how should I access the tags in the popup menu in order 
 to work out which tag corresponds to the selected item in each row? 
 If I understand your setup correctly, the most direct route is to set an 
 action on each menu item.

Ah ok, I've revisited that and got it to work. I'd tried it before and it had 
had no effect; I'd assumed that was something else that just didn't work with 
tables. However I've now spotted the compile-time warning about only sending 
actions to the table view delegate, and after fixing that it works nicely. 
Thanks very much.

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Re: NSMenu in NSTableView column

2014-08-12 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 My question then is how should I access the tags in the popup menu in order 
 to work out which tag corresponds to the selected item in each row? 
 If I understand your setup correctly, the most direct route is to set an 
 action on each menu item.
 Ah ok, I've revisited that and got it to work. I'd tried it before and it had 
 had no effect; I'd assumed that was something else that just didn't work with 
 tables. However I've now spotted the compile-time warning about only sending 
 actions to the table view delegate, and after fixing that it works nicely. 
 Thanks very much.

Actually, I'm not sure that solves my problem as easily as I thought. I'll just 
restate what I'm trying to achieve to make sure I'm being clear, and then 
explain the difficulty I'm having in making it work.

Each menu item string is a user-readable description of a signal channel, each 
is associated with a numerical channel ID. However there isn't a natural and 
obvious relationship between the index of the menu item and the channel ID. It 
seems sensible to me to have the menu item strings defined in the same place as 
the numerical IDs. I can imagine two ways of doing this:

1. Define the menu item strings in InterfaceBuilder as menu items, and give 
each one a tag representing the channel ID. This is what I have been trying to 
do, but I can't work out how my code should identify the tag associated with 
the menu item index (which is what I get in my NSArray representing the current 
state of the table). I can put an action on the menu item, but at the time that 
is called I don't know which row's menu has just been selected. Also (rather 
unexpectedly), putting an action on the menu item seems to prevent the 
selected index binding of the popup cell from being updated.

2. Define the menu item strings and associated channel IDs in my code, and use 
bindings to populate the menu items. I did try that, but haven't managed to get 
my strings showing up in the menu. Can anyone recommend clear instructions for 
making that work? I think I maybe don't properly understand the difference 
between content values and content, and what exactly they need to be bound to...

Any thoughts about how to make either of these work?


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Contribute some dictionary keys with registerDefaults

2014-06-18 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I currently have a plist which contains some configuration values; at start of 
day I use the following call to make certain factory settings available to 
the application through NSUserDefaults:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary 

This works fine with single-object keys. i.e. I can include a key of type 
Number in the plist file, and it will be made available in the same way as 
other user defaults.

However some of my user defaults are organised within a dictionary (e.g. there 
is a dictionary for each separate camera connected to the system, tracking 
user-controllable defaults such as chosen framerate). I would like a way to 
contribute factory settings from my plist for some of those key values. However 
if I include a dictionary in my plist, and separately call 
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:aDictionary 
then this dictionary object fully overrides the entire dictionary object that I 
supplied for my_camera_key in the plist. I had thought there was an outside 
chance that it would effectively merge the two dictionaries together, looking 
for a specific key first in the dictionary object in the user-specified 
defaults and then falling back to the dictionary object I supplied through 
registerDefaults. This does not appear to be the case though.

Not sure if this makes sense - perhaps an example will help.

plist supplied to registerDefaults contains:
my_camera_key dictionary
my_camera_key.key1 = 4
my_camera_key.key2 = 5

dictionary passed to setObject:forDefault:@my_camera_key contains:

I had vaguely hoped that if I then called 
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@my_camera_key]
then I might get back a dictionary containing three objects:

Can anyone suggest how I might achieve what I am trying to do here? (Or suggest 
a better mechanism of doing what I want to do, i.e. maintain some sort of 
hierarchy to my defaults, but also be able to supply factory settings for 
objects below the top level of the hierarchy?

Thanks for any suggestions

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Color closest to color

2014-06-17 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

Is there a way of identifying the closest match to a given NSColor, out of a 
list of possible colors to match? The user could have selected any color using 
the color picker, but I would like to know whether it is approximately red, 
green, blue or white.

Of course, it might be e.g. magenta, and not really map well onto one of those 
four, but I would still be interested in knowing the best guess. It struck me 
that there might be an API for that, but I couldn't immediately find one.

I could probably come up with a way of doing this myself, but thought I'd see 
if there was anything out there already.


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Re: Color closest to color

2014-06-17 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks everyone. I had thought there might be a pre-existing API that would do 
this (I was half expecting to find a method defined for the NSColorList 
class...), but I will implement the euclidean distance test myself...

On 17 Jun 2014, at 12:43, Maxthon Chan wrote:

 One easy-to-implement method: colour cube.
 Define a colour using its RGB values as a 3-tuple (r, g, b) and standard 
 colours (ri, gi, bi) (where i = 0..n).The square distance between the given 
 colour and a standard colour is (ri-r)^2+(gi-g)^2+(bi-b)^2. You can calculate 
 square distances between the given colour and each of the standard colours, 
 and the one with the minimal squared distance is the best match.
 Better methods may exist, consult a book on computer vision or fine arts 
 On Jun 17, 2014, at 18:52, Jonathan Taylor 
 Hi all,
 Is there a way of identifying the closest match to a given NSColor, out of a 
 list of possible colors to match? The user could have selected any color 
 using the color picker, but I would like to know whether it is 
 approximately red, green, blue or white.
 Of course, it might be e.g. magenta, and not really map well onto one of 
 those four, but I would still be interested in knowing the best guess. It 
 struck me that there might be an API for that, but I couldn't immediately 
 find one.
 I could probably come up with a way of doing this myself, but thought I'd 
 see if there was anything out there already.
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Re: GCD killed my performance

2014-04-25 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Have you looked at the output from System Trace on both systems? I often find 
that to be informative.

That might or might not be the way to tell, but have you considered that the 
very different CPU characteristics might mean that the actual timing and 
pattern of database commands is different on the iPhone, resulting in e.g. a 
different level of contention for the queues? Suppose dispatch_sync is fast on 
an empty queue but has additional overhead on a full queue - resulting in 
different performance on one platform to another?

On 25 Apr 2014, at 04:42, wrote:

 I’m writing an Objective-C API around a database library, and trying to add 
 some optimizations. There’s a lot of room for parallelizing, since tasks like 
 indexing involve a combination of I/O-bound and CPU-bound operations. As a 
 first step, I made my API thread-safe by creating a dispatch queue and 
 wrapping the C database calls in dispatch_sync blocks. Then I did some 
 reorganization of the code so different parts run on different queues, 
 allowing I/O and computation to run in parallel.
 On my MacBook Pro this gave me a nice speedup of 50% or more.
 But when I tested the code on my iPhone 5 today, I found performance had 
 dropped by about a third. Profiling shows that most of the time is being 
 spent in thread/queue management or Objective-C refcount bookkeeping. It 
 looks as though adding GCD introduced a lot of CPU overhead, and the two 
 cores on my iPhone aren’t enough to make up for that, while the eight cores 
 in my MacBook Pro make it worthwhile.
 I tried backing out all the restructuring of my code, so there’s no actual 
 parallelism going on, just the dispatch_sync calls. Predictably, performance 
 is even worse; slightly more than half as fast as without them.
 So, I’m pretty disappointed. I know that dispatch queues aren’t free, but I 
 wasn’t expecting them to be this expensive! I’m not doing anything silly like 
 wrapping dispatch_sync around trivial calls. The APIs I’m using it on do 
 things like reading and writing values from the persistent store. I was 
 expecting the cost of thread-safety to be lost in the noise compared to that.


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Bindings for dynamically populated menu

2014-04-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
This must be a very basic question, but I am evidently having difficulty 
finding the right search terms. Can anyone point me to some sample code that 
will show how to implement a menu whose items are populated at runtime? I would 
have expected to be able to bind a menu object to an NSArray consisting of a 
series of menu item titles, but IB doesn't seem to offer any suitable binding 
names. Is there a way of doing that, or if not can anybody point me to some 
sample code that will show me what methods I need to override in my own 
subclass of NSMenu (if that's what I need to do). The menu will contain the 
names of however many suitable devices are connected to the machine at the time.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Bindings for dynamically populated menu

2014-04-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 7 Apr 2014, at 11:25, Keith J. Schultz wrote:

 Hi Jonny,
 try Menu items on the fly!
 To my knowledge you can not use IB! 

Thanks for your reply keith. I hadn't tried those search terms, but no that 
didn't get me anything relevant either. All I could find was one old thread in 
which various conflicting advice is given and it is reported that one promising 
approach results in crashes:

However, more blind searching around has led me to NSMenuDelegate, which looks 
to me what I want...

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Re: Window controllers and memory leaks

2013-09-16 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks Kyle and Jerry.

It feels a bit strange to be adding extra glue code to track 
otherwise-completely-autonomous windows (and controllers), but that has 
certainly done the trick.

I found the static analyzer a bit odd to get used to - it sometimes gives 
purportedly very detailed explanations of its logic that actually seem to miss 
out the key non-obvious step (e.g. obscure code path accidentally returning nil 
from a constructor). Once I'd got the hang of it, though, it was a great tool.


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Window controllers and memory leaks

2013-09-13 Thread Jonathan Taylor
This must be an incredibly basic question, but I haven't found an answer I'm 
convinced by (apologies if I have missed something on the list). My question 
relates to window controllers, and how ownership, retain/release etc should be 
managed in order to (a) be correct and (b) satisfy the static analyzer. This 
has come up because it's only now that I have migrated my codebase to be 
compatible with the latest version of xcode that I have been able to run the 
static analyzer over it and examine the results.

I want to allocate a window + controller, and I want it to live until the user 
closes the GUI window, at which point I want it to disappear and clean up after 
itself. I believe that the following code does not leak memory and behaves as 

@interface MyWindowController : NSWindowController NSWindowDelegate

@implementation MyWindowController
if (!(self = [self initWithWindowNibName:@MyNib]))
return nil;

// Window will release self when closed, so we need to retain 
an extra time here
[self retain];
return self;
[super dealloc];
 [self autorelease];

void TestWindowController(void)
MyWindowController *myWindowController = [[MyWindowController alloc] 
[myWindowController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
// We own a reference to myWindow since we allocated it,
// but we have now finished all the setup we want to do
// and are relinquishing control of the window object,
// releasing it into the big wide world to live or die
// as it may.
[myWindowController release];

However the static analyzer complains that there is a potential leak of 
myWindowController, because it recognises that it has a retain count of 2 when 
it returns from the init method. (The same applies if I don't retain in init 
and don't release in TestWindowController).

It strikes me that this would be quite a common pattern. I appreciate that the 
static analyzer doesn't *know* whether there's a leak or not, but if I am 
indeed correctly following a common pattern then I would have expected the 
analyzer to understand what is going on.

My question then is whether I am doing things in an unconventional way here, 
and/or whether there is something I could change that would help the analyzer 
understand what is going on.

Many thanks

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Debugging kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSUnionRegionWithRect : Invalid region

2013-09-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Can anybody help me diagnose an error that I see intermittently? The errors are 
as follows:

Thu Sep  5 10:11:11 Jonathan-Taylors-Mac-Pro.local Spim GUI[34152] Error: 
kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSUnionRegionWithRect : Invalid region
Thu Sep  5 10:11:11 Jonathan-Taylors-Mac-Pro.local Spim GUI[34152] Error: 
kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they 
are logged.
(gdb) continue
Thu Sep  5 10:11:17 Jonathan-Taylors-Mac-Pro.local Spim GUI[34152] Error: 
kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetRegionBounds : Invalid region

Searching for those terms finds suggestions that this may be associated with 
updating progress bars from a secondary thread. I still see the error even 
after removing the only progress bar from my program; I don't know whether the 
cause is something genuinely associated with progress bars, or whether it's 
just that it's easy to slip up and update them from a secondary thread, 
triggering this error.

The error is very intermittent which makes narrowing it down hard, and setting 
the breakpoint as advised hasn't helped me since there isn't anything of mine 
in the call stack when the condition is encountered:

#0  0x97a7610a in CGErrorBreakpoint
#1  0x97b0b9e0 in CGSGlobalErrorv
#2  0x978e96d5 in CGSUnionRegionWithRect
#3  0x984ea84c in -[NSRegion addRegion:]
#4  0x984ea69d in -[NSWindow _setNeedsDisplayInRegion:]
#5  0x9843ae86 in -[NSWindow _absorbDeferredNeedsDisplayRegion]
#6  0x98439a54 in -[NSView 
#7  0x9839c80e in -[NSView displayIfNeeded]
#8  0x98365b64 in -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded]
#9  0x9839707e in _handleWindowNeedsDisplay
#10 0x94f04dd2 in __CFRunLoopDoObservers
#11 0x94ec0ced in __CFRunLoopRun
#12 0x94ec03c4 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#13 0x94ec01f1 in CFRunLoopRunInMode
#14 0x92e8ce04 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#15 0x92e8cbb9 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#16 0x92e8ca3e in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#17 0x9836d595 in _DPSNextEvent
#18 0x9836cdd6 in -[NSApplication 
#19 0x9832f1f3 in -[NSApplication run]
#20 0x98327289 in NSApplicationMain
#21 0x2b69 in start at vector.tcc:244

Can anyone advise on anything I can do to help diagnose this? Even something 
that made it happen much more frequently would be some help, as I might then 
have more of a chance of narrowing down the cause by disabling chunks of code.



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Re: Debugging kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSUnionRegionWithRect : Invalid region

2013-09-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 You can't do any UI-related updates from a secondary thread, you must ask the 
 main thread to do it.
 It might not be progress bars but anything at all that's being drawn from a 
 secondary thread. The error itself could indicate that an internal data 
 structure was used or updated by another thread while in an inconsistent 

Yes, I understand that. I am not aware of doing any drawing from secondary 
threads, although evidently it appears that somewhere in the program this is 
happening. My question is whether I can do anything to help track down the 
problem, because right now I am limited to code reading and/or the very slow 
process of disabling sections of code (slow because it's an intermittent 
problem and each time I would need to run for long enough that I can be 
reasonably sure I would have hit the error if I was going to...).


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Re: Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 4 Sep 2013, at 16:46, Marcel Weiher wrote:
 Unless there is some dire reason not to do this, I would make a copy on the 
 main thread every time the UI changes, and stash that copy somewhere the 
 worker thread can access it easily.
 That's a really good plan, I realised that last night. I had been stuck 
 thinking about kind of the opposite approach (make a copy on each invocation 
 of the processing algorithm), but this makes a lot of sense. How does this 
 When the UI leads to changes in the (mutable) primary object I'll make a 
 copy stored in an immutable shadow object (from the main thread). 
 Whenever the algorithm is invoked (from a secondary thread in response to 
 receipt of a frame) I retain the immutable shadow object and pass this 
 pointer to the algorithm.
 Sounds pretty good to me.  I’d probably stash it in an instance variable.  In 
 a sense, this is a variant of the immutability that Ian and Jens suggested:  
 create a copy that you won’t mutate.

OK, thanks everyone for your input on this one. I've got something I'm fairly 
happy with now, which is working according to plan. I was a bit surprised at 
how much glue I ended up having to put together to make it work though. Maybe 
that's just the nature of the thing, but if anybody was interested enough to 
critique the code that I've come up with (on or off list) then I'd be very 
grateful to hear any comments.


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Re: Debugging kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSUnionRegionWithRect : Invalid region

2013-09-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 Do you have any secondary threads? I assume you do.


 Any code that touches a view, no matter how indirectly, could be the culprit. 
 Bear in mind that sending any message to any view (controls, etc) might 
 invoke -setNeedsDisplay: which in turn could be the trigger for the problem. 
 Try setting a breakpoint on -setNeedsDisplay: though of course it will be hit 
 a lot, so you might need a clever condition to avoid being overwhelmed. Even 
 one that excludes the main thread might help, e.g. [NSThread currentThread] 
 != [NSThread mainThread]

That suggestion for a breakpoint is a great one. Sadly the condition you quoted 
doesn't seem to be parsed correctly by the debugger, even with casting. Even 
just po (NSThread*)[NSThread currentThread] fails on my machine.

Fortunately, though, there were only a couple of dozen hits on the breakpoint 
per iteration of the code, and sure enough it immediately pinpointed a case 
where I was erroneously calling willChangeValueForKey from a secondary thread, 
which was causing a GUI update as a side-effect.


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Re: Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-04 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks to everyone who has chimed in on this one - you've all been really 
helpful. Looks like some conclusions are emerging; some selected replies below.

On 3 Sep 2013, at 20:21, Tom Davie wrote:
 Remove the mutation methods.  Make your object immutable, the referential 
 transparency will give you “free” parallelism.  If you want a mutated version 
 of the object, create a new object.

Very good suggestion, though unfortunately my use of UI bindings rather 
scuppers that one. Otherwise it could be an ideal solution

On 3 Sep 2013, at 19:49, Marcel Weiher wrote:
 What are the property parameters?  A bunch of numbers, maybe some strings? 


 Unless there is some dire reason not to do this, I would make a copy on the 
 main thread every time the UI changes, and stash that copy somewhere the 
 worker thread can access it easily.

That's a really good plan, I realised that last night. I had been stuck 
thinking about kind of the opposite approach (make a copy on each invocation of 
the processing algorithm), but this makes a lot of sense. How does this sound:

When the UI leads to changes in the (mutable) primary object I'll make a copy 
stored in an immutable shadow object (from the main thread). 
Whenever the algorithm is invoked (from a secondary thread in response to 
receipt of a frame) I retain the immutable shadow object and pass this pointer 
to the algorithm.

From what Jens and others have said, it's my understanding that if the property 
for the (immutable) shadow object is designated atomic/retain then I wouldn't 
need a mutex to access it. 

On 3 Sep 2013, at 18:37, Jens Alfke wrote:
 This is one reason why concurrent programming often relies on immutable 
 objects — because they can be passed around multiple threads safely. 
 Thread-safe access to mutable objects is a real pain and it’s very easy to 
 create subtle bugs that only show up very rarely.

Wise words that I had rather lost sight of! I was too focused on incremental 
changes to the original (poor) design...

On 3 Sep 2013, at 18:26, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 One of the cardinal rules of Audio Units is Thou Shalt Not Allocate
 Memory On The Render Callback Thread.
 malloc takes a lock. Taking a lock is a great way to make you thread
 miss its hard-realtime constraint, which leads to glitching and
 potentially getting killed by the host.

Yes, I learned that one the hard way a while back!

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Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-03 Thread Jonathan Taylor
This feels like it should be a very basic question, but it's not one I've 
managed to find an answer to - can somebody here advise?

I have an objective c object which contains a number of properties that serve 
as parameters for an algorithm. They are bound to UI elements. I would like to 
take a snapshot copy of the object that will be used for one whole run of the 
algorithm (rather than risk parameters changing halfway through the run). i.e. 
I just want to do [myObject copy].

The complication is in ensuring this is threadsafe: ideally I would like to 
make the copy on a thread other than the main thread. My understanding is that 
properties themselves, even when designated atomic, are in some way not fully 
threadsafe, although I haven't found a clear explanation of exactly what makes 
them unsafe. I don't know if the 'copy' method is threadsafe or not, I am 
inclined to suspect not.

Is there any way, then, that I can take a copy in a threadsafe manner? If 
necessary I can do the copy on the main thread, but I would prefer not to have 
to do that for timing reasons. Any suggestions?


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Re: Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-03 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Ah, that's a good point about implementing -copy myself. However, how would 
@synchronized(self){…..} help there? Surely all that would do is prevent 
multiple threads from calling 'copy' simultaneously - which as far as I am 
aware isn't something I should be worried about. My understanding is that it 
would have no impact on whether for example the copied object contains correct 

If it's relevant, I should add that the object's properties are all simple 
types (double, int, bool etc).

It doesn't help that I'm not really sure what window conditions I am guarding 
against in my desire for thread safety, which makes my question a little vague. 
I guess that what I would like is the following:
-   [myObject copy] will not crash/raise exceptions/etc when called from a 
thread other than the main thread
-   [myObject copy] returns a copy in which all parameters are 'valid' 
(i.e. an individual parameter is either the 'old' or the 'new' value in the 
case where the object is being changed at the time of the copy)
-   True thread safety would require a copy that represents an 
instantaneous snapshot of the state of the entire object, i.e. copy not taken 
while object is being updated. Actually, I suspect this last condition is not a 
problem for my specific case, but best to be on the safe side, for several 
different reasons.

On 3 Sep 2013, at 12:04, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 03/09/2013, at 12:52 PM, Jonathan Taylor 
 Is there any way, then, that I can take a copy in a threadsafe manner? If 
 necessary I can do the copy on the main thread, but I would prefer not to 
 have to do that for timing reasons. Any suggestions?
 Since the implementation of -copy is up to you, you could just put 
 @synchronized(self){…..} around the code in that method. That implements a 
 lock which should make the copy thread-safe.


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Re: Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-03 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 Is it possible to reverse the issue? Keep the original object (living on the 
 main thread) untouched, make a copy for algorithm processing as an async 
 task, then, when done, update the original object from the copy that may have 
 been changed during async processing? Or will that cause the exact same 
 problem in the final step?

Things are simpler than that I think - the object containing the parameters 
won't be changed by running the algorithm. The copy that I want to take will be 
treated as read-only.

To recap/expand:

The primary instance of the object (call it MyParameters) is bound to UI 
elements. Changes to the UI will change the values of its properties 
(int/bool/double). These changes will take place on the main thread.

I would like to be able to take a copy of MyParameters from a thread that is 
not the main thread, and have that copy be a non-corrupted snapshot of the 
primary instance of MyParameters. The copy will not be altered; no changes need 
to be propagated back to the primary instance. Indeed, the motivation behind my 
question is the *requirement* that this copy does not change in any way 
(despite the primary instance possibly changing).

I am not sure how to do this in a fully correct manner. One might naively 
expect that designating properties as atomic could be sufficient. However I 
have read that even atomic properties are not threadsafe - although I was not 
able to establish the reason for this statement. Perhaps that statement only 
applies to more complex objects, in which case it may be I am worrying over 

 Op 3 sep. 2013 om 13:16 heeft Lasse Jansen het volgende 
 Since the implementation of -copy is up to you, you could just put 
 @synchronized(self){…..} around the code in that method. That implements a 
 lock which should make the copy thread-safe.
 No, it wouldn't. It would only ensure that two calls to copy are executed 
 sequentially. You would need to add @synchronized(self) {…} to all other 
 methods that modify the object too to ensure that the object isn't changed 
 during a copy.
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Re: Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-03 Thread Jonathan Taylor
All sounds nice, except for the fact that the parameters are being changed 
behind the scenes via the binding system. So I think I may have to implement 
locking on every (explicitly implemented) get/set method. That was what I had 
been rather hoping to avoid, but it sounds from what people are saying as if 
that's what I may have to do...

On 3 Sep 2013, at 13:54, Robert Vojta wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Jonathan Taylor wrote:
 The primary instance of the object (call it MyParameters) is bound to UI 
 elements. Changes to the UI will change the values of its properties 
 (int/bool/double). These changes will take place on the main thread.
 1. Create MyParameters instance on some object on the main thread and call it 
 mainParameters for example.
 2. All values are UI related, so, fill them on the main thread. But lock your 
 mainParameters object before. So, on the main thread do this ...
 @synchronized( myObjectHoldingMyParameters.mainParameters ) {
   myObjectHoldingMyParameters.mainParameters.X = X;
 3. When you do want a copy on any other thread, do this ...
 MyParamaters *paramsCopy;
 @synchronized( myObjectHoldingMyParameters.mainParameters ) {
   paramsCopy = [myObjectHoldingMyParameters.mainParameters copy];
 ... and implement deep copy without locking. It's done via @synchronized.


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Re: Threadsafe copy of objective c object

2013-09-03 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Ah. In my original email I didn't explain *why* it is that ideally I would 
like to make the copy on a thread other than the main thread. The algorithm is 
doing real-time video processing, and I very much want to avoid holding up 
anything in that code path by synchronizing with the main queue. Past 
experience has shown that that does lead to glitches I am keen to avoid. So, 
while I'm a big fan of such constructions, I'm deliberately trying to avoid 
that here.

Serializing access to MyParameters will work, it's just a shame that there 
isn't such a tidy way of achieving that...

On 3 Sep 2013, at 14:18, Robert Vojta wrote:

 Then this should be enough ...
 - (MyParameters *)copyParameters {
 __block MyParameters *parameters;
 dispatch_sync( dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
 parameters = [myObjectHoldingParameters.parameters copy];
 return parameters;
 ... if all your parameters object properties are set on the main thread only.


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Re: Memory not being released in a timely manner

2013-06-10 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks for your comments Ken. It was really good to learn about how to use 
heapshots effectively, that's definitely something I'm going to use again in 
future. In this case it did provide ~some~ more information on what is going on.

Just to be clear, the problem is now solved by wrapping the correct bit of code 
in an explicit autorelease pool, but I'm still very interested in understanding 
what's going on and why Allocations is not reporting large chunks of memory - I 
still maintain that this is not happening. If I understood your reply 
correctly, you're saying this isn't what you would expect. The following 
results are with the explicit autorelease pool (bug fix for my issue) disabled 
so that the problem manifests itself.

With the use of heapshots, it does turn out there are in fact ~small~ objects 
accumulating that are reported by Allocations. An example screenshot can be 
viewed here:
However this is only reporting relatively small amounts of memory still 
outstanding from during the image processing run. The fact that there are 
Image/Bitmap objects in there should ring alarm bells, and watching one of 
those objects would have given me a very strong clue as to what was going 
wrong, had I done it earlier. For example:
is pretty strong evidence that it's a delay in autorelease pool drain that is 
causing all this memory to sit around.

However, if I understand you correctly, you are convinced that the (large) 
backing buffer for the bitmap data should be being reported by Allocations. As 
you can hopefully see from these screenshots, while the NS objects themselves 
are being reported as live, the backing memory itself really doesn't seem to be 
showing up in Allocations (though the VM tracker knows about it. When you wrote:

 So, the Allocations instrument should have been showing you those living 
 objects.  True, it couldn't show you the size of memory ultimately dependent 
 on those objects, but that's often the case (i.e. a small object that owns a 
 large NSData or something; Allocations would sort the NSData to the top but 
 you'd have to hunt to find the small object that owns it).

... it seems that my observations match that in terms of the top-level objects, 
but there really doesn't seem to be any sign at all of the backing memory. 


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Re: Memory not being released in a timely manner

2013-06-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 The Allocations instrument should report objects with pending autoreleases as 
 ordinary live objects. (Note that many objects with retain count == pending 
 autorelease count will be retained again before the autorelease pool pops.)
 In OS X 10.8 and iOS 6 simulator, you can set environment variable 
 OBJC_PRINT_POOL_HIGHWATER=YES to get debugging logs of the autorelease pool 
 high-water mark on each thread. This can detect code that accumulates lots of 
 autorelease garbage without spinning any pools. (The high-water mark is not 
 checked until the pool is popped, so you'd have to actually finish the work 
 to see the result.) 

Thanks for your comments Greg, very interesting. Unfortunately (in a sense!) 
the problem doesn't seem to happen on 10.8, so I can't reproduce the problem 
and get those debug logs.

 The Allocations instrument should report objects with pending autoreleases 
 as ordinary live objects

Do you happen to know if that's true of Allocations on 10.6? Is that definitely 
true for objects that have actually passed out of scope, and it would therefore 
be forbidden to re-retain them (if you know what I mean), but which haven't 
actually been freed behind the scenes?

I'm not seeing Allocations report large amounts of memory. I assume that it 
should be reporting anything that is present within my 32-bit address space 
(i.e. I assume there isn't any way that external libraries could allocate 
memory that is in some way hidden from Allocations)? If that is the case, I 
suppose the only other possibility I can think of is that I am fragmenting the 
address space to such an extent that there is no way of allocating any further 
buffers (size of order 1MB). 

Currently my understanding of the problem is pretty much limited to:
- Allocations claims only 300MB allocated memory
- 1.2MB buffer cannot be allocated (insufficient memory)
- Occurs when program is in background, and tickling autorelease pools at 1 
second intervals makes the problem go away.
- Occurs on 10.6, not on 10.8

I do have a solution in the form of the tickling, but I'd be very interested 
if you had any suggestions on ways I could dig further into the underlying 


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Re: Memory not being released in a timely manner

2013-06-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
  It smells like you're doing a lot of processing with temporary objects, in a 
 loop, without bracketing the loop body in @autoreleasepool{}, but I remember 
 you saying you're not.

Oh dear. Oh dear.

You are right. I know this is what everybody has been telling me all along. I 
have a tiny one-line GCD block that is re-posted back onto the main event loop 
(for thread safety reasons), which I had overlooked. It was setting off a chain 
reaction of binding notifications etc that resulted in the image as displayed 
in the GUI being updated. An autoreleased image buffer involved in this wasn't 
being caught by an explicit pool, and so was falling foul of the problem 
described by Jeff Johnson whereby autoreleased objects weren't being cleaned up 
in a timely manner.

So, wrapping that single line of code in an autorelease pool has fixed it. I'm 
so sorry for taxing everyone's patience on this one!

Your suggestion of the VM Tracker instrument (which I had not spotted before) 
did bring up some interesting results though. These autoreleased image buffers 
that were causing the problem are definitely NOT reported at all by Allocations 
(live bytes stays stable at 250MB), but they do show up under VM Tracker as 
CG image and CG raster data - although I don't think there's a way of 
getting any further details about the buffers they provide the backing for?

I do think it's interesting though (and a bit worrying) that the only way I 
could pinpoint the actual problem was by reading through the relevant bits of 
my code over and over - I wasn't able to glean any info from Instruments that 
really narrowed things down, other than to confirm that there were definitely 
image buffers accumulating somewhere.


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Re: Memory not being released in a timely manner

2013-06-06 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thankyou all for your replies. A few responses -

On 4 Jun 2013, at 16:30, Jeff Johnson wrote:
 We've run into this issue in a number of apps. As a workaround, we add a 
 timer to the main thread and have it fire periodically. The timer's action 
 method does the following:

Thanks again! I've implemented your code and that has fixed my problem - 
great news.

On 4 Jun 2013, at 18:33, Jens Alfke wrote:
 I don’t know if ObjectAlloc is supported anymore; you should be using 
 It’s been a long time since I used that app, so I don’t know if it reports 
 all heap allocations or just Obj-C objects. The problem is that a small 
 object (like an NSImageRep) can be hanging onto huge memory buffers for 

Apologies, I meant the Allocations tool within Instruments. [Incidentally, in 
my install ObjectAlloc just launches Instruments/Allocations]

As far as I can see, the Allocations tool does not report memory that is 
pending release from an autorelease pool. It would be interesting to know if 
there was a way of monitoring that. Re your suggestion about wrapping code with 
my own autorelease pools, I have done so but I am pretty sure the movie 
generation APIs that I am using launch their own threads, ones that I don't 
have control over. Without being able to see exactly what allocations are still 
pending release, I can't be sure, but I am as certain as I can be that that's 
where the memory-pending-autorelease must be accumulating.

 The problem seems to be that, even though ObjectAlloc thinks the memory has 
 been released, it is not actually being properly freed up until some time 
 later. The memory usage as reported in Activity Monitor climbs higher and 
 higher until, if left unattended, there is apparently no more memory 
 There are a lot of different numbers measuring different kinds of memory 
 usage, and not all of them are relevant to this. What specific value in 
 Activity Monitor are you talking about? The most relevant one is Private Mem 

Yep, that's the one. (I was trying to keep my original email reasonably 


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Memory not being released in a timely manner

2013-06-04 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

Can anybody advise what tools I should be using to debug a particular out of 
memory condition - and maybe even how I can fix it? The error that I ultimately 
encounter (in a 32-bit application on Snow Leopard) is:
2013-06-03 15:44:30.271 MyApplication[25115:a0f] NSImage: Insufficient memory 
to allocate pixel data buffer of 1228800 bytes
However as I'll explain I don't feel that I am doing anything that should 
result in running out of memory.

The program loads and processes a large number (~2000) image files, and I 
believe that I am disposing of memory and draining autorelease pools correctly. 
Running the program under ObjectAlloc, it never reports memory usage over 
300MB. The problem seems to be that, even though ObjectAlloc thinks the memory 
has been released, it is not actually being properly freed up until some time 
later. The memory usage as reported in Activity Monitor climbs higher and 
higher until, if left unattended, there is apparently no more memory available. 
Clicking the mouse or switching applications causes an immediate and 
significant drop in memory usage.

Thus the situation seems to be that I believe I am doing everything I can for 
good memory management, but the OS is not actually freeing things up for 
re-use. I encountered a similar problem that I asked about on here last year:
Although in that case the eventual conclusion was that I should be using a 
different approach in my code, it involved the same issue of memory not being 
released when I would have expected it to be. In that case from last year, I 
was wrong to rely on it being released when I expected, but I feel that this 
time it should be reasonable to expect that I won't run out of memory entirely, 
given that I am releasing all the buffers that I am finished with and only 
keeping a small working set allocated!

This is of course partly just speculation because ObjectAlloc isn't giving any 
info about this unavailable but apparently not-allocated memory. So...
1. Can anybody recommend a way of debugging this problem to get more concrete 
evidence for what is actually happening?
2. Assuming my interpretation is correct, can anybody suggest a solution?

Many thanks


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Re: Memory not being released in a timely manner

2013-06-04 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Jeff,
Thanks very much for your reply. That's brilliant. I had tried playing around 
with a few tricks I thought might prompt a pool drain, but to no joy. It's 
great to have a bit of code that will do the job for that - I'll give it a go 

On 4 Jun 2013, at 16:30, Jeff Johnson wrote:

 Hi Johnny.
 This is a long-standing problem with AppKit. According to the documentation, 
 The Application Kit creates an autorelease pool on the main thread at the 
 beginning of every cycle of the event loop, and drains it at the end, thereby 
 releasing any autoreleased objects generated while processing an event. 
 However, this is somewhat misleading. The end of the event loop cycle is 
 immediately before the beginning. Thus, for example, if your app is in the 
 background and not receiving events, then the autorelease pool will not be 
 drained. That's why your memory drops significantly when you click the mouse 
 or switch applications.
 We've run into this issue in a number of apps. As a workaround, we add a 
 timer to the main thread and have it fire periodically. The timer's action 
 method does the following:
 NSEvent *event = [NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined 
 location:NSZeroPoint modifierFlags:0 timestamp:[NSDate 
 timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] windowNumber:0 context:nil subtype:0 data1:0 
 [NSApp postEvent:event atStart:YES];
 This basically tickles the event loop and causes the autorelease pool to 
 On Jun 3, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Jonathan Taylor 
 Hi all,
 Can anybody advise what tools I should be using to debug a particular out of 
 memory condition - and maybe even how I can fix it? The error that I 
 ultimately encounter (in a 32-bit application on Snow Leopard) is:
 2013-06-03 15:44:30.271 MyApplication[25115:a0f] NSImage: Insufficient 
 memory to allocate pixel data buffer of 1228800 bytes
 However as I'll explain I don't feel that I am doing anything that should 
 result in running out of memory.
 The program loads and processes a large number (~2000) image files, and I 
 believe that I am disposing of memory and draining autorelease pools 
 correctly. Running the program under ObjectAlloc, it never reports memory 
 usage over 300MB. The problem seems to be that, even though ObjectAlloc 
 thinks the memory has been released, it is not actually being properly freed 
 up until some time later. The memory usage as reported in Activity Monitor 
 climbs higher and higher until, if left unattended, there is apparently no 
 more memory available. Clicking the mouse or switching applications causes 
 an immediate and significant drop in memory usage.
 Thus the situation seems to be that I believe I am doing everything I can 
 for good memory management, but the OS is not actually freeing things up for 
 re-use. I encountered a similar problem that I asked about on here last year:
 Although in that case the eventual conclusion was that I should be using a 
 different approach in my code, it involved the same issue of memory not 
 being released when I would have expected it to be. In that case from last 
 year, I was wrong to rely on it being released when I expected, but I feel 
 that this time it should be reasonable to expect that I won't run out of 
 memory entirely, given that I am releasing all the buffers that I am 
 finished with and only keeping a small working set allocated!
 This is of course partly just speculation because ObjectAlloc isn't giving 
 any info about this unavailable but apparently not-allocated memory. So...
 1. Can anybody recommend a way of debugging this problem to get more 
 concrete evidence for what is actually happening?
 2. Assuming my interpretation is correct, can anybody suggest a solution?
 Many thanks


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Re: NSAutounbinder not releasing my object in a timely manner

2012-07-20 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thankyou both for your very helpful replies. The dispatch group approach sounds 
like a nice one - especially using dispatch_group_notify, which I had somehow 
overlooked. Thanks also Ken for your detailed reply to my ramblings, that was 
very useful for getting my understanding straightened out.

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Re: NSAutounbinder not releasing my object in a timely manner

2012-07-19 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 this nasty NSAutounbinder thingy then jumps in and re-retains it in some 
 evil under-the-covers voodoo to do with avoiding retain cycles (as I 
 understand it). Unfortunately the balancing autorelease only occurs 16 
 seconds later when I move the mouse! While not catastrophic this is pretty 
 annoying and looks rather embarrassing.
 It's not embarrassing unless your users are running your app in a debugger. 
 Sorry, you've lost me there. Are you saying this will not occur if I am 
 running standalone rather than under XCode? (Unfortunately I don't have the 
 code in front of me to try this out). If that is the case then that's good - 
 if frustrating - news. Is this a known issue then? I was working on the 
 assumption that I was doing something obscurely wrong, or at least 
 non-standard somewhere to trigger this from happening.
 Or are you saying you only see the NSAutounbinder stuff in the debugger? If 
 so then - sure, but it's the fact that the progress bar is just sitting 
 there until I move the mouse that alarms me.
 Are you saying you're relying on an object being deallocated to change your 
 GUI?  You shouldn't be.  If you want to close or hide a window, send it a 
 -close or -orderOut: message.  If you want to remove or hide a view, remove 
 it from the view hierarchy or send it -setHidden:YES.  If its hidden binding 
 is bound to a model or controller property, set that property (on the main 

Right, that makes a lot of sense. I can understand the principle of not relying 
on the dealloc for that sort of thing and on first reading that made complete 
sense. However, I have now tracked down/remembered the piece of code that was 
my motivation for taking the approach I did. As always, it turns out the real 
question is probably not quite the one I originally asked! Can I get your 
opinion on this workflow? This is how I had previously done things:

- User requests batch processing of data within a folder tree, which will 
result in between 0 and many separate movies being generated.
- Application allocates a progress tracker, subclassed from 
NSWindowController, in control of a window containing a progress indicator and 
various other feedback elements. 
- This is supplied to separate traversal/parsing code which identifies source 
data from which movies should be generated.
- For each movie to be generated, the progress indicator is retained in 
association with a GCD block which will be executed to perform the actual work, 
added to a serial queue
- Following tree traversal, the application releases its reservation on the 
progress tracker. If no movies are due to be generated, I had intended this to 
cause it to be deallocated, at which point I had been closing the window.

If work was queued, this will in due course be executed. The current work block 
will take control of updating the progress tracker. When it is finished it will 
release its reservation of the progress tracker. Again, when all work has been 
completed I intended the retain count to fall to zero at which point it would 
be deallocated and closed.

My intention with all this was to avoid the need for any information sharing 
between bits of code that I felt should be fairly independent. The 
application-level code that originally allocates the progress tracker doesn't 
need to care about what any more specific code wants to do with the progress 
tracker, it just makes it available to anything that wants to retain it for 
future use, and then relinquishes any further personal interest in that 

Now, your statement that [you shouldn't be] relying on an object being 
deallocated to change your GUI seems fair, but how would you tackle my 
scenario here? One possible solution would be to have an intermediary object 
with no gui/binding/etc of its own, which allocates and owns the progress 
window and is retained and released by my code as necessary, closing/releasing 
the window when it is deallocated. In practice, I suspect that would work 
because that intermediary object shouldn't get caught up in any of the 
deferred autoreleasing that was associated with my original problem. However I 
am genuinely not sure whether that is just a slightly more indirect way of 
violating your advice, or whether it is acceptable. I guess I am not sure 
whether your statement is a generic design principle or a practical rule of 
thumb for avoiding the sort of issue I encountered.

In my mind retain/release is a way of tracking the interest that my different 
work packages have on the progress window. If you say you don't like my 
intermediary object approach then my next proposal will be that I implement a 
manual counter of the number of work packages outstanding... which is really 
just me reimplementing a parallel retain/release mechanism myself. Is *that* 
more acceptable, or am I again violating the spirit if not the letter of your 

I've rambled a bit here, in my attempts to understand the 

Re: GCD question

2012-07-19 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 If I use this to initiate a background thread:
 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{
 // do some stuff
 [self runMyFunction];
 [self runAnotherFunction];
 // do some more stuff
 My question is with my sample calling runMyFunction or runAnotherFunction are 
 they blocking?  Meaning will they block the background thread until they 
 are complete and then it will continue?  Or must I put them into another kind 
 of block so that they finish FIFO?  Thanks just looking for a confirmation as 
 I'm moving to GCD from threads...

You are correct in that they are blocking if I understand you correctly. 
There is nothing magic about the concept of GCD blocks, they are really just 
anonymous functions with a slightly unusual scope. You would be equally welcome 
to use the alternative dispatch_async_f API, which would have exactly the same 
outcome (code written in Mail; not complied!):

void MyDispatchFunc(void *)
// do some stuff
[self runMyFunction];
[self runAnotherFunction];
// do some more stuff   

void foo(void)
dispatch_async_f(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), MyDispatchFunc);

I hope it is obvious from this alternative formulation that there is nothing 
magic going on: the API call is just scheduling a call to MyDispatchFunc at 
the time GCD deems appropriate. Exactly the same is true of the example you 
gave, it is just that you are passing a block around instead of a function 

Hope that helps

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NSAutounbinder not releasing my object in a timely manner

2012-07-18 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I am tearing my hair out here with yet another retain issue with the 
NSAutounbinder. I don't know what I am doing to keep hitting these problems, 
and unfortunately going back through peoples past (very helpful) replies to my 
questions on both this and blocks+autorelease pools has not shed any light on 
things for me.

The situation I have is I have a sheet on a window, with the sheet containing a 
progress indicator (and time estimate). This has a window controller associated 
with it, called CocoaProgressWindow (which is also the window delegate). I 
release the window controller, and soon afterwards its retain count falls to 
zero (as it should). However, this nasty NSAutounbinder thingy then jumps in 
and re-retains it in some evil under-the-covers voodoo to do with avoiding 
retain cycles (as I understand it). Unfortunately the balancing autorelease 
only occurs 16 seconds later when I move the mouse! While not catastrophic this 
is pretty annoying and looks rather embarrassing. 

Can anybody suggest what might be happening here? I can only assume I am doing 
something wrong somewhere along the line, although I cannot imagine what it 
might be! I have recorded full callstacks of every time my retain/release is 
a version editing out the really obvious, balanced retain/releases that I know 
and one edited down to just show the two dodgy callstacks at the end:

In general terms, I am running some demanding work (generating a movie file) on 
a GCD serial thread using dispatch_async and there is then a second nested 
dispatch_async back onto the main queue, from which I release the window 
controller. It is when that block is destroyed that the final real release 
occurs and the NSAutounbinder stuff happens. This is under Snow Leopard, no GC 
or ARC. It might be relevant that I am running with Mike Ash's 
ZeroingWeakReference code compiled in, although the code in question here makes 
no use of that facility whatsoever. 

Can anybody speculate what my problem might be, and how I can deal with it?
Many thanks

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Re: Capturing 'self' strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle

2012-07-10 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 In practice, NSOperationQueue probably releases the block when it's done 
 with it
 I'm curious about your use of the word probably here. Can you explain?

This is probably not what the OP had in mind, but I might mention that I've 
seen situations where autoreleases associated with NSOperationQueues and GCD 
queues have still been outstanding five minutes later under conditions of 
extremely high load. (My suspicion is that a mouse click or other user event 
causes these to be carried out, but I didn't test that one systematically).

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NSWindowController subclasses, and retain cycles

2012-05-24 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I have been battling a retain cycle for a couple of hours, assuming I am at 
fault, but I am starting to think there is something fishy going on. Can 
anybody advise?

- I have a window controller subclass (and associated window) A, and a separate 
window controller subclass (and associated window) B. B contains a property, 
designated 'retain', that keeps a pointer to A. B is programatically closed 
first, and later on A is programatically closed
- I believe that I am correctly balancing retain/release for A.
- I believe I am doing the same for B.

1. If I do not set B's pointer to A, both A and B are deallocated correctly
2. If instead I set B's pointer to A, but reset it to nil just before B is 
closed, both A and B are deallocated correctly
3. If instead B still has a live pointer to A when B is closed, this should be 
autoreleased by the runtime, which it is. However, A never gets deallocated.

There appears to be some weird runtime voodoo behind the scenes involving 
NSAutounbinder, which I think is what should ultimately be sending the final 
release to A. That is what sends the final release to B, but that final release 
for A is missing under that third scenario above.

I am concerned by the following post:
This seems to imply there is some dodginess behind the scenes that Apple have 
bodged to try and make things work. The blog post is 8 years old, so I would 
have hoped this would be sorted by now(!), but it does sound remarkably close 
to my scenario here.

I may have missed out some important relevant information here, so let me know 
if I need to be more specific about what I am doing, but can anybody suggest:
- If you agree the problem is likely to be with the runtime rather than with my 
- What the best workaround would be (scenario 2 above will probably do as a 
- Whether the fact that I am hitting this suggests I am doing something out of 
the ordinary that I should probably be doing differently.

Thanks for any advice

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Re: NSWindowController subclasses, and retain cycles

2012-05-24 Thread Jonathan Taylor
On 24 May 2012, at 16:27, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 1. If I do not set B's pointer to A, both A and B are deallocated correctly
 2. If instead I set B's pointer to A, but reset it to nil just before B is 
 closed, both A and B are deallocated correctly
 3. If instead B still has a live pointer to A when B is closed, this should 
 be autoreleased by the runtime, which it is. However, A never gets 
 If A somehow has a chain of retains that keeps B alive, #3 is wrong. Your 
 approach with #2 seems sensible.

Thankyou all three for your replies. [I am not using ARC as this must run on 
Snow Leopard, incidentally].

Having done some playing around with trivial test cases, it appears that I have 
completely misunderstood a basic concept of properties - apologies for wasting 
your time. I had always thought that if I declare a property as follows:

@property (retain) MyProgressWindow * progressObject;
@synthesize progressObject = _progressObject;

then if that property has a non-nil value at the point that the instance is 
deallocated, a release would be sent. That had always struck me as the 
obvious behaviour, but it appears that this does not happen. I am sure there 
is a good reason for that! Not sure how I have managed to go this long without 
spotting that I am wrong here. Seems a bit of a pain to have to go through 
setting everything to nil in the dealloc method (which I would otherwise not 
have to even implement at all in many cases), but looks like that's what I need 
to do...


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Re: Binding and multithreading

2012-03-24 Thread Jonathan Taylor
It sounds, though, as if it should be ok to use 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context (which will run on the secondary 
thread, by the sound of it) as a way of monitoring the fact that something 
has changed in the state of my object. I can then use that as a single place in 
which I schedule a GUI update via a shadow object on the main thread. Does that 
sound as if it would be ok?

On 23 Mar 2012, at 23:14, Dave Fernandes wrote:

 See the Cocoa Design Patterns doc:
 The Receptionist Design Pattern in Practice
 A KVO notification invokes the 
 observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: method implemented by an 
 observer. If the change to the property occurs on a secondary thread, 
 theobserveValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: code executes on that same 
 So you shouldn't use observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context to update 
 the GUI in this context. I don't know of any better method than what the OP 
 On 2012-03-23, at 6:32 PM, Jan E. Schotsman wrote:
 Jonathan Taylor wrote:
 I have been struggling with a problem which I think I have eventually 
 realised is down to me not handling multithreading issues properly. The 
 situation is I have some computationally-demanding code that is running in 
 a separate thread. This has input parameters and state variables associated 
 with it. For diagnostic reasons I would like to be able to display the 
 values of the state variables in the GUI. I had intended to do this just by 
 binding to them. However I am getting occasional message sent to 
 deallocated instance errors which I suspect are a symptom of the fact that 
 I am Doing It Wrong. Further reading suggests that because of the way 
 bindings work, modifying those state variables is leading to binding/gui 
 type stuff happening away from the main thread, which appears not to be 
 I use KVO for this. Have your main thread observe the state variables 
 (declared as properties) and update the GUI in your 
 observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: method.
 I hope this is elegant enough for you  ;-)
 Jan E.
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Binding and multithreading

2012-03-23 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I have been struggling with a problem which I think I have eventually realised 
is down to me not handling multithreading issues properly. The situation is I 
have some computationally-demanding code that is running in a separate thread. 
This has input parameters and state variables associated with it. For 
diagnostic reasons I would like to be able to display the values of the state 
variables in the GUI. I had intended to do this just by binding to them. 
However I am getting occasional message sent to deallocated instance errors 
which I suspect are a symptom of the fact that I am Doing It Wrong. Further 
reading suggests that because of the way bindings work, modifying those state 
variables is leading to binding/gui type stuff happening away from the main 
thread, which appears not to be permitted.

What I can't work out is whether there is a reasonably elegant and 
uncomplicated way of achieving what I want: the properties in question are 
being modified from a secondary thread, and I would like to display their 
values in the GUI, preferably via bindings for convenience. I could for example 
keep a shadow object which the GUI binds to, whose state is updated either 
periodically or in specific response to changes to properties in the primary 
object based in the secondary thread. However that strikes me as rather 
unwieldy and requiring a fair amount of extra code to implement correctly and 
efficiently. I feel there must be a better way of dealing with my problem - or 
maybe there isn't, and I just need to accept that bindings etc do not work well 
in a multithreaded environment. Does anybody have any advice?


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Re: ObjectController preventing WindowController from releasing

2011-11-08 Thread Jonathan Taylor
 Well, in this case I certainly think it would be better to bind the object 
 controller to File's  Really, I wasn't so much getting at 
 anything in particular, I just find it odd for an object controller to have a 
 window controller as its content.  I also find it odd to bind to File's 
 Owner.self.  I can't say for sure that either is the source of the problem, 
 but they strike me as suspicious.

Hmm, certainly the problem seems to have gone away if I bind to File's Interesting. I guess I should take that as a sign that I am 
expected to separate my model and controllers properly!

 If your data model is within the window controller and you want a means to 
 use -commitEditing, then you should probably make the window controller 
 conform to NSEditor and NSEditorRegistration, just as NSController (and thus 
 NSObjectController) does.
I'll have a look at that, thanks.___

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ObjectController preventing window from closing

2011-11-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi all,

This is probably a very basic question, but I am out of ideas and hoping 
someone can offer some help. I should say that I'm afraid I'm somewhat out of 
my depth with ObjectControllers: I added some seemingly simple bindings at the 
recommendation of a poster on here, and I thought I understood what it was 
doing, but the fact that I am now having retain issues suggests otherwise!

I have a window and window controller which in the absence of an object 
controller work fine, and both are deallocated when the window is closed. If I 
add an ObjectController to the NIB and bind its Content Object to File's 
Owner.self then the window no longer closes properly. The window disappears 
from the screen but the controller is not released as it should be. I get a 
windowWillClose notification, but the one [self autorelease] that I do from 
there is not enough to release the window. The controller appears to be still 
retained by the ObjectController. In the actual NIB there are various GUI 
elements bound to the object controller, but I have removed all those bindings, 
just leaving the single binding from the OC to File's Owner.self and I still 
have this problem of non-deallocation. If I remove that final binding, so the 
object controller is completely isolated, the window controller releases as one 
would expect (though I suspect the object controller may be leaked).

Is there something important that I should be doing here? Should I somehow be 
releasing the object controller, or indicating to it that it is no longer 
required? I realise that the information I've given here may be incomplete, 
because I don't even know what factors may be important in understanding the 
problem! Any advice would be very welcome though, as I am completely out of 


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ObjectController preventing WindowController from releasing

2011-11-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Sorry. Re-sending under what I think is a more correct title. I only realised 
after I hit send!

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Jonathan Taylor
 Date: 7 November 2011 16:08:13 GMT
 To: cocoa-dev
 Subject: ObjectController preventing window from closing
 Hi all,
 This is probably a very basic question, but I am out of ideas and hoping 
 someone can offer some help. I should say that I'm afraid I'm somewhat out of 
 my depth with ObjectControllers: I added some seemingly simple bindings at 
 the recommendation of a poster on here, and I thought I understood what it 
 was doing, but the fact that I am now having retain issues suggests otherwise!
 I have a window and window controller which in the absence of an object 
 controller work fine, and both are deallocated when the window is closed. If 
 I add an ObjectController to the NIB and bind its Content Object to File's 
 Owner.self then the window no longer closes properly. The window disappears 
 from the screen but the controller is not released as it should be. I get a 
 windowWillClose notification, but the one [self autorelease] that I do from 
 there is not enough to release the window. The controller appears to be still 
 retained by the ObjectController. In the actual NIB there are various GUI 
 elements bound to the object controller, but I have removed all those 
 bindings, just leaving the single binding from the OC to File's Owner.self 
 and I still have this problem of non-deallocation. If I remove that final 
 binding, so the object controller is completely isolated, the window 
 controller releases as one would expect (though I suspect the object 
 controller may be leaked).
 Is there something important that I should be doing here? Should I somehow be 
 releasing the object controller, or indicating to it that it is no longer 
 required? I realise that the information I've given here may be incomplete, 
 because I don't even know what factors may be important in understanding the 
 problem! Any advice would be very welcome though, as I am completely out of 


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Re: ObjectController preventing WindowController from releasing

2011-11-07 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Ken,

Thanks very much for your reply!

 I have a window and window controller which in the absence of an object 
 controller work fine, and both are deallocated when the window is closed. If 
 I add an ObjectController to the NIB and bind its Content Object to 
 File's Owner.self then the window no longer closes properly.
 What is the File's Owner?  Is the window controller the file's owner?

Yes, the window controller is the file's owner, bound to the window, and with 
the window controller set up to be the delegate for the window. 

  Is the window controller the one loading the NIB (rather than, say, using 
 NSBundle or NSNib directly)?  NSWindowController has some built-in 
 functionality to break retain cycles for binding through File's Owner when 
 and only when it is the File's Owner and loads the NIB.

Yes it loads the nib from its own init routine, via initWithWindowNibName

 What would you sensibly bind to the File's Owner itself, rather than one of 
 its properties?  In other words, what is bound to or through the object 

OK, I am not absolutely sure I've understood what you're getting at here, but I 
will try and answer in two parts - firstly what I originally did, and still do 
for a number of other windows, followed by the exact situation for this window. 
It may be that I am doing something wrong in either or both of these, but it 
may help explain how I've ended up where I have.

== What I originally did ==

The Content Object of the ObjectController is bound to File's Owner.self 
and various GUI text boxes are bound to variables within the file's owner e.g. 
a text box bound to Object Controller.selection.speed. Rightly or wrongly, the 
data model is contained within the window controller - it really didn't seem 
worth the effort of separating them out.

Assuming I have set everything up correctly, this was originally suggested to 
me by a poster on here in order that I could make calls to [myObjectController 
commitEditing] when I needed to.

== The actual situation for this window ==

I'm not sure if this is what you are getting at here, but actually in this 
specific case there IS a separation between window controller and data model. 
The window controller is a very lightweight class which keeps a pointer to the 
object camera that actually contains the data model. So the text boxes are 
actually bound to things like Object Are 
you suggesting that this could be the problem and I should be binding the 
Object Controller to File's instead of to File's Owner.self, and 
that this might help break retain 

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Re: Keeping grayscale image grayscale

2011-10-18 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Belated thanks for the various replies to my question. I'm working through the 
posted code and links now and looking at what I can learn from it. One query 

On 12 Oct 2011, at 16:42, Heinrich Giesen wrote:
 Another rule of thumb is: if you need -[NSImage TIFFRepresentation] you do 
 something wrong.
 (There are of course counterexamples).

I've heard this said before, and have mostly eliminated it from my code. 
However the cocoadev page on NSBitmapImageRep does specifically say A correct 
use of TIFFRepresentation is one that sends the resulting data outside of the 
process. For example, write to disk, write to pasteboard, write to network. So 
is there a particular reason why there is a problem with my line:
[[destImage TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile:destFile atomically:NO];


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Keeping grayscale image grayscale

2011-10-10 Thread Jonathan Taylor
I'm working with 16-bit grayscale images, and for the most part I'm just 
manipulating bits within NSBitmapImageRep objects. However for convenience it 
would be nice to do some stuff with NSImages, particularly when rescaling and 
suchlike. The problem is that whenever I draw into such an NSImage it gets 
converted to 3x8 bit RGB. Is there a simple way I can force things to stay 
grayscale, or am I fighting a losing battle here. The code snippet I have looks 
like this:

NSImage *srcImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:thePath];
NSImage *destImage = [srcImage copy];   // Attempt to encourage same 16-bit 
grayscale format as source
[destImage setSize:destSize];   // Shrink dest image

// Draw image into a new image at reduced size
// This causes the result to be saved as a 3x8 bit RGB TIFF (which is not what 
I want!)
[destImage lockFocus];
[srcImage drawInRect:destRect fromRect:srcRect operation:NSCompositeCopy 
[destImage unlockFocus];
[[destImage TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile:destFile atomically:NO];

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Re: dispatch_async Performance Issues

2011-06-28 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Hi Andreas,

If I understand your post correctly, you are saying that you see a performance 
drop of 3x when using an iterator in your inner loop as opposed to using 
hand-written C code to do the iterating. Unfortunately you say you haven't 
actually posted the code relating to the iterator... but it seems to me that 
this is very likely to be the source of your problems!

Your title states dispatch_async Performance Issues, but have you actually 
looked into whether you see the same problem in a single-threaded case that 
does not use dispatch_async?

All I can suggest is that you examine the preprocessor output and even the 
generated assembly code with the aim of spotting any significant differences in 
the generated code in each case. It may well be that a function call is being 
generated as part of the iterator code, or something like that. Shark may help 
you pin down where the problem is, but you will probably need to have some 
level of appreciation of assembly code to be able to fully interpret the 
results for your optimized build. Unfortunately without the crucial part of 
your source code there's not a lot anyone else can do to help you in that 

Hope that helps a bit

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Re: dispatch_async Performance Issues

2011-06-28 Thread Jonathan Taylor
... and more importantly I do not believe your code makes correct use of 
dispatch_group_async. Your first call adds a producer block to the global 
concurrent queue, which may start executing immediately. At some time soon 
afterwards you add a consumer block to the global concurrent queue, which again 
may start executing immediately - while the producer block is still in the 
process of producing. As far as I can see the code appears to have a number 
of major issues:

1. Theoretically your producer block may not have produced anything by the time 
your consumer block executes

2. What happens if your consumer block has processed all the currently-added 
blocks before the producer block has added the eof marker?

3. You have only one single consumer block, which means you will only have a 
single consumer thread running under Grand Central Dispatch, which rather 
defeats the purpose of using it at all! I think you may not have fully 
understood how GCD is intended to be used...

4. Are you sure that your mysterious and rather complicated-seeming 
CFDataConstBuffers class is sufficiently threadsafe for your producer to be 
adding to it at the same time as your consumer block is iterating through it? I 
am 99% sure that the explicit consumer code you wrote in 
ConcurrentProduceConsume is not threadsafe.


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