Re: gentoo on freerunner

2009-01-19 Thread Damien Thébault
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 23:09, Mathieu Rochette wrote:

 I'm a gentoo user and I would love to get it running on my freerunner.
 However, I don't find details explanations.

Check , look at the documentation
and mailing list ;)

 One solution I read about (and seems great) is to install crossdev on my
 desktop PC to create a system for armv4t. I was using paludis but switch
 back to emerge recently. I think either one is ok?

I tried both, they work but I still prefer paludis because I find it
easier for me
(with {,R}DEPENDS not handled at all so it's possible to install header files
in the sysroot with different versions that the host, but well, that's just
preference I think)

 When I got a full system on desktop, how do I install it on the
 freeruner? do i need to make the standart installation?

The process is to build everything in a rootfs, then configure it.

You can find the old wiki page attached here:
(you have to copy/paste the html code into a new file.html and open it)

 When the previous is completed, I can emerge binary package (compiling
 them on desktop). Then I won't need gcc, and all that stuff on the
 freerunner (RDEPEND stuffs). But profile will ask for them in the system
 set. Is it doable to remove gcc, autotools, etc. without having emerge
 trying to emerge them back? That could save a huge memory space I think.
 Maybe my 512Mo card will be enough -- I read about needing 2Go.

You'll be cross-compiling everything so you won't need any toolchain on
the freerunner itself.

 Finaly, I have a remark about the embded overlay I found (I guess the
 mainteners read this list). It provides fso software and various stuff.
 It also provide enlightenment. This is just a suggestion, but I think it
 would be better to rely on vapier's overlay for that.

Check the gen...@openmoko overlay too
It contains fixes for cross-compilation and for freerunner-specific changes.

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Newbie: Converting a brick to a phone

2008-12-08 Thread Damien Thébault
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 17:23, Roland Whitehead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes there are many different distributions out there but what is very
 clearly missing are simple, obvious instructions on how to go from a brick
 to a working device - just a machine that will turn on and off, will ring,
 answer and make calls, not hang and not have buzzing when on a call. After
 that, the user should be left to get on with it but I've completely failed
 to get to that stage despite trying 4 different distributions. I'm really
 talking basic here - if you have a machine that works for you, what
 Bootloader, Kernel and RootFS are you using and where did you get them from?
 What were the core applications that you loaded to make it work, where did
 you get them from and which versions? What were the modifications that you
 made to various settings files. If you have a working machine, could you
 blat it and rebuild it to get to the same position as you are in now? If so,
 would you document your process and share it with us? I don't really care
 which distribution at the moment - I just want one that could claim to work
 that I can then start developing with. I've got my Python books out ready...

I installed QtExtended, previously 4.3, it was the best distribution
back then, and now 4.4 (and I think it's still the best):
The image links are available here:
I took the images from Hypnotize
(see )


Then the stable kernel from mwester's
(maybe it changed)

And... well... that's all.

I used it last weekend because the battery of my old phone was empty.

The good things:
 * SMSes are working
 * Calls to voicemail are working, like a real phone (didn't try a
real call with someone), keep in mind that you can hang up with the
power button if you leave the dialer
 * The phone wakes up when sleeping (when a call comes or a SMS comes)
 * I really like the new handwriting input module, once you know how
to use it in a different
language than english:
 - draw a triangle (lower left - lower right - up - lower left),
choose the lower-left choice to disable word recognition.
 - draw some letters, if it doesn't recognize it, try the next one
with the good gesture (lower-left - upper right - lower left) or
choose from the list (double clockwise circle)(this is most useful for
letters with accents)
 - insert special characters (double counter-clockwise circle)
Some characters (like t or x are a little hard to draw, but skill
improves over time, I'm now even capable of drawing an i instead of
l when I want to)

The bad things:
 * I get SMSes more than one time in the inbox, and there's problems
with SMSes in the trash
 * Sometimes it's acting weirdly and I have to restart QtExtended
(it's faster than just rebooting), and sometimes the phone think it's
charging when it's not even plugged in (so it doesn't sleep...)
 * There's the buzz issue with the wired headset

The I don't like things:
 * I don't really like the kinetic scrolling
 * Using a word file in my language would allow me to use the
handwriting more successfully
 * I think that my SD card (the one that came with the phone) is
broken, the phone can't recognize it, my laptop can't either, and if
it's plugged in, the SIM doesn't work

The more than just a phone things:
 * I don't really like the music player
 * The GPS doesn't work
 * I was not able to configure GPRS and MMS

I'm back to my old phone now, but for me it's definitively improving,
I'm waiting for 4.4.3/4.4.4.

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Optimization team update (11/30 ~ 12/06)

2008-12-08 Thread Damien Thébault
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 09:01, Christoph Siegenthaler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Does someone know a way to turn of word prediction in the handwriting
 input style?

Like I wrote in an earlier email, draw the following triangle:
bottom-left - bottom-right - top - bottom-left
And choose the abc (lower-left) button.

Have fun,
Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GENTOO] updates?

2008-11-30 Thread Damien Thébault
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 18:19, Nicola Mfb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are there some news about gentoo for freerunner?

 It would be nice if mantainers would produce a ready to go stage4 tarball
 for fast and simple deploying.

The underlying software is working (cross-compiler, libc, busybox,
ssh, even python, X and gtk), now we need ebuilds for phone parts.

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Survey about the Touchscreen

2008-11-21 Thread Damien Thébault
2008/11/21 Al Iasid [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 IMHO having to dig out a stylus (pen) or use my fingernail is not nearly as
 convenient or enjoyable as a finger-friendly interface. I don't min hi res
 or low res - or big or small screen size - as long as the interface is
 finger-friendly. The cell phone is our most intimate personal device.
 There should be no intermediary in the user interface.

I don't really care about using my fingernails, they are always available, but
I don't like to use a stylus since I have to find it in the first place.
(maybe if the stylus was hidden in the case it would be a little better, but
this uses space and it takes more time than fingernails)

The primary isses I have with the actual touchscreen is the UI reactivity,
I don't know if it's because the touchscreen is slow or because the software is.

I agree that a borderless phone would be more practical touchscreen-wise.
If this implies using a hard screen, implying capacitive, then why not.

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: power-on without battery!

2008-11-12 Thread Damien Thébault
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 10:35, Tony Berth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was trying to power-on my FR but having the battery removed and didn't
 succeed! Goes up to a point and then stops! Is a reason for that?

I'm able to boot it with powered only by the USB port and without battery.
This is very useful to write a new distro on the SD card since the SD
card is then
easily accessible (and I'm using this a lot to run gentoo on openmoko :p).

I only use it to boot a rather tiny system, no GSM, no WiFi, but ssh and X
are able to run.
Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Qt Extended] [RFC] Patch for comments *only* to enable echo suppression in 4.4.2

2008-11-12 Thread Damien Thébault
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 08:35, Chris Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To do that I abstracted the existing AT commands into a
 single function and then called that from (I hope) the
 phone initialisation, wake from suspend and hanging up
 or aborting an incoming call.

 The patch compiled first time but I've discovered that I've
 left my USB cable behind and so can't test it (luckily I've
 brought the charger with me!).

 I've posted this for comments only because:

 1) I'm not a programmer
 2) I don't know C++ (just B and C)
 3) I've no idea if what I've done covers all the necessary
 points it needs to be set at..
 4) I don't want to risk destroying anyone elses phone!

 So take a look at what I've done and comment on it please.

First, I think that the patch for the header file is missing.

And I don't know how this is done elsewhere in the QtE source code,
but using the class name to call (even static) methods is not mandatory
when it's in the same class (i.e. it's possible to use echoCancel()
instead of NeoCallProvider::echoCancel()).

Sorry, but I can't comment on other points ;)

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU : can't import vcf contacts

2008-08-27 Thread Damien Thébault
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 13:11, julien cubizolles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can now import some of my contacts picked at random in a large .vcf
 file if I put them in another shorter .vcf file but I can't import the
 whole lot of them (several tens) because of some other error I can't
 find and the Freerunner isn't verbose enough to tell me which one

 Is there some king of strict-vcf-format-checker somewhere I could use ?

I found the first problem because I splitted my vcf file into many
small ones, and I was able to load only some of them. Then I compared
them and find this problem.
I don't know if the mail client is doing something wrong, or if it's
the addressbook app. (or maybe the addressbook app is not VCF 3

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU : can't import vcf contacts

2008-08-26 Thread Damien Thébault
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 14:22, julien cubizolles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried the method described in but 
 it fails with :

 On the ssh xterm

 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qtopia/lib /opt/Qtopia/bin/addressbook 
 QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
 QPixmap::fromImage: Cannot convert a null image
 QPixmap::fromImage: Cannot convert a null image
 QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver

 On the Freerunner :
 The VCard document did not contain any valid contacts

 The vcard is just :

 FN:John Doe
 N:Doe; John
 TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:01 43 27 28 44

 What can be wrong ?

It doesn't import correctly if you have more than one TYPE in TEL.

(I did reply here:
with a little sed command)
Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU : can't import vcf contacts

2008-08-26 Thread Damien Thébault
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 16:47, julien cubizolles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Le mardi 26 août 2008 à 16:07 +0200, Damien Thébault a écrit :

 It doesn't import correctly if you have more than one TYPE in TEL.

 (I did reply here:
 with a little sed command)

 I think it should address my problems : I'm also exporting from
 evolution. I feel a little stupid though (not used to sed) : how do I
 use your sed line to convert my vcard file ?

 I tried
 sed -r -e 's/;TYPE=([^,]+),[^;]+;/;TYPE=\1;/g' | iconv -t
 'ascii//TRANSLIT' oldfile.vcf  newfile.vcf

put oldfile.vcf before the pipe :
sed -r -e 's/;TYPE=([^,]+),[^;]+;/;TYPE=\1;/g' oldfile.vcf | iconv -t
'ascii//TRANSLIT'  newfile.vcf

(I saw some people saying that accent were working fine, maybe the vcf
file must be in iso-8859-15 format)
Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2008.8, importing VCF contacts

2008-08-25 Thread Damien Thébault
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 16:46, Nishit Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been doing the following (same command, different directory location)

 export DISPLAY=:0

 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qtopia/lib /opt/Qtopia/bin/addressbook

 The problem I have is that I have to issue the second command for each VCF
 file in my exported contacts folder.  Is this the only way, or can all VCF
 files be imported all at once?  I have hundreds of them, so this is very

I did this with 2008.8 by exporting all my contacts in one big vcf file.

I had two problems, the first one is that in the vcf exported by
evolution, there was more than one type on some phone numbers (for
example HOME,VOICE).
The second problem was that the character encoding was not the good one.
So with one shell line I solved those two problems :

sed -r -e 's/;TYPE=([^,]+),[^;]+;/;TYPE=\1;/g' | iconv -t 'ascii//TRANSLIT'

Damien Thebault

Openmoko community mailing list