Freerunner GA02, 8GB SD for sale Boston area

2008-11-01 Thread Craig B. Allen
I am reluctantly selling my GA02 because I have realized that a
smartphone displays text that is too small for me (too vain to wear
glasses fulltime, will buy a netbook instead).

Phone is in excellent condition and includes all original goodies that
came with Group Sales phone:
 - stereo headset
 - 512 MB SanDisk micro SD
 - pouch
 - stylus/pen/flashlight/laser pointer
 - USB cable
 - 120/240 V charger with international plug adapters
 - classy box with Taoist verse

In addition, I will include 8GB SanDisk micro SDHC.

I will flash with any available distribution or original 200807
factory distro, your choice.

Everything looks and works like new.  Will ship anywhere in USA free.

Asking $350.00, will accept check, money order, or Paypal.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PIM software (was: Back to the basics: improving user experience)

2008-10-17 Thread Craig B. Allen
I used kdepimpi on my Linux Zaurus and found it very full-featured.  I
primarily used the datebook app.

I keep hoping someone with more skill and time than I will port it to
FR.  It was built on top of Qtopia so it shouldn't be that formidable
a task.

-- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [om2008.9/FDOM] Charging or Long Power On = Crashing?

2008-10-14 Thread Craig B. Allen
I think I've had similar problems.

Have you upgraded or installed anything?

-- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMooCow 0.1

2008-10-14 Thread Craig B. Allen
Shouldn't it be "OpenMooKow"?

Haven't tried it yet but just the name made me laugh!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: one day usage of qtextended

2008-10-06 Thread Craig B. Allen
I may have spoken too soon...

> 128k mp3s from podcasts play fine, haven't tried music or ogg.

- In a more extended listen, there were slight gaps or stutters; need
to test more (but not soon - see below)

> I have to say that Qtextended is fast and works better as a phone than
> other distributions I have tried.

- Unfortunately, that's not a very high bar.  Found what is a fatal
flaw today when I received a call forwarded by Grand Central.  For
these calls, I need to press "1" to take the call.  I can get to the
keypad but then the erroneous and redundant "missed call" window pops
up and makes it impossible to proceed.  I'm hoping this will be an
easy one to fix.

Meanwhile, it's back to the Razr... sigh.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: one day usage of qtextended

2008-10-06 Thread Craig B. Allen
Comments and additions:
> - mp3's play choppy, even ogg's experience this (especially when
> touching the screen while the player is on)
128k mp3s from podcasts play fine, haven't tried music or ogg.

- I have been unable to get wifi at home working (WPA2) despite
several attempts.

- feed address is wrong; changing it to 4.3.2 connects but finds no
packages (browsing there shows several).

- no way to install packages downloaded with wget

- finger scrolling too sensitive - often launches programs

- frequent "messages" from "129" (apparently transmissions from
T-Mobile that indicate that I have voicemail waiting show up in the
new message queue, they should be handled quietly in the background
and set a new voicemail indicator in the UI.

- I have not seen any documentation on phone features, other than the
help system (bravo that it exists!), like the little grey globe in the
header on the homescreen.

- help system sometimes describes features that don't appear to exist.

- record audio doesn't.

- browser doesn't see USB network

- rotated screen squashes graphic elements (e.g. icons)

- "smart' theme has no way to get to dialer

I have to say that Qtextended is fast and works better as a phone than
other distributions I have tried.  There are obviously many kinks and
applications to be enhanced, but we could do worse than a marriage of
the qt apps and FSO.

Kudos to the trolls!

-- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

[QTextended] how to select music directory in Media Player?

2008-10-04 Thread Craig B. Allen
I have been trying to setup to play files stored on my SD card but
cannot find any way to select or enter a directory.

- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Debian fails to boot after some reboots

2008-09-23 Thread Craig B. Allen
There is a problem with suspending causing the partition table to be
corrupted on the SD card.

There are some workarounds that seem to prevent this from happening,
but I don't know whether they apply to Qtopia.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM updated

2008-09-13 Thread Craig B. Allen
For anyone like me who uses a script to flash, note that the rootfs
has an extension jff2, not jffs2.

- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: milestone3 available in Debian

2008-09-12 Thread Craig B. Allen
>> and a tap on calendar icon do nothing.
> I'll see if that works in the official FSO image.

That seems to be not implemented in FSO m3.

-- Craiig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New(ish) keyboard input method

2008-09-10 Thread Craig B. Allen
dasher is available in the Debian distribution.

It's pretty slow, and hard to see the letters.  But I have not tried
tweaking it other than selecting "stylus" mode in preferences.

-- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM (FAT and Dirty Openmoko) Distribution ready to download

2008-09-10 Thread Craig B. Allen
>> I would propose that instead of creating yet another distribut (tm)
>> you provide modified packages that can just be installed through OPKG
>> on Om2008.x
> Multiverse. So if some modification I make on FSOM goes upstream then
> next releases will catch his own modificati

To the extent that FDOM is a base system plus a select set of
packages, it should be possible to define a "task" package that would
consist of a bunch of dependencies on the desired set of packages.
Since you (David) also fixed some packages, if a separate script could
perform those fixes, then the "task-fdom" package followed by
downloading and executing the "fixup" script would presumably get you
to the same point.

Not a trivial task to do all of the above...

One thing missing is that you test with the versions you use; relying
on the current versions of packages from the repositories would likely
break some things.

-- Craig

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM (FAT and Dirty Openmoko) Distribution ready to download

2008-09-09 Thread Craig B. Allen
> you have aviable on a rootfs/kenel
> image ready to flash of an OM2008.08-updates distribution with some apps
> already installed and some fixes posted in the lists done.

Does this include a fix to SD card corruption upon suspending?

- Craig

p.s. looks interesting - installing now!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Stable Distro Recommendation for Business trip

2008-09-02 Thread Craig B. Allen
> Are you using the testing feed or the unstable feed?
>  Unstable is guaranteed to regularly break.
>  Testing should break rarely.
>  Milestones should not break.

Testing, installing image/jffs2.

Any predictions for timing of milestone 3?

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Stable Distro Recommendation for Business trip

2008-09-02 Thread Craig B. Allen
In my non-exhaustive testing of FSO, I have found that daily builds
generally have significant issues, so unless you are installing a FSO
milestone release, then I would not recommend FSO.

I think FSO milestone 3 should be appearing soon, so do check it out
before you make your final decision.

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Debian on the FreeRunner -- now official

2008-08-16 Thread Craig B. Allen
install localepurge to keep unwanted locales trimmed

> - Remove unneeded directories in /usr/share/locale/ (mine now contains
>  only the English variants, plus French)
>  The files in there will reappear if you reinstall or upgrade
> packages, so this is only a temporary trick.  Nice results, though:

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FSO 20080812 not recommended

2008-08-13 Thread Craig B. Allen
FSO daily builds (not sure if these are "official", whatever that means):;O=D

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

FSO 20080812 not recommended

2008-08-13 Thread Craig B. Allen
This is personal opinion only, I have no special connection to FSO.

The 20080812 build has these issues found in a brief trial:
 - no sound (no ring on incoming call, no sound in or out in call)
 - no suspend
 - no config

I understand that daily builds are not expected to be usable.
I am just trying to save other people the trouble of finding these
problems themselves.

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Qtopia-Images fixes suspend problem nearly complete!

2008-08-10 Thread Craig B. Allen
On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko
> I didn't track those -- is is trashed regardless if partition is mounted
> read/only or read/write? I would assume that it should be safe in
> read-only mount, thus just (re)mount your SD read-only and be happy
> listening to the music ;-)

It didn't occur to me to mount the card ro, but I will try it and see
if it helps.

Kind of a step backwards, but it would also be interesting to see if it helps.

>> But the phone services on Qtopia are an improvement over the alternatives.
> still very sluggish though (or is it me too fast? :-)))

Sluggish, no question.  But allows entry of DTMF tones after receiving
a call - a must-have for me.

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Qtopia-Images fixes suspend problem nearly complete!

2008-08-10 Thread Craig B. Allen
There is another problem that seems to plague not just all the OM
kernels but other projects (OLPC in particular, who have been trying
to solve this issue for a couple months) - the SD card partition being
trashed after a suspend/resume cycle.

My assumption is that this a problem with the Linux kernel and that
eventually a fix will emerge and several projects will cheer.

So while it's a plus that basic phone services work after
suspend/resume, I still cannot use my FR as a music player nor for
GPS, since I want both music and map files on my SD card.

But the phone services on Qtopia are an improvement over the alternatives.

>> I tested a few minutes ago with my Neo Freerunner the new qtopia image 
>> (4.32-080808) which was released yesterday. And I can report that the 
>> suspend problem is nearly completly fixed:
>> * I can suspend
>> * I can wakeup (pressing the startbutton)
>> * After suspend I can make and recieve calls
>> * It wakes up from suspend automatically when called and rings
Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FSO: is zhone here to stay?

2008-08-07 Thread Craig B. Allen
I submitted ticket #79.


On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Stefan Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> Well, that depends a lot on what kind of feature request this is. As I wrote
> above, zhone is mostly to test our APIs and implementations. It's not targeted
> to fullfill all user needs yet. Basic phone functionality is the goal.
> If it is something in this area feel free to submit a ticket for it:
> regards
> Stefan Schmidt
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list

FSO: is zhone here to stay?

2008-08-07 Thread Craig B. Allen
I seem to remember reading that zhone is a test application and that
FSO will not be developing applications.

Is it correct to assume that the features of zhone - dialer, answer,
etc. will eventually be replaced by other applications that are
developed outside of the FSO project?

If zhone is going to be around for a while, how can I make a request
for a new feature?


Openmoko community mailing list

FSO: recommendations for media player?

2008-08-02 Thread Craig B. Allen
Is there a media player that works reasonably well on FSO?

I tried the one from ASU but it is unusable.



Openmoko community mailing list

FSO: how to have full qwerty be default keyboard?

2008-08-02 Thread Craig B. Allen
Is there any way to set the [excellent] full qwerty layout as the default?


Openmoko community mailing list

FSO: how to disable zhone screen locking?

2008-08-02 Thread Craig B. Allen
I've been using FSO milestone 2 and liking it.

Is there a setting to disable the zhone screen locker?  If I want to
lock I can just press the Aux button.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Problem upgrading ncurses

2008-07-23 Thread Craig B. Allen
I believe that '-force-overwrite' allows the upgrade to proceed
without necessitating an uninstall.

Since OM documentation is so sparse, I have assumed that Debian dpkg
command line options would work, as long as you get the syntax right.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 8:09 PM, Dale Schumacher
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Stroller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> There's a bug in TRAC for this:
>> The fix there went from "in testing" to bug "closed" in the last couple of
>> days, so presumably it works. Please confirm.
> This is exactly the problem.  I applied the recommended fix:
> opkg -force-depends remove libncurses5
> opkg install ncurses libncurses5
> Now everything seems to be up-to-date.  Thanks!
> Should this be in the wiki somewhere, or will new users not have this
> problem if they update/upgrade directly from the factory image?
>> Also, could you possibly post to the list in plain text, not HTML?
> Sure, I could.  I thought it would be more clear to post the transcript in
> fixed font.  Doesn't it come through as multi-part-alternative anyway, so
> you should have a plain-text version too?  It seems the richer markup is
> often useful.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Craig Allen

Openmoko community mailing list