Re: [Tinkerphones] LetuxOS: PinePhone support

2020-02-03 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Mon, Feb 03, 2020 at 07:24:22PM +0100, H. Nikolaus Schaller deia:
> Hi,
> finally, after bootstrapping my aarch64-linux-gnu (arm64) cross-toolchain
> and fixing minor issues I am able to compile our kernel tree for
> arm64 :)
> Using a pinephone_defconfig from
> and letux-5.5.1 I got an 248 MB vmimage.
> Next I have to find out which image compression is needed for the
> U-Boot and how to place it on the SD card and then try to boot.

I don't know about Allwinner, but what I remember about Pine Rockpro64
is that arm64 kernels can't decompress themselves. So uboot does that
after loading and before booting.

You can cp Image.gz to the card and in bootcmd decompress it with the uboot 

unzip $compressedKernImgAdr $uncompressedKernImgAdr

My notes are somethign like

export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ; export ARCH=arm64
make clean
make ${something}_defconfig

make -j 12 BL31=bl31.elf  u-boot-dtb.bin spl/u-boot-spl.bin u-boot.itb
./tools/mkimage -n rk3399 -T rksd -d tpl/u-boot-tpl-dtb.bin out #this will be 
different for allwinner, I guess

cp u-boot-rockchip/uEnv.txt /media/.../boot/
cp linux-5.2.11/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-rockpro64.dtb 
cp linux-5.2.11/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz /media/.../boot/Image.gz

in uEnv.txt:

bootcmd=ext4load mmc 1:1 $KERNCOMPADDR Image.gz; unzip $KERNCOMPADDR 
$KERNUNCADDR; ext4load mmc 1:1 $DEVTREEADDR rk3399-rockpro64.dtb; booti 
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Re: [Tinkerphones] OT: Banking in Germany (was: Strategies for sustainable phones)

2019-09-21 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 07:22:22PM +0200, H. Nikolaus Schaller deia:
> > Am 21.09.2019 um 19:14 schrieb Martin :
> > 
> > 
> > Note: I live in Germany and do not own a mobile phone. My bank
> > uses the so-called "Sm@rt-TAN plus", where one inserts the bank
> > card. It reads some flickering code from the screen and displays
> > the TAN. It was less than 12 € in the electronics shop nearby.

I envy you, Martin. It's almost a reason to emigrate to Germany...

> Well, yes this works of course. But makes me carry along (and not
> have with me when needed) another device. With battery that may
> be empty in the wrong moment.

For me that would be a feature. It would likely mean I spend less,
specially on impulsive sales.

> And someone may have more than one bank. Each bank seems to have
> a different mix between SMS (mTAN) and some App. Some banks require
> you to confirm every login to your bank account.
> All this is fine with a modern smartphone if you do not care about
> free and open :) And if you don't care to be required by your bank
> to carry around a TAN generator.

I do care about free and open, but I'd care even more in banking
than other uses. I haven't researched this, but I've heard SMS
security is long broken, and phones physical security seems to me very
weak.  I'd prefer to be able to do all (or most) transactions with my
bank from home than having to visit their offices, but I wouldn't like
to carry with me a device that when lost or stolen could help others
impersonate me in bank transactions. Even traditional credit/debit
cards are somewhat dangerous to carry.

> BTW: this makes me wonder if a TAN generator can be used for tracking
> users? Who knows what information it is encoding in the TAN?

No idea, I hadn't heard of TAN before. Sounds like an interesting question.

> > 
> > (Btw. my bank is a cooperative, which means, I'm the owner.
> > Well, one of more than 2¹⁵ owners...)
> Which obviously makes them more client-oriented than others.

Pse. Mine is also a cooperative, but now it requires a mobile phone to
operate. For many years it was enough with login and password, and for
operations moving money, a printed code card (a small One-Time-Pad,
which I left at home).  Now they send you a SMS that someone could
intercept or someone could use your stolen phone, or force you to use
your phone...

The general conditions, like fees and options are also worse each day
(but the members keep increasing).

I mean being a cooperative is not immediately a silver bullet (but maybe
the rest of banks are even worse). 

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Re: [Tinkerphones] New tinkerphone gadgets in Goldelico shop?

2017-11-14 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 08:10:12PM +0200, Pičugins Arsenijs deia:
> > I half remember most smartphone batteries include a charger chip
> > and GTA04 batteries do not (the chip is in the phone and should be
> > in the charger).

> That is definitely not the case. 99.999% is that the "charger", that
> is, the thing with a MicroUSB cable you plug into the wall socket,
> only provides constant voltage and some guarantee about max current
> available (say, 5V/2A).

By "the charger" I meant the device Goldelico could build, not a USB power 

>   The phone has a charging chip inside, which takes 5V and uses it to
>   charge the battery, controlling the charging rate and stopping the
>   charging process when the battery is full. The battery itself
>   doesn't have any provisions for charging inside, aside from a
>   protection circuit that prevents it from overcharging (doesn't
>   have to be there, but is included in 99.99% phones with LiIon
>   batteries), and a thermistor so that the charger can measure
>   temperature of the battery and stop charging when the battery is
>   too hot. Talking about protection circuit, it protects from 1)
>   discharging the battery too deep (because it will get damaged, and
>   in certain circumstances might burst into flames when charged the
>   next time), 2) overcharging the battery (even though the cha rger
>   is not supposed to do that, there's still a small chance, like
>   charger short-circuiting 5V onto its output because of a power
>   surge) and 3) short-circuiting the battery. Again, that is just
>   how phones are built, at least for a decade now.

Ok. Sorry for my disinformation and thank you for explaining. 
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Re: [Tinkerphones] New tinkerphone gadgets in Goldelico shop?

2017-11-14 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 10:20:12AM -0700, j deia:
> you can get universal battery chargers in Ebay, they are spring loaded and 
> have charge pins that can be moved side to side to accommodate most cell 
> phone batteries 

But are they safe for those batteries ? Did you try them?

I half remember most smartphone batteries include a charger chip 
and GTA04 batteries do not (the chip is in the phone and should be 
in the charger). 

But maybe I got it wrong, I remember having read about it lng ago. 

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Re: [Tinkerphones] New tinkerphone gadgets in Goldelico shop?

2017-11-13 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:36:16AM +0100, H. Nikolaus Schaller deia:
> It works completely without case... In the spirit of tinkerers :)
> But a printed case is welcome and easy: my idea is to use the same
> shape as the GTA04 board so a spare Openmoko case would suffice.
> And there had been 3D data around to print such cases.

Well, I don't care about the PCB shape. This is as good for me as any other. 
A new case should be easier if the PCB was rectangular, just measure where the
connectors go, I guess? 

The only advantage I can think of for having the same PCB shape as
GTA04 is that with some case or something acting as spacers you could
maybe stack 2 or 3 chargers with their batteries and the phone on top,
and save desk space w.r.t. horizontally placed chargers (which was my
first thought). Not terribly worth spending any time on, possibly. But
vertically stacking chargers would make inserting and removing
batteries phisically more difficult, wouldn't it? It is desirable not
to have to unchain the chargers to replace batteries in them. But if
the vertical space between chargers is large enough to comfortably
insert and remove batteries, the daisy chain connectors won't touch
without some extra complication ?

> 800mA each. You just need a sufficiently powerful 5V supply for each battery.

That would be doable. For me it would be better to have a single 5V, 2A  or 3A
for 2 or 3 batteries, or whatever, than needing 2 or 3 supplies or a power hub. 
If a non USB connector helps reducing the wall sockets , cables or suppliers
needed, then that'd be a good option. 

> That is all inside the charger chip. It trickle charges if needed and turns
> automatically off if battery is full. I am quite sure that Texas Instruments 
> and
> their customers have already thought of everything when designing these 
> chips...
> They are used in millions of digital cameras, gps devices, smartphones etc.
> where user's don't care about the health of batteries.

> Maybe if you have a notebook with multiple USB sockets it would only
> need to carry extra cables.

I don't know about others, but I tend to have the USB sockets I need 
(or sometimes less). So I still would need some dedicated hub for charging, 
most likely. 
> There are also USB power supply devices like this (I don't know if this
> specific one is good):

Yes maybe stock some of these or similar to simplify buying with the charger. 
It'd still be simpler for me the more integrated it could be, but it's 
not really necessary, just convenient. 
> > 
> > It's ok but if something could be done to eliminate components it would be 
> > even more convenient. Remember those AAA rechargeable battery chargers ?
> > They have several slots (at least 2) and you don't need many of them. Some
> > plug directly to a wall socket and you don't even need a plug. This is 
> > asking too much, but maybe some reduction in components is still possible.
> Well, there aren't many to be reduced. You always need a battery connector
> for each slot and a charger chip for each battery (batteries may be 
> differently
> filled and become full at different times).

I may have misused the term. I didn't mean electronic components, just
"solution components".  Meaning gadgets on my desk or in my suitcase.
Individual pieces taking space and (a very little) complexity when using it.
Even if it is a tinkerphone, I don't think people love to tinker when 
doing vegetative stuff like charging. You just want something that doesn't 
give you a badly connected cable 20% of the time, or complicates 
cleaning the dust or ... But maybe it's just me. 
> So the only thing you can share is the connector to some wall outlet and
> the wall charger.

just this only sharing would be attractive. 
> > 
> > Maybe an optional version with more battery places or maybe some male
> > and female connector in opposite sides so you could daisy chain 2 or 3
> > of those chargers side by side without needing cables and without a
> > powered hub
> That looks like an interesting idea!

Side to side ? or stacked one in top of another ? 
can you daisy chain the phone too (easier if the connector is USB) ? 
> > (but then it's no longer USB 2?).
> Well, charging doesn't need to be 100% compliant. It can be seen as "just
> another connector type" for a 5V 2A power supply.

Ah, ok, I thought there might be some advantage to USB compliancee
about possible compatibility with cables or connectors or something.

But you could also daisy chain with barrel connectors if that helps at
all (in case the total power wasn't feasible for USB and took a
dedicated supply or something). USB seems preferable if possible.

> Maybe it should be possible to limit charging current to 500mA each so
> that you can chain up to 4 units with a 2A supply.

Well, for me charging slowly is usually no problem if I can leave all
batteries I need to charge o

Re: [Tinkerphones] New tinkerphone gadgets in Goldelico shop?

2017-11-13 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 09:41:44AM +0100, H. Nikolaus Schaller deia:
> I would like it as well!

> And I have a simple idea how to build one. I still use one of the original
> GTA04A1 prototype boards where just some components were soldered on,
> incl. the battery connector. I use it to power a GTA04 from battery
> without covering the OMAP processor. It is not a charger (there is
> no charger chip installed), but used as a power bank...
> It looks like this (the board on the left is the GTA04A1):

Good, possibly someone can design a ·D printed case or something, but it 
would already be something. 
> Now, the idea is to provide a PCB very similar to this, but have:
> * the correct spring loaded battery connector
> * some metal handles (cut&bent a copper staple and solder to the board) to 
> keep the battery in place
> * an Mini-USB socket so that you can connect to a standard wall charger or a 
> PC or hub

This is good, as long as it brings enough power (surely for charging one battery
it will, but for 2 or 3 ? )

> * it should even be possible to strap together with the GTA04 Qi-Charger:)

Good, I'm not interested in inductive charging, but why not ?

> * a LiIon charger chip that can run a charging cycle w/o any CPU support

And maybe take care of the charged battery if left there for longer
than needed ?  Would it need to eventually recharge ? Maybe that's too
complex and depends on user wishes so best left out ... ?

> * some LED(s) to show the charging status
> * is likely ~20€ per unit
> I think you can then just take two or three of those and connect to some
> (old) externally powered hub to charge several batteries in parallel.

That would be better than what I have now (nothing). But it would
still require

   2 o 3 of these units
   1 power hub
   1 hub power source 
   3 or 4 cables 
   some case

Doable at home, not so much to take to a hotel, I guess...

It's ok but if something could be done to eliminate components it would be 
even more convenient. Remember those AAA rechargeable battery chargers ?
They have several slots (at least 2) and you don't need many of them. Some
plug directly to a wall socket and you don't even need a plug. This is 
asking too much, but maybe some reduction in components is still possible.

Maybe an optional version with more battery places or maybe some male
and female connector in opposite sides so you could daisy chain 2 or 3
of those chargers side by side without needing cables and without a
powered hub (but then it's no longer USB 2?).
> Would this fit your needs? Would others be interested as well? Additional 
> ideas?

It would, and I think I would get 2 or 3 of them if there isn't a more
integrated option. But if possible I would pay more than this total
price for a more integrated option.

> Generally, this discussion has already turned out to be very fruitful!
> We already have identified as not difficult to provide:
> * Qi-charger kit for GTA04 (working prototype already presented a while ago: 
> )
> * FST-01 crypto-key clone (Big-USB or Mini-USB plug for GTA04)
> * standalone GTA0x battery charger for HF08 batteries
> More ideas are welcome! Make GTA0x great again :-P
> BR,
> Nikolaus
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Re: [Tinkerphones] Status GTA04A5 - unplanned Xmas present!

2016-12-22 Thread Xavi Drudis Ferran
El Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 10:56:40PM +0300, Ларионов Даниил deia:
> Dear Nikolaus,
> Thanks a lot for some great news, but what's a "L2804 device"? Internet 
> search yields only bicycles.

Surely a Letux 2804

Congratulations, Nikolaus! It's like a child is born a little before Christmas.

Winter starts well it semms. 
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