Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Tapani Raiko
 Hahn go strategy is only relevant for a tournament (otherwise one can
 simply play normal go, it doesn't matter by how many points one wins).
 And thus it includes a meta-strategy involving the results in the
 other games and knowledge of one's opponents.
One can also play a single game for instance with money bets based on
the Hahn points, which makes Hahn go strategy relevant also for a single

In the tournament setting, in your interpretation, the goal is not to
maximize the (expected) number of Hahn points in each game, but to
maximize the probability of having more Hahn points at the end of the
tournament than your opponent(s). It would also be useful to see what is
happening on the other boards during a tournament round, since it might
affect your point goal. It might even be useful to spend time waiting in
order to gather information from the other boards. ;-)


 Tapani Raiko,, +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Tapani Raiko
Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:18, Tapani Raiko wrote:
 One can also play a single game for instance with money bets based on
 the Hahn points, which makes Hahn go strategy relevant also for a single

 Just a thought: if the bet is I can beat you with X points on the
 board or more, then it's exactly like trying to win a normal game
 with X points komi, right?

 Are there any other kind of bets?
Yes, having to pay the amount of Hahn points in money. The Hahn system
originates from the Korean betting system, mentioned also in the novel
First Kyu by Sung-Hwa Hong. Both players deposit the amount for the
maximum loss under the go board and the money is split after the game
according to the score.

See also:


 Tapani Raiko,, +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] demonstration match

2009-10-21 Thread Tapani Raiko

I will arrange a demonstration match between MoGo v. 4.86 vs.
Javier-Aleksi Savolainen (Finnish 5d).

Time: Saturday 24th Oct at 9-11 am UTC.
Location: Helsinki, Finland, Alternative Party digital culture festival
( )
Virtual location: KGS ( ) in room Computer Go,
match Assu vs. MoGoAltPar.

The computer provided by CSC will be either a 56-core Cray CX1 available
locally at the festival, or part of the 10864-core Cray XT5/XT4 (49th
fastest on the latest top500 supercomputers list).

I'd like to thank AltParty, CSC, KGS, and MoGo teams for the opportunity!
Tapani Raiko

 Tapani Raiko,, +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Software for a supercomputer?

2009-10-09 Thread Tapani Raiko
Hi all,

I have a possibility to organize a demonstration match with a strong human 
against a supercomputer at the Alternative Party in Helsinki, Finland on Oct 
23-25, which is a fair for computer enthusiast. The 
expected participation is over 1000 people.

The computer (Cray CX1) has a Linux operating system, but I might be able to 
boot it from a USB stick to Windows, too. It consists of nodes that each have a 
2 x quad core Xeon E5472 3.0GHz CPU and 32 GB RAM. I heard that with OpenMP it 
could parallelize within one node, but to get the full power, one would need to 
use MPI.

I am now asking for help. Do you know which program could be used for best 
performance (or most cores)? Is it easy to set up things running? (I need to 
decide soon whether I will organize it or not.)

Thanks in advance,
Tapani Raiko

 Tapani Raiko,, +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Dynamic komi at high handicaps

2009-08-13 Thread Tapani Raiko
I don't think the komi should be adjusted.


Wouldn't random passing by black during the playouts model black making
mistakes much more accurately? The number of random passes should be
adjusted such that the playouts are close to 50/50. Adjusting the komi
would make black play greedily, while random passing during playouts
would make black play safe (rich men don't pick fights).

Tapani Raiko

Christoph Birk wrote:

 I think you got it the wrong way round.
 Without dynamic komi (in high ha
 ndicap games) even trillions of simulations
 with _not_ find a move that creates a winning line, because the is none,
 if the opponet has the same strength as you.
 WHITE has to assume that BLACK will make mistakes, otherwise there
 would be no handicap.

 computer-go mailing list

 Tapani Raiko,, +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-28 Thread Tapani Raiko

 GTP you can simply use as-is, I don't see why that wouldn't work.
 GoGui is also open-source and can possibly also be easily adapted to
 Hex as well. But to be honest, I don't really need a Gui that much.
 But twogtp is really useful.
HexGui already exists. It uses GTP. Here's a link:

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] BOINC

2007-10-30 Thread Tapani Raiko

 milestone 1: All network-nodes compute pure Monte-Carlo (no search
 tree) scores for the possible moves, the scores are combined centrally
 to pick the move. It's easy, it will wring out the system, and the
 bandwidth is low. The playing performance will always be poor because
 this algorithm doesn't scale well.

 milestone 2: Each network-node builds its own tree using UCT, but
 information is only combined at the root. This version will play much
 better because each node is smarter. The bandwidth will be higher. I
 can only guess at the scaling behavior, but this milestone might be
 the 80% solution.

 milestone 3: Information from the search-nodes is shared between
 network-nodes, but only for search-nodes close to the root of the
 tree. Sounds innocent enough. You just limit the shared nodes to the
 first couple of plys. But it's a trap that will suck you in: best
 scaling behavior requires too much communication-but what if you made
 each Monte-Carlo simulation smarter...?
Why not make each computer specialize in a certain branch of the tree?
That way the (implicit) combination of the trees of all the computers
could grow very large. Of course some central intelligence would need to
allocate resources to different branches dynamically, so it would be
more difficult to implement. In these three milestones, the different
computers would do a lot of overlapping work with the deeper nodes, if I
understood them correctly.

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-12 Thread Tapani Raiko
Chris Fant wrote:
 Ho can I find Go vids on youtube?  Searching for go obviously does nothing.

Atari was also a good keyword here. There it is:

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-08 Thread Tapani Raiko

 May sound unpolite. But Deep Blue reached a very
 important step in IA. They will be known for ever.
 But, from a research point of view, they didn't much
 really. It was mainly a technological/technical
Maybe they will reimplement Mogo, try a null-move tweak, use a
supercomputer, and claim to have the strongest computer Go player ever. :-)

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Slightly improved MC algorithm

2007-02-28 Thread Tapani Raiko

 Ownership map is a good term!

Go81 (and Go169) also uses the ownership map (since 2002). In Palm
handhelds, I can afford to do just two playouts, so the ownership map is
much more informative than the first moves. I look for large neutral
areas (especially moves that are close to both white and black areas)
and so on. Similar heuristics might be useful deeper in the UCT where
there are very few play-outs.

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Slightly improved MC algorithm

2007-02-28 Thread Tapani Raiko

 I like your program and I actually tested it against yours during
 developement.   But I didn't test Go169, what is that?   
I changed the name from Go81 to Go169 at the time I switched from
PalmOS4 to PalmOS5. It also includes some 5x5 patterns which help with
boards larger than 9x9=81. (Go81 only has 3x3 patterns.)
There is also a GTP-supporting .exe so you can test the strength without
a Palm. On a PC the two playouts don't take much time. ;-)

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Monte Carlo (MC) vs Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC)

2007-02-07 Thread Tapani Raiko
  I could see a case where it is possible to reduce a variance of a single
  variable even in the 0-1 case. Let us say that black has about 5% chances of
  winning. If we could (exactly) double the chances of black winning by
  changing the nonuniform sampling somehow (say, enforce bad moves by white),
  we could sample from that and divide the estimated black's winning chance in
  the end by 2. This would of course be very difficult in practice. (A binary
  random variable gives more information when the chances are closer to
  50-50.) This could be useful in practice in handicap games, by for instance
  enforcing a black pass with 1% chance every move. Sampling would be
  distorted towards white win, which is realistic since white is assumed to be
  a stronger player, anyway.

 I don't understand this line of reasoning.

Let my try again using the handicap example. Let's say MC player is given 
a huge handicap. In the simulations, it is winning all of its games, so 
there is no information helping to select the next move. Using information 
theory, each play-out gives one bit of information if the chances are 
50:50, but if the chances are unbalanced, the information content is 
lower. (see ) In the 
extreme case, there is no information at all.

Now, let us use distorted MC where we enforce black to pass with a few 
percent chance every move. White begins to win some of the simulations, so 
MC is useful again.

How this is related to reducing the variance?

Let us say that a black move leads to a white win with probability p very 
close to zero. Let us also assume that distorting the simulations doubles 
white's chances to 2p.
Using normal MC, the variance of our estimate of p using N samples is
and using distroted MC, the variance of 2p is
estimating p by using the estimate of 2p, the variance is divided by 4:
p*(1-2p)/2N which is less than p*(1-p)/N.

In practice, we cannot know that distorting would increase the chances 
exactly by doubling them, but if we use the same distortion to estimate 
all moves, we can still compare them.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Monte Carlo (MC) vs Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC)

2007-02-06 Thread Tapani Raiko
It seems that there are at least three cases:
1: Choosing a random move from a uniform distribution
2: Choosing a random move from a nonuniform distribution (patterns etc.)
3: Choosing a move taking into account what has been chosen before

The concensus seems to be that numbers 1 and 2 are MC and 3 is QMC. 
Mogo uses QMC within the tree in memory and MC for the leaves, so which 
should it be called?

And about reducing variance: In games you only care about estimating the 
goodness of the best moves (in order to select the best one). You don't 
care how bad a move is, if you are fairly certain that it is not the best 
one. You should thus reduce the variance of the best moves, that is, study 
them more often. This is exactly what UCT is about, reducing the variance 
of variables of interest.

I could see a case where it is possible to reduce a variance of a single 
variable even in the 0-1 case. Let us say that black has about 5% chances 
of winning. If we could (exactly) double the chances of black winning by 
changing the nonuniform sampling somehow (say, enforce bad moves by 
white), we could sample from that and divide the estimated black's winning 
chance in the end by 2. This would of course be very difficult in 
practice. (A binary random variable gives more information when the 
chances are closer to 50-50.) This could be useful in practice in 
handicap games, by for instance enforcing a black pass with 1% chance 
every move. Sampling would be distorted towards white win, which is 
realistic since white is assumed to be a stronger player, anyway.

To summarise, I agree that there are links to other MC research, and they 
should be explored.

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is skill transitive? No.

2007-01-31 Thread Tapani Raiko
 Would the results of kgs (or similar) games being appropriate if one
 considered only un-handicapped games?

Yes, I think so. At least when considering only those who have played lots 
of games against lots of opponents.

 I imagine that the most significant intransitivity would be would be in
 relation to the bots (principally GnuGo?), because some players have played
 dozens (maybe hundreds) of games against these bots and their playing style
 is likely to have been modified by the experience.

True. Another effect that might appear is if part of the players are 
developing in skill and at the same time switching to stronger opponents. 
Or perhaps some are better in changing their style (risk level) according 
to opponent strength.

Maybe CGOS data would be the best: lots of games between a limited number 
of stable players.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Interesting problem

2007-01-04 Thread Tapani Raiko
 I assume that cannot be captured by the opponent means that the opponent,
 playing first, cannot capture it.  I accept that it is unclear whether this
 opponent is the actual one present in the game, or a hypothetical competent

In an unresolved semeai it is not clear who is the one trying to capture 
and should thus get the first move.

One more vote for simple rules. :)

 Tapani Raiko, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +358 50 5225750

computer-go mailing list