Off Topic: selling a product line

2008-05-07 Thread Kimo
This is not the usual development question, but this list probably has  
the best people to answer.
Suppose you wrote a cool Mac product, and it's been selling well as  
shareware for years.  Then a larger software development company  
contacts you and says they want to purchase the entire product  
outright, source and all, for a lump sum, no royalties.  And they ask  
what do you want for it? How would you ever determine the price?   
Some people have said to estimate at what it brings in over 1 or 2  
years.  Others have said that it shouldn't be a price more than it  
would cost the company to develop the product themselves from  
scratch.  Is there a standard method for determining the cost of a  
product, possibly similar to appraising the price of a house before  
you sell it?

I hope this topic is not too far off-topic.  Thanks for any help.

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Sending an image to Preview to preview the image

2008-05-06 Thread Kimo
My app produces a list of images (NSData format), and I'd like the app  
Preview to display the image when the user double-clicks on an image  
in my app.

Currently I use NSPerformService as shown below, which works, but  
Preview always asks to save the file when you close its window.  I've  
seen other apps where you double-click an image and Preview opens a  
window with a title something like Preview of  and it doesn't  
try to save the image when you close the window.

To send an image to Preview using NSPerformService:
NSData *data;  /* assume exists */
NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithUniqueName];
[pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSTIFFPboardType] owner:nil];
[pb setData:data forType:NSTIFFPboardType];
NSPerformService( @Preview/Open images, pb );

It works, but is there a better way to send image data to Preview?
Thanks in advance!


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NSMenuItem view bug with status bar menu

2008-04-14 Thread Kimo
I believe I have found a bug with a menu item view when used in the  
status bar menu.
Here's how to recreate the bug.  Assume the app MyApp is active and  
has a status bar menu, and one of the menu items has a view:
1. Bring another app to the front (such as Safari), and access the  
MyApp status bar menu, displaying the view.

2. Bring MyApp to the front.
3. Now there is a ghost image from the view displayed when MyApp was  
inactive.  The ghost image goes away after about 20 seconds.  When I  
say ghost image it's just a white space void of any of the views  

Maybe the NSMenuItem view is not meant to be used with a status bar  
menu?  Or this is a bug?
Or more importantly, does anyone know a workaround so I don't get this  
ghost image on the screen?



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Predicate works with array controller but not fetch request

2008-02-21 Thread Kimo
I have a Core Data app with an entity that contains a date attribute,  
called startTime.  I have a predicate defined as startTime =  
today.  If I apply that predicate to an array controller using  
setFilterPredicate, it works fine.  However, if I use the same  
predicate with NSFetchRequest, it does not work (returns an empty  
array).  My code for fetching the data using a NSFetchRequest is  
below.  Why does this predicate work with an array controller but not  
with a fetch request?  All other predicates I have used work with both  
the array controller and the fetch request.  Just not when the  
predicate is defined as startTime = today.  Does anyone know why?

+(NSArray *)objectsForEntityName:(NSString *)name
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:name
NSFetchRequest *req = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
[req setEntity:entity]; 
[req setPredicate:predicate];

NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *array = [context executeFetchRequest:req error:error];
return array;

Thanks in advance,


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