Re: Another XSP - and no mention of Cocoon

2002-11-11 Thread Markdelanoy
Forgetting the fact that this appears to be an obvious ripoff of cocoon...

what legal recourse does apache (host of the cocoon project and implementor of the 
apache license) have over these guys.  I mean is cocoon copyrighted and/or any of the 
proprietary concepts, e.g. XSP, etc.

In looking at the cocoon site I see two things, e.g.
1.) copyright info at the bottom but I'm presuming this is actually copyrighting the 
apache website.
2.) the apache license info.

But no where do I see cocoon, XSP or any other specific technology saying it's 

So what if these guys did a white room implementation of XSP and came up with a bright 
idea and said ... let's call it XSP.  There doesn't appear to be much to stop them 
from doing this.  Unless you sue them to look at their code and see if it came from 
apache and then they're in violation of the apache license.

My issue here is that there's nothing protecting apache about the project names, 
technology within those technologies, etc.

Arguably there's not much to copyright as it's donated from some big company (IBM, 
Sun, etc.) but things like XSP are really an apache/cocoon concept and therefore could 
be copyrighted so groups like the triloggroup don't pull bs like this.

So it may be too late but then again I'm not a lawyer (just related to a ton of them.)

I'd look into copyrighting some of these concepts in addition to the license.  This 
seems to be the one big whole IMO of opensource projects.  The license protects the 
usage of the code but the copyright protects the usage of the concept/branding/etc.  
And right now there doesn't appear to be any protection of the concept/branding.

just my 2 cents, MD

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Re: Another XSP - and no mention of Cocoon

2002-11-11 Thread Markdelanoy
copyright vs trademark.

yes your right in that the branding concepts I was lumping under copyright.  Really 
the apache license covers the copyright so that's golden.

the branding (e.g. xsp) is under the trademark concept.  As I said there's nothing on 
the website stating trademark infringement explictly like you see on major vendors, 
e.g. MS, Sun, IBM, etc.

However under trademark law there is the concept of common law trademark where you 
don't explicitly trademark anything (something I learned from my lawyer family in the 
last 15 minutes.)  Anyway someone needs to check when trilog... started advertising 
their form of XSP.  If it was after cocoon's notification (publication to the website 
and news, etc.) then I'd think trilog and co.  are about to see merde hit the fan.  
assuming apache and co. wanted to do anything about it.  This is under trademark 
infringement.  Personally I'd do something, if nothing else to write a cease and 
desist/angry email.

And then if someone sued them or slapped an injunction on them we could see if they 
were usign the cocoon code and if so then they're not be abiding by the apache license 
then they're in copyright infringement.

oops.  either way someone should say something to apache, e.g. look at the 
copyright/trademark issues if any.  I myself wouldn't know who to talk to..


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Re: Another XSP - and no mention of Cocoon

2002-11-11 Thread Markdelanoy
I'm aware of the license usage in terms of the copyright protection as well as the 
apache branding trademark.

But the XSP trademark may fall under common law trademark, e.g. if you've been using 
it first for years (and XSP has been around and has been documented (news, articles, 
etc.)) then there may be legal recourse.

but that's for someone else to do.  personally I'd look into it because if you don't 
and you knew about that fall's under different laws.

later, md

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Re: Displaying 'progress' screen for long running reports

2002-11-08 Thread Markdelanoy
Well one possible solution is for the report generator to write a file to the hard 
drive on the web server 

The browser would poll cocoon (action/xsp/..) to check if the file exists or not.  if 
so then return the generated report file otherwise return the status page.

As to the status page,  it probably needs some javascript on a timer to poll cocoon 
periodically for the file.

From a more practical point of view you may want to do some analysis and see if these 
reports can be pregenerated nightly or hourly or... (but it depends how dynamically 
they are).

Or if reports take that long then try to speed them up, e.g. 
is report generator on the same box as the web server move it off, or generate reports 
at night in advance... or look at your queries, indexes, etc.  yes there's reports 
that take a while but... perhaps you can do something about that.

later, md

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Re: Authentication Resource

2002-11-05 Thread Markdelanoy
You've got the XSP but what does the sitemap look like??

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Re: Ldap authentication

2002-11-05 Thread Markdelanoy
Look @ the cocoon documentation, e.g. Developer Documentation/ Developing 

e.g. cocoon's authentication framework.  and then for doing customized authentication 
(using LDAP, SQL, etc.) look at the authentication resource for where you put your 


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Re: Pulling XML data out of database

2002-11-05 Thread Markdelanoy
Well you could probably write another transformer (to be placed after the 
SQLTransformer in the pipeline) that would change the escaped charactors into   ...  
It could also look for the second ?xml version=1.0? and not pass it through.  
That's kind of brutal coding IMO.

Another option may be XSP with the util stylesheet.  You'd have to look into the email 
lists for examples.  The one issue with it also is that everything must be on the same 
line so you don't get line feed charactor return stuff.  Beyond that it works nice.

your call.  I use the XSP/util tags myself for including XML fragments.  As well as 
XSP to access the database.  So you may also want to think if you want to do the 
database actions vs XSP ESQL first and then write a transformer vs using XSP UTIL tags 
to include the XML into your outputted XML.  Some like do db actions and others use 
XSP... but that may dictate your solution for including XML.


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Re: Ldap authentication

2002-11-05 Thread Markdelanoy
Too be honest I started using cocoon three months ago and am following a very 
iterative process to eventually start talking to the db, e.g. do the look and feel, 
validation, security, etc. were done first.

I had initially tried to get it running but even the sample authentication seemed 
busted.  I'm on an old cocoon dev build from maybe a month a go so maybe it's fixed.

So I've stubbed out what would actually occur (e.g. the db IO) in the authentication 
resource.  So I'm not much help there other than I haven't seen your sitemap which has 
to some pass through variables e.g. password username and whatever else you want to 
pass through.  so send the sitemap.

I'll be hopefully talking to the db later this week or next week so stuff like this 
stubbed out code will go away...

later, md

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Re: Authentication Resource

2002-11-05 Thread Markdelanoy
You'll need to confirm this but look in cocoon's sitemap.log.  You should see the 
pipeline parameters being passed around.

in the sitemap your passing cocoon parameters but in the XSP your looking in the HTTP 
request.  Try looking in the parameters, e.g. parameters.getParameter( name ); 
parameters.getParameter( pass );

the names of the username password duo are the same spelling as in the sitemap.

also make sure your login page widget id/name s are the same as request:.. in the 
sitemap and then look for cocoon parameters named the same as the sitemap instead of 
http request parameters named as you have in your login page.

so try that.


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Re: how to manage several XMLForms in a sitemap? (it was: dynamically choosing an action at runtime)

2002-11-05 Thread Markdelanoy
Well I can explain what I've done which matches your requirements but the 
implementation I suspect is quite different.

First some issues I had.
1.) I like the XFORMS concept but... didn't like the fact that I couldn't represent 
non-forms widgets, e.g. page banners, table of contents, footers, buttons that didn't 
submit data, e.g. were simply URL's etc.  so I created a schema (for my own purposes) 
much like XFORMS but then added a few things like url's, etc.  I removed the concept 
of the model and the bindings and what I'm left with is a schema that describes a UI 
so I called it XUI.  I have separate XUI files for the portlets within my page, e.g. 
banner, toc, footer, 1-n body portlets.  
2.) Cocoon's portal concept.  In my world every page is a portal page (not just the 
home page) in that I break it up into banner, toc, footer, body sections.  since the 
banner, toc, footer rarely change (perhaps due to the user's locale or due to security 
permissions for various features) I can cache this and improve overall page 
performance as only the body portlet(s) is really be generated.  Back to cocoon's 
portal concept.  There's four config/layout files and you need to do it per portal and 
then there's alot of sitemap configuration per portal and this isn't my idea of fun.

So I created yet another schema called XPORTAL (again for my own uses) which declares 
validation file to be used, the portlets, the pagebuilder which should assemble all of 
the portlets into one nice page, etc.

So to wrap this up.  What I've done is create a portalAction that takes an actionID 
request parameter (not a url).  The actionID corresponds to an XPORTAL file.  The 
portalAction reads the XPORTAL file and then populates the sitemap parameters and/or 
the httpRequest object with the necessary parameters to drive the sitemap.

Therefore my sitemap is more like a programming language rather than a set of url 
filters.  XML Metadata files read by actions feed the sitemap with parameters.  So 
there's no hardcoding of a specific URL do this...

The XPORTAL file goes so far as to say should we use SSL for a set of pages, should 
the page(s) be authenticated and if so what handler, what UI look and feel skins to 
use, should we validate the form data (form-validator-action) and if so what 
descriptor file, what set, what actions to redirect to for successful validation 
versus unsuccessful validation, etc.

Each portlet then is described using the WSUI schema from  This allows 
me to call out SOAP services or wherever.  I've extended the wsui schema to handle 
cocoon services (XSP).  WSUI files (for me) show what XSP page to use for the 
model/db IO, and what XUI file (implemented in XSL) to use to transform generated 
model XML into a UI form of XML.  The XUI files implemented as XSL (therefore I get 
XPATH and language constructs like for-loops, choose, etc for free) acts like cocoon's 
XMLFORMS action.

I then do a second XSL transform to do the look and feel (skin).  (skin's are know 
within the portal file as the skin should be applied across the entire page.)

Basically I'm creating a web application framework out of cocoon rather than what (I 
believe) most people are using cocoon for e.g. web publishing.

So I'm more than happy to share the XML schemas with the list as well as sample XML 
files to illustrate their usage.  Beyond that... I've followed an iterative approach 
in developing this and the visual aspects were done first, e.g. pagebuilders 
assemblign HTML fragments hardcoded into a sitemap, then pagebuilders assemblign HTML 
fragments retrieved from an XPORTAL file driving the sitemap, then to XSP pages 
instead of the HTML fragments

So if you'd like code too... I'd probably just give you the first iterations (as I've 
saved them off) or so otherwise it would be too confusing if I gave you what I have 
now.  Let's just say it's very different although in the end it takes many familar 
concepts to the cocoon community.

To accomplish what I've done I've really only ever created actions and XSP pages.  I 
heavily use XSL and the sitemap.  I also use the authentication framework and the 
form-validation concepts of XSP.  Beyond that I use all the normal sitemap constructs 
like matchers, selectors, resources, transformers, etc.

If interested I'll send the stuff tonight as the computer I'm on doesn't have access 
to all that stuff.


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Re: webapps Authentication framework vs sunRise Authentication framework

2002-11-04 Thread Markdelanoy
sunrise I believe was the prototype, e.g. scratchpad, for the authentication 
framework.  You should probably not use it.


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Re: Ldap authentication

2002-11-04 Thread Markdelanoy
If you want to use the authentication framework look at the authenticate resource.  
You'll get passed in a password/username and really anything else you had in your 
login page.  Then within the authenticate resource you can call LDAP.  the resource 
can be a cocoon pipeline or some external resource.

I use XSP in my authenticate resource calling to the database but you could call LDAP.


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Re: Retrieving user data from portal

2002-11-04 Thread Markdelanoy
Look at the SessionTransformer.  It retrieves it.  Really session, authentication and 
the portal all work together.  


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Re: Authentication: redirect

2002-11-04 Thread Markdelanoy
I did a hack because as you say currently the examples only work for a particular 

I actually pass the resource given to me and store it within the login page as a 
hidden field.  When the user submits username, password/etc this will come along too.  

Then if authenticated i redirect to that resource using request:resource.  This 
retrieves the resource parameter from the http request parameters object and off you 

My redirect looks like this, e.g.
map:redirect-to url=cocoon:/?action={request:resource}

This then will work for any page in the site that you want protected.

Note that I don't point to url's rather I have a single URL (the cocoon servlet and my 
app).  cocoon:/ helps to establish that.  I use action id's much like struts (I guess 
but the concept has been around much longer than struts.) pointing into metadata to 
help distinguish what page to show.

But whether you use action id parameters or file url's this work.

later, md

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Re: Retrieving user data from portal

2002-11-04 Thread Markdelanoy
I personally don't use it, but remember going through the authentication code and 
seeing it.  I'm not certain how well documented this is but take a look in Developer 
Section/webapps/session.  There's probably some mention there.

If not or not sufficient to your liking there's always the code.  You should look in 
the AuthenticationManager for how it places the user info in the Session Manager.  
That should give you some clues how to get it out.

I think the context is authentication or something like that and then you use xpath to 
get the user and then your stuff.

later, md

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Re: webapps Authentication framework vs sunRise Authentication framework

2002-11-04 Thread Markdelanoy
Shall this information be in the authentication framework

I'm not sure what you mean by that.  If your referring to my saying you should use the 
release version versus the scratchpad version...  I'd take release version as 
presumeably scratchpad development would stop.

beyond that I'm not sure what you mean.


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Re: Using SOAP Response in logic

2002-10-29 Thread Markdelanoy
You might want to post your sitemap as well as the code used.  It's hard to picture 
your problem without more contextual info such as code.

Are you using XSP??  That would be the generator creating dynamic XML.  Unless I 
missed the point of your question.

thanks, md

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Re: [sitemap] Passing parameters to XML

2002-10-29 Thread Markdelanoy
I'm not sure why that's not working as I use that concept all the time.  I typically 
create actions that pull from the request object ,e.g. getParameter but action vs XSP 
shouldn't matter.



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Re: XML to Excel file

2002-10-28 Thread Markdelanoy
Look at the POI project on specifically HSSF.

You'd need to parse the XML yourself but POI allows you to read/write Excel files.


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Re: [C 2.1 CVS] - About roles in user Authentication

2002-10-17 Thread Markdelanoy

Looking in the authentication code, the role doesn't appear to be used other than it's 
placed in the session context for future use.  So...

1.) you can make use of it somehow by accessing the session context (authorization I 
2.) use the portal (cocoon's) as i'm fairly certain it's used there to distinguish 
between the various portal variants.

The RoleFilterTransformer doesn't appear to use this.  Rather it uses the J2EE role 
found in...  web.xml???  I forget, but basically it calls request.isUserInRole().

Actually I'm assuming it's using hte j2ee role and not the cocoon role.   So maybe you 
need to look in the request.isUserInRole mehtod to make sure.


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Re: [Q] Pipeline best practices

2002-10-14 Thread Markdelanoy

To be honest, I circumvented this whole issue by having as few pipelines as possible.

Basically I use action or event id's that point to metadata files.  The metadata files 
have all the information how to build a portal page,  I then use WSUI ( files 
to describe each of the portlets.

So really I only have one pipeline for the portal (external pipeline), one for the 
portlets (internal pipeline), and some external pipelines to handle gifs, jpegs, css, 
and js.

the sitemap has the additional authentication actions as well as some locale actions 
so it's a little more compicated than what I described above...

So basically I match on a metadata id (using the request parameter matcher), rather 
than match URL's as I take it that most people do.  For that matter I not really 
matching as my wildcard is really * and instead I'm using a request parameter action.  
If not found show a 404 message.

So my sitemap is probably a 100-150 total lines even though it's serving up 500-600 
dynamic pages composed of approximately 700 or so portlets.  so it's quite lean and 


In a message dated 10/14/2002 11:50:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Or put the most likely pipelines to get hit first and the least likely
 That can be problematic if your most used pipelines are the generic matches.
 Eg, three special cases and 100 general cases:
match= fee.*
 Probably ok with three special cases, but what about 20, or 50...???
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Re: [Q] Pipeline best practices

2002-10-13 Thread Markdelanoy

Another issue of having too  many pipelines.  As i understand in the sitemap is 
generated into a java class.  And the various matchers within a pipeline(s) are really 
a bunch of if-else if statements.  So the more matchers you have (to match to a 
pipeline or various paths within a pipeline) your going to have a large series of 
if/else statements.  And... since this uses string compares and wildcards and... if 
there's alot of these if else if statements it will lead to performance issues.

It may help to break things up with sub site maps to help limit the searching.

Or put the most likely pipelines to get hit first and the least likely last...

In a message dated Sun, 13 Oct 2002 18:03:02 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Ivelin,
  -Original Message-
  From: Ivelin Ivanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 4:25 PM
  Subject: [Q] Pipeline best practices
  For example how many pipelines in a sitemap are reasonable?
  How do one chooses when to put multiple matchers in one pipeline vs
  splitting them in separate pipelines.
 Some of the reasons are:
 - different error handling
 - different types of pipelines (caching, profiling)
 - internal-only use
 - the use of different expires attribute
 Does anybody know some other reasons? As far as I know there is no
 difference in performance.
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Re: Convert XMLFragment to DOM node

2002-10-12 Thread Markdelanoy

I'm not sure if anyone answered this...

But a couple of things
1.) what's a XMLFragment - is this a cocoon class???  And what really is an 
XMLFragment, e.g. is it a org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment.  If so a DocumentFragment is 
already a node so no need for a conversion.  DocumentFragments are used throughout the 
authentication and session pieces of code...

2.) As to the NULL pointer another clue maybe the following.  If a XMLFragment is 
really derived from a w3c.dom node...  and you've created a document, and then a node 
(dummy).  Basically these two set's of nodes (dummy vs the XMLFragment) are from 
different documents and to get one into the other you need to import it otherwise 
you get null pointer exceptions. Your appending in a fragment from another document 
and that typically doesn't work until you import the fragment in.

Look at either the Document or the node class for an import method.

Not sure if that helps, md

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Re: sunRise User Administration for Dummies

2002-10-12 Thread Markdelanoy

I've looked at the user admin and the authentication in general.  (not the sunrise 
scratchpad but what's now in the main branch).

As best as I can figure there's a generator that works with the AuthenticationManager 
to create an interactive page to get users, a user, roles, a role, create a user, 
create a role, update a user, delete a user, delete a role.  These simply call the 
various corresponding resources that you set up with the sitemap.xml (authentication 
manager section within the components).  As far as I can tell nothing is really done 
with them apart from what you do in the resource.  so the UI really calls the resource 
that you configured and you do something with it.  Whatever occurs is not 
automagically used within Cocoon's authentication.  

Hypersonic appears to only be used for sample applications not for authentication.  so 
no users, roles or the association between the two is stored.  I've found absolutely 
no JDBC code within the authenication/session pieces.

My reason for looking into this was from a scalability point of view.  I like 
Hypersonic DB for prototyping but not for serious production code.  So i was trying to 
make sure this wasn't being used at all for authenication.  The usage of resources 
allows you to use your own persistence mechanism, e.g. LDAP, database, XML file, etc.

Also I was looking at the session management.  My gripe is that it uses HttpSession 
and didn't make use of calling out to resources as the authentication manager did.  If 
the user wanted to use HttpSession or the database or... let them do that in the 
called resource.  So ideally there's a getProperties and a saveProperties resource (oh 

Also the roles is really confusing, as within the authentication manager it's not used 
at all as far as I can tell (it's probably used in the portal).  There's a 
roleFilterTransformer that goes off of the J2EE role that you'd set for the web.xml 
and use the isUserInRole method.  That's all the transformer does.  it doesn't 
actually use the role from the authentication manager???  so these are unrelated 
pieces of code.

So the role information that you return from the authenication resource appears to be 
left to the developer to make use of somehow, assuming they're not using Cocoon's 
portal offering.  I'm fairly certain the portal uses the role but I've not looked at 
the portal component at all.

hope that helps.  md

 At 19:57 11/10/2002 -0800, you wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 Can anybody give me anything...
 I really don't have any clear idea on how to start on this...
 Any working samples...
 Thanks Again.
 - Original Message -
 From: Richard Reyes
 To: C2 Users
 Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 3:14 PM
 Subject: sunRise User Administration for Dummies
 Hi Guys,
 How does the SunRise User Administration function?
 Are the Roles and Users saved in a Database?
 Do we have any tutorials?
 Thanks in Advance...
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Re: RE: Handler information not found

2002-09-27 Thread Markdelanoy

Last month this thread went on for a bit and then died out.  I wondering if there was 
a fix to the solution, e.g. using the auth-protect action I've protected a set of 
pages.  When the user is not logged in, the login page correctly shows up, and then 
the authentication resource is called.  After looking within the sitemap.log, I can 
see that the authentication resource worked correctly as a map is returned (albeit 
empty, but better than null).

At this point my problems occur, e.g. the handler information not found exception is 
thrown.  In looking at the stack trace, it appears as though the issue is within the 
auth-protect action where the protected resource is being checked again (presumably it 
should work this time as we've successfully logged in).  The auth-protect action then 
calls the authentication manager where the exception is thrown.  It appears as though 
its looking for some values found within the request object???

Anyway each of the authentication actions login, loggedIn, logout and auth-protect all 
have a handler parameter and successfully worked to get the login page up so I don't 
think this is the problem, e.g. poor sitemap configuration.

Basically I can login but I cannot get to a protected page without this exception 

Any clues.  Also cocoon:/ vs cocoon:// I don't think has anything to do with this.  I 
use cocoon:/  Furthermore I'm unable to not use cocoon:/ as the cocoon can't resolve 
the URI without it (I get separate issues with that).

My build is from a week or so ago, e.g. development snapshot.

thanks, MD

Am 30.08.2002 15:14:46, schrieb Koen Pellegrims [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

AFAIK cocoon:// goes back to the higher-level sitemap; have you tried
cocoon:/ ? (only one slash)

Yes we have tested it but it does not work. 


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: u15603 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: vrijdag 30 augustus 2002 15:02
 Onderwerp: Handler information not found

 Hi all,

 I've some problems with the attached sitemap-fragment. I want to
 match 'home' and built
 a XML-document with the help of the aggregation! But when the
 pipeline calls the src
 cocoon://navigation there is an exception. The Handler
 information is not found. Has
 someone an idea why and maybe a solution for my problem?

 Thx in advance



  map:match pattern=home
  map:aggregate element=document
  map:part src=cocoon://header/
  map:part src=cocoon://navigation
 name=use-reguest-parameters value=true/
  map:part src=cocoon://content/
  map:transform type=encodeURL/

  map:match pattern=header

  map:match pattern=navigation
  map:act type=auth-loggedIn
  map:parameter name=handler
  map:act type=auth-protect
 name=../handler value=mobiharzhandler/
  map:aggregate element=navigation
  map:serialize type=xml/
  map:aggregate element=navigation
  map:part src=portal/resources/toc.xml/

  map:match pattern=content


 ERROR   (2002-08-30) 14:22.10:600   [sitemap] (/mh-portal/home)
 Error while processing pipeline at
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Handler information not found.
  at org.apache.cocoon.webapps.authentication.acting.AuthAction.act