Using custom controls on top of custom graphics

2012-02-07 Thread Tom Jeffries
I want to use a custom graphic as the main window of a program, and I'm
using custom controls (built with NSButtons on top of NSViews).  I have not
been able to figure out how to make the custom controls appear on top of
the bitmap.  I also want to build custom sliders using a special graphic
for the slider area and for the knob.

Can someone point me to some source code that shows how to do this?

Thanks, Tom Jeffries

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Changing the appearance of buttons

2011-11-08 Thread Tom Jeffries
This is probably an elementary question.  I need to change the bitmaps used
for buttons.  Is there a way to do that with buttons created using
Interface Builder or do I need to create a new class that gives me control
of the bitmaps?  If I need to create a new class, is there some example
source code available?

Thanks, Tom Jeffries

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Re: Changing the appearance of buttons

2011-11-08 Thread Tom Jeffries

sent from my mobile phone

On Nov 8, 2011 1:37 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:

Mac or iOS?

On 8 Nov 2011, at 18:52, Tom Jeffries wrote:

 This is probably an elementary question. I need to...

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drawRect not getting called problem solved

2011-07-28 Thread Tom Jeffries
I appreciate all the comments on the problem I had with drawRect not
getting called.  I finally extracted the code that was not working and
put it in a new program, and it worked perfectly.  I'm still not sure
whether there was a problem in my code or if I unearthed a problem in
Cocoa, but I'm now adding the rest of the original program to the new
program, and the graphics are working.

I understand that people who program in only one environment want to
see code that matches the way they learned to program.  That causes
problems for those of us who work in multiple environments, some of
which have a whole different set of rules.  However, maybe it's a
sign that software development is still at an early stage that some
environments insist on Data and others insist on data.  I do think
it's important to keep in mind the difference between code and data,
and some of the suggestions I got seemed to show some lack of clarity
in that area. Confusing the two may work in certain specific
environments, but it reflects a misunderstanding of the way computers
actually work.  I think it's important to have an awareness of the

Thanks again for your help.

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More on drawRect not getting called

2011-07-24 Thread Tom Jeffries
I appreciate the answers, so far everything that's been suggested is
something I've tried.  Maybe if I put the code out somebody will see what
I'm doing wrong:

This is the function that is called by the mouse click, it's in another

+ (BOOL) Play


// init code

[SequeraStepWindow DrawCurrentBarNotes];


It calls this function in the NSView module:

- (void) DrawCurrentBarNotes


drawNotesFlag = YES; // This flag tells drawRect to draw the notes next time

[self DrawNotes]; // this is where the drawing takes place

 I've tried all of these to invoke drawRect, no luck

//[self awakeFromNib];

//[super awakeFromNib];

//[SequeraStepWindow awakeFromNib];

//[SequeraStepWindow setNeedsDisplay: YES];

//[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];

//[super setNeedsDisplay: YES];


Here's drawRect, which gets called properly on start up but does not get
called afterwards

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {

[self DrawStepArea]; // Always draw the step area

// don't draw the notes on program startup

if(drawNotesFlag == YES) // if I comment this out DrawNotes works fine

 [self DrawNotes];


Somebody suggested using NSLog, which I haven't done. However I've been
using breakpoints and tracing through the code, which I assume should be
just as valid.  Everything works perfectly- except drawRect doesn't get

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Re: More on drawRect not getting called

2011-07-24 Thread Tom Jeffries
Jens, I'm sorry if my naming conventions confuse you. I've been programming
for 27 years on a wide variety of operating systems, and I'm afraid
following Cocoa naming conventions is not high on my list.

I thought [SequeraStepWindow awakeFromNib] makes it obvious that
SequeraStepWindow is a class.  Is there a way to use that syntax with a
variable?  If so, Objective C gets a major thumbs down.

Draw Notes calls other routines to get the correct information and ends

   CGContextBeginPath (noteContext);

 CGContextAddEllipseInRect(noteContext, noteBox);


CGContextDrawPath(noteContext, kCGPathStroke);

drawRect is supposed to do the actual screen drawing.  It does it perfectly
when called during program startup. It is not called again.

The program compiles without warnings.  Obviously I dealt with that level
before posting a question here.

Thanks, Tom

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Jul 24, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Tom Jeffries wrote:

 + (BOOL) Play

 It’s hard to tell what’s going on in the code when you’re not following
 Cocoa naming conventions. Methods should start with a lowercase letter
 (unless they begin with a common acronym like “URL”).

 I’m very strongly in favor of prefixing (or postfixing) instance variables
 with something like “_” or “m_” to distinguish them from other variables.
 This makes it a lot easier to look at code and quickly identify what a
 variable is, as in these snippets. (It’s not a universal convention, though,
 although I will note that Apple strongly follows it in its own code.)

 [self DrawNotes]; // this is where the drawing takes place

 Do you mean that the -DrawNotes method actually draws stuff? It shouldn’t;
 that should happen in -drawRect:.

 //[SequeraStepWindow awakeFromNib];

 //[SequeraStepWindow setNeedsDisplay: YES];

 What is SequeraStepWindow? A class or a variable? It’s capitalized so I
 assume a class, but both of those are instance methods, so they won’t work
 when called on a class (and will generate compiler warnings.)

 * Does your code build without warnings? If not, fix the warnings first.
 Very important; a lot of serious errors in Obj-C only get reported as
 * Have you set an all-exceptions breakpoint? There are cases in which an
 exception thrown from your code can be caught by AppKit and not reported
 back to you, so it just looks as though nothing happens.

 This is getting messy enough that maybe you should just upload a zip file
 of your whole project, or at least the relevant source files, and post the



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Re: More on drawRect not getting called

2011-07-24 Thread Tom Jeffries

Everything works except that I can't get drawRect to be called a second
time.  I assume that means the IBOutlet is working.  However, I think you're
right that there's something about the interaction between the modules that
is causing the problem.

Thanks, Tom

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Patrick William Walker wrote:

 On 2011-07-24, at 2:11 PM, Tom Jeffries wrote:

  I appreciate the answers, so far everything that's been suggested is
  something I've tried.  Maybe if I put the code out somebody will see what
  I'm doing wrong:
  This is the function that is called by the mouse click, it's in another
  + (BOOL) Play
  // init code
  [SequeraStepWindow DrawCurrentBarNotes];

 It's hard to see what you've done.   One thing to check is to make sure you
 have correctly added in (and connected) an IBOutlet inside your NIB/XIB
 file.  You can send [myView setNeedsDisplay: YES] over and over and nothing
 will happen and is a common oversight.  Is your custom view is configured
 property (and connected) under your SequeraStepWindow?

 I'm not sure why you've defined + (BOOL) Play as a class method but without
 seeing more of the actual code I cannot say much more.  Is your custom view
 is configured property (and connected) under your SequeraStepWindow?

Patrick William Walker


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Re: More on drawRect not getting called

2011-07-24 Thread Tom Jeffries
On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Andy Lee wrote:

 You should know that it is most certainly possible to use that syntax with
 a variable. For example:

NSString *myString = @abc;  // == a variable
NSString *newString = [myString copy];  // == a message send

 You can send messages to both classes and instances of classes. If you are
 not clear about the difference between a class and an instance, let us know
 now so we can proceed on the same page.

OK, we're each half right- myString in this case is a function, not a class,
but I would question calling it a variable.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I
think it's important to distinguish between information (variables) and
operations (functions).  That is one reason why I'm less than completely
enthusiastic about Objective C syntax and Cocoa conventions.  However, I do
understand that using them would make it easier to understand what's going

I've gotten several interesting hints from the comments, which I appreciate.
 I'm going to pursue them, if I don't find a solution I'll see if I can post
a more understandable example.

Thanks, Tom

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drawRect not getting called when needed under OS X

2011-07-23 Thread Tom Jeffries
I am using a window that uses a subclass of NSView. Part of it is drawn when
the program starts, another part needs to be drawn when the user clicks on a
button in another window. The code for the other window calls my subclass of
NSView with no problems, creates the new graphics, and then returns.
However, the window that needs to get updated with new graphics does not

When I put both the beginning graphics and the graphics that are to be drawn
later in the initial drawRect call everything is drawn without a problem.
However, drawRect does not get called when the user clicks the button on the
second window. I've tried awakeFromNib, setNeedsDisplay, needsDisplay, and
display, but nothing I've found so far gets the NSView window to call

I am fairly new to OS X programming and appreciate any hints you can throw
my way.

Thanks, Tom Jeffries

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Re: drawRect not getting called when needed under OS X

2011-07-23 Thread Tom Jeffries
Graham, I'm not calling drawRect.  The button click goes to another module
in the program, all the code in that module works fine, then it calls the
module that has the NSView, executes the code for creating all the lines and
shapes, and then tries to get the new graphics to display.  I've tried
(among other things):

   [super setNeedsDisplay : YES];

[SequeraStepWindow setNeedsDisplay : YES];

[self setNeedsDisplay : YES];

[SequeraStepWindow display];

[self display];

[super display];

When I run the code that displays the graphics in question on initialization
it works fine, but when I call it later in the program it the new graphics
are not displayed.  The code in the graphics module that displays the window
is working perfectly, but somehow drawRect never gets called after it is
called during initialization.

On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 9:06 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 24/07/2011, at 1:46 PM, Tom Jeffries wrote:

 When I put both the beginning graphics and the graphics that are to be
 later in the initial drawRect call everything is drawn without a problem.
 However, drawRect does not get called when the user clicks the button on
 second window. I've tried awakeFromNib, setNeedsDisplay, needsDisplay, and
 display, but nothing I've found so far gets the NSView window to call

 I am fairly new to OS X programming and appreciate any hints you can throw
 my way.

 Show your code.

 You don't call drawRect: - the framework does. You can tell the framework
 it needs to be called by calling the view's -setNeedsDisplay: method. Are
 you doing that?

 How does the button come into it? How are you responding to the button?
 That's the trouble - what you've said so far is far too vague, it could be a
 thousand different things (but probably something simple).



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Building, installing, and testing drivers

2011-06-10 Thread Tom Jeffries
I'm building a MIDI-in driver that will be bringing in MIDI data from Wifi,
and I'm having trouble figuring out certain configuration details.  I
started with the SampleUSBDriver and eliminated the USB code and got it
compiling correctly.  However, the documentation seems to be based on
earlier versions of XCode.  I have some specific questions:

- The docs say I need to put the UUID in the project's bundle settings.
 Where are they?

- There are a series of CFPlugIn settings, where are they?  I'm talking
about CFPlugInDynamicRegistration,  CFPlugInFactories, CFPlugInTypes

- How do I build an install for the drivers?

Thanks, Tom Jeffries

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Using an iPhone to control a Mac- source code?

2011-05-26 Thread Tom Jeffries
This may be the wrong forum for this question- if so, please let me know.

I want to use an iPhone to act as mouse and keyboard for a Mac. It looks
like the best connection is through a network, although Bluetooth might also
work.  There are other apps that do this. I'd love some sample code so I
don't have to wade through the whole networking protocol.


Thanks, Tom Jeffries

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Refreshing an NSView

2011-04-13 Thread Tom Jeffries
I seem to be missing something, and it's probably something quite obvious.
 In the initialization to an NSView subclass window, I do the following:

- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
 [StepWindow DrawStepArea];

DrawStepArea is a simple function that draws some lines on the screen-
here's a condensed version:

+ (void) DrawStepArea
   CGRect stepsBox;

  CGContextRef stepsContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
  CGContextSetLineWidth(stepsContext, 1.0);
  stepsBox = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
  CGContextBeginPath (stepsContext);
  CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(stepsContext, 0, 0, 0, 1);
  CGContextAddRect(stepsContext, stepsBox);
  CGContextDrawPath (stepsContext, kCGPathStroke);

It works perfectly when the window is first initialized.  However, when I
call DrawStepArea later nothing gets drawn.  I'm calling from another class,
but everything about the call works fine including access to variables in
the StepWindow class.

Any idea what I'm missing, or on what to look for to figure this out?  Many
thanks for any suggestions.

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Keyboard handlers

2011-03-14 Thread Tom Jeffries
I need to intercept repeat keys in one window of an application. I see some
references from about 10 years ago about the GLUT key handling routines, but
they don't seem to work. In particular glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(TRUE) does not do
anything. Should I be using other code? Is there a better way to trap

NSEvent looks like it might work, is there any sample code I can reference?

Thanks for any help, Tom Jeffries

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