Re: [Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss

> On Jul 16, 2021, at 13:58 , Ronald F. Guilmette  
> wrote:
> In message <>, 
> Frank Habicht  wrote:
>> ... which says: "Please use the comment feature at the bottom of this
>> page to submit your comments."
>> and there, in order to send something, I have to:
>> -  "LOG IN WITH" "D" (disqus) or "F" (facebook) or "T" (twitter),
>>or "G" (google)
>> can it please be made possible for an ordinary person to send a message
>> to AfriNIC directly without passing through third parties and forcing us
>> (interested parties) to subscribe to 3rd parties?
> +1
> I am with Frank 100% on this point.
> I am already being forced to sign up with this or that commercial company
> on a daily basis, just to accomplish simple tasks.  And those companies
> then see fit to monetize *my* personal information.
> There is no excuse for AFRINIC to force people to create accounts with
> third-party commercial companies just in order to be able to comment
> on AFRINIC policy matters.
> Regards,
> rfg
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

+1 — This is ridiculous.


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss

> On Jul 16, 2021, at 08:19 , JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've sent already a couple of emails to comms about my concerns on the CoC. I 
> can only find right now the last one, but I've the feeling that my previous 
> inputs haven't been considered.
> I think it will be nice, when some inputs are not considered, to explain why, 
> so to avoid misunderstandings, etc. Also, not getting inputs, doesn't help 
> those that contribute to keep contributing (if you don't get feedback, if 
> your inputs aren't considered, why you want to keep contributing?).
> So, some of my repeated inputs:
> 1) The use of emails captured from mailing lists, whois, etc., to send spam, 
> such as voting suggestions, should be explicitly cited as forbidden by the 
> CoC.

I agree with this.

> 2) Distribution of malware in any of the mailing lists.

While I am not a fan of item 13 (which I will outline later), so long as it 
persists, I think it is safe to say that everyone will generally agree that 
sending malware to the mailing lists is not acting in the best interests of the 

> 3) Posting private emails without the express consent of the sender.

I agree with this.

> 4) Posting commercial/advertising content (unless done in the scope of a 
> sponsorship, for example in-person events).

And this.

> 5) Plagiarism.

This would need to be addressed more specifically. Quotation of content vs. 
plagiarism is a very fine line and very subjective. Indeed, in copyright law in 
the US, courts still struggle with it since 1934. Absent clear guidance on 
where this line is drawn in this context, I think such a rule could be quite 
open to abuse.

I don’t see any problem with the PDWG co-chairs enforcing the CoC WRT the RPD 
list as they are charged with managing the PDP and given broad latitude in that 

My problem with item 13 is not the spirit or intent as it is written, but in 
the ambiguity that exists about what is “in the best interests of the AFRINIC 
community” and how this statement could be abused in an effort to subjugate 
unpopular ideas or silence the voice of a minority opinion in the community.

Indeed, it seems quite clear to me in AFRINIC’s recent filings with the Supreme 
court that they intended to claim that my participation in the case on behalf 
of Cloud Innovation was contrary to the best interests of the community. While 
I will agree that my participation was not necessarily in the best interests of 
AFRINIC staff, I will absolutely insist that the best interests of the 
community were foremost in my mind as I took on this issue. The need to hold 
AFRINIC board and staff accountable to the rules as written is absolutely in 
the best interests of the community, no matter how inconvenient that fact may 
be for those seeking to act otherwise, even if they are executives or board 
members of the organization.

As such, while I support the idea behind clause 13 and have at all times 
complied with the spirit thereof (it is also present in the existing CoC). I 
think it is important that this rule come with safeguards to prevent it from 
becoming a tool of oppression.


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

2021-07-16 Thread Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss

> On Jul 16, 2021, at 12:30 , Omo Oaiya  wrote:
>> On 16 Jul 2021, at 18:28, Daniel Yakmut via Community-Discuss 
>>>> wrote:
>> It is so funny when we ask such questions. It is compounding to ask why a 
>> person should consult.
>> I thought consultancy, means rendering your expertise to someone at a  fee.
>> Simply
>> Daniel
> Not so funny when there is a supposed ideological mismatch. That would be 
> more mercenary than consultant.   Looking on with interest.

It must be nice if you’ve had a 100% ideological match with every employer or 
customer you’ve ever worked with. Most people don’t have that luxury even with 
their domestic partner/spouse/significant other.

There are areas where Lu and I agree and areas where we disagree. We are able 
to do so with mutual respect and tolerance.

It is mercenary if you compromise your ideology or your ethics or morals in 
order to perform duties for your client.

It is consulting if you set aside your differences and work for the client in 
the areas where you don’t have to do so.

I hope you can understand the difference as I have explained it here.

I assure you that I have been consulting and am not a mercenary.


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

2021-07-16 Thread Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss

> On Jul 15, 2021, at 15:19 , Noah  wrote:
> Owen,
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 13:56, Owen DeLong  > wrote:
>  In general, I select clients who are generally ideologically aligned with me.
>  And what is your so-called Ideology? besides making a living out of 
> consultancy?

That’s a complicated question, but I assure you that making a living out of 
consultancy actually isn’t part of that ideology. Making a living is a purely 
pragmatic matter. Had I been financially wiser in my youth, I would no longer 
be depending on fees for my services in order to survive. Alas, finance has 
never been my strong suit nor my primary motivator and as a result, I am still 
working for money rather than the other way around.

The best way to understand my ideology as regards number resource policy and 
how it has evolved over the years is to review my public record and my voting 
record on the ARIN AC.

> One exception is Cloud Innovation. 
> While I am not ideologically 100% in agreement with them and do not 
> necessarily favor the current state of policy which benefits them
> So you consult for Cloud Innovation yet you are not 100% ideologically in 
> agreement with the very company you consult for

Yes. Nobody is 100% ideologically in agreement with me, most likely. Many areas 
where I agree with Cloud Innovation. Some areas where I do not. Lu and I are 
open and honest with each other about where we agree and where we disagree and 
there is no expectation inherent in my contract that I will alter my views or 
express views that I don’t agree with, so we are able to make it work.

While I don’t necessarily like some of the ways in which Lu has gone about 
utilizing the address space he obtained from AFRINIC, a plain text reading of 
the governing documents (CPM, RSA, bylaws) leaves me no choice but to agree 
that his use is compliant with the applicable policies and that his company has 
acted in good faith and compliance with the rules as they are written. I am not 
personally entirely convinced that leasing is either good or bad for the 
community. However, I am convinced that the policies as currently written do 
not preclude it.

> And when you say "current state of policy benefits them" meaning (Cloud 
> Innovation), what do you exactly mean?

I mean the fact that the policy as written does not preclude leasing and does 
not prohibit (or even limit) out of region use except for registrations issued 
after the beginning of exhaustion phase 1 in the soft landing policy. I would 
have thought that self evident by now.

I am of mixed emotions on both of these issues. I am ambivalent at best on 
leasing. On out of region use, I would love to see a way to address it that 
didn’t come with collateral damage that would make the cure worse than the 
disease, but so far no such option has presented itself. The aborted attempt at 
such a policy some years ago in this community provided a pretty substantial 
review of just how thorny the issue is and how rapidly it devolves into corner 
cases that are difficult to address.

In the end, the community did not come to consensus to adopt such a policy and 
it was withdrawn by the author.

The community has never (to the best of my knowledge) made any effort to even 
consider a policy prohibiting leasing, even in light of recent events. One 
would think that the easiest way for the community to stop leasing, if they 
truly found it so objectionable, would be to prohibit it in policy, yet there 
is still not so much as a policy proposal submitted towards this end.

As such, it sounds to me like a few vociferous people wish to whine about 
ideology while refusing to take action to make the rules actually consistent 
with their supposed views.

At least when I take issue with a policy or other rule or even a proposal, I 
offer concrete alternatives (which admittedly in some cases is to simply claim 
the status quo is superior to the proposed alternative). Such is the case in my 
reaction to the boards Appeal Committee land grab. I offered very concrete 
suggestions for an alternative which could yield a properly independent 
appellate body.

The issues in this case are not whether I agree with Lu and what he is doing or 
not. The issues are whether or not AFRINIC as a body and the AFRINIC board and 
staff will comply with their own rules as written and as developed by the 
members and the community or whether they are free to run amok and create rules 
from whole cloth.

It is the importance of following the rules as written where my client Cloud 
Innovation and I are ideologically aligned and what I consider the most 
important aspect of this case. I really had high hopes that AFRINIC would take 
this more seriously when we tried to resolve it amicably before involving the 
courts, but I failed in my attempt to communicate this and alas, egos were 
bruised, respect was lost, and the situation degraded farther than I had ever 

Re: [Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message <>, 
Frank Habicht  wrote:

>... which says: "Please use the comment feature at the bottom of this
>page to submit your comments."
>and there, in order to send something, I have to:
>-  "LOG IN WITH" "D" (disqus) or "F" (facebook) or "T" (twitter),
> or "G" (google)
>can it please be made possible for an ordinary person to send a message
>to AfriNIC directly without passing through third parties and forcing us
>(interested parties) to subscribe to 3rd parties?


I am with Frank 100% on this point.

I am already being forced to sign up with this or that commercial company
on a daily basis, just to accomplish simple tasks.  And those companies
then see fit to monetize *my* personal information.

There is no excuse for AFRINIC to force people to create accounts with
third-party commercial companies just in order to be able to comment
on AFRINIC policy matters.


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Why does AFRINIC continue to violate the court order?

2021-07-16 Thread Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss

> On Jul 16, 2021, at 11:58 , Sylvain Baya  wrote:
> Dear AfriNIC's Community,
> Le mercredi 14 juillet 2021, DANIEL NANGHAKA  > a écrit :
> Someone, please help - What is the meaning of this? 
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for your question, brother!
> [...]
> ᐧ
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 11:36, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss 
>>> wrote:
> Could AFRINIC please comply with the court order to reinstate Cloud 
> Innovation?
> Could AfriNIC, please, explain to this community 
> how an Org which is not a LIR (*Local* Internet 
> Registry) within the AfriNIC service region, became a resource member?

Cloud Innovation _IS_ an LIR i the AFRINIC service region and issues addresses 
to its customers both within Africa and outside of Africa entirely within the 
rules set forth in the CPM. As such, your question is moot because the premise 
on which it is based is factually incorrect.

> It’s one thing when you can’t follow your own rules, but you’re now violating 
> the law and
> ...maybe starting to complain with the signed RSA 
> and with the very regional RIR's CPM, would have helped enough :'-( 

While I wish I could properly answer this, I cannot comment on open litigation 
at this time. I refer you to the previously posted public documents which do 
include a full explanation of how AFRINIC made this course of action necessary.

> working hard towards a contempt citation. It didn’t take long to screw up our 
> whois entries,
> it shouldn’t take long to put them back.
> As of 12:26 PM Mauritius time, Wed. July 14, 2021:
> whois -h 
>   2021/07/14 
> 1:25:44
> % This is the AfriNIC Whois server.
> % The AFRINIC whois database is subject to  the following terms of Use. See 
> [...]
> % Information related to ' -'
> % No abuse contact registered for -
> inetnum: -
> netname:CloudInnovation
> descr:  CloudInnovation infrastructure
> country:US
> this not an evidence of a AIR (*American* 
> Internet Registry) Org rather than a LIR? {or a GIR 
> (Global Internet Registry)} :-/

The US Country code was inserted by AFRINIC when they defaced our whois 
records. It is not the original entry, so you will have to ask AFRINIC about 
its meaning and reasoning.

> Maybe this question is better suited to the 
> AfriNIC's BoD, as the BoD *must* always protect 
> AfriNIC.

It has been asked of the board as well. We felt that it was important for the 
community to be aware of AFRINIC’s conduct and encourage members to consider 
this in their decisions in the next election.

> Thanks to take it please.

It is unclear to me what you are asking whom to take in this request.

For completeness and transparency, I will note that AFRINIC did eventually 
restore our whois entries later that day as well as other functions as required 
by the court. To the best of my knowledge, AFRINIC is, now, in compliance with 
the order, though they certainly took their time to do so vs. the expedient 
manner in which they committed their prior acts of destruction.


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Why does AFRINIC continue to violate the court order?

2021-07-16 Thread Sylvain Baya
Dear AfriNIC's Community,

Le mercredi 14 juillet 2021, Dabu Sifiso  a écrit :

> Hi Daniel,
Hi Dabu,
Thanks you for your informative email, brother.

> I guess you are reacting because of the assignment's country code.
...based to this, i therefore suggest that:

•1] For the review of the utilisation of resources allocated (to Resource
Members) from AfriNIC's INR pools,
•2] AfriNIC's Staff prioritize "inetnum:" objects with "country:"
attributes with a country code (cc) different to those from the AfriNIC's
service region.
•3] First step might be to publish all the related stats.
•4] any other good idea is welcome...
~°~ should include objects from "inet6num:" class.

> Please download the file from AFRINIC:
Could the DB manager, please, help us to do this?

> Do a search for "country:" and see for yourself, assignments out
> of Africa are not uncommon at all and are done in small to large scale by
> many LIRs.
> Here is an example of a larger one, not affiliated to CI as far as I could
> see:
> inetnum:X.X.128.0 - X.X.143.255
> descr:  Assignment made to XX Customers.
> descr:  In case of abuse, please contact
> country:FR
> I understood from the discussions here and from the policy texts, only the
> more recent allocations are truly restricted to be used in region only,
> this means that older LIRs with old allocations can indeed offer services
> out of region with their address space.
> Now, if you find assignments or sub-allocations made from allocations
> issued under the current soft landing phase that are registered for out of
> regions.
> Those may need AFRINIC to double check what is going on.
Please, be kind and do it DB manager :-)



> Regards,
> Dabu
> 10:52, 14 July 2021, DANIEL NANGHAKA :
> Someone, please help - What is the meaning of this?
> ii_kr38qdra0
> ᐧ
> [...]


Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|
Subscribe to Mailing List: 
#‎LASAINTEBIBLE‬|#‎Romains15‬:33«Que LE ‪#‎DIEU‬ de ‪#‎Paix‬ soit avec vous
tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!»
‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
«Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire
après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

2021-07-16 Thread Omo Oaiya

> On 16 Jul 2021, at 18:28, Daniel Yakmut via Community-Discuss 
>  wrote:
> It is so funny when we ask such questions. It is compounding to ask why a 
> person should consult.
> I thought consultancy, means rendering your expertise to someone at a  fee.
> Simply
> Daniel

Not so funny when there is a supposed ideological mismatch. That would be more 
mercenary than consultant.   Looking on with interest.


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Why does AFRINIC continue to violate the court order?

2021-07-16 Thread Sylvain Baya
Dear AfriNIC's Community,

Le mercredi 14 juillet 2021, DANIEL NANGHAKA  a écrit :

> Someone, please help - What is the meaning of this?
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your question, brother!

> [...]
> ᐧ
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 11:36, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss <
>> wrote:
>> Could AFRINIC please comply with the court order to reinstate Cloud
>> Innovation?
Could AfriNIC, please, explain to this community
how an Org which is not a LIR (*Local* Internet
Registry) within the AfriNIC service region, became a resource member?

>> It’s one thing when you can’t follow your own rules, but you’re now
>> violating the law and
...maybe starting to complain with the signed RSA
and with the very regional RIR's CPM, would have helped enough :'-(

>> working hard towards a contempt citation. It didn’t take long to screw up
>> our whois entries,
>> it shouldn’t take long to put them back.
>> As of 12:26 PM Mauritius time, Wed. July 14, 2021:
>> whois -h
>>2021/07/14 1:25:44
>> % This is the AfriNIC Whois server.
>> % The AFRINIC whois database is subject to  the following terms of Use.
>> See
>> [...]
>> % Information related to ' -'
>> % No abuse contact registered for -
>> inetnum: -
>> netname:CloudInnovation
>> descr:  CloudInnovation infrastructure
>> country:US
> this not an evidence of a AIR (*American*
Internet Registry) Org rather than a LIR? {or a GIR
(Global Internet Registry)} :-/

Maybe this question is better suited to the
AfriNIC's BoD, as the BoD *must* always protect

Thanks to take it please.


>> admin-c:APC1-AFRINIC
>> tech-c: APC1-AFRINIC
>> status: ASSIGNED PA
>> remarks:REMARK=
>> [...]
>> Thanks,
>> Owen
>> [...]


Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|
Subscribe to Mailing List: 
#‎LASAINTEBIBLE‬|#‎Romains15‬:33«Que LE ‪#‎DIEU‬ de ‪#‎Paix‬ soit avec vous
tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!»
‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
«Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire
après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Reminder on the AFRINIC Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC. 

The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal attacks.

Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 

Kind regards,

AFRINIC Communications


Chers collègues,

Nous vous invitons à lire ce document pour vous assurer que vous êtes au 
courant de notre code de conduite et des processus qui protègent la discussion 
et les politiques communautaires au cœur d'AFRINIC. 

Le code de conduite garantit que les discussions restent professionnelles et 
que les individus sont protégés contre les attaques diffamatoires, 
désobligeantes et personnelles.

Veuillez lire le blog suivant sur le code de conduite d'AFRINIC :


AFRINIC Communications

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

2021-07-16 Thread Daniel Yakmut via Community-Discuss
It is so funny when we ask such questions. It is compounding to ask why a
person should consult.

I thought consultancy, means rendering your expertise to someone at a  fee.


On Fri, Jul 16, 2021, 4:10 PM Marcus K. G. Adomey 

> Hi  again Owen,
> Let me  then  help you with some easy  and praticable questions  here  so
> that we close this case.
> Following your attachment to some recent developments  between cloud
> Innovation and AFRINIC, are you  paid by cloud innovations or related
> companies? Is your departure from arin ac anyhow related to this
> relationship ?
> Hope this helps
> Marcus
> --
> *From:* Marcus K. G. Adomey 
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 15, 2021 6:54:26 PM
> *To:* Owen DeLong 
> *Cc:* ;
> AfriNIC Resource Policy Discussion List 
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?
> Hi Owen.
> Interesting  that one must get a petition signed by 5 people for you to
> response to a such easy inquiry.
> Your private mails did not say anything beyond what you publicly said and
> which triggered my follow on points.
> As we all participate in Policy development as “ individual “ … one need
> to know where are the possible or perceived conflicts of Interest coming
> from  and why it was not dealt with according to CoI policy
> What is seen as Conflict over there can also be a conflict here  and best
> practices call for these to be disclosed.
> Marcus
> --
> *From:* Owen DeLong 
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 15, 2021 12:08:32 AM
> *To:* Marcus K. G. Adomey 
> *Cc:* DANIEL NANGHAKA ; AfriNIC Resource Policy
> Discussion List ; <
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?
> Once again, list, I apologize…
> I did not Bcc it to anyone. I did send it only to Daniel and to you. The
> fact that you know I sent it to Daniel is proof that it was not a BCC and
> that you apparently do not understand how email works. Please (re)read RFCs
> 821, 822, and 1123. Try to understand them this time.
> As to why, because while you may be a huge fan of mine with a distorted
> view of the importance of my actions to the entire community, the reality
> is that this is a fairly mundane action I took in America regarding a
> leadership position in an RIR that has no jurisdiction anywhere near Africa
> and that it has no impact or effect on anyone in this community that I can
> think of. In short it simply isn’t relevant and isn’t a valid subject for
> this list.
> Please do tell what it is that you think is of interest to the community
> here and what you believe you need to know that I have not already answered?
> It’s not that I’m trying to hide anything, it’s just that I am at a loss
> to figure out what you are so interested in.
> If more than 5 people express interest in the answer to your question,
> then I will answer it publicly. Otherwise, I will take it as an indication
> that I am correct that it is off topic and uninteresting except to you and
> respond privately.
> Owen
> On Jul 14, 2021, at 05:26 , Marcus K. G. Adomey 
> wrote:
> Hi Owen,
> Why have you BCC me the email you sent to Daniel? Why can't you send your
> response to the entire mailing list? Is there something hidden in this
> private email and you would not want the others to know about? The point
> being discuss is of interest and we need to know.
> Please let us be transparent and open to the PDWG.
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> --
> *From:* Owen DeLong 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 14, 2021 10:56 AM
> *To:* DANIEL NANGHAKA ; Marcus K. G. Adomey <
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?
> Daniel,
> Responding in private since this is off-topic for the list.
> This really has nothing to do with the AFRNIC PDP and has to do with
> things I want to be able to say and advocate for in the ARIN region.
> There is no conflict between my activities in AFRINIC PDP and my role on
> the ARIN AC.
> As to my interest in the AFRINIC PDP, you should note that I’m also at
> various times active in APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE, and ARIN PDPs.
> I make my living as a consultant and I have at various times had clients
> all over the world and some clients with global networks. As a result, I am
> often asked to pay attention to the PDP in those regions.
> I am also someone with a strong sense of community service. As such, since
> I am obliged to monitor the process for my client(s) anyway, I will often
> work towards what I perceive as the best interests of the community
> (regardless of whether it is best for my client or not) and I will often
> advocate as such. In general, I select clients who are generally
> ideologically aligned with me.
> One exception is Cloud Innovation. While I am not 

Re: [Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread Frank Habicht

On 16/07/2021 16:49, AFRINIC Communication wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Consistent with the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference 
> (, the Committee had been requested by 
> AFRINIC’s Chief Executive Officer to review the current Code of Conduct. 
> On 31 March 2021, a Call for Comments was launched for one month.
> The Governance Committee has considered the input received from the Community 
> and thus proposes the following draft new Code of Conduct for the Community’s 
> final review which shall be open for 3 weeks. 
> Please comment on:

... which says: "Please use the comment feature at the bottom of this
page to submit your comments."

and there, in order to send something, I have to:
-  "LOG IN WITH" "D" (disqus) or "F" (facebook) or "T" (twitter),
 or "G" (google)

can it please be made possible for an ordinary person to send a message
to AfriNIC directly without passing through third parties and forcing us
(interested parties) to subscribe to 3rd parties?

Thank you.

PS: is AfriNIC getting commission from these 3rd parties for our user data?

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

2021-07-16 Thread Tom Ochang
The cochairs have been bullied to a hiding corner I may presume.

On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, 16:10 Marcus K. G. Adomey,  wrote:

> Hi  again Owen,
> Let me  then  help you with some easy  and praticable questions  here  so
> that we close this case.
> Following your attachment to some recent developments  between cloud
> Innovation and AFRINIC, are you  paid by cloud innovations or related
> companies? Is your departure from arin ac anyhow related to this
> relationship ?
> Hope this helps
> Marcus
> --
> *From:* Marcus K. G. Adomey 
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 15, 2021 6:54:26 PM
> *To:* Owen DeLong 
> *Cc:* ;
> AfriNIC Resource Policy Discussion List 
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?
> Hi Owen.
> Interesting  that one must get a petition signed by 5 people for you to
> response to a such easy inquiry.
> Your private mails did not say anything beyond what you publicly said and
> which triggered my follow on points.
> As we all participate in Policy development as “ individual “ … one need
> to know where are the possible or perceived conflicts of Interest coming
> from  and why it was not dealt with according to CoI policy
> What is seen as Conflict over there can also be a conflict here  and best
> practices call for these to be disclosed.
> Marcus
> --
> *From:* Owen DeLong 
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 15, 2021 12:08:32 AM
> *To:* Marcus K. G. Adomey 
> *Cc:* DANIEL NANGHAKA ; AfriNIC Resource Policy
> Discussion List ; <
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?
> Once again, list, I apologize…
> I did not Bcc it to anyone. I did send it only to Daniel and to you. The
> fact that you know I sent it to Daniel is proof that it was not a BCC and
> that you apparently do not understand how email works. Please (re)read RFCs
> 821, 822, and 1123. Try to understand them this time.
> As to why, because while you may be a huge fan of mine with a distorted
> view of the importance of my actions to the entire community, the reality
> is that this is a fairly mundane action I took in America regarding a
> leadership position in an RIR that has no jurisdiction anywhere near Africa
> and that it has no impact or effect on anyone in this community that I can
> think of. In short it simply isn’t relevant and isn’t a valid subject for
> this list.
> Please do tell what it is that you think is of interest to the community
> here and what you believe you need to know that I have not already answered?
> It’s not that I’m trying to hide anything, it’s just that I am at a loss
> to figure out what you are so interested in.
> If more than 5 people express interest in the answer to your question,
> then I will answer it publicly. Otherwise, I will take it as an indication
> that I am correct that it is off topic and uninteresting except to you and
> respond privately.
> Owen
> On Jul 14, 2021, at 05:26 , Marcus K. G. Adomey 
> wrote:
> Hi Owen,
> Why have you BCC me the email you sent to Daniel? Why can't you send your
> response to the entire mailing list? Is there something hidden in this
> private email and you would not want the others to know about? The point
> being discuss is of interest and we need to know.
> Please let us be transparent and open to the PDWG.
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> --
> *From:* Owen DeLong 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 14, 2021 10:56 AM
> *To:* DANIEL NANGHAKA ; Marcus K. G. Adomey <
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?
> Daniel,
> Responding in private since this is off-topic for the list.
> This really has nothing to do with the AFRNIC PDP and has to do with
> things I want to be able to say and advocate for in the ARIN region.
> There is no conflict between my activities in AFRINIC PDP and my role on
> the ARIN AC.
> As to my interest in the AFRINIC PDP, you should note that I’m also at
> various times active in APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE, and ARIN PDPs.
> I make my living as a consultant and I have at various times had clients
> all over the world and some clients with global networks. As a result, I am
> often asked to pay attention to the PDP in those regions.
> I am also someone with a strong sense of community service. As such, since
> I am obliged to monitor the process for my client(s) anyway, I will often
> work towards what I perceive as the best interests of the community
> (regardless of whether it is best for my client or not) and I will often
> advocate as such. In general, I select clients who are generally
> ideologically aligned with me.
> One exception is Cloud Innovation. While I am not ideologically 100% in
> agreement with them and do not necessarily favor the current state of
> policy which benefits them, I am even 

Re: [Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss

I've sent already a couple of emails to comms about my concerns on the CoC. I 
can only find right now the last one, but I've the feeling that my previous 
inputs haven't been considered.

I think it will be nice, when some inputs are not considered, to explain why, 
so to avoid misunderstandings, etc. Also, not getting inputs, doesn't help 
those that contribute to keep contributing (if you don't get feedback, if your 
inputs aren't considered, why you want to keep contributing?).

So, some of my repeated inputs:

1) The use of emails captured from mailing lists, whois, etc., to send spam, 
such as voting suggestions, should be explicitly cited as forbidden by the CoC.
2) Distribution of malware in any of the mailing lists.
3) Posting private emails without the express consent of the sender.
4) Posting commercial/advertising content (unless done in the scope of a 
sponsorship, for example in-person events).
5) Plagiarism.

Many of those things are typically illegal in most of the countries, but I 
think it should be made explicit in the CoC in order to avoid depending on any 
specific country.

Finally, I don't think this:
"Following a third breach, the subscriber will be removed from the mailing list 
for a period of three months." makes any sense, as the archives could be used 
to read the postings, resend by someone else, or use an alternative email 
address, etc.

I think instead it should be:
"Following a *third* breach, the subscriber may be removed from the list with 
no possibility of return."

And I've in any case my doubts that the CoC can be enforced in the policy 
mailing list, because that will be part of the PDP and the PDP has not any 
explicit authorization to enact such thing. We shall remember at all time the 
difference between community and membership.


El 16/7/21 15:53, "AFRINIC Communication"  escribió:

Dear Colleagues,

Consistent with the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference 
(, the Committee had been requested by AFRINIC’s 
Chief Executive Officer to review the current Code of Conduct. 

On 31 March 2021, a Call for Comments was launched for one month.

The Governance Committee has considered the input received from the 
Community and thus proposes the following draft new Code of Conduct for the 
Community’s final review which shall be open for 3 weeks. 

Please comment on:

The deadline for this final review shall end on 5 August 2021.

The Governance Committee looks forward to continuous beneficial engagement 
with its stakeholders.

Governance Committee
Community-Discuss mailing list

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This electronic message contains information which may be privileged or 
confidential. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the 
individual(s) named above and further non-explicilty authorized disclosure, 
copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information, even if 
partially, including attached files, is strictly prohibited and will be 
considered a criminal offense. If you are not the intended recipient be aware 
that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this 
information, even if partially, including attached files, is strictly 
prohibited, will be considered a criminal offense, so you must reply to the 
original sender to inform about this communication and delete it.

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

2021-07-16 Thread Marcus K. G. Adomey
Hi  again Owen,

Let me  then  help you with some easy  and praticable questions  here  so that 
we close this case.

Following your attachment to some recent developments  between cloud Innovation 
and AFRINIC, are you  paid by cloud innovations or related companies? Is your 
departure from arin ac anyhow related to this relationship ?

Hope this helps


From: Marcus K. G. Adomey 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 6:54:26 PM
To: Owen DeLong 
Cc: ; AfriNIC 
Resource Policy Discussion List 
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

Hi Owen.

Interesting  that one must get a petition signed by 5 people for you to 
response to a such easy inquiry.

Your private mails did not say anything beyond what you publicly said and which 
triggered my follow on points.

As we all participate in Policy development as “ individual “ … one need to 
know where are the possible or perceived conflicts of Interest coming from  and 
why it was not dealt with according to CoI policy

What is seen as Conflict over there can also be a conflict here  and best 
practices call for these to be disclosed.


From: Owen DeLong 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 12:08:32 AM
To: Marcus K. G. Adomey 
Cc: DANIEL NANGHAKA ; AfriNIC Resource Policy Discussion 
List ; 

Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?

Once again, list, I apologize…

I did not Bcc it to anyone. I did send it only to Daniel and to you. The fact 
that you know I sent it to Daniel is proof that it was not a BCC and that you 
apparently do not understand how email works. Please (re)read RFCs 821, 822, 
and 1123. Try to understand them this time.

As to why, because while you may be a huge fan of mine with a distorted view of 
the importance of my actions to the entire community, the reality is that this 
is a fairly mundane action I took in America regarding a leadership position in 
an RIR that has no jurisdiction anywhere near Africa and that it has no impact 
or effect on anyone in this community that I can think of. In short it simply 
isn’t relevant and isn’t a valid subject for this list.

Please do tell what it is that you think is of interest to the community here 
and what you believe you need to know that I have not already answered?

It’s not that I’m trying to hide anything, it’s just that I am at a loss to 
figure out what you are so interested in.

If more than 5 people express interest in the answer to your question, then I 
will answer it publicly. Otherwise, I will take it as an indication that I am 
correct that it is off topic and uninteresting except to you and respond 


On Jul 14, 2021, at 05:26 , Marcus K. G. Adomey>> wrote:

Hi Owen,

Why have you BCC me the email you sent to Daniel? Why can't you send your 
response to the entire mailing list? Is there something hidden in this private 
email and you would not want the others to know about? The point being discuss 
is of interest and we need to know.

Please let us be transparent and open to the PDWG.



From: Owen DeLong>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 10:56 AM
K. G. Adomey>>
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] ARIN without Owen Delong ?


Responding in private since this is off-topic for the list.

This really has nothing to do with the AFRNIC PDP and has to do with things I 
want to be able to say and advocate for in the ARIN region.

There is no conflict between my activities in AFRINIC PDP and my role on the 

As to my interest in the AFRINIC PDP, you should note that I’m also at various 
times active in APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE, and ARIN PDPs.

I make my living as a consultant and I have at various times had clients all 
over the world and some clients with global networks. As a result, I am often 
asked to pay attention to the PDP in those regions.

I am also someone with a strong sense of community service. As such, since I am 
obliged to monitor the process for my client(s) anyway, I will often work 
towards what I perceive as the best interests of the community (regardless of 
whether it is best for my client or not) and I will often advocate as such. In 
general, I select clients who are generally ideologically aligned with me.

One exception is Cloud Innovation. While I am not ideologically 100% in 
agreement with them and do not necessarily favor the current state of policy 
which benefits them, I am even more concerned that the RIRs cannot simply make 
up policy or randomly interpret policy to suit their ideological goals and 
must, instead, follow the policy as written until it is amended through the 
proper community process.

AFRINIC has a long history of corruption, election 

[Community-Discuss] Final Call for Comments on Code of Conduct

2021-07-16 Thread AFRINIC Communication
Dear Colleagues,

Consistent with the Governance Committee’s Terms of Reference 
(, the Committee had been requested by AFRINIC’s 
Chief Executive Officer to review the current Code of Conduct. 

On 31 March 2021, a Call for Comments was launched for one month.

The Governance Committee has considered the input received from the Community 
and thus proposes the following draft new Code of Conduct for the Community’s 
final review which shall be open for 3 weeks. 

Please comment on:

The deadline for this final review shall end on 5 August 2021.

The Governance Committee looks forward to continuous beneficial engagement with 
its stakeholders.

Governance Committee
Community-Discuss mailing list