Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-28 Thread Benjamin Teuber
Getting back to the CL vs. Scheme question, I think starting with
Scheme is a perfectly reasonable choice as it is much more
student-friedy (as long as you don't look at continuations too soon).
Personally, I now prefer CL because of the multiple namespaces for
different things (I can have a variable, a function and a class od the
same name without any trouble) and the dirty macros I'm more
comformable with (maybe just because I'm used to it, many people
prefer Scheme for the same thing).
But anyways, once you're familiar with lispy languages it'll be very
easy to change anyways, so you shouldn't really worry much about
starting with the right one. Also, a discussion comparing CL to
Scheme or maybe even Haskell, OCaML or F# is rather pointless, as all
of these language give you so much more abstraction and flexibility
compared to the C-family (including Java) that their differences
should not really matter..

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-16 Thread steve uurtamo
hey, something fun!

keeping pipelines full and carefully scheduling when cache
will be flushed is another.  not as performance-killing as branching,
perhaps, but equally tedious to do by hand.  one very cool thing
about the ultrasparc (and likely many other processors) is that it
could schedule 4 instructions at once: an int op, a float op, a load and
a store.  of course, main memory access is terrible, but if you could figure
out how to equally divide time between int and float ops, you could
make a killing.  also useful are the many different graphics ops that
can be repurposed with some heavy-handed engineering.

i *believe* that some sparc cpus from the wayback machine could
renumber some of their registers with a single (quick) instruction.

some cute tricks ca. 1991:

use the 4x4 matrix multiplier (also known as the instruction that rotates and
translates sets of points in 3-space) on an SGI to do arbitrary matrix
calculations, in 4x4 chunks.  i think that this is common now.

for efficient graphics updating, there is usually a ginormous pile of very
fast ram sitting around that can be manhandled into dealing with partial 
older sgi's have tons of ram like this.  this should be commonly done, if it 

and of course: stare at the instruction list provided by the manufacturer for
a long time to see if there are any weird instructions that could be used in
not-quite-as-intended ways.  some of these can be found on the GPU, if there
is one.

probably modern graphics cards on pc's should be busy doing anything other than
graphics, since they're so overpowered and are connected to the cpu via such
an extremely fast channel.  your monitor might look weird for awhile (or not), 
man, you should be able to calculate like a mofo.

and just to reiterate the earlier branching comment: if you see an if 
anywhere in
your code, just imagine that you're causing yourself a very painful slowdown if 
true on the order of 50% of the time, false 50% of the time.  and if it's 
almost always
true or false, think about how to get rid of it or minimize the number of times 
it gets
evaluated (or at the very least, how to advise the compiler to advise the cpu 
that it
will be true or false most of the time).



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Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-15 Thread Heikki Levanto
On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 03:00:02AM +1800, Nick Apperson wrote:
 In theory, and ONLY in theory, assembly is the fastest programming

I do agree with most of what you said, but I have to squeeze in a comment
that assembly is not necessarily the most optimized way to write code, when
it really comes to it. If you *really* have to go for it, you need to be
aware of the binary expression of every instruction... I have (once!) - many
many years ago - optimized some assembly code where I reused the same bytes
as instructions, jump offsets,  and data, carefully placing the code on the
right address so that this trick would work. This might have been possible
with a good assembler, but at that time I did no have one for that CPU, so I
was working directly in hexadecimal.

With modern processors, assemblers, and compilers, things are different. And
today, nobody will take the time to optimize on that level - which is good
enough. But in theory...

 - Heikki

Heikki Levanto   In Murphy We Turst heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Darren Cook
 I thinks it's very difficult to outperform C since C really is just
 about at the level of assembly language.
 No, in special cases it's not that hard to outperform C, because the
 language spec dictates some not so efficient details. C has an ABI and
 it's specification is optimized for the general case. 

Stefan, judging by this site (which I posted some links from yesterday)
your intuition is correct:

Overall C comes in 2nd, 10% slower than C++ (due to extra hints to the
compiler I assume). But C/C++ are not the top of every benchmark. E.g.


Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work)  (My flash charting demos)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Nick Apperson

 I love C++ and I'd love to say look I told you all, C++ is the fastest,
but frankly it just doesn't work like that.  When we come to a point where
every programmer writes the fastest possible code their language could
create then we have some kind of a comparison.

C++ has a philosophy that you don't pay for what you don't use, but there is
not a single construct in C++ that can't be built in C with enough code
(virtual functions are a grey area since the compiler can better optimizer
them over direct function pointers... but that is irrelevant anyway).
Sometimes the amount of code is rediculous and frequently to obtain the same
speeds one has to sacrifice portability and reusability.

In theory, and ONLY in theory, assembly is the fastest programming
language.  The fact is, in a sufficiently complex program, there will always
be parts of the program left to further optimize.  I would assert that for a
complex program, an assembly programmer and a C++ programmer both writing
the same program and spending the same amount of time will leave the
assembly version slower always.  It is not because assembly is a slower
language, it is because if the assembly guy spends another 1000 hours
optimizing, so will the C++ guy and certainly their are exceptions, but in
general, for most problems and for reasonable amounts of time spent, the C++
code will be faster.

C++ is faster than C because the STL (and other generic code) allows the
programmer to spend their precious time optimizing the bottleneck and using
a very fast default for less critical places.  For a sufficiently small
program however I will wager that given enough time, C will be exactly the
same speed as C++ if the programmers involved are both good.

When will you people learn the limits of benchmarks?  They are only useful
for showing how worthless Java is... nothing else.  Got it?

- Nick

On Dec 15, 2007 2:44 AM, Darren Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I thinks it's very difficult to outperform C since C really is just
  about at the level of assembly language.
  No, in special cases it's not that hard to outperform C, because the
  language spec dictates some not so efficient details. C has an ABI and
  it's specification is optimized for the general case.

 Stefan, judging by this site (which I posted some links from yesterday)
 your intuition is correct:

 Overall C comes in 2nd, 10% slower than C++ (due to extra hints to the
 compiler I assume). But C/C++ are not the top of every benchmark. E.g.


 Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work)  (My flash charting demos)
 computer-go mailing list

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Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Stuart A. Yeates
On 14/12/2007, Nick Apperson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 C++ is faster than C because the STL (and other generic code) allows the
 programmer to spend their precious time optimizing the bottleneck and using
 a very fast default for less critical places.  For a sufficiently small
 program however I will wager that given enough time, C will be exactly the
 same speed as C++ if the programmers involved are both good.

The C++ generics are also on the surface faster than (for example) the
Java generics (which I use). This is because whereas C++ compiles and
optimises a class for every instantiated generic, Java uses a single
class and is thus unable optimise for specific cases.

This makes C++ generics faster, except in the case where the
bottleneck is how much can be fitted in the cache, which the fact that
Java hasn't multiplied it's generic classes may give it the advantage.

Yes, as you can tell, I'm bitter about this particular design decision.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Stefan Nobis
Darren Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Stefan, judging by this site (which I posted some links from
 yesterday) your intuition is correct:

To clarify: I don't really like these non-scientific benchmarks (in
many cases I assume no one or only really few people (not including
me) really understand what each micro-benchmark is really measuring).

And I don't hate C. :)

C is a nice language with quite some disadvantages but also quite some
advantages. I just don't like unjustified guesswork about language
characteristics and I'm overall very disappointed by so many
programmers knowing nearly nothing about their tools and alternatives
(no personal offends especially to people here meant, it's just an
overall disappointment about the IT industry as a whole).

So I get easily upset by these things (like you get best performance
only with C). Sorry for any overreaction.

Until the next mail...,

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Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Don Dailey

Yes, in special cases you can outperform C.   

I don't claim that it might not  be possible with better compiler
technology to outperform C.   I'm keeping my eye on D because it
promises to be one of those languages.

But the truth of the matter, despite the promises, C is the best
performing compiler right now.   I would feel silly trying to sit here
and convince you of this if you don't already know it. Look at any
objective benchmark.

Fortran  does outperform C in some code and is no slouch in general -
but it's still going to be slower than C in most things such as Chess
and Go programs.   

- Don

Stefan Nobis wrote:
 Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I thinks it's very difficult to outperform C since C really is just
 about at the level of assembly language.

 No, in special cases it's not that hard to outperform C, because the
 language spec dictates some not so efficient details. C has an ABI and
 it's specification is optimized for the general case. Nearly every
 design decision has advantages and disadvantages. So if you look at
 the spec it's clearly possible to construct cases that are
 exceptionally bad for this specific spec. If you have a language
 without these restriction it's quite possible to get better results in
 this constructed case.

 So yes, it may be difficult and maybe most or even all cases in which
 it's possible to outperform C with Lisp are unimportant for any
 practical purposes, but nevertheless it's possible.

 And by the way I don't think C is really the best language for maximum
 performance. Just think about Fortran. AFAIK in it's main domain it
 easily outperforms C. There are also languages like OCAML, Ada, Forth
 and quite some others with really capable compilers und language specs
 that leave more freedom to compiler writers and such leave more room
 for different kind of optimizations.

 So the claim that C is the single one high level language with which
 you can get the maximum performance is quite an urban legend and
 completly unjustified.

 I think the right approach to a language faster than C is to simply
 write a better C that is specifically designed to have more
 opportunities for optimization.

 C is a really crappy language, especially from the performace point of
 view. It's so low level that you are able to get really good
 performance despite all the odds of the language. You have to program
 around all the performace pitfalls, you have to do all performance
 optimizations yourself. C is no help here. So why should C be a good
 starting point for a language striving to make high performance
 computing easy?

 BTW: No, Lisp is also not a very good starting point for this special
 goal, but I would say Lisp would make a much better start than C,
 because Lisp shows you how much a good language and compiler can easy
 the pain for the developer while in C he is all alone.

 I really don't think a truly higher level language will ever beat C
 or a performance improved C.

 Have you really any hints, done any scientific benchmarks with
 languages like OCAML, Oz, Forth, Fortran, Ada, Scheme, and many others
 to make your claim any more than pure guesswork?

 There is some hope that a JIT can do some optimizations not possible
 with a static compiler - but even if this is the case C could follow
 this path too.

 It's not easy and maybe not even possible for C to follow this route
 because C code (source and object) don't have very much
 information. Higher level languages provide much more information
 about what's going on, what data is in the game and the like. Or they
 set much more restrictions (like restrictive type systems). All these
 additional informations and/or restrictions make some algorithms
 for inference tractrable or even fast. Without these you are lost. So
 no, there are no hints that C would ever get such optimizations.


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Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Don Dailey
By the way,   I am no fan of C.   I don't like C and have tried some of
the languages on your list of languages that are supposedly faster than

I think you must be getting your information from the web pages for
those languages.   As a general rule any reasonably fast language is
going to claim to be faster than C but shame on you if you believe it.   

In theory all languages are equal.   They can all be transformed to
optimized machine code.   I am not talking about the theoretical,  I'm
talking about the reality.And the reality is that right now C is the
choice, whether I like it or not I accept it and hope something better
will come along.

- Don

Don Dailey wrote:

 Yes, in special cases you can outperform C.   

 I don't claim that it might not  be possible with better compiler
 technology to outperform C.   I'm keeping my eye on D because it
 promises to be one of those languages.

 But the truth of the matter, despite the promises, C is the best
 performing compiler right now.   I would feel silly trying to sit here
 and convince you of this if you don't already know it. Look at any
 objective benchmark.

 Fortran  does outperform C in some code and is no slouch in general -
 but it's still going to be slower than C in most things such as Chess
 and Go programs.   

 - Don

 Stefan Nobis wrote:
 Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I thinks it's very difficult to outperform C since C really is just
 about at the level of assembly language.
 No, in special cases it's not that hard to outperform C, because the
 language spec dictates some not so efficient details. C has an ABI and
 it's specification is optimized for the general case. Nearly every
 design decision has advantages and disadvantages. So if you look at
 the spec it's clearly possible to construct cases that are
 exceptionally bad for this specific spec. If you have a language
 without these restriction it's quite possible to get better results in
 this constructed case.

 So yes, it may be difficult and maybe most or even all cases in which
 it's possible to outperform C with Lisp are unimportant for any
 practical purposes, but nevertheless it's possible.

 And by the way I don't think C is really the best language for maximum
 performance. Just think about Fortran. AFAIK in it's main domain it
 easily outperforms C. There are also languages like OCAML, Ada, Forth
 and quite some others with really capable compilers und language specs
 that leave more freedom to compiler writers and such leave more room
 for different kind of optimizations.

 So the claim that C is the single one high level language with which
 you can get the maximum performance is quite an urban legend and
 completly unjustified.

 I think the right approach to a language faster than C is to simply
 write a better C that is specifically designed to have more
 opportunities for optimization.
 C is a really crappy language, especially from the performace point of
 view. It's so low level that you are able to get really good
 performance despite all the odds of the language. You have to program
 around all the performace pitfalls, you have to do all performance
 optimizations yourself. C is no help here. So why should C be a good
 starting point for a language striving to make high performance
 computing easy?

 BTW: No, Lisp is also not a very good starting point for this special
 goal, but I would say Lisp would make a much better start than C,
 because Lisp shows you how much a good language and compiler can easy
 the pain for the developer while in C he is all alone.

 I really don't think a truly higher level language will ever beat C
 or a performance improved C.
 Have you really any hints, done any scientific benchmarks with
 languages like OCAML, Oz, Forth, Fortran, Ada, Scheme, and many others
 to make your claim any more than pure guesswork?

 There is some hope that a JIT can do some optimizations not possible
 with a static compiler - but even if this is the case C could follow
 this path too.
 It's not easy and maybe not even possible for C to follow this route
 because C code (source and object) don't have very much
 information. Higher level languages provide much more information
 about what's going on, what data is in the game and the like. Or they
 set much more restrictions (like restrictive type systems). All these
 additional informations and/or restrictions make some algorithms
 for inference tractrable or even fast. Without these you are lost. So
 no, there are no hints that C would ever get such optimizations.


 computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-13 Thread Stefan Nobis
Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I thinks it's very difficult to outperform C since C really is just
 about at the level of assembly language.

No, in special cases it's not that hard to outperform C, because the
language spec dictates some not so efficient details. C has an ABI and
it's specification is optimized for the general case. Nearly every
design decision has advantages and disadvantages. So if you look at
the spec it's clearly possible to construct cases that are
exceptionally bad for this specific spec. If you have a language
without these restriction it's quite possible to get better results in
this constructed case.

So yes, it may be difficult and maybe most or even all cases in which
it's possible to outperform C with Lisp are unimportant for any
practical purposes, but nevertheless it's possible.

And by the way I don't think C is really the best language for maximum
performance. Just think about Fortran. AFAIK in it's main domain it
easily outperforms C. There are also languages like OCAML, Ada, Forth
and quite some others with really capable compilers und language specs
that leave more freedom to compiler writers and such leave more room
for different kind of optimizations.

So the claim that C is the single one high level language with which
you can get the maximum performance is quite an urban legend and
completly unjustified.

 I think the right approach to a language faster than C is to simply
 write a better C that is specifically designed to have more
 opportunities for optimization.

C is a really crappy language, especially from the performace point of
view. It's so low level that you are able to get really good
performance despite all the odds of the language. You have to program
around all the performace pitfalls, you have to do all performance
optimizations yourself. C is no help here. So why should C be a good
starting point for a language striving to make high performance
computing easy?

BTW: No, Lisp is also not a very good starting point for this special
goal, but I would say Lisp would make a much better start than C,
because Lisp shows you how much a good language and compiler can easy
the pain for the developer while in C he is all alone.

 I really don't think a truly higher level language will ever beat C
 or a performance improved C.

Have you really any hints, done any scientific benchmarks with
languages like OCAML, Oz, Forth, Fortran, Ada, Scheme, and many others
to make your claim any more than pure guesswork?

 There is some hope that a JIT can do some optimizations not possible
 with a static compiler - but even if this is the case C could follow
 this path too.

It's not easy and maybe not even possible for C to follow this route
because C code (source and object) don't have very much
information. Higher level languages provide much more information
about what's going on, what data is in the game and the like. Or they
set much more restrictions (like restrictive type systems). All these
additional informations and/or restrictions make some algorithms
for inference tractrable or even fast. Without these you are lost. So
no, there are no hints that C would ever get such optimizations.

Until the next mail...,

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[computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Dave Dyer

My program was written in lisp, so naturally I concur.  I'm not
actively using lisp any more, but I will offer various dialects
of common lisp as the consensus choice of dialect.

My favorite implementation is lispworks.  The personal edition is
free and ought to be adequate for research.

The big caveat for using lispworks is that it's a closed universe - editor,
compiler, debugger, GUI are all in the same executable.  The integration
is great, but the strength is also the weakness if you want to share
components with any other language.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Dave Dyer
At 05:24 AM 12/12/2007, Don Dailey wrote:
I've looked into this a bit. My preference would be scheme and it's
my understanding that it may be a bit more efficient.

If you're worried about efficient use of the machine, stay away from lisp
and scheme.  Despite the claims of it can be as fast as C,  you have to
work hard and perform unnatural (from the viewpoint of lisp) acts to get
anywhere near there.  There are deep architectural reasons why lisp is not
as efficient as C when used as directed.

Use lisp if you're concerned with promoting efficient use of your brain.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Dave Dyer
At 05:24 AM 12/12/2007, Don Dailey wrote:
I've looked into this a bit. My preference would be scheme and it's
my understanding that it may be a bit more efficient.

If you're worried about efficient use of the machine, stay away from lisp
and scheme.  Despite the claims of it can be as fast as C,  you have to
work hard and perform unnatural (from the viewpoint of lisp) acts to get
anywhere near there.  There are deep architectural reasons why lisp is not
as efficient as C when used as directed.

Use lisp if you're concerned with promoting efficient use of your brain.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Don Dailey

Dave Dyer wrote:
 At 05:24 AM 12/12/2007, Don Dailey wrote:
 I've looked into this a bit. My preference would be scheme and it's
 my understanding that it may be a bit more efficient.

 If you're worried about efficient use of the machine, stay away from lisp
 and scheme.  Despite the claims of it can be as fast as C,  you have to
 work hard and perform unnatural (from the viewpoint of lisp) acts to get
 anywhere near there.  There are deep architectural reasons why lisp is not
 as efficient as C when used as directed.

 Use lisp if you're concerned with promoting efficient use of your brain.

I've never seen the claim of C-like speed ever hold up.I believe
this is for 2 reasons:

   1.  compiler technology - huge emphasis on make C fast.  Years of
work improving this.

   2.  CPU -  I believe all modern general purpose processors are more
or less designed to execute C code fast.

- Don

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[computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Dave Dyer

These are true, but not the underlying problem.   

The biggest underlying reason is the multiple constraints on
memory management; 

 a) since the data is typed rather than the pointers, every chunk of memory 
 has to be self identifying, not just for the garbage collector, but also so
 (plus a b) can do the right thing.

 b) since garbage collection can occur, the compiler is strongly constrained
 about when and where it creates and destroys pointers to data that might be
 garbage collected.   

 c) the layout of the stack is strongly constrained, for the garbage collector,
 the exception handling system, and also the return values system; any
 function can return zero or more values, and may not return at all.

 d) all array references have be bounds checked.  All structure references
 have to be type checked.

Another major pain (from the viewpoint of a compiler) is that
any function can be redefined at any time, and can have it's
fundamental contract changed.  A lot of things might need attention
at runtime, depending on what assumptions the compiler built into
the code it produced.

With clever design, and a few extra declarations, this kind of thing need 
not be horrendously expensive, but it all adds up.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Stefan Nobis
Dave Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The biggest underlying reason is the multiple constraints on
 memory management; 

But these constraints are not absolute truths. At least not in Common
Lisp: The language spec is not as constrained as described here and
the compilers add some additional freedom. For example it's easy to
turn array bounds checks off for either some part(s) of the code or
even globally for the whole code.

You are right, it's not always easy to get maximum performance with
Lisp (and sometimes even not possible), but it is possible to get
really good performance and sometime it's even possible to outperform
C code.

Until the next mail...,

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Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Álvaro Begué
On Dec 12, 2007 2:32 PM, Stefan Nobis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [...] and sometime it's even possible to outperform C code.

I just don't believe this. I propose a simple experiment to see who is
right. You pick a simple algorithm which you claim Lisp can run faster, you
propose the fastest Lisp implementation that you can think of, I'll propose
the fastest C implementation that I can think of and we'll compare. Are you

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Don Dailey
I thinks it's very difficult to outperform C since C really is just
about at the level of assembly language.  

To beat C I think you would have to write a better compiler.It
wouldn't be about the language but about the compiler.I'm sure a
really good language compiler can already beat a crappy C compiler.  

I think the right approach to a language faster than C is to simply
write a better C that is specifically designed to have more
opportunities for optimization. D is a language that claims to have
this,  but it is still well behind C in the performance of the resulting

I really don't think a truly higher level language will ever beat C or a
performance improved C.

There is some hope that a JIT can do some optimizations not possible
with a static compiler - but even if this is the case C could follow
this path too.

I noticed that GCC already supports optimizations that involve profiling
the code FIRST so that a second compiler pass can be smarter.

- Don

Álvaro Begué wrote:

 On Dec 12, 2007 2:32 PM, Stefan Nobis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [...] and sometime it's even possible to outperform C code.

 I just don't believe this. I propose a simple experiment to see who is
 right. You pick a simple algorithm which you claim Lisp can run
 faster, you propose the fastest Lisp implementation that you can think
 of, I'll propose the fastest C implementation that I can think of and
 we'll compare. Are you in?



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